Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, June 27, 1921, Monday Edition, Image 3

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s®'Miss Edna Williams of Abbeville
was a visitor in our city Saturday,
wMr. Albert Murry of Abbeville
drove over to visit in our city: Satur
day, ,
Col, Ross Williams of Abbeville
wgs a visitor here Saturday,
- Phone 620 for rresn ana Smoked
. Meats. Two deliveries a day 9:30 and
" 4:30. tf
« Mr. Roy McArthur of Mcßae was
@0 the city Saturday,
. L. McAbee, general agent for
Veal Brothers Shows, is in the city
today in conference with officials” of
the Fair Association arranging to
close the season here and also for
‘(\'ilm-r quarters, Mr, McAbee has
made many friends here. who are glad
to see him back for a few days.
sizes new pattern. Feinberg Furni
‘ture Store. tf
v e 2 |
Don’t forget to get your orders in}
before 9:30 and 4:30 tor' Fresh and|
“Smoked Meats Beauchamp’s Market.'
Mrs. C. E, Emery left last week!
for Newton, Mass, where she is vis-}
*iting Mrs, F. M, Swann for some-‘
time ‘
received fresh stock of typewriter rib
)kons for Oliver, L, C, Smith, Unde_r
wood, Remington and Royal’s. Carbon
paper also—Leader Publishing Co,
CARD, TABLES, the table you
3 - i _ \
can fold up. Femberg Furniture
Store. ti
Miss Marian Van Gorder is enjoy
ing several weeks summer schooling |
at the State Normal at Livingstone,i
Ala, i
$4.75 Feinberg Furniture Store. tf
+ Mr. Z, V. Barden of Atlanta is
spending a few days in the city on
#business and seeing his old friends,
Now Buying COW HIDES, Phone
@6, Casper Hide & Skin Co. tf
Mrs, Jesse Powell has as her guest
her sister Miss Mary Wilson of Les
“lie, Ga,
‘ M;?_, Rosenberg of Albany is the
guest of his sister Mrs, H, Feinberg
for a few days.
Mrs, O, J.: Clark of Ocilla was the
guest of Miss Virginia Gaines Fri
Mrs. S, G, Seagraves has returned
b-{er a visit to Americus,
Mr, Drew W. Paulk was a visitor
in Savannah Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. Fitz Hugh Lee and
family have left for Missouri where
they will make their nome in the fu
{ture. {
' Lillie May Hughes left this
morning for ‘an extended trip thru
Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio.
Mr, Bowen Shepard of Macon was
the week-end guest of his mother
Mrs, Lula Shepard in the city.
Mrs, J. H', Vance of Jennings, Fla.
returned home Sunday after a very
pleasant visit in the home of Mr.
Mrs, M. M, Stephens,
Miss Gladys Stephens returned
Sunday from a visit to several places
in Florida, Mr. and Mrs, M, M,
Stephens and family drove down to
Tifton Sunday afternoon and met
her there.
’ Mrs, Ada Stephens and daughter
Doris of Jasper, Fla, have returned
to their home after a visit in the
home of Mr, and Mrs. M, M. Ste-
Pants Dry Cleaned
- 50 cents’ .
Coats Dry Cleaned
‘ 75 cents
Palm Beach Suits
Dry Cleaned for
- $lO9O
‘Ladies Coat Suits $1.50
"'D:ty Cleaning & Pressing
" Dry Cleaning Co.
Phone 203 109 W. Central
Office Phone .___..."460
Home Phone_._.__.._ls9
~—A Paramount Artcraft Picture—
Featuring JACK HOLT and SEE
NA OWEN,; Based on the famous
novel by Joseph Conrad, it presents
a story full of romance and the spirit
of adventure, The action is laid in
the South Sea Islands amid settings
of unequallgd beauty.
liducatimll Comedy “DON'T
: Prices;ll & 22 cents. e
uring -‘MAY McVOY ‘and BRUCE
GORDON, A romance of a Ken
tucky lass who mistook the man she
loved for the enemy of her family,
The scenes are laid in the Cumber
land Mountains, and as the story is
entirely an outdoor one, there are
many beautiful scenes of mountains
and valleys, rugged pines, swift
streams and sunny fields.
