The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 15, 1887, Image 2

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TttE nEHCrHl', Tint Siini!ii’K*s Ouoas i on 'W ash iNu roN County, A. J. Jernigan & Co., — I’inr.M'i ;iti v rit!>ri’>u:i'oits.(—J S 0E0I1HIA TUESDAY, November . TSS7 | There jiroinjg^Ti.> lie a good many 1 tikirs in Georgia witnin i!•«■• next twelve months. Augusta Inis View the largest ever hehl in tIn* j South Petitions arc being rirculated at Dublin lor signal tire asking the Or tlinurv to order an eleetiou on the miestioti of bonding the conn y to build a public bridge! across tin* (Do nee at that place. The negro boy,Charles II. Locksly tv no il a 1 .;.. .5, an.’. l..,o .i 7.i, i m,mas near the eenlial depot in August;i, in J illy' was It it il by l he Superior (Ionrt a; d sentenced lor a lil'e term in the penitentiary. Ho is only ll veais 0 il, he reeieved his sentence wit!: in ditVoroiiCf. -Miss Florence M aeM.tghton of i he north of Ireland, lately piowd Iter devotion to lent pern lice in a peeiiliar manner. She was lining to | ■< r- Mtade a fisherman to sign the pledge be replied lie would if she wotdd sw im the buy between iilnekiock and Purl Balnnticc ii distance id' about, a mile She accepted the challenge, stteeess- lully accomplished the leal in thirty- live minutes, and the astonished fish- ermnn signed the pledge. » 1IAH ItlHUI. The election to bring the accursed bar room back into ibis county will take p ace < n Friday the :!nlh insl Let every lover cl good order, peace and prosperity go to the polls and p't in his vote against the sale it is a duty you owe to jour county, the rising gineratioii and your Col.—, *■ Ifhmat'liltt" JlnnriH /• (’< vnli/. Me do hope old Hancock will hold up tie blue ribbon she so pnntdly bore a- way from IhoStu’o lair, iciticmlicr- ing that the God who crowned them with success is watching t > see if she ■"ill let this beautiful b lie lihhon so glo iottsly won, trail in I lie dust. God grunt unto this i otinty a mine ghuicus vietnry thim tlie one mi al ly aeheived. Every worker for God and Home and Native Land is called upon to let his or hci voice daily as cend in this counlie’a bcliall. lOMMUAI ( A IT.U. Euslon Maryland Oct. dim. ’87 ‘Miti tinv’. Your valuable paper if one of my regular weekly visitors, and I am a’, way s delighted to re d its )i:iges;not that I am acquainted with the news contained in its local cob umns, bull occasionally pi.u-e to read a name which lids me miuter- alil.v lull, and curries me back in luernory to t he days id'my earlv man , hood, where pleasant associations; with those very n ones, I promis enously urruinged in the several is sues <d your paper coupled with some news item were enjov ed. Your very last isstie of October 25th is now Lelore me, in which my ••yc rests upon two articles, each pro uniting names of dear ones whose associations in early life arc so viv idly depicted on my mind, that I fancy in my imagination that. J can see their very form and feiitu es. 1 reter to Mrs A. G. G. Thompson nnd hei daughters, one Mrs, . 