Newspaper Page Text
Business and Personal News
Cotton Market N0v.12.
Furnished bv Farmer-Garbutt & Co.
' MIDDLING 10 3-4
- The Grand .
Javes Cruze and MARGUERITE
Swow of “MiLLion Dorrar Mys-
TERY” fame in one of the very
best Masterpictures,
‘The Patriot and the Spy’
In Four Parts.
Also VioLer Mercereau and
Wy Garwoop in one of the
very best “Imp” Features.
‘The Wolf of Debt’
In Four Parts.
2 Features, 8-Reel Program
Diamond From the Sky
(A Mind of the Past)
3-Reel Drama.
* ‘A Mortgage On His Daughter ”
Haxk Many, E-Co Comedy
Pathe Weekly'
Big Broadway Features Mon
- Ay
Under Southern Skies
3 Parts—Featuring the Charm
- ing Actress, MArY FULLER.
. Mrs. McCrory will give a de
" lightful children’s entertainment
Saturday 3 p. m. at the Carnegie
Auditorium admission I 0 cents,
M. Dickson will furpish the Do
- mestic Science class of the Fitzger
ald High School with a sack of flour
'made out of Ben Hill county wheat,
" milled in Ben Hill county for their
~ Georgia products luncheon.
No. 1.—20 acres red pebble land, located one mile north of the city |
on a graded road. Has 5-room house and barn, 17 acres in
cultivation. Cash price, $50.00 per acre.
No. 2—25 acres near car shops, 16 acres in cultivation, best red pebbl
land. 5 room house, and barn. Only $3OO cash, balance 5 years atl
6% interest.
No. 3.—5-acre tract with 6-room house and a good barn at 14 value.
Only $l,lOO, part terms. -
No. 4—490 acres 414 miles north of Abba, Ga. Timber worth the |
price. Only $lO per acre, only 15 cash. This is the investor’s |
opportunity. ‘
No. 5—130 acres 4 miles from the city limits. 90 acres in culti
vation, 6-room house, barn, etc. Nearly all the best red pebble
land. Price $5,000, with $l,OOO cash, balance in one to five years
with interest. ;
No. 6.—245 acres, 5 miles southeast of city. Property runs up to
the station at Ashton. This has 70 acres in cultivation, best
red pebble land, 5-room house, also good barns and sheds and
, 2 tenant houses of 2 rooms each. 35 acres under a good wire
fence. $37.00 per acre, with 14 cash, balance one to ten years at’
6 per cent. Here is a bargain that cannot be beat in Ben Hill Co. ‘
No. 7.—20 3-4 acres, 2 miles from the court house on a good graded !
road. All in cultivation. No. 1 land. Price $1,500, withs2o)
cash, balance on terms to suit. !
No. 8.—5-room house and reception hall, has city water, electric
lights, bath fixtures and sewerage. This property can be |
bought at a big bargain, or can be sold subject to a mortgage, |
with only $2O per month payments. Why pay rent? ’
No. 9—5 acres adjoininY car shops, all 1n cultivation, at a snap bar- |
gain. Price $lOO cash balance $20,00 per month until paid, see
us for the special price. ‘
No. 10—Suburban home with 10 room house, 2 barns, and other build.- |
ings. This has 40 acres of land with 10 acres set to paper Sbell‘
pecans three years old, 25 acres of best land across the road from |
buildings that if set to pecan trees would in 5 years bring $5OO
per acre or more. This ideal place for sale at $9OOO, on terms.!
Now is your opportunity to buy a home that will make you rich'
by and by. ‘‘Motto” The Early Bird Gets the Worm.” I
NO. 11—100 acres of wild land only 2} miles from Court House cn’
three graded roads with not over 5 acres of waste land, Bergain
price $2250 cish, or $2500, with. $5OO cash ‘and 5 years on the'
balance at 8%. . |
: a
“We have a large list of vacant city lots, houses and ‘lots, at all
prices, that can be bought for cash or on payments. Remem
ber, the Old Reliable is always ready to do the best we can for
" you and at the best price and terms.” |
? Yours for business, |
o6kt 123 E. CENTRAL AVE. !
Dr.G. W.McLean
Rooms 512-513. PHONE 438.
Garbutt- Donovan Building,
Fifth Floor
Sunday by Appointment
B® ° :
Dr. C. J. Christiag
General Fractice
Diseases of Thil Iren a Specialty
Office at !)r. Haile’s Drug
Mrs. Carrie’ Haverfield and
two children arrived in the city
yesterday from Colorado Springs,
and will make this city their
home, At present they are
located at the home of her father
in-law, Mr. S. Haverfield.
Mesdames J. L. McCarty, Lon
Dickey, and Misses Fannie Boyd,
Esther Benton and Elizabeth Pryor
motored to Douglas Thursday to
take in the Fair.
Special cut price sale will
begin in a few days---Dodd
Supply Company. 135 tf.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Isler and child
ren and Mrs. J. L. McCarty left this
morning for Leary and Shellman to
spend the week end with relatives
and friends.
Cow For Sale.—Fine Holstein,
fresh soon this week. Apply to
Westvtew Farm.
134-tf M. E. Hutchinson.
A number of Fitzgeraldites went
down to Douglas Thursday to visit
the fair,
Mrs. C. A. Wheeler and children
left Thursday for Macon, where they
will make their home in future. Mr.
Wheeler will leave here Monday,
having accepted a position in Macon.
e e A S e o
&6 3 ]
- Geraldine Farrar
in “Carmen” Nov.
