Newspaper Page Text
Florida String Beans at Wilson's—
Phone 322.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry K. Sligh and
littic daughter Anna expect to leave
Sunday for Newnan for a short visit,
Mr, and Mrs, J, D, Smith motored
over to Rochelle one day this week to
attend the Fair,
Mr, H, G, Brady of Baltimore spent
a couple days in the city thisi week on
Mr. Harry Shultz of Cincinnati was
in the city on business last week,
Mrs, S, A, Barnes and Mrs, John
Barnes, Sr., of Douglas were visitors
in the city Wednesday,
Mr, Herbert McLean of Douglas was
a visitor in the city this week,
Fitzgerald Vulcanizing Co,, 215 E,
Central Avenue, Tires and Tubes vul
canized, tf
Miss Burkhalter expression teacher
who resigned her position here left
last Thursday for Alma a. where she
opened her work with a beginning of
thirty-six pupils,
A two-year guaranteed battery at
a low price —3Ol South Grant St,
Mr, and Mrs, Carl B, Fellars and
Miss Genevieve Spier and Col J B,
Norman expect to leave Saturday for
Macon where they will spend the day
returning home Sunday,
Mr. D. H. Larkey, of Albany, Ala,,
is visiting in the city the guest of Mr,
Mr_ ond Mrs, George Robertson re
turned recent'y from a short trip to
Macon in their car.
Sce our battery man before buying
—Vesta Battery Service Station, 301
South Grant St.,
Mes. € A Miter and Mrs; F R,
Justice drove over to McKae on Wad afternoon, |
Tanlac, the cclebrated medicine, is
now sold by T, J. Haile & Co, adv,
Mrs. Jesse Gr;ntham returned home
today from Daytona Beach Fla, where
she has been for some time,
Mr, Julius P, Martin of Columbus
is visiting friends in the city for a few
Have your old battery repaired and
save the price of a new one, Vesta
Service Station, O, W. Fletcher's Ga
rage, tf,
See me before buying that new tire.
E. H, Daniel, 215 East Central Ave, tf
Florida String Beans at Wilson‘s—
Phone 322.
Office Phone 511
Res, Phone 545
J. T. BRICE, D. C.
Rooms 201-202
Farmer-Garbutt Bldg.
Office Hours 9:30 to 12; 1:30 to 5
Other Hours By Appointment
Fitzgerald :-: Georgia
We Make Old
Furniture New
Picture Framing
Our Specialty
Phone 49
Drs. Holtzendorf
and Turner
Upstairs, Next Door to the National
Drug Company
Undersellers Announce Their Opening
—— FOR————————
Thursday, Oct. 20. Watch for Biggest Events
Ctrice Phone .jl:)
Home Phone 2199
“THE JACK KNIFE” A homely hu
man interest story dealing with the
adventures of a kindly old sou! who
loves his fellow man with a great
love that knows no bounds,
Avenging Arrow “ON PERILOUS
GROUNDS” Episode 13.
“RANGE RIVALS"” A western fea
ing fate “final episode
“THE BETRAYAL” episode 10 of
Diamond Queen,
A Sunshine Comedy,
Jeff Cartoon,
- A Paramount Artcraft Superspecial
“EVERYWOMAN?"” featuring an a!l
star cast including Wanda Hawley,
Bebe Daniels and Irving Cummings,
Wealth—Love— Beauty? Which of
these thtee do you desire most? That
is everywomans problem. And it has
been daramtized into one of the most
spectacular films in years, It is adap
ted from the play of the same name
which was so popular several years
Educational Comedy “TORCHY'S