11. Me, Glciivbm, t hoot h*t Mrs. S. E. ,)er- ■ Jiigan Many years of sorrow and Iroeble have filled the space since hut I took the palling hand inol. | ‘•liurkc Gounty' 1 near the town ol Wayncslnoo, when returning to my lion.c in Maryland. Since that day ■there lias been a green spot in mem nry, kept fiosh by the fond recolee. lions of the past happy days in the long, long ago; wltme llowers of hope bud, bloom and decay: lelurniim each season beanie, laden with pur I'linus of cherished .friendship. I’etrospei ting the pust 1 experi-j (•lice n mingled feeling of plensure and pain, the ‘.villingsmilc is followed ! last by the unbidden tear, the bright ! cning joy is scon o'ershadowi d 1 1 he saddling sigli; memory btings' to view in panoramic beamy tin- jileasures of lumily associations of 1 he past, and leaves an earnest long ing desite lor their return as tin* ■ views dissolve before my cnraplmcd 1 gii/,c. I turn away with heavy eotiti totiance, n, vivid flash of thought ar rests me and points to the great be vend, where we shall all meet, again . 1o part no more. Jilessed, lmppy thought.. I have noticed frequently*, tiro name ol Mrs. S. J*’. Jeruigan associ ated with the \V. C. T. G. in your: u-ty, and have admired her c xcediug- ).y zealous efforts in promoting the 1 inter sts of t he S icicty. Bhe is en gaged in a noble work and 1 am nine the society will never languish while such faithful workers are engaged in its management. I consider the \V. (.'. ’J’. I.'. one ol the greatest levers in the < o miry in the great struggle for reformat on. It is doing a mighty work toward paving the way to a lVohih.tory Imv ill our land. God bless the women tints engaged: nuy Lbeir untiring el 10rts lie crowned with success. 'jllic W. G. T. U is represented with us in almost every town and village, and is accomplishing glorious results the fruits of wliich the good women cpg-igod in may well feef pl'inut of, hi bor well spent, which in a higher, J letter world, w.ll bedeck their eiow.'j J with spinkling rubies and pear's oi greatest value; each represent ing the j soul of some poor uufurtumite, saved through their indelatagahie energies j -hay God prosper i licit* great and glo- I i ions work; and reward its managers I a hundred fold in this world, anil in j VUe world to come, everlasting life. lb T. L. 1 Sheriffs Sales. GF.on<;i.\, i lift JlilH/i’mi (,(,11 111 ii. I For lsr Tti-:sd.\v Dkcf.miiku IRS 7. w®, "lit. i.iTs U) UKroiif; mi; cocni | Homo 1 in the t ity ol Siinuorsvillo, oi, ilirfirnc Tiiexdiy in l)e- j comber m xi hoiwio.i tlie leeil limn* 4 ol s ilo . For Guardiiinship* . GEORGIA—Washington Oounty OjlDINAltv’s Oi'TICE OP SAID Ct). ! Wiley M Slnppurd ImvitiK iu dno iorm npi li il to the m» i« r.signed tor gunrili iffdiip i ot iIn* porsor s nn«I properl v ol John li. 8b p* p irJ.NViey (\ Slippp-ii I, Ttioiitds K rly Sbep* a 1, Mutlm 1 Iti S.tGi’, ..n l iNiiooi** Mij S » minnroi Vnuis of MurthAtttji'ppiiril, n t public outcry, the following property to* j I it <* . • I — »i • r noty, deeeuHod, notice is lit re Oy wit. < )nc» tr.K" or p uvel of hin I sit’i.iti. ly • civnu th*it Kai i iipphoniion vvill l> in/' t r ItAin/; in tin* Ss t)is. \V;i.sliin|>toti L'n. , o'ii e on the first M >n#|»>y in (horpi.i (•(.nliiiiiin^ Ih'iy (•“!), iic.iT^ inMc or F*ivpm iuuIit uiv loiiol :iti ItF*. I'Oium!p(I mi tli<* * noil li B ly Aprinp I l*»ro this 7ti» «l»i^ i f November. I^s7 illtjljll.M'tj'ii 1111131 Witl All are pivited w r hcn visiting our city to call on mmmm & I lie leaders of low prices in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, ll t>!”:. ,, .a?^ d.-"7 I I’lovV Castings, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Leather, Pock- i . Hi«u.e : el and l'ab|c Cutlery, Corn Shellers, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Wheels, * liUleli let; .in tile l'n«! by Mr . ,\l. K .In “iw’s l.