Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, June 27, 1921, Monday Edition, Image 4
: MICKIE SAYS— DONT NEVER COMPLAIN 1O o eDIOR aaY we DoNY VOU'LL PROBARIN SEE W' TIME WHEN NouLL 88 \ : DARM GA.AD WE DONY te? = ] () &° e 4/4 L L k.« ),\ DR . /'/:(‘3-’l“’ : Y ETP ) »l \“‘@ g ) aa ’,:':F"%fi ' \) v, i A 7 -7 : A 1/ . o d"‘ . YU A/ e o N rW;:"z"‘i:k S /) Lt chAmES‘E: DU CLASSIFED DS WANTED FOR SALE NEW AUTO SPRINGS—Any size, Cheap prices; Férd fronts $3.00; Rear $10.00; springs ffor any make Cars. Casper Hide Skin Co. tf FOR SALE-fHouse at 805 South Main Street,{ Cheap. Cash or part cash. Addrefs Box 97, Rosslyn,Va. FOR SALE-ARhode llsland Red Chickens and %ggs.” Sam Willcox, 405 South <Srant\Streat. tf CORN FOR SALK or exchange for thrifty shoats weighiyig 40 to 60 Ibs. or yearlings. J. A. (A Ragsdale, Rt 3. tf COW FOR SALE—Flesh milk cow cow for sale. Apply M}s. Lizzie Mc- Lean, near Cotton . Mil], d27p FOR RENT FOR RENT--Two fufpished rooms on first floor at 416 ‘Wdst Central, tf HOUSE FOR RENT—Ppply F. W. HULTZ, 220 N Main 4t, tf LOST | For Fire and Life Insurance See C, W, QUEEN, Special Agent for Southern States Life\ Insurance Co, Office with G. S, WILLCOX, .in Old Third National Bank Bldg., Fitzgerald, Ga. eitf H. A. Mathis OPTOMETRIST and MFG.™ OPTICIAN Eyes: Examined, Glassed Furnished. BROKEN LENS DUPLICATED We Grind Our Own Glasses. We make Old Furniture New PICTURE FRAMING OUR SPECIALTY! Fitzgerald Furniture Co., Phone 49 Drs. Holtzendorf and Turner DENTISTS Upstairs, next’ door to the National Drug Company PHONE 67 Dr. W. L. Peterson Graduate Veterinarian Office at Perry Stables, Phone 374 - Residence: Phone 292. I make a definite price for a definite service rendered and my charges are the same to all, as follows": TRIP CHARGE One doMar for first mile 50 cents for each additional mile. { BOME ?‘ it e “‘"’"”7"' l ;\\ "“:“"" d ceuh g WA ' S e Nervous troubles win backache, dizzy spells, queer palns and uregular kidneys, give reason to suspect kid ney weakness and to trv ihe remedy that has helped your neighhors Ask your neighbor, g Mrs, D. O, Benson, 502 S Grant St Fitzgerald, says: “My kidneys were weak and my back ached as if it would break, I could hardly stand th= pains at times, I had nervous, dull head aches and felt weak and landuid cs pecially in the mornings, The action of my kidneys was unnatural. 1 read of Doan's Kidney Pills and used them getting my supply from the Denmark Drug Co, They helped me right away, releiving the aches and piins n my back and regulating my kidney s, I felt stronger and thadt tired foeling left me” 60c at all dealers. Fosier-Milburn Co., Mfgrs, Buffalo, N, V {aiy) Manon Grocery Co. ) “WHERKE QUALITY TELLS AND PRICES SELL” PROMPT DELIVERY Qctagon Boap, 8ar+....... ;... . B¢ Arbuckles Coiys ... ... .. 23 White House ges .ae b Charmer Coffee Mb, ............ 25c French Market Qoffee, ......30c Ib. Luzianne Coffee .\.... ...... 35¢c Ib. Best Green Coffed (......... .14c Ib, Compound Lard, foeesveiinl2B4c Ib; 4 I NERtole ..o 658 SHEUY o sao Bk Best Whole Grain Rice...........7c Irish Potatoss, peek ..5 ... ... 508 Dry Salt Meat, b, .¢...5.. ... 15146 Smoked Nedat. . v ..., . 108 Best "Self Rising F10ur.........51.25 Soratch Beedi db, ... 8 Kerogens, Gallon ... ........... 20c Green Cabbage, head ............s¢c New Irish Potatoes ~............5¢ SHEY Beansdb. .00 10 Dont Forget the Placel! Manon Grocery Co., Phone 520 226 East Pine St. Phone 359 For Better Than Average Alterin\g‘, ‘ Dry KCleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Tailoring, We are equipped to do quick Work That will last long. ~ _THREE-FIVE-NINE Pressing Club W. ROY BRAGG, Proprietor . o RE> " L) SEASONS e § \@‘c":' > XKt ' "-‘3‘ Lt 044 o < \fts“ \( e | - S /TR ) _ :';;;,‘-.'..« ‘)‘ ey, o & T / [ O o, B N o Ay THAT SUIT —llast year you thought'one season’s wear was all you could normal ly expect. BUT the clerk was right—there was GOOD quality of wool in the material. . Of course were it not for DRY CLEANERS and modern clean ing methods—you could not think of using it for GOQD wear again this season. All right there is where we fit in. Our methods are modern. And if we have that suit or light coat NOW-—we will have it ready for delivery the first spring day. i : White Swan Laundry DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE AND PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921 ‘ CORDELE, June 27, Bishop - Reese, head of the Episcopal church in Georgia, speaking before the Ki ' wanis ciub of Cordele at a mecting 'last week, presented one 'of the ‘ arraignments of lawless 'ness and the mob spirit that has “ever been heard on 2 public occasion here. . Declaring that he had not come to lecture the’ people ot Crisp county ‘but rather as a Georgian and an - American who tires like any other man of too many fool laws, he warned his hearers against the spirit ‘of lawlessness and indifference to laws because of the awful conse qudnces worked among those who are less accustomed to.sclf restraint and control, ° . Urging that regard for law is the 'basis of all social order