Newspaper Page Text
Memorial Day
Memorial Day
is a time to honor,
reflect, and
remember those
who’ve made the
ultimate sacrifice
for their country.
Vol. 144, No. 14 - Waynesboro, Ga. 30830
Established in 1882
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - $1.00
BOC conducts first reading despite objection
Conflict reared its head as the Board
of Commissioners conducted the first
reading of proposed amendments
to the Land Development Code
Tuesday, May 14.
Planning Commission member
Lee Webster approached the panel
stating he was representing the
Planning Commission. He asked
the BOC to consider postponing the
first reading, giving the Planning
Commission more time to rethink
solar farm-related amendments.
Claiming new information had
come to light, Webster stated the
proposed changes were inadequate.
He predicted the amendments would
completely shut down the solar farm
industry in Burke County.
"We feel there are small operations
that some people would undertake,
that with certainty, (would be)
prevented from
happening," Webster SEE
stated. "Basically, this ggc
ordinance creates a one- ..
size-tits-all and it just
At right, Planning Commis
sioner Ben Roberts waited
for Planning Commissioner
Lee Webster to finish speak
ing before he informed the
BOC that Webster was not
at the meeting representing
the entire board.
Sardis man loses his life in Vietnam
PFC Jerome Herrington of Sardis served with honor in the U.S. Army. On January 25,1966,
three days prior to the start of Operation Masher, Colonel Harold Moore’s 3rd Brigade of the
1 st Cavalry Division prepared to strike at its objectives. Elements of the 1 st Cavalry Division
were being redeployed by aircraft from the 311 th Air Commando Squadron. All 46 men, includ
ing the plane crew, were killed when they slammed into a mountainside near An Khe. It was
reported the airplane had suffered an engine fire just prior to impacting the hillside. Herrington
was among the casualties. He is memorialized at Beech Branch Baptist Cemetery in Sardis.
He is honored on the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Washington D.C. His name is inscribed
at WM Wall, Panel 04e, Line 90.
See more Burke County men whose names are written on the Vietnam Veteran’s
Memorial in Washington D.C. on page 2A.
Voters decide local seats
The Board of Elections reported
Burke County stats Tuesday, May
21, in some of this year's most
contested races.
In the Board of Education
race, Jaymie Morris Miettunen
overcame her opponent, Rennitta
Stokes Johnson, for the District 3
Seat. The votes were split 478/236
District 4 wifi be represented in
the BOE by Fernanda "Toni" Ward-
Buxton. She beat Jeff Mallard with
the votes split 389/307.
In the District Attorney race
locally, Incumbent Jared Williams
won the Democratic candidate seat
over Candidate Amber Brantley
with the votes split 1,696/530 vote.
Richmond County votes were not
completely tallied at the time of
publication, however based on their
early voting numbers, Williams
captured 74% of the 8,639 ballots
cast early, compared to Brantley's
Locally, Matt Matson won over
both Judge Willie Saunders and
Charles Lyons for Superior Court
Judge in the Augusta Judicial Circuit.
Lyons received 1,193 votes, Saunders
received 952 votes and Matson
received 1,304 votes. Richmond
County ballots were not completely
tallied at the time of publication,
however based on their early voting
numbers,Lyons captured 49.05% of
the early votes. Saunders received
26.74% of the early votes cast and
Matson received 24.21%.
The election for District 3
Commissioner will ultimately be
decided in November. However,
during the primary race Incumbent
Evans Martin beat Candidate
Pamelia Bartlett for the Republican
spot. Martin won 312 votes and
Bartlett won 149 votes. Martin wifi
run against Democratic Candidate
George Wimberly in November.
The Burke County Sheriff
election wifi be decided by voters in
November as well. However, during
the primary race, 2,147 voters cast
the ballots for Democratic Incumbent
Alfonzo Williams, and 1,079 voters
cast their ballots for Republican
Candidate Lewis Blanchard.
New website updates
Comcast broadband progress
Representatives from Comcast
recently updated the public on where
their company stands concerning
the construction of broadband
infrastructure in Burke County.
Comcast received a grant award
of approximately $16 million from
the State of Georgia Capital Project
Fund. The funding, along with a
match, wifi allow the company to
expand its service to more than
5,000 Burke County homes.
"We officially had the first shovel
in the ground last Monday, May 6,"
said Paige Zuchegno, director of
government & regulatory affairs.
The state grant period ends during
Director Paige Zuchegno updat
ed the public during the Board of
Commissioners meeting May 14
while Manager Hillary Hesseltine
stood by her side.
the third quarter of SEE
2026. However, BROADBAND,
pending the time 3A
Keysville personnel refuse to fill requests
The City of Keysville struggled
to pass a budget after the council
rejected a second reading of the
proposed expenditures.
Complicating matters further,
city personnel failed to provide
the council with records of last
year’s expenditures when requested.
Instead, City Manager Sherrell Russ
provided the panel with a proposed
budget she said City Attorney Doug
Kidd approved.
Councilman Freddie Harden
specifically expressed his concerns
that there was $8,000 budgeted last
year for attorney fees. However, Kidd
did not get paid $7,000 of it until
March of 2024. He also explained
during the May 13 meeting, that he
wants to compare what was actually
spent on line items in 2023 to what is
proposed in the 2024 budget.
Though the city personnel continue
to stall when asked to provide
information, Mayor Linda Wilkes
defended them, indicating that it
was not the council’s job to assist in
developing a budget. She indicated
the responsibility falls to Russ and
the council’s only job is to approve
it. However, Vice-mayor Sharon
Neely pointed out that the figures
didn’t add up accurately on the copy
they received.
The council still hasn’t received
the information they requested
pertaining to employees’ salaries.
Councilwoman Maggie Terrell
submitted an open records request
in February. She was charged
approximately $103 for copies that
did not include the information she
requested. She asked for payroll
check registers from May 2023
through February 2024. Additionally,
she asked for documentation showing
each employee’s name and rate
of pay. Lastly, she
asked for employee ®EE
timecards for KEYSVILLE,
September 2023 7A
Keysville Councilman Freddie Harden did not receive records of 2023
expenditures as requested.