Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, April 01, 1921, Friday Edition, Image 4
GEORGIA, Ben Hill County. - City of Fitzgerald. - Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the sth day of April 1921, at the front door of the City Hall in Fitagerald, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on said day, the under signed will expose and offer for sale the hereinafter described property at public sale to the-highest bidder for cash all of said mentioned property being city lots, 5 acre tracts or frac tions thereof, and situated within and a part of the City of Fitzgerald, Georgia, in said County as per the plat of said City made by the Ameri can Tribune Soldier's Colony Com pany and filed with the clerk of Ir win county Superior court. FEach of said lots ahve been fevied on by me and will be sold to satisfy the un paid taxes against said lots due the City of Fitzgerald for the year 1920. The said sale -will, if not finished, be adjourned from day to day until complete. Lot 1, square 9, block 1, of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property begin un known. Amount $4.22. Also at the same tune and place and for the same purpose, Lot 5, Square 9, Block 1, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colo ny Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax ex ecution issued against said property by the city clerk, for the taxes for’ the year 1920, owner of property be ing unknown. Amount $2.26, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 9, SQUARE 11, BLOCK 1, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cit clerk, for the taxes for the year 192({ owner of property being unknown. Amount $8.44. Also at the same time and place and for the same ' purpose, LOT 6, SQUARE 9, BLOCK 1, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cit clerk, for the taxes for the year 192({, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.26. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 9, SQUARE 4, BLOCK 2, of' the survey of the American Trtbgme_ Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Geo_rzla, on a tax execution issued afalnst said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, awner of property being unknown. Amount $2.78. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 9, SQUARE 10, BLOCK 2, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of tl}e Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknoWn. Amount $3.29. Also at the same time and Elace and for the same purpose, OT 10, SQUAR¥ 10, BLOCK 2, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk sof the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issucd ‘nfainst said property, by the city clerk, for thé taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.88. : Also at the same time and Elacc and for the same purpose, OT 7, SQUARE 16, BLOCK 2, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of -the Superior Court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued agaimst said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $391. | Also at the same time and {lace and for the same purpose, OT 7, SQUARE:.I6, BLOCK 2, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cit clerk, for the taxes for the year 192({ owner of property being unknown. Amount $391, Also at the same time and Yjace and for the same purpose, OT 8, SQUARE 16, BLOCK 2, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execation issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 120, owner of property being unknown. Amount $4.32, Also at the same time and Elace and for the same purpose, OT 6, SQUARE 8 BLOCK 6, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued ainst said property, by the city :firk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner "of property being unknown.l Amount $6.79, | Also at the spme time an g lace and for the samec aurpose.‘ Y.OT 7, - SQUARE 8, BLOCK 6, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued inst said; praperty, by the city :g‘;, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $6.89. ' Also at the same time and Eate and for the same purpose, OT 3, SQUARE 9, BLOCK 6, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company. of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued st said property, by the 82"({ m for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. An t $9.88. ;~u~£;¢:eth‘:me time and LA A saiie ; PO 0 sOuaßs: msm o mof American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of| the Superior Court ‘of Irwin County | Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being ! unknown. Amount $5.66. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 17, SQUARE 16, BLOCK 6, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’ss Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execttion issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $26.24. § Also at the same time and place ahd {for the weame purpose, LOT 18, SQUARE 16, BLOCK 6, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company. of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes. for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2624. ’ Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 19, SQUARE 16, BLOCK 6, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s “Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax .execution tssued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $26.2£ 5 Also at the same time and place and for the sSame purpose, LOT 16, SQUARE -6, BLOCK 7, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’'s Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County (zeorgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $7.41. Also at the same time and place and for the same- purpose, LOT 11, SQUARE 11, BLOCK 7, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's - Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $11.42, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 12, SQUARE 11, BLOCK 7, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony ' Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Geqrgm, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.57. Also at the same time and place and for - the same purpose, LOT 2, SQUARE 4, BLOCK 8, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cit clerk, for the taxes for the year 192({ owner of property being unknown. Amount $1.54, ‘ : Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 5 SQUARE 5 BLOCK 8, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superio* Court of Irwin County Ceorgia, o 1 a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1980, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.57, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 6, SQUARE 4, BLOCK 8, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $1.54, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 7, SQUARE 4, BLOCK 8, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $1.54, Also at the same time and f‘lace and for the same purpose, OT 9, SQUARE 14, BLOCK 8, of the survey of the . American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $15.23. . Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 5, SQUARE 13, BLOCK 9, of the" survey of thé American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $ .82, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 6, SQUARE 13, BLOCK 9, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’'s Colomy Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cit clerk, for the taxes for the year 192({ owner of property being unknown. Amount § 82. = ~ Also at the same time and place and for "the same purpose, LOT 12, SQUARE 13, BLOCK 9, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cnzta' clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $4.01, Alse at the same time and lace and for the same 'pur%se, OT 5, SQUARE 15,' BLOCK 9, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the dffice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $3.70, Also g iot? llume time and and the same rpose, gg‘f‘ 6, SQUARE 15, BL%nCK 9, of the m of the American Tribune dier's Colony Company, THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE AND PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for. the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $3.70. Also at the same time and LOT 11, SQUARE 9, BLOCK 10, place and for the‘ same purpose, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony ‘Company. of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property beéing unknown. Amcunt $9.92. : . Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 12, SQUARE 9,®* BLOCK 10, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony gompany of file in the office of the®Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property Deing unknown. Amount $6.10, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 23, SQUARE 3, BLOCK 11, of the survey of the American Tribuné Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $22.69. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 11, SQUARE 4, BLOCK 11, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company. of file in“the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of lrwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $11.02. ; Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 19, SQUARE 10, BLOCK 11, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company. of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, ‘owner of property being unknown. Amount $8.23. » ~ Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose,. LOT 10, SQUARE 12, BLOCK 11, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on ‘a tax execution issued against said property, by the city Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $9.26. | Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, 1-3 of Lot 6, Square 11, Block 12, of the survey of the American, Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company.‘ of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Geo_rgna, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $ .37. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 4, SQUARE 4, BLOCK 13, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on-a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Arr‘lgunt $ll.lO. . Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 11, SQUARE 5 BLOCK 15, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin_County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $9.78. Also at the ;same time. and place and for the same purpose, LOT 12, SQUARE 5, BLOCK 15, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County .Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $8.23, Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 1, SQUARE 9, BLOCK 15, of the survey of the American ‘Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $75.12. % Also .at thex same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 2, SQUARE 11, BLOCK 15, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax executlon issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.20. 7 Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 3, SQUARE 11, BLOCK 15, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’'s Colony Company of file in the office @f the Clerk of the Superior Court c& Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the cgg clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.20.* Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 4, SQUARE 11, BLOCK 15, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, or:l a tax cxecli:tlonh issued against said property, by the city clerk, tfo\\the taxes for the.year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.20. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 4, SQUARE 3, BLOCK 16, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony -Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax ewxecution issued against said proverty, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $5.37. Also at the same time and f‘lace and for the sdme pur OT 8, SQUARE s§, BLOC% 16, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in the office of &e:»erm the Superior Court of Irwin Coun Geofgia, oh a tax execution issued against’ said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $ .59. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 13, SQUARE 9, BLOCK 16, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier's Colony Company, of file in /the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution “issued against said property, by the -city lclerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.79. Also” at the same time and place and for. the same purpose, LOT 14, SQUARE 9, BLOCK 16, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, ‘owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.57. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 15," SQUARE 9, BLOCK 16, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.57. Also. at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 1, SQUARE 12, "BLOCK 16, of the survey of the American Tribune .Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, iowner of property being unknown. Amount $2.13. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 2, SQUARE 12, BLOCK 16, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’'s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount § .59. Also at the same time and place and for the same purpose, LOT 9, - SQUARE 16, BLOCK 16,‘ of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Irwin County Georgia, on a tax execution issued against® said property, by the city clerk, for the taxes for the year 1920, owner of property being unknown. Amount $5.66. | Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of [.ot 26, Nelson’s Ad. 5-acte tract 1153, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount Taxes $ .73 Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of Nelson’s Ad. 5-acre tract 1153, Lot 27 of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount Taxes $ .73. S I Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of Nelson’s Ad. 5-acre tract 1153, Lot 28 of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, *on a tax execution issued against said property) by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount Taxes $ .73. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold .the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of Nelson’s Ad. 5-acre tract 1153, Lot 29 the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount Taxes $ .73. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of Nelson’s Ad. 5-acre tract 1153, Lot 30 of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of propert}r being unknown. Amount Taxes $ .73. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of 'LOT 3, BLOCK A, WILLIAM’S 'MONITOR DRIVE ADDITION of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution. issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount $1.54. ” Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered! according to the record of plat of LOT 7, BLOCK C, WILLIAM'S MONITOR DRIVE - ADDITION, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior cQurt of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount $6.84. e Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the fgllowing property situated in said city and designated and numbered accordin‘g to the record of plat of CHILD'S ADDITION, Five Acre Tract No. 1130, LOT 4, BLOCK 1 of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920, Owner of property being unknown. Amount $2.06. » “Also at the same time and place and by the same autgonty and for the same purpose, will be sold the. following property, situated in:‘said{ city and designated and numbered according to tlg record ‘' of plat of‘ CHILD’S ADDITION, Five Acre -Tract No. 1130, LOT 5, BLOCK 1, of file in the office. of the clerk ‘of the superior court® of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1520. Owner of property being ‘unknown. Amount $2.06; : Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold - the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered’ according to the record of piat of CHILD’S ADDITION, Five Acre Tract No. 1130, LOT 7, BL'E)CK 1 of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920, Owner of property being unknown. Amount $7.64. l Also at the same time and place ana py tne same authority and fo. the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said! city and designated and numberedi according to the record of plat of CHILD’'S ADDITION, Five Acre Tract No. 1130, LOT 12, BLOCK 2, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the tayes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount $5.66. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the recori of plat of LAMBERT'S ADDITION, Lot 12 of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920 Owner of property being unknown. Amount $ .81 5 Also at the same time “and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated ‘and numbered according to the record of plat of LAMB&RT’S ADDITION, LOT 14, of file in the office ‘of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount $ .81 Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat 'of HAIGHT & JUSTICE ADDITION, 5 acre tract Number 452, LOT 09, of file in_the office of the clerk of the superior court of Ben Hill county, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount $6.17. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority, and for the same purose, will be sold the follow ing property situated in said City and ‘designated and numbered according to the-record of plat of New Charter Addition, Five Acre Tract 1097, of file in the office of the cterk of the super ior court of Ben Hill County Georgia, on a tax execution issued said prop erty by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of prop erty being unknown. Amount $14.99. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat~of New Charter Ad. 5 acre Tract 1098, of the office of the clerk of the superior court of Ben Hill county, Georgia, on a tax execution igsued against said property, by - the w:city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920; Owner of property being unknown. Amount Taxes $5.14. Also at the-same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated and numbered according to the record of plat of WINONA HEIGHTS ADDITION, 5 acre Tract No. 478, Lot 12, Blk. 5, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Ben Hill county, Georgia, on a tax execution issued aFainst said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920, Owner of property being unknown. Amount taxes $2.50. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, will be sold the following property situated in said city and designated . and numbered according to the record of piat of WINONA HEIGHTS ADDITION, 5 acre Tract 478, Lot 13, Block 5, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against said property, by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Owner of property being unknown. Amount Taxes $2.50. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, Lot 10, Square 11, Block 11, of the survey of the Amer ican Tribune Soldier's Colony Com pany, of file in the office of the clerki of the superior court of Irwin Courity, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against J. Casper by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920, Tax Ex ecution J. Casper Lot 10, Square 11, Block 11. Amount Taxes $142.56. Also at the same time and place and by the same anthority .and for the same purpose, Lot 5, Square 6, Block 2, of the survey of the Ameri can Tribune Soldier's Colony Com pany, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against D. H. McLean by the City clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. ‘Tax Execution D. H. McLean Lot 5, Square 6, Block 2. Amount Taxes $35.73. Also at thesame time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, lot 14, square 5, block 7, of the survey of the American Tri bune Soldier's Colon Company, of file in the office o{ the clerk of the Superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against J. F. Hager by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Tax execution J. F, Hager, Lot 14, square 5, block 7, Amount Taxes $46.64. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the samit gm’pose‘l Lot 17, Square 5, Block 11, of the survey of the Amer ican Tribune Soldier’s Colony Com -Ipan§ of file in the office of the Clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against J. C. Bush by the City clerk for the taxes for the year 1920, Tax Execution 11 C. Bush Lot 17,‘S§nate 5, Blofl . Amount Taxes $355.96. “Als the same#time and place and by the ‘'same authorny and f the same purpose,;~Lot 2, Square 7, Block 11, of the survey of the Ameri can Trbune Soldier’'s” Colony Com= pany, of file in the office of the Clerk of the superior court or Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against C. D. Carrol by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Tax Execution C. D. Carrol lot 2, square 7, blockll. Amount taxes $47.56. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, lot 8, square 6, block 14, of the survey of the American Tri bune Solder’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the clerk of the super ior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued agzinst H. A, Adams by the City Clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Tax Execu tion H. A. Adams Lot 8, Square 6,‘ block 14. Amount ‘taxes $68.28. | Also at the same time and ‘place and by the same authority and for same purpose Lot 13, Sq. 4, Block 5, of the survey of the .American Tribune Soldier’'s Colony Company, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against Mrs. Mattie Helper by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Tax Execution Mrs. Mattie Helper lot 13, square 4, block 5. Amount taxes $16.87. ; Also at the same time and place and by the same authority, and for thel same purpose, lot 7, square 5, block 15, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Geor gia, on a tax execution issued against H. Garber by the City clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Tax Execu tion H. Garber Lot 7, Square ‘5, Block 15. Amount Taxes $143.50. Also at the same time and place and by the same authority and for the same purpose, lot 8, square 10, block 6, of the survey of the American Soldier’s Colony Company, of file in the office of the.clerk of the superior court of Irwin County, Georgia, on a tax execution issued against Z. H. Winn by the city clerk for the taxes for the year 1920. Tax execution Z. H. Winn, Lot 8, Square 10, Block 6. Amount Taxes $24.69. Also at the same time and place and by the; same authority and for ‘the same p{xrpose lot, 5, square 10, block 8, of the survey of the American Tribune Soldier’s Colony Company, of {file in office of clerk of the superior the office of the clerk of the superior court of Irwn County, Georgia, on a tax execytion issued aig(ainst AT o) Henderson by city clerk for taxes for year 1920. Tax Execution J. A. J. Henderson, lot 5, square 10, block 8. Amount Taxes $46.03. C. F. Dixon, > Chief of Police, ~ Renew your health by purifying your ~ system with ‘ aEF Yy, | Y "\‘ | “‘ ‘ > a\s ) ‘ t' ";;;:\ \o&,# g tél:‘\?