The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 10, 1880, Image 1

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THE Vol. I SANDERSVILLE,GA, SATURDAY, April, 10th, 1880. THE mercury. Cnndei'sville, Washington Co., Ga. L J. iEOIEil PropritUt, Published Jig JERNIGAN <£ SCARROROIGII. '. 'subscription, $1.50 per year. 'DIRECTORY. KOCIE TIES. Hamilton Lodge No. 58 F. A. M. leels on the Second and Fourth Mon lavs of each month. Sandersville Lodge, No. 8 A. 0. V. fp meets on the First and Third Mon day nights of every month. ‘Newman Lodge No 1551, Knighis of Honor meets on the. First and Third Thursday nights of every month. Harris Council No. — Legion of Honor meets on the Second and Fourth Monday nights of each month. Washington County Agricultural So ciety meets on the first Tuesdays in each month. The County Grange meets on the Sec ond Saturday in April. The Library Association meets at the call of the Directors. PELS ilOUS. Raptist Church—ltev. T. J. Adams, Tastor, regular services every Second Sunday and Saturday before. Prayer meeting Tuesday nights. Methodist Church.—Rev. Geo. C. Clarke, Pastor, services every Sunday ■morning except the Second when h holds serviceft al TenniUe. Prayer I meeting every Thursday night. ChristianChurch.—Rev. J. M. Am |hio?is, Pastor, services ever. Fourth Sunday. Frayn’ meeting every 1IW- l nesday night. MUNICIPAL. Mayor.—J. N. Gilmore. Clerk and TWasurc.r,— Win. Galla- |?I<T. City Council.—S. -I. Smith, J. C. I Pare,'Dr. J. li. Roberts, J. T. Tapper, ]f Newman. City Marshal—J. E. Wed don. COUNTY OFFICERS. Ordinary.—lion. C. C. Rroien. Sheriff.—A. M. Mayo. Clerk Sup. Court. —S. M. Northing- B. I). EVANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. April 8d. 1880. Home and Foreign Travel. BY MRS. ,T. B. MOORF. UR Is TOR. 0. W. II. Whitaker, DENTXST- sandeuhyille, ga. Terms Gash. Office at his residence on Harris St. April 3rd, tf 18S0. SANDERSVILLE. GA. Office nest door to Mrs. BiVneV Millinery Store on Hariis street. Roberts 'HYSICIAN & SURGEON, Sandersville, May be consulted at his office on Haynes St. in the Masonic Lodge Americans hardly appreciate It he comforts of home travel. Our ears are so elegantly and comfortably fitted tip, command ing such perfect views of passing scenery, our steamers, really floating palaces—those on the Hudson resembling the immense parlors of some first-class hotel —that we glide into the habit of taking tiles*-' tilings as a maltei of course, which we, as a peo ple, could not do without It is not until we cross the Great Ferry, as the Atlantic has been irreverently styled, and rough it for a while in French and English ears, Mint wo begin to be aware of our own comfort- and privileges. Fancy being put in n compart ment with two long seats, cush ioned, if in the lirst-elass, and absolutely bare if in the second or third, locked in, and with no one knows whom tor your trav elingcompanions, for hundreds of miles, your entire view of the surrounding «■ il . iu., 111 J Mil lb III It ill, Willi Oil I er hours at Lis residence on Church'water, if ill summer,without lire, St, when not professionally engugjjf j n the winter, withoutnnv re-' MY GOOD, OLD FASHIONED MOT 111211. in sun s,t. i’kRky. They brmight the portrait last night to mo; On th« parlor walls Itislmng. 1 gave It to (ho artist it picture small. Which v as taken when she was young. It’s true to life—amt here’s n look In the eye* I never saw In another. And the same sweet smile that she nlnays Woro- •TIs my good, oltl.finhlotted mother. The hair In the picture’s wavy ami dark. •Twas taken before site w as gray. Ami the same short curls, at the side hang dowu. For site always wore It that way. Her hand on the ltlble easily rests, As when, with sisters ami brother. 1 knelt at her knee.