and the life ‘of our permanent institutions, he de clared that the mob commits a great er crime than the criminal whose act it undertakes to punish, because the act of the mob is a more insidious. undermining stroke at the state, Mcb law, he further declared, is armed rebellion against the state, a denial on the part of every member of the mob of his faith in the state, There can be no self governed community until there is first a self governed in dividual, he forcefully pointed out, and those who go with the mob fail to get the long view of things—fail to think first of the consequences that must result from unrestrained wrecking of vengeance without the law, . The speaker was thankful that the press of the state is so outspoken in condemnation of lymchings. He be lieved Governor Dorsey in the much tillked pamphlet did the only thing’ he could have done to arouse senti ment, He did not believe the govern or had been prompted by any selfish motive and took occasion here frecly to condemn the habit of casting sus picion at the well meaning public of cials who try to render a real service, Bishop Reece was given a ris‘ing vote of thanks for his address before the club at the conclusion of his remarks. STORY OF OUR STATES NO XXVII WAS BROKEN Numbers of school children who have been reading the “Story of Our States” by Jonathan Brace, running regularly in the Leader, have asked the reason for the omission of story number XXVII, The plate was brok en but another has been sen! for and it will be published as soon as re ceived, The Leader did not realize how popular the fascinating short histories are with the young folks until No. XXVII was left out, The stories will run for several weeks longer and then another interesting informatfonal feature will he started, COMMANDERY MEETING ——"—— Gethsemane Commandery No, 20 will hald a regular conclave, Tuesday, June 28th at 4:00 P, M. to conicr the Red Cross degree, At 8:00 P, M_, to confer he Temple Degree. Refresh ments, All Sir Knighs requested to at*end, E T Lass, 50 C Quarrelled Since ' Wedding Day l “My stomach and liver trouble | made a regular grouch of me, I was lsoro at everything, includng my wife, and we quarreled every day since the {wcdding, She is a dear lttle girl and I know it was my fault, Mayr’s Won ‘derful remedy was recommended for ‘my stomach trouble, ud since taking it I have felt like a Yew man, My wife and I now get alot beautifully.” It is a simple harmle! preparation that removes the catdrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflamation which cakses practic ally all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendititis. One dose will convince or money refund ed —McLemore and National Drug Cos, and druggists everywhere, Advertisement, BUS LINE TO DOUGLAS AND WAYCROSS, GA. s o Messrs. Stewart and Knight of Alma will give--a daily Bus Service to Ocilla, Douslas and Wayecross, The bus leaves Fitzgerald via Ocil la, Ambrose and Brokton, connect ‘ing with the Waycross bus at Deoug las. Bus will leave from both hotels, Schedule of Bus Line for Douglas and Waycross \ Eastbound schedule read left col umn downward; Westbound, read right column upward. MORNING SERVICE 5:30, Leave Fitzgerald Arrive [12:00 OOOE = s @ella: . 1130 3001 - h . Abroses e ‘10:30 7:30; —aeuo o -Broston. i 11«0:00 8:00] Arrive Douglas Leave l9:30 AFTERNOON SERVICE 2:30| feave Fitzgerald Arrive l 8:30 SOOl Ouila. l8:00 200 k - . > Ambrose. ... | 7:00 430 k- . Broxtoh. .. . | 6:30 5:00/ Arrive Douglas Leave | 6:00 Advertisement tf NASHVILLE BOY SCOUTS CAMP IN ELORIDA NASHVILLE, June. 27.—The lo cal troop of Boy Scouts, under the leadership of Dt B 6 Morrison,‘ local scout master, accompanied by‘ Earle Rutherford and Chief Run ning Deer, a real, honest-to-goodness Indian chief, left Monday morning for Florida where they will spendl several days on an outing. - The troop made Yhe trip through the country in an a truck McCall’s Printed Patterns Of 25% 2 Figured Organdies | ~ Silks that you are sure to like. 40 in. Crepede Chine, peryd. : : $1.95 36 in. Taffetta, yard : : $1.95 and $2.95 36 inch Georgette, per yard :: $1.45 ' The BAZAAR STORE New Curtain Materals at 50c & 75c yd. Marquisette - !mlfiss vo|VE 15 NOT LAZV-HES ’jm""“ I wiowe | —.\ HES LAZV ¢ mwsHARDGUArW. l‘ ~’ \ . TR £ g 2 T+ AN )OO {? v ‘Z} _SR \) E | g ./ % Z " ‘x & | [p)@@it 0 buy 1aM0: ' s : e .- e b : : 1 ||| il " S e |’""’,%jfiji”fi it ~ o ) [ NGB, 7 - z,if,lf//;’!’,!!fl!e | O -.| .) 7 7 7 T || | W g ks "{.\J /< c/ [& =w. _ Al s | ---Then come in to see us, let us talk the matter over with you. Let us show vou our line, ex plain our method of doing business, ete. See if ~ you are not=eenvinced that it will really be to - YOUR INTEREST to buy from us. We wont worry you and will appreciate your calling. “ASK OUR CUSTOMERS.” *——lfi’“_—_‘———'—— ; - Sradst b L : “erena/aéle Musical Merchandise” 120 SOUTH /GRANT STREET " TELEPHONE 66 SPECIAL Discount “ Where Values Speak Louder Than Words”. 107-9 E. Central Ave. Fuil Size Mosquito Nets $2.95 each Lace Stripe - Onyx Hose at $1.50-$3.50 pr. They are Values