The Mercury. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1880-1???, November 15, 1887, Image 3

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4 ;| T Y AND BOUNTY jj IIU ,/ of our SURSCRIIlKllS foil true Ih' ir PAPER, they lrill please notify or the [,et immcdiaWly. rf l KS l)AY, November 15 ii 1887 — Nl’t l i.i.<ui:i> nv( — A.J. Jeiinigan&Co., )i i iu.ishi:hs .* i>iU)rum'oits.( — Persona1 Miss Gussie Joyner is visiting friends in Harrison, Gn. Miss Nora Colin is visiting friends nnd relatives in A.merkus. e>s;s aw i Ah i opCiin Geo. W. Foacock >f Har dison was in the city Friday. Maiy Kitlreil is spen ling Miss some lime with Miss Annie Smith, H. L. Harris Ksq., has lieen in At- lan'i 1 several weeks intending tlicSu pi'emu Court. - S B Ii o(«grn plie vs.- Iti'oad Ml., Augusta. <Ua. Ibst Photographers in the State at It west 'jt'icis. Old I‘hot 'graphs ami Dngucricotvpis re-produced into any size desired. Charleston Store Mrs. Darnell nt Millelgeville i, visiting her sister Mrs. M. E. Frank tin at Teniiille. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fournelic ol Oconee, was in the < itv last week. SANDEHSYILLK <V Ti;.\.\]|,[,K ltiiil-ltou<l To take dli ct Mm- 2{,| j gf.7 Kimh-rivilk 8.00 a in .8 1 it a in have POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mr. \V. G. Furso and family returned from South Carolina. Mrs. Minnie Moor who was called here by tin s id death of her brother has ret in lie.1 homo Misses May Wilkinson an 1 Delia Hardin ol Home, are \ (siting their tela lives Messrs John It. and Julius Ii. Wilkinson. A i- Dv Tunnills Ar Snnili-i>vit|-.' Dv x.iinlcrsvill.i Ar Tiiinii:.- Dv Tvimilio Ar SnnileiHvilte Dv .Sander-vidc . Ar Tyiini II.- Dv Tmmiiilp Ar Sand, r-vilie 9 0.10. ai:ac;’zv:ilc, NELSON, Proprietor. 9cO/ i ' 1 THE 8 -0 a in x :!■'> i. n. 11 00 n in II )-i a in 1t 80 |. m 1 2 nO |. in 4 On |i ni I to |l III 1 20 |. in 5 40 |. in II '. IIOOIJTM i* I BaiE^SOIS Dr. .1 Davish, K Evans, has located at PICTURE: =FRAME: JIAMF.UTlKKlt, Augusta GtflPgs So utliern EiDosition TO 13E HEI.D IN Al’GUS l'A 18 AN Assured. Success, HUT BEFORE THOSE GLOKIUS DAYS ARRIVE AUSTIN MULLAKKY Desires to inform (lie public that his stock of Dry Goods surpasses, in ova.-v pi.ri ieuhu', and in sneh stock ever iulro.luced into this market. FOE THE NEXT 1 WO M EEKS Cotton and Woollen Underwear Vo;.tin ID))to 81 » dccn This powder never varies. A innrve of parity, xlmigth and wlinlesiinieiie-. Mma- (-(-(in.imi.-al tlnm lie nrdiniu-y kind nnd rciiinnt I e sold in e.ilnpelitinn with llie- in iltit.ide .if low test-*. shun weight nhim nr iili.ispiite pnwd.-r. Sold .inly in rim«. Koval UaKino 1'owdku co. 100 wall KtX Y. liill Brandi died on Sundii | G r oc t ies of nil an old colored man ; Frank CaMcllew's V. Id stand• Kinds cheapn at Whitaker’s l want my (fiends to understand that l am selling Shoes (Theipcr than tlicr can httv in any where otso in tlic citv. Below Fi id mv l "'ices. Mens lio its at SI 75o to 84 a pn'r.. Mens ilmgims 75 • up to s-J a pair ii omen Shoes 650 1<>,8- a pair Men 1 I 11Iih ■ r Shoes f'^e trunks otic 75c 81 81 23c 8! 