‘reciting my verso, 'J o tuy good ;old-fash lotted mother. lierdrnsjlt Is plain amiyfulte ont of style, Kota puff or a rutile Is there; And no Jewels or gold glitter anil shlue- IMie never had any to wear. Ambition for wealth, or love of display We could not even discover, For poor In spirit and humble ill heart Was my good, old-fushioned mother. Her life was crowned with work aii:l*vith care How (H<l «he accomplish it all? 1 do not remember ulte ever romplalned, And yet site was slender and small. Motives of life that were seltlsh and wrong, With ChrltUlan graeedld site smother, And live I for lor God. the loved ones lit, home — My good,old-fnshloned mother. >f her life were only threescore. The Cd. country, gained _ from two small windows on eitli- building from 1). A. M. to l P. M. er side, with no prospect what- aml from 3 to 5P. M.; duringotk-|aver in front or rear, without .getwhuper-d.low. The Mrs tor lm« oonu* anti cnUcth for tlioo.” . Hlio unlWBred, *‘l’m ready to K 0 *” tiring room, as in ourenrs, when,! 1 puzu alone on her porlrHit to-nlglit, if ill, one may withdraw from j the gaze of yassengers. or recline if preferred. Absolutely no a part- men’'whatever. save the one I have described, to which one can withdraw. I shall never forget the joy 1 fe’t on reaching New York, and ’jealousy. I know Julian, and agree malci you an additional offer.’' Julian listened eagerly. I with you that he is an excellent boy! "You have often asked me to buy you j Yet. I hope you may win, because you a row-boat, Julian.” "Yes, father.” will buy you one that you may feel proud of.” “Oh, thank you,father!' said Julian, tars. his eyes sparkling. “How kind you]n/mctW? She will be nerd it more.’ ‘Julian will do his best. Hifi fnth- „ vl ,, „ . .hr has promised to buy him a hand- ‘ Should you carry oft tins prize, l| HO me row-boat if be succeeds.’ "-Hid what extra inducement have you .” “Nothiug, sir, beyond the ten dol- That sum will be very useful ■ n,, T , ,, i : her. She will be verv much are. 1 hero is nothing I should like pleased with my success; Cut she so well.’ j cannot afford to offer mo anything.’ “Don’t thank me yet, Julian,” re-: “Of course, not, Harry; but I can.’ turned his father, with a smile. I U |ir, .V looked at the bookseller • • , .1 , . ,. with surprise. What could he mean V “Boar in mind that you haven’t won „t f , ue niean ; 1 Ieei ' e, 7 itiendly to you and the prize or got the boat yet. j your mother,’ the bookseller went on. “But I moan to have both, father,”i “Your father was a sclioohnuto of said Julian, confidently. |mine. Now for my proposal. If you pvin this prize, 1 will take you into dollars pleasure in carrying oUfctny part of! con)e ” v * S ^° U carc *° the contract.” I Harry’s eyes sparkled with pleas* Thoro was no fear now but tlint. urc. He felt as if a fortune were Julian would exert himself to the ut- promised him. “I hope you may’, my boy.' You ^ may be sure that I shall have grea* |”'week-^-th^' Sala [ f y offive April 3rd ly 188U Dr. Wm. Rawlings, A ml iitort* limit evev 1 lovo her. And 1 thank the l.nrtl that He grtve to mo Sm h n good, uM-ftvditnncil mother. most.. That, his chances weie excel lent,all his school-mates were agreed. Indeed, it was geuornlly thought that the prize lay between him and Harry Carter, a boy of about his own age. There waB a great deal of differen ce between the two rivals in social position, though as regards soolar- sbip and talent they woreon an equal Tax Receiver. — T. Hermann. Tax Collector.—11’. II Thigpen. Treasurer.— -O. II. Rogers. Surveyor. — Morgan L Ja<‘l.son. Coroner.—John Layton. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Sa n(levsvill c, 0eorgin. Office at Sandersville Hotel, npy 10, 1880—ly Jurors. SUPERIOR COURT. Convenes on the Fourth Monday in IIlay and September. J/o:i. H. I. John- Judge. IIon. J. K. Hines, Sulir- |/or General, S. M. Noi'lhinglon, Clerk. COURl OF ORDINARY. Hon. C. C. Rroien, Judge, sits on the. First Monday in every no nth. For the information of parties in terested we give the names of the Grand ami Traverse Jurors, who >\ore regularly drawn for the nexi term of our Superior Court, which commences Us spring sessiou on the tounh Monday in May: GRAND JURY FOURTH WEEK IN MAY. 11' M Cox, John II Walker, W I.\ Rromi, Wm J Hitchcock, If’ W CVl/T.I 11 * 1 * yet Murk Newman, II’ E Go/f, Jno T Veal,hut'll accommodations Raburn Hall, James M Pahner, R J Rficsnon steamers arc O Moye, F S Strange, Jesse Rraswell, II jsiz ,J , flcilll, com fo)'>l M , II i'h i, S li Kelly. WM English j spacious state rooms, pi Who Shall Win. A STORY OFi SHOOL LIFE. )!Y HORATIO AI.OF.K, JR. .i i ling m/.self oncj iiniv in a country in which the appliiin- Ices of civilization are found when on a journey. Cars seem ed luxurious. 1 threw myaell on tlie velvet buck of a s.’at and looked in rapture on the passing country. Jn Philadelphia I took passage . on one of tile Ericsson steamers bv any ef your number, during the “Young gentlemen,” said Doctor Folio, Principle of the Oakland Clas sical Academy, ‘T am desirous of en couraging the stu ly of English com position among you, and with this object in view I offer a prize of ten dollars for the best, essay handed in ity. Julian, as I have said, was the son “Oh. thank you, Mr. Delano !” he said. "There is nothing I should like better. It would make us very comfortable.” “Then do your best to earn the place, my boy,” “You may be sure I shall do my best, sir; but I will ask one favor.” “What is that, Harry?” "Don't let my mother hear of your kind offer.” “Why not 1” asked the book seller, lookmg puzzled. * ‘•Because, sir, she will be so of a prominet lawyer, whose [large much more disappointed if I mil. professional income enabled him to Ifl.succeed, I should like to have for Baltimore, contrasting lln* I present term upon the subject which whole with the great highway of j [ am about to announce." European travel, the English! There was a lundi of expectation channel. Probably no WntHij,' tlj0 (lo , tor ‘The subject will be, ‘The lessons live in handsome style; while Harry was the son of a poor widow, and paid his tuition by sweeping out the academy, and acting as janitor. He received a small weekly sum in addi tion to his tuition. I am glad to nay Harry was none the less respected by his school-fel lows because lie performed these menial duties. He was a frank, man ly boy, and was as popular as Julian. In fact, the two boys were excellent friends, although the rivals—a fact, which was creditable to both. Some poor boys are disagreeaE the pleasure of telling her myself.’ “You are very considerate,"Har ry it shall be as you say.* So it chanced that both Julian and Harry had every inducement to labor hard for the prize. Both began early, and three days before the time when the esi says were to be handed in, each had completed his task. They were walking home from school together, when Julian said: “I have a proposal to make to you Harry,” 1 route is so triiveh <1 as thi sure never w my cimn- t lmrc the lit What is it ?” onvi in of their more fortunate coin- ‘‘It seems to be thought that the piinioiis, and some rich hoys are'prizii is likely to come to one of mean enough to loo); down upon us.’ ‘ilsan! IVA (luin, WP Smith, It" R (Iquin J C Race., Sr., Tims 1<’ Wells, E A Sul- ivan, Ellis Johnson, Lawson Kelley, John U Tanner, James Ray, Raifortt Hartley, James Harrison W11 Ray, II II Hines. Wt 11-iTiniislii'd ladies’ saloon and FIFTH WEEK ISANDERSVrLLE & TENNILLE RAIL ROAD. On and after to-day the Passenger Train on this road will run as follows: DAY 1’ TRAIN, Sandersville daily 9:15 a. m. Leaves TenniUe daily 9:41 a. in. Leaves Sandersville daily 3:30 p. m. Leaves TenniUe daily 4:10 p. m. To insure dispatch all articles destin ed for this point should be marked to Sandersville instead of No. 13 as here tofore. J. I. Ill WIN, Supt. opr3,J.880; ARRIVAL most obliging stewardesses; the channel ones, exceedingly small and still more exceedingly dirty, you find no attendance, unless perhaps the sight of British gold would elicit it. No one thinks )f staying below, as the rough ness is so great that sea-sickne.-s is generally inevitable. But there are not sitting accommoda tions on the deck, Moreover suf- J saw la l Adams, R F Murphy, TO ,r^.|;Ges He down on wraps and ya er, Shade Hakes, James W Smith, A ".e lloor trying to soothe Rarwick, Rufus A Cochran, Syleanus the fret!Ill children, while if a Prince, J U Floyd, W C Riddle, J A seat were vacated for a, moment Rogers, Geo. w 11 Whitaker, Abe. by some unfortunate, it Youngblood, TJ Gilmore, TJ Pearson, stantly appropriated. GRAND JURY S 11 R Massey, Josiah Jones, S S Thomas, II’ T Harrison, I Urn Webster, Sfejihen I anbrackle, T M Northing ton, A T Cheatham, M K War I hen, WE, Martin J L Garner Joseph R Smith, ft f ,„ m th(J rmn . Chas I Duggan, W J Henderson, Hope-' ,. .. n dies in C R Pringle. NO OF TRAINS AT 13, 0. R. R. Up day Passengir train arrives 3:5-Jp m Down day “ ’ “ “ 9:16a. m. j Up Night “ “ “ 4:41a. in. Down Night “ “ “ 10:43 m POST OFFICE HOURS. 7 to 11:30 A. M. 1:30 to 6 P. M. F. A. SULLIVAN, P. M. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ‘Wdersnilfk, Ga., Jan. 20th,1880. All persons are hereby forbidden under penalty of the law, from hunt- J ng and litjhing or trespassing in °fy manner on the lands of the un dersigned: H. N. HOLLIFIELD, W. H. PARSONS, WM. RAWLINGS, WM. MARTIN. L a P r 3,1880-6m f fT'l frXT? (f H .°BERT L.RODGERS, ATTORNEY at law, SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. W1LL GIVE 8PEC1AI. ATTENTION TO collecting Accounts. Bill*. Notes, drafts. Checks. B f n ds. Liens, judgments, executions, Mortgages. P'S RE*r ARent, or Attorney to Rent. Buy, or Wiuj|[£fc,EjTAVBt eiamino Recoiuik of Deeps, » JUDGMENTS. lVVVKTftllTPH «nJ Pl’TtTKVR COHVEYAHCIWG. Transf»r’gTitles by Deeds, Bonds, Mortgnges, Leases, Wills, Assignments, Partition Writs, Trust Deeds. Sottli&g Estates For Heirs, Legatees, Creditors, Administrators, Executors, Guardians, Trustees. r,examine nEcoRPH or ajeep uudoiuents. Inventories and Returns, p * «e»*onablo Fee for Kvery Service. 1C lco in A" Cie Courts of the State of Georoia, also in the Federal Courts. k i i, i a, ■ k Tit A ERSE JURY 1th WEEK JN MA Y. Jas M Veal, Jas Ij Cowart, Joseph Tanner, Andrew J Carter, E D Bed- ding/ield,J Ji Sumner, Jno R Hatha way, Alex WSteward, Nathaniel J Ren- froe Albert Junes, G F Orr, Jr, A J Veal, 11 F Harris, 11 F Deal. Alex W Roberson, E I) Forbes, Wyljey Harris, W E Skuiling, II A Morgan, Rich 11 Smith, Jno Hood, Elbert Tanner, Jo seph Joiner, Harris M Fisher, WII Adams, John King, G W Kelley, Sr., Ilenj S Jordan, J P Henderson, Thus Marshall, W W Ruck, .John Huff. Isaac Hermann, Eenoch Renfroe, Silas McIntyre, Geo Gilmore. TRAVERSE JURY 5th WEEK. Wm Martin, W R Hall Gordon IF Smith, Sherod Hood, L L Adams, G W Mills, Henry T Downs, James J Norlhing/on, Rich F Drake, Geo J Mc- Millen, Geo R Doolillle, A B Hatha way, John II Morgan, Geo C Lacy, A Webster, A If Ainsworth, R 11 Bras well, A 21 Adams, liennelt Jl Smith, M M Cook, Geo WNewsome, G C Walk er, Morgan Ij Jackson, Joel F Tomp kins, A P Heath, Henry M Smith, C W Joyner, W WL Underwood, New- some Tantum, II A Renfroe, W L Mc- Millen, James P Jordan, Jno It Hall, Geo IF Waller, Jno Redfearn, Jno Q,few