‘ gl"-_\ 3 .fl"“‘ »v' ,: %\\\w‘ T L ;\\\‘ ®Z i i.% A 3 : e?'.licl: and delightful re lief for biliousness, cplds, constipation, he.adache:i and stomach, liver an bloodgggubles. _ The ghuine are sold only in 35c packages. Avoid imitations. : M‘ eet et Dodson’s Liver Tone Instead of Calomel Calomel is quicksilver. It attacks the bones and paralyzes the liver. Your dealer sells each bottle of pleasant, harmless “Dodson’s Liver Tone” under an ironclad, money-back guarantee that it will regulate the liver, stomach and bowels better than calomel, without sickening or salivating you—l 6 million bottles sold. , bode e B| tt . Q.—ls there really any difference in batteries? A~—Yes, but there are really only two ‘kinds of batteries. _Those with wood seperators and those with Threaded ‘Rubber Insulation, Q—ls Threaded Rubber Insulation the ‘only feature that puts the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery' ahead of ordinary automobile battery? A—By no means. The Willard Threaded Rubber Battery has all the improvements that have grown out of Willard’s years of specializa tion in building starting lighting and ignition batteries. Ask us about it. o Vi Fitzgerald Storage Battery Company 219 East Central Ave. Telephone 573 - Batteries Apfouncemients . * o - For City ‘Officf et b ¥ s FOR MAYOR & To: the Citizens of Fitzgerald: X Ri:ognizlng the importance of ' cha®¥®es made through the addition of the Women voters for.'the gtiogl of officers of tfi'e'*city, and appa.tCl~ ating fully their laudable #m jo to make Fitzgerald a bigger city in conjunction with the W.. , voters of the city, I have consentedito become a candidate for Mayor at the solicitation of numerous friends among the men and womi:n of the city. who have the wellfare of tHe commun ity at heart, 3 Should the voters honor :Pt;»with this office, it shall be my purpdsg to administer the affairs of the city i interest of all of the people, wi prejudice or favor, to the end th the moral and material welfare of the city may be properly advanced with due fegard to the tax burden from which the tax-payers are entitled to reasonable relief. It shall be my gi to enforce, rigidly all ordinances § ing to a higher morality and to the pro tection of life and property. \ Assuring you of my fullest appre ciation of your careful coasideration of my candidacy, I am,, - Drew W. Paulk., FOR ALDERMAN AT LARGE._% At the request of a large number o ; citizens, I hereby announce for Alde% man at Large. If elected I sha serve the city tg the best of my abil ity. \ CLAYTON JAY. ~ FOR CITY TREASURER To the Voters of Fitzgerwd: I respectfully announce my candi dacy for re-election to the office of Treasurer of the city of Fitzgerald, subject to your approval in the cg-, ing primary. e ) . G. P. MINGLEDOR% ——— —————————— FOR ALDERMAN AT LARGE At the solicitation of many iriends I hereby announce myselfl a candi date for re-election as Alderman -at Large, subject to the choite of the voters at the coming primaty. : GEO. L. KILCREASE. . FOR ALDERMAN AT LARGE Aftér careful consideration I here:’ by announce my candidacy fo- Alder man at Large, subject to th: prim ary to be called by the executire com mittee. E..J. _DORM;?EX” FOR ALDERMAN AT LARGE- After conferring with my frinds I have decided to be a candidde for? ‘Alderman at Large in the @ming primary to be held for the I“\”"on’ of city officers and will appreci| support of all the voters. j?% A. H. THURMOND., <. FOR WATER LIGHT AND BON? COMMISSION \ At the urgent request of many of my friends I hereby announte my candidacy for the Water, Light and Bond Commission of the. cty of Fitzgerald, subject to the ming primary. If elected-I pledge H bes® attention to the city’s busings in this office. : . : i HUBERT RO(/SH. FOR ALDERMAN AT LARGE My friends having requestql that I be a candidate in the comin} prim iary for re-election” as Alderman at ‘Large, I hereby announce self a candidate and will apprecijte the support of the voters. { ‘? | W. R. PAJLK. | —_— ~ ASPIRIN | 1 = . ~ Name “Bayer” on Genuinel =3 & A\ BAYER) Beware! Unless oL “Bayer” on pa&agey:ru o:xeet:bhl are not getting genuine Agpirifhg :\ scribed by physicians for twelke o years and Froved.ufe by millionsgh?. = Aspirih only as told in t{e Bayor [gnd 4 fer Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rifler tiem, Earache, Toothache, Lumba e fer, Pain. Handy tinboxes of twelve gy, Tablets of Aspirin.cost few centsy : gists' also selP larger packages, .@3 18 the trade mark of gayer Many 8 * - of Monoaceticacidester of Salicy; = ' Paitrs enenip. opa it | mec - P oi h 1 ‘external” pein, wse Slean’s o, 3 | Linissent. Itdeosthejobwith- B e robbing, bandag- L --h:-eh- and! painz, r > ¢ o : /\‘} ¢ __ e 3 e n 4J (\ \:: oA ÜBerS. RY LSS 1, L ‘.‘« P o’} K.. ".‘ N 7 i NN Ards gt O o F gy 23 '\‘\x\wA Qrugge e