The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 22, 1902, Image 1

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0?*r Spring stock is now arriving and we propose to make a clean sweep of odds and ends for we believe in keeping our stock fresh. The sizes are not regular but may be your size and (he style you want is here. Drop in and see. '*vcr MSiggiKLvmcgCT tssrcsirs Sot * ?; ^ To prs. Men’s Satin Cast Bate, regular price gj y $1,25, now. t; SI prp. L I >ti K d, button and,lace, old | price, $1 25 n-’W § 40 P a L »•■»*«•-’ I>o = g*» m Kid, bat ton and Pare 8 a 84 prs Men’s Satin Calf Bin. and Cong, best g : ><xl a! $1 o<) n >w $100 ?J H to he found for- $150, now | A lot of Chios *-».’« Shoes, lrgular' price, 75'., - | 100 prs. Men’s Vlel Kid Bala, were cheap at $3 ! l«» $1 25 now 50j aod 75c. ii i reduced to I | 95c. | $1 15 I $1 9S 1 aB5aBEB3BB3roaa—l Our reputation for handling good Shoes is widely known in Burke county and this is a grand opportunity for you. We handle Groceries. Opposite Citizens Bank. WAYNESBORO, O A. fJSSD Dr. Henry J Godin, EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST. Spe -tael « and F c-'Jlas •« Manufactured ton: a Jitelv corr-ct all correctalil errors v* liv h e e sight - l iilicial eves i-'iefully matched and in- jsei ti'd witho- i pain. Consul ation aud tx- amin irion free Wo: ks and tifui-e : 928 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. is25“' Opposite Planter’s Hoiel. FATiENTS* NARROW ESCAPE FROM FIR! Kellogg * 1 Sanitarium of Battle Creek, Midi., Burned. IAIN BUILDING IS DESTROYED One Woman and a Girl Have Broken Limbs By Jumping from Third Story Windows— Less on the Property Will Amount to $300,000. snd Iron Company’s Plant Burn' ed—Less $100,000. Louisville, Ky., Feb. IS.—Fire, which broke out at 7:15 o’clock this morn ing, partially destroyed the plant o' the Louisville Belt and Iron company at Second and L streets in this city, causing a loss of $100,000. The flames started in the heading room of the mills. A pipe carrying crude oil to the furnaces exploded, and the oil coming into contact with the molten metal at once began to blaze fiercely. By the time the engines arrived the fire had gained such headway that it could not be checked, and the entire plant covering two and a half acres was soon burned, the firemen being handicapped by frozen water plugs and an insufficient supply of water. The plant was one of the largest of its kind in me south and was origi nally organized several years ago in Anderson. Ind., by Louisville capital ists under the name of the Anderson Belt and Iron company. Later it was removed to this city and its name changed. The company was capital ized at $150,000. The loss is covered by insurance amounting to $48,000 and the plant will he rebuilt at once. Barefooted and Thinly Clad Girl Leaves Horne at Night. Greenville, S. C., Feb. 18.—The dead body of Eliza Good let, a white girl 22 years old, was found Saturday morn ing covered in snow about 2 miles from Greers. The girl lived with her grandparents and was subject to fits. She com plained during the day Friday and re tired earlier than usual. In a few min utes she jumped from her bed, told her grandparents goodhy and ran fron: the house. Barefooted, bareheaded and with only a thin gown to shield her the gib faced the wintry weather. The girl’s grandfather, a man of 70, cried jn pleading terms for her to re turn, hut in vain. The old man sough! the help of his neighbors. The news spread and soon numerous citizens were searching the surrounding coun try. The body was not found until S o'clock Saturday, cold aud rigid in death and covered with several inches of snow. BURGLARS BLOW SAFES. White .Man Turned Yellow. Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 18. The great Kellogg sanitarium was entire ly destroyed by fire early today. The main building is entirely gone and the hospital is now afire. Four hundred patients were taken out safely. But two accidents occur red during the removal of the patients. One woman and a girl, names un known. became frightened and jumped from third story windows. Both have broken legs. The origin of the fire is unknown. The main building, which has been destroyed, was 132 by 100 feet and six stories high. As soan as the fire was discovered watchmen ran through the corridors .Housing the sleeping patients on each of the six floors. -Many of them were unable to help themselves and were carried to places of safety by the nurses. The corri dors filled with smoke very rapidly and about half the inmates of the building were forced to come down the fire escapes. The sanitarium stood on a lull and the water pressure was low, therefore the water supply was insuf ficient. Both the main building and the hos pital are now in ruins. It is almost miraculous that none of the inmate:! lost their lives. The less will oe about $3i)0.000, according to the latest est: mates. , Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hognrty, of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, aud he writes: “After taking two bottles I was wholly- cured.” A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver aud Kidney troubles. Only 3oe. Sold by H. B. McMaster, druggist. Duncan Dies from Wound. Atlanta. Feb. 17.