The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 24, 1882, Image 1

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mm f ■ TUT' MKBfiW! H '. r. rwpim ■ m *■—u^w»«.< Wm f Cv*. Weekly Pnj'or <.n I.ivt Is-iivs l'ul.ilis.itil Frill.'y ..i Vvtiy- nt'fl'iiMi, i a., )o i;i* *J L L I V A N 3 P, 0 Z 2 2 C. in i < K rule* Id-mi.' .1 7’A’iS' 0/ .S' i Tf.S' 7.7/’ TIGX: Mi •. c;.ij i>- Oik 1 Ymv,. .... ■?-’ six mould..- 1- Tlirco moutl ■ •10 ~ " ~~ K AU sulwovWHoi.- uu>l ! •• aoooivi;*:- nli-«t I V 0.1* j , Yrv i.Iie i AMI. I ‘ ; 1- ^**tt*WSC*t3C>f3OTBra71i*n c-, A U fi ti- ■ r.ui.-tci hWh'. .\li i ontiu i .tov,'ixisumcat. a.,uui i.ts {nyaue in «ii lilt: • ‘J • Waynesboro, (hi., October *24, 188*2. I Al! ci'inriiir'ii udous for >>i‘r^onal benefit .H ! '•)»* flia: umi tor its aa ■. it is. nu 1. t s. I AiIm i tiselKi'iil.-. to o rtl]iy oi>0t;ial i <ut t-» 9, id' - ■ j be t«i a;-xwl •-•> bei cent, above rejrei.u i„us. V O ^ ' b'.tiirs in !.» at am. l.niMnet (oiiimti r> H*. t N O. ■»*). ” ;1 bie; in loi.a' 10«. s. i or line, earh infection. I For i rms apply at t;• is office. ■nromnw.■■umn ,> . .i i im——i—inn ima——iwmw»» ■ Wi SCH W ARZWEiSS THE Alt T ESI AX WELL. Mr. L. B. Clay, of Colorado, lia.s The day is beaut ful, and every one been in town several days, and we learn serins to be in n canorous mood.— has concluded a con'rnct to b' re the ur- ri.erefore, 1 propose through The Cit- tesian well, arid will beg : n op^ration^ v/y—bXTJta to offer all my customers : is soon ns the machinery can be placed 1 Mj/ains in keeping with the feelings of upon the ground. So far so good.— the pnbl <•’. Tlrp; ClTlZKX, one geticaMy aided by T have mar bod down niv goods to the “ ,J - S ' R ’” the hril correspondent ’ farmers say (her vary lowest figures, and'inyite yon to tin Mouon To egroph and Messenger ( ofdl and prove my words—you vri l find f™™ ill's place, bas labored faithfully j —'faking a stroll on Peace street such bargains as you never had offered fnr the consummation of this enterprise f^erday evening^ our ^ ention was — h ine Frui aud t hoice Cabbages at .John llamill’s tonday. Call early and take your pick. It. 11 barrels of fresh fish, averag ing 40 hunches to the barrel, wer • so.d in tnwn last Saturday. — It takes about four pounds of or dinary co, ton at. the price the s aple sold at in this market lasf. Satu’day, to purchas 1 * a dozen eggs. and yet oir is no money m any- ihinir t ut cotton. Down with High Prices & Poor Sites T I.i E SENSATION OF Tl 1K SEASON!I WM. MULHERIN AND AT 722 AM> 913 BROAD STREET, AGGTSTA, (i/\ , AlO ' jlitftrfr-.s P.( ou. Sl'iirs a ml It a t ~ .ere arc two huge Mores fillei •h n«> ii vv.ii lie .strange If you cminot be pi wised among hik ii a varet:. Weefer to you in Waynesboro before. T will offer you nn old "nods ; none from the last New York auction sn’es; no styles dating back to tho primitive days when Waynesboro was first laved out for a town ; none which will refresh because we b -lieve it to be of nara- ruount value to the most vital int rests of Waynesboro. We learn, however, that onr town authorities have determ ined to lo.-a'e the well on North Main street, on priva'e property, above the the minds of some of the good old ladies p j ace f or >7_ am l M venil of our prom- of the present day with the period when j nent citizens have been prompt to ex- their oldest bov east bis first vote : no p ri . ss their disapprobation of that loca- my stock will all he new, and we shall j ti , n The Public Square is the rujht use life, energy and all the facilities we \ p l (lCP f or an d every argument, ev possess to make a market here for the j or y reason points to it as such. The attracted by the beautiful display of choice fruit on e\hibi ion at the store of Mr. John llnmiil. and stopping f r a few moments, were inv ted to take a look a the many good i lungs lie has m hand for bis u any costume s to ctay, wli ch we pioceeded to do, finding anv ,, . ,, . . . A , . . |(imniity of