5" 8 00. '.I 00, an 1 1 i tlij. Good S lot! IJ arking, Shoe B.'itshos 2 bottle. par pair Boys Hoots 1 50' per pair Women Sunes 75c to S-| npuir W.linens liuhherShoe 5()e Fine Trunks ; (>0 (1 00 7 00 j Will he slaughtered without consideration < f p.icc or quu'itv.Tim stock of | Hosiery is by far too large and MUST NOT BE CARRIED OVER -so the ; eh nee has como f ii-the purchasers to procure these goo Is at tin ir own 1 erices. Cnssimcres. Doeskins, Jeans, Jarscya and flannels are piled up 'on the e miters, 1111 1 I am ?oi ig to s ill the n a, BED HO J]{ LMUCJ-*. N »\v is the lime 11 prepare far winter. R ninin'ior th i tim ni l l pi icj: 810 Brj id •Street. (Jua'ity, Q lantity and p; ico guaranteed by AUSTIN MULLARKY WHOLESALE & RETAIL MERCHANT, \ S I" UliOAl) SIFi’EKT 810 AUGUSTA, GA. I'urolcu, Shoe L’oli -h 1ST. W. MURFHEY, Broad Street, Miss Annie Smith Ins returned tnm) a vis l to relatives in Greens v iilu Fla. ELEGANT AND USEFUL LOCAL. Mr. John Jones is teaching a good school at l’ringle. Miss EMa M i elicll has returned from a visit to her sister. Mrs. C. B. Hendrix, of Mi Hedged lie. GUN SHOP. 3 Gnus, Ihstols and Sewing Machines H-piii-d by Ji. TWILLEY, on •U*iingnn street, next to Mr. J},.,,j ('ol. N. W. Bacon’s law olllco is next door to .Jernigan A- Son's Jew elry store. Mrs: I!en Brookins of Mathews lias returned home. Wi mid 011 s residence. Mr. (). I ih the city visiting the ilv and other rclr,tiv. s n i-..' r a • brands nt Doolitt.c of A igusta is mine. F M I goods of the best Castollnws edi o.s I'.im- Julgo Hints aud Gol. O- H. Rogers are holding Jeff rwon County 8upe rior Court this week Miss Nola R..1 erts of Ltnlcn is in the City viiitiug tehilives. D. L. HAYES, Painter. SEE BaifiaBnsBBBsao THE x.ygusta, 9 corgi a. Cotton comer in from the ndjnin- in» counties, Ibis shmves that Sun- ilersvillc is one ot the best maikels in the slate, House Fainting, Grniiiing, Ka|. Miss Eula Gaston of Union 1’oinl 1 somiiiing, Mni'liali/.iiig, Glazing, l 11 per liimg:ng, &c. Leave \our orders ut Dr. A Mnthis’ Drug Store. 8ui THE JOHNSON REVOLVING BOOH CASE. ,iv mi Inuei'sndkntSitni.vp.s Adjustaiilu io Uouks j <»F A.Nv llcioiir. is visiting relatives at Harrison hton of Dublin, Mr. 'A. H. lion is in the city. Mr. Win. Rawlings is all smiles and shaking hands with every body, young Win. Rawlins jr., is l isting Ids house. Mr B 1 Dr has tuovo l to Mr Langs esiile nee. Miss Mary Ar.inu from Dublin- has returned Mr, G. A Smith of Harrison, has 1 su’d his house and lot to Mr. It. J. Move and has bought a half i..