—Police Officer Duncan, who was shot by his wife Sat urday night a week ago, died at the Grady hospital this morning. He be gan to sink rapidly yesterday after noon and early in the evening the phy sicians announced that he was dying. The death was reported to the coro ner, and he will probably hold an in quest today, when all the facts in the tragedy may be brought out. The case has greatly puzzled the police, as much of the evidence is conflicting. Try nnp of our clubbing offer* $000-2 COOOOOOOQOOO©©©©©©©® Judge Speer Overruled Pleas. Savannah, Feb. 17.—In the United States court this morning Judge Em ory Speer overruled every plea in abatement filed by Captain B. D. Greene and the Gaynors to the indict ment charging them with conspiracy against the government. A demurrer to the indictment will be filed tomor row morning. Captain Blatchford, c-f ins Bark Chas. Lorirsg, Tells Thrilling Story. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 15.—Captain Blatchiord, of the bark Charles Lor- ing. which arrived yesterday from New York, tells a thrilling story of his experience and the probable loss of two shipwrecked seamen off the North Carolina coast during the night of Feb. 5, when a fearful storm and cold prevailed. Captain Blatchford heard a cry for help which seemed to come from al most under his vessel. Looking oVer the side he saw two men in an open boat. One was lying down as if dis abled. A rope was hastily thrown overboard and struck the small boat, but the men were probably too over come by cold to seize it. A boat was manned and Jgt down for rescue, but the seas were so high that it was al most swamped and one of the sailors knocked overboard. By the time the sailor had been rescued the other boat had disappeared. The Loring cruised hack and forth until morning without getting any further sight of the boat or its occu pants. Captain Blatchford is certain that both must have perished. ; Sir?. Nicliols Makes a Statement, Telling to tlie Beat of Her Knowledge the Causes Which Led to tie Tronb e. The following facts, says (he Bel fast. Me, Republican Journal, have never before been published. The j incident caused much comment ai l the-tiine and it was thought worth j while to make an investigation W th this end in view, a reporter called upon Mrs. E : zibeth Nit hoias at her home in Searsporf' Me., ano obtained the following iaformetiou | She said : "About six years ago my nerves | | broke dow n completely and my j whole system became a wreck. 1 : suffered dreadfully from indigestion j ana my eyes were very wesk. 1 i had frequent fainting spoils Final- j !y my sight failed rne entirely and j I had to have my eyes bandaged ail I the time.” “i’his state of affaire,” she con tinued. “lasted for a year, w hen I was forced to go to bed and stay here constantly. I became so weak that I could take only? iw’o tablespoonfuls of milk at time. 1 could not feed myself and sleep was almost impossible. This lasted an other year and I was then in such a state of nervous exhaustion that when my’ people wanted to make my bed they cou’d move me only’ a few inches at a time. I had become extremely thin ami was still losing ilesh. I had tried nearly all the medicines in the market hut failed to find any that helped me.” “Bet how were you cured ?” asked h * interviewer. “I’l= tell you My condition fins!- iy became so critical that my family -expected me to die any day. Then my husband bought some Dr. Wi FANCY \/V 00DWORK, X^uildeiks’ Hardware', Plain and Ornamental Glass. Catalogue mailed free. Mother and Child Fatally Burned. Washington, Feb. 15.—Mrs. Heury Dague and her three-year-old son were fatally burned last evening by the child pulling an oil lamp off the table. An explosion followed and the blaz ing oil was scattered over the two. Henry Dague, the husband, was also badly burned while trying to rescue his wife and child. GEORGIA COTTON CROP. iam«’ Pir.k Fills for Pale Peop’e. Overpowered Watchman—Got Away With $7C0 in Cash. Northampton, Mass., Feb. 17.