The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, April 20, 1880, Image 1

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iSfe&N THE llEHiT Rl T H i SANDERSVILLE, GA, SATURDAY, April 20, 1880. No 3 «. I); KACANS* ATTORNEY AOILAW. S A NDERSVILLE; GEQRGIA- April 3d. ] 880. G. w. H. Whitaker, DENPHStt- SANDERSVILLE, GA. Tujms Cash. Oface at liia residence on Harris St, April 3rd, tf 1880. C-\ <N BffwHj) U.\ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jumtorillf, (Sii. the mebcuhy. Sandersville, Washington Go., Ga. i |, JIJ816AH, Proprietor, Published 11 a jSflffilGAX<t SCARBOROUGH. Subscription, $1.50 per year. DIRECTORY. SOCIETIES. Hamilton Lodgp No. 58 F. A. M. meds on the Second and fourth M»n- /Imi* of each month. Sandersville Lodge, No. 8A. (hi W meets on the First and 'lhird Mon .day nights of every month. Newman Lodge No 1551, l\ inghis <>/ Honor meets onl^e. .First and Jhinfl Thursday nights oj cveriiaponth. Will practice in the State and Harris Council X<>. — Legion <?/11'nitcl State (\mrts. Honor metis on thcSetinid'Und Jourtlii Monday hifrhls of each ‘month. ! Washington County Agricultural ho-1 ■■Gjjdyyuxl* on they M Tuesday* in each | month. ., . i The Cmdy Grange meets on the .V c- { 'Md SotuPdag in Apr ft- T/ie'Library Association meets at the cull of the Directors. It EL IG10 US. Jlaplist Church.—Rev. T. J. Adams, Vti.lor, regularIservices everg Second Sunday and Saturday before. I payer meeting Tuesd g nights. Methodist Church.—Her. (><q. C. rind,, pastor, services every Sunday „L»h cm* «*■■**% , },<>lds sendees ‘cl Icnrnltc. liayi i ’ meeting every Thursday night. . Ckristi inChurch.—Rev. d. M. Am- m t,n*. Fast op, services every 1<mirth ■ Sunday. Prayer meeting every W ed- 1 'nesday night. ( Mliee in Court lloyse. It SANDKKSV1LLK. GA. Olfipo next door to Mrs, BayneV Millinery Store on Harris street. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, THEE FUIENDSHII* ToloSIf Oil! Ms ft priiu-lcts I. .cm v« ml,, of life Itn vliolemt treasurt 1 ;* Nor wrnlili, nor fuim 1 , nor honor bring* Dm trnnsltoiy iilousnre. ’ l’l'iondshlp—the tnnslcof the henrt— Tlio finest chords It touches; Its inrlodv porvttdos tin' ivltldc, .Nor JoHlmuy nppromhelt. 111 It N the dourest, pnreet. Itrsl The choicest gild of earth — A iltiiuuMKl of lustre bright— A gem ot counties! Sviirth. A friend in sorrow’s itnrkost hour. When anguish pel 'S'iliil check— A friend wlicn dire fnlsrOfrtuncH lower, 'i his istliu friend 1 seek. A friend lo counsel when I'tu right, To guide when I’m wrong; This is the friendship that I seek. The subject of me spue. 1 ’ ■‘■Of 1 a ' " ■ a ■■■ UVTISC 3SXsTJ ifUSTEO'U s- f tuwi fi'f il(<i iilctur. Maybe consulted at. liis ofiieo on Haynes .St. in tlio M isonic .Lodge building!' from !). A. M to 1. 1\ M. mil .from 3 to 5 i J . JVL; dmingoth- r hours at Lis residence on (J.liurcL On the evening of July 12, 18(14, a small party wore encamped on the prq.vie; near t' ic Elaek Hills, being on the road from Ida ho to Kansas. They consisted oi five men, a lady named Mrs. Kel ly, with her lHyyc seven years of age. They were Jon the familiar, well-knowp trail from Port Ln- ramie, over which fnimlrcds and tlumsunds had passed, and there were other trains in front uml real, so that none entertained ii thought of danger. It was just growing dark, and