Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, June 29, 1921, Wednesday Edition, Image 4
GLASSIFIED ADS WANTED WANTED —A shop worker wants the best place to board in Fitzgerald Must have milk and garden “sas” i abundance Address Bill's cousin clo Leader Office dldp FOR SALE i L e NEW AUTO SPRINGS—Any size, Cheap prices, lFord fronts $3.00; Rear $10.00; spruags tor any make Cars. (,'asw-l Hude & Skin (,0 tf TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Just recmved fresh stock of typewriter rib bons for Oliver, Is, C, Smith, Under wood Remingron and Royal's. Carbon papey also—Leader Publishing Co, FOR SALE—House at 805 South Mam Street. Cheap. Cash or part cash. Address Box 97, Rosslyn,Va. FOR SALE—Rhode f{siand Red Chickens and eggs. Sam Willcox, 405 South ‘i;rant Streat. tf CORN FFOR SALE or exchange for thwaidy shoats weighing 40 to 60 lbs. or yearlings. . A G. Ragsdale, Rt. b tf COW FOR SALE-—Fresh milk cow ow for sale. Apply Mrs, Lizzie Mc- Lean, near Cotton Mill, d27p ROR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT—Apply F, W. HULTZ, 220 N Main st, tf LOST ILOST —Tuesd “;,-' evening, June 28th, on ioad between Fitzgerald and Bowens Mall, black grip, containing ladies' bathing shoes and caps, combs, brushes and other toilet ar ticles. Suitable reward, O. D. Lee at Postoffice 1t LOST —Between National Drug Co, and Fitzgerald Furniture Co, Tues day afternoon, a small black coin purse, with a $5 bill and some small change in i, Finder return to Lead er office and get reward. 1t . To Stop a Cough Quick tako HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues, A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and COroup s enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes' Healing Honey in sido the throat combined with the healing effect o, Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in one carton and the co6l of the combined treatment is 35¢. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. o ® For Fire and Life Insurance See C W. QUEEN, Special Agent for Southern States Life Insurance Co, Office with G, S, WILLCOX, im Old Third National Bank Bldg, Fitzgerald, Ga. eitf H. A. Mathis OPTOMETRIST and MFG. OPTIC.IAN Yyes Examined, Glasses Furnighed. BROKEN LENS DUPLICATED We Grind Our Own Glasses. We make Old Furniture New PICTURE FRAMING OUR SPECIALTY! Fitzgerald Furniture Co., Phone 49 Drs. Holtzendorf and Turner DENTISTS Upstairs, next door to the National Drug Company PHONE §7 Dr. W. L. Peterson Gradugte Veterinarian Office at Perry Stables, Phone 374 i Residence; Phone 292. I make a definite price for a definite service rendered and my charges are the same to all, as follows: TRIP CHARGE One dollar for first mile 50 cents for each additional mile. sweer |WA) 27 00l - @ . HOME _:é.gl."\\ir i i E kf/ ’“'* __"\{;. 1 e = J T LA )LA TN J ’ Be Pretty! Turn ' Gray Hair Dark Try Grandmother’s Oid Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by ask ing at any drug store for “Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,” you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, as a small cost, Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it 'does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, by morning the gray hair disappeara, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, and attrac tive.—(adv.) REGISTRATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the reg istration books of the city of Fitzger ald will be opened at eight-thirty o'clock on the morning of the 22nd day of June, 1921, and will be kept open unti 6:00 P, M. July 21st, 1921, each day between the hours of 8:30 A M. to 6:00 P, M,, for the purpose of enabling the qualified voters of said city to register for an election to be hed on the Ist day of August, 1921, to determine the question whether or not said city shall issue its bonds in the sum of $68,000.00 for the purpose of building and equipping a public school building in the First Ward of said City, and for the purpose of erecting and equipping additional rooms and auditorium in the High Schoo!l building in the Fourth Ward of said city and for the purpose of re pairing the colored school building in the sccond ward of said city, tf David L, Paulk, City Clerk, Phone 359 For Better Tl;a:x Average Altering, Dry KCleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Tailoring, : We are equipped to do quick.l Work That will last long. ! THREE-FIVE-NINE Pressing Club i W. ROY BRAGG, Proprietor E Let Us Put Your Bike in Shape For Bicycle Races July 4th Prizes Offered to Winners In Six Events. | Register Today at Crews Bicycle Company 209 E. Central Ave. = Phone 515 ~ “If We Can Get It In the Shop We Can Fix It” « o Bring Us Your SHCES BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 13th. M Men ’s Half Soles, sewed or nailed ............... $l.OO Ladies’ Half Soles, sewed or nailed ........%....... 75¢c ien ‘s INNBREE BEIREIN 0 v S ol 800 AARoies * JRURRNE BRI . .0 oot sy . . 308 m Fixed Same Day Received ® Harnish Shoe Shop . OTTO HARNISH, Manager. Opposite 5-Story Building 203 East Pine Street The Story ot Our States By JONATHAN BRACE XXXVIIL.—-NEBRASKA ,@fifir TI{I‘J Indian s name for “ the Platte ‘,, river was Ne- Fj&‘[%fi‘, braska, mean “s!",:;):42.