The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 15, 1887, Image 1

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the mercury. watered as Second-class Matter at itoSaitilcrsvUle Postoffice April 27, 1880• SandersYille, Washington County, 6a, PUBLISHED BY A . j, JERNIGAN & GO. Proprietors and Editors. Tl,r season is nt hand when careless nropic get too familiar with umipprcci- ulivo guns, and afterward go to the doc tor for in; 1 United States statistician Dodge figures tho wheat crop of tliis country at about. 420,000,000 Imsho's, tho yield per acre l„.jng about one per cent, lets than last During tho last fifty years, tho wheat production of England has been reduced onc-hnif, while its value is not moro thnn one-third. This accounts in a largo meas ure for the dcclino in the ront of wheat lands. Douglas County, Mo., comes to the front with three sisters whoso aggregate weight is (125 pounds. They are aged respectively 14, 12 and 9 years. The mother weighs 170 pounds. On each of tho two younger children are six fully developed fingers. A little pamphlet advocating a new system of condensed printing states that it costs the London Tima $2,500 a year to use the superfluous “ ii ” in the Eng lish spelling of such words as favour, nhmr, endeavour, etc., counting mater ial, labor, and space at advertising rates. A California court has decided that, a deed to real estate from a husband to a wife, where “love and affection" arc named as tho consideration, is void if the parties do not live in harmony, there be ing no valuablo love and affection in that case, and the statuto requiring a valuablo consideration. The advantages of advertising are well proved by a letter on file at the New Y ork I’ostollicc, in which tho owners of a certain medicine offered to pay tho Gov ernment $10,000 lor two months’use of a canceling which should send out every letter from tho ofllco during that time with tlie name of the patent medicine -tamped upon it. The Government of Japan has invited several scientific bodies to appoint a joint mnmittco to examine and report upon the type of I)uilding8 best calculated to resist shocks of earthquake. This is in view of the fact that whereas Japanese houses were formerly constructed of wood, masonry is now coming largely into use, especially in the construction of public buildings. THE MERCURY. A ’ J ' JMtXIOAN <f CO., Proprietors, VOLUME VIII. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. SUBSCHIPTION: $1.60 Per Annum, SANDERSVILLE, GA„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1887. NUMBER 29. THE MERCURY. ■ PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY. All Communications intended /bp this Paper must be accompanied bp the full name of tho writer ml necessarily fbr publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. H'esrstnno umi responsible fbr the views or opinions of correspond* ents. Thieves arc absolutely growing senti mental. A Western burglar refused to ■ irry off plunder from a house after lie discovered that its owner was a mason. A Georgia thief grow conscience stricken and returned a lurgo Bum of money. And mnv, to cap the climax, comes the case of a New Y ork pickpocket, whose tender heart would not allow him to keep a dolen watch which contained an inscrip tion from a father to liia daughter, and wlm returned it through Inspector Byrnes. Statistics show that blindness is in- inn ing very rapidly in tho United Stales. Between tho years 1870 and 1880 die papulation increased thirty per cent, ami blindness 140. It costs $25,000,000 i year to sustain an army of over 50,000 blind people on the lowest basis of cost and wages that would have been earned. Ike chief cause of the rapid spread of thb inlliction is said to be contagion, assisted by immig ntion, which brings many infectious diseases of the eye into the country. Twelve Mormon families have already settled at Alberta, in tho Dominion of t anada, and others will soon settle at Medicine Hat. Tho Toronto Globe has beard that tho Mormon rulers have been ia correspondence with tho Ca nadian Government on tho subject of colonizing in Canada, and that the an swers they received were not such ns to prevent their endeavoring to effect their purpose. Wo don’t wish them any harm, mys the New York Tribune, but all tho mine we should rejoice to got rid of tho Mormons. CHICAGO ANARCHISTS. G V7 J ,' ty ° n oaLK SHY>SSTERN DE- Cltl.i. SETT Lint THEIR PATE. Exploded In 1 '' "" T 5 To " n *d Etcldon and Hclinnb-The Itcal II,u, B . Louis Linng, one of tho seven con- demnodannrelimts in tho Chicago jail, fixed f n lf ° th0 Wore tho one nln i, o 10 0X(,<: '“ ion - by means of a f d imiating enjr. I (o hnd tho case in his ,nou h und lit t with a candle which was burning in his cell. Tho explosion was the first warding that the jail people had, the guard seeing him with tho enu- ulc m Ins hand supposing that lie was lighting a cigar. Immediately after the ex plosion Deputy O’Neill inn into Linng’s cell, which was completely enveloped in smoke. There lie found tho anarchist .vingmi his hack with great holes in his head from which the blood win rushing "! torrents. The scene in Linng’s cell inter the explosion was ghastly. Teeth, bits of jawbone, shreds or "flesh and ’ ,HJ d "ere scattered all over tho narrow compartment. A little trail of blood marked the wny over the stone flagging to the room win re Linng was carried, I lie dying man was carried to the office "f tlie jail, and placed on a hastily im provised table. By this time three phy sicians hud arrived. One dressed the torn flesh, another gave attention to tlie tongue of the mortally wounded man. A portion of the tongue was left and was attached to the palate. Tliis fell back into his throat, stopping Linng’s breath ing. The physicians pulled tills hack and a string wns attached, which was held by a deputy, thus allowing respira tion. AY hilc tli s was going on another Mirgron operated a deodorizer. Another ban a syiiiige in his handy and frequent ly injected portions of himidsand again doses i f salt. Morphine injections were also'given. Linng died four hours after lie exploded the bomb. When the explosion occurred, all the annrehist prisoners were on their feet in nil instant, and every one of them looked stunned and frightened. Jailer Folz ut once gave orders to lmve every one of tlie other cells searched, and Par son’s was the first one a descent was made upon. Deputies entered his cell, took him by the wri-ts and shoulders and led him to Jailer 1;'<>1z’s private of fice. There he wns detained until his cell was thoroughly searched, and noth ing was found. The < x-editor of tlie Alarm shivered with excitement, fear and curiosity. 11 is face was white and his eyes looked ready to start from their sockets, lie wns in his shirt and trous ers, and a wide felt lint shaded his face. Within fifteen minutes after tlie ex plosion, Fischer, Parsons and Engel were taken Irom their cells and searched in the jail er’s office. All their rlotiiicg was taken from them and new suits, made by the sheriff's orders, were given them. Turnkey O’Neill discovered tlie little agent wiiieh had served Linng to accom plish his terrible work. It wus a small fulminating cap, little over an inch long. It hnd been tilled with fulminate of mer- ctuy and a in 11 fuse, which is usually attached to more instruments of death, had been touched off by Linng. At the lime of the report it was thought he wns lighting n cigar. When Linng committed tlie deed ho was lying on his cot. After the affair, when his cell was searched, another candle was found. At tlie top of it, barely concealed by ihoeadsof tlie wick, a second fulminated cap was found, so it is supposed that l.inugs ntt-mpted suicide was committed with one similarly hidden. The cindies were furnished by tlie jail, so Hint the caps must have been put in by Idling himself. Tlie explosion in Idling’s cell created a decided sensation in jail. All the prison ers, over two hundred, heard the report. Jailer Fi lz was'the mm who carried the news to to l he other anarchists. Tho jailer approached Parson’s cell. ‘•Linng has killed hiiiiM-lf,” said Mr. Fob.. ‘‘Great God, is that so?” exclaimed Parsons. “Yes, it’s a fact,” was the re- ply, “Well, mv God,” exclaimed Par- soil’s “1 w ish I had some dynamite. 1 wouid kill myself only too quick.” Au gust, Spies was then informed of the trag edy. “I expected nothing else,” said Spies quietly. “Ever since the finding uf tin* bombs in hi* cell, lust Sunday, 1 was satisfied that if it were possible he would make away with himself. For my own and my comrades’sakes, I am glad he is out of tlie way.” How the dynamite was smuggled into the cell is not known, but it is generally believed that thi - -* traitor among tlie death watch wlio him the<lvnnmite and cap. theory at the sheriff’s < Jailer Fob. said, * bushy head of hair. George Engel and Louis Linng, demand ing “unconditional release,” or, ns they express it, “liberty or death,” and pro testing in tlie strongest language agnmst mercy or a commutation of tho smitcncc pronounced against t’ cm, can they be 1 pieces ol iron anil n suDsiams considered petitions? A pardon, could posed to b 0 dynamite. Mr. Brayti it be granted, which might imply any onc , ? f the jurors who convicted tl I he preservation of forests is a favo'r- 1,0 theme in this country just now. As •lie Richmond Slate well says: “Hardly !l h passes that wo do not read of Luge tracts of land at tho South having keen bought simply for tlie timber that ■toil them. It is only n question of n f( ’"'years when there must be a timber ktmine in certain sections of the South. B the waste places and worn-out lands ,U| ' planted in trees tho day will come "ken lhu tree crop will ben most valu- (ikk 1 niio. \ f t ,w days in each year sot "Part by South ern land owners for nrbori- Cll ' m '° would prove time well expended. Ike “champion” hangman in the y i,0| l States is George B. Maliilon, of I" 1 ! Smith, Ark., on tho border of tlie Territory. He has boon acting as ""‘"‘'(■.limner for tlie United States -Lir-hitl there since 187!!. Tlie United "’b“ Court in the Territory is scarcely ln .' m ; 'Man a criminal court, having juris- ■ ( tion of all crimes committed in that This man has, in his official “worked off” fifty-two mur- 'I' 1 "' hanging forty-two on the same* '■‘'lows. This celebrated executioner is 1 h iwo years of age, a Bavarian by 'dh, hut an American by residence foi ’ -‘‘ati’r pm tion of his life. He is ' l|1 * 10 Me u jolly good fellow, ave This is (lie flit ‘Linng had a very sliy nciiu in ...c.. HU* not'vithout the bounds of possibility that he placed in his locks and kept it then: ■arched him last Sunday. At he was stripped completely, bed his clothing and the cap while we that, time Mv deputies scaroL . . could find nothing of a suspicious chai- ucter.” lie thus explains .the mamici m which Liang took lbs hie. ,r ° 8 ‘ lll - 1 | “Limiff, some bcduTcn a dynamite cap. 4‘" I ,. • nl|l( ] c "“si * d 1 . f i , fU i The copper foi at KS/an'SisliUM with dynamite. Plum imitin small portion is tilled with Mm 1 T „tn tliis powder runs a me placed to the or followed. A“s lie The gi»\ (*i nor oision: Ex El i-nvn soon ns the surgeon arrived Aar\ to another roc de- ’nude the following OFFICE, On the SriuNGFiKi.n, 20th day of An (Jeorg* i/r r ^r; edict of « jury utenced to be hanged for fouud guil'y l,v ;l v ‘‘ IT' ‘to till! supreme court t noon final hearing That court, upon > An and urt of th- Began, the 111 sentence state. Tnai ( j”|i|, e ration, mum'; and after, nudum «,nheeo..rt case now f the niously n Ili rin* below. Tl by petition letters ‘-‘I AUlU 1 l liuh‘s befor ,dniils for consul - of the slate. D the might imply ¥ guilt whatever upon the part of either of them, would not be such a vindication as they demand. Executive intervention upon the grounds insisted upon by tho four above named persons, could, in no proper sense, be deemed an cxerciRC of the constitutional power to grant ro- prioves, commute!ions and pardons, unless based upon a belief on my part of their entire inn. eeai.'e of the crime of wii. A •bey stand convicted. A careful consid eration of the evidence in the record of tile trial of tho parties, as well ns of all al leged and claimed f.,r them outside of the record, has failed to produce upon my mind any impression tending to im- I" nch the verdict of the jury, or the judgment of the trial court, or of the su premo court aliiiming tlie guilt of these parties, Satisfied, therefore, ns I am, of their guilt, I am precluded from consid ering the question of the commutation of t he sentence of Albert K, Parsons, Adolph Fischer, George Engel and Conis Louis Linng to imprisonment in the peniten tiary, as they emphatically declare they will not accept such commutation. Samuel Fieldcn, Michael Schwab end August Spies unite in tlie petition foi “executive clemency.” Fieldcn and Schwab, in addition, pre-ent separate and supplementary petitions for a com- j mutation of their sentences. While, ns | said above, T am satisfied of tho guilt of | all the parties, us found in tlie verdict of | tlie jury, which was sustained by the judgment of the courts, a most careful consideration of the whole subject lends me to tin: conclusion that tlie sentence of the law as t.. Samuel Fieldcn and Michael Schwab may bo modified as to each of them in the interest of Immunity and w ithout doing violence to public justice. And ns to said Samuel Fieldcn and Mi chael Schwab,the sentence is commuted to imprisonment in the penitentiary for life. As to all tlie other above named defend ants, I do not feel justified in interfering w i111 the sentence of the court. While 1 would have gladly coma to a different conclusion in regard to the sentence of tlie defendants, August Spies, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, Albert Jt. Par sons and Louis Linng, I regret to say that under a solemn sense of my obligations of office, 1 have been unable to do so. HicitAitb J. Oot.usnv, Governor. YY’licn the news of the commutation of the sentence of Fieldcn and Schwab was received at the jail, there was an extra ordinary scene of activity. The news was sent to the relatives of nil the con demned men and in a short time they lre- gnn to arrive at the jail, and tlie first ol ilie women to come was Mrs. Schwab. Soon after Schwab was brought from his cell to tho main office. His wife quickly advanced to him and throwing her arms about his neck burst into tear. Schwab returned tlie embrace in a calm manner nml soon tho two were chatting quietly together. After this, Spies and Fisher were brought from their cell and taken to the jail library. Engel wns brought to tlie private office of Jailer Foi/.. 't his was done for the purpose of allowing rel atives to take their last interviews. Tlie first one of tlie women to arrive after Mrs. Schwab was Miss Engel, dnughtei of the condemned anarchist. When tin two met in tlie private office there was iip outburst of grief, which it is impossible to describe. 