Quality Comedy & Pathe Review,
sode No, 4 and 5,
JEWEL CARMEN, A stirring dra
ma founded upon the actual ocurences
It presents in an absorbing manner
an unusual story where love and the
law keep the swiftly moving plot at
high tension, Thrills anl throbs flash
all through 'the engrossing story as
society and the polished underworld
clash in a skiliful battle of wits and
Rolin Comedy and Ford Weekly, '
Misses Jimmie ~Wasserman and
Corine McPhail have returned from
a pleasant visit with friends in Abbe
Mr, J. P, Manning left Friday
morning for Atlanta where he joined
his family and from there they ex
pected to leave for California where
they will spend some time. Mr, Man
ning ordered the Leader sent to him
to keep informed of the news in
Fitzgerald while away, :
- Miss Hazel Robinson, directress
for the john B. Rogers theatrical
producing company, left for her
home in Greenvilie, Texas, Saturday
morning after spending three weeks
here producing the musical comedy
“Katcha+Koo” for the Carnegie Li
brary Board, Miss Rohinson may
return some time in the future to
produce«an” amateur play for some
other civic organization.
Mrs, James and daughter Miss Clo
tile left today for Raleigh, N. C.
where they will make their home
with her daughter for sometime,
Miss Clotile’s friends will miss her
and sorry to have her leave, - She
will be especialy missed in the B, Y.
P. U. of the Baptist church of which
she has been such a faithful member,
Master Nelson Gray of Locust
Grove is the guest of his aunt Mrs,
J. B, Wall on South Lee street.
~ Let Us Put Your Bike in Shape For
Bicycle Races July 4th
Prizes Offered to Winners
In Six Events.
Register Today at
Crews Bicycle Cempany
209 E. Central Ave. e Phone 515
“If We Can Get It In the Shop We Caa Fix It”
Bring Us Your SHOES
Men ’s Half Soles, sewed or nailed ................ $l.OO
Ladies’ Half Soles, sewed or nailed ................ 75¢
Men ’s Rubber Heels YT s G B s e ORI
Ladies ’ Rubber Heels ......... Conols e oL TOUE
e e——
Fixed Same Day Received
Harnish Shoe Shop
. OTTO HARNISH, Manager.
Opposite 5-Story Building 203 East Pine Street
Tennessee' I ..mer Wants to Go From
House To House and Tell Every
body About Tanlac
If T were not so busy with my farm
work I would go from house to house
and tell the people about Panlac?’,
saidA, J. Livingston, a well-known
farmer living near Ashland City, Tenn
“I had stomach and kidney trouble
and suffered torment with my back
and side, The doctors could do noth
ing for me so I wrote. to friend of
mine in Nashville about Tanlac and
he advised me to try it, saying he had
heard so many favorable reports about
it ‘and sent me a hottle,
“After taking the first bottie 1 felt
so much better that I ordered ano:her
bottle myself and the result is | am a
well iman. I told “a. *vienc of nilite
about it and ordded a botile ‘or him
and he had good\ esults. | can cart
anything, want a\d it don't hur me
and can sleep like & log 1o tell the
truth, I jusf simpl¥ feel like n new
man and have mocre\strength and en
eryy han I have had in, years, It 1s
simply the grandest Ynedicine in the
world, I would like see all of my
friends and get those Wno arc saifer
ing to try it and I hope You wili reach
them through this testifyonial, which
I have gladly given ”
T;‘mlac. the celebrated medicsne,
which accomplished such Nemarlable
results in this man’s case, is Awonder
ful tonic, appetize and inWgorant.