- 1 tu;pstin Mr. Moyc's l'.ir::i. Rev. W. D Oliver and Emily have moved to Die citv. VOX l' lilt EX VK. I lie Soul It Georgia Conference \. ill convene in Sandorxvillo on We.lnes- d ly, the ldlli, of Decoupler. Bishop U- -X. McTyiere. will preside. STOCK COM PAX Y. A good n urn her ol co’orcd 111c:: have gone into a stock company and have put up a store i 1 Mr. Thomas Sailers store house. The slock is ten d illurs a share, and they want one hun I red shares or more Mr. Henry Sandman 1 ns ns-ngned to M -ssrs II ipp A Cohen and Mr. Willey lluriis has sold out uis stoek aud bought the Su dtunn stock. fa 111 tutorXI) Mr. 0. G. Raw.ings has donated a fair ground lor the coming fair next .Year and the track is being put in order. Let us see if Washington c,,| mty cant have a first class fair again. Lei every one take stock and help boom. WATCll OCT FOR ROC CHS. A band of colored men around Harrison, ({.a. have gone into Bio business of stealing hogs ami cotton, A levy days ago they stol 800 I hs of cotton and Mr. G. B Hu dsons steer and cart to haul it oil' "illi. The team lias been recovered hut the cotton still remains a myste ry. mm: b y ic 1 :< out) book*. "Is it pos<iiilc? Why 1 had no couc p ion of the exun-ive use and popularity of this treatment. What! ninety record ImoFs, ot seven hun dred luig.-s each, i-i which are recor ded alphabetically the forty one .hull sand cases ol | alien.s who have been and are using the Compound Oxy gen treatment:’" .such acre the ex clnmalions and surprise u a icccal visitor to the princi 1 ,ui oflice of Dr-. Starkey A palcii, No I52J Arch Si. Philucelplii.'. This "Hire i- op n from A. M. till fi 1'. M. during the week, to all v ho wish lo see for them selvi s the i xieitl i.nd gr-oi 1 h of this disseivedly popular trjalinent. Xor is i;, any wonder iis almo.-t in .•redil’le success should e.Xeite nil meruits eliurlaiai'S lo imil-tie ii ami try palm upon the puiic a cheap im ilalioii as being simili and iqualiy good ami pur. I Hu. mme are genitie without Uk- names ol Drs. Starkey iV Biileii being stamped in the bottle. For a lull history ot this tieaimenl. apply to Drs. Starkey A 1'aieii. 1 f-) ( U Arch streel, l’hila leipni.-r L’.i , am. it will he sent five 11 OX' r 1D\I’MItmM.\ r; You cannot nlVoid to waste time in j 1 xperimentiug when your lungs an in danger C nistiiup'iou always I seems vt first only a cold. Do nut permit any dealer to impose upon yon | 1 with some clonp imitation if Dr. ( ! King's New discovery for eoiimmi - j ! *i‘ l), C mghs and C .Ids; but be sum you get the g inline; becail c lie nil 1 ouik - more profit he may ti ll you la ; has something just as good, or jus 1 the Biune. Din t be di-eb-ved, 111 j insist upon gi'tii g Dr. King’s New Discovery, which is gu iruuteed to I give relit 1 'n all I'u rout. L mg and | Chest iiheetions. Tii 1 bottle froo iv | I Dr. Wm, Rawlings' Drug store Largo bottles $1. ;A Sl l'liltll 1‘HFSKNT.. 1NVAI.UA11I.I-: -10 I.awj-srs, Clerayinen, I'I.vaIHaim, 10(11 tors, Hunkbi'K, 'rciiclicrft, JMurrlinntii, KturimitM, ami till who r^a<l Hooi -. CHEAPEST! STRONGEST! BEST! Made nf Iron, finished iu bl.u k, with heautiful ornamentation, it lutinnt warp, t heck, ?plu, pet rut . f (•riler. or wear out. l'.nch shelf, 1 ♦» in. Mpure, will li«-)«t Hi vok sire of Appleton's ( \< Inp.rili.i. IIylJ b „„,, e l ool.i iii le*» jtjMi.c than any other device. Jxo. 1, l or Table, to hold 1 tier of book*,.. SI 0.00 ** " " “ 2 lit r» “ . 