The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, June 02, 1882, Image 1

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rue Citizen, r r 1 I'ckly Paper on Live Issues I’ubili lea f6ry Friday Morning, ;-.t Way nesboro, Ga., bv the IVAN B B 0 T H E R fi. . ]IATBS OB SUBSCRIPTION.’ | $.’.00 I 1.00 Vol. 1. AH subscriptions nmstjl>e uwompuiuod 1 ;ash. . • ^irwrir 1 \€f*nvrBL" T \rtv i-g~i \? ; ^ ■WHWL'J!HWW47Bf?TCi&4hl *TUfc: [>y One Year,. Six months, Three months,. m 7MU ad- Waynesboro, Ga., June 2, 1882. No. r :0:-— rtislng rates liberal. Tre- cent ailvortisments vaiu-e All terly, .',1 r tmnunieHtions for personalj.benerit will b, ceil 1‘or as advertisements. A Ivi rtisements to occupy special places will be -l-.urged -•"> percent, above regular rates. Net ■ s in local and business column ft tu perh i : in local 10 c s. per line, eueh insert for . rms apply payable ntract advertisements payable quar ,t this oflire. Comments. flic Hartwell Sun sy items every week. brimful 1 of The entire line of the Georgia rail- lad is to be ballasted with stone. One dollar in the hand is worth seve- 7l dollars on the subscription book. A female book agent travelling in 'South Georgia, is a zealous Methodist in one town, and an earnest Baptist in another. Atlanta claims to have five $1,000 spans of horses. One of them belongs to Gov. Colquitt. Rather fine for a ^3,000 salary. 4 If Mr. Stephens “runs” for governor, we think there must be a chance still for Tilden, who has a good pair of legs, r while Mr. Stephens has no legs at all to speak of. The Savannah Recorder of the 28th We seo many reasons to doubt the nomination of Mr Stephens by the At lanta convention in July, still his chan cos are better 'ban those of any other man named. But if he should get the nomination, will the “Independents” gi e him a solid support? Possibly, but we doubt it. —Columbus 'Times. The endorsement of Mr. Stephens is | But, th now almost general with the people, and | Von k! For Tie t'lTIZBN. r l.'ht* Ijittle Town ofTailholt. You can boast about your cities and their stiddy growth and size, And brag about your country seats and business enterprise, And railroads and factories and all slch fool- tic town o’ Tailbolt is b’^ enough for he will receive the support of all shade> of politics. Biu the whole afT.Tr in re | And gard to Mr. Stephens’ candidacy has been most amusing. Firet, the Coali tionists made a rapid “flank movement” to capture him, failing “to make the trip,” they quietly subsided. All this time the Organized were kicking and growling, and the Rads made a dive for the prize, but failed to reach bottom-- they “repudiated.” This pleased the Organized so well that they seized upon the opportunity to go over to him in a body. Mr. Stephens kept on the even tenor of his way, and all parties are fast becoming “reconciled.” It puts us in mind of the anecdoto of the gentleman who lost his wife by death. Twomutu- b irp about your churches, with tlieir 1 ' .'les in the clouds, about your graded streets, and blow i about your crowds; You kin talk about your theaters, and all you’ve got to gee— But the little town o’ Tailholt is show enough for me. They ain’t no style in our town—hit’s little-like ard small— They ain’t no cb itches nuther—just the ineetin’ house is all; There’s no sidewalks to speak of, but the high- | way’s alius free. . And the little town o’ Tailholt is wide enough | for me. j'Some finds it discommodin’ like, I'm willing to admit, To hev but one post-office and a woman keepin’ bit, And the drug store and shoe shop and grocery all three— But the little town o’ Tailholt is handy ’nouglt for me. WAYY KSBOBO. A HEALTHFUL AND PROGRESSIVE T > IJ2V— ADVANTAGES ASA SUNN Eli RESORT. [Correspond mt Savannah News. 1 Waynesboro, Ga., May 25.—We have seldom, in our forty years ex perience of somewhat varied and ex tensive travel, visited a town that lias so pleasantly impressed us as this. Tho attitude of the location is about the same as that of Macon, some four hundred or live hundred feet above the level of the ocean, and the two places are upon the some parallel. The wide, clean streets, abundant shade, and pure air . nd water, combined with the TllE EXPER T FOR H17 TEA U. New York, May 27.—James Van Heise, of Newark, has oeen gsked by the authorities at Washington t> superintend the hanging of Chas .}. Guiteau. Two hundred dollars h u been offered him for his services. Van Heise has written to Washing-, ton that if he undertakes the work.he will require that a gallows similar to that used by him in New Jersey be used and that he shall he allows] one assistant, lie also asks that t v'- amount of compensation shall he in-, creased. Van Heise has conducted thirteen hangings in New .Jersey, four in Middlesex, two in Elizabeth,* one in Belvidere, one in Morristown, one in Jersey City and four in New pei Ret j York. He is an expert hangman system of drainage, which maintains and not credited with a single blun- not only within the corporate limits 1 der. The gallows used by him has but throughout its distant surround- I beou improv'd by him and it is row in the jail at Newark where two o 'c- demned murderers are awaiting tho result of their application to tho lit., says, “remember the orphans.”