Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, October 10, 1921, Monday Edition, Image 4
GLASSIFIED ADS WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED— A competent woman, desiring a good home in the country and wages, wan ted as housekeeper in a family consist ing of husband, wife and child, Apply Leader-Enterprise, © 010 pd WANTED—Two large live, fat pos sums and 1-2 bushel solid Porto Rico Yams, Apply after 6 p. M, at 123 1-2 S. Sherman St Bill’s Cousin, ltpd FOR SALE IMPROVED FARMS—Any size in Best Farming Section Florida, an ideal climate, pure water, good health; dry, level, loamy soil, where profitable crops are grown without fertilizer, $5 to $l5 acre, Seaborn Sutton, Dowling Park, Fla, 010 FOR SALE—New 7-room Bangalow all modern conveniences, garage and out house, Corner Grant and Palm Apply 501 South Graat street, tf. FOR RENT FOR RENT-—Several furnished)rooms for housekeeping upstairs at 315 south Grant street, tf FOR REN:l‘._Fuvr;—cz and unfurn ished rooms, Mrs. E, H. Danjels, 215 East Central Avenue, tf, Pork Ples Pr aihicva by Treaty. By a clause 11 u <peclal treaty con eluded soon after the first Punjab war the maharajah of Kashmir has the right—which he exercises—of prohib iting the importation Into his terri tories of pork ples. BRING YOUR OLD WINTER CLOTHES TO Fitzgerald Tailors We'll Make them like new 208 E, Pine St,, Phone 266 ATLANTA, GA. Entirely New Management 356 Rooms; Modern; Fire proof. Roof Garden Seat ing 500 for Conventions. Rathskeller and Six Private Dining Rooms. Cuisine Equal to the Best. LOUIS J. DINKLER, President CARLING L. DINKLER, Vice-Pres. and Manager FRANK T. REYNOLDS, Executive Assistant Manager Wire or Phone Us Your Wants Telephone Ivy 1100 Phone 359 j For Better Than Average ‘ Altering, - Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, 1 Tailoring, We are equipped to do quick Work That will last long. THREE-FIVE-NINE Pressing Club W. ROY BRAGG, Proprietor Manon Grocery Co. ’ “WHERE QUALITY TELLS AND PRICES SELL" ‘ PROMPT DELIVERY Octagon Soap, 8ar.............. 5S¢ Arbuckles Coffee ...............23¢c White House Coffee ........40¢c Ib, Charmer Coffee, Ib. ............ 25¢ French Market Coffee, ......30¢ Ib, Luzianne Coffee ...... ...... 35¢ Ib. Best Green Coffee ~.........14c Ib, Compound Lard,............ 13¢ Ib. e Vegtols .. ..0c..c0000....68¢ Sugar, per pound ................7¢ Best Whole Grain Rice...........7c Dry Salt Meat, Ib ..............16¢c Smoked Meat, Ib. 1:: Scratch Feed, b, ..............3%¢ Dont Forget the Placell Manon Grocery Co., Hits Phone 520 " 226 Kast Pine St YORK YANKEES S, Opponent to Giant e S L E i A o gS i ma‘?"‘»?"‘; SRR .33 P v e PR A b i f/ Ay Ly B % fii?v‘)’ G A 5 B e %A ‘ . % S e A S A e .< e b#e g 5 = iR A P : P% Ry ® ; e %eoy R P o ¢ '-é /,3«#"“”’ .% i FR L Bs o 7 PB i % BT 5 oizE %3 b, 7 G R 3 %RaB 4 R . PR e 'i"‘2='fi-",'s'=',f‘it?"-"':‘:i' 5 ;5‘9 ./% o GG, A A R R BRI 74 - £ s o P ,r i X T 7 7 43/ 4 % § 7 ek G <By e e v vy G ©A R A 2 W, T oo 1 o e ok 2g:f s R i 7% '5; ";..’-’4,; 9 £ .ffikm o P AR [ P g x %Rdi ’a ¥4 S o gRi i a 3 i e 3 BN AR, As I i R W A vt Faraaatade aild TR e e P fB Lo we, iB A ] e z BRIV R Y 2 eNt Sy GRS P ¥ Rol ¢ LoBiEs ¥‘lL i Y st S o @ML L.r'Q o R b‘ LR ‘/’d.zé; i 7 ;, ide%3o } - eL % a 7 o f&’::."',': »..vtf)fik@:('" b Lo TQs @ A A 24 e UGBINS Sk eBl S AOME G T A .eA £%5 T e o 8 sB B . M i : i R B e WALLY SCHANG . ’ 3 , Ly mAeen .. @ P 7. 2 i -' RAR S - 7. et ¥ 2 S Een e GGG g o | 3 Ny % ek e P A B S 71‘“," ém;l Y {‘;«f ST Xi =5 ‘:‘--:-“-.