ni-e fresh baker’s bread Masonic Hull. I Ins is not tU ; ' u d the fincM vnrietj ol cakes that be has h d this season. latest and most fashionable styles and the best grades of goods and shall dis card shoodv stock in every form. "We shall be glad to s^e you on any day that you can make it convenient to come, living "•our neighbor. Look over the i lie d. ess goods, glance over our hosiery, exanrne onr st« ck of ciotbing--take n good look nt everything, and wo will give such bargains that you never bad before. Visit other stores, then cal! on mo and you can’t he lp seein." that. 1 can give you better bargains; that, I keep a bettei class of goods; that ] have better assortment; and iliat I au, LEADER OF T/>W PRIOES. IS. SCHWARZ WEISS. court, house is the centie of tho ihe corporation radiating 1.000 every way from that point, and though there may now be a greater population to tho north of that centre, ih • well is to be a permanency, and there is not the shadow of a reason why the other parts of the town wi 1 no* in a fjw ye >rs be settled up as thickly as that portion. The Public Square vs the centre of the business part of town, and is by far the most easy point of ac.-ess; it is the property of every citizen of the county, and the people of the county would feel free to enter it and enjoy ihe water to their heart’s content. It is the natural —John Walker, colored, was in the unlimited enjoyment of the festivities of a frolic on Mr. E. Fulcher’s place, I last, Saturday night, when some an-! pleasantness arose between him and Infants’ f mu stmes '■ “ ” n iV u»r irrmle “ Hi'l ninl IVhhli* Jiiittoned shoes.. (.’hilitrcn’s Pul'litu shoes, lmoN ‘ \ ( .Of Polkas, lioels ... “ i'nhl'lu Polkas, heals ... *• “ Unttoneit shoi-s. tieels... . Missi-s’ T Kill '.tuttoned shoes “ P li'itc l/uie shoes UailP-s’ i ”• 1111 MnsktiH “ fv.i,l sliopcrs “ i ii If Pearled shoos “ Ki t 1,inert Ser^e Buskins ** Moqnet slippers u A Calf I .nee shoes, sewed “ Pebble Luce shoes, sewed “ 1 Puhhlo Buttoned shoes hi i .mites' Kid Bot’oned shoes ST»! * Kid Opera slippers .Vi 1 '• Kid Snndnl slippers 50 j (tents’Carpet slippers . 50 j ’ Pebble slippers . (jo i “ lleavs Brofrims . 75 | ” < able Sewed ( oiiuress (.’niters {to j ’• Sewed Box Toe ‘ 'onmress (Initei-s. I CO ! “ Heavy Boots, sotiil 85 | " »re»s‘Calf Boots, solid ml Bovs’ Heavy Bro.rruns rsi i “ Dress Brogans . -50 j Dress Lace shoes . 75 ! Youths’ l ipped Boots, 7 to 13 . an | Gents’ and Bovs’ Wool Hats .1 oo •• stiff liats .too] *’ Gents Felt Hats • ALSO, ZEIGLER BRO’S., EVITT BROS., and MILES & SON’S, And the most desirable lines Ladles’, Gents’, Hisses’ and children’s fine shoes. We have a iatiM \ l „ , rA' r i ; stock of Boots, shoes, Hats and Clothing in our Wholesale Depa tinent which we offer at leiis than town ’ " est i or rue Same coloi ot dano- I >,- ew York Jobbers’ prices. Close buyers of these goods will make a mistake it they fail to ex- ’ ting, when Mat poceeded to ear-e up his amine our atocu. ..tttttudtv p nr\ -oo i m0 u id yards | umn w ; ; jj ],j s 0 i,| *-l ia wk bi 1.” John I 4V M. MLLHERIN & CO., i — and Jlo Broad fet., receive i a gash in the back part of the , head, which though not at all likely to Rppt8*8*2.a-m. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. prove fatal, we do not suppose feels j very pleasant. John p^repateiicised to AUGUSTA. OA. town for a warrant—that panacea for all | the hurts a darky’s rights or feelincs : s j heir to—while Mat perambulated in a different direction, and up to this writ ing has not telephoned baik his loca tion. 11 Men Agree That the best is cheapest, and especially is this true in FURNTi URM, D. L. FULLERTON AUGUSTA, GA. Just see -ome of our urices P rl r Sets iti Hair CT'th, Walnut Frame from $85 tf' 190. The In st, Raw Silk Set for ever offered. Nice Walnut. Chinnier Set**, Marble Top, $95. The b< .-t Walnut Marble Ton Set in the market for $65. 