Newspaper Page Text
GeorgiA—BEeN Hur County.
To all whom it may concern:
C. A. Newcomer having in
proper form applied to me for
Permanent Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of V. R.
Barley, late of said County, this
is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of V.
R. Barley to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed
by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be grant
ed to C. A. Newcomer on V. R.
Barley estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 2nd day of
November, 1915.
J. R. Horton, Ordinary.
Georgia—Ben Hill County.
C. A. Newcomer having in
proper form applied to me for
Permanent Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of G. W.
Barley, late of said County, this
is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of G.
W. Barley to be and appear at
my office within the time allowed
by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be grant
ed to C. A. Newcomer on G. W.
Barley estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 2nd day of
November, 1915.
J. R. Horton, Ordinary.
Ceorcia BeN HiLn County:
Notice is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the Court of
Ordinary of Ben Hill county, Geor
gia, at the first regular term after
the expiration of thirty days from
this notice for leave to sell the land
belonging to the estate of M, B. Cof
fee, described as follows: One hun
dred and fifty acres in the shape of
a parrelleogram on the East side of
lot number 292, in the fourth land
district of Ben Hill county.
This the Bth day of November, 1915.
A. E. Coffee
D. B. Nicholson, Jr.
4t-p Co-Administrators.
GeorcraA—BeN HinL County
America Emma Coffee, having
having made apylication for twelve
months support out of the estate
of M. B. Coftee, deceascd, and ap
praisers duly appointed to set
apart the same having filed their
return, all persons concerned are
hereby required to show cause be
fore the Court of Ordinary of said
county on the first Monday in De
cember 1915, why said application
should not be granted.
This Ist day of November 1915,
J. R. Horton,
Libel For Divorce.
Georcia Bex HiLL COL:FTY:
Daniel Smith vs Janie Smith.
Libel for Divoece Ben Hill Su
perior Court, January Term 1916.
To the defendant, Janie Smith,
a non-resident of unknown ad
dress, you are hereby command
ed to be and appear at the next
term of the Ben Bill Superior
Court then and there to answer
the above styled complaint. :
Witness the Honorable W. F.
George, Judge of said Court.
p. . D. W. M. Whitley, Clerk.
Come to Fitzgerald to shop.
‘Coal! Coal! Coal!
Extra fine quality Coal for domestic use.
Delivered anywhere in the City $5.50 per ton cash.
Phone 1485 or 407-L.
Coal Yard corner Central Ave. and Thomas St.
Mortgage Sale.
Georeia BEN Hmur Counry,
Under and by virtue of a
power of sale contained in a
mortgage deed executed by J. J.
Pugh to Bernie A. Fohl on the
31st day of July, 1914, recorded
in the office of the clerk of the
superior court of Ben Hill Coun
ty, in Book 15, Folio 14.
The undersigned will sell at
public sale, on the first Tuesday
in December, 1915, at the court
house of said State and County,
during the legal hours of sale, to
the nighest bidder for cash, the
following described property:
City lots Nos. forty-one (41) of
Moore’s First Addition, being a
part of original five (5) acre
tract No. 1149; also lot No. Three
hundred Twenty Two (322) of
Moore’s Second Addition and be
ing a part of Five (5) acre tract
No. 1147 in the City of Fitz
gerald, in the County of Ben
Hill; also the following personal
property; one certain Six Horse
Power Hagan Gasoline Engine,
and also one Ycrk Pennsylvania
Wood Splitter, together with all
the casting, pulleys and belting;
also one gasoline tank and also
one water tank, This sale will
take place for the purpose of
paying seven promissory notes,
dated July 3llst, 1914, for the
sum of $50.00 each. The first
note falling due on October the
first, 1915, and the balance of
said notes falling due on the first
day of October each year there
after. Said notes bearing in
terest from date at the rate of
seven per cent, per annum. The
total amount due on said notes
being $350.00,, principal, and
$30.62, interest, together with
the cost of this proceeding.
There is a stipulation in said
mortgage that if default is made
in the payment of either of the
notes for a period of ten days af
ter its maturity, then, and in
that event, all of said notes are
at once to become due and col
lectable. And default having
been made in the payment of the
note due October the first, 1915,
the undersigned has declared
all of the said notes due and col
lectable; and will sell under the
power of sale in said mortgage
as aforesaid. A conveyance will
be executed to the purchaser by
the undersigned, as authorized
in said mortgage. This 10th
day of November, 1915.
Bernie A. Fohl,
p. Homer Oxford Attorney.
G corgia, Ben Hill County,
To AUI Whom It May Concern:
Susie Roberts, a resident of
this state having in due form ap
plied to the undersigned for
Guardianship of the person and
property of Ophelia Roberts,
Elihue Roberts and Maycie Rob
erts, minor children of Louis H.
Reberts late of said County de
ceased, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard
at the next Court of Ordinary
for said County,{on the first Mon
day in December, 1915.