- ’\;’ ’:‘fv" &t B S i i e G ZA b 54 o e ol o S g f . e s e 5 i R T R L ’3&' ¥ iey ), o ';.":,(.;R;‘:‘:‘)fl;\ X 255 A . ‘13:5::5 et o 4sy e 3 ’ fir? g i ” “%é&' n ety it 5 R ~*.‘»_3-::-.,;,;..‘_‘.»»,’ : s 0y sNO 2 Vada %, o WTTR LT B, I ; ee W SEel 1 VR v A - P aitr g 5 0R23 B K --47' 5 ¢g T S & ;;&f*’ TR ISR, .2l WA % R WA e R Wit e ey R v & S . Ag % : R P Ry . ; TR % R R () P % e Kt g T2k R % *HOMERUN" BAKER b A SRS 808 RAAT IR 5 w-"/"""‘*"“"-"ik 4 R st s!iAWKEY eE3 A T P 5 " -5 ] ] Tk L~ 147 3 - ac SI2 e 4 ; ;gt;,_' y ® s ) Xg2 R R 1y W . op e L LS A B |BB £ 5 X 7.8 i NMk il Wl, 4 iR LT s % PRI A 3% { e ‘ Fe.d - 7Bt R e &) bs: e F 2 IR 23 iN, I 22 A, g-1 J s & ¢ A i‘%fifim (5 L &?* ~@(W RO B PR e pDR ol 5222 3RS2BN<. R, R % N B Y A»’gx\}%& 4R sk »f‘f’ ] g & R 2 oR ok R S v : 4 £il s i 5 *" "’)f‘ . B Y A i R ey g.ok S | g i Wy z %, P N SO RES . R SIS, % B 1808 o 6 i ;_; vR%]- i %. : A s=) = UG e B ...4“,-} e et s | ARG '% = S B s[ b g { b RBNA%%L : w 2 b o 3 B 4 iy gy NN .TR T ;WX A e oSORSY RS e SRS B £Ry i ARG B i ik e b 5 W A AN%TB | g R Gl 55 , es P , SRS N . e| A ‘,:,i‘s';‘,i//w £ S ;o g A P SRS OASR b A e & ' eWe vy R% 4 el\ f: { e 5 S SR el 1§23 T oA 4 |ey ',*'-{,3&:&3§~;g,_ ; <Ay ;fx N SRR eY - s :g7 TR ‘ % f%: .S R £ ig LS %AR R B N 2 /} bR X?‘ et Jod R i 3 PR PR PR iy 2Re sl i o Gioel sl WAT aTA 4 NS EPR PR L 2740 MO B B*% ' V?W*‘%“?’g, e My N e R / U ! TH sl e >y R VSR g 2_:.1;‘,;.‘5 gB e ’ PR T ORI N e, . oit U j Ly SRR ! o AT NS 3 o R Oy g ~R R P Y R 4 B 7 Rgl R L Yosias Y R As§ PR 2 B . o, "\t‘sf'\:‘:“ k', B iy, ¢ \‘*'v”’"' o' “}W\' @ AL N e | AT RvY a 5 e Se T 2 3 BABL » : (i AR AR oo SRSR Bl )»‘“Ww BB R iile sitprit ;:"*-'--'-':fi«‘-f-':.-*"-.-::f.;S:f:-'ir.'-":f-;; SSR e g ; sABE” RUTH : oRN A .~ @ B g _® CARL MAYS ¢ Bonorous Greetings. Just a mere passport {ssued by a New Haven jostice and approved by the government in 1807 bears the ollowing mass of words: Most Serene, Serene, most Pulssant, Pulssant, High, Musirious, Noble Honorable, Vener thle wise and prudent, Lords, Em perors, Kings. Republics, Princes, Dukes,” Earls, Barous, Lords, Burgo masters, Schepens, Counseliors, as also Judges, Officers, Justiciaries and Regents of all the good citles an? places, whether Ecclesiastical or Secu ar, who shall see these patents, of war them read.” Or Some Fancy Duds. ~ Another thing that causes a chickep b cross the road Is a show window with & good mirror in It.—Columbia (S. C) Record English Conquest of Ireland The conquest of Ireland by the Enge sk was a gradual process. The first tep was taken by Heury I[l, who 18 uid to have obtained a bull from Pope ladrian IV, authorizing him to take ossession of the country., The Tu lors steadily pursued the policy of aking land from tiw Irish chiefs and dving it to Englis! settlers. The final et of the union was passed sod pro daied on Jabuarvy 1, 1801 \ Ant Hills Scart a Fire. Perhaps the strangest of causes vhich ever produced a fire was as ant hill. There Is a specles of amt known as the wood ant which makes a nest entlrely'ot vegetable matter. Under certaln circumstances this may fermez( until it gets hot enough to begin to swnolder. Then comes & breeze which fans the spark (nte flame, and the result may be s serieme Corest Gre. Beeties’ Bilood for Warts. Dr. B. Escomel describes in Analls de la Facultad de Medicina (Lima, Peru) certaln pseudo beetles the blood of which has from time Immemorial been used by the natives for curing warts,. Under It these growths tvra white, as If mnuterized by an ue'd Chinese Are Honest Honesty 1s a prevalling virtwe