—j al friends of the bereaved husband were JaA us add, remember the widow, the j balking over the matter a short while floor, the afflicted, and always remember j er 5 "'hen one of the friends asked the be honest. !The new comet is reported to he in ght. Look about half way between le North Star and the horizon. The liil of the comet will begin to appear in rout fifteen days. The abrogation of that igost undem- •ratic Tlemocratic practice, the two- krule, is strongly recommended to invention, to assemble in Atlanta he 19 h of July. You can smile anil turn your nose up, and joke and hev your fun, And laugh and holler “Tail-holts is better holt ’n none I” Ef the city suits you better, v’y, it’s whur you’d orter be. But the little town of Tailholt is good enough for me. other if the husband took the loss hard. “Yes, very hard,” was the reply,”— “Bu ,” asked the first speaker, “has he become reconciled?” “Reconciled!” was the ejaculation, “why — —, sir, he had to be!” Mr. Stephens was b:und to be a Candida 1 e at all hazards, and the politicians, “ , sir. had to he reconciled.” The kisses Hubert, two girls, aged respeet- Tt is a significant fact in Georgia jour- j tiyely 14 audio, had a fight with a monster rat- nalism that a point has been reached, i tlesnaj£e near Q uitman > tlie other day. They when the sanctum of its editors must I camc out ' ictm loll ' s ' .,. The steamer Celtic arrived in New York on Sunday with four survive rs of the Jeanette’s crew. The friends of Col. George R. Black will be glad to know that he continues to improve, although be is not yet able to get out of bed or to use his limbs. ings, renders it one of the most salubrious and healthful of loenlib ■. The residences, while unprelcnti 's as to style, appear 8 ’ homo-like and comfortable as to induce de-ire, n the part of the stranger, to make acquaintance with the famillin resid ing therein. The climatic condi tions, in connection with the quie tude and air of refinement that per vades the place, and is manifest when in contact with its people, suggests the idea of a desirable summer re sort, arid, in such connection, we have no hesitation in commending it. As wo remember the place some twenty years since, it is in perfect Court of Errors for new trials. Heise is a working carpenter. Van A SWINDLER'S OPERATIONS. New York, May 28.—A well well dressed man. evidently a South erner, representing himself as connec ted with the firm of .James G. Bailio & Sons, of Augusta, has been swind ling partiiv in this city, and Boston out of small sums of motiey. Io Boston lie imposed upon a confiding I firm, to whom, lie represented him-- j self as W. T. Richards, jr., of the firm of \V. T. Richards & Son, of With the affairs of contrast to its then somewhat dilapi- 1 dated and unprogressive condition, j Aueusta, Ga. It has since that time been purified bnn seemed equally conver- and strengthened even as iron bv fire.! sant ’ an '' trtlked v ° luM y of purchases be guarded by an array of shot guns. Waynesboro correspondent of! Col. Sullivan, the veteran editor of The llegrapli claims to have “drawn ! ^ iiizEx,_at. this place, has his den or- lephens out.’’ For God’s sake, don’t do that again—he isn’t flicker than a broomstraw now. A convention of undertakers is to be lid in Rochester, N. Y.. next month, [here will be an exhibition ol coffins, Luds, and other articles of die trade 1 namented with a couple of these impos ing ano convenient (?) utensils. With out an explanation one might imagine i hat the ante helium days had returned, or that his sanctum was the last re mains of a stranded Confederate land.- bnt'crv or garrison.—Waynesboro cor respondent of the Macon Telegraph. We are prepared to make the ex pla nt a mournful prospect is iu view n <Gion demanded by the above named Ithat city. Rcriven county, Ga., farmer has [sod to recommend smoking rats out of: tni( ] 0 to date lib. He tried it, and burnt up corn, 1 barn, house and live stock.— Ex. Ie trujg^sympa luze with him, and his future recommendations jn “smoke.” esthetic young quill pusher. Our ar tillery was for exchange for a cotv and calf; hut failing to meet a suitable we have concluded to “chuck off"” the cow and take the calf, provided the Telegraph’s correspondent can he had for a shot gun. We want him “to cheer us with his mild blue eye” (he’s a blonde) and amuse us .viih •great deal of his little “calfy tricks” during the com ing summer, which is so stealthily, but surely approaching. But don't our tcndci little “vealy” get this “stranded” bus iness rather mix. d ? One would suppose ho had lost his ‘ ocean lexicon,” or been conspicuously ab.