The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 22, 1902, Image 5

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liilL srii k'& U ^ ^ ^ AUGUSTA, GA. V, e are discontinuing business in Augusta. We have accepted business otters that forces us to close out every dollars’ worth of Merchandise o liiQPAfl hpfnro flip nonnlp u v? e are discontinuing business in Augusta. We have accepted business otters that lor in our store as rapidly as possible. In order to do this we have placed before the people a g >1.18 i G ; ; 2 ■ « which has been in full force for the past week a sale ever offered in this section. We’ve plunge* nd the crowds of enthusiastic buyers demonstrate that this is the grandest VALUE SMASHING- p j in ii ill 1 i n m [ a m the store plunged the knife so deep that only from one-half to one-third the former low prices remain on any article it’s only the prices that suffer, however, for this is a display characterized as one of beauty, elaborateness, high art and perfection m styles. It will pay you to come miles to attend this slaughter of prices and reap the ‘’Whirl wind of .Matchless Bargains” awaiting you here. LEAGUI E ,'ilkins, I’res. TV. E, Jones. Vice-Pres W. II. YValters, Cashier. NEGRO KILLED. ci ? What We Aro Doing Educatiotmlly—Cur rent Eveuts-YYaskingtou’s Birthday. ‘Current Events,” is a topic that almost every progressive school of ., c , ...... . ,, , the land is giving considerable at-. ?li for the next thirty days only, regardless of cost my en- ock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, ;cry Wood and Willow Ware and all other kinds of Goods cut! and be convinced. ieo.ra.nce : order to meet the prevailing hard times and stringency of money >rs I will Give mo In my S. SCHWARZ WESISS. tfrae §itv en. VNE 8 BORO, GA.. FEBRUARY 22, 190' For Sale. A few fine well bred E-sex and Berkshire pigs for sale. Both strains entitled to registration. H. B. McM ASTER. P O Waynesboro as-2d classmatier j • . Neely, Pres. P. L. Corker.Vice-Fres R. N T , Berrien. Jr., Cashier, THE TiZENS BANK OF WAYNESBORO, nesboro, : : : Georgia. 1TAL - - - $25,000 00 SURPLUS, $7,209 85 v received on deposit, payable on de- !. Advances made against approved ■:! 1, in keeping with balances. Safety, boxes to rent in iireproof vault guar- special night watchman. Notice. The fact that communications of personal nature often grow into mess and require great amount p.-ice in the columns of our paper re forced to give notice that h will he charged for as adver- rnents hereafter. - N, xt Tuesday Is legal sale day. - i i urt of ordinary Monday nex*. The Board of Education me* Wednesday. M-.-s Antiie Sperling, of Augusta cut this week here Ur. P. S. Miller, of Rummitt. N J , is the guest -'f Mr. J F. Neely. —Mr Louis Cohen was among inemJs here this week talking in L Scales visifed Syl- professional business -Lieut. F V !UH, on Wednesday. Justice J. R Odom, one of Gi r . I’s clever merchants, was In the (•sty Thutsday Miss Lizzie Blount returned Wednesday tre.ra a pleasant visit to h; ; father in Savannah. — Fresh oysters and mixed fish • ( iveci daily by the Williams & V ; ion Candy Co, Delivered free in- the city. Sanford Deck indulged in a li ■ ; Wednesday near Lawtonville I reports 49 partridges and a squirrel. -The friends of Capt. Chas. B !’■ ■; in, of Amos, regret that ho is ili at bis home, and hope he v, foon be well again. ■ he Citizen welcomes Mr. and H ii. Bell, of Alillen, as citizens of ynesburo. They reside at the Irene of Mrs. L L Bell. -Messrs. S. H , S J. and J. F Ointn were a delegation of good 1 i /, >ns from the 68:h district who -p rit Thursday in the ci y Sheriff MeElmurray’s office in u court h ,use is being put in nice 0 [ie. He will welcome his friend s'. iii- new office a few days. The Williams & Union Candv ' Lave a splendid stock of plain i fancy candies, and a nice fresh •k of select fruits of all kinds. — flenley, the crack pitcher, of Tech. School for several seasons -igned to play with the Atlanta L;.'