-ni'l; dm tlii* Siiutli by binds ..I'll, M. 1 -'isber .nut en tin* Wr .t l.v M. Xetvman’s M ill Trad. Levied on n* the uropnity ot \V. If 1( .ildidi', tn s.-i t i-IV mu. .tfm no up l-'i I in fiv.ii- ..f ('. \V Sin:'I fur u-o vf W. A Unwell .V VH W. If Pa'Iodide, l’.np- rrty leinled out in Ki Ku :md l.gil notire given defendiint in | o«i«r?plon. M. NEW.M \N, Only. &c. Agetils for thq Atlas Plow, the best cast turn plow in the ii-io—it ' j world. For un.irdtauM Mi^n.ihHioD. A big stock of Rubber Bcltingand Scale Beams to be disposed GEORGIA—Washington Couuty t of at a Sacrifice before the close of the season. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Hen itmtifcH.K. Hiupr, Gtiardim for “Johnnie Get Your Gun ” Me|di 0 Murker u|>|>lich to m lor letters ol | 11ir.niisnloti Iroin f.uld annrdiii8t<lii|i, mid 1 Will lie so Id, one tract or |mrerl of I * ,u l.iy «|.plt0.uioti on Hip lirsl land cnnlaining one Imndl'p l (100) nries I mioip or It-i" in t dil entinlv, t;, - l ili I>i-<irict, (!. ,M. mljoiniiiR lamb of W. L. t'lidei Wood on tin-ivsel; Mr« V. A. Ilrimon on I In* sonlli I t v„,i.l. .(.- ...:,|, all the iniiinivi iiinits diproou. Sniil pro|i- ei ly It \ in I on iih dir- 11 irpi-ily of II, T. A till- old, InraiiHfy duo innrfe*a;r l i I'm in favor • I.L S. Wnnd It.ii ivim- lor \ • S. ,b vner it- lli-o. is II. *i'. Ai liord. l’io|,prly poiid d mu in I-i I’ii. L, ual noliie irivi-n ilifeiidant in |u>,si-«nlim. Nov. -lili |s->7. % I.S'I AT I III: -A Ml 11 MI* A Ml Pl.AfT. of * Will lie -old one tr.irl or |•*■ ■*• cl land si 111,-ill d, b. i i.r a i d lit-inu in the county ".I M a-liiiiRliin i-| (leoigi-i eonlaining One Imndrid and liliy (Idli)iien - more or b s. lying i n die w aters of tin! little Olioo- | -ic .-iiljoiniag lamb of ( in (I v (task ill on l be •' o: *di. I .atnn Sl.i-pj,;-1 d_ rill the imrdi, and O. \V. II a rib v on Mm wi>t. I.i-vied on as Mm |il*(i|n ily of Willi mi Max well to satisfy a Wii|-eiii.M’oimi l i b'a in favor ol 1/ I'li'. diinski vs Wit jam M.,\ni.ll* LpriiI noli K|\t-n deletid e,t ia pos-p-—ion. Nov. "lo’S* % A t' Till; s\,M|. II mi: and I’LAt l. s ® will lie Mild one tract or |iareol of land rimale l in IhuUdli I list. (i. M, in Wnshing ton ( onnty (I. orgin. eonliiininu Three Hun died and sixty (dttO) n res more or less boiaided on l lie noi l Ii li v lamb of I >r. 11. (’, llo l)ies, on the east In* Indfilo ereek, on the I Hindi by lands of M, Neniun: dll the w est by i lands oi W . I * • I'.liind. I.evied on as the i properly of Krnnk'ii! t! Cullens It. K .Cul lens ,das. If t nib ie; ami A lex Ciillons, to satisfy a moitifige b'i b'a in I'aVornl' C. W, ; Snell vs Franklin I! Cullens, I; F Cullens, da-. I t ullens and Alex, Cullens, prop erly pointeil out in l i i'.i and leg d tlolieu given rt-feiidanl in possession .ft : s * a I i nr. sami; 11 m: \\n - » if ill lie sold one inel nr pariiel of bud eonlaimiig lilly-live i ."io( acres more or b- s, vingaod being in tbo !Mth Distriol (i M o'Wa-lmigton eonnly .State ol'tteorgiii adj lining lands n| s M (iilmnrc on tbesoillli an I east; i'.lbert I’mvler on |be West; ami W Ml f ox on the III,till. Revil'd on as the plan I-I-Iy of I ili/. ilietli Holge; to satisfy II sl/ortgnge l i Fa in I'avor of ,) S Wood Iteeeiver Inr \ Sdoyner.'t Mr > vs Eliza belli I Indues. I’roperly pointed out ill Fi I'a and legal notice given defend.intin pusses sloti, » ATT I IK SAME I IMF VNIi I'bVCF, -'“will be si III one l rit l III- parcel ill' land lyingnnd being in die county of Wa-liingion State of (dorgia, emit linini'One* I b inll'ed mid lltlv six acres mom or less, bounded by lands of Ira Chambers, .bdiii iintlef, doliu Man In,mil nnd minis. R vied on as dm prnpcitv ot Alia Fitlmill. l'ropvrtv pointed out in I i bn, anil legal under given defen dant in pns* ; , - ion. n I.'