tmong most Chinamen. Some of them in their native towns and cities leave their places of business unguarded while they go off for half an hour e# nore. Should customers arrive in the @eantime they find the prices of goods olainly marked, select what they wami tnd leave the money for themy— S‘.Drinxfiold (Mass.) Republican. - Significance of Diamonds. The diamond is generally chosen for engagement rings because the legend is that it strengthens the love of 2 man for @ wYoman YOU WILL BE WELCOME IN OUR MEN'S BARACA CLASS NEXT SUNDAY We meet at 10:00 o'clock every Sun day at the First Methodist Church— Corner of Lee and Magnolia Streets, We want you to bt with us, Come, ge the Baraca habit, Come next Sunday Sure! No questions will be asked. 1 THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE AND PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1921 ' Ever Catch a Micropterus? | Tae Hlack bass nre of two species— the siaall-momh hinck bass and the large-mouth Binck nass, writes Dr. R W. Shufeidt in the American Forestey Wagazine. Both belong to the genus Micropterus, and are readily distin. guished through the fact that in the last-numed torm the angle of the gape of the mouth Is nuck of the imaginary vertical llne from the center of the pupil of the eye upon etther side. Se gamy are these fisi- that they are known as the “gamefish of the North,” wmnd anglers prefer to fisk for ihem shove all other kinda 7 decord Geneological Trea A Spanish nohleman, the Count of Orca, has @& genealoglcri tree complete {n every branch froin Noah downward. A golden ark fizures in the family escutcheon, and the count maintains that his ¢®le commemorates the serv ices rendered to humanite by his an testor at the thes o 7 “he Tinluge ; Forewarned, Forearmed. Our idea of a prudent man is one who never sees a vampire withou? thinking of a buzz saw.—Dallas News Now Is The Time! AN occz;sli/on’fi Dry Clean ing will enable you to use that Coat Suit another sea son. Now is the time to con serve and money saved is money made. Try our DrvCleaning depart ment, you wiil find our ser vice very satisfactory. White Swan Laundry Launderers and Dry Cleaners Phone 35 ‘W. Pine St. origin of Freen.asonry Unknown, - The ~ociety of Free Masons ante e il othier sociclies by centuries, s wiiZin iBS so ancient that the place and time of fis hirth are uanknown, Lh.,- iegend say ilot it was organized 2t the baifding of the temple of Solo mon. but this is not sccepted with aich credence. By some writers its arigin has been ascribed to the Druids, by others to rhe Kuights Templar and to Pythagoras, and it has not escaped the fad which In mod ern times has attributed so many of the uncertain productions to the almble brain of Sir Francis Bacon. Within recent years traces of the organization are sald to have beea discovered in Palestine or the Egyp tian obelisks and in the pyramids In fact, ft has been asserted that im. vestigators have become satisfied that the soclety grew directly from an organization engaged In the econ- Mroction of the v ramids. Talmudic Wisdem, Throw no stones into the well whence you have drunk.