-bail club the coming season. - r Beckwith,our popular dentist 'h-rpted the meeting of the South- Branch of the National Dental A- Ration in Atlanta this week, -Dry pine wood, burns like bght v - • ‘ Delivered at your home for 1,1 per cord. Phones No. 38 and d. jno S Blount. -Mayor Palmer, of Milieu, a val- * member of the Board of Euu- : u, W as in attendance on the meeting of the board Wednesday -Mr and Mrs. James Robinson i rued to Waynesboro from Ma , where Mr. Robinson has been forking with the Southern Oil Co. V Lelies’ lace trimmed handker- ( 1 f was left after the spelling bpe a ‘ ; he home of Mrs. C. L. Rowland. Dwner will please call at once and get it. — Mr R L. Carter, chief clerk of ,i; o Illinois Central R. R, at Tchula, Miss, is at home on a visit to his Parents, and has as his guest Mr. J H. Watson, Jr., of Tchula. — Mrs. C. L. Rowland and her handsome little son, Gratton, left to (i LV for Litiie Rock, Arkansas, to vi- it her parents. Her friends wish !er !>on voyage ana a safe return. — Cap.. Wm. M. Fulcher is a can didate for the clerk’s office. He is cneourrigpo tn think that he meri's 'j' 10 and will ask his friends to Link as he does As he is widply knf, wn in the county his friends will re ad his announcement and act ac- ’crdingly. Machinery For Sale. OneoO-saw Rmith gin, feeder and •ondenser; oneGo-saw Augusta gin, f eder i nd condenser. A bargain o a quick purchaser. Write W. E. Usher, Greens Cut, Ga. rt* Onion sets 10 cents a quart, seed Ir- i'll potatoes 40 cents a peck. These prices are strictly for cash. We have burned all our old stock of seeds, and have nothing on hand, but fresh stock at Me Master’s Drug Store. What’s Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches I t «, on the skin,—all signs of Liver Trouble; 1 Ke ' But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks. Rich Com plexion. Only 25 cents at H. B. McMas- teii’s drug store. ion to. While ancient, history is both interesting and valuable, and all educated persons are sup posed to be acquainted with the leading facts of what is called modern history, he would indeed he a poorly informed person who hasn’t some acquaintance with the hhtory—making events of to-day We have aii smiled at the simple hearted mountaineer who didn’t know “the war was over,” but this has gotten to be a joke of another kind in these days of wars and rumors of wars, and even I he expert can’t 8’tisfy us on th:3 particular point. Below we give a set of questions recently given to a grade ia the high school department. We sliould be glad to know what the public think of this work and these ques Dons: 1. What two changes in his cab inet has President Roosevelt made ? What new cabinet office has been established and how many will that Entertainment of the Milien league Was One of the 3Iost Delightful Entertain ment. Ever G ven by the League. One of t he most et j lyabio and profitable literary programs of the Milien "Epworth League that has ever beer, carried out recently, was given to a goodly number of mem bers and friends Tuesday evening February IDh, at the parsonage. It was the tegular monthly busi ness meeting of the League, but by order of President Hopkins the bus iness of the League wan dispensed with and the following program was given by some of the members , through the chairman of the liter ary department, Miss Louise Ros ser, and was enjoyed by all present. Instrumental Solo—Miss Ward Parker. THE SANK OF WAYNESBORO, CAPITAL, §50.000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $ 8,000.00 Geo'Sro Walton Wan Killed in the 72d Dis trict, Near the Line of .Tefl'erson on 14 inst. It seems that Walton and his wife, Isabel,had s^perated and were living apart. She staying on Solicits accounts of iudividcals, firms and corporations. Conservative loans made st attractive rates of interest. Before discounting Notes or Contracts, see us It will pay you. janG,19—byOO —A delightful dance occurred at the Armory last night. — Mesdames Winter and Usher, of Greens Cut, were in the city yes terday. —The new vauit of the Bank of Waynesboro is being put in. I? will be an excellent one when com pleted. -Dry pine wood, burns like light wood. Delivered at your home for I is known as the Jack Blount place. Walton went to her home on Satur- j day night about 8 o’clock and ; knocked at the door, and not being admitted went to the window and ! gained