'The father and daughter clung to each other and sobbed couvul sively. Their conversation was in Ger man and listened to only by Deputy Ole- son. Then enme Mrs. Spies, mother ol August. She hnd been waiting outsidi for an hour and a half. Her sobs could be heard through tlie corridors of the Building. She did not stay long in tin library with her son, and on her exit from tho jail, Mrs. Fischer was admitted Bhe went into the library,and her lumen tntioiiR were heard above the tramp of tlie deputies, who swarmed about In places. But the crowning scene of all was the visit of Nina Van Zandt,tle proxj wife of Spies. She was conducted to tin library by Deputy Eason. As she walked through "the main office she betrayed n emotion, but the moment she saw Au gust, however, her demeanor complete!) changed, and there wns a look, then a gasp, anil in a trice the lovers were i; each other’s arms. A number of euriop reporters and officers crowded up to the door of the library, but it was qiiickh shut by a deputy. The interview between tile prisoner and bis faithful devotee lasted nearly a half hour. Sirs. Lucy Parsons created a scene in the Crininnl Court building about ten o’clock at night. Approaching the door which leads to the jail-yard,she demand ed permission to proceed. This was de nied. "But I must go in to see my hus band,” exclaimed Mrs. Parsons. ‘ ‘V■.ri cannot,” was tho firm reply. Then the dusky wife of the anarchist threw up her hands and fell to the floor in a dead faint. It took over twenty minutes to bring her to consciousness, Imt when this was (lore she was escorted from the building. Chief Ebersold hud a line of police, armed . with . rifles thrown iivnnnd C .. block immediately surrounding the jail, which prevented the approach of crowds. Ten companies, of twenty men each, all hearing rifles, were posted about the jail and streets in the vicinity, all under command of Cnpt. George Hubbard, of the central detail. Squads from the com panies did guard duty at the entrances to the jail mid the Criminal Court building. At tho Central station, Harrison street, West Twelfth street, Desplaines street, YVest Chicago avenue and East Chicago avenue, companies were held in reserve, while one company were left at each of tho fifteen sub stntions. Rev. Dr. Bolton, of the First. Metho dist church, called on Parsons. His visit, lasted about three minutes and his effort to get Parsons to consider spiritual mat ters wore of no avail. Tho gallows was put up in the northeast corridor of the jail, where for many years all Cook county hangings have taken place. The scaffold was the same used in the hanging of the throe Italian mur derers, but it had been lengthened for tlie purpose of swinging off the four arc'llists at onco. It wns painted a t In own color. The sheriff gave personal no- lice to Spies, Engel, Fischer and Parsons, that they wouid have to suffer the ex treme penalty of the law. A bomb was found by Thomas Maloney in tho rear of tho residence of James Bvnyton, not far from the jail. The bomb consisted of a piece of gas pipe twelve inches long and about two incites in diameter, filled with pieces of iron and a substance sup- Bray ton was " the nn- nrchists. STATE ELECTIONS. UESt/LT OP THE CONTEST CLOSE SPOTS, SOUTHERN BRIEFS, HEADAHLE ITEMS CAREFULLY GATHERED HITHER AND 1 ON, New York.Ohio. .Mnrytnnd, AIhmcIimMiii lawn. Until S|ilrllnt F.lrrtlon.-I'nlllntf OH of Ilia Labor Tale. Sorlst, Tnniwrnnre nmt Ucllgloiii Move* inrnt.—l'lrei,, OSnilt. nml Mnlrlda* Rail road Operations mid Improve Moat.. There were only two new cases i fever in Tampa and no deaths. The sick patients nre rapidly convalescing, First ground was broken im the Knox ville Southern Railroad, which is to run from Knoxvilllc, Ton»., to Atlanta, Gn. Governor Gordon, of Georgia, 1ms fined the lessees of the two state convict camps $5,000 for their ill-treatment of convicts. A large crowd attended the colored fair at Athens, Gn. The exhibits are very good. Tho horse racing wns very fine. The Gulf division of tho American Shipping and Industrial League met nt Birmingham, Ala. Organization was ef fected and several addresses wore deliv ered. A freight on tlie Western & Atlantic Railroad ran into tho second section of another freight, near Dalton, Ga., where tlie tracks of tlie East Tennessee run parallel with tho Western & Atlantic Railroad, and a had wreck caused. A suit resulting from the Richmond & Danville accident, which occurred Octo ber 20, between Grier’s and Taylor, wns filed in Atlanta, Ga., by Y\L R. Wil son, who was acting mail agent at tlie time the accident occurred. Ho claims to have boon very badly in jured. His leg was crushed and other bodily injuries were received of a serious character. The campaign over tlie pastorate of the Independent Presbyterian Church in Sa vannah, Gn., is very bitter. It is con tended by Dr. Bacon’s opponents that Dr, Axsou was elected for life and cannot lie suspended except for cause. He is old and not strong, mid last fall was virtually relieved from the active care of tlie church. They also charge that Dr. liu- eon is mi advocate of miscegenation and of mixed schools. A middle aged white man, mimed George Addison, attempted