—Five men blew open two safes in the street railway company’s offices early today after overpowering the watchman. They secured about $700 in cash. Ill their haste they overlooked $500 in one of the scales. They escaped in a team, and when the watchman sue-, ceeded in getting a gag out of his mouth so as to give the alarm the | trace of them had been lost. BLAZE AT PELHAM, GA. 800 Bodies Recovered. St. Petersburg. Feb. 18.—The bodies of 800 victims of the earthquake at Shamaka, Trans-Caucassia, have thus far been recovered. The treasury has given 50.000 roubles for the relief oi the destitute. In the villages sur rounding Shamaka 27 persons were killed. Grandson of Davy Crockett Dead. Little Rock. Ark.. Feb. IS.—Colonel "Bob" Crockett, father of Secretary of State Crockett and grandson of Davy Crockett, hero of the Alamo, died at his home in Stuttgart last night. All state offices closed today. Colonel Crockett was 70 years old. Postmasters Confirmed. Washington, Feb. 19.—The senate has confirmed the nominations of the following southern postmasters: Ten nessee, William L. Trent, Knoxville; North Carolina, Tyre Glenn, Greens boro; J. H. Ramsey, Salisbury; J. F. Wray, Reidsville; J. W. C. Long, Statesville; E. L. Ware, Kings moun tain. Warehouse ar.d Dwelling Burned. Loss Estimated at $10,000. Pelham, Ga., Feb. 15.—The cotton seed warehouse of the Hand Trading company, together with about 700 tons of cotton seed, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The building is a total wreck and the seed are almost wholly ruined by the fire and water. The dwelling of W. S. Atkinson, im mediately across the street, was also totally destroyed, together with all the outhouses, only a portion of the furni ture being saved. By the most stren uous efforts of the assembled crowd the large cotton ginnery of W. S. At kinson and the oil mill of the Hand Trading company were saved from the flames. For a time it seemed that that entire portion of the town was uooroed. During the fire J. M. Hurst, man ager for the Hand Trading company, was struck on the head by a failing timber and badly stunned. The entire loss is estimated at $8? 000 to $10,000. Both losses were par tially covered by insurance. The ori gin of the fire, which was first dis covered in the cotton seed room, is unknown. aod three days after I began tak-ng them I couidea* without assistance, and in a week I ecu id sit up and be dressed.' After I had taken five bex»a’ I began to gain fl^h. I con tinued the u-:9 of Pink Pills for Pale People until I had taken ten boxes and was able to help nay family pack up and move to a new home After reaching there I took two more boxes of the pills and I have been able to woik hard and take care of my family of five peo ple ever since “It is now four years since I stopped taking medicine and if I ever have todake any more it will be Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Three of my neighbors have taken the pills with good results and I positively consider them the best remedy there is.” The above statement was sworn to by Mrs Nichols at the reporter’s request before Ch irles F. Adams, a notary public, at Searsport Not only have many cases simile.r to this been cured by Dr Williams’ Pink Pills for Palo Peo p‘o but equally wonderful resuils have been accomplished by them in a ia’-ge number of diseases arising from thin blood or shatlered nerves, two fruitful causes of a mo-t every ill to which IDsh i3 heir. They are a positive cure for such “Bim, the Button Man.” Bankrupt. New York, Feb. 15.—Thousands of politicians who have attended national and state conventions will be surprised to learn that Meyer R. Bimburg, more widely known as “Bim, the Button Man,” has filed a petition in bankrupt cy. The amount involved is a small one. , Job Couldn’t Have Stood it If he’d had Itching Piles. Thev're terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve will cure tne worst case of piles ou earth. Ic has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by H. B. McMaster, druggist. Forest Fires In Florida. Sampson City, Fla., Feb. 15.—For est fires have been raging in this section the past two weeks, doing con siderable damage to farmers and to turpentine timber. On Monday last, while the wind was blowing almost a gale, a good deal of fencing was burn ed on Mr. Wiley Robinson's place. His barns and outbuildings were saved only by the heroic efforts of his neigh bors. Escaped Prisoners Taken. Greenville, S. C., Feb. IS.