Newspaper Page Text
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WANTED—Work on a farm by a sin
gle man, white, experienced and ref
erences given. Applyto A. RC. t |
WANTED—Light set of books to
keep in afternoon or evenings. Ad
dress B. B. B. c|o Leader-Enterprise.
Wanted in the city of Fitzgerald to |
sell the genuine J. R, Watkins Medi
cines, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Prep
arations, etc. All or spare time. A
wonderful opportunity to get into bus
iness for yoursclf. Write today for!
free particulars and sample. J. R
WATKINS CO., 62 Memphis, Tenn.
WdM3op ;
WANTED-—Will buy any quantitiv_r:'l.’
Fryers, Hens, Roosters, Turkeys,!
(ieese, Ducks, Guinaes delivered. Cas- !
per Hide & Skin Co. Phone 306. tf
FOR SALE—One horse for sale.
Will take country produce. 327 W
Pine Street. thi
FOR SALE—House at 805 South'
Main Street, Cheap. Cash or part
cash, Address Box 97, Rosslyn,Va.
FOR SALE—We buy and sell auto
parts for all make cars. Sell us your
scrap automobiles and saw mill ma- |
chinery. CASPER Hide & Skin Co., !
Phone 306. tf
FOR SALE—Peanut Hay, Pcavinc!‘
Hay and White Spanish Seed Pea-'
nuts. Wholesale and Retail. See J. C.'
BUSH. tf
T e
FOR SALE—Settings of Minorca |
cgEs, guaranteed fertite, $2.00 per set- !
ting. Also registered cockerels. P]mneg
547 or call at 512 W. Qhoopee. 425 p |
FQR'SALE—Rhode Island Red%
Chickens and eggs. Sam Willcox, |
405 South Grant Street, tf |
Spring and Summer MODES HAVE POTENT CHARM Al Their Own
High Quality is the rule here, high price the exception. And never has this policy of ours been bet
ter shown than in the stocks assembled for this season‘s selling. Every wrap and suit in this aris
tocratic company features some new ideas, some note of distinction that tells the initiated these
garments were designed—not simply made. And because our 2sortments are so large, selection
is made easy. Come to the EMPIRE STORE and save time and money.
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Frocks for Spring
Indicative of the collection is a
Canton crepe gown of emerald
hue, with silver embroidery on
the side and back panels.
Priced $12.50 to $50.00
4One Price to
| POTATO PLANTS ate riow rcady
from the best variéty Porto Ricans
grown by the oldest plant grower in
the county. Get‘,tfiem early. I. N,
‘IPARIS, 313 E. Altamaha St. m-wp
e e . e e——————
2 Dickey Lumber Co. has for sale Wan
'amakcrs,]mproved Early Variety and
: Hasting’s Bank Account Cotton Seed.
" Prices reasonable. b d 2
'FOR SALE-—Several good Milch
' cows, J. R. Kimball, Route 2. ltp
' FOR SALE-—Union Truck with 5-
ton dump body. Electric lights and
starter, nearly new. Call S, T. Wil
‘bur, 401 E. Magnolia St. DdA2p
R ———
CORD WOOD-—For 4ft. Cord wood
and prompt delivery, phone 227. tf.
'FOR SALE —One Four Passenger,
1920 Model Apperson back Rabbit
Automoble, in good condition, Will
exchange for diamond or improved
city property. . C./Bush, tf
FOR RENT-—Nicely furnished front
room for business couple or young
men on April Ist. Meals if desired.
Phone 358-L d3l
—Two nicely furnished rooms for
light housckeeping for couple with
out children. Mrs. W. J. Knight, 702
West Pine. tf
BULL DOG FOUND—Dark brindle
bull dog with collar found, is in my
place and can be had by owners by
paying for this ad and reward. T. E.