12.00 ‘ *• “ 1 ,oor * " 8 “ “ . . 12.00 . ‘ “ “ 3 “ “ ... ift.oo •J# f “ “ 4 “ “ 18.00 'i’he best si/e for pcncra! ns” i; N'o. 3. Shipped, carefully pa: krd, on h .. ipt «-f pti c e. s.\ nsr.u Tiox i,r.\R.\\i i i d. lAesrriptivi* pi - - Ii* t rmitniniii'v trstimoninU Fro**, Jlliist nitod Ciitnlof'iHi ol Stsit iotirrv ami NovHHrA. nearly 2’tO p 1 yrs.s.-nt on r-v eipt of Jihu*. ANDEHnON l: KRUM STATIONERY CO., - 7 Bon:J Ctroct, TJew York, N. Y. teirp rj V . ■. BEFORE BUYING, Jj ik Easily Uuderstcod. ,v J SUIT AdA ^ Gi 'os you a few of his pi k-cs in BOOTS and SlIOKS." 7Vie ('ilrbrntrd Jamf» Main* SJ.OO Short, The C lXratnl A .1 Rattle $2.50 Shoes Toe Vcklnutnl Mnrnhnj liorrhu Shoes. The "II Soliil (Mlf Iriiiviriit-.i/ *2 0(1 Shoes. Vine llmul Muile Shore from S I.(HI 11 Su.00 I I’hr All Solid P Oilf Uroijnnfrom SI.UU up 1 1'lir All Solid Wm- liroyunr Si,IX) up ire Fine Kid Shore 5-1,1 0 >. - nova vvix i ll I I'll-uwa , Rattier Hue Rid Shoes. Solid,$ 1,25 and SD50 - ; ‘ " AN 1 A, ‘ J ‘ 111 ".I ID I. Kill from Sl/iO (I. S-JOU Mit e nnd ( hidren s .... a/'i-.i.ii -j.":,- /,.s| .i ii ; U-i ilu- latest mid (inest Sluc< of HATS for c.illilri-n, Boys anil .Meimt 7>tH ||i- ( >ml Street. AUGUSTA - FURNITURE - r x> sJL&MXl 'rise SHggest BJoeiiisi Kver llcaiul oft LOOK AT THESE PRICES AND BE UONYINCED: von rmcE list. American B. H. 0. h Sewing Machine Co, 304 N. Charloo Street nntl 6 W. Saratoga Street, BALYStViOSE, IV1D. If your watch is out of order take it to the old relia ble, A. J. Jernigan and Son’s Jewelry Store. H N.BOLL!FIELD BIIVMntV A SI (4MOY, Saiulersvillo, Georgia OlHeu next dour to H. T. Wnikti-’n Gi'ociii v Store. \v A GOOD RKADSTAD fur sl.'il) wortli 82,00 A N’ltM-1 IIUHKAU fur 80,00 worth 87,00 A COMFORT.\ DLL LOFXGH lor 84,50 wortli §5,50 A GOOD M ATTUF.SH tors2 00 wui-di .82,50 A STRONG CHAIR for 40c worth .‘Oc A X L.\T BFD ROOM S14 F tor SI 5,(»«j worth §18,00 SOLI I) WALNUT Bed Room Set for $00,00 vvoali §40,00 I’ARLoR SUIT.S f F ri in id in Fitt-h for §-)3,o0 worth §45,00 Nil E 1 ’1 GTl R* KS Lurge Size lor 7.3c worth 81,00 Oil, I’AIX I'lNliS (iilt Frumca for §2 (JO worth §4,00 I ’> A B 5 CARR I AG MS all Styles §(J,00 to §50,00 know vmi w ill say how can thin tiling be. Wo Answer: TIMETABLE TRADE MARIf ^ REGISTERED. OF THE WIlKilflSV 1 Id K, TKd.Nli : DIHfD. ,s a. l; Took t-flicl Octolii-r Utli 18-7. Dv Temiilk* Dv Harriium Dv 1 luimvim Ar \; riglil-v'k- Dv Wripliluvillc... Dv Dov vti Dv llrulou - Lv Cuiiilur Ar Dahlia SOL' HD So. 1 : A. .M. ... 0 h (i to 0 :-:u M. 1 uu oluiist MUSK' HOUSE IN TII 10 STATE. Established in Augusta 1848., Geo. Ik. r 1 115 p y I la* L* . uiii. 1 nisi Pi a nos. Organs. 