—Percy and Riskman Osteen, escaped prison ers from the Hendersonville, N. C., jail, have been arrested in the county and placed in Greenville jail. Ernest Drake is here and will probably be captured today. These three are mem bers of a gang of seven that escaped from the Hendersonville jail two weeks ago. Commissioner Stsvens Estimates Sama at 1,300,000 Bales. Atlanta. Feb. 18.—The state depart- i ment of agriculture sticks to its esti mate of 1,300,000 bales for the Georgia cotton crop despite the assertion in many quarters that it will reach 1,500,- ,000 or 1,000,000 bales or'thereabouts. It was last August that Commission er O. B. Stevens gave out an estimate that the Georgia crop would not go over 1,300,000 bales. The Georgia re ceipts up to date are about 135,000 bales ahead of the same date last year, but they have already begun to fail off rapidly in comparison with last year. Last year's total receipts were 1,295,000 hales. “We stand by our estimate of 1,- 300,000 bales,” Colonel Stevens said yesterday. “There may be 75.000 bales more, though I hardly think so. But it will not go beyond that amount at the outside. I have watched the crop closely and from my observations ami the port receipts, I am satisfied this will prove close to correct. Every thing has been favorable to the gath ering of the crop and it came on bet ter than was expected. While the re ceipts now are considerably ahead of what they were last year, they are now beginning to run behind what they were last year at the rate of about 28,000 bales a week.” Want His Sentence Commuted. Raleigh, Feb. 17.—Attorneys are here urging Governor Aycock to com mute the death sentence of John Hen ry Rose, of Wilson county, to life im prisonment. Rose murdered Thomas diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial | Farmer. He now confesses his crime, HIS SKULL WAS CRUSHED. *resents. We have the most complete stock of Dia monds, Watches, Ster lmg Silver Ware, Fan- Goods especially for ALL occasions, and would be pleased to have you make our store headquerters while in Augusta. Expert engraving, Granade Goes to Tower. Atlanta, Feb. 18.—T. J. Granade was committed to the Tower yesterday morning by Justice Orr without bail on the charge of killing W. Jesse Pope in the rooms of the Atlanta Den tal college on Monday, Feb. 10. An ef fort was made by Granade s attorneys to get bail for the prisoner by a pre liminary trial. Judge Will Not Run Again. Brunswick, Ga.. Feb. 18.—Judge J. W Bennet has decided not to offer for re-election to the judgship of the Brunswick circuit. His term expires next January. His voluntary retire ment is based on personal grounds. Tudge Samuel C. Atkinson, of Bruns wick, is being pushed for the place by his friends. Dispensary Robbed of Money. Blacksburg, S. C.. Feb. 18—The dis pensary building here has Ijen enter ed, the safe dgor blown off with dyna mite and a check for $50 and $30 in cash belonging to the dispenser, Mr. J. M. Philips, taken out. No clew as to the robber has been discovered. Lifsey Wins Over Harris. Washington, Feb. 18.—The president has nominated B. A. Lifsey as post- ! master at Barnesville. Ga.. to succeed I the present postmaster, Harris, who was a candidate for reappointment. This ends a fight which has attracted a good deal of attention. Fatal Accident to a Young Man In Worth County. Albany, Ga., Feb. 15.—At Doles, Worth county, J. T. Champion, a prom inent young man of that community, was thrown from his buggy and killed. He had started to drive front his home to the residence of a young lady a mile and a half distant, when his horse became unmanageable and ran away. One of the wheels of the buggy struck a stump and Mr. Champion was thrown out. His head struck a tree and his skull was crushed to a jelly. He lived for two hours. The young man was a son of Rev. J. M. Champion and a successful merchant. :?avps Two h rom Deatli. Short and to the Point. Atlanta’s Postmaster Dies. Atlanta, Feb. 17.—Major William H. Smyth, postmaster of Atlanta, died to day of grippe. He was recently ap pointed for a second term. Augusta, Georgia. C0CCvVQ©0Q©Q©0QC5©00©QQC5Q0©0 Gentlemen : —Dr.Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin is the finest preparation for the stomach and bowels that I have ever used. Wishing you continued success, I am, Yours very truly, W C Ktmbel, New Troy, Mich. Sold by H. B McMaster, Waynes boro; H.'Q. Beil, Mlllen, Dr.Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin-ihat’s what keeps your head clear, your bowels regular. Sold by H- B. McMaster, Waynes boro, Ga. H Q Bell, Milieu, Ga. “Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough aud bronchitis,” writes Mrs. W. K. Havi- land, of Armonk, N. Y, “but, when ail other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine aud today she is perfectly well.” Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery as to no other medicine ou earth. In fallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by H. B. Mc Master. Trial bottles free. Job printing at the right prices. paralysis, St. Viiu-Js dance, sciatica neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of grip, of fevers and of other acute dis eases, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and ail forms of weakness either in^jna'e or female. Dr Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females In men they effect a radical cure in all’ cases arising from worry, oyer-work or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at fifty cents a box or six boxe^ for two dollars ar.d fifty cents, and may be had of all drug gists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectuady, N. Y. Be sure to get the genuine; substitutes never cured anybody. but says that it was because of Farm er’s threats and the statements of his friends that Farmer intended to kill him. McSweeny Offers Reward. Columbia, S. C., Feb. 15.—The gov ernor has offered a reward of $50 for the apprehension and conviction of Dock Gleaton, whTTcommitted a mur derous assault upon G. B. Bolen, mar shal, in Orangeburg county recently. TURNER FEUD ENDED. Church Will Be Built Where Notorious “Quarter House” Stood. Middlesboro, Ky., Feb. 17.—Next week the American association (lim ited), with headquarters in Middles boro. will begin the erection of a large church where the “Quarter House” stood. Lee Turner, who owned the saloon and fortress and an acre of ground on which they were built, last week transferred his property to this association. The “Quarter House” was burned Wednesday. Lee Turner has left the country and the feud is ended. The great beauty about Dr. Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin is in its certain ty to cure constipation, indigestion, sick headache and stomache trou bles. ^ Sold by h. b. McMaster, Waynes boro; H.Q. Bell, Millen. How’s Tins? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi any ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. (’HENRY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnanit Marvip, Wholesaledrug- gists/Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 75c. per bottie. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best Short now* l+»m» * 1WS;V* do*ir»d Been Hunting Twenty Years, Winfield, Iowa, Nov. 24:h, 1900.— C4entlemen:—I write to say that I have teen troubled with dyspepsia and indigestion for the past twenty years, and have tried many medi cines and spent much money to no purpose until I tried Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. 4 have taken two bottles and am entirely relieved of all stomach trouble. I cannot say too much in favor of this remedy. I recommend it to all sufferers from indigestion or dyspepsia Yours truly, Wro. Ruebsam. Sold by ir B. McMaster, Waynes- boro,; h. q bM!, Miller, Ga. Fell Dead at Prison Door. Raleigh, Feb. IS.—A. J. Carroll, a white man CG years old, was arrested at Durham, his wife making affidavit that he had threatened to kill her and their children. He was ordered to be placed in jail. As he reached the jail entrance he fell dead. It is said he was of unsound mind. He leaves a widow and nine children. He was an ex-confederate soldier. Shots Fired Into Home. Mount Airy, Ga., Feb. 17.—On more than one occasion the house of one 1. J. Austin, living near this place, has been shot into by unknown per sons at night. Mrs. Austin was re cently hit on the forehead, but not se riously hurt. The shooting is sup posed to have been done by parties who suspected Austin of reporting il licit distilleries. Relief In Six Honrs* Distressing Kidney and Bladds? «>*seasc re lieved -in six hours by New Gi—T South- Ameriean Kidney Cure. It- is a •urprise on account ofits exceedingprort ,.kDess in re lieving pain in bladder, kidnej3 >•••'* hack la male or female Relieves reten'.,-—- -»f water almost immediately. If you wax quick re lief a d cure this is theremedy. r*^LI by H. B McMaster. Druggist WaynehLce Ga. Job Printing of all <d Choicest Offerings. Diamonds, Watches, Gold and Fina Plated Jewelry, Rich American Cut Glass, Lunoje China, Bic-a-Brac, Etc, gjBT You are cordially invited to visit our our beautiful store-Nothiog finer in the South. Polite attention—Prices right. A. J. RENKL, Jeweler, 706 Broadway, Augusta, Gra.