Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, April 01, 1921, Friday Edition, Image 3
" For the best fitting Corsets try Gossard’s at Miss Virginia Gaines. . Newest designs of Mill'inery at 'Miss Virginia Gaines. . Mrs. James L. McCarty is visiting relatives and friends in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mrs. T. J. O’Conner and Miss Mar .tha Waller have returned home after a brief visit to, Ashburn, Ga. Miss Lilla Hampton has accepted a position with Roush and Adams. i ! Mr. Mack Bush has returned to his +home in Jacksonville, Fla., after a brief visit to his mother Mrs. T. C. 'Bush Sr. on East Magnolia street. * Miss Annie May Hargrove has ac cepted a position with the Chamber of Commerce. : Mr. aud Mrs. Max Moore of Hawk insville were the guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Moore on West Pine street. Miss Allie Belle Huber of Moultrie was the guest of Miss Mavis Paulk on South Main street Sunday en route to college. You can find that late shape-in hats for ladies, misses and children at Miss Virginia Gaines. . | Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Bowers and! children have returned home after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Beulah Bev fiy in Hawkinsville. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Moore have as their guest at their home on West Pine street the latter’s mother Mrs, I. Kessler of Macon. ‘ Mr. D. E. Blackwell of Atldnta is visiting his brother Rev. W. O. Blackwell in the city for a few days. Randell Bryan and Mr. Brown of| Brunswick, former employees of the] "A. B. & A. are in the city visiting| friends. \NOTICE All persons, firms or corporatons oing business in the city of Fitzger-} gld- and have not paid their 1921 oc-l _cupation taxes are hereby requestedl to come to the City Hall and pay! 'same, as they are now past due. ] C F. DIXON, Chief of Police, ) SHEALY--SEAGRAVES I\4!'s. J. D. Seagraves of 21514 E. Cent-al avenue and Mr. E. A. Shealy, of (gocoa, Fla., were married yester day Hhy Rev. E. H. Daniels at the minister's -home here. They will resid: in Cocoa, Fla. Fitzgerald Ten Cent Co. E’ Mrs. M. M. Beem, Proprietor * BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS . AND READY-TO-WEAR Have received fill-in pieces for all open stock China Patterns. FULL ASSORTMENT OF EM - BROIDERIES. ; Bargains in Laces. rGrocery Department Complete! % EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN! Good Service Prompt Delivery :Fitzgera d Ten Cent Co. Corner of Main aqd Pine Streets.{ | : ® A Few Specials For Saturday and Monday 8 yds Bleaching, 36 in. wide $l.OO 10 yards 36 inch Sheeting - 1.00 6 yards best 36 in. Percale’ 1.00 $2.00 Ladies Silk Hose, full . \ " fashion - -+ -.- = 100 + 6 Slidewell Collars for - - 1:00 6 yards best Dress Gingham 1.00 Best Feather Tick, 3 yds for 1.00 8 yards best 25¢ Apron ~ Ginghams for -~ - - 100 Moore Brothers lAL \PHS GRAND TODAY \ | “MAN’S DESIRE” Featuring : LOUIS A. STONE and An All Star Cast. A gripping drama of the North west Woods, ; “THE WHIRLWIND” Episode 14 ‘ E. & H. Comédy. . SATURDAY “TRIGGER TRAIL” . A Western Featurette. - “THE VANISHING DAGGER” Episode No. 18. “THE PURPLE RIDERS” Epis ode No. 2. “THE SLICKER” Sunshine Com edy. : MONDAY “THE LIFE LINE” A Paramoint Art¢raft Picture, : Christie Comedy “A HOMESPUN HERO” FOX NEWS ] Pricgs 11 and 22 cents. ® ’Noted Speaker Will ~ Be Here Tomorrow Prof. Gilbert Thayer to Lecture at ; Court House Here Professor Gilbert Thayer, noted health authority, will speak at the court house in Fitzgerald tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. He. is said to be one of America’s renowned orators. On one occasion, at Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich., where Prof. - Thayer spoke before an audierce of' thous ands in the interest of the ‘govern ment, Prof. Thayer was termed as the most impressive speaker of the time. . : sfl & Prof. Thayer has devoted ‘a great part of his time to the government, but is now devoting all his offorts to the interest of a repori«‘,“;iséhed from the surgeon-general’'s office at Washington, dealing with what the professor terms “the greatest crime of civilization.” It is this work that the great genius, Thomas A. Edison says is doing the greatest good for humanity. o e Many years ago, Lord™ Béacons field, greatest statesman of_ his time keenly alive to influences affecting national prosperity, stated: “Public health isthe foundation on which reposes the happiness of the people and the power of a country. The care of the public health is the first duty of a statesman,” and it may be added that the care of individual and family health is the’ first and most patriotic duty of a citizen, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Littlefield, Mrs. N. N. Littlefield and Mrs. W. R. Smith were the recent guests of Mr. W. R. Smith in Cordele. PHONE YOUR WGOD ORDERS TO— SWIFT'S WOOD YARDS 708 East Oconee Street TRUCK DELIVERY! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! ‘Miss Pauline - Crawley Phone ;350-.] THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE AND PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921, e R T R TS W ANTED WANTED—Light set of books to keep in afternoon or evenings. Ad dress B. B. B. c]o Leader-Enterprise. tf VVANTED—-TO buy good 4 gallon milch cow. Sam Hughes, Post office. d 4 R e R T WANTED—WiII buy any quantity o} Fryers, Hens, Roosters, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Guinaes delivered. Cas per Hide & Skin Co. Phone 306. tf SRt e L FOR SALE 'FOR SALE—One horse for sale. Wil take country produce. 327 WA Pihe Street, tf. ol S L FOR SALE—House at 805 South Main Street, Cheap. - Cash or part cash. Address Box 97, Rosslyn,Va. FOR SALE—We buy and sell auto parts for all make cars. Sell us your scrap automobiles and saw mill ma chinery. CASPER Hide & Skin Co., Phone 306. ; tf‘ —_— FOR SALE—Peanut Hay, Peavine Hay and White Spanish Seed Pea nuts. Wholesale and Retail, See J. C.‘ BUSH. tf S s set i FOR SALE—Settings of Minorci eggs, guaranteed fertile, $2.00 per set ting. Also registered cockerels. Phone 547 or call at 512 W. Ohoopee. d2sp —_— FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red Chickens and eggs. Sam Willcox, 405 South Grant Streat. tf HOUSE FOR RENT—Five room house; modern convenience, close in. See M. Gottliebh. tf e Sl i e COTTON SEED FOR SALE—Lon Dickey Lumber Co. has for sale Wan amakers Improved Early Variety and Hasting’s Bank Account Cotton-Seed. Prices reasonable. d 2 s aah e L POTATO PLANTS FOR SALE— Genuine Porto Rico and Nancy Hall Potato Plants for Sale by Casper Hide and Skin Co. tf‘ _— FOR SALE—Union Truck with 5- ton dump body. Electric lights and starter, nearly new. Call S, T. ‘Wil bur, 401 E. Magnolia St. DdA2p .-——.“-—— FOR SALE —One Four Passenger, 1920 Model Apperson back Rabbit Automoble, in good condition. Will exchange for diagiond or improved city property. J. C. Biish: tf SATURDAY APRIL 2ND., Tomorrow Night 8:00 P. M. ONE NIGHT ONLY 5 3 ' L Prof. Gilbert Thavyer WILL DELIVER HIS FAMOUS LECTURE--- » “The Greatest Crime of Civilization” PROFESSOR GILBERT THAYER, (héadquarters) Lafayette, Ind., is one of _America’s renowned orators, known from coast to coast asthe man who made millions think. Prof. Thayer is now lecturing throughout the country in the ‘lnterest of areport from the Surgeon-Generai’s office at’ Washington, that of all the children born in the United States, more than one-half die before they reach the age of six; and only about one out of a thousand have a perfect set of teeth. ~_ We have attending our public schools 25,000,000 children, and if we raise our children upon the foods taey are now being fod, that fifteen million will grow ~up to be defective men and women, and the other ten million will be laid away in white caskets. : 5 ' Statistics Show that only 48 out of every 1 000 men live to attain the age of sixty. ¢ Why is it that a married man, in the prime of life, seemingly in the best of health, suddenly t'kes sick, passesaway, leaving a widow with small child ren to combat with the picuiéms of life? Prof. Thayer is devoting his efforts to the science of increasing human happiness and efficiency, and preventing human misery and Inefficiency; as to be the means from whom the public may gain knowledge and Inspiration in avoiding needless sickness and premature death. ~ Is not this opportunity worthy of your time? Be present and help yourself. Get in the movement for, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” It is knowledge of this kind that you need most. , - SPECIAL NOTICE 2750020 (o thher tis great lootire, Porinsion hgs besn ,fiat'é?dcfi'h‘i‘i‘?fi'&fs}i FREE!" Come! -Hear! Listenl FREE! Meyor James L. Key of Atlanta spoke .to the students of . the high school Thursday morning at chapel. Mayed Key spoke of the gond issue which recently went through in Atlan ta for the purpose of raising money for the public school systems of that city. Mr. Key told of some of the con }ditions in Atlanta before the money ‘was voted to the public schools, and compared the schools* of Atlanta with ‘those of Fitzgerald. According to the statement of Mayor Key, our school system compares very favorably with that of any city in the South. He pointed out several of the points of worth ih\our public school system, especially in ‘our high school. Among those things was the pay of the teachers. Mr. Key said that the teachers of Fitzgerald high