-O M I llt;.«iM! "I'.Mi; iNli I'l.ici-: - ® will be sold one tract or pm cel of land in W ishpigt o county, known us tlio Itmmi place ol It. 1*. Jlyiiilm, eoolaiiiin* two Hnn- dre I mid seveiuv six ('l'(i) acres more or !e-s, bounded on llm east liy lands ol'.l, T. Ymingliloo.l. soutli by l-.siate el Itrniilley, "a-l l y land-ol lb 1’, llynnni nail W. li Hoo inlo and norlb by lands known as the Williamson buds, the piano whereon delen slant inw resides. Levied upon as die prop city of I!. 1*. itviinm. to ssti-fy a Superior court lilorlg ,ge b'i Fa in I'a vor of I-aa.'Her man vs ii I', lii-niim ib feinl in' in posses sion. I'ropeily pointed mil in Fi b.i, ami legal notiee given. A liSO AT Til t; SAMI’, TIME AXI) I’L.ICF, will lie ho’iiI nun tract or pai'a.-l of lami rant lining li'iv aeres more or located in the kb Disiriet (, M Wash iogtoii county (i.orgii intjoininu lands ol .la Ii'l-bine dfibn Tay or, Henry Swint and others Levied upon as llm |,ropenv of. lam. o llorden I , sitisly a Sin ,-i'ior tinirt b’i b'a in lavor ol M Newm-iii Ord.y foi' ibe Use of M.irtb i .1/imais amt L \ Sal 1 iviin A Im'r vs Jamo Harden ami i'l:omi- .1 Veil I I, eg il n ni -e given defend nit in possession. Monday in December next at niy ofilca in SmidiTH' dle sunt oonoty. Given Iifoier my tmlid ofTl,daily 'Ibis 1 Gib day oi October, 1 r,ST. At. NEiVMaN, Ordinary 1k-2j —U For Letters A lininlstr.dion. GEOIvCl IA—Washington Oounty. (JUDINAli >'.’,S UNLIVE, George (J. t,uey nnd T. L, Drown lmvo in due Iorm applied,tu tlie niidersigued tor per- mmient lstlers ot iidmiiiislmtmo on tlie es- iido ol ,J, S. Drown, late of suet county, do- iiiiisod. auit I will pass upon said iipptioa- liou on tbo tlrst Monday m December. Given under my bund olUciully tills 22d day of October, 1887. Al. NEWAIAN, Ordinary, 10-20 -It Fur Leave to Sell Lind. GF.OIK i LA — W iHliiugtnu Guunty. OR DIN ARY \S OFFICE. Franldiu Tminer, gu.'.rdlau lor tbo minor cldlilreti ol Muttbow Tuutier, late id said lonniy, deceiini-d, lias in duo form iippliod lo tl,u ondersigried lor leave to sell tbo share id ,sm I minora in the (lower laud id Mrs. Untt> i Tiintn r dectaiHcd. tftid aharo beiug alioul 17 lien s more or less, ninl sui t appllc - don will be heard on tlio Hist Aloud,ly in Di’iii-mlinr, 1 Mrv7, at my otlie This 2id day o! October, 18,S7. AI. N E A At AN, Old, 10-27 4t Wo ^spccitilly call your attention to our stock of Gl INS, the haiidsotneiit in the iinarkct which we will sell cheap for cash. A trial will convince you that we can save you money, Orders solicited. Write for prices. ARRING TON & COOPER. Gll.Bro&d Street. Augusta, Georgia. Lee and Botlnvell’s Old Stan3.. SIGN OF THE BIG LOCK. Cranston & Alexander, a / Perkins Manufacturing Co. Ansusta, - Georgia. -MANUFACTURERS OF I COTTON FAC TOllS, GUANO DEALERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 727 Reynolds Street, AUGUSTA, GA. 727. • ' Liberal Ailvanct’s Mntlc On CotiKigniiitnts. Baggi|ii & Ti^s Furnished at Market Prices- Etiict Personal Attention Given L> All liustupsH. . . _ Sor.l'i l'ROFltlKTOUS (|)F...