admittance. In the house i was one John Anthony and brother Ridge. Correspondence Citizen. We are glad to report the conva lescence of Mr. Thus. Atkins who has beer, quite sick for some time. We are sorry to note that one of what ° ur most popuiar citizens was not up to see the snow storm which oc curred last Sunday morning about 9 o’clock. Charlie Avret a»ul sister. Miss Maude, of Waynesboro, are spend ing some time with relatives at the Oaks. The Rain Bow party given at the Geo. Anthony, and Isabel, all color ed. As soon as Walton entered home of Mr. Z. W. Collins on last shooting commenced. It is not Thursday evening was a splendid known how many shots were fired success, Eulie Atkins, of Hephzi- but anywhere from three to six hah received the prize for doing Walton receiving the contents of a the best sewing and Henry Turner shot gun in the arm near th- shoui- 'he consolation prize. ! $2 00 per cord. Phones No. 3S and Paper-On life of Shakespeare— 139 Jno S. Blount. j Miss Louise Rosser. i —Mr.R S. Grier, of Columbus, and Essay—“Drummon” —Miss Bertie j Mr. Primrose, of Delaware, deputy | Brinson. I organizers of the I O H. spent yes- j „ terday here installing the officers of i Paper—“William Hayne”-Geo. the lo * aI lodg8 . | Lively. Vocal Solo-“The Dream”—M1.S9 Rosser. Paper—“Scott” der, which almost tore it from bis body, and soon died from hemor rhages. Before^he died he said that he fired one shot which was corrob orated by his pistol, one chamber having been fired. The Anthony brothers were seen going to the house late Saturday evening, John Anthony with a shot Mlss Bennie Collins, of Durst, spent several days with relatives here hist week. Prof. Joe McLellan spent last Sat urday and Sunday with relatives in Hepbzibah — I have several pair of pants on which a deposit has been made that I will sell at a close price to get rid of them. Terms cash, They will For Sale, Peterkin or Tyler Cluster Cotton Sped. When I get through ginning, 1 will have made seventy-three bales i-oiton on seventy-five running acres, using the above variety Parties wanting to buy good plant ing seed cau get supplied by send ing me orders soon. Thomas Quinney, Waynesboro, Ga. An Appreciated Compliment. Mrs. C. V deLoacheis m receipt of the following letter which she prizes very highly: “Palm Beacii, Fla., Jan 19,1902 Dear Madam:—Please accept my hearty thanks for your beautiful poem. I have read it with great pleasure. Very sincerely. George Dewey.” The poem refered to was “A Trib me to Dewey and Schley” recently published in The Citizen 2 What two isthmian canals are under consideration? Mention an I evident advantage of each ? I 3 What big exposition will be held next year? Where? Why? 4. What has called particular at tention to two of President Roose velt’s children ? 5. Who are candidates for gov ernor of Georgia? Candidates for state school commissioner? 6. Wha. islands are about to be i bought by the U. S.? Give number | location, price ? 7. Mention a few of the most , prominent topics now before con- i gress? 8. What is Matdi Gras? Where? j Giye meaning of “carnival ?” I 9. Who is Marconi ? Santos Du- | monl ? 10. Where has there been a big fire? j There will be short exercises in ; the auditorium Mis9 Kate Eden field. Paper—“The study of our doc trine and polity”—E Burch John ston. Vocal Solo—“Shug, Shug”—Miss money. Rosser. Paper—"Sketch of Chas. Dickens” —O. K. Hopkins. Paper—‘John Eaton Cook” — F.W. Stanley. Recitation—“Diamond for Dia mond.”—Mis3 Rosser. Instrumental Duet Mandolin and Piano. Misses Rosser and Par ker. Visitors present were: Mr. S. C Parker, Dr. C. E. Holmes, Brantiy Daniel, Miss Chew, Mrs. H. li. Chew and ME Burke. To the sweet strains of “Home Sweet Home” by Miss Parker tbe Leaguers left for their respective homes. .. ... qo be made to fit without extra charge, thouy with his little 32 man Killer Manau, The Tailor —Miss Ora Pe r rv, of Arnerteu 1 *, ; >he attractive guestMiss Mae n hifl 9tl0 ulder,and George An Qumney. has returned home to tne ■ 6 ® great regret of her many admirers iu Waynesboro. tn iits pocket, presumably expecting — — For prices on builders, materia! i to meet George Walton there and Ferkius. such as flooring, ceiling