The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, April 28, 1882, Image 7

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Sbate Ne w s Pa ragr (1 p h s ■ The Town Council of Sylvania taxes dancing schools and printing offices, each, $5. So prints the Telephone. Gov. Colquitt lias been to Arkansas and convulsed a Methodist mass-meet ing with a speech bristling with reli gious jokes, as it were. Mr. D. A. Wheat, aged 82, and Mrs. Betsy Ciittenden, aged 79, of Murray county, were marriid last week. Slim prospect for a W heat crop there. Hon. H. G. Turner, who stood in the front rank of Georgia legislators, is ad" ding fresh laurels to those which already wreath his trow as a Representative in Congress. A little son of Mr. Andrew Hender son, of Du ont., was bitten by a rattle snake last Sunday week. An applica tion of gunpowder and kerosene oil re lieved him immediately. A two-horse wagon loaded with fif ed hundre l pounds, passed over Alec an’s little son, in Covington, the day. Besid s bruises, there was ury done the child. e Fanner-Watchman says that Mr. Anderson, < f Athens, has a gourd haw been used to hold pepper and over two hundred years. This is ul strain on a body’s credulity. ad that a lady living near the lino, who has ooeu confined to ed for many years with rheumatism, entirely relieved a few weeks ago a discharge of lightening whiffi w her out on the floor. 1'he Savannah News says, it is report- General .Yews Paragraphs- A negro presided ov'w the Vir ginia Senate one day last week. The new cable between Germany and America has been completed. One point in the Mississippi river was sixty miles wide during the last flood. Charles Robert Darwin, the Well known scientest and author, died in London, Eng., on the 20th inst. A stalk of cotton is on exhibition in Tampa, Fla., which is seven feet high, that has been growing all the winter. It is said that Queen Victoria is rapidly growing old in apoearance, and her health is more infirm than the loyal press of England cares to make known to the world. It is stated that Mrs. Garfield is in extreme had health, the recent at tacks upon her dead husband having almost crushed her. There is a pro verb that the works of good men live after them, the converse ol which is wonderfully true. The Supreme Court of IXew York has decided that a woman tnav sue her husband for damages for assault and battery. Tho-e rich New Yorkers, whose souls are in their pockets, will now be a little careful how they wollop their better halves. Twelve States will b * obliged to elect new Congressmen on their State ticket unless extra sessions of the Legislature are culled. These States are:' Texas, Kansas,'California, Mich igan, Nehrai-kt, Arkansas, lllinol The TTorrilile Stuff. A St. I/'uis dispatch says; The fight made by the regular butler d al- ers against the oleomargarine venders is warm. A private detective of ex- Chief of Police McD mough’s agency has been investigating* the manufac ture of butter sold in this city, and according to the report made, by him to-day, a good deal of butter consum • ed in S'. Louis is made from the car casses of dead animals, picked up on the street by the dead animal con tractor According to his storv, dead animals are brought to East St. Louis by the dead animal contractor on this side; they are cut up, fat separated, cleansed by ehe chemical process, the oleomargarine extracted, and sent to some point down the river, There it is marked “Goshen outter,” and sbibped back to St. Louis dealers,— The detective brought a firkin of this “Goshen hotter,” from the manufac turer, and under Governor Johnston’s instructions, carried it to a chemists who is now having it analyzed, the, analysis having already proceeded far enough to show conclusively that'the alleged butter is made from animal fat. The manufacture of oleomar garine is prohibited by the laws of the State. No arrests have been made yet, as it was thought best to wait until the chemical analysis was con cluded. THE TRUE CITIZEN. Date of tlie First Faster. '■ that a petition in to lie circulated tor j Missouri, North Carolina, [Georgia, signatures, requesting and urging the ! Pennsylvania and West Virginia. " governor to give thorough investigation to all applications for reprieves and pardons of criminals before taking'ale- lien. Th#Svlvania Telephone, of the 22d inst., says that a Mr. W. Waters sends lorn the first corn tassel of the season, -Montezuma Weekly. Macon s that a g mtlemah if that in full bunch The Grand Ju>y bus found true hills against the F"'*d 1 rotli* rs, the slayers of James, for murder in the (irst degree. The prisoners were brought into court and plead guilty, and were sentenced to be hung on the 19th of May. The Fords were probably promis'd a pardon before the offence was edm- This is j mitted, and Gov. Crittenden will loubtless interfere in their behalf. .at days ago, Ben. Jones, son of ’table farmer, near Calbo in, had cation with Charlie Payne, a negro, in which Bayne struck Jones with a piece of fence0ruil. 'Th Jones met. the negro in Ca'ho.m, and without any warning, shot and mortally wouuded him. The Coroner’s jury found a verdict ol murder, and Jones h s absconded. Recently suit was instituted by the Ctifiartia railroad against the Cotmnis- vvhich, of course, means the test- the constitutionality of the law ig the Board, not wi lists tiding the at such a ease has been adversely in the United States’ Court.