It builds up the system, crearcs a
healthy appetite, prumotes dicestion
and assimulation of the {foca and
makes you feel strong, sturdy and
well as nature intended, Tanlac is
sold in every town by leading drug
gists, Advertisement,
The First Baptist Sunday School
will have their annual picnic at Bow
en’s Mill Thursday, June 30th,
Ample provision has been made for
transporting all members and their
friends who desire to go, and who
have no way of going, and all who
go are asked to meet at the church
at 10 o’clock promptly.
A truck will take the baskets, and
if it is your desirc to have your bas
ket sent by truck, please have it at
the chfrch by 9:30 a, m, or phone
Mr. A. H, Thurmond, who will send
dor 4t
.« Children who desire using the pool
will being their bathing suits, as you
will enjoy this privilege without cost
to you,
| Lets all forget everything else on
‘that day and go out to have a good
time. .
‘ G. A. JOLLEY, Supt,
‘recewed fresh stock of typewriter rib
;bons for Oliver, L, C. Smith, Under
'wood, Remington and Royal’s. Carbon
Lpaper also—Leader Publishing Co,
Eors. Feinberg Furniture Store. tf
ors. Get one of these on easy pay
’mcnts. Feinberg Furniture Store. tf
' L
} Mrs, R. L, Hilliard Sr, arrived in
the city Saturday afternoon to visit
in the home of her son Mr, Frank
Hilliard and to become acquainted
with her little new grand daughter,
Laurel Jean,
: No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike is the
toasted cigarette.
John S. Johaston
Was Buried Sunday
(Continued from Firfist 7Page)
Dr and Mrs. J. Frank Ward, ‘
WHERAS the Grand Conductor of
the Universe, Ruler of all things, has
seen fit to call from our midst our
beloved brother john S, Johnston
And Wheras the Unions and for
mer employees of the A, B. & A,
railway, will miss his sound council
and friendly advice,
And Whereas his years of service
with us in the organization to which
he has given his loyal and undivided
support has earned for him the love
and respect of his fellow “l;ll»nx‘cr<,
Therefore Be It Resolved that we
extend to the bereaved family of
our departed - brother our sincerest
condolences in their sad bereavement
And Be It ‘Resolved that these
resolutions bhe spread upon the min
utes of each of the affiliated Unions
and that a copy of sanie be furnished
to the bereaved family and the same
published in the press of the city,
Commnittee; A+ K Hall, “C. Wi
Cook and E, M, Bishop. -
Union Leaders Here
To Confer With Men
O, D, Gorman, general chairman
of the railroad telegraphers of the
former employecs of the Atlanta,
Birmingham and Atlantic, and Wm.
C. Ware, grand vice-president of the
car men will arrive this afternoon
to spend the week here in the inter
est of the strikers, J. M. Larrissey
grand vice-president of the Order of
Railway Conductors arrived Sunday
Mr. Grville Hussey of Georgia
Tech in Atanta is visiting his parentg
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hussey in the city,
Messrs, Ed Stovall. Fussell Chalk
er and Gibson Broadhurst left this
afternoon for a week's outing at Bone
Lake, ;
Fitcgerald Leader WANT-AD!
Qu'ck Results. Phone 328.
Leader Want Ads bring results
Try one Phone 228
< @
Dempsey -Carpentier
83 . N ey .. = P i
oGO s AAW o« ek /// / M =
e " F L))
el , el GEEAE.
= e o Ha
V¢ Y Gl D=y §
, NN B\ W gy N N\
il \\\\\\ . B g . Y
g ,////%/ 757\l \\ I]BT a Esd ~..ugg\ £y NG ,
Gos || eNN N ‘
a 1 st it : : PR Y e Y e
v . o SO VL;?""mfil
Saturday, July 2nd, 11:00 A. M.
Special Wire To Ringside---Every Detail Given.
Admission 25¢ and 50c. Tickets on Sale at Leader Office.
