The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 17, 1882, Image 1

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n mu* mw*. -bu wae—i■ mmmp—fia The True Citizen. 1 A l,iv« Weekly Paper tin I,lve Issues Published Every Friday Morning, ut Way nesboro, La., bv the SULLIVAN B E G T USES. RAWS <>* SU.HSO.HU'TION: One Copy One Year,. 82.00 “ “ six months i.*.K) “ Three months, BO dP* AP subs " iptions must be accompli uiod hv the CASH. t 'Villi l/o >*-. Kk- Advertising rates liberal. Waynesboro, Ga., Ivoveniibcr IT, 1882. No. 29. Transient advert.isiuents payable. it to-' , unco. All contract advertisements payable «*. > terly. All communications for personal benefit w) l 1 be charged for as advertisements. AdvcrtiHotjieota to occupy special places w-»t be charged 86 p cent, above regular rat* a Notices In local and busincs* columji 5 ct« per line; in Meal 10c s. per line, each insertion For terms apply at this office. ?.SH Ejm n * £■§? §?§'■ fto-Jl « ? 3 a, « fg S jo-r > tmrw C J 0^3 c* s, 5 H—i a o r 2 fr; h WJ s| 3 •S3 ? 3 2g-§i 0 b3 'aL * — c E-t/i rs ^MS3 H W V7_- 3 / 5* jsj >' 7<;S —— ^ ** Aj? "r 1 tzj CD P ►*! o >-< to u o H Cl JS «-rS g.S 2 a'p S-Sn- £ O *«s£ »?&*£* sSg 5^11! :7r; ^ £ t*. to > SjfS G 3 =3 r+ *-4 S'” n-c-> $« <* C 0 9? £ K ~i ^ P» v -' i ,„8 2 u» I-* bJ o tn ui M L tn 5* * E. s r ^ ?2 ““ ^ ££ _ 5 S r/3 e. el- tr. * c ? L <X S 94 Ere 5 H 01 K Cl _ W | ^ 331.8 1 g 2 ss e? tx- S P |T! SB*pv. t 2.M m E3 s~1* t 3 O ,^g. Q •G)"7 , < P *‘3 tO HO OSS’s* I g-St p B w 2 jf&WO sl ■j t On fc“* va-g-- 2 o ac ** S >'■■ ►-* o <.s’r-g 5t 0 L 1 R E JAS MILLER Jnvite3 the attention" o |r the baying public to his v eil selected stock of Fashionable Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, the., die, t * T, A Eown with High Prices k Peer Shoes! THE SENSATION OF THE .SEASON • I i. MULHERIN AND CO.. AT 722 AND 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUST A, GA., Arc slaughtering Boots. Shoes and Hats. There arc two large store3 filled with Barjrivin^. and it will be strange if you emmet be pleased among snch u variety. We oft*)r : In our Drees Ooodr Department may be found all the leading styles ( n the uewest shad* s, eiubraeir.g Plushes. Velvets, Pllk Ottomans, Batins, riain and Brocaded V elveteens BtSeU.- !. mugnldccnt lice of Dress Fabric., ranging in price from 9 cents to *2 per yard. While 1 a*-girt rneui especially to call your attention to my Dress Goods Department, 1 would say that the other Departments have net suffered for want of arientlon, as I iiave Infants’ Lace shoes 10 “ “ “ a be ..ter grade 2B “ Kid and Pebble Buttoned shoes.. . 50 Children’s Pebble Shoes, heels 50 A Calf Polkas, heels 50 Pebble Polkas, heels. Misses’ 1 Kid Buttoned shoes “ Pebble Laoe uhces Ladies’ Cloth Buskins “ Kid slippers “ Calf Pegged shties “ Kid Lined Sergo Buskins.... “ Moquot slippers *• A Calf I.aee shoes, sewed... . “ Pebble Lace shoes, sewed.. “ I Pubble Buttoned shot:). . ... fiO Buttoned shoes, heels 75 .90 ...1 00 ... 35 . . 50 ... 60 • • 50 .. . 75 ... 90 ..1 0b ...1 00 Kid Opera slippers Kid Sandal slippers Ladies’ Kid Bottoned shoes t (W .1 00 .1 00 Gent.',’ Carpet slippers ... 