The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 03, 1880, Image 2

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i V At J» t ■JEMS’ It:» inmle • 'i" orod ^’istiv.i; n - t '• • t. ileli.1 of •fournalifiri. t .tdr« m bbItch and to avow our er• r ■ , plot This we do !v lav promditig o b. true in. • todiH d ■ d.'i ri ; 1 '"ole: ;• of to,' I - ' dor - f d«T. O' 03 i„ d ( VS V 1 *' Hie tffopoi. y « V •» ‘ ip of r>*mo«raiy ** Armi..-nted « ' ■ forsofl and .Jack non v. •• uefi nhd maintain'th m. I'orvnfild wo wl* not luduljjo in, n' r ln&k' vnr o' my ■ '* 1'ot"' ‘rffirfTnnpOt ‘- CJ an ' '• to or not on!7 to merit l ’.*« t Usd It « '‘loll; uiBiCC l ; hr ;r :< . ■ ■ W • o 00 0.0 , :« • v, .tli tu ry cal!n.! - e-;»t ... iiunuiT; \Vl\o, uut:!. n*u IiHV 1- V * >. made uo foffurt at '*r< am .-l ".find # , r p fiOV . r ol co-operation which ih ay ntm. to <“ in the full of th Ed'Mr, I 0» -if ••] 'o itiane held th :oui I he 2.1 Ht of Marc Aroil i» the time o fall therefore J'nsti their buci 'do not with t( sl 7- bJftisiing uuy other profemsion oi ' -r.!i for Um.!' "Toa-O • d.-.i- ! I . , •; -ft!. ■ ' : ! ! ■.. a: \ " f" ' I ", . d if lot W ■ 11, '. ■(' ' a : '" parnun. ,,h .'u (.1 id hath command' I 'Ordjn earn hie l-read bv ih" Bwmd. of his . , , b- >w -V. irk m uninon wtl» thunEm^-*. that •>> i>» honori toil at d fair deal \ r . i inna. In conclusion, £ will ray to j >gA V' ! ’:ny bmih r farni«-rft, g.. with me u* t. th.< :rr . •, -.vii. r ■ • • 1 ■ " V •ft u osoltes t , .th / tii.d will iin a d'f. 1 .t«l i 7 h ' i y 1 X in U*ol UHtiir Ht tli I'.roVir house on the .« l :1 and mmy ..-•«} .' .a s PRICES 1 Saving • bout » ompletcd our Spring Stock, we now invite th lib', u-(v/: ,u :1 . mi:n beft-ix- purchasing elsewhere. V (Dur $!odi ({consists oi Sl I’U', \ NT) DOML.riC -.oons, LADIES DU ESS GOODS VXD T K i M \l ENGS. .Null* a a d W ' i ITE GOODS, LADIES r ;il M i ! > d l.XTKJM KD II \ ! AGENTS A LADIES Si TOES, , ir IVITTT \T! J?... P,.S ' * 'Vi!. ■ b 1 '* - •> t 1 l ' i ’T.OTIUN-' ; &c &c. 1) >f which ha, •s:ii ! alight 1 ! HEAP for CASH and wo. :r, a , cheap a-- thev can be Jpld in any ' k ,A " 4* CO. flu id. ■ wo dim t now i ■ a is no lisa ihn.itr 1 • *1< ».n;>. ba :k !• •■’WO I'a • i At:'. 1 .' ti• ..a i i. ;’.Ml f<»r yuara. ') I.') • will' .a si.y • au j;.-,MU)tlior {•• jn't, it mA" bi-tm t. ...ikhout by util r"i. if wo do not thorn fvr.: t' •' et vl' u.d >'•: ?fy\ ' Jftvo suii! ceil in nniking i ■ payin’ wo winh, w., thii.l tin y i will patr. ■ if AVo aro waliclied p;i ro in v and iiitvlli'fo'iu nn'Oy.hin '• o villo and Waatuncdon o'.