( 'rin-ton’s Aminonbilod Pis.o'vad Honn. f mlon ‘-Vi’d Med, ('omnoond. for Coltfill) and Corn, l’nro Huv.- I! nm .l/a;ii lli.r'i (initi* \ctd ll’lms- 1 ptinic or UisSiolwd l!oiii>np(l Fare Imported German K iinil, Cotton Seed Men!, etc Veliow Pine Lumber. Dressed nrH Matched Flooring unit Gelling, Weatherboard ing R ou „|, „ n , Finis! Window and Dnor Frames, Idimher Worked to Order. Larue 1 sli ek of uuiulihng always on hand and special designs cut, to order. ' ^ SHINGLESLATHS. Saw. Sliinglo nnd Planing Mills, are Lieated at llniTmott. Georoia. \v A* T. railroad, Wliero We Invite l’ersotiftl Inspeeticn ol? * * Prices Cheerfully Given by Mail. —— y Our Fiietnry at Augusta Ga*, (urns out daily immense qimnlities Doors, Sash Blinds, Biaekets, B ilns e/s, Hand Rtilins, Neweis, Slair | Wotk, etc. Prioo list, and ealulogne of tli’n department sent on mu | plication. 1 ' Perkins Manufacturing Company. r Cotton Factors 4* Compressors, AUGUSTA, GA. “ limit For L« hvo to S4I1 Lin.l. G EORGIA—Washington County. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Ii. L. Sleplii-iiN, A,Im’r of tlm mtutn ot Mrs. Canto E. S’.fpbuak, ilooi-a.nd, lois in dm . , , *‘7*,*f- ' . Iorm applied lo tlio iiuili-ndgiu d lor lo»vo to j \\ itfeltous)' UIHl.GompresSes occupying Imoc.K iMitllided liy W islungton. Twiggs, (.'tillmun and Taylor Streets, nnd connected with till the Rail- muds Centering here 1 by double tracts extending into our yards, Moderate charges—drayagk saved. (’onsi'diiments Solicited, I/heral Advances Made on (’ msignmenfs. Office: 167 RENOLD8 STREET. BoomsJlor teveral years occopitd by Augusta Cotton Exchange. li l t)' iiereh ol lmnl In longing to tbu (• ot a iid di otov-md. and aiii.l upplicoitimi will Im lieurc ut my otliveoti tbu lirat Mimdny in DvuioiitiMi' in xt. I bis 7ib d ly i t Novvoiabiii', lfs7, M. NEWMAN, Ordinary \V. C. ILK) li IT. lo ■ -IMPORTER and JOBBER OF- |8M83, fllffijl m* S,1'R'( l RI5 j 'f , LA MI’S, B R A U K KTS a nd Cl IA N DEL IK US, | mm mm imi> —STAMPED AND PIECED TINWARE,— house rtj^tisriSKCxasro goods, 840 BROAD S P Augusta For Leave to .Soil Ltad. GEORG 1A — Washiuglon County. Ordinary's Olliua. II. a. Wi’a-.n Ex'-outor ol tbo v ill of li, L. Cantor, lito id emd oounty, deceiiHeil, lire- in dno t inn apple d to the iitidvndgDod lor Ii-iivo lo h II ibn biiiilH belonging lo the os’, tool siid it-oeased, nnd said appiioiitioii will bo bt’iir.l on tin. hint Monday iu D. cun- bur, I8S7, at 111) oilier, 'Ibis 7tli day ot Novi tuber, 1SS7. M. NEW iM IN, Ord’v. 11-10 4t For l.ettors ol Dismission. GEO HC11A — W iisliiiigtun Gounty. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. K A. Sullivan, Couiity Admiiiistraior, A !■ luinisiralor of tbo tslmo ol Mrs Smithy tloiilo lull* id said I'uiinty, ilioi-used, bos in do*. Iorm up|lim| lo in a lor li-tli is ol I emission Irom tlio iidininistiatn 11 ol b* r -Htatu and l wi 1 pisi L'|ion said upplloi- lion on iIm lirsi Monday in b'll.nmry, last, ataiy elltou iu H di lersvillo in said oonniy Oiv. n ondor my In.nil and idboial signa tori- t'us Ah day ot Novi tuber, 1887 11 NEW MAN, Ordinary. (Siircrimr in WHWIITit C7LLY/7.) ln<l fominissiun Iferelisint? 107 EIGHTH STREET. 7 WARREN BLOCK. AUGilsTA, . { .GTfiORGIA. I bog to oiler 111 v si rvioi-s for tbo rale of your cot on this earning fall and seamn. Tin? time i.-is i-njiic iloit llie high oburgos for tlio solo of ontlim m.i-t find a b-v-si with tlio nth- ranclu two ye ding s or.ig for suit-, 1 priovs and of tbo o iiiiiiii-sioii b'lsinoss. 