The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, January 18, 1902, Image 5

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Grand Tne New Board of County Commissioners Duly Organized. , The new Board of Commissioner: 1 * j , i tnm i ie prevailing hard times and stringency of money ! °f R »ads and Kevenues were duly i tens I will sell for the next thirty days only, regard!— j organized last Tuesday and pro- Clearance Sale! Ia ordt - ->*» lugcuuy (Jl LUllliey I •*-* ' ^ 11 “ '- J - . , ! organized last Tuesday and less of cost my en-1 , „ . . . rn . J , f p-naidtin,, „p n ~ , ceeded to business. The hoard are ll( „ <l** of good* &,»«.«.ng of Dry Goods, Notions, Cloihin B , Shoes, I Messrs. P. 31. Ostes, choir,„»n, J, Wood and Willow Ware and »!i miw,. ^ . . p. Applewhite, R. E Melton, Ed. Fulcher, Thos 8 Blanchard, Frank 8. Palmer, cierk and J. P. Palmer, road superintendent. The old lines between the 63 i ; and 64th districts which nad beer. | changed were re established bv order of this board and Frog Wal- Crvkery. wood and Willow Ware and all other kinds of Goods in my „ re . Give me a call and be convinced. 8. SCHWARZWESI88. " ■e ;($rue (§itizen. V\ AY , ] SBORO, CM.. JANUARY IS, 1902. Bli k Cow t or Sale. One milk cow with young for sale. Apply at • his office. THE BANK OF WAYNESBORO,I CAPITAL, S.50.000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS ? 8,000.00 Solicits accounts of individuals, firms and corporations. Conservative loans made at attractive rates of interest. Before discounting Not es or Contracts, see us. It will pay you. jan6,l9—byOO calf j. . ;,;,iltln'l‘0 Waynesboro as 2d class matter ; , : C. Neely. Pres. P. L. Corker,Vice-Pres. It. N. Berrien, Jr.. Cashier, THE CITIZENS BANK OF WAYNESBORO, Waynesboro, CAP Georgia. TAL - - - $25,000 00 SURPLUS. $7,209 85 v revived on deposit payable on de- Advances made against- approved ■ : j, in keeping with balances. Safety, ii.,x._s to rent in fireproof vault guar- <-i;iI night watchman. On , o t]:jy will be observed as a holiday oy the Wavnesboro Academv. General lee’s Birthday. account ol the birthday of ' ^ ow ’ I ^ ie 64th, and Alexteder, of ' Januar* :— Sunday, f ke 63d, were made voting precincts The Augusta Theatrical Season. The following is the list of Theat- ilcs that will be in Augusta hereaf ter Robert E. Lee falling boro Academy. Lots. A small setter bitch, white and orown Spots, small flea bitten head, answer to the name of Lou A iib- ' n.1 reward if returned to Jud. Me- Elmurrav. are ■' Jes.-e hi? h . a vin Cox is visiting his uncle B t }' it tor. — i,660 yards dress calico 4 cents a McKdiiurrsy’s. judge Si a born H Jones is at the ( ha - 'ion Exposition. >! j. Wiikias returned home ,,j,.y from a cruise on his yacht. y: r and M rs Hid ho use spent ihi- week at the Charleston Exposi tion. R v J. H. Carswell, of Hephz;- j,,;,. visited his son. Mr. DaV’.s Cars- v.ell, in this city M inday. . \i Jennie Heath, a charming yr,ii j i.eiy of Augusta, is the guest G Mis3 Margaret Herrington. yi rs. Luther Arrington and her liu c daughter, Lucille, of Augusta, r visiting her sinter, Mrs. Green. I at hew Rich has changed the tor-boarding on the front of -ydc shop from perpendicular toll rizor.tal 3R s Chisholm, of Savannah, and Miss Maleolmson, of Chicago, will be guests of Mrs. Won. Everett Jones n xt week. — Mrs. W. H, Pace and her pretty lit;!" daughter. Shelly, have return ed home from a pleasant visit to her sister in Wadley. -Dr. Byron Daniels, of Milieu, Ga, has accepted the position of ju nior ffiterene at the Lamar hospit al. - A iKjustu Chsonicle. — We learn that Mr. Jenks Cox is contemplating moving from Burke to L uislana His friends hope that lie will change his mind. - A pair of spectacles were foun^ at :h • Kinders’ Wagon Works and left at this office. The owner can get them by calling for them. —Arthur Wetherhahn returned li mo Wednesday trom the mp.rkets, v-li "e he purchased a splendid Mock of spring and summer goods. -M-. Davis Carswell will dis continue merchandising in Way nesboro on February 1st. We hope lie will remain a citizen of Waynes boro. -The Golf Club, which has given s i much pleasure to the lovers ot the sport in Waynesboro the past two season, will be re-organized -next week. -Mr. C. R. Holland and his piffle d tighter?, India aud Edna, of the GSto district, spent Thursday in the c y with Miss Ethel Buxton and other friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander and their very attractive little daughter were down from Augusta last Saturday on a short visit to their mother, Mrs. Sarah Burton. -Judge and Mrs .Geo. F. Cox a id iheir guests Mrs. Fielder, of (’udihert, and Mrs. Kennedy, of Day! n, Ohio, are spending several days at the Charleston Exposition. -U>v T 31 Christian attended th MG Mo n ary Institute, compos'd "f <he ministers of th j Methodist 'diur.