-nty, t' rnii'.i'vection. i day kept in ur’s rcHurroc wo nh on Id all n11 i».n lullrt ' oil i 3 an cal! : round and get what they nib ih. -m. ono Bain won’ Lh’6. i OctS 1 once 0 National \oiy ini or rdlui: last:e 1 m iiopor- prove a duinblinp; t ■ N !.u wm ,. pne, Some fa.! !o . t th. .r lijd'i: • •f'.hiao for I ,u ;iicv iviU bo m.i :A, fun of, othmbccauc.o they l ed t :.-u sec, in . Jinc sur.p:,.'acc ■' 1 ir ownijj tlut it is truly in appear...tu if not their iiitcuition it huuid i v *dl but if all wo;- .-.fuelvine J: a lim.-.e* >: y.HSinr con tiic >’/ arose \0 TiSWAUS. Mfl Apy 8MI£$ ?! ,/•: ft J 5 W U f 5) !? tf 3 14 n_. uJ; v j little and fleo tliovi suit, b beui* waved m one idi .or;> <:i •/. a-hnigton con •jh'Mi bought <iOy mule \ whie lop,^EA)I.O f'.- her 'Iboiji,. j#A to tiro IftnaAv, elgi*. I :. m>U0f IDono : ,!' 1.;^lit ^n'i will bUj ! ■ .no, wl v.h lucuh {H'h'A was in. hgii ahe-t "ele . hea if) vrith, "diem i . ’-I’W iy iw iar.’.'Or, "/• ,e A • c A - ^ cau.iat40 ci' i: Stive tgCmot O' yc t‘,o. iUi . ■ Gutterinw, Kcpairjrig, and TfNVVAHE. i tut. m and m M waft mm ,0 the. finest of 1 lie kind manufaeturec which we will soil at the most- reas qualilv of the goods. : MAOiUXH NEEDLES d'-.VlL, dO M, CWAy8'f>N HASP. he iffsacas ic nnd ;,ie. the ■why in) rrmon gMUrfe..". t. n*iS.. ‘A MSI . -gf ' A J vrkVn to* yfe.,m... t- .* cn r i-r - •l^fShSV^^U'ii- - Vi'e ^ - "•rnlMktim ye ; (j i mli hi fttStL'/a :.!.e uce w o' f:i*S %uu g«> • <JT OKI A \Vi?V»eo n mi - S3 restia a»V , cu' r : i:j thy ,ift' f ‘iaehi o* ci-A ;t?d. y*nt: ,. a* * _a*. is; To 1 .,nut;' 1 din Jo ^ih- adxa. 1 a yon imint <—.... . inahv.r 'ih /yb GH-ArT; l *y‘ A el •-r-r• ; ' v . Elm, Vu -yi Ms tolly ; ^ jpyy'***'-**, fioyiC- 'At ciLcJ. •V'-iV -.m, ;u ig| ,UiA,de r - :i! wv .. *■ 1 9 . bote. «acj, "" A ^ t oiofecl* *’mk '•v'’ ' fh St . ' - ^ . K, l ) c .. o, . r u' v7'..rV, -,’ 1 geo : WOS., :**> 5r C m );•' Ti;, v‘-, D Jive A >4» H f V*'. e '•». •will ■ .. > r. • ,'j *•.., 3t*iV« iu all tluwjm f<| yapuolc o«n '-v '■ ^uftyurafyi e,mongU>ur a yS'.yjy, if j : have c.r.b head vf v onr •* / ' 1 up A yV- e-r . >uiity, SSZ/x. Pi y.-^Tlie bea ,N V ,i 'house . W. McKinnon .. ,..o half r- move;! . ■ Atl'.’i .. v.eec- to Win bia : '.A>er, • s = .v. ne'. acquisition of bo elegant an rablc a Horne, m w temw,f i'$ f "4 aimerm, mj* Fixtures, JPerfm AID A\ \SITING- SOAPS, AND T UAL. i al' HtESCRlPTlONf HOURS ' >./ ;'ic- s V*y , btfhp£c»u jd'v. <i t i -ngeisu- or «,rc md S.>. ;a e.vl - a-' i ■ ' ;i ..«.! O ;i&C! ' *■ - everything jN t FILLED AT Alt A Ar ' x ’*\ N'iivVC i’Nk Aty ! j "d those v ,’ho 1 ft vo bought <; i" fonvi.r • 1 and s:; I'l': at o * i "A rfr f¥a P '■ ' i A.-' EiS v.' ; £ ;Wi : 11 A V\e * V- 4 SI 'e-b-ifN | AJNJll !