the two colored men were. lmsV |lil many weeks afterward, among the Sion v'that the time was confessed their mutual attention }>ut fhe enjoyed the hand when they could no lon- 'pleasure of believing the little, one ger hold her. (had effected her escape. j Mrs. Kelly herself made .several The situation of the lady her- attempts to got nwav, but the. In self was frightful to fim last de- tlians were too vigilant, ami she gree. She could not tell \yhether was not permitted to obtain her husband was alive, nor clltlj. u ucU of a start, she know what was to become of The Sioux treated her with great hoi self. • kindness, and were ro fearful of Ion- Her mental torture would have . , ’ , . overturned her reason hut for her ,n g hl ’ r tlmt 11 COUUt>Sl w,lH held to terrible bodily sufferings. A long 00US ’ ( F r the matter, stretch of arid desert intervened . Ttnychfaf who led the warriors at between the Laramie trail and the; the time of Mrs, Kelly's capture destination of the Sioux, and t he tntule a vehement speech, in which ride over this was “O ncwiy 1 that lie counseled hisfripils to use deceit the hvdy more than ■oniv -Idt she in donliiig» with the whites, Vjiust sueeomh and ‘lie. since the latter hr d always employed Shiswo^corapollM-tiirl.l.. horse and lead another; and Hie •fatter was an ugly brulo, which An alarming programme was then continually jerked his head hfrek- avrangfoi}. 1 i‘ ward with such violence as to draw It was agreed to collect nli tlio' hoi to the ground, yvlion sin was hostile Indians possible, and then beaten for falling. ’ • send overtures to the «ommamiai;i nt Her distress from thirst whh so.j? ort Sully for tho restoration of, the grout 1 hilt her »niml occasional ' \vhpte stiuaw.a large nwmber of war- w’andbTod, andshff seemed propor-i . ,, i ,, • nors tippearntg. on n. eortiun divv, ni tmnnllv dull m comprehending; 1 , 1 , 11 the commands of her captors, thus the fort, as her escort, then, upon insuring harsher treatment, thanja preconeerte 1 signal, a rush was to over. .... be made upon the garrison, all of The Sioux, however, subjected wlibni woroto bo massacred, her to no greater indignities than,! Mr^.'Kelly was accordingly sent that of blows. in th ;se halcyon days of tlic long ugo.i, Spine years after, Mr. KeKy died, iind liiij, widow removed k). Washington, \v]it}j*e the Govern-, incut, as a reward eminently dne her gave her five thousand dol-. In i s, Congress voting u nnnitnoim ly for the apjiropriation. On the evening the train bear ing the Sioux delegation reitched^ Washington, Mrs. ; K.^lJly,‘ who was standing with the tfrowd ill the depot, stepped fon^gitd and addressed (uje of the principal members in their nntive tongue,. They recognized and instunil^ gathered about her, as happy a« school children over the discov ery of some lost und loved schoolmate. It was a singular sight, and created a grout deal of interest atgpng the spectators It waa t violent to all that the savages hold her in the highest esteem. Guo of them some time alter, begged Mrs Kelly to accompany lulu io the,theatre and when she kindly declined, the old warrior wept. The delegation insisted that she ought to return with them, pledging to give lfpr horses and lands, and to bestow upon her her : mi J , mimss, miu tu uesiow upon ue that ot blow!to the Blackfeet