-h of the Savannah district at Wivis-n on Tuesday and Wednes day. Rev. R B Seals, of Augusta, lw- been elected principal of the L y-viile Academy. His friends iu that vicinity wiil welcome him fl nd his excellent family in their midst. For Sale. Having decided to reduce my stock of Jerseys I will sell a num ber ol the finest bred cows cheap. W. a. Wilkins. Waynesboro, Ga. Pension Blank*. Pension blanks for Confederate soldiers an t widows have been re cetved and parties interested will eali and get them at once. Geo. F Cox Ordinary. I hi — F 0 Price, Esq., left Wednes- ( Ly h-t for Farmington, to remain several weeks with relatives to re- cup ra'e his health. We hope to we 1 ,- >me him home soon in good health. —Mr. W. H. Walters has returned horn m L ine with him his little son James, 'vho had been yisiting there for sev- eral weeks, — Competent man to superintend I a -aw or planing mill wants asitua- '■°n Best references, and safisfac- fi m guaranteed to any one wanting » fir-t-elass man Address “B,” P. 0 b 'X, S Blythe, Ga. tf 1 — 3Vo direct attention to the adv. of the Brigham-Claxton Co., of Gi- ( L’-rd. They have a splendid stock "f merchandise and are selling at Uty prices, and our friends in that U iriity can get every article need- — It is possible that Rev. Mr. Cart- Lflgp will accept a call to Athens to ( '° Evangelical work. It will be with great regret that his departure *'*1 be taken in Waynesboro, for r r Uartledge is universally popu- ar - He is i 10W on a visit to Athens. -Mr, and Mrs. WiDon T. Dreger, Hephzibah, are receiving many •wngratuiations from numerous r >ends on the arrival of Master onrad ?»Iarion Dreger, in which we • p g to join with sincere wishes that heir b orn ma y always be a joy 0 'hem, and an honor to himeelf. — the woodwork around the p°ve flue of the Augusta Furniture Co. caught fire early last Monday morning, and created considerable oxcite men t. The quick work of ’ Jrp ° Cook, col., with a few well di- D'ctccj buckets of water undoubted- ly Pa ved the building The damage , Uas to the ceiling and three dollars w °u!d cover it. Beleinu Hares For Sale. Now- is the time to get a fine pair or trio of Belgian Hares. Must make room for young stock, Will seii at reasonable prices. Thorough bred stock guaranteed. Write to L. H. Sullivan. Waynesboro, Ga. Officers Appointed. Armory Co. E 1st Regt. Infantry G S. T., Jan. 13th, 1902 -Privates E Bledsoe and Thos. Buxton have been appointed corporals tmd must be respected accordingly. By order of F. L. Scales, Capt. Comd’g. M. i». COHEN, 1st Sergt. Dr. L. P. Herrington Captures a Prize. A northern medical journal last August offered a prize of $100 for the best “Thesis or Essay on Psyei cal Influence in Medical Prac ice,” Dr, L P. Herrington, of this city was awarded the prize over 762 other contestants for the best essay. I31ovyu to Atoms. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonous matter, cleanse the sys tem and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25c at Me- Master’s drug store. Machinery For Sale. One complete ginnery plant for sale. One 20 horse return flue tub ular boiler; one 15-horse Erie en gine: One 50-saw Smith gin, feeder and condenser; one 65-saw Augusta gin, feeder and condenser; one Winship down-packing, self-tramp ing press. Shafting, belting, etc. A bargain to a quick purchaser. Write W. E. Usher, Greens Cut, Ga. rl* Arrival of Trains. Down day train arrives.. 9.55 a m Down day train arrives.. 