15th. Only been
shown in large cit
iles. The public
pays $5.00 a seatl
to see Miss Farrar.
The Amusu will‘
show it just afterl
Atlanta has it for
15¢c and 25c¢. ‘
In “The
- Saturday
“Sharps & Flats”
“A Gentleman’s
3 Reel Drama
Geraldine Farrar
in “Carmen” next
Monday, Nov. 15.
Only been shown
in large cities. The
public pays $5.00
to see Miss Farrar.
The Amusu will
show the picture
just after Atlanta
has-it for 15¢ and
The “
Always Good Pictures
Mr. Carson of the Whitaker Paper
Co. of Atlanta spend Thursday in
the city. |
~ Mrs. McCrory will give a de
lightful children’s entertainment
Saturday 3 p. m. at the Carnegie
Auditorium admission 10 cents.
Dr, E. J. Dorminey spent Thurs
day in Atlanta on professional busi
ness and incidentally visited the
Legislature to renew old acquaint
ances with some of his former col
Big shipment best seed
Wheat---Dodd Supply Com
pany. 136 tf.
Mr. Chelso Perucci of Chatta
nooga spent a few days in the city
this week. Mr. Peruceci, who is a
comedian of national reputation,
formerly made this city with his
company, but for the past ten years
he has left the road and is main
taining a stock company at perman
ent amusement parks.
; Wanted-Second hand one horse
’wagon. Must be in good repair,
‘cheap for cash. Enquire Leader-
Enterprise ffioce. it
Mrs. Guy F. Robinson and
children are wvisiting her mother
at Reynolds fora short time.
The A. B. &A. has arranged
special trains for the 16, 18, and
20 to leave Fitzgerald for Atlanta 1
at 4:15a. m. to carry the crowds
to the Harvest Festival in the
capital city. The schedule is ar
ranged so that the visitors will
have the entire day in Atlanta,
arriving there in time to see the
parades. 3
Notice to Farmers,
Wanted 5000 bushels good
corn. Must be shucked.
133-tf Union Cotton Qil Co.
Mrs. McCrory will give a de
lightful children’s entertainment
Saturday 3 p. m. at the Carnegie
Auditorium admission 10 cents.
/ Mr. J. H. Jones left last night
for a few days stay in Atlanta.
WANTED.—A lady with pre
vious experience to take charge
of pantry department.
Enquire at Leader-Enterprisi.t
Alex Koplin is in Atlanta on a
short visit to his parents.
Miss Carpenter, director of
Art at the South Georgia Normal
at Valdosta spent three days in
the city this week, giving the
teachers in the city schools
special instruction in drawing
and kindred subjects. , |
Preacher Bishop and Wright
Paulk are the potatoe growers.
Preacher Bishop brought in
twenty weighing 78 lbs. and Mr.
Paulk exhibited some samples
weighing six Ibs. a piece. Some
The children of the First Ward
School, at both sessions are mak
ing progress in their laudable
undertaking of raising funds for
the purchase of a Grafinola, to
be used during their exercises.
Inspiring music will soon be
furnished for. their drills and
physical exercises and no doubt a
desire for good music will be
cultivated in many of the little
todds. ;
$lO Reward $lO
For information or return of
one yellow jersey cow, with a
white heart in forehead and black
around the eyes. Horns have
been sawed off, and tail cut
about six inches.
- A, M. Findley,
Ocilla Georgia.
Attend the meeting at the
Court House Saturday 2 p.
m. A Tobacco agent will be
in charge.
Bibles for m Holidays
We Come To You Early
With These Holiday Gifts
So many have ordered them in the
past that we decided to lay ina com
plete stock of these fine gift Bibles
and Testaments to supply the home
demand. We have them in-all bind
ings in stock; from the finest Le
vant to the more cheaper kinds. All
priced right and there is ONE in our
stock to suit you.
A Bible or a Testament is always
an acceptable present. Everybody
appreciates owning a beautiful vol
ume’of:the Bible, and in our seleec
tion you will find one to suit your
taste and purse.
We extend a most cordial welcome
to all delegates to make our store their
headquarters during Convention
Week. - .
7o :R@xa& Store
/ Grailey Haile has purchased a
lot on West Central and will
errect a modern cottage this
‘winter. '
Mr. G, L. Taylor has sold his
farm, south of the city to Mr.‘
John Henderson. o e
There are many music students
in Fitzgerald. There are verv few
opportunities for the people in
general to be benefitted by their
art. It is the hope of the Woman’s
Club to provide the place and an
instrument so fine, that the induce
ment for public recital will grow
more and more and by the frequent:
hearing of good music, a musical
atmosphere in our community may -
be created so that ambition in all
students will be stimuiated and
the talented few may be recogniz
ed and encouraged to higher aspi
PEARCE & BATTEY, the Savan
nah Cotton Factors, are substantial
reliable and energetic. Their ex
tensive warchousing facilities and
superior salesmanship are at your
command. They are, abundantly
able to properly finance any quan
tity of cotton shipped them. Isn't it
to your interest to try them? Do
it now and be convinced. fri
Bids are wanted for the construc-'
tion of a Concrete Reservoir at the .
Fitzgerald Water and Light Plant.’
A certified check for $500.00 will be
required with each bid, and the
successful bidder will be required to
give a surety bond in such an
amount as is ' deemed necessary by
the Commission. Plans can be
found at the office of E. Hussey,
Chairman. We reserve the right to
reject any and all bids. P
FrrzceraLp WaTER, LicHT & Bovp
133-4 t COMMISSION. :