to commit suicide in Greenville, S. O., in a fit of tem porary insanity, lie swallowed half an ounce of carbolic acid. Two physicians wore summoned and administered anti dotes, and saved him from immediate death. Addison is from Edgefield coun ty, where several years ago ho married tlie beautiful daughter of the famous Preston Brooks, who caned Charles Sumner on the tloor of tho United States Senate. Developments in (lie Fifth National Bank suspension nt St. Louis, Mo., shows fimid and forgery, nml Cashier C. C. Ciecilius, now under arrest, charged with false entry and forgery. President Ovcrstoltz would bo arrested if not on his death bed. Bank Examiner Fere- mean lias made some startling discover ies, which caused him to lmve Cash ier C. C. Crecilius arrested on the charge of false entry. It is further re ported that on the books tho figures ol more than fifty entries lmve been changed. An encounter took place in Richmond, Vn., between Congressman George D. Wise ami William It. .Muller, edi'or (if the l.ahne IN raid (weekly) and the Keen - iny Herald (daily), resulting in both be ing arrested nml bailed to appear before the police court. Mr. Wise says lie had been informed Hint Muller had been m iking lying statements iu reference to himself, und determined to whip him f or doing so. Finding Muller, that after noon, he proceeded to assault him, but was caught and held, nud while being held, Muller struck him in tlie face and then ran off. URMHftinUltlNU It it A V It ftIUN. Copies of the act “to carry into effect tlie last clause of article 7, section 1, par agraph t, of the Georgia C.mstiuitinu, and tlie amendments thereto,” lias just been published. It provides that anyone who enlisted in the service of the Con federate States, or of Geogio, wire wa ft citizen of Georgia on the 211 ih ol Octo ber, 1880, wlto lost a limb or limbs while engaged in said service, and by ivn on of said service, or who may have r,ce veil wounds which afterwards caused a loss of limb or limbs, or wire may have been permanently in jured while iu said service, and who may be a bona-fide, citizen nt lie- time ot making application lor the bene fits heroin provided for, shall be (•milled to receive once a year tlie following com pensation for the purposes expressed in article 7, section 1, paragraph 1, of the Constitution, to-wit; Total loss of sight, $100; loss of one eye, $15; for total oi partial loss of hearing, disabling parly from ordinary pursuits, $15; lo»s of leg above the knee, $35; loss of leg below the knee, $25; ioss.d' arm above the el bow, $30; loss of arm below the elbow, $20; permanent injury from wounds, ren dering leg or arm substantially and essen tially useless, $25; permanent injury to i any part, of the body, rendering party ! permanently and practically incompetent for the performance of ordinary manual j avocations, $26. J. C. Bunnon, out of the most loyal-hearted voting men in Macon, Gn., has started a movement for the eternal perpetuation of the nil ol the Confederatefleud buried in Rose Hill cemetery. "Some years ago the grave ■ ol ■ill the Confederate soldiers buried there were marked with painted hoards, bear ing, so far as could be learned, the name and rank of encli individual. From long I neglect, the mounds of these soldiers I have sunken in, and tlie boards nt i licit Two-thirds of Virginia definitely heard front gives n democratic mnjoritj of forty in the General Assembly. The remainder of tlin state will increase this majority by eight or ten, giving tlie democrats about the sntnc majority they had in tlie last legislature. Five colored members of the house lmve been elefcted by the republicans. Returns show that iIm Senate will stand: Democrats, 25; ■ (‘publicans, 10; with five senatorial dis- ti o'ts yet to hear front, which will prob ably change tlicso figures to, democrats, 38; republicans, 12. The house stands: Dimoerats, 58; republicans, 23; with nineteen counties to hear from, which will probably citnngo these figures to, democrats, 05; republicans, 35—making •' ‘lemocrntio majority of 40 on joint bal- Tlto following arc correct totnis of the vote in New York City on Secretary of Shite: Grunt, 57,800; Cook, 110,781; George. 37,810; Ilnll, 4,820; Hunting- 'nn, 1,470. Tlie total city vote complete lor District Attqfney is ns follows: Nfcoll, 77,5.57; Fellows, 00,530; Post, 82,170; Searing, 4,502; Manierro, (110. The state went democratic by about 15,000 major The republican plurality will be about 10,000 in Ohio. The united labor lead ers are disappointed mid despondent. They were confident that they would elect their legislative ticket, but when •lie returns showed losses in their strong est wards they quickly gavo up nil as lost. Onc of the leaders says there is no ehnnee for the labor party there. Victory was needed to bold the men together, hut now it will he useless to attempt to elect a ticket in Ilnmilton coilntv. Evi dences of combination nre seen in tho fig ures jff the governor's veto nnd that of the legislative ticket. The union labor legislative ticket