1 h ive In’ dli’d oottoii in this maikol for thirty- ud now propp-o lo ri-dooi! tbo onniiiiissiou for this y«■ (r to 50a per bale, iticlu- ; ami inMti'i.” oi ini'month Also lmvo on Ii and pure Gi-r nan K limt Jior onii siillpbido potash, dirvi't iiaportalioa from Germany. Assiirsog full prompt rctnri|is, I am yours truly, GLORGK W.t'U ANE. ■I S. WOOD — 11 ID llm —GIIAS. S WOOD. A lso at ti BLACK wi Tit .'ill 1 parcel of land in tin State of (ioorgbi, oi SA E TIME AND ■ sold oni* traoi or • inidy of It a-liiiiutoii tbo ii. -I i.hlo ot Hod Fur Adiuinistratluu GEORGIA — Wushi igtnu ouiipty. GUDINARY’d OFFICE. E. A Kuilivin, Cdiinty Administrator lias in cliii» I’oriii ii|t|i!i'.)d t'i ti.o iindci'Mi^ned lor [) rmuDcut nlmiiiisir.itiou <n ti..* « t.t- ol Allred Dell, I»»t«.* ol K.ud coiimy, du- •■•ciisod, niid 1 will jut-s ii i (in hi id fi|.|*||, .tiioii on t lim tint Mon liiy in Dt feujher If 87, at n y ollija in S »title*! s vi I lo in h 11 d county. CiiNeii under my lmud m.d utllcial niguu taro this 7th day nt Novunhur, IbA?. A] NIL* M.nS. Ordinary. 11-10* -it THE J. S. WOOD & BROTHER, Cotton Factors, ; SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. IT-mil aecommojntion to Shippcra ami Buyem Bugging and Ti« s always on hut.d Hill ereek, eontiiniiu omi lidmliv-l [ldO) acres more or loss adjoin ng bums ut .Mm tin ia) lbo iiorili, t.y lands nl i ' S Mellows on ilie south an I n est, and lai d of ll'iii Kirklaiiu on tlio east; also a certain tract of land lying in tbo Bi-Fi [list (i, M- irasliiiigti.n eonnly St no nf Georgia, con tiiining Fifty (•’’»D) ..ores more or le-s, bound e.l on lIn- nor I. by lands i.f ||*.n. Ii i; kb.n.l; on the insl byj'nnds I M. V. >L son; on tin M'e.-t by bud’s ill S Mod,it,; : ootb by the eoiu.iy line Mill D diiio road Levied on as the propertv of IFm.'K ii kland to sat isl'y a morli'igo, Fi I’a in of M. Y, and D.I. MoTolyio fur idc of .V.vuiiimli Kirk land vs It'..i. Ki.kiaml; Broporly | oinli it nul in Fi F.i and legal lu.tioe giien as re ,, ni led by law. November <Sth‘ 1SS7- \Y, ( A Gesili itil '3’riS»nt«». ['f ile following vidiintiuy from newly found Iriends in All.any. Kv . to ilio iiorili and ( high oslimation in itl.icb Tommie Tapper f was lield nl lute homo, is grati-tally up. preeiali-d liy ids pareuls and liionds iu Sin- dersvillo :j Ifbinas, rummy Topper bad onmo into oar midst and bud eondiieinl himself in a gpiitlemsuly way, and bad mdiarrd bimscll It) ttioso n itlj udiuiu be lin t become uecpiaiQ - ed, mid tl hi reus God iri in Unite morev end providence saw tit to remove him lrom hence among ns, and Whereas, we deeply lament bis loss and mourn with Ids Inr. uverl parents and .Lie., 1 and aDIj them lug. '.her n ub many liioiul- lo know tint if no did l ilt among sti.-.tigeis ' i.e li ll among f'rii tills; ibe following eomiui - ' tee wira appointed to draft risidutiuua ol ' oondolenoo, viz : ll“K. lved, Test in ttin death of Tommy Tapper Ji is p.ivnt- 1 .so an only and au obe- : client and an infeliigt nt son. llesolved, Timt wo wl.o have boon with him iu bis suU -rings ( j l.icb Were iuiim-o) sympathize with flic pneiits, outer, and i. 1- 1 atives i 1 lfe olverl, Thai wo extend to bis fell nvs. ! our sincere regrets in U„i loss ut Tuimut Tuppi-r, aud adu.onisb to loll ibeoi- selves in readiness to uiei t lbeir Go,I sl.ould .tceidt-nf happen tlreo, in their youth or lb-y bo sp.tied to „ g ,od oi-1 age lies.oived, That tl. •,* rosotnlions 1)9 fa;, nisbed l lie p.pnis piibh.ii,.' in S-. i. .1 .