1620 -Areli vStio^t, l-’lnlaU'a, 1‘au of^S'MJuSm'lieramrAT as A Well HM Treatment L()W 1>R iCI'o as can Im found any- j Kol . \ Oates iofur.ii iii, Friimds and that he it. Mill ablo lo fur Ue buy for CAl^lJ; SNVorything Nciv, , tStylish and Fresh. J * Cali iiml see us, or write for illustrated catalogue nnd price lin FliRKING & BOWLES. Th^ Lie^dercd HUH filrwssL 23ssd iJIis Street*, 1 im VS r T. 1, QE on GI. -!. .11 -,0 .0 6u 1 .iO 2.1 ) 2 2 ) s I' 'R A. ROD SOX WAS SHOT AT. Wo learn that on Wed nos lay last 11 ditleultv occurod between Mr- Hionias Brown nnd Mr J. A. Robson (ll i the Bynum plnco about the l ight of possession nnd tlie crop, resulting in tlio sliooting at Mr. Robson by --0-. Brown with a gun ami missing toiu. Brown was ngi nt for Mr. W. i‘- 'I’higpen vvliu had bought the i’liu-o for the Corbin Banking Com Ruiv at the shorin' sale when the pi'operty was sold by ltobsons imnd- luuu - Robson claims the plnco ns (I'Uatee for Ids children and was Whoring the crop nnd dispul.d ll e ''ight of Brown. MA liltUiO. Mr. A I)iit'ioo a il Miss Belle Wood were murriod at the home ii ( tim liriilo near Oconee ou yesterday Oil), hist. Rev G. 8. Johnson per formed the ceremony. Dv Dublin Dv Conilia- l.v Jtniuai Dv D'ivvit Ar Wright-mill,.- .. l.v Wnghisville... l.v l.'oeuv.ia l.v ll.irrisoa Ar IVanillv (iOI.NCi XOltTIt. X , 2 A vt S 80 H 00 .VO 1 r .7 •I 10 -I 40 .. !l IS ... o ..10 00 .. 10 II ) .. to l.S ...10 80 > Oil | where. Having sold Pianos in llnseilyfo- i nearly 40 years, ami very many of I heir-, ho is proud to s ly llml ho has itev r lmd to Ida-on • buck for iufe- | liotity, as lie always la pt such us lie 1 could rei-ommend. Ha will lio pleased o show icis goods to any one, vvlieth I or they wish to buy or not. A ful 'stock ot I ns ria-,\i in is and Music n ways i-n hand at ins sloi-e, . 12*. Kilt K|., A llg IlsCK, <;<‘OI'glll fi to fi lo fi 111 Ii 05 tc 2'c SiOO to S300 No 5. Going 8oii'li ll to 7 ou Mr. Clement Iimwo o:io of Tv-.i mile’s successful merehatits and M'iB) Ha tie. Joi'.es of I'.uiko oouiitv tVeilnesday last. ra lu I a were uisuriei The Mkiktuv extends e tions. l.v Ten ii i lie “ iiarrison " I'onovan Ar YVrightsville.... Lv Wi ighlsv ilk- “ Lovell “ Bniion.. *- ('onilnr. Ar Dublin No (I Coin Lv Dublin t 00 a m 7 -Hi a m S 10 a in S 40 a m 55 a m . 0 do a m ,... 10 00 u iii . 10 ao ft in . J1 00 ft m Nor h . 12 00 :i m J/ONTII be made .vorking lor iis, Agents pi-el'erreii who can furnish their own horses and give thei r whole Li me to the tin - i e.ess -spire moments ninv lie pmlitnb'v employed also. A lew vueam i"- in t.own» nnd cities- IDF. JOHNSON A r (JQ., 1013 .Main street, bielimomi, Va. A 23 3m Patronize Home In The liouhlo wedding ol Mr. AD x Smith to Miss J ce Kirk woo 1. and Mr. Tl)jams Adams to Mrs. Curl Whitaker took place at O’.anda 1- lor idft last- Teusdiiy. the happy couple left iuinieilintely lor this ciiy " Condor ..12 30 in *■ Briituii .. 1 00 p m “ Lovett.... . 1 30 p m \ l Wi lglitsvillc . .2 05 p ui Lv ... 