249 pm Down night train arrives 10.30 p m Up day train arrives. Up day train arrives... Up day train arrives 5.25 Sunday’s Only. Up day train Down day train arrives. Up day train arrives Where and 5.15 a m 12.05 p m p m 5:06 a m 10:42 a m 4:21 p m With Whom io Worship To- morrow. Regular services at the Baptist church to morrow morning and ev ening, 10:30 a.m., 7:00 p. m. \ou are invited. Rev T D. Ellis, the presiding el der of this district will preach in the Methodist church Sunday night. The pastor, Rev. T. M. Christian, will preach in the evening. The City Court. Judge City Court-S. H. Jones; Solieitor-R P. Jones. Monthly term, first Wednesday m each month Jurisdiction, $500 Suits must be filed 15 days prior to court day aud served in days before. Quarterly term, second Monday in March, June, September and from a short trip to relatives j t ) ecem ber. Jurisdiction unlimited N r'h Carolina. He brought | to amount. Suits filed 20 days and served 15 days before. Juries at quarterly session. A Colored Marriage. “Capt ” Bill Ward, well known among us as one o' the surviving colored veterans of the Confedera cy will be united in marriage to Sarah A. Johnston, another faithful old colored servant of this city, on Wednesday next at 8 p. nu. m the Haven Methodist church. In ad vance of the happy occasion we ex tend the “Captain”and the blushing bride our congratulations, which will doubtless be supplemented by many other white friend*. A Dramatic Entertainment. The local talent of the city will e ive a most interesting program of entertainment on the 24:h inst. nt the Academy Auditorium for fie benefit of the Presbyterian u a delightful one-act drama wilVbe presented with the foliow- l n r S C xrln TrnmD - - - • Miss Hilton. Mrs. Van T ’ Miss Routzahn. PoUv 3 ■ • F rance3 .Gresham. wid Stevens .Mr. J. D. Munnerlyn. Fred Steve w O. Gresham. Chas. Newbank 'V - Joue9 Reginald Van Tromp, SV-- 0 %e f mission wiil"be 50 cents; children under 10 years, 2o cents. Dumber for Sale. ve a saw mill located on my •farm near the city, and can furnish umber in any quantity and at rea- -onabie figures. Give your orders at once. H. B.-Me.VIaster. as of old days. The present sheriff’s office has been turned over to the County School Commissioner, and the Siier- 'fl’s office moved into the County Court’s old office. This will be re paired and put in good condition. It will be remembered that the lightning struck Ue chimney top from that room in the court hnu-e and, damaged it so much that a flood of rain poured in ana injured the walls on the East side consid erably. The board appointed Messrs. J. W. Grubbs, J. B. Rouse, J. H. Park er, Ed, Buckmaster, and G G. Brin- st n to superintend lands on the roads as overseers. The road Tax on the suggestions of Mr. Cates, chairman, was charg ed to 5 days work or to be commut ed by paying $2. This is an impor- j tant move and will get a great deal of work for the county that Is now hard to get for love or money. The old rates were 3 days work or com mute with $1 60 Mr. Frank S. Palmer was elected cierk of the board. He is an agree able young man and will fill the place most acceptably Mr, Pennington who was asking $150 damages for a county bridge breaking in and injuiing machin ery w’as allowed fifty dollars. The bill creating the City court left out the $500 allowed the court’s solicitor, but the commissioners al lowed him the amount and he is to receive monthly $41 66 The board also allowed the insolvent costs in certain cases. Five hundred dollars was appro priated to bridge building and re pairing. The retaining of Mr. Price Palm er as superintendant of roads will be acceptable to the people. A bet ter one could not have been select ed. The superintendent of the pauper farm, Mr. Sol. K. Mills, who holds over by re-electtou is a most effi cient man for the place. He has made it a paying and more than a self supporting one for the county. The inmates of the farm are well provided for, 20 -“Miss Bob White.” 22— “Evil Eye.” 23— Hermann she Great. 24— Joshua Simpkius. 28 -Ru-co & Holland Minstrels. 29-Denmau Thompson. February: — 1- Ethel Barrymore in “Captain Jenks’ 3 —“Arizona ” 8—S“usa’s Band. 20 - Flora Dora. 26 -Finnegan’s Ball. March: — 1 —Harry Glazier. 4 —Mary Mannering. 5-Cassmo Girl. 10 - Harvey Gattling. 11 Jeff deAngetis. 13—Lewis Morrison. April: — 2 —“Quo Vardis ” 10—J. K. Hackett. Civil Ser7ice Examinations The U. S Civil Service Commis sion will hold examinations at sev »ra! places iu each state during March and April, to secure young men and women for the govern ment service. 