-nnt from Mr.. Nep tune’s heaving domain for such and in definite number ot vibrations of father Time’s ponerous pendulum, that he had donned his “shore legs.” “Fleo sketere Georgia journal says politics is j nad bugum, “ante helium,” etc. er dull in Georgia, but plowing is The Presbyterian General Assembly, novr con vened in Atlanta, lias authorized an issue of 8-10,000 worth of bonds to re-establish the publish ing house of tlieir denomination. Savannah Recorder: Watermelons are now seen on the street*, and tho colored people gaze on them wistfully and longingly. Next to a good, fat. juicy ’possum, there is nothing strikes the fancy of the average colored man as a watermelon or chicken. Attorney-General Brewster has rendered an opinion in which lie holds that under the consti tution, ox-Seoretary Kirkwood is not eligible to appointment as a tariff commissioner, for tlie reason that on that he was elected Senator to Congress by which that commission was created. and is now one of the most progres sive of our inland towns. The charm of cleanliness, which, as next to | godliness, is one of the greatest of ( that had been made by Richards A Ron of the Boston house and its New York branch. When questioned re garding him, W. T. Richards & Sou ;! virtues, belongs to it, and it is a | re P ,ied b - v tdegranh : “There is mu want to pit [to a man, feed liini on Delaware ierries picked since the recent For.—N. Y. Herald. Ptill the hue and cry con'inues about led cotton. Will the people of the | |rth and of England nc ver learn that j much more impossible to cleanse 1 p-cotton of grit after heavy winter | .tfhan to wash it from s’nuvberies j rght spring showers. ? St. Louis. May 29.—A dispatch from Indepen dence, Missouri, stat s that a sensation was aroused this morning by the arrival there-if Mrs- Frank James ami her five-yenr-old Jesse. She came on a train from the West and was mot by her father C. 1. Samuel Ralston. This ish-T firs^ visit home since 1877, and confirms the report that Frans will soon lie pardoned. She refused ay anything further, but admitted that Frank has been in bad health since Jesse died and added that lie was at some watering place. Judge Stanley Matthews, Saturday in Chatta nooga, decided the case of Ilure.t vs. the West ern £|id Atlantic railroad in favor o' the defend ants. Hurst is suing for $'0,000 damages, alleged to have been sustained by tbe loss of, , , , , 1 i • i , 180 bales Of cotton Hmt he shipped during the I ‘filin' Hays, when the choice ol ac-1 winch went such person as W. T. Richards, jr. He is a fraud.” In a recent letter received by Mr, Woodruff, of the firm, of Thomas Looming & Co., Messrs. Bailie wrote they have no knowledge of who the swindler is, ueiess it is a young man from Thomson, Ga., named Tate, who recently came North on his wedding tour, and o«- tonsil-ly to purchase goods for a store he was about to open. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT'S WILL. pleasant experience to walk it* streets by day, under the shade of its trees, or by night, when the queen of light presides iu her beauty and the glory of tho stars are apparent. The plan of the town is compre hensive, covering a very considerable area, thus securing to each inhabit ant space for gardens and proper ventilation, and utilizing space to the assurance of health. We have I been struck with the sensible style of building of the stores, which, of one | -tory, run through from one street to j The will of Cornelius .J. Yaader* another, and are high and airy, low i hilt, who committed suicide at Glen- ceilings appearing to be a thing of j ham a short time since, is being con- the past. Waynesboro has evidently j tested by his sister, Mrs. Mary A. got ten • >ut of the old rut in which ! Loban Berger. He left an estate one. was compelled to travel in the valued at $750,000, not one penny of to any person by tho war. The Judge held that tfcu company wu* I cunmodation was a tumble.,down I name of Vanderbilt.. He .bequeath- ordered to ship if by Jose h e. i Jown'as militia ! “hostelrie” and hap hazard attention. | $120,000 to his friend, Georgo N. A new and handsome hotel has been I Terry, and sums of money to other erected, thanks to the energy and friends, giving $1,000 to each of hix enterprise of Major W. A. Wilkins, sisters to purchase some article in commander of Georgia, and it was ono of the i ayualit ion of war. The suit lias been pending since 1 Still. It. has twice been decided in favor of the plaintiff, l ad three mistrials, ten times ini he State Court, four times Iu the Supreme Court, twice in the United States Court and once in the United States Supreme Court. bk, and that tho nude and the negro [d the furrow they are cutting are a 1st deal more important to the average rmer than tin- coalition or the svndi- Ite.