baiu“ters, j to fix him up, John Anthony being Correspondence Citizen, columns,weather boards,mouldings, ■ onorY1 „ rof « ...s.l Tja h 0 i mantels etc. Wo can save you enamored vv,th Isabel. Miss Annette Perkins has return- Write to S. G Lang, The above is from our Gough cor-, er j home after a most delightful vis- I respondent Sandorsvil’.e, Ga. — Competent man to superintend a saw or planing mil! wants asitua- ’ion. Best references, and satisfac tion guaranteed to any one wanting a first-class man. Address “B,” P. O box, 8 Blythe, Ga. tf —The negro arrested in Columbus Sajurday last supposed to be Char lie* Blanchard, a negro murderer from Burke county, proved to be the wrong man. Deputy Sheriff Reynolds went after him — Mr. J. C Boyle, representative; of Georgia’s big afternoon paper, • he Atlanta Journal, gave us a pop- call yesterday. The Journal has a ; good list of subscribers here, looked Coroner Wetherhahn was moned but an investigation found that there we^e eye witnesses to the killing, and not a case for inquest under the law. So he .refused to hold the inquest. Later, John Anthony, one of the mur derers of George Walton, which oc curred Friday night 14th inst., was arrested in Augusta yesterday by Chief of Police Norris. Sheriff Me- Elmurray received a telegram yes terday as soon as arrest was made and has sent for him. The telegram i stated that he confessed the killing. A Card. Editor Citizen: During the long time you have spent in Way- Saturday morning I nesboro, I have always found you after by Mr. Mose9 Green. — A check for $2000, the amount . .. , ... of insurance on the life of Judge T, Ueorge Aut..ony has not yet been M. Berrien, dec., in the Home Circle captured, is in hanris of the treasurer, and it to Macon, tlie guest of Miss Edyth sum * : Cody. Mrs. N. A. Smith, who has been spending some time with relatives at Sardis, returned home Wednes day. Mrs. Godbee and Mrs. Attaway.of Milien, visited our town this week. Miss Ella Rheney, of Augusta, is spending some time here with Mrs. R. L Perkins. Mrs. .\I. Parker, of Woodcliff, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Perkins. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins on the arrival of a fine baby girl. We wish for the little miss a long life of happiness. A DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT. Mr. Garrett to Lecture. The lecture by Mr. Harry Garrett at the Armory on next Friday even ing, the 28th, will be a pleasant opportunity for those desiring to be delightfully entertained, Mr. Gar rett’s superior intellectual attain ments, combined with a graceful and pleasing manner of describing the scenes he has visited and stud ied, enlivened by personal and amusing experience with the peo pie, have rapidly placed him in the enviable position he enj iys on the ledure platform today. Such a lecture 89 Mr. Garrett will deliver on Friday evening cannot fail to be both interesting, entertaining and instructive to any audience,” * at 9 o’clock, in honor of Washing- endeavoring to uphold thr» cause of ton’d birthday. Two medals will be j justice ahd right. Some one from Jliss Gray Entertained the Thursday Eve ning Club at Her Home This Week. Miss Lizzie awarded. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY The Daughters of the American Revolution to Fresent a Medal. The Daughters of the American Revolution wilt give a medal Satur day, February 22d, at 9 o’clock, a. m., Washington’s birthday, for the best examination in Georgia histo ry. Tde following program will be very interesting. The medal to be delivered by Col. P. P. Johnston. ;^ ar - v The following Card of Thanks. Dear Friends : - Your many ex pressions of human kindness, sym pathy, and condolence to us in the bereavement of our darling little Julia, we beg through this medium to acknowledge; and would as-ure you of our heartfelt - thankfulness in this, seemingly j starless night of our sorrow. It all g comes as. “apples of gold in pictures of silver.” But we know that she; still lives; and we shall see her 4 again, if faithful to Him, who said i “Suffer little children to come unto - me and forbid them not for of such !s the kingdom of Heaven.” May ! the God