• i - v 11..., Gi orgic, nnd tb it Du-y by r, quest.-,! to pub lish them, and sop l n n,|.y ,-, IC |-, i,, ,|. ptrenis and sister at Snndrrsvillo, Oi , .mil to the i.inter lgno-l al Albany, K-nliieky. Mu am, Mus W D Hj.aiu), J. M. lti-.XKu*, M D. It ex mil, M G. Hknisui, .J. T t ur.ogr.Tr, G. W. WmiE, W. liomm-i-.s, Jam i.h ]r.i i.i.i:i\i ,;.i:ot, iiiii-.iv.Tgri, 0. M, G:vi; ,A, Steam Printing’ MORNING NEWS House- IDintinpj, Lithographiug, Eug.a.'ing, Stereotyping, B-jt k Binding and Blank Book Manuiacturiug. THE J.AI OEST CONCERN OF THE KIND IN THE SOUTH Thoroughly equipped ami complete within ' u-hII; ibo if il t nt uiui'li irer> aud tbo iiju.-t fIvI 1 i:l vi oi k ujt u. CorporatiortH, Mirml-o urcis, liuf»Ivh anti Ibu.kt rs. i onntv Oiiiour , j/aruii'in, Men li tiUH, MrtcLan cs, j .In I BusiiiCH.s u (>t*u*rallv. j •ibont placin ; milers lor liiiNlbiug’ in I d { ibove liuus, lrom a viHitiug o ird lo a tn uu l moth post r. or lrom a mcmiorundum book io | a luftmmotb b dgi r, me rt 41. .steel to /.ove this bouse :i trial. •3. as. BCSTEJLS,, S’rniirfo(or 9 3 V/hitaker St., - - Savamiali, Ga. nov 1<* Lv-7. Tax Collector’s 1 will be at tlio days named below, eulleuiiun ol taxes M‘J Wnmmnuk .. El In Talc til H.iriisou .... O.'l Sun //id ... . !)(i Giles - Elud Wa 0. n ... 'JO Uoatrignt's.. JORDAN & SMITH COTTON FACTORS. AUGUSTA, • - GEORGIA. HEADQUARTERS 'V , 822 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. Since Ihc liro nl' February l*2tb, yvtiich do»lroved MiiKonic Ten pie; want of ri.oiQ forced tis to he cmitent with carrying a very limit | ml stock compare I Aviilt wlint we are iiow pivptirei) to oiler. Im- proveuiciits ami extensions [ust couiulcted, imiko on* picsent ]>!i*iti> ! iseft—I wo floors, each lEd feet long by ’2.') feet wide—flic handsomest, ' most commodious best lighted nnd best in every wav for lit; display of goods, in Auguste; and wo challenge the South Atlantic Stales to mutch the stock for variety, completeness ot assortment nnd eui'cs fulness of selection. More lime uml attention tiro devoted to its pur- 1 elitec, tlnii are spent on any similar slock in the South, and tlio result will ho nppea'uht to nil who inspect it cnrclully. On the j shelves, and in reserve ear. be found ut till times lull of every | class of Drv Goods, Notions, etc., from low priced HUBSTANTIAL i HOODS TO THE VERY FINEST FABRICS and OIIOICKST DESIGNS l'RODUOED IN THIS COUNTRY OR IMPORTED FROM ABROAD; and without quotin'.' figures in dotuD, WE GIVE A I’OSTLVE. UNQUALIFIED (,’UARANTEE ON IHUUES I AG AINST EVER Y HOUSE AND EVERY MARKET IN THE i UNITED STATES. We mean tn give snlisluetion to cycryhody i who does business with t is; and whenever nuy article from our lions j does not come up to iv pi'escnta'.ion, the purchaser will oblige It.v notu lying ns promptly, and we will make the mailer satisfactory in ev* ! cry instance. 1 Simples sent by mail on application. In ordering samples, please ; speeity ns exactly as possible the goods desired, and in ordering ( goods, statu whether something else may l.o stibdituted or not, in i case the particular article ordered is sold out. DALY & ARMSTRONG, Augusta, Georgia. ,1/r. 'V. M. Jordan lias been actively engaged id llm Cotton lniRineas dui-iiiR llm past thirteen vii-ais. S> lis'aii'liim gdai'.inteeil in ev cry respect. Omm’mon Tamils .. //../,•. N'u storage if sul.l within lifteen days, ir/m.v nr iikiIy ailmiun-K thti'iinj tin) numnnr ice e/i'uiv/e oho'iiU n /,m/'' cz/i'.