9,889 persons secured positions last year through these examinations. Probably 10,000 ap- po'Dtmer.ts will be made this year. AH appointments are for life and for most positions only a common school education is required. Sala ries at appointment vary from $660 to $1200 a year with liberal promo tions afterward. Politics is not considered. There is less compe tition in the Southern states than in other parts of the country. This affords a good opportunity for peo pie between 16 and 45 years of age. Those desiring places of this kind can get full information about them free, by writing to the Columbian Correspondence; College, Washing ton, DC, and asking for its Civil Service catalogue, number three. Three New Aldermen Elected to Hold for Two Years. Little interest was manifested ir: the city e'ectfou Wednesday last and the same passed off quietly. Mayor R C. Neely w’as re elected and also the following councilmen- were re-elected for two years each: Messrs. Simeon Beil, W. A. Wil. kins and P. L. Corker. The other councilmen, Mes-ts. C. W. Hurst, W. M. Fulcher and P B. Hall hold over for another year under the law Thursday evening last the city government organized and elected a marshal and night-watchman. Our veteran Marshal J. A. Grubbs, was replaced and holds ihe baton aud wears the badge as gracefully as ever. Long inay he keep the peace of the city aud suppress blind tigers. The night watchman’s place is now filled by Mr. F U. Button. Frank ha3 stood guard many a night in old Virginia and unless he has lost his cunning the prowling burgiar and sneak thief had bet ter look out. The committees for waterworks, electric lights, etc , are Messrs Wii- kins, Hal! and Corker. They will inquire and look after estimates, contemplating the erection of water w’orks and electric light plant for the city. Messrs Bell, Fulcher and C. W. Hurst are a committee to look after the legality of issuffig of bonds to pay for water works, &c, An election for issuing these bonds will be held as soon as these com mittees report. Miilen Knights Install Officers. Millen, Ga,, Jan. 15th —special. — Miilen Lodge No. 56 Knights of Pythias met in their Castle Hall on Monday evening January 13th and marched in a body to the auditori um of the public school building, where a public installation exercise was engaged in. Grand Chancellor F. A. Hooper held the gavel and in stalled the officers in a very impres sive manner, after which he deliv ered a very instructive and appreci ated address on Pythlanism The following officers were in stalled: C L. Harris, C. C ; I. O. Parker. V C ; M.M. Lively, Prelate; F A Ross, M. of W ; F. S. Cates, M- at A.; S. C. Parker, M. of E.; W. V. Lanier, M. of F. and K. of R, and S ; W. E. Scott. I. G.; L. M. Dxvis, O. G. After the installation exercises werejover the Knights, with their many visiting brethren, and a few invited friends retired to the “Ban quet Hali” where Messrs. I. O. Par ker and C L. Harris responded re spectively to the toasts, K. of P Fra ternity and Millen lodge. After all had sufficiently partaken cf the many eatables available the party dispersed and retired to th-ir re spective places of domicile, after having spent a roost pleasant eve ning. WILL PROBABLY organize. A Gynasium, Beading Booms. Baths, E;c.. and Athletic xercises. The young men of this city are discussing the feasibilitv of organ izing a club the purposes of which are to have rooms with accommo dations for reading, baths, gymna sium for athletic exercises and so forth. It seems to meet with gene ral encouragement and a meeting will doubtless follow in a few days to carry out the purposes of such an institution, and a full attendance of those interested is desired. Delegates Appointed, Judge Geo. F. Cox has appointed the following gentlemen delegates from Burke county to the Good Roads Convention to be held in Au gusta from the 20th to 25lh inst: P B. Hall, R. C. Neely, W. M. Fulcher, Ed. A. Carter, VV. L Deck, R. E Crockett, W. A Wilkins, R. H Burton, J R. Odom. W. H. Lynch. W ANTED—Hickory, Togwood and Per simmon Logs. Southern Hardwood Co, Charleston, S. C, Musical Entetainment. Perhaps the best musical treat that Waynesboro has ever had will be the concert given at the Acade my Auditorium on Monday night February 10th by Mr. Edward Bax ter Perry, the famous blind musi cian of Boston. Mr. Perry has play ed all over Europe and America before the most distinguished and cultured audiences of the two con tinents, and Waynesboro is to be congratulated upon securing him on his annual tour through the South. Mr. Perry is not only a musician of the highest rank, but