Indians,in ordor that ti, e great honor of malting he Giioe, when J horougliL 'vorn; fcH (5 y might unite in dealing tlio blow. Qu .'en of the Sioux. out and despairing, shetiring away; -\Vhilo she was there, Mau-Alraid- As for Jumping Bear, ii'l a yaluah e pmo belonging to the bis-Hirses rodb'iato tlho caitno o' presumable that ho died of,; — - flplnet, which she was given b preparing supper. The Little lhjxi/.yy This so enraged him tin Kltlfr flowed at their feet,its blufUj ( ; () nipany was' )i, lied, she win rising abruptly on the oPl’u^f'jto'a tree, and \Vood piled ai side. Mr Kelly had stem’ll tiff tp|| lt ,,. with the intention of 1m .... . . i’ •• , 1 of his-HbrseB ltnlb into tlho camp o •hiet, which she was given to ear- ” , „ ,, . , j,iin 111.,j (| u . tho Blaokfoot, smierbly mounted and .is tied caparisoned. He shook hands with around Mrs. Kelly, expressed himself vory „ rMirn , , r rir hours at Lis residence on unurcii vy 7- , r -- X 4. v .. ... , . with the intention of burning 1 kindly toward her.aud then galloped , v • it wUon not professionally .tuigu^-''letyivp W u|.the best pond, for <^>8■ hm-to deutli offagaifl. 1 - '** *{’7^■iil'iirer -Wm Gotta led. jsuig, \vium n’l at once a couple Of] ]l, lf the plan was changed and T ho very steed and equipment with ' Clt'.rl’and Iniisj , ). i , ^inil 3rd ly 1880 , dm ml red Sioux warriors appeared^ agi’eud that she sliimld - - j . 911 the hluffs, and swotqied dowm : p 10( j . _ ,, Miiion the astounded emigrants. Or. Wtn. Rawlings, presunmhlo that ho died o^,a broken heart long ago. Nebraska Life City Council.—S. d.Sm’. li. d. 6.1 Puce' Dr. d. 11. R Leris, d. 7, Tipper^ M. Newman. .. . City Marshal.—J. L. lL thAm. COUNTY OFFICERS, f On/inary—Hon• C. C. Rrown. Sl.&dff.—A. .V. Mayo. CertSup. Court.—S. M. Northing Joy. , Tux Receiver.— T. Hermann. , Tax Colled,n-.— W. R. ’linypen. ! Treasurer. O. II. lingers. .Surveyor.,—'Morgan h du'lsmi, 1 Cornier,' L J t iohh fjCiytioi. PI lYMC’AN tY SURGEON, Sandersville,.Georgia! iotlirc. at SantloI'fs.vtU<* J lotpl. 1 . up.y t u, 1880—ly .Jurors. Tortile information of parties in- Uerested wo give tho names of tht .fraud and Truvorse Jurors, who to (lentil Willi iiiTtjnti, mm loiui - . . 7, ,, left upon the Ilircic 1 of thv' steed. Koll .V 1 011 ^mhimn that Man-Afmid- At this jimettire, the captive obliis-Horses should ascertain wlietb drew a roll of greenbacks from her or tho captive white woman was the bosom, ill'll ottered all to them if missing wife tho,V wMu'ld weren't sensible enough toappre- u j c r0 port Uml there tn.o.t I'ti'i.'uvte this heantifiil 1 HUPERIOU tot hi, .mum ..... —t on riii c into si (Vmvenesim the Fourth Monday m , u;n , regularly drawn tor the next ; £ , Mu/and September, lion. 11. I. John-1of our Simerior Uourt, ..which u y Ul . s agreed that she Hifmlfl 'be., whicU tho RCOundl . el W1 , 8 making to ii horse, like Mazeilpfi 1 , shot . , . . . , , T .. ,ati, .vitii«,»«. ,1 r,'t “ ■i ,read „™ M I't “r The latter were powerless, and the next minute'three, of.