—The Tal mud. i 'GREAT VICTORY FOR SCIENCE Cure Baid te Be Assured for the Werid’e Greateet Scourgs, the Plague of Lopresy. The aews frem Hawa!l indleates that science has at last found the sure and systematic way to the cure of this werld’'s most appalling disease. Of the 142 former lepers who have been pa roled froor the Kalibl hospital in the last two years none has been sent back. It is peculiar that the plague which has troubled the world at least sixty centuries, and prcbably much longer, should eventually be controlled by one of the oldest remedies ever used for t. To modern science is due the dis covery of the bacillus of leprosy, but its cure is accomplished with refined shaulmoogra 011. the essence of an I» dian plum, which has been used by lepers in the KEast for centuries. Sclence has :mproved on native prae tice not only in the 01l but in its app cation. To a world which has 3,000,000 lep ers the success of the doctors at Kalill is heartening. Ching, when bet ter days come, can set about the cure of her 2,000,000 stricken. India has 200,000 lepers, Japan 20,000. And the United States has had a big leper prob lem which the developments {n Hawall should soon solve. While the cases of lepresy in the continental United States are few—perhaps not 30§—we have thousands of fepers in our island pessessions, particularly the Philip plnes. Now that the way is clear.our wedical service can go ahead there as it has proceeded in Hawali. © Turn Hair Dark | * With Sage Tea If Mixed with Sulphur It Darkens So Naturally Nobody Can Tell The old-time mixture of Sage l'ea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand mother’s recipe, and folks are‘ again using it to keep their hair al - good, even color, which is quite sen-‘ sible, as we are living in an age when youthful appearance is of the great-! est advantage. | Nowadays, though) we don’t have the troublesome task\ of" gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home, All drug stores\sell the ready to use product, improveyl by the ad dition of other ingredi\nts, called “Wyeth’s Sage and Sulghur Com pound.” It is very populdr, because nobody can discover it has been ap plied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it, and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what de lights the ladies with Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound is that, be sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also pro duces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. ‘—=Adv. Dog Had Many Friends. SBix thousand persons signed a pe titlon to siuve the life of & dog which 2 London (Engiland) magistrate had ordered to be killed on account of its tlleged ferocity. Mad Dance of Moleculea ’ Molecules move at a speed of sev eral hundred meters a second an{ ~ eac! several hundred collisions g T’)c'. The SOUTHEAS TERN FAIR. > & GRrAND (IRCUITRACES g 7 e \ A fi ! o g p— SRR el " |e (e L O LR A% otk ARt P AT ~ L'heFair Pre-eminent in Exclusive Features GRAND CIRCUIT RACES Representing the top-notch turf performers of the world. WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP AUTOMOBILE RACES With the most daring Dirt Track Drivers and the Fastest Cars in the World. SPECTACULAR PREE ACT PROGRAM Every Big and Nove! Free Act worth while, WORTHAM’S WORLD'S BEST SHOWS On their first trip to the South will bring the greatest aggregation of midway attractions and amusement devices the show world affords, which, combined with Lakewood’s permanent attractions, will make the greatest Midway at any Fair in the World! GEORGEOUS PYROTECHNIC DISPLAYS! . x 4, Wonderful pyrotechnic program prepared and * fired by snecial artists, SE SURE TO SEE THE Bl@ OSTRICH FARM EXHIBIT. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Admission, 80c; Children, 28c. SCHOOL DAY 18¢c to ail attending a public or private school when accompanied by Special Ticket, which will be furnished free te all teachers. Write for Fres Premium List or Special Information te R. M. STRIPLIN, Secretary, Atlanta. & . 