Private individual who tactfully obeys
the commands of Gen'eral Public; is
hand in hand with Colonel Co-oper
ation; keeps in step with Major Oper
ations; is conversant with Captain O’
Industry; is able to face Licutenant
Limelight; shuns Sergeant Shortsight
edness; never approaches Corporal
Punishment; is Buddy to ecach Buck
Private in the American Army of
workers; is indeed Commander-in
chief of his own earthly happiness:
and above all is an' Optimist.-Rutgers
' Dry Goods and Clothing Phone 18.
,: 5 Ty "v
Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back
Hurts or Bladder Bothers.
We are a nation of meat caters and
our blood is filled with uric acid, says
a well known authority, who warns
ws to be-constantly on guard against
kidney trouble. .
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get sluggish; the elimin_atlve tissues
clog and thus the waste is retained in
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel
like lumps of lead, and you have sting
ing pains in the back or the urine is
cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad
der is irritable, obliging you to seek
relicf during the night; when you have
severe headaches, nervous and dizzy
spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or
rheumatism in bad weather, get from
your pharmacist.about four ounces
of Jad Salts, take a tablespoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast each
morning and in a few days your kid
neys will act fine. This famous salts
is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
has been used for generations to flush
and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neu
tralize the acids in urine so it is no
longer a source of irritation, thus end
ing urinary and bladder disorders.
~ Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure, makes a delightful effervescent
htlna-w:nte.r drink, and nobody can
make a mistake by taking a little oc
casionally to keep the kidneys clean
and active. ‘
German Communists
And Police Battle
(From Yesteraay’s Daily)
BERLIN, March 29. Four
teen were killed and forty-six
wounded in a violent battle be
tween the security police and
communasts at [issen in the Ruhr
District. Essen is ‘the seat of
the Krupp works.
An optimist is a “Johnny” who
promises to buy a chorus girl a motor
car and expects her to pick out a Ford.
—Vaudeville News.
Navy or Condor
. - .
Tricotine Suits
for Ladies
" $16.50 to $75.00
The box coat is a favorite and the
model illustrated is a particularly
smart version, with its wide Silk
braid trimming. For the young
woman who prefers a simpler
fashion there are belted suits,
plain tailored.
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Navy or black tricotine or poiret
twill suits, trimmed perhaps like
the one in the picture with nar
row bias bands of the material.
(}thers with buttons and braid. or
silk emboridery. Shawl! or notch
collars, link button,
$16.50 to $65.00
Some Remarka
bly good Suits
for women
Like the model illustrated, navy,
tricotine with the side seams of
the coat open ta the waist, elab
orate embroidery in soutache and
silk, long notched collar and nar
row cross-over belt. One of the
best suit values we have seen
this season.
Wonderful wide
Sash Dresses foi
Women's Dresses. a new collec
tion of models in Georgette, crepe
satin, tricotine. taifeta. embroid
ered or beaded. $l6 30 to $42.50.
Ilustrated Georgette crepe gown
beaded, brown or navy, graceful
model with wide silk sash
A Tuxedo Front
Wrap for Misse
$7.50 to $35.00
The back may flare or be held
in with the narrow string belt.
The drop shoulder eifect is achie
ved with rows of silk stitching,
forming a deep voke in the back.
In Velvora, a new fabric, and in
black, hindustan, silver pine or
sorento blue.
At whatever price, you wi[l find the values provided in
the highest sense a “full money’s worth”.-- and in these
special offerings are values that even for a name are
marvelous and rare.
Instant Relief with a Small Trial
Bottle of Old “St. Jacobs Oil”
Rheumatism is “pain” only.
Not one case in fifty requires in
ternal treatment. Stop drugging!
Rub soothing, penetrating “St.
Jacob’s Oil” right into your sore,
stiff, aching joints, and relief comes
instantly. “St. Jacobs Qil” is a harm
less rheumatism liniment which never
disappoints and cannot burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
a small tria] bottle of old, honest “St.
Jacobs Oil” at any drug store, and
in just a moment you'll be free from
rheumatic pain, soreness and stiff
ness. Don’t suffer! Relief awaits
you. “St. Jacobs Oil” is just as good
for sciatica, neuralgia. lumbago,
backache, sprains.—adv.