-the whites lay dead, one vanished 111 the darkness, and Mrs. Kelly a fid her niece were prisoners. The change sudden as awful. The IwoAvero'Groed lo mo; ^jeiate this beautiful currency; but womau ftl all nmong the Ogalallas, a horse which was led, bv an In-they became interested m the , , , . dian, the plundered'teams and the lil( ‘ m,. ;l vimand asked her to winch ju«t then happened to be the .lead lieing leff lA'himl. loxi.luiu“it. ' fact, g.s sla was with tho Bhickfcot ’They had not travelotl far when! She made this explanation so ^hes^Uejao-hecamo known to Mrs. Mrs. Kelly formed a plan of cs-| pleasing that (lie. forma all about Kelly, who determined to save the rape for her niece. She begaujthe dreadful death provided for garrison at Fort Sully, ul though, for ml ottered all to them it massing wife Id spare her life. Tlie\'j* jjr wont hack to Mr. Kelly with ensihle enough to appro-^ roport that there was no whito A CITIZEN of Neltrjiska thus jiosts an Eastern eorrcspoi). dent who speered 4 variety of ques tions as to the territory ami life there : “What kind of a country do you live in V' “Mixed and extensive. It is made up of laud and water, prin. ei pally.’ fiioy ana Di’jncmoei. j.”". ■ ■ duliii-1t>d*m of our Jsuporior Loiut, son, Judge, llm. J. ><■ Dims, JWe’-Lommeuees its appug.-tWS'mn 1 on itm’ General, S. M. Norlhinglon, Cli »’/'• fourth Monday 111 May: count OF ORDINARY. Hon. C. C. Rrown, dodge, sits on th/t First Monjay m erery month. the Monday GRA SD JURY FOR THE FIRST WEEK. II 7 M Cox, John II Waller, II' I. Rrown, IKhi J lldchcocl', II II Carr.j| Mari Newman, If /’- Gg/I, dm) T f eatj •- /laborn Hall, James M Pa\mer, If Jp ' \loye, F S ShfingR, Je*h>‘ Braswell, for her niece. tearing into small pieces a 1;i#m-|hor. rs which slm )uid| The dreadful ride about her person, ami steaU)til.v|flnished,‘aud she •opped them to the groiiip c? as they j’oile along. A' the same time she called the* atleidmn ol litlly Mary to them, auA diieete'd lie)’, when the time came: to led- safel.y down from the e, and run hack upoij the trail - marked out, until she • liould ’till! \ If Chi vers, S R Kelly, I) M fay l ink I Guin, WP.,Sn\dh,' If B Vquin, _ ei'Ly.O'Paoe,■ Sr,i>)L'hos,Fc Wells,,E ,l Sul- << ivnPimvrTJjE A TENNILLE licitn, Ellis .Johnson, < Lawson Killey. SANDERS^ILLl.^V ^ '' On and after 'to-day the Passenger Hurl Train oil this road will run as follows: I // Him 7,area «• - GRAND JfJRY FOR U WEEK ^ heaves TennUli' dydifh:41 a. in. | R jj R Massey, Josiali Jones, S S light for her to eleteot 11go \ heaves Sandersville daily B.-oO p. m. I 'pj llimm ||' Tfhrrison, Win Webster { bits of paper which marked reach the: plundered cuiiip, where she was to await the arrival ol die 1 other emigrant 'trail.s were not far behind. This suggestion was carried out, What kind of weather? ‘L mg spells of weather are fre- qiUMit.' Our sunshine comes oftl principally duriug.the day tirrfe.’ ‘ Have yen) plenty of water—upd how got V '; ‘A good deal scattered about, and (jenoruljy got in pails ami whisky.’ > ‘Is, it hard?* ‘Katjier so, when you )mvo got to go Jialf of a mile, und then, in mini knee deep to get it,’ , ‘Wlmt kind of buildings ?’ ‘Allegoric, Ionic, miti-balorie, was willing to | ( )« s uml slabs. The buildings are ejiietly out doors, and so low be tween joints that the chimneys all stick thi’Qijgh the roof.’ ‘Wlmt kind of social) O iiioil h;id i mli Ifni’ctit II 1/ B-HM.VI. -■•.7. 