} Witness my hand and official
signature this 2nd. day of Novem
ber 1915.
J. R. Horton,
p. Ordinary Ben Hill Co. Ga.
Young Bull Taken Up.
I have on my place alight jersey
bull, Taken up wednesday morning.
Owner can have same by calling
at my place on McKinley Ave,
and paying the cost of this advertis
ment and feed.
G. W, Brannon,
e ——— eL% ANV e d
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
Will be sold at the courthouse
door in said county on first Tues
day in December Nineteen Hun
ared Fitteen, within legal hours
of sale, |
One bay horse abous five years
old about fifteen hands high name
Frank; also. one bay horse about
10 years old named Dexter.
Said property levied on as the
property of Lewis Mobley to satis
fy a mortgage fifa issued from the
City Court of Fitzgerald, in favor
of J. L. Perry against Lewis
Mobley. This November Eleventh
Nineteen Hundred Fifteen,
W. H. Fountain, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia, Ben Hill County;
Will be sold on the first Tues
day in December, next, at the
courthouse in said County, within
the legal hours of sale to the high
est bidder for cash, the following
property, to wit: One open top,
black, Ellis, steel tired buggy and
‘harness. Said property levid on
as the property of R. L. Higgs to
satisfy a certain livery stable lien
issued from the City Court of
Fitzgerald. Ben Hill County,
Georgia, in favor of Gray Bros.
against said R. L. Higgs. |
This 12th day of November,|
1915, 1
p W. H. Fountain. Sheriff.
Mortgage Sale. |
Under and by virtue of a power
of sale contained in a mortgage
executed by E. Horne to J. L.
Perry dated 9th day of Novem
ber, 1914, and recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Ben Hill County, in
Book 15, folio 51, the undersign
ed will sell at public outery, at
the court house door in said
county, during the legal hours of
sale, tothe highest bidder for
cash, on the first Tuesday in
December, 1915, the following
Twenty-acre tract No. 4413,
located in land lot 286, in the
fourth land district of said coun
ty, as shown by the recorded
plat of the American Tribune
Soldiers Colony Company, of rec
ord inthe office of the Clerk of
Irwin Superior Court.
For the purpose of paying a
certain promissory note, for the
principal sum of $290.85 executed
and delivered by E. Horne to J.
L. Perry on the 9th day of
November, 1914, and due Sep
tember 15, 1915, stipulating for
interest from date at eight per
cent, per annum. The total
amount due on said note to date
iOf sale being $290.85 principal,
$19.12 interest, together with
‘the cost of this proceeding, as
provided in said mortgage, A
deed to the purchaser will be
made by the undersigned.
This November 11th 1915.
J. L. Perry. -
McDonald & Bennett,
Attorneys for Mortgagee.
at Dickson’s Mill
Rice Polished and Cleaned. Will Open for Business
Friday, October 15th and be open for the ac
- commodation of the public every Friday
and Saturday during the season,
Bring your Rice and have it polished and cleaned.
M. Dickson, Proprietor
D6G (e e e
We Can Fix It
Fitzgerald Bicycle & Repair Shop
Keys Made to Order
Bicycles to Rent at Reasonable Prices
218 S. Grant St.
Advertisement by Adminis
trator for Sale of Land
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary, of Ben Hill
County Georgia, will be sold, at
public outery, on the first Tues
day in December 1915, at the
court house door in said county,
between the legal hours of sale
the following described property:
City lot Number three (3) in
‘square Number three (3) and in
‘block Number six (6), in the city
of Fitzgerald, Ga. as shown by
the recorded plat of the Ameri
can Tribune Soldier Colony Co.,
now on file in the office of clerk
of the Superior Court of Irwin
County Georgia Said property
formerly in Irwin County Geor
gia, now in Ben Hill County
Georgia, being the property of
‘Mrs. Nancy, A. L. Braidy Shultz,
deceased. Terms of the said
sale to be cash.
This the first day of Novem
ber 1915.
D. W. Whitley,
Administrator of the estate of
Mrs. Nancy A. L. Braidy Shultz,
Notice To Debtors And
Al] creditors of the estate of
Mrs. Sarah Barnes late of Ben
Hill county deceased are hereby
notified to render in their demands
to the undersigued according to
law and all persons indebted to
said estate are required to make
immediate payment.
William Barnes, Executor,
Oct. 23rd, 1915. to-d 3.
Notice to Farmers,
Wanted 5000 bushels good
corn. Must be shucked.
133-tf. Union Cotton Qil Co.
Call or phone The Leader-Enter
prise office the looal news of Fitz
gerald and Ben Hill county; the com
ing or departure of friends or rela
tives; weddings, deaths, births, etc.
Such favors will be appreciated by
‘the Editor. tf
Fulghum Qats
Ist. They are earlier by 3 weeks
than the Texas Red Rust Proof, and
are thereforeg athered before the
other oats’are ready.
2nd. They are drought proof.