The Story of
Our States
.flmi"v! NEVAI)_A :{s
fi‘ ”'Q:“ a Spanish
,» : ‘»L‘- g\ a djective
G ?i.‘i.;n‘u;‘\ 8 : meaning
VarasareapieBdal “snowy,” and
\ "}?:‘;J‘fi? 7Y is taken from
,“. the Sierra
EYADA _ N evadas,
those lotty mountains which sep
arate the State from California.
Most of the hiStory of the state
centers in this Western section,
near the Sierras, and it is here
that all of Nevada’s principal
cities are located.
The first white man to cross
the present state was the Fran.
ciscan Monk, Father Gares, who
made, his way across the deserts
to California in 1775. In 1825
Peter S. Ogden of the Hudson's
Bay company discovered the
Humboldt river, which is some
times called Ogden river after
The next memorable trip
across the state was that by
I'remont in 1843, when he went
to California at the time of the
outbreak of the Mexican war.
It was this war which in 1848
resulted in Mexico ceding a large
area to the United States, of
which Nevada was a part. When
this was organized into terri
tories, the Territory of Utah ex
tended to California. The West
ern inhabitants, however, were
left to their own resources and
accordingly organized their own
government. Resentipg the at
titude of Utah they petitioned
to be annexed to California.
In 1859 the Comstock Lode
was discovered and Nevada had
its own mining boom. Popula
ton immediately grew by leaps
and bounds and in 1861 Nevada
was formed into a separate ter
~ ritory. Later, portnions of Utah
were added and the lower part
of the state was taken from Arvi
zona, Petitions for statehood
were made but it was not until
18G4 that Nevada became the
thirty-sixth state of the Union.
Though Nevada ranks -sixth
in size with its area of 110,600
square milds, it has the smallest
population of any of the 48
states. Between <lBOO and 1900
there was a marked decrease in
~ the population due to the falling
~ off of mining industry.
~ (© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
Notice is hereby given that the reg
istration books of the city of Fitzger
ald will be opened at eight-thirty
o'clock on the morning of the 22nd
day of June, 1921, and will be kept
open unti 6:00 P, M. July 21st, 1921,
each day between the hours of 8:30
A, M. to 6:00 P, M, for the purpose
of enabling the qualified voters of
said city to register for an clection to
be hed on the Ist day of Angust, 1921,
to determine the question whether or
not said city shall issue its bonds in
the sum of $68,000.00 for the purpose
of building and equipping a public
schoo! hu'lding in the First Ward of
said City, and for the purpose of
erecting and equipping additional
rooms and auditorium in the High
School building in the Fourth Ward
i said city and for the purpose of re
airing the colored school building in
he sccond ward of said city,
tf David L, Paulk, City Clerk,
Miss Freda Mohre of Savannah
will arrive this week to visit her
sister Mrs, M. Gottlich,
The daily lessons for the members
of the Junior B, Y. P, U. of the First
Baptist church are announced as fol
lows by Mrs, E. A. Russell, teacher:
Monday, God Callel Abram
Gen, 12 1-5:
Tvesday, Abram and Lott, Gen,
Wednesday, God's Promise to
Abram, Gen. 13:14-18
W ant to r'eel Just 1t 2
Take an NR Tonic’: .=
JUST TRY IT AND SEE how much better vou fecl in the morning. That “loggy,”
headachy, tired, don’t-know-what's-the-matter feeling will be gone—you'il feel fine.