0 H. G. HASTINGS, Pres. t R. M. STRIPLIN, Sec. N ———————— L Atlanta-October 1322 llt Happened o | In Fitzgerald b e ey And Is Happening te PFitsgerald People Every Week The case told below is mot an wa common thing. The same occurs fre quently and will continue to happen as long as folks have kidneys and ov ertax the kidneys, J. F. T. Williams, retired farmer, 505 W. Suwanee st, Fitzgerald, says: “I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills when my kidneys were weak-and 1 had a dull aching across my back. My kidneys acted irregularly and this annoyed me, especially at night, I began using Doans Kidney Pills from the Denmark Drug Co., and they helped regulating my kid neys and strength®ajng my back. I have great confidence ) oan’s Kid ney Pills” : Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kiduey remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr, Williams had, Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. Advertisement. Burning Cerk Pungent and Sproyp. To remove the odor of hurned food and to sweeten the air of & room gen erally, put a plece of ordinary cerk on 2 het stove itd or other fron plate and let It smoldsr and turp black. It will give off a fresh god fragrant. odop which will overcume any other odse gresent. 6,000 Mile Fabric Tires AT FACTORY PRICES UIFE ISPI 303 RT - $9.50 , B%fi-:{n (®/ § 30x3% N S - $10.95 j B&wf; 7Nt Ml 32x3% N S - $15.35 meaa 831 NS - $15.40 AOMER S 32x4 NS - $19.79 R AR T ; 33x4 NS - $20.84 UNS - F2LIT /DN SING S4xak NS - §27.53 ’ HOME Bxa% NS - $28.77 ML Tt %‘ '@ I We Pay The Ndos o Wer Tes. 9 0. W. Fletcher’s Garage “FROM TIRE TO TOP? Phone 417 - 301 South Grant St. NATIONAL HOG AND CATTLE SHOW Through co-operation with the Southern Cattle men’s Association and the Southern Swine Growers’ Association, the Southeastern Falr will again feature the National Hog and Cattle Show, assuring .the greatest assembly of pure bred Cattle and Swine ever exhibited in the United States. INTERNATIONAL CLUB STOCK JUDGING CON TEST Which created s 0 much attention last year from all parts of the world, will again be an exclusive feature of the Southeastern Fair, I MAMMOTH EXHIBITS OF AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE Boys' and Girls' Club exhibits will be stazed on a greater scale than ever before. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS A comprehensive display of War and Navy Fea tures. U. S. Department Of Agriculture ' Cotton Quotation Serviees Bureas of Markets and Crop estimates; At fanta District, B, R, Osstlerig charge NOTE—The following i are from reports of actual salgs received by this office and are pat. estisnpted prices: S 3 . Reports of sales at Interior Mar¥ets. ABBEVILLE 'Date Grade Staple Price 29 __Good Middling__ 7-8 2% AMERICUS Date Grade Staple . Price 29 __Middling..______ 7-8" .za.zo” FITZGERALD Y Date Grade Staple Price 27 __Middling.....___ 7-8* !9%—3% 27 __strict low middling 7-8" 18-193% @8 . Middling=:.... .. 78 18%-19% 28 __strict low middling 7-8” 18%-18% 29 __Middling..._____ 7-8" ----1914 29 __strict low middling 7-8” ----1814 30 __Middling__.___.__ 7-8* ...--19% oo Myddling..oi s 78" ----1914 DUBLIN }26 --Strict Middling__ 7-8" ----1934 27 __Strict Middling.> 7-8" ___2ol4 27 - _Middling.=.- . . .8v ----20 Y }2B _-St'rict Middling__ 7-8” ____l93 SYLVESTER 26 __Strict Middling__ 7-8 ____2o 26 --Middling________ 7.8 -—--19%% TIFTON . : 28 ._Good Middling__ 7-8° ____2o 28 __Strict Middling__ 7-8” ----1914