2 20 p oi -- D ui'-van ... 2 40 p in " llun i on . . 3 10 p in Ar l eiinilie .... 3 50 j. m Toiiiiille, ii.ii i i.-ou, W rights) iile W' THO CniDRENDCRXEO UP• Ha Saturday niglit about hull'past ei b’ht (Ire broke out iu the house ol Lracy Brown it colored woman living " n Mrs, WcCullars pi ,ce. Tlio house "as burned to the ground and two •if her children, a boy and girl were to death in il before the. •HHilil b>? rescued. Grtiey. eooka for Mrs J„y ner nnd her oldest son about L years old, as ho usua'y done put children to bed and locked tl-o lo a«e up and went after his mother lt! had only been gone but a short "Idle when the fire was discovered. Hs supposed that, the children got "B alter he left aud played ill the fife (“Hi set lire to the bed, congratulate both and " isli for them happiness nnd prosperity. A SOUND I.IIUAD OI’IMON- F Raiuliiidga J/umbiy lki], C-uuity Afv. Cloy C '- T«x- mg . 1 f ttVl ' use ililectm-B.lte.s vvilh most hap ’r.lion and Dublin are Te.cgrap I Si iu ions. Nos 5. (’>, Second class. Nos 1, : 3. 4, Fi si Class. Nos 5 and G Lieu | iiinr \Y. B Thomas. Picsidcut, Gen’l SuperiafeiHl-uit. Nov. 14 lk-'Sfi. EUREKA. MILLS, | S andersville - - - Cxa. T HESE mills are now making tin. best Flour mid Meal of any mill iu | the country. Every accommodation is provided Im people coming in from I a distance. Honest men are ii j charge, and EVERY FOUND of i. Meal, Flour anti Bran ! i’ll at the wheat mid corn will makeb ! GUARANTEED TO THE Cl.’.sTO.MEik i of the mill, less the lull. So bring in your 5VIIEAT AND corn at tile same time and thereby save going lo mill twice. C. li. l’b’INGLE 7-1)85—tf ,J L. Yiirboioii Knr ('aiisimiiitliin, Astiimn. Itrunchit-. I)ys|iciisia, l atarrh, liny i i-vi-r. Hi a I- aiuu-, lU'liilltj Klicumall-in, Nciii-iilgin. illlll oil Cliroinr onil ,\i n on /J- ordrre, AVIa-n ‘‘Compound Oxygen" is inhale l lie fi-.-M-l Ims im|nii-|iil I- ii iiicit-iiscil vitility That Orgnn semis IV.i-th the hleml iviili in nr? three ami less \vc*r to ii-eil'; the vital ear- ivilsle-iv. nn tli'dr eii'ciut new ik-posits viid force in every cell ul'lissneover vvliieli tliev )i iso :m:l return n-- it. I'm a new sup plv. This simple story is the ration'll cx- [ilii'iiiiiin of thofft-e •l»t mlvance lhalmedi eh I -I ieni’o lias yt-l inaile. "The Compound Oxygen Treatment which Drs. Starl'ev ft l’alen, No. 15211 Aror Street, Philadelphia, have been Using Ih: the hist sixteen years, is a s; ioutilit- adjust meat of die elements of Oxygen and Xilru gen voo/ndizeil. ami the compound is so --.n deiised and made porudile ; hut it i« ra nil- bv ex press lo ever, poriioikof the eountn — indeed, il is sent all ov er tlie world. CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING [GOODS. New .fr'Mil Trade. -thadi-s nml b -', Door Mats, t'urtams, \\ i ton, \ elvet, Iimssels,.'t-p|y Ingrain C’ariielR, A mdovv Shades of every size ami (Mu,, emhiiiee- An Co-pet, Window Mmuesol every size nml Cdo, eiiibrjiec- .Xr, Myles, Cocoa, t,'.non iiml Napier .Mailing., Floor Oil C'IoiIh nml bh,u- Windo I leant) li '"g all til iaunis, Lae.