(. l.ibeial adviini'cs liia.lo on cotton in store. US! rievei.tnd. . DI Dir i-.Intro.. 12 *:; \ii Ml villL*. 101) Ul i.v'n i:;.)d t tii.iiiu .,. 1:14 d Stour* will I . dost*) 's.. ,. . .ss (). .*:*».-»• iH H Im n . . . , 13u hiiiji'ouj 1> .. ‘Jo Cuiti’o Saudi-1 hV ill • v Notict following on my l.i rt 18s7, t Tuesday Nov. Il'.duesday •• Tbnis.b.y “ Friday “ Monday “ 'tiKsday •• Vt’tdm.xday “ 'Ihursday'* Friday " Monday " Tuesday " dm sd.-y 11 ..Friday " M.mb.y - Til. sil.iy •* . ..Werlinsibiy “ ’ibiirsisy " Fiidav “ ry E .1 urday uulil Deo. ) 1 il-i a on I « l roiiud tor 1 o I8s7, a( wbi-:l, (HU.) my l.noks If. r. It V>\ LINGS, T. 1 ,su U'. 20, <;. X'l'OCiMtlllltlllll. M.ivniuliy of Tot,mile, Nuv. '1th, JFS7. | 11 Imce.'is, uud.r tI.e provideoi'es ol the; R'lpivoi- liiilt-r of the . ni versa our people lin'd , t,unit ml o.iiiso for r.j icing, most tu |.eoi„lly Imve we. tl.eeii z ns of Tcrmillo, ou- , j-.yed a yeai of t.i-,.1 I., b-.ppiness ami prus- ! purity, and i( i- meet ,bat wagiio Ibaoks in ! (tia Giver ot ail good N..W, tbeieloro, J, j InbnG tbu man. Mayor, du (..rr.esily en- j treat ad ltd- inhabitants ut Urn Town of Ten- i i die, l.i\ uu; aside ail steal ir irtafierr they rueet at III-ir ropi-edvii boiisi-K id wui- sbip ou t l.ursday, Ibe kill ot November, ! and ob-ei vr; t b- ray m eoiuajoii with our) count, j in • u lft prayer an.1 liuuihln Tiiaoks- ' giving lo Almighty God fur Ins nnu.ifrld blcsoii'jjs. H 11. If. Mam-kv. C'l’k u Trias. T. o. T, JOBBERS & RETAILERS IN Cooking and Heating Stoves & Tin was*©. IH Y THE 66 AILBI©M m Cook Stove, this stove <bas been sold with perfect satis, faction, for the past fifteen years. JESSUP BROS. A.ixg'uista, — C3-£f. II. D. RAMSEY. w. W. RAMSEY* RAMSEY & RAMSEY, AYliolcsalc ami Retail Dealers Iu Choice Family Groceries, AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. —til 3 ■ BROAD STREET’,— Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silver-ware^ Accordeons, Violins, Banjos and Guitars, you will find a BIG STOCK cheaper than any other place in the city at 538 Broad St., Augusta, Georgia. No Reimember Tlie Xo. 5 as. G. W. H. WHITAKKKp DENTLfeT SAND ERSVILLK, GEOHG 1 A. —TERMS UASIL— twr Olllce upstairs In the x’lioto- u'iiii'li Giillfry fornierl.v offiiptctl by 'J'. G. Glcuu, Junes HtnUlhig* Apr 20 ’80 __ Machine Needles, Oil and Shuttles, FOB ALL KINDS OP MACII! NFS, for Ml* I will also order parts of Machines that get broken, for wldcb new pieces era wanted. A. JT. JEHNIGAN CITY TAX RETURNS. Tin: Tax Dicjkmt is now open for ’lift reuirn ot all properly owned in the city of Samleisville on the Jyt 'lay of October, 1887, suhjict Lo Lax •it.inn. It is tlie order of the Mayor uml Council that the hooks for such re- tunis be kept open until the 1st dnv of Deceinhcr, 1SH7 nnd after thtil. 'imo to close saTnennd enter nil pju-- tu*.s failing t,<) make' returns liv said me as tlolaullers and douhlo tax t-liein for their delinquency. Please 'olnerve aud govern you’iselves ac cordingly. I will he found al the Ginks Su perior Court. cilice from 8 o'clock a. m. lo ,7 o’c.ock p. m., to reei ive said A. M. MAYO, Gin Clerk. ,|V ' Oil... The undersigned lire pi'cpnie'J,^ negotiate LOAN Ul'ON «. 'I'ATE. security or approved LATERAL paper. Terms easy* Evans & Evans, AfloriM’D 11 ImW B»i*. II. K. JtVMA*’ dentiht, Teiinillc OeorgBi* x\'o. I» €. II- »• Extracts Teeth Without W; J „