Q - Tre L S % 'Q‘:‘,, 8
? I ‘ROUBLE IS, your system is eA,
clogzed with a lot of “impurities that your &Lsok 1 ‘f‘i‘
over-worked digestive and climinztive orrzns S S IO
can't get rid of. Pills, ¢il, ealis, calomel ond ordi- & \4”4.‘&
nary laxatives, cathartics and purgss only force the 3 fl"“"#-
bowels and prod the lLiver. kW -“”:P-.,.?}’ 7
; Sl e v ) ,@s}9&4’-:.‘- Ay
Nature s lemeiy (NR Tohlets) azis onthestomach Sl ;;‘:‘4,‘,’
liver, bowels and even kidners, not forcinw, but tond N B
ing and strenathening these organs, The result i ‘q‘;\'g,(% “;éf‘\f
prompt relief and real, lastineg beaefit. Mako the test. fvvf,v'.‘,‘fi,,,f:-,f‘ SN e
L ’ ) SUreaeta s S TN
Nature's Remedy will 2ot promptly, thoroughly, yet GRO T A B e
so mildly, so gently, that you will think nature her-] /& S T Y “V’"";fl%
self has come to the reccue and is doing the work. \'):*‘gv,h,:}’n}.;”: AR s
_ Pl “Lfiv R Koy g Jl‘._},flifly <5 b
: Andoh, what arciief! GIT o s Aleelit £
AN 5 ’ ¥ Tin v e O S i
g/fi“ oy A You’ll be surprised to m;{ =*'~,§;:“‘ 3 ?.‘flp‘:gf
M‘@-‘\:‘ LAN find Low much batter you b ;‘uf;r-'? R
/ r'”ir,(\"“‘\:\'_ (104 '.* fcel—Lrighter, baiter every wiy. ;“&I o e fi ;';_
AR & \ I lativ or st lNarniv Aot @ . b A et
/ P‘F:‘k“,{\fi(fin GX\§ %(:2\ \ If hat itwally or ¢ "bdoraly con / ‘:“fi 3 ys{,‘,
Al SeS ) N stipated, t: 19 IR Tablst bo S
(¥ \.\‘W.\l’ S 8 ‘Ao /L("“\ each nicks §s¢ a weaky ' Phon &' ,‘p‘.‘!",‘;fiiv‘j,"” 45,
s \&éfi\Ng\’ 't'l ‘nf’"é‘-)\.‘a W\ vou'll i totzl.amedicing ,"‘?}f‘f,‘_ Ve
7 0 I-ik\-_\(‘,\;;\‘f\,o- V) every Cuv. Jest an occasional A M :;,F*V.vfiy#’
N £ PALON R NR Tabler af~r that w Lbe /,r *fi’:‘ T
oY, QQ' \R)}"\"\" #:%2r,7 sufficient 1o keep vour svstem ANGRBBAY W T
D) S L RME AT in gocd condition ~- keep \*;v% $ v
5, 9 ¥ /"tv‘k)}»\<\ you fecling your best. P "O}vg?fi g
LTI ]Q:\l:(:};’;\gf\ Getaas¢ DR SO R LR
o Remedy (R Tspteti} o . Rox ; PN
! is sold Guaremeedm\\>3i§ eAR boE A R
and recommendled by your drugsns - 4 P A
T. J. HAILE & CO. Druggists.
T e g S R _‘3
i ““.‘-"L eBL I H’f\‘f- :'.::':‘.“:,f,r &L
e, P B (Do o T Sl oB i LSRR s 0
eo .1 ‘:* R s STERs s o {5 ‘,\"'mm;.’;
2 ! 3 B Y 4 N A LEWIS B
0 PO LT sl VT NTy B 0
s Gaxd :"-J,cet -a25!~30x \, Ney g 3
We Can Do
Any and all kinds of Automobile
Repairing on 2ny und all makes
of cars.
Ignition Troubles, Starters and
Generator Work, Radiator work,
Cylinders Rebored and Pistons
fitted accurately, and, in fact
anything that comes to hand in
a general auto repair shop.
Everything We Do Is
Guaranteed to Give
Absolute Satisfaction.
ices Right!
o 9 ‘
CGatlin’s Garage
118-20 S. Main St., Phone 360
Thursday, THe Battle of the Kings,
Gen. 14:8-12, } :
Friday, Abram Rescues Lott, Gen,
14:13-16, )
Saturday,. Melchizedec Blesses
Abram, Gen, 14:17-20, .
Sunday, Abram and the King of
Sodum, Gen. 14:21-24.
Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Robinson have
rented the James home -n South
Grant street and will make their
home there during the absence of
Mr, and Mrs, James and family. <