1» my dry goods department I have everything you cun call for. Thousands of dress cnliooes—of all qualities and of ti.e most beautiful paterns. S. SCHWARZ WEISS. THK oldest STOVK DEALER 1-. the city place for it, and no other place in tho i !l. u 7 <lmis 1 ,,f tuinilies in Burke, Jefferson and r ’ * ! Kichnioml counties aro uslnv our stoves bold to corporate limits of Wavnesboro posses- I ,h S ,n dn >' il 'Kfifteen years 1 i ; Every iiousHkeeper, will attest to tuoir useful- sos anv comparable claims. To locate . I * 1 . ; Call at FULLER ION’S for tl e | the well at the place now intended will I | WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER, destroy two (birds of usefulnss, and j 5(fiW Sil'fiHT SS | three-fourths of its convenience. We| l.r.t.f. ...... i,.... ii • The newest and largest and best wood burn nope, therefore, that, our town authori— , hi** stove in tho market A t FULLERTON’S you will find ties will reconsider th’ir action in this matter, and put the well on the public Square—where it ought to he. TINWARE. WOODKNW \RF. CROCKERY. & HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE. —Go to Hall s ReMiuinun where you can find ihe bt*.<t 5 cents cigar in town. D. L. FULLERTON, 628 Broad Street. Augu«ta, Ga. au''.t!5 ’SJ.t-f. WE ACKNOWLEDGE NO SUPERIOR, AND FEW EQUALS, IN THE SOUTH. Who over h*ard of Cane Seat Chairs for seventy-five cents. Extension Tables one dollar per loot. Ths Carriags jiinuarrjn c: We guarantee satisfaction in every case. Our s'oek of Mattresses and. Spring Beds is cemphte. Steam Dressed Feathers always on hand. All packed and shipp'd free of charge. Upholstering (e ne in all its branches. 0>'r new Catalogue will be ready about October 1st. Dorn st'c goods, sliir ings, she tings, Mceohings, drillings, and in fee*, every- hing you can need in this liim And m;w is the time to buy while prices are off. S. SCIiWARZWEISS. DAY & T A N N A H I L, ! 1 BOWLES *= t o - Auaiisia, litMHgij. .•oj tl5,’82.b v. 717 and 8.89 Broad Strutt, AUGUSTA, C!A. Ill uiy diess goods department, I have many handsome goods. Silks, gross g’ains, cashmeres, worsted dr* S3 goods, eto. S. SCHWARZ WEISS. Id my Grocery Department will be found ail kinds of canned goods. sugars j unffeos,flour, meal, meat, oontectionerys, molasses, syrups, nails, cotton ties and bagging, and anything vou may need on the farm or in the house. S. SCHWARZ WEISS. Finest St ck and L w st PrtC’P. II if ■ 1 Sfi Victori s, Ex’ention T -u-. Canopy j ’ I Pops. Kuckawaya and Buvgics, all s'Gos w. I. DEL P H, 881 BROAD ST R LET, a i.i gr»dus. The p'-if*'t t American Roul-C r‘. The easiest riding and most perf of two whff( I vehicle yet. produced. Leads all otherp. Supers*des all other*.! Three quarter Trotting Wagan*. Ladies’ Phoffoiw, ehg*nt style?. Coach i Material. Fibe Paints and Vamiahep, Saddlery and Fine Ilarncfs. Luath-j er finding*. Bei*t quality Seamlers Gum Belting, pure article. Leather Belting. Lacing. Fine Trunk* and Valises. Agent? f r WiLur, Chills & Co’s Philadtlp' i t. Wagons, tho lightest and best oet.G,'82 cm. j A l Cj U S T A G E 0 . JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS Dealers In A^very FULL and COMPLETE line of look Stove?, Heating Stoves, Tinware, Grates etc. S< nd f r Circular* showing Price and Style., Carpet-, Oi' c. tv, r roitim A* Ujob r, laMy Cr*oiD. Wbeotw Curt’iin-l aug’J5,'S2 ji- m. W L DELPU. ! & Shades, \> t(d P-q.itr» ei: Border,**, Cl»* ice 1'• • 11»Hy («(•• ci’in * (.\. v IMa'^ati* o ■ In my Far Room will be found the. SuppT’s. 1.UM wines, ii«,,*o” ; s i.m ie _ oide,, lager | QXd Stand JAMES G. BAILZS & BBCTHEB, Ut'f r, uiid evcryilmig that m oept lu a Qf\mr 1 . r \ ....... 4 . p , j ~ 'i 'UmYTiu «. a. a«AY."^wn«i&iro,'i \ t t « r a* « y a % a« ttrkt oiiHts bur. 20eJ 0»Ui hll ^ t ii $ U( [ W,\Y\T.S.;OGU, GA. niuj !9,' y. 1 S i'* V.1'•** t- 1’ i HH f iTlH.KN. JuiAX, . CHILLS ARK bu*L hut tuoy J (* "Otliluifi u, cure U«* H£?8aRlLl!H TONIC r- h tt L. A a li t o n, a« a w, o. .-•ciiW MIZVYL1SS. k# •vii !..;a mm . wmj A aiuvl9. y.