school were being paid on a plan which he thinks tto be the most efficient plan for pay ing teachers, which was ever in use. Mr. Key also pointed out some of the equipment of our schools which he said was more adequate for the size of the school, than the equipment of the high school in Atlanta. Mayor Key also pointed out several needed additions for the school for which the people of Fitzgerald should furnish funds. In his speech Mr. Key said also that the way for a city to_get funds for educational purposes, and to «get it quickly, when it was needed, was‘ for the administration in office, to to show the people of the city that they would have to “come across” in one way or another, and if they did not give the schools the necessary funds, that they should be taxed for them. Mayor Key did not suggest as a means for putting across a bond issue in Fitzgerald, but merely stated that was his policy for the last three years during which he has been mayor of Atlanta. : Mayor Key's speech took better than! any speech given at the high scrool for | some time. The students followcdl every statement which he made, and, CORD WOOD-—For 4it. Cord wood and prompt delivery, phone 227. tf. L T . . ST\ A e e T 5 e s e O FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping for couple with out children. Mrs. W. J. Knight, 702 West Pine. tf FOUND BULL DOG FOUND—Dark brindle bull dog with collar found, is in my place and can be had by owners by paying for this'ad and reward. T. E. BRITT. DdAL. COUNTY COURT HOUSE displayed more interest in his address than in the address of any speaker who has spoken to the school in some Mr. Key seemed to hold the interest of the students in every remark which he made and his speech was one of the most highly appreciated addresses, ever given before the students of Fitz- Hi. : i Mr. G. E. Jolly, Drew Paulk, and | U. J. Bennett/were also visitors at the! chapel exercises on - Thursday morn- | ing. { Mr. Hall announced that the students who have stayed on the grounds af—| ter school turned out in the afternoon} would be expected to leave at 5:15 when an extra bell would be sounded to remind them of the fact that thcyl were expected to leave immediately, | The senior class participated in a spelling contest Thursday morning at eleven o'clock, for the district schooH meet. Every senior took part in ‘the contest. The papers are to be graded, and an average for the class taken. This average is to be sent to the dis trct hgh school assocation who will determine the winning school in the spelling contest for the district. This. contest will mean five points for Fitz- Hi if the seniors come up to the stan dards in spelling. The resilts of this comtest w& not be announced until the district mecet is held at Ashburn on April 22:23. Sl e e Mr. Sol. Zetterbaum of Thomasville was the recent guest of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Garber on South Main street. Mrs. W. F. Locke who has been vis iting Mr. and Mrs. John B. Russoll‘ on South Lee street has returned to iher home in Dawson. She was ac compamed by Mr. Russell who will return today in his car, l £°. N I Alleged Riot Inciter | * . | Still In County Jail e g , Lee Dood Has Not Made Bond; Be- . ing Held in Jail under Riot Act ' Lee Dodd, young white man charged by four Atlanta, Birmlngham} and Atlantic strikers with atfempting | to get them to help him dynamite bridges and wreck trains, is still in Ben Hill county jail under -$l,OOO bond assessed at commitment trial l)y‘ Judge D. P. Adams Thursday. He is‘i ‘held under the Riot Act as an inciter of lawlessness. x The arrest was made on warrant swrn out by J. N, “Slats”, Denham, a striker, on instructions of Chairman W. M. Martin and Secretary C. L. Fox of the joint committee of the strikers. Denham, Guy Zorn, J. F. Cardwell and Bruce Martin testified against him. C A 0 The Marck Victor ‘E‘i) ’Records Are Here | Brashaw Music Company ‘ ; BSrfECH canee I HAVE BOUGHT THE SANITARY MARKET AT 217 EAST PINE STREET, AND Will OPERATE A FIRST CLASS MARKET, CARRYIING a FULL LINE of SUCH GOODS AS THE TRADE DEMANDS. MY PRICES ARE LOWER THAN YOU ARE NOW PAYING, AS I SELL STRICTLY CASH. BY This METH OD I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! ' Best bteaks < v 7. A Hamburger Steak - - - 20c¢ Biate - = - . o 0 Chuck Roast - - - . 20¢ Stew - . - 15¢, 2 for 23¢ Pork Cho%s and Ham - -' 285¢ All other Pork cutsat - - 20¢ Whiners - - . o N Smoked Country Style Sausage 25¢ Yall Sausage -.- o+ . SN Ped Ham - 4+ . 0. e ALL ORDERS C. O. D.. i’OUR BUSINESS APPRECIA TED. I GUARANTEE SAT-ISFACTION! S ® i Samtar ?i *'3l‘larket J. L. PIGFORD, Proprietor. S PHONE 143. Ry 217 EAST PINE ST. SATURDAY APRIL 2ND;;- Tomorrow Night 8:00 P. M. ONE NIGHT ONLY