he is aiso a charming lecturer, and by his beautiful and lucid descriptions of his music he makes it possible for unmusical people to appreciate and enjoy the best music which is a special feature of his work upon which he prides himself Oak View, Correspondence. Citizen. Jan. 16 —Misses Annie Eve and Anna Banks, of St Clair, and Miss May Baston of Amos, expect to visit here in a few days. Miss Mattie Youngblood,of Way nesboro, visited Miss Mattie Atta- way a few days last week. Mr Jcs3e Attaway killed 18 fine hogs last wpek You bet there will be hog and hominy now. The Misses Attaw ay visited Way nesboro last week. Mr. L C.Hayne, We notice with pleasure that Mr. L. C. Hayne was re-elected presi dent of the Augusta National Bank. This honor could not have been more worthily bestowed than on this deserving citizen of Augusta. The Augusta Herald of the 14th inst, says:“Not only was Mr. Hayne unanimously chosen president, but he was heartily congratulated by the stock holders on his successful management of the affairs of this well known banking institution.” Card of Thanks I wish to thank the ladies who came to see about me on last Sat urday afternoon, most cordially It is quite a consolation to me to know that I have so many friends I feel so thankful that the rumor is false, and hope that the good Lord will see fit to spare me m*ny more days. Very respectfully. Mrs. T. Watkins. —Rev. E D. Geddins, c^l., who was pastor of the Haven Memorial church here for the past year or two has gone to his new charge at Cul- loden, While here he did most of the preliminary work in the re building of the Haven Normal School, and conducted himself in a manner that won him the respect of onr white eitlzens. — I have several pair of pants on which a deposit has been made that I will sell at a close price to get rid of them. Terms cash. They will be made to fit without extra charge. Manau, The Tailor. COTTON SHIPMENTS. Shipmnets of Cotton from tbe Waynesboro Depot for Several Seasons. The following is a correct list of the number of bales of cotton shipped from Waynesboro for ihe past several seasons. It Is correct and is compiled from the records in ihe general freight office of the Centra! Railroad in Savannah: From Septemcer 1st, 1899, to Au gust 31st, 1900-27,808 bales. This includes 3,003 round bales that are counted as 1.502 square bales. From September 1st. 1900 to Au gust 31st, 1901-21,462 bales. This includes 3 666 round bales that count as 1,833 square bales From Septemcer 1st, 1901, to De cember 3lst, 1901, there has been shipped — Round Bales 6,305 Square “ 19.287 Total, 22 410 This counts two round bales as one square. Ridge. Corresponclence Citizen. Jan. 13.— Rev. J. H. Little preach ed and excellent sermon in Berlin church yesterday evening to a large and appreciative congregation Sam Tarver and Terry Corley, of near Blythe, spent last Sunday with friends here. S E.Ciarke, of Brothersville. spent to-day with friends here. The friends and acquaintances of Mr and Mrs. Sterling Rhodes will be shocked to learu of the death of their infant son, George, which oc curred at an early hour last Tues day morning. He had been sick three weeks with pneumonia. The interment, took place in the Heph zibah cemetery. Hephzibah. Correspondence Citizen. Jan. 12 —Miss Ethel Turner has returned from a pleasant trip in Burke county. Mr. Bose Bargeron, of Girard, is in the village. Rev. R A. Lansdell delivered a splendid lecture before the Baptist Sunday school this morning. Rev. J. H. Little filled his regular appointment in Brothersville M. E. church to-day. Jim Stockton, col., living on the place of Mr. J C. Murphey, was sent to Augusta yesterday evening for treatment of a terrible malady. He died while on the way. Child Worth Milions. “My child is worth millions to me,” says Mrs. Mary Bird of Har risburg, Pa., “yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One minute Cough Cure.” One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cure which acts immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them.Every family should have a bottle of One minute Cough Cure handy. At this season espec ially it may be needed suddenly. H b. MCMaster. Letter List Unclaimed letters remaining in the Waynesboro post office Jan. 13, 1902: Wain Adams, Dore Bynes. Lucy Brown. Jno^Brady. W. ti Canady. R P. Hall. Leatha Johnson. P. W. Lewis. Maggie