— transpires that the Railroad jssion have as ertained that the Railroad k Banking Co. has its charter. It is said that the ie Georgia railroad is in direct of its char.or, and that press- su : t against the Railroad in nu^y result in measures be- to have the charter of the leorgia Railroad A Banking (.o. de- hired forfeited. Four surgical operations have been performed on Senator Hill, in order to remove the cancerous affection of his tongue and mouth, the last being the ingest and severest of any. lie was pt under the knife for two hours, and r seven days afterwards he could no- ve his lips, and w,is nourished ontirct by liquid food. One-third of his uc, the entire left floor of Ids mouth he glands of the left sMe of bis taken out. He says he another operation, it will not be die has about >a8BU- Sn by Capt. IT. wgatc, who has been in jail for several months awaiting trial for ■stealing a large amount of govern ment money lias made Ins escape, next day | Judge Wylie, as he had frequent}’ done before, allowed Howgate, in charge of an officer, to visit his fam ily, and while the officer’s attention was engaged by one of the ladies, Howgate, like Tweed, vanished, and has no doubt Jpft the country.— Wylie ought to be impeached. Recently there has been a great deal of di-cussioti in the religious Press as to the date of the first Eas ter. One author of a leading Biblo Comment.ry maintains that the old idea that our Lord’s passion and res urrection occurred in A. D. 35, (giv en in most Bildes which have dates in margins,) Was founded on the tra ditional belief that He was about 33 years on earth, combined with the idea that the date of his nativity was four years later than it really was, i(the actual date of the event being, in ail probability, B. C. 4.) The only real doubt about the date of the resurrection is whether it was A. D. 29 or 30. Now astronomy tells us that the full moon, which would tie Paschal in the former year, fell on a riitunlay—April IS — which i* inconsistent with the circumstances narrated. But in A. D. 30 that full moon was on Thursday, April 6, on which day the Passover meal was eaten, and our Lord suffered the next day, (in our reckoning, the same day in Jewish,) on which other ubservau* oes connected with the Passover were still to be kept. This, then, without a doubt, was the true ye»r, and, if So, of course the first Easter 'was on April 9th, which day the Christian Worln this year celebrated its anniver sary. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, AT WAYNESBORO, CA. BY THE SULLIVAN BROTHERS. :oOo:- Tlie New Town of Troy. The first election of the campaign, i i California, was the municipal election in Santa Rosa, last’ week, which resulted in a sweeping Demo cratic victory. The issue was on the veto by the President of the a»ti- Chinecse bill. Many Republicans voted with the Democrats as a re buke to the veto. And yet, if one of the fundamental principles upon which this Republic was founded means anything the veto was right- From corrected data, prepared l>y those in charge of the Nautical Al manac, it is learned that ^.he new comet’s nearest approach to the earth will be in the latior part of May.— The comet will reach its perihelion on June 12. It will not be visible to the naked eye before the 10th of May. It gives indications of being very large. It will hrst appear in the north, about thirty degrees above the horizon, about eight o’clock in the evening. The increase of bril liancy will probably be marked from May 25th to June 12th, but the comet will probably be lost to sight in the sunlight about June 10th, and will he visible only in tho southern hemisphere. During the first w ,x ek of J tine it should present a line ap pearance in the northwestern sky , after sunset, if present indications are to be relied upon. Independent in All Things, In Neutral -o:0:o- Nothing. Not Pledged to Any Party, Faction, or Individual. -o:0:o- A JOURNAL FOR THE PEOPLE This place is situated between Dorn’s mine and Greeuwood, and is at the point where the Augusta and Knoxville roud crosses the Atlantic and French Broad Valley road, leading trom Edgefield to Abbeville. The town is at the crossing, and favorably located on an elevated ridge. Th« place has long been known as Trick- em. Jt was an old time inn and cross roads store. Its old name was given lo it by an old time citizen of tint neighborhood who used to trade at the cross roads stor , and take his toddy at the grocery. Old man Zim merman, it n said, ran a pretty heavy account at the grocery there one year, and taking too much whis ky one day, begot into a fight, and had one of his lingers bitten off. He went in a rage to the grocer to pay his bill, which amounted to $80.— 1'liis made him madder than ever.— So he shook the dust from his shoes, and leaving his finger and his $30 be hind, tie said the place had tricked the poeple out all they had. He then named it “Triokem.” (Trick ’em.) (Trick them.) So from time immemorial, the place was called Trickem, until last November, when a new town was laid out, it was named Troy. “Well,'’ said an Irish attorney, ‘‘if it pinze the Court, if 1 am wrong in this, I have another point that is equal ly conclusive.” -—o:0:o- Devoted to the people of Burke county, their ii- struction, entertainment and advancement—a faithful and impartial chronicler of all Burke county happenings—a fair recorder of all impoit- nnt events elsewhere occurring—a sturdy advocate of correct Jeffersonian principles of government by the people and for the people—a just, upright and honorable journal. In all these things the I’lTIZEN hopes not to] prove remiss in its duty—it is a public institution, and every subscriber and patron is a stockholder— the Publishers are merely their agents, and their duties and. responsibilities are reciprocal—wo think we can promise that the man agement will do its duty, and if the public will do theirs, it will prove an immense power for good in the community. o:0:o- TxiBMS mmmymw O' r'V (me year. Cash in advance, six months “ “ three months “ “ $2 00 1 00 50 For Exchange* -A-XY ONE who 1ms a gooiKCow with a young calf,and desires toexcWunge them for a good Doubl-barreled Shot Gun c ,n hear of a obance to trade by applying at this office, apr 14 to o " Advertising rates liberal, to be obtained on application. Address, S. L. SULLIVAN, Business Manager, WAYNESBORO, GEORG