- 3rd. They are adapted to all
kinds of soil and conditions.
4th. They are rust proof.
i Ssth. They are beardless.
6th. A bushel will seed one
fourth more than other oats.
7th. They are a Georgia pro
$l.OO per Bushel.
Davwvis Bros.
A large crowd attended services
at Mt. Olive Sunday A. M. and Sun
day night. Rev. A. P. Rakestraw
conducting the night service. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Garrison was
in Fitzgerald Tuesday P, M.
Mr.and Mrs. T. N. Paris spent
Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Harris.
Our schools literary society met
Friday afternoon and after electing
new officers, we named our society,
“Altiora”. The following officers
were elected: Ida Mae Bruce, presi
dent; Floyd Wilcox, vice president;
Clarence Royal, secretary; Ethel
Royal, Minnie Bruce, Kairl Barton
and Cleo Paris are on program com
~ Mrs. J. R. McCook, Sr., is attend
‘ing the fair at Douglas this week.
Miss Sallie Agnes of Washington,
Ga,, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W.
H. Steed this week.
Miss Gladys Chafin of Irwin coun
ty is visiting friends and relatives
here this week.
- Misses Lola Rakestraw and Min
nie Bruce spent Sunday afternoon
with Miss Jessie Harris.
- Mr. J. B.D. Paulk made a busi
ness trip to Fitzgerald Tuesday p. m.
Misses Similee Deese and Lee
Garrison spent Sunday afternoon
with the Misses Dormineys.
Quite a number of our young peo
ple attended the tacky party given
by Mrs. H. W. Steed in honor of her
cousin, Miss Sallie Agnes Steed, of ‘
Washington, Ga. The hall and par
lor were decorated with palms and
wild flowers. Peanuts and candy
were served throughout the evening.
Quite a number of tacky games
were played. A prize was offered
to the tackiest young lady and
young man. The prizes were award
ed to Miss Irene Dorminey and Mr.
Harvest Festival
Atlanta, Ga., November 15-20, 1915
T— e ———
Southeastern Cattle and
Corn Show
Atlanta, Ga., November 18-20, 1915
Six Days--Planned for Your
Pleasure and Profit
Low Round Trip Fares
Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlanticß.R.
Tickets on sale November 12th to 19th inclusive,
and for trains scheduled to reach Atlanta before
noon November 20th. Return limit November 25th.
In order to accomodate the increased business
the A. B. & A., will operate on its night trains a
special sleeping car between Atlanta and Wayecross,
first car leaving Atlanta_ November 13th, last car
Nov. 20th, first car leaving Wayeross November 14th,
last car Nov. 21st, also a special train from Fitzger
ald to Atlanta on November 16th, 18th and 20th,
scheduled as follows: Leave Fitzgerald 4:15 a. m.,
Rebecca 4:40, Double Run 4:55, Cordele 5:30. Ar
rive Atlanta 11:35 a. m. At smaller stations train
will only stop when flagged.
Passengers desiring to use trains passing stations
when ticket office is closed should secure excursion
tickets while office is open.
For further information ask A. B. & A. Ticket
Agent, or write
Scott Yarbrough. Each guest \rwg
given a tiny peanut Doll as a Sous
venir. The guests departed about
10:30 o'clock. All declaring a nice
time, e
Messrs. Geo. Herrington of Fitze
gerald and Charlie Royal left today®
for Douglas to attend the fair. P )
There will be a box social at Mt
Olive church, Nov. 19, for the pur
pose of getting new seats for the
church. Every body is invited to
attend. -
Qur Sunday School is progressing
nicely and proves to be very inter~
esting. s
BLue Eves.
Wood Wanted o
We wan# 1000 cords good pine
wood at the Power Plant, to be
settled for each week.
Fitzgerald Water Light & Bond
Commission. 132 tf,
Of Mrs. Chappell, of Five Years'}
' Standing, Relieved by Cardui.
- Mt. Airy, N. C.—Mrs. Sarah M. Cha?-
| Pell of this town, says: *I suffered for
Ive years with womanly troubles, also
stomach troubles, and my dpumsfnnent
was more than any one could tell.
I tried most every kind of medicine,
but none did me any good.
I read one day about Cardui, the wo
man’s tonic, and I decided to try it. 1
had not taken but about six bottles until
I was almost cured. It did me more
E-OOd than all the other medicines I had
ied, put together.,
My friends began 'asking me why I
looked so well, and I told them about
Cardui. Several are now taking it.”
Do you, lady reader, suffer from any
of the ailments due to womanly trouble,
such as headache, backache, ‘sideache.
sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired
i so, let us urge gou to give Cardui a
trial. We feel corident it will help you,
just as it has a million other women in
the past half century,
Begin faking Cardui to-day. You
won’t regretit. All druggists, :
Wyite to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies®
Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Speciad
Instructions on your case and 64-page book “Home
Treatment for Women,” in plain wrapper. N.G. 124