Roberson. Alice Shivert. Mary E. Scruggs. Joe Washington. Thomas Quinney, Postmaster. —The firm of Wilkins & Jones is dissolved, Major Wilkins retiring from the partnership leaving Col. W*n. E. Jones to continue tbe busi ness in his own name. Major Wil kins has been merely a nominal partner for some time. This is one of our oldest business firms, and w T e wish 'or the Colonel a long and prosperous career. Job Printing promptly executed. —Wanted immediately, all kind j of furs, otter coon, mink, possum,i and wildcat, and 500 lbs. beeswax for which I wiil pay the highest market price, iu cash, also cow hides, dry and fresh. S. Schwarzweiss. — A little negro boy struck a match on a bale of cotton belonging to Mr. Thos. Quinney Monday last and it caught fire and set three others on fire, which were saved by hard work. Mr. Quinney thinks seventy-five j ounds w ill cover his loss —Capt. F L. Scales, of Waynes- ! oro, and Messrs. Cecil Cochrane, James Dawson and Bishop Alexan der, of Augusta, w ill join a party at Herndon to-day composed of Mes srs. Geo. W. and G. L. Jones, Boyl- ston and Chichester on a hunt in Emanuel county. —Hon. E. B Gresham being on the committee to look after erect ing statues to one or more distin guished Georgians in the Statuary Hall at Washington, has been call ed to Atlanta to attend a meeting of the committee which will assem ble next Monday at the capitol —The friends of Capt. John F McElmurray announce him as a candidate for representative of Burke county. The i n iounc< mmt appears fn another place to-day. The captain is one of our best citi zens and is so well and favorably known to our people that we can say nothing that u’ill add to it. —Archdeacon Harry Cassli’s vis ited this city last Monday and held Services at the Episcopal church here. We are glad this able minis ter is out again looking so well af ter a long illness, which prevented him from being with us. He is al ways kind eno to give us a little of hfs time, and w’e are always pleased to meet him. —An acrostic on the name of President McKinley was published in The C’TIZEX several weeks ago. Mrs. Electra Tyler deLoaehe, of Millen, was the author of this acros tic and a few days ago she received a personal letter from Mrs. McKin ley, expressing very feelingly her thanks for the many kind words it contained for the martyr presi dent. — Waynesboro is always especial ly proud of the fine records which her young people invariably make in the colleges to w’hieh they go We note with great pleasure that Miss Annie Bell, who this year is finishing w’ith distinction her course at Brenau, has just added to laurels already won in being chosen by her class to make the annual address for the seniors. — Miss Brown, of Forsyth, Miss Heggie, of Grovetown, and Miss Hillhouse, of Augusta, the lovely and verv attractive young lady vis itors of Miss Katheryn Thomas in the city, left for their respec tive homes Thursday, leaving a wake ot sadness. They will be most kindly remembered until their bright smiles shall illumine the hearts of their many friends again. —The following named young gentlemen guye a delightful thea tre party Wednesday evening to see “Ten Nights in a Bar Room” Dr. M. O Fulcher: Messrs. Jam^s BUnson, Moses Cohen, Ashley Out law’, John D Munnerlyn and W. W. Jones. They complimented Miss Heggie. of Grovetown; Miss Brown, of Forsyth; Miss Hiilhouse. of Au gusta, and Miss Kathryn Thomas, of Waynesboro. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Cox chaperoned the party. After wards a fine snpner was served at the office of Dr. Fulcher. FQR REPRESENTATIVE:—Tfce many friends of Captain Jo:>n F McElmu raj’ an nnnuce him as a candidate for Representa tive'for Burke County in the next legislature Snbje t lo the Democratic Primary. Thl •!an. 18th, J902 FOR TAX COLLECTOR:—I hereby an nounce that I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Burke county atthenexi en suing election, subject to tbe Democratic primary. I will highly appreciate any help that I receive, i promise if elected to dis charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully. Ranse A. Bell. ATTORNEY’S SALE. GE > EG IA—Bu uk k Coonty:—Whereas Louis L. Lambert, did, on the L3lh day of January, 1900. execute and deliver to the Bank of Waynesboro. Ins two certain prom issory notes, one for the sum of Six Hundred and Thirty-Seven Dollars and Twenty