years ago Amcrson. On our Ericsson steamer rude ness to a lady would not be per mitted. On the canned passage you may be at the mercy of roughs or young Englishmen, who have followed the national custom of imbibing freely. La dies crowd together, and conten tion is sometimes hot over one of the coveted seats. Such is the route between England and France. Thc| fo learned from .rood! tutor of George Washington wit hi made this selection because you art- til familiar with the career and char acteristics of this great man,and will, therefore, woik on an equal foot ing.” Doctor Folio proceeded to announ ce t he required length of essays, and the, date ut which they must be han ded in. Ho concluded thus: “Your manuscripts must bo neatly written, and free from blots. A slovenly manuscript will fail to re ceive the prize, whatever its literary merits.” This announcement was received with profound interest by the fifty ,pupils of the academy. All consid- was in-l erec i d ie prize well worth trying for. L) a school-boy ten dollars represents a large mini. Then, again, the hon- n-of carrying it off would bo great, and confer an honorable distincition upon the lucky winner. Of course,al] the boys spoke of the prize-offer at home. One of the boys most interested was Julian Holmes, son of a promi nent lawyer in Oakland. “It is an excellent thought of Doc and cbm-'those who occupy a lower social po- I have Buying an Appointment.—Injtor Folio,” said Air. Holmes, in a flip-course of a discussion intone of approval. “I take it for Philadelphia Methodist Confer-j ( , ran ted, Julian, that you will com ence, a clergyman charged that a, bishop had demanded and re—' pefce ' sitiou. Harry was quite as much inleres- ed its Julian in the unuoueement which the principle hud made. He was honorable ambitious of the dis tinction which would nccure to the winner of tho prize; and, moreovei the ten dollars would bo u materia) lielp to Lis mother. It was certain to go to her, if won; for Harry had no idea of appropriat ing the money selfishly.He knew what a hard struggle with tho world his mother had, and ho was anxious to help horin every way. I shall be'a happy boy if I win that prize, mother,’ he snd, when hr etuiTioi home from school. “Think how much good ten dollars will do us.” That is turn, Harry; but there is something more. I shall be proud of you if you sue ‘ed.’ ‘ S i shall I, mother,’ said Harr) frankly, laughing us lie spoke. “Your chance ought to be good Harry,’said his mother. “It is good. Tho boys seem to think it will bo between Julian Holmes and myself.” “Then Julian is a good writer ?’ Yes.’ “1 would like to read yours* Suppose you come up to my house this evening. I have a room where we shall not be disturbed. We will read our essays aloud, and conn pare sides. Of course we will leave them unchanged, and send them in as they are.’ 1 lurry accepted the invitation with alacrity. He was anxious to learn hovV good an essay his com* petitioner had written. At eight o'clock he rung the bell and was admitted by Julian him self, who ushered him into his pleasant little study. The two hoys sat down,and Har- ray produced his essay. “Read yours first, Harry,' said Julian. Harry did so. The essay was well conceived and well expressed and did the young writter credit. Yet Julian could not help secret-* ly thinking that his own was a lit tle superior. ‘•’lour essay is excellent,’ he said, and said it honestly. “Now for yours, Julian,’ said qeived $300 for giving a certain church the preacher whom they wanted. Thereupon, Presiding Elder Thomas stated the case ai- ibllows: ‘When the matter came before the committee of the church that asked for the min ister, Bishop Foster told them that if they got the minister they asked for it would crowd I certainly shall, father,” said Ju- “Your chance ought to bo a good one. You are a very good writter for a boy.” “Yes, father, I think my chance is good. I only wish I felt sure of it- The sivcessful writer is to read his essay aloud at the exhibition on the Inquired Mrs. Carter, anxiously. “Excellent 1 I think, mother, lion- Harry, estly, that bo stands rather a better! Julian read his essay. As he chance than I.’ (proceeded, Harry’s face began to “That is because you aro modest,lengthen. He was not blinded by Hurry,’ said Mrs. Carter, who like j y ar tiai ity for his own composition, most mothers, was a littlo inclined| anc | ] ie could not Help recognizing to over-estimate her boy l the superiority of lu 3 friend’s. “No, mother, I am not particular-, . , J , , , TT ly modest, but i„ eolcukting tbe| A ‘ J«>“® concluded, Harry said, chances I can’t help feeling that Ju- ’ , Y,' lian stands fully as good a chance as 1 * R u W1 ° k e t U ie P n ? e » Julian. I, and perhaps better.’ j‘ ‘Don’t be too sure of that Harry,’ Harry needed no other incentive (said Julian, his face flushing never' to exertion, but one was added. Aithelecs with pleasure at this con- day or two latter,he carried tlie quar-!firmation of his own judgenmt. ter’s rent to Mr. Delano, a dealer in (“Yours is a very good one.’ booke and stationary,who owned the! “Rut not so good as yours.’- small cottage tenanted by Mrs. Car- - -- another man to the wall. Then! laf}t day of tho term.” E. . Sullivan, NOTARY PUBLIC, Sandersville, - - i Georgia. Special Attention given to the Collection of Claims. OFFICE JN COURTHOUSE. he commitee offered the 500 as supplemental salary for his sup port in another’ charge. Tii- same church—Trinity of Phila delphia—did a similar thing a The pastor thus secured was the Rev. Mr. Ever ett.’ One brother disapproved of the‘hushing up of ministers by the payment of supplemen tal salaries,’ and another rather bitterly remarked. ‘The church* es of the greatest wealth can have their wishes complied with at all time*.’ Julian’s face flushed as he said this, for he was very ambitious, and had r. large shareof approbativeness.That is, enjoyed the esteem and respect of his fellow-pupils and liis friends. “It would be very gratifyingto me Julian, if you should win the prize,” bis father said. “I will do my best, father.” “A father is naturally proud of the success of his children,” continued Mr. Holmes. “I am so desirous that you should.Win this prize that I will ter. He, too had a son enrolled among the students at the acade my. “Well, harry,’ said Mr. Delano, pleasantly, “are you going to win the prize Doctor Folio has offered’?’ “I am going to try, sir.’ “My son tells me that you are one of the leading coinpetitiors.’ “I think I nave a fair chance, Bir,’ said Harry, modestly. “Whom do you fear most ?’ “Julian Holmes.’ “So he is your chief rival ? 1 hope it don’t disturb your friend ship.’ “Not at all, sir. Julian is a splon- did fellow; and, if I can't win hope he will.’ Julian could not help noticing the sadness of Harry’s tone, and his generous heart was touched, “Harry, 1 he said, ‘will you promi ise not to be offended at what I have to propose ?” “You would propose nothing at which I could take offense, Julii an ’ ‘•Then if I win the prize, will you let me put the money in your hands, and content myself with the honor?” “Your offer is a generous one but I ought not to accept it.’ ‘ 'There is no gcod reason why jiyou shouldn.t Harry. The fact is, I don’t care for the money. I That is the right spirit, my boylshould like the honor,, and the I am glad you are free from envy and Tow-boat which my father will buy I \ K - J- SULLIVAN, P. M. j traaiev, va., V.B. A. pv *“ D *‘ w I'******''*-** ">«• --jaErueK ms eye, vvnue u« wok «• jau