—- Hackensack Republican, jjtick a pin right here. It will do well to talk politics when the lar- [js full or the official salary is safely nuthe right hand pants pocket; si at this juncture it is a question bns with our people. [speech before tho N, Y r . jy^re [lub, a 1 a L^Biii't given^HDel- fow d^^HLiA^JJji^^^Vnrd It. is proposed to offer u lot in Glenwood Cem etery, Washington, In which to plane tho re mains of Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States. " he remains are now imrlod at Montiopllo, the Jefferson family estate, but It, has been sold out of the family and it seems . - .proper that something should bo done. Jt is M aeon I olograph & Messenger, I likely that, the remains might remain nt, Monti- oello without ever being disturbed, but the place lias been very much neglected in recent years. Probably Virginia may insist upon re taining nil i.lifit is left of her distinguished citizen and eree.lng a suitable memorial shaft, bat if such is not the cans there does not s.-em to be any reason why the . cumins should not tie re. moved to tho capital and treated with some respect. Incompetent men should never bo elected to office—whether the incom- petency rebuffs from mental or physical causes. This is a self-evident, proposi tion Stalwart Bourbon. This is precisely how and why The True Citizen is “independent.” Jn- couipetency and dishonesty in officers, elected bv party alone, and on partisan irinciples, have already cost the people of Georgia too much. Mon have boon elevated to place by party action who were at once^ “incompetent” unfit and dishonest,- i, and it entsandasi farms in luust own of urns. this simplo wrung froml \ I have re is a great deal o» nion- y—but Xdon’t mav(e it. j The Rovereud gentleman «ould j ^ \y farmers in Georgia whose GX"^doubt < would agree exactly with hi®uid ‘ ic true inwardness” of farming Tho Ge<i ed homo excursions disgrace to their cousiUi pto to the State. Ho infcssion of a simple,imrutli |ur Bourbon oontem^viry [a editors have jil tho Press Cl ^i'heir nervefj but \V£ Fill soon talk Mr. Frye, from the Senate committee on claims, Friday reported mvorublv a bill appro priating 8S48,1X10 for til relief of the heirs of th« Lie Richard W. Meade, of Philadelphia. Mr. Meade had large business Interests in Spain, was I In 1816 ids property was seized and either de stroyed or (alien for public rso. llis claim for all his real estate waa its construction, securing I , . u . ... oonwand desirable renti-: N" ‘ 1; “>« the writing wa. not hi» ast will, that its execution where a clean bed, a well appointed table, abundant good cheer, and polite attention ami care, are assured under the auspices of his son-in-law, Mr. Jones, who, as wo understand, super- i cu t where intended x ‘ spacious rooms lation. We would be glad indeed could Waynesboro and its model hotel and proprietor prove typical of tho future as to our inland towns of the State. Ifike onergy and the spirit of enterprise would assure like results, and we commend the matter to the careful consideration of all who would thus build up their towns by the securing of custom. Mul. remembrance of him. Mrs. Berger, in contesting the will, alleges that Cornelius at the time the will wa» executed, was a resident of Connect)’.. Augusta News, of the 26th, says ; Copt. S. P. Caldwell, who arrived at U iiistoii, N. C., on Wednesday, from Balsam Mountain, in the western part of North Carolina, says that damages was subsequently ad.judicalitil, ami when he got in the valley of tho the amount fixed at $878,870, which tho Spanish .mountain he was overtaken by a him lands In Florida. When Florida was oedud ; .. ,. ^ 8t< FIDj which had been to tho United State.- claims of Amerlotm citizens ’d |ln g ‘d‘ night, lie WHS lost ill the against Sj^tn were to be paid by tho govern- dribs, and only got out after a hard ment to ^ie extort of $. r >,000,000. Mr. Meade struggle. Hp was nearly frozen.— during his life tried to get his money, and after Balsam Mountain is on the line be- lds death hid daughter continued to press the lwoer , a| ( ] o ont U c- ro u nft . vn d claim. The Senate Qommlltee on claims rooom- , . rU1 aUU &0Ut “ olina, ami ends that 08 per cent, of the original claim ,ll , U thermometer stood at 33 degrees vv 11 <» tv /Ti *%♦ C b» IaII 1 ,m!u. when Capt. Caldwell left. was not liis voluntary act, and ho was not of sound mind at the time he signed it She alleges that the document wait procured by fraud practiced on Co? lius by Terry and others, and that- the testator suffered from epileptic (its for years, nod wan weak mentally and easily influenced ; that Terry at tached himself to Cornelius in tho hope of getting his money ; also, that tho testator would never have exe cuted such a will, but for undue irj- 11 lienee. Sho says she was under considerable expense in assisting Cor nelius to contest his father's will, aad that he promised sho should be m loser by assisting him. The case h| been put on the calendar of tho S) rogate Court ^ November 27th No other ob^tions have yet i filed.