in whose mansions, she U now plays bless you all. Mr and Mrs J. H. Vaughn 7 somewhere has started the report that in the event of Major Gary’s election to the judgeship of the Au gusta circuit, Mr. John W. Reynolds would be turned out of the place he now holds in the Richmond county court house. Hearing this report and almost knowing it to ba untrue, I wrote to Major Gary concerning it, and below is his letter —lair, manly and open. Now, 1 desire to say just a word in behalf of Major have known him quite iu- i Innately for a long time, and I know no on u that I admire nr honor a ill be paid to the benefi iary, Mrs Eliza Berrien, when she returns home. -Cspt. R H. Milledge was here (his week He informs us he will ... _ . . _ not move his family from Atlanta Miss Lizzie Lou Gray jjqos- de- to Augusta, but will occupy offices ligntfully entertained the Thursday there. His friends in Burke are Afternoon Club, last Thursday. De pleased to have him located so near S pj( e tHe inclemency of the weather ‘ . , , ail the girls were present and had a — My spring stock has arrived, . “ . ... , . and to make room to display them most delightful ume. The color I will close out the remainder of scheme was violet and was carried my winter stock of gents’ suitings out beautifully. at a low' price This is a good op members of this most charm- :tTOT:rc:E iunicipal Election MARCH 27th, 1902. BONDS FOR WATER WORKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. portuoity to get an elegajnt suit or ing club are> Mieses Gray, Madeline The people (qualified voters) of the city of c ay nesboro will take notice that an election will he held at the usual voting precinct o' said City on the 27th day of March. 1902, to determine the question whether bonds shall r, , , T > i , » ,, . ; be issued by said City, as follows, to-wit; 00 Routzalin, Banks and Lillian Carter,, bonds of the denomination of i5oo.oo t-acii Perry Chapter of the Mary Boyd, Marjorie Hilton, Fan-| pants ( heap. Manau. The Tailor. —There will be a meeting of the Hetnan H. Children of the Confederacy at Mat- Q j e Ger9ham and ADnie Mackenzie annually on January 1st and July the 1st rip Oninnpv^ 0*4 fiftPrnoon m _ i beginning with Juniinr% l*t, and the 10 on nD o 1 ‘ * 01 J* • * 1 fie invited guests were, Mrs. JuJe principal thereof to become due and payable at 3:30 Both Island 24 divisions 6 . on January 1st. 19J2. Program the Academy 1 m()re > If he is to be beaten for the (Saturday,) at j udgeship do U fairly aad not by falsehoods emanating from un known authors and injurious re- school ports that no one will father. Somr bv School. I Respectfully, JUDSON McELMURRAY. will be rendered at Auditorium, to-day, 9 o’clock, a. m.: WILL GIVE AN OYSTER SUPPER. 1 Regular opening exercises of Where and fc?ong b\ T School, ; “Washington’s Birthday.” Recitation .Lillian Jones, “In Memoriam,” Short Talk on Washington, I. L. McNair. Questions and Answers on Wash ing.on. by pupils at the 6th 7th grades. Recitation Bessie Wilson, “Washington’s Name.” Delivery of History Medals, Col. P. P Johnston. Song By School, “Washington.” F B. W 7 hitehead, Secretary. With Whom to Worship To morrow. No preaching at the Presbyterian church to-morrow, as the pastor <roe, to fill ids regular appointment j Music Director .Methodist Sunday School. at Bath | ^ r - ** no - Munnerlyn was last Regular services at the Baptist i s lin( jay appointed rru9ic director church to-morrow morning and ev-j fQr Methodist Sunday school. Augusta Ga , Feb. 17th. 1902. Judson McElmurray, Esq, Waynesboro, Ga., My Dear Sir:—I thank you for 1 your letter and also for your inter ■ est in my candidacy. There is no ; foundation for the re- 1 port that, in the event of my elec- i tion to (lie judgeship, I will not re-appoint Mr. John YV. Reynolds I like Mr. Reynolds and besides he is a worthy Confederate veteran, are requested to be present, as at this meeting the election of officers Eve and Abbie Blount, for the ensuing year will be held. —Messrs F. F. Powers, cornmer. cia! agent, and W. W Hackett, pass enger agent, of the Central of Geor gia at Augusta, made us a very pleasant call this week. We are always glad to meet these genial gentlemen. Their