- V lrtaiiis, Window ('• mice, and Poles. Nt iv Walnut, fliorrv, Ash. Ebonv nml /.ra-. ('mm,, - ami Poles, Tnreoman Oarlains and Draperies, I'plm'lstery Goods' Raw Silk, m a variety of Patterns. Fringes in all Colors, Hair t'lo h.C'.meall Wall I'.tpers, i>jrilorsami Dicor.itions. and Gimp and Just Opened For All Trades, 0.1 I’.iidiugH, I'M^ravinpc at/d Chroma?. Proon *. I'liste.r*-, Hasl’etK, Koor Mat*, AVal— imf and KdIdht Weather 6'irij^ fur Doors and Windows, to keep out odd, and all s »Ul ices. l.o Ye*t T &. BAILIE & SON, ('.irmiirlu linildiivg, 71 i Broad .S'lu-et, Augusta, Georgia. py results. My brother ala- V low with Mttmi'ial Fever mi-.l Jaiiu- ,i‘iee but was cureil l>y Hmelv u-e of L,lt ’ • • ■ satisliod Electric ibis medicine. Am Bitters saved liis life. Mr. I). I C T. L. WINN, PAINTER, , Frop'tor •ii, .\iillei Wilo-’Xion, of Horae V( . Kv, lid Is II like,testimony. «“>• . ,, H ,‘nosllivi ly believes I) • W'« ll .. B „ di ll. hud i ot been lor Luc- o di d, had \ b 51, l.v will ward off, no WI 1 us «« H ftl1 House I’nintiug, Graining, Kul. Rouiining, Pii[)t-i- Hanging, &o., done wifi) i mill lies.s and dispatch. In live your orders at L)r Wm Rawlings’ Drug Store. Malaria Diseases, (1 for a l"Kidney, Liver, and Mtou:- h D b U'det s stands tmn]u.'d e. amt §1. at Dr. Hm, IDwl- Rubber Stamp .Fancy Type, 2 '•> vis- Friee 5 ngs’ drug ' ittng Ow'd i amt 4NDA INK to m.rkj Linen oil 1 / 25 ets . (stamps.) Bo >k of 2U'X) at-ylo i free witii eiielv ordor. Agents wanted. Big pay. T1IALMAN M1«”G CO., BALTIMORE, AID. —THE— WHELESS STAMP PRESS ■COMPANY.- 743 RFNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Agents Wanted! Catalogue Fiiei:! RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS, STEN CILS, STEEL STAMPS, &c. 5 Sole Monnfuatureis of H he Wilder Kclf-lnkiu ,' Itub- ber Stamp Friuli ii j Pros Sep-27-'87-ly. * 8 Dus. S v me kv A Pam'.n have t!io lilieri lo ruler (m proof’of llu-ir alillidii.g as Pin- aieinns) lo tlio following naen-d -veil-know e persona who have tried their Tivatinen Hon. D- Kei.i.kv, Mendin' of Coni/retn, Philuddphia. Itr.v. Victoii D. Con had, liditor l.uthrrun Observer, Piiihult lyhia. it Kv. \V. Cir-rilNii, F.ditor American Reformer Sew Yorl., Don. Wii Pknn .Nixon. Editor lab r Ocean, (Jhicnyn, 11. Juiiru:-iosi-n-n it i-'l.ANUKUS, Temple Court. Xck York. Mas. Mahv A. I Aiim, Widow of di I • i I)u Haiivky I'A-ron Oiuulen. Sew .jeruey Mas .'I m.y A DoiiiiiaY, Jamaica. Ronj Ritual Sew York MUS M AKV A 1.1 VK MOUB Melraee MarnachueetU •I l.-EIIK li S \'oilU ll l-.KS, .Wei York I’tly Mu(ii-roiti;i-: W l nwAims 7 ra/iCr St Ueoryc.e lintel Pliibnlctphtn Mu Thank Finu.w.i, A veil kworn Merchant. Philadelphia .