60 ” Pebble slippers 76 “ Heavy Brogan <> 76 “ Cable Sewed Congress Gaiters 1 0(’ “ Sewed Box Toe Congress Gaiters. .1 2.6 “ Heavy Boots, 6olid t 60 “ Dress Calf Boots, solid 2 50 Boys’Heavy Brogans 50 “ Dress Brogans 75 *• Dress Lace shoes 1 Of' Youths' I'ipned Boots, 7 to 13 10” Gents’ and Bo toys’ Woo! Hats. Stiff Hats Gents Felt lists 50 .1 05 ALSO, ZEIGLEII BRO’S., EVITT BROS., and MILES & SON’S, And the it oat desirable lines Ladies’. Gents’, Misses’ and children's fine shoes. We have a large j stock of Boo: *. shoes, Hats ami Clothing in our Wholesale Depaitmont which vre offer at less than spared neither time nor money to have them open up to the full standard. You are cord! **<”*• Uose buyers of th,,3 ° * ou(1n will make a mistake \S they fail to ex- WM MULHERIN & CO., 722 and 913 Broad St., ovU3”tW.a-m. It Liands at the II e a ! THK l.IOHT-nUSNi NO DOMESTIC sp[>tS'82.a-m. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. AUGUSTA. GA. A I 1 M e n A e: r e e That the bept is chon pert, and especially is ihir* true in FUR NUT RE. That it is the acknowV'fltfen Lea- ! d'T in the Trade is a id that c*"- Juirts'e sunit; oi our prices: •i't he disputed. Many i mi tale i'. N"in*''(pial it. The largest armed, the d.rhte^t Running, the most; beautiful W(’od-\vork, Parlor Rets in Hair Cl 't!i, Walnut Fr«me from $85 t $90. i-'ilk t I' r $l'5 e\ <t <.IT p 0. N’(*.<• W.qljiut (.’humh ( .r S-t . M ride Tup, The lubt Walnut M.trhlo T Set in the market for $C5. AND IS WARRANTED An extended visit among the principal piano 1 a a; oirnn ••*< t .vhis )»;*..•» F-eubl- : ns lo si’nie t'le rinoH sulc.-tloti 'of insti-umen.f. ever brought i. ■ Augusta. ■ >ur‘tock, whi'h will be renhnvshed v/eckly j i'um tit” best nuuejfacturr.-rs, v. i be 1h • largest ! • ul most complete In the Sou 1 1:. • iur prices the lower? ami tfiias of pay- :m nf the easiest cvvr offered. Sheet mimic and music hm ks—inrge discount i.itn publisher's pric.-. Lest ItuliHn strings, everything dt sir* d 'n the Jin- ,>i music. Save money by visiting or corresponding with To he made of the best material. | WE p ET .’ V COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER. o do any ai d I’ll kinds i t wrk. | To be cimph'te in cverv respect. For S i a Fu • . i & copied wiriiory Aridn \i esbom, (i-i. Agents wanted in mini's sth: Sewing Machine Go. Richmond, Va. Dealers* In (}. O. JIl BTA, GA. tal yo'Tft This rluieTiie services of Toylor, kunejMOid repairer lur us terinirwW: rill or- i foffamc will receive, the prompt attention Pi r. T. Harry Oates,-who guarantees entire F tisfae' ioTi..ii . G., O Robinson Jt Co. Augusta. Ga.,October 8,1881. fij \ RADICAL CURE^- FOR- KEP.VOU3 XiEBILITY 4vv: % ortcA?f?c I'OYTeWO- MJDt’L' - A.d aceu jnsv m i#4w% v , y^ 0 L-'L'>V i Y /d rif I ,•> ♦ ■ ^ _> n N ^ J' Carpet", Oi ! C’otlv-', Ci'rcmns A* UphnEtcrv Oon<K Window Curtains it. Shade?, Wall Papers it Borders, Choice Family Gr*'oeries & Plantation Su pplies. Old Stand J AMT'S ff, BAILIE A BROTHS?., 205 Broad street, Augusta Goo. mr^?.S3;?sn ,.of' form., .w.o iij pi povtOou of ’-r.-n Hoi hi nb>. n Pm ..Ati - -I, rii iA < \otii , ;• itin .. ... ..... ... . r LIT s'Jhiin - Toxic Tn “>f> prj ■ l« < i cf '.b »r ,.*v 6 f J '.•.?>«» yIn mcUiriiir, h ive ■, ■ r ,oiinil inyUillig l> ?i*-e • •; re<ndl: : tin t , • vv., t.v’a li’ j't T i -"Cl bv.-:■ . lu r,v\y m i s of F. - • . tu.I'.'osPuUon, I'em- • !'•' vas-:.’, A'ys;.i imh; v.