‘; ing ‘“shallow <y 7 water,” and Sxonin from this came the name of the state. A nickname for the state is the Blackwater State. Of the early Spanish explora tiong little is known, except that Coronado probably reached the great plain of this reglon in 1541, ‘More than one hundred and twenty-five years later Father Marquette noted the Platte river on his trip up the Missouri. In the beginning of the Nineteenth century the Lewis and Clark ex pedition skirted the boundaries of the present state and in 1805 Manuel Lisa estaplished the first known settlement which wns a fur trading post at Bellevue This was just after the Louisian Purchase had brought Nebraska into United States territory. Omaha was established as a post of the American Fur com pany in 1825 and Nebraska City the following year. With the California gold rush in 1849 many pioneers passed through Nebraska and some stopped and settled there al though there was a law forbid ding settlements among the In dians. The real colonization boom, however, started with the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854, which arranged that these two sections should become frve‘or slave states at the dic tate of their inhabitants. The Nebraska territory was then or gunized and reached from the fortieth to the forty-ninth paral lel. lln 1861, the region north of 43 was made Into Dakota territory. The Idaho territory was also created, which re duced Nebraska to its present slze of 77,520 square miles, ex cept for a slight addition in the Northwest which was made in 1882, In 1867 Nebraska was admit ted as the 37th state over the president’s veto.' It has eight presidential electors. (@ by McClure Newspaper Syndicate., THROUGH SLEEPER Macon, Ga. to Asheyille, N. C. Via Southern Railway System - Effective Sunday, May 29th, Southern Ralway System will estab lish through sleeping car service from Macon, Ga, to Asheville, N. C. Sleeper will leave Macon each after noon on Southern Raslway train No. 26 at 525 p. m. and returning from Asheville will arrive Macon 11:50 a, m, 5 N For further information relative to schedules, Round Trip fares and Pull man reservations, apply to nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or C. B. Rhodes, Division Passenger Agent, Southern Railway System, Macon. Ga. Advertisement tf THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE AND PRESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1921. Big Sum For Farm or Far ‘Loan Board Is Asked ATLANTA, June 29.—An appro priation of $200,000,000 for use by the Farm Loan Board in meeting appli cations from farmers for loans is sought' in bills introduced ine, con gress by U. S. Senator William J, Harris of Georgia and Representative Gordon Lee, of the seventh Georgia district, according to news received here, . The money would be loaned by the Treasury at 5 per cent, and a maxi mumn rate of 6 per cent charged to the farmers through the federal land banks, Senator Harris, in a statement just received here, said that a large sum was needed to meet the demands for loans, even after an appropriation of $50,000,000 for a revolving fund is provided by copgress. The Georgia senator was recently advised by the Federal Farm Loan hoard that a small amount of the first issue of $40,000,000 in bonds remairs fo be -(J]li. Habitua! Constipation Cured iz 14 to 21 Days ; “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Toni¢-Laxative for Habitual Constipation, It relieves promptly and should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulatesand Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take, 60c per baottle. BUS LINE TO DOUGLAS AND WAYCROSS, GA. Messrs. Stewart and Knight of Alma will give a ‘daily Bus Service to Ocilla, Douglas and Waycross. The bus leaves Fitzgerald via Ocil la, Ambrose and Brokton, connect ing with the Wayeross bus at Doug las. Bus will leave from both hotels, Schedule of Bus Line for Douglas and Waycross Eastbound schedule read left col umn downward; Westbound, recad right column upward. MORNING SEKVICE 5:30, Leave Fitzgerald Arrive [12:00 A R e '11:30 7000 .- .. Ambrose.i.. .. [10:30 7:301 o/ Broxton. o | 0:00 8:00/ Arrive Douglas Leave | 9:30 AFTERNOON SERVICE 2:30| Leave Fitzgerald Arrive | 8:30 000 oo Oeillai. . . | 800 2:00| _.____Ambrose..___.. | .7:00 480 l ... Broxton. - . 6:30 5:00| Arrive Douglas Leave | 6:00| Advertisement tf l Of 25% 2 Figured Organdies | Silks that you are sure to like. 40 in. Crepede Chine, peryd. : : s___l.9_s 36 in. Taffotta, yard : : $1.95 and $2.95 36 inch Georgette, per yard :: $1.45 The BAZAAR STORE New Curtain Materals at 50c & 75c yd. Marquisette MecCall’s Printed Patterns i' AF-1S THIS MISS e NOPE THIS 1S .- \ | BETTY'S DOMICILE ?| k 8 »2'2‘5:.:555"!' 225 BETTYS BROTHER! : AN ,(.z'/ffl [ fig@ j"r ' j:/—“’\\- E’ ! LRSS ] & 4i } e &£ /§ 4 , 0 & = Y 2 (S . n ,///’6;‘ B a‘” ’ " g;—f/f ~ (' J/{(/ ’.j.%‘ . P "“ I!l Nl —. —d | S . s e Expect To Buy A Piano? Xpect 1o buy A Fiano! ' i . _-‘ = : ";E;l'l. “’kv' - W | 1] 4z ' ‘i]i '_/t_C\ '}L- o 1/t Sis i %"u B .;5 A v ---Then come in to see us, ‘let us talk the matter over with you. Let usshow you our line, ex plain our method of doing business, ete. See if you are not convinced that it will really be to YOUR INTEREST to buy from us. We wont worry you and will appreciate your calling. “ASK OUR CUSTOMERS.” ' kg/’a()séaw J{as[c @ 0., ' : ‘Qe,aenz/aéle ./f{aslcal Merchandise” 120 SOUTH GRANT STREET ; TELEPHONE 66 SPECIAL Discount “ Where Values Speak Louder Than Words” 107-9 E. Central Ave. Full Size Mosquito Nets $2.95 each Lace Stfipe Onyx Hose at $1.50-$3.50 pr. They are Values