Cents, due November 1st, 1800, the ol her for the sum of Six Hundred aud Forty-one Dollars and Twenty Cents, due December 1st, 19u0, both of said notes bearing interest from maturity at the rate o' eight per cent, per annum and at the same time, for lie* purpose of securing the payment of said notes, did execute and deliver to said Bank, a Warranty DecJ to the tract of land herein after described, which said Deed contained a provision that should the said Louis L. Luinh. ri make default in prompt payment of either of said notes, then said Bank was thereby authorized at Its op tion to sell all of said tract of land, at public outcry, before the Court House door in said County and State to the highest bidder for cash, after advertising the time, place, and terms of sale in newspaper in which the Sheriff’s advertisements for said county- are published, once a week for four weeks; and further authorizing said bank to make to the purchaser or purchasers of said property title, in fee simple, to the same thereby di ves' iug out of the said Louis L. La nhert, his heirs executors, administrators, or assigus, all right, title and equity, he, or thej’. might h ive in and to said property, and vesting the same iu the purchaser or purchasers of the same. And Whereas, Both of said notes have long since become due, and no part of the principal or interest due thereon lias been paid, and said Bank lias elected to exercise the option given to it under the power of sale contained in said deed. Now Therefore, Under and by virtue of the power ot sale contained in said Deed, will be sold before the Court Hodse door in the City of Waynesboro, in said County and state, between the usual hours’ of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in February 1802, to the high est bidder for cash, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying ami being, m the tilth Dis trict, G. M,, of'Burke County,Georgia, bound ed by lands (now or formerly) of Daniel Sons & Palmer, T. Y. Herrington, R C, Chance, George F- Cates, and ii -aver Dam Creek, and known as the Lovett Place containing Five Hundred and Seventy-Six (5/d) acres, more or less, Purchaser to pay for titles, This 2d dav of January. 1902, BANK OK WAYNESBORO, By \V. A. Wilkins, President, as Attorney in fact for Louis L. Lambert. NOTICE. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have reduced the sub scription price of The True Citizen to $1 00 a year from August 10th, 1901. The cash must accompany the name. Those who are in arrears for past amounts, will pay up to August lOih, 1901, at tneold rate and from that date at the new rate. Statements are now being made out for old amounts due. and we ask immediate attention to them The Citizen will be kept up to the high standard maintain ed for years past. The best sto ries,telegraphic news, agricultu ral reports, local happenings and reoorts from a good corps of correspondents form a weekly budget of news that can not be secured elsewhere. We hope to visit every home in the county and will appreci ate your patronage. We club with some of the very best city weeklies printed. Read the list, select your paper and send us your name. The following papers together w’ith The Citizen for one year. Home & Farm $1.25. Atlanta Semi-Weekly Jour nal and map $1,75. New York Thrice-a- Week World $1 65. Atlanta Weekly Constitution $1 75. Savannah Semi-WeeklyNews $1.75 Ihe Semi-Weekly Chronicle $1 50. Respectfully, SULLIVAN BROS. ( SEND YOUK JOB PRINTING TO THE CITIZEN JOB OFFICE,Waynes core, Ga. JnsttcesConrt Blanks a sp« ctaR-o ch««rfuUv famished \) Notice of extension of the Millen & South western Railroad. Whereas, tile Stockholders of the Milljn & Southwestern Railroad Company passed and sent to its board of directors, the follow ing resolution: (Whereas, it is deemed to the interest of the Millen & Southwestern Railroad Com pany that its line be extended Beit there fore" resolved, by the stock-holders in con vention assembled, that the board of Direc tors take the necessarv anil legal steps to ex tend said road from Still more in Emanuel County, to Waycross in tire county of Ware, said extension being through the Cou ;ties of Emanuel, Montgomery to Vidalia or Lyons on the Seabord Air Line Railway.from there through the ounties of Montgomery, Tat- nail. Appling, P erce and Ware to W'aycross. The distance being about eighty (80; miles