-d *u Juj- n 1716 ’82. h-v. WE ACKNOWLEDGE NO SUPERIOR, AND FEW EQIJAIJS, IN THE SOUTH WO o "vr hoard ■ f Cane Seat Chairs for seventy-five ceut«. Kxteiitdnn Tables i no dollar per too'. We srunrantec satiHfaction in every case. Our stock of und Spring Beds is c*»mj)lete. Steam Dressed Fen there always oo hand All goods packed and sliipjed free of charge. Upholstering done in Mi its brutdies. Our new Catalogue will he ready ab ut October 1st. .1. I rep Mb,’82 l> y. HOWLEH Sl 00. # 717 nnd 839 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, (l A I. E L P qi* c> has, in i.t> ba.i.iii, inad*gonj«>. umii. ;•.» uiv*. ul . .Virliim have ylv.liii •« t*: iri yrual ami i:U'>ni p.. vv' 7 .'crt < o’n! .1 cf la ■ ’il'Vj-i, e ; . r ( u c« tu iihavo lii N-v i(.in« of nur •»*>-t c able reined). I p>-> v.'thi* it In \ i; . ■ i. .my iron preparation ni»r.:. »:*• I. »i • h •» «s On. Il.uifKR’8 luuK XbNic is . iiovvv.1 ! v in my priictii i. Du. I. >Jti.:' h '.», • t'T. i m s. i ; v,. v . «,-(*>. notyvwin .amt A ... r - — r .rtW-n -* nrr, ^sarrj l, 7 * > * s-*r.T*—.,'r^fn?,*.#**,—r .wkwak-w. a Jrr/If"SCI,lor, > t.ioblou il A b . 'OKrWi- '■*’’* •-« ^-*>*4; 'MBm-^i*m wv i-.^» ii oturol ,'i -,'i iftful tone 111 | {hr _ Y *?' *’ * r " r iur the SO/i mi ientyi'f/nns r, nd j * eg ess t,xm.w* Bik' D iwAD STRIi.1T, MANUfACTUREO bV TME 5D». 13LJuvxjiil U.JLDIOiME. UO., 213 N. fcfuN ST„ 51. LOU,*. juiil().\S2.h-v. A t G 1 C o r r j A 1\ (1 b H 4 0 . Inmil, ih |d*un wruppors. I’ull Diroo** jKjuouj k r liino^ nn ill uc;i l.putty oaoii ^ utul fit.: .2 ONIjX by . ;ar&13 r^EMEJiV ca. v^. OhOiciat*, Market aso erw tprs., G r. t.v. J!3, MO. SURE CURE TOR| QLSR BLEEEBISi *ilS3, fd spjipe ;uii 1U.V2.’*-}. AHIMTON HOUSE BARBER SHOP. WILLI A MB it BROWb, J'uue a. vtc beg lwivo t,» inform tin’ olliw in-of I.urko nnd the public RPOonilly, tiig* we mw fovnu-u i. co par iior.-'liip. nub combined our two t'rb+T i hope Wo thunk the ublle for past patron ago ,‘iiu 1 . ask « conttmumoo oj the nuino Hair Cutting, Muir IJifeuing, Shaving, ot, , dime la the meat artidpo Blvle. tunFWiuo. pYow Colored Bo ther Shop. \\\\e thUopportunity to Inform my colored friemj i that 1 have opentvl a New Barber Shop 1th,ilr aucomodattor. on Main street, below X Barr’s r<*8ldenre. where t can do your work Crat eta* istyle Give me atrial .. ’h. ,Y- 006 BROWN- onKeceipt cp 75 6I»I <&9\ A vrv FULL «n.l COMPLETE lire oi Sk/fF,£FJ7fJQfL ^ plSflJthw PRC PARK O iY T^TTT tftrW= © ^ , ‘"PRICE -TO CTS ISTBOT^lSS OR v< 73 CTS IN TU B£3 L'KETHJS c»k ’■laSingt S|«y«»a, All Bofferavs with Bf.rND, BLEKDINO or HIDDEN PILLS oau bo porwauoatlv curad by ua'.r.jf DR. TABLKK'S f'fl.B TUBE, prica, 76 oU. yiuv Druggist r E > smware, €7rateK FOR SALK BY W. F HOLLEY MAN. je.ulG.RtLh Ptudletcii Koundi ,'tiud alii'diiiH* Wnrfesj of i a.i-». ir." * a. sr.t s», (Succoahor to Pi ndlt t’ n At Drolher.) No. 615. 617 »hd 619 Kultock S'reet, Augusta, Gf'rgiu. Manufacturer >tn<l doalrr in mill niHehiie. rv, ongipos jmd supplies. Brae* a-,d iron evting of every vari< ty a. d st Y :'e. Special nttonlioD given to ^lTSariIISlTod“" reprf.r*. Gl.vo IT.** »* Oil h * H.Ui. t 1 . L' MHMtt), Proprietor. piUw.settle at onoe. Das. W64 Pbnli. ton. Super! lend.",it. ivpt.22,’32.b<f. Kov.lo.iwa tf Fend for Circu'ar** In r.iiijf Brice ;n.3 ilty'i 1 , nug27>,’52 u - in. DEM If. NOTItK. By mutual conaent the firm of Dooeau & loliu Those indebted will . Iiummn Jt Johnson 1 4 WAYNKBBOHO, GA Vv r e h n X>. A 3 h t o a. I A tl u ni e > at a, a w.