great corpora tion can not be more ably repre sented. — We have from the country now a candidate for the clerkship of the superior court, Mr. George P. Kil- Mlller, Misses Carrie Dent, ArdeD, ortheprbceadsofsaid hoods not lesstlian $7000 00 nor more more than $10,000 00 to be applied tf. the purchase of tlie necessary real ! estate land to the construction and equip- The Ladies of Girard Will Serve Oysters for Reuefit of the School Building. Eur-ouraged by their success with the lunch party of January 3lsf, ment of an Electric Light plant or plants for said Cny and to other purposes incident thereto; and not less than $20,000.00 nor more than $29,000,10 of the proceeds of said bonds to beapplied to thepurcliaseofthe necessary real estate and to tlie lonstruction and equip ment ot a YV ater Works plant for said City and to other purposes incident thereto. Provided nevertheless that should he maximum amount appropriated to either e . , . , ii. ili ci a i uj uiu ciiinjuiiL yjyfi idieu to eitlicr irom Which the sum of forty dollars project, be not so used the over-plus, may la was realized, tne ladies of Girard and Y'icinity will giY T o an oyster supper and rainbow party in Brig ham’s hall on Friday evening. Feb. 28th. All are invited to attend patriek He announces in this is- p> 0 ors open from 7 to 10 p. m. The sue and will be glad if his friends proceeds from the above will be will give him their help from town U3ec j j n building Girard academy. or country. If elected he will givre his whole attention to the duties of —“Uncle” Jack Tyler annonces his < ffice. himself a candidate for county, the descretion of tiie Mayor and C.iuncii, be appropriated to the other project named and to other purposes incident the eto, Dut if not so used the said overplus shall become a part of the sinking fund provided for the redemp tion of said bonds. The amount of interest*to be paid on sabl bonds from the date of issue to January 1st. li 03, or on such of said bonds as may have b-en sold at that time, a sum not to exceed $:,10 CO. payable January 1st, 1903. The amount of In terest to be paid on said bonds for the years 1S03 to 1931 inclusive, shall be $1,509 (W for each and every year during said period. And the amount of the principal to be paid (that is collected as a part of the i-inking fund You While the singiug heretofore has ening, 10:30 a.m., 7:00 p. m nr© invited. Service at St. Michael’s church been an interesting feature, itYvill no Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock ; doubt be greatly improved under Rev. J. F. Porter officiating. A cor * t ^ e directorship of this competent dial invitation extended to al gentleman. The school has recent- Methodist church, Rev. i . Al e Christian, pastor. Preaching 10:30 ; ly been graded and is rapidly grow- •i tn , and 7 p. m-i by the pastor | j n g jn numbers and interest. Sunday-9chool at 3 p. m.. W. M j FuFher Supt. Epworth League devotional service each Monday night at 7 p. m , H. J. Fulibright, Is* vice-president. A cordial invita- lion to the public to all services. Mr. W. M. Fulcher is the wide awake superintendent of the school, assisted by 3 sub-superintendents, looking after the interests respec- We have been appointed agents for Pratt, Winship, Smith, Munger, Eagle Gins in fact continental Gins Co’s, full line. We also carry a full line of repairs for all these gins. 8. G. Lang, Sandersville, Ga. considered how 1 would act in the e-vent he should do so. Manv of lively of the primary, intermediate ( hisfriendswho ar0 eupporlin{ ; me „ . 4 * collected as a part of tne ►inkinsr fund I will order for any one desiring treasurer ana now (he tight is going provided for the redemption ef said bonds) thorn ovsters in the shell Leave right into the Democratic primaries I annually forthe years 1903 to 1931 in.-iusive, mem, oysters in tne snei., i^enye * m ake a livelv time in : to be $517.25, The principal and interest of orders with the YV illiams & Union -vnic.n win make a lively time id sa jd bonds to be fully paid off on or by Jan- Candy Co Satisfaction given to the county election. He proposes uary 1st, 1932. all who favor me with their patron- to show that he is the man for the ; t J n he p ^^y written'pfinted^eon?