\Di Wii.i iam II Wnm i.v, Silk Manufacturer l'nilinldphiu, Pit And many Olliers in every part of the U f FI ^ E BURGLARS ! THIEYHT s: OUR VICTOR Hoflsefioio&orflGe Safes expressly meant to supply i demand from Farmers, fxi ''Compound 0.njycn—its Mode of -Actten am Results'' is 1 ho title of a VolunieoJT-early 8U l-v Drs Stavkev A P.ilea which g',v,. l Iii id all iu(piirer.s full inlia. unitioa remark line curative ageni and a large n eon ol snprising cures in a wide range of chrun | in cases —many ol being ah unioned n die 11 y other physicians. It wii! lie mail'-' nee' an addles- ou applies.inn DRS XTAKSiKt & F.U.I4Y. 152t» Arch Ki., Piiiiitiioipliiii V Are expressly meant to supply an ur gent demand from Farmers, havyert, Doctors, Small Storekeepers, Postmasters, Expires and Railroad Agents, Tonnshif and County Officials, Trustees, Retired Business Men and Families, for a first* class fire-proof, burglar-proof combin ation lock, safe, adapted in capacity and price to suit their requirements. Too Victor is first-class in every rg> poet, warranted fire-proof, and cTor. atructc-d inthomoEtimproved manner. Wo now nso oh cacli and every fafo our aon-pickable combination lock, anil insido bolt-work. It hoEjall round corners, exterior beautifully X finished anil ornamented by hand with No. I. Itnckleii's Aniic.i Kss5v<*. Tim Best Salve in thu -.v rid for mi Bruises, 8ori'K,'U ccrs, Suit- Rin uu. Fev'->- Sores, Totter, Cb.ipiu-d 11 oil Chi bla in, Corns, aud r.Il 8kii) .Ei-iij licus, a id positively euro» Files, • uo pay required. It i: .".mimat.i- to give perfect smisfacli.- of mou j-efuiulod. I'rico 25 cui:'« pm box FOR WALE BY DR BAWL [NOW No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. all burnished portions nickel-plated. ..In terior nicely fitted up with sub-treas- •’urics, book-spaces, and pigeon-holes. Advertisement No. 1. Farmers’Size, (9xl2xi3, ... weight, 135 lbs. $24.00 Household Size, 22x15x10, *■ “ 250 lbs. $30.00 Small Dealers’ Size, 28x18x13, - * - “ 600 lbs. $40.00 Postmastors’ and Office Size, 32x22x22, - “ 800 lbs. $60.00 No. 4 lias insido door, with flat key lock, duplicate keys ; Sub-treasuries havo flat key-loi ln, with duplicate keys. We are sole owners of patents and sole, manufactori es <f the Victor Safes. We caution persons against making, buying, telling or using safes infringing on our patents. ; ■!>• Every first-class safe company manufactures under patents. It is dangerous to buy spurious goods bearing no patent dates. Every person whits in need of a safe will find It profitable to correspond with us at once, beforo an agency is established in his locality, an i receive the benefit of on r Special Offer in open territory. Wo want 0eneral Merchants and Dealers to help us carry out our Inter-State Co-operative Plan. Exclusive control free. A highly profitablo connection to last probably for a life-time. If ill cost but one cent for a postal card to learn full parti culars. Illustrations and testimonials sent on application. In writing us mention advertisement No, 1. Address, The Victor Safe & Lock Co„ CINCINNATI, OJp m