7 j . ..... ...... •Hey, JauFi Jfurrison W R Ray, •> jhc girj slipping down so quietly Hines. that her absence was not noted. She started 011 prarie, there bein heaves Tenmlle dai yAAO p. W- stcuhen Vanbractle, T M Norlhinglon, To insure dispatch all articles deslm- ^ 1 (;lil , aljiam M War then, WE ed for this point should be marM to Mgrl j L a a rntr,o faithF ' v mith, " Sanlersville instead of Ao. 1.5 as here- . .. W J Henderson, llope- tofore. J. I. IllWIN, Soph apr 3, 1880. ARRIVAL OF TRAINS AT 13, C. Ii. R Chas l Duggan, W d Henderson, Hup well Adams', 1! V Murphy, T O Wioi- \e.r Shade Duies, James W Smith, AJ NO. Ru-inct, Rupus- A Cochran, Sylcanm \ Prince, J l ’ Floyd, W C Riddle, d I Up day Passenger train arrives 3;5 fj? yi Rogers, Geo. W H b hil u j‘ l G Down day i( ' f 9;40d.?u. Youngblpvd, T J Gilmore, J «/ l tai*i , ?’ flif Good,had, imiitfqrent and mix- . ■' ‘Any aj’istoeraey V ■ •* ‘Nary one,’, Up Night .Down Night “ 4:41 a. m! 10:43 p. in. C B l!pingle. ' POST OFFICE HOURS. * 7 lo 11:30 A. M. ‘ 1:30 to G P. M.. E. A. SULLIVAN, P. M. NOTICE' TO TR'ESPASSl’HiS. SANii'eitsxiLLE, GA.,Jan. 20th,1880. ‘All persons are hereby forbidden under penalty of the law, from hunt ing and lishing-’or trespassing in any manner on the lands of the un dersigned: H. N. HOLLIFIELU, W. H. PARSONS, WM. RAWLINGS, WM. MARTIN. apr 3, lSS0--6m f|f ^ f $ BO BE RODGERS, ATTORdVEY AT LAW, SANDERSVILLE,-GEORGIA. WIU. (Htt HPECIA& ATTENTION TO COLLECTma; -tCOOTEVAKOrtlO;» |^LtC9 Accounts, ' TransfeSgTitlrt'' P^»r.i-lo.rc Bills, Notes, byOce^s,Ponds, drafts. Checks- Morfgjjges, Bonds, Liens, Leases, Wills, Judgments, Assignments, Executions. Partition Writs, Mortgages. Trust Deeds. Will aot as Agent, or Attorney to Rent, Buy, oi Sell Ueae Estate ; examine Recoiids Oj Deees «ILLB, JUOUSIENTS, INVENTORIES and I.ETLllNH. A lteasminlilc Ken for Every Servin'. Practice iri all tlie Courts of the State of TiEOUGi.-v, also in tlio Federal Courts. For .Heirs, 'Legalees, ' Creditors, Adrfi'fnistratnrs. Executors. Guardians. Trustees. fcl WRA VERSE JURY FOR1 THE FIRST WEEK. Jas M Yeal,Jas L Cowart, Joseph Tanner, Andrew J Carter, E D Red- dingjietd, J R Sumner, Jno B Hatha way, Alex WStewcN’d, Nathaniel J lten- Proe, Albert dunes, G F- Ore, dr, A J Veal, R F Harris, II F Deal, Alex W Roberson, E U Forbes, Wylley Harris, W E Shuriing.JI A Morgan, Rich 11 Smith, Jno HooiL, Elbert Tanner, Jo seph Joiner, Harris , M Usher, W B Adams,!,John King, .0 ,J1 Kelley, Sr., Beni S Jordan, d P Henderson, llws 1Marshall, IF IF Hurt, John tfuff, \ Isaac Hermann, Eenoeh llenfpqe, Silas 1 McIntyre, 'Gem Gilmore. TRAVERSE JURY Wl WEEK. Wm Marlin, W R Hall Gordon \V. Smith, Sherod Hood, L L Adams, G W Mills, Ilenry T Dawns,, James J Norlhinglon, Rich F Drake Geo J Mo- MHlen, Geo fi Doolittle, A h Hatha way, John H Morgan, Geo ^ C Lacy, 4 Webster, A H Ainsworth, RII Brws- well, A R Adams, Bennett B Smith, M M Cook, Geo W Newsome, G C ) «/*’- in', Morgan L Jackson, Joel F 7omp- kins A P Heath, Ilenry M Smith, C W Joyner, W W J,,Underwood, Be-m. some Tantum, II A lie>jroe, JJ L Mc- Millen, James P Jordan, Jno L Hall eo W Waller, Jno Redfearn, Jno (J Amepson. 11 time, it was hard for her to decide was ut_ hist f)j(> plan by which it could be ^ was esKiblishctL^,.. Jt lUJ not tako long r J 10W0V ' ivitli the Sioux- • I civ | el , fol . understand that Jump threatened with death more 1 Phan; ’ . . . , r , ., once, hut prmidcntmfly es- 1 ^ Beav ' ber offorod tho caped, and’ licr captors gradually vor y means. He formed a liking for her. ’ break his neck for a smile .from her, She sang’ and instructed them, and she required fur less than (hat. ami soon the Sioux came to treat When appealed to fora /a>or, he her with gl'catdeference and the greatest eagerness to sped. Many air entire evening j 0 (in yt,hing in the world for her. was spent In” her in talking to Bha rei , ruBBnte d that she laid be- them ol religion and 11.' singing, , , .. p .. rf ... n . „ ,,, ii 1.,,. eomn very loud ol Imhuu life, ami while they at tirounll Ik*i , nppnr- J . . . , 7 --i. t .. , . ntlv enthralled with her words believed-she would remain with tlio ‘Wlmt do yoUp people do for a and'performances. • ’ •' ’ red men the rest of her day*; but n v i n g‘F “ „ „ , A stiWA’art Svarriol’ kia an as 1 sho desired' to s&ml a last message to Jumping Bear finally IVd'l h'ead-ov- her friends, in the shape of a latter er-efirs in love with the handsome, to*Fort Bully. white captive, and hogai 1 B l'h>: 1 '’Jumping Bear was precisely that thc sirhjiletoii around 1 hm-.p • 'kind of n fello%, buL he was afruid \ he,, ‘ llf;": ho would bo forced to nm too muel, Kelly kindly bxplnn’ied lo him . . , that' lieG rc'HgUii' permitted -but ^ from Ins brother warriors, mIio one husband' Ami ope wife, nrjd. as would suspect some double-dealing, she waV already married, she Mrs. Kelly explained that ho,,coi,ild .’ould ndt oftend the Great Spirit gp gjgl return.-before the‘braves got by man ying him. j buck from-th«4r hunting expedition. JUmpmg Bear (•ompii'eliei|(lc(l l Thou the f a( i y> . w ith tho. tact natural the sifuation, heaved a prmhg1ou 8 | t<? geX} addo4 that, if her lius- hifl 1 ^himscVf 11 ' " ' lU ' ' ^ band was there, ho would not liesi- UiUhcmhl 1)0 Mated, nttliis point,'tate to do her* sncli a slight favor, that on tho nigiit of the massm re but sho would never find such a of the little emigrant 'party; on the friend again. Laramie Trail, Mr: Kelly escaped That settled the businesH with the fate that overtook most, ot b' s jumping Bear. He started off in companions. ]Lo whs a short ‘jbmsuch a hurry that lie came near tance from camp, 011 his horse,ijatmning his head through the and was thus warned in time. side of the lodge. If Fort Sul- Lcarning that- his wife and jy | 1!l( q p,, 011 located in Alaska, niece were carried off, the husband | 1( , would have required there in did everything in his power foi’|j-j 0 time. their recovery. He organizedj The letter was promptly do private rescuing' parties, and thefivered, and, before the return of . „ i |iirniy gave assistance. M'e freque.nt- Jumping Bear, two thousand she was so gJo^c to the truil Ihnt > « mia • — T - only a narrow ravine intervened run across the ■ just sufficient bite hei path The success of l|pr niece in get ting away awakened a hope in the heart otMiV. Kelly that she might do the same thing, though she could not Imt know that the chan ces were much against it. She was not a heavily-built wopiaq, and she managed, after a time, to reach the ground ; and she, too, at oqee ’started on the hack,trail as fast' as 'she could make her way over the prarie. She wits speedily missed how ever, and the Sioux rode out so as to form an immense circle, when they began’moving in toward the centre. ' The search was not prose cuted very long, when the crouch ing figure was discovered in the I’itss, and retaken. At the same time another party galloped on in search of the little girl, who sped along with a light step, until daylight, when she saw Just then she observed throe soldiers approaching and with a pjjpy -were never seen i ~ D ! . . • I,., 4Ati'n in I F 1 11 11 1 1 ir 1111 tt . * 1 1 *_ «7L’ lyr paid different. Indians hmplrcds treacherous Indians appeared hftjolhtrs, under a pledge that they before tlje (fort, professing friend would bring Mrs. • Kelly hack, bill (“■• cry of joy ran toward them with outstretched arms. But the Indians were closer still and they spurred their horses for ward on a dead run. Mary ran j 10J with might and main, and the soldiers hesitated at sight of the red-skips. > A minute later they shot the lit tle fugitive dead," and with her golden scalp,, il.ujdcring from tl;e girdle of one,’ they cantered back to the war-party. Mrs. Kelly did not learn this mi- Cil p ivc waH mam. sinp, but ready-for murder. The garrison, only onestenth JV ^ > , T v.a ^ ^ n v lie continued ljjs efforts m every as numerous, stood behind shot possible way that could suggest it-.:feed guns, apd the commandapt selfc, pil'd vet never so mucii as cob-Requested a dozen of the war- taiiied the slightest real clue tpjriors to escort t.he lady within whereabouts, 1 1 ;thc stockade. Finally, 1 he despaired, and cou-j The instant they entered the chided that she was dead. This walls, the gates were closed, tip* belief was strengthened bv the guns run out, and the garrison discovery of'the dead body of lit- stood to arms. The Indians were tic Miry, whose fate he feared was foiled, and the captive Was tree! the sfime as that ofliis wife. A. few weeks later Mr. Kelly The result of these continued re- arrived, aod ‘husband and wile wards and attempts to secure the were uni ted at last, tuankiul, 1 1 • • niwl ta nr ion i MAP UlLFUl Mh IG ‘■'LVI.IJ l- LUG . } . . a general conviction happy and lovmg as when they waits. ' l,l £» * L) . . \ 14 vSiimi 1 work, rfOMifc ltt^earoUim- qnq’s a shi’qjy/l, business inutiHger, and several df’jnlc whisky.’ ‘Is jt .cheap living there ?’ •• ‘Only fi.vo eents’a glass, and the water thrown iip’ ..‘Any t.i|stc for music V ' >' ‘Si rang-, ti Buzz and buck saws in, the day time,-and wolf-howjing and cat fighting in the night.’ ‘Any pianos there ?’ ‘No; hut we have several cow bells and a tin pah in every fam ily.’ . . ‘What could a genteel family 111 moderate eiremnstano'es do for a Kviug ?’ f,r l ‘Work, shave notes, fislif hunt, steal—or if pinched, buy and sell town property. i Riches.—The man with g l ood, linn health, is rich. So is the man with a clear con science. So is the parent of vigorous, happy children. So is the editor of a good pa per. with a big subscription list, ,$q is the clergy man wlios&coat Hie little children of hia parish pluck, as he passes them at their play, Bo is tljat wife who has the whole' heart of a good husband. So is the maiden whose hori- zpn is not bounded by the‘‘com ing man,’ but who has a purpose in life, whether she ever met him or not. , So is the young man wlio, lay ing his hand on his heart, can say, ‘1 have treated every wo man I ever saw as I should wish niy sister treated by other men.’ _ So is the little phild who goes to sleep with a kiss on its lips, and for whose waking a blessing