5 |
Fruit Crops Saved |
- By Weather Flurry‘
(From Yecterday’s Daily)
ATLANTA, March 29th., A
weather disturbance occurred in Flor
ida which has deflected the expected
cold wave which had seriously threat
ened the Georgia peach and other
fruit crops. The forecast for Florida|
is generally fair tonight and Wednes
day and cooler tonight.
Mrs. Frank Schuessler of Wadley,
Ala. is the greatly admired guest of
her sisters Mesdames James M. Mc-
Donald and Thomas M. Griffin on
South Main Street.
Mrs. Oscar L. Bradshaw's many“
friends are delighted to sce her at
home again after spending several
months at the bedside of her mother
in Opelika, Ala. She reports - her
lmmh(‘r greatly improved in health. |
(From Yesterday’s Daily)
LONDON, "March 29.—According
to a Central News dispatch, “Russian
rebels have captured- Minsk and pro
claimed a_white republic. Ukraini
ans ‘have surrounded Kieff where
fighting is progressing” There is no
official confirmation of the report of
success of the new revoltion in Russia.
An optimist. can always see the
bright side of the other fellows misfor
tune.--Richmond (Va.) News-Leader.
Abc i
B tt 1
Q.—ls there really any dificrence
in batteries?
A.—Yes, but there are really only
two kinds of batteries. Those with
wood seperators and those with
Threaded Rubber Insulation.
Q—ls Threaded ,Rubber Insulation
the only feature that puts the Willard
Threaded Rubber Battery ahead of
ordinary automobile battery? '
A.—By no means. The Willard
Threaded Rubber Battery has all
the improvements that have grown
out of Willard’s years of specializa
tion in building starting lighting and
ignition batteries. Ask us about it.
Fitzgerald Storage
Battery Company
219 East Central Ave.
Telephone 573
Will d
| Batteries
Gowns, Wraps, Suits and Blouses, of individuality and smartness display the names of the famous
designers. Besides these, we are showing many moderately priced models which will make desira
ble additions to spring and summer wardrobes. These are cloth Dresses and knitted silks, dainty
hand-made batistes and voiles; suits of Serge, tricotine and twill-cord in smart, unusual designs;
and wraps of camel's hair, broadcloth and knitted Jersey.
Distinctive styles and inoderate prices feature prominently in this showing of new models.
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Individual Models In Womeas Suits
Featuring elaborate models likethe one in the picture, with
sou tache embroidery and silk edges. Some new bloused mod
els of Rus sian‘inspiration, with silk embroidery. In navy, or
black tricotine, poiret twill, and twill cord.
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Manon’s Candy Kitchen*
'We invite our Railroad friends tomgkefo\fi;ifiu
their headquarters. . Cool and comfortable. | &
Bottled Drinks on Ice and First Class F u
Service. ; ; B e *Q@
Fruits and Candies. |
Oranges 30c dozen. - =
Manon Candy Kitchen
: 106 East Pine Street -
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—llast year you thought one season’s wear was all you could normal
ly expect. : 2
BUT the clerk was right—there was GOOD quality of wool in the
material. . ’
Of course were it not for DRY CLEANERS and modern clean
ing methods—you could not think of using it for GOOD wear again
this season. 5
All right there is where we fit in. Our methods are. modern.
And if we have that suit or light coat NOW—we will have it ready
for delivery the first spring day. |
White Swan Laundry
A Wide Assort
menti of Womens
Wraps... =«
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Coats of Marvella: with tuxedo
fronts, in hindustan, collie, azu
rite, sorrento blue and navy and
black, Embroidered wraps of
-marvella, some with tuxedo
fronts. Coats of quilted satin—
loose back wraps of orlando with
embroidery Smart tricotine
capes. Marvella sport coats,
Mail Orders
Promptly filled
Grocery Phone 155