and in a Southerly direction, aud also that said road be extended trom Millen, in Burke County, through the Counties of Burke and Screven to some point at or near Sylvania. in Screven Countv aud thence to some point on the Savannah River in said Screven County. Said extension beingabout thirty- five (35) miles and in a Northeast direction towards Sj’lvania and then In a Northern di rection to said pointon said river.) Be it therefore resolved, that the above and foregoing resolution of the stock holders of said Millen & Southwestern Railroad Com pany be and the same are hereby concurred in bj’ the board of directors of said road. Be it further resolved, that the Millen & Southwestern Railroad be extended from Stillmore in Emanuel Countj’, to Waycross in the County of {Ware. Said extension go ing through the Counties of Emaniel and Montgomery to Vidaliaor Lyons on the Sea bord Air Line Railway, and from there through the Counties of Montgomery, Tat- nali, Appling, Pierce and W’are to Waycross. The distance being about eighty (SO) miles in a soul herly direction, and also that sit d road be extended Irom Millen, in Burke County, through the Counties of Burke and Screven to some point, at or near Sylvania. in Screven Cou- ty, and thence to some point on the Sa vannah River in said Screven County. Said extension being about thirty-five miles aud in a Northeast direction toward Sylvania, and in a Northern direction to said point on su j t i r iver. It is further resolved by said board of di rectors that notice of said extensions of said road be given by publications once a week for four weeks in the newspaper in eacli of said Counties herein mentioned, in which the Sheriff of such County does his legal ad- ver ising, prior to the time the right to build said extensions shall be sougiit to be exg ercised, and that at the expiration of the publication above provided, that a certified copy of tbe same, aud the necessary papers for said extensions, be filed with the Secre tary of State of Georgia as provided by law, whereupon it will be prayed that the charter for said Millen & Southwestern Railroad Company b» amended so as to authorize the building of said extensions. Resolved further, that these resolutions be entered in the record of the proceeding of this board of directors This 2:id day of December. 1901. GEORGIA—Em an" . l County:—I. Frank R. Durden, Secretary of tbe Millen & South western Railroad Company do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original ' resolutions passed by the board of directors of said Railroad Company on the23d day of Decers ber, 1901, as the same appears on re cord in the proceeding of said board of di rectors. Wimessmy hand and seal ofsaidCompanj r this 23d day of December. 1301. [Seal] FRANK K. DURDEN. Secretary. After Publication of this notice once a week for four weeks in the newspaper in which i lie Sheriff’s advertisements are pub lished in each of the Counties through which saiil extensions will run, a certified copy of said resolutiens and advertisements will be filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the Stateof Georgia, and an amendment to the charter for said Millen and South western Railroad Coinpauj’ prayed for authorizing said extensions to be built as above desig nated. This23d day of December, 1901. MILLEN & SOUTHWESTERN RAIL WAY CO.. I’er D. B. DURDEN. President. F. II SAFFOLD, General Counsel. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Bv virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Burke County. Georgia, passed on the 1st day of January, 1902, there will be sold at public outcry, between the usual hours of public sales, on the 15th day of January 1902. on the Daniel place in Burke County, anout three miles from Kej sville, Georgia, the following personal property, to-wit- One mule named Mike; one mule named Scott, one mule nam ed Hattie, one mule named Joe.and one mule named Charles, one J horse wagon, two sets wagon gear, one cotton planter, lot plows and stocks, one blacksmith drill, 10 set plow gear, and eight bridles. The above property sold as the property of the late Thos. B. Dan* iel. Terms cash. CHAS. T. FARGO, Admr. of the Estate of Thos. B. Daniel. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE, and ACCIDENT, * * * * * * * * O Insurance. W. M. FULCHEIt, Agent, Waynesboro, Ga. OOGCOQQOOQCQQQQOQOOOQOQOOOC