^; agre Will deliver to any part o' place—in fact is it. Uucle Jack” i words “For roods” or “Against Bonds” and aDy one who knows me needs the eitv Fresh fiffi nv«mr* can- is popular and a food talker, and I according;as the vot, r may cast his ballot for no assurance that I have no desire dies, fruits, etc. Call and see our will appreciate any support give said. r atanvfl nno from offioo Ktook next to armorv him. Ihe sinking fund proxided by ordinance to remove one irom omce. LOCK next i arm y, ; for the redemption of the bonds should with No one can truthfully 9tate that —Mr Geo. F. Brinson has accept-.! -Gur handsome young friend its accumulations be amplysufficient for that I have made any promise direct ^ d a ^ n , ... , . . Sam W eischelbaum Co., .. ly or indirectly iO appoint any one na^rcantile concern in Dublin, and ness trip Thursday. His house compounded annually the Mayor and else to the office, nor have I said to left for that city Tuesday morning ; sells quantities of machinery in this j ^time Is the e P xeTencfe U s t of r t t ifc fr c°aTe may anv one that I would lemove Mr He carries with him the best wishes i county, and is increasing its trade : require s-uppument said fund by an idui- Reynoids. I have made no pledges -f many friends. The firm of Brin- j ever*- year They — „ nw — I fcaiadvatorem tax. or with such funds as SOD & Bro in this City — 11 K ~ — ! fanhmnir h nas accept!; —wai uauuaumc ^uuu^ i rieuu i its accumulations oe amply sumcient lor that keener fo^ Will Lang, of Lang’s Variety Works purpose but iu the event or unavoidable * ux c , , ° .... , J , . ; casnalty or failure to make the fund paj in- o., a large 10 feandersviiie, was here on a busi ; terest equal to the estimate, to-wit; 5per IV I »• A n/\nn f xtrx Th n O U .... - ^ nAll r./lor! Onnilflll V tho o and no threats because I prefer to be untrammelled. I have no reason to bel'eve that >vlr. Reynolds wiil actively oppose will be con tinued with Mr. J.smes Brinson in charge. —The theatre trtin that went up from Waynesboro Thursday even ! may be in the treasury at the time not other- are now msnu faeturiog blinds, sash, doors, etc., i w j S g appropriated, so as to insure as U file, e nt and they Will also be glad to figure j amount to pay the bonds in full at maturity, with aDy one needing manufactured j lumber of aDy kind. Read their my election and therefore have not *° see Florodora, that bright and charming opera, made it ex- and senior grades. A very notice able feature of the school is the| attendance of the largfe number ofi youDg gentleman and ladies. (Send as the news of your- eectiei'. have requested me if elected to re tain him and I will certainly be In a position to do so. Again thank ing you with kind regards, I am Truly your friend, Wm. t. Gary. adv. —A press dispatch from Athens announces that Judge Sylvester M. ceediDgty comfortable and pleasant Herrington suffered a stroke of ap for all, notwithstanding the weath-: oplexy on the 15th inst. and is now er was exceedingly inclement. The ; desperately ill. The judge is one of spats had been obtained beforehand | the leading citizens of Athens, and and there was net a particle of trou hie. Our enterprising agent, Mr. Vandivere. was present al: the time and had his program carried out fully. served this county as ordinary from 1889 until last year. He has rela tives in Waynesboro and Burke county and friends all over the state who regret his illness, Ibis uotice is given in persuance of an ordinance passed by the Mayor and Council of the Citv of Waynesboro, ordering said election, underand by virtue of the Constitu tion and laws of the state of Georgia relative to the issuance ef municii al .bonus, as well as under and by virtue ot the provisions of a special Act ofthe Legislature approved Nov. 1 th. 1901. authorizing th-: Mayor Council of the City of YY'ay nesboro to ivsue bonds of said city to the amount ot 000.00 upon the terms and for the purpo.- . . said act named. Ey order of the City Council, This Feb ruary 2lst, 1902. R. C. NEELY, Mayor of the Cityol YVaynesboro. Countersigned by— P. B. HALL, Clerk of the City Council of Wayne3« boro.