in Cincinnati is from two to three thousand greater tlinn for its governor, while the democratic voto for governor is about four thousand greater than for its legislative ticket. Governor Fornkpr’s vote is from six hun dred to one thousand below the voto on the republican legislative ticket. The republican state connnittoo claims the election of 22 senators, with the possibil ity of 23, and 08 representatives. Returns from tlie Maryland districts are coming in very slowly, nnd are not completed. The total vote of Baltimore, wits 05,583, of which Jackson, Dcm- Md. oerat, received 34,687; Brooks, Republi can, 27,830, ami Baldwin, prohibitionist, 1,150-a Democratic majority of 5,680. I’bo entire legislative ticket is Democrat ic so far as Baltimore is concerned. Tho counties are in some instances very close. Anne Arundel, heretofore strongly Dem ocratic, gives n small Republican mnjor- itv. Senator Gorman’s county, Howard, is Democratic by a reduced majority. The figures so fur received would indicate a considerably reduced Democratic ntajoii- ty in the Legislature, but relinblo esti mates nre not obtninnblo. Tito call for a constitutional convention wns defeated by a heavy majority, probably 15,000 Jackson's majority in tho state ts esti mated nt 0,000, tlie smallest received by any governor for twenty years. Tim Maryland Legislature on joint ballot wi' lmve a Democratic majority of sevont- one. a Republican gain of fourteen. Returns from nil cities nud towns : Massachusetts show Hint 205,000 voh were cast for about 54,000 more than 1 1885, and 22,000 in excess of last year’ vote. Ames, Republican, 135,012; Lov- cring. Democrat, 118,311; Earle, prohi bitionist, 10,000; Marks, labor, 848. This makes Ames’ plurality 17,011, against 0,473 last year. This is a clear majority uf 0.550 against 023 in 1880. Returns from 750 of the 900 precincts of Iowa ijhow a net Democratic gain of 785. If the same vote is maintained in tho rest of state, it will give Larrnbeo, Republican, for governor, 13,000 plu rality over Anderson, Democrat, nnd a majority of 8,000 over all. The vote of Cain, union labor, for governor, will bo about 0,000; Frnnhnm, prohibitionist, vote will fall under 200 in the state. Tho legislature will he Republican by about 45 on joint ballot. Estimates from all the countios Pennsylvania show a plurality! f between 33,000 ni’p 34,000 for Hurt (Republican) for state treasurer, a Democratic gain of about 10,000, ns compared with the voto for state treasurer in 1885 nnd that for governor last year. Correct returns so far indicate that the N J. Legislature will stand: Senate Republicans 12, Democrats, 0; House Republicans 87, Democrats 23. GmtJIIANY’S C’ltOWN PUINCIC. Prof. Stork, a doctor who makes a specialty of throat diseases, iu a lecture nt Vienna, created a sensation bv declar ing tbnt the German crown prince is suf fering from cancer, and that Dr. 5Iac- kenzie’s treatment is entirely wrong. This view, lie said, was confirmed by the opinions of Bergcm urn and others, it was the grossest blunder in the world to travel about with the crown princo. It was impossible to say wheiher a radical operation would prove successful now; it ought to have been performed long ago. Prof. Bcrgemiuin will perform the opera tion on the throat of Hie crown | rineo, if tlie physicians decide that snob a step is necessary. Toe prince has been for- aidden to talk. LYNCHED, , heads lmve crumbled so that dark obliv- It wns painted a dead ■ "’ill soon cast its gloomy shadow over the last record of those brave men who fought and died for the South. Coi/dkutionh conic hard in hot weather ami many business men liuvo to rest on their* ewers until autumn. George Hart, colored, wlto murdered young Ed. Wuldrup, near Waverly, hist year, was taken out of jail at Opelika; A la., by a mob of about 75 masked men, and curried where tlie crime was com mitted, where lie was hung. A placard was pinned on his back, saying: “The person wlto cuts this man down will suf fer the same fate.” The mob came into the town about 11 at night, and was so orderly that no one knew they were there until the sheriff reported it. When they arrived, they proceeded to tho jail mul demanded the keys from Sheriff Gordon. He refused to surrender them, whereupon six men overpowered him ninl took the keys from him. WASHINGTON ITEMS. PICTURES OF THE DOINGS AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Tli* netutrtinrnti Getting Down to ItintiiMi Acaln-Tlie Nation’ll Flnnncnni-AppnlnN mrnle nnd Homnvnls-I'ersonnls. STBUGoVtc FOB DOOItKF.F.PF.n. The candidates for tlie Doorkeeper- ship oT the House of Representatives, are busy canvnssing. Samuel Donelson, ol Tennessee, the doorkeeper of the last House, is a candidate for re-election, but against hint are A. B, Hurt, of (Mississ ippi, formerly clerk to the House com mittee on postofficcs and postroads, nnd now cliiof of a division in tlie postolllco department; and Asher Barnett, of No York, wlto ltns been in the service of the House fur ton years, latterly in tlie ca pacity of librarian. T11E I.tqUOH BUSINESS. Internal Revenue Commissioner Miller reports Hint tlie quantity of spirits, 77,- 881,000 gallons, produced and deposited in the distillery warehouses billing last fiscal year, is less titan tlie production of the year 1880, by 2,012,781 gallons. The quantity of spirits—00,183,303 gallons— withdrawn tax uald from distillery ware houses during tlie past fiscal year, is less than tho quantity withdrawn during rtte previous llscnl year by 2.010,507 gallons. 1 ho quantity of distilled spirits in tho United States, except what may be in customers’ bonded warehouses, on tlie first day of October, 1887, wns 104,439,- 880 gallons, this quantity being distrib uted as follows: In distilleries nnd special bonded warehouses, 01,008,377 gallons; In the hands of wholesale liquor dealers; 14,714,050 gallons; in the hands of retail liquor dcalors, 28,210,050 gallons. It: making the above computation, the aver age stock of each retail liquor dealer in tno Untied States is estimated at 150 gal lons. The commissioner sets forth the evils nrising from the present method ol treating rc-importod spirits. NOTES. Attorney-General Garland presented tho resolutions adopted by tho bar asso cintion on the dentil of Justice Woods, to tlioU. 8. Supremo Court, and address ed to tho court, highly eulogizing tho luto justice. TELL ME ONCE AGAIN. Tell mo once again With ton ler, loving voice, Tlint cliotrs like sunshine after rain And makes my soul rejoice. Tell rao once again Whon changing years have flown That In your heart a love will reign Which I may call my own. Tell me once again. , I j Tell mo onco again ' When time’s rolontless frown Has chilled the current ot my life, And changed my locks of brown, That yet within thine eyes My own may fondly gaze And see that still within them shines The light ot other days; Tell mo, oil! tell mo onco again Tell mo onco again When on my dying conch You will be there to sootho mypaln - With love’s caressing touch, And kneeling by mo then Will breathe a fervent prayer That He who wn tehee over men Will take mo to llis care; Tell mo, oh I tell me ouee ngaiu Toll me once again If death’s unyielding grasp Should gather me into his fold ^ And to his bosom clasp, That you will on my tomb A loving tribute lay And memory's urn implant thorcon To mark my dying day; Tell me, oh! toll mo once again. —Cincinnati Enquirer. THE WORLD OYER, EPITOME OF THE INTERESTING NEWS OF THE DAY. Tlie Irish Troiiblss—Labor Agitation Every- where—Whnt Is Doiaa North, Enstl YVest unit Across the Hens. Further attempts have bien tnado to Intrii Dubuque, Iowa. Gen. Latrobc was formally inaugurated mayor of Baltimore for the fifth time. The bridge across tho Maumee at Wa- tervlllo, Ohio, fell, carrying a dozen men on it. Twenty freshmen of tho Madison, Wis., University arc under arrest for putting a rope around tlie neck of a stu dent and trying to drug him to Mendota. John Jambcr, who wns convicted of attempting to kill Ex-Mayor Secor, of Racine, Wis., with a dynamite bomb, made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. At the Congress of the Woman’s Suf frage Association, which was held ut Manchester, England, it was resolved to reintroduce the woman's franchise bill ut tlie coming session of Parliament. The first truss of the Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Bridge lias been placed in position. It is 523 feet long between towers, 82 feet ,,, , . deep and 85 wide, being the largest and °«icor con dog the steps of a criminal heaviest steel truss iu the world. ' " hcn hc hus 110 tlo!; ‘ ] 1,0 <lotI SUPnlie * THE INDIANS EIGHT. Gen. Huger hnd a parley with tlie Crow Indian Chiefs, and demanded that .Sword- Bearer and all .oilier hostile Crows lie surrendered for punishment-. After some talk, the chiefs said they would go to their camps and consult tlie medicine man. The cavalry were then drawn up ou an eminence fronting the Indim po sition, and tlie Indians soon began riding about and singfhg war songs. At the und of the time allowed, the Indians to come in with Bad-Young-Mnn, tlie env airy advanced, the infantry took posi tious, and tlie Indians opened fire. A’ tho first volley Corp aid Clias. Sampson, of troop K, 1st cavalry, was shot (lend. Privnte Eugene Malloy, of troop K, was wounded four times. The Indium took position in tlie rifle pits and in the brush. A Hotchkiss rifle threw its first shot b - yond tlie Little Horn. The next fell in the Indian camp, and one Indian and a horse was killed. The cavalry now ad vanced upon the Indians, driving them into tlie brush. Sword-Bearer wus killed. Nearly all of the Indians came into tlie agency, only about twenty es caping to the hills. The latter are now being pursued by tlie cavalry. REI’OHTKIl JAILED. Edward C. Bruffey, tho police reporter of the Atlanta, Ga., Constitution, was ar rested and placed in the Fulton county jail. His offence consisted in his refusal to divulge to the grand jury the name of a grand juror who furnished him ccrtiin information concerning the proceedings of that body as to the finding of iudict- ments against whiskey dealers. Persist ing in liis refusal ho was taken before Julgu Marshall J. C. Clarke, of the Su perior Court, who committed him to the county jail for ten days for contempt of court. AUGUSTA'S EXPOSITION. Determined not to be outdone by her neighbors, Atlanta, Charleston, nnd Ma con, Augusta, Ga . has. resolved, to give an exposition next full that will be the grandest show ever seen in the Southern states. This matter 1ms been discussed for the past two weeks and iu order to feel tlie pulse of tlie citizens a public ♦ueeting was called in the Hussars’ Hall, l’lie hall was completely packed nud hundreds of people were turned away, being unable to gain admittance. Game cooked on a niio range ought ‘o suit un old hunter, HUMOR OF T1IE HAY. A kidnapper—paregoric. A stalilo government should bo ono that is ruled by liorso sense.—I/necU, Courier. “I think I’ll givo this country tho shako,” remarked tho malaria, as it pre pared for business. Cardinal Nowmah says: “A gentleman is ono who nover iniliets pain.” That settles it, thou I Tho watermolon is no gentleman.—Statesman. “What is more lovely than a peaceful grandmother?” asks an exchange. Her granddaughter. If this is not tho right answer, we give it up.—Omaha World. Ho coulil talk of art nud artists In a mnimer quite intense; Ho could draw a perfect Illy, But ho couldn’t paint n fence. — lV r as/u'n(/ton Critic. Miss Blinks— “Why do you marry Tom Bloodgood? Hc is well off in years.” Miss Jinks- “Yos, but ho is also well off in money.”—Burlington Free Press. “What do you sell tlint ribbon for!” ashed a young Indy in a drygoods store. “Eight dollars a week—oh, beg pardon —50 cents a yard, miss.— Washington Critic. A New York brewer is said to givo away to his workmen forty kegs of beer a day. He must bo busy. At, leant this looks lilto an evidence that ho has Ilia hands “full.”—Statesman. IIo wns eulogizing women. “Wliat is there in tho wide world,” said lie, “so pure and noblo and lovable ns woman.” And just then a voice in the audience re plied: “Two women.”—Paragraphs!'. A Chicago hopeful who' was versed in tlie mysteries of the drama, being asked to call his papa to tea, went within hear ing of tlie loved, but lingering sire, nnd exclaimed: “YYImt ho! baso craven, come hither to thy vesperian hash.”— Duluth Paragrapher. It is seriously proposed to provide each night policeman in England with a large dog. It lius been a matter of sur prise to us that this has not been done before. It is difficult to comprehend how an officer can dog tho steps of a erimina 1 when lie has no dog. The dog supplio a long-felt want.—Texas Siftings. Tortugas Island. Commander Ullmann, a retired officer of tlie Hungarian army, who is now trav eling in tliis country, is the owner of tlie Tortugas Island, about which tlie llny- tiim und British Governments had quitea controversy sorao time ago. Tortugas Island is considered valuablo for n naval station, as it lms the best advantages for the large ships of war nnd several natu ral harbors. Great Britain, it was said, wanted tho island for tliis purpose, and the United States were also interested in it for this reason. The British Govern ment threatened to seize the island on ac- tount of a claim of $1,000,000, but this was settled by tho payment of ¥130,000. I’he llnytian Government owned the sland, and was in need of funds. YVhen they were pressed for tho claim they speedily raised the money in 1’iiris, and tho next thing wo hear is that the island was purchased by Commander Ullmann. lie regards his purchase as a valuable one, as it commands an easy mode of travel to the Panama Canal. The new owner of the island is anxious for tlie United States to assume the dominion of tho island. Ho has offered the island to this Government on very easy terms. Tho island is very fertile, and has on it large tracts of timber lnnd. It will lie a valu able purchase if tho United Slates Gov ernment buys it.—Demurest. Advertise Well. Advertise well I ’tis the secret of glory, stick to this principle fast ns a leech; Think of tho names that are famous in story; advertise well is the lesson they teach How have men compassed so wide a connec tion, made the world swallow their nos trums at will I Tis that by constant nnd serious relloctlon, advertise well is the principle still. Advertise well I yen will never repent it; noth ing more wise can a business man do. Stick to this motto, and never forget it; ad vertise well—it will pull yon safe through. Advertise well; do not think what ’twill cost you; publisher’s bills are but friends in disguise. How do you know what your caution has lost you? Would you be wealthy, you must advertise. Advertise welll though business be waning; those who spend freest must win in the end. Up and bo doing! no need for complaining; act for yourself, and bo your own friena. Advertise welll all lanes have ft turning; nothing pays better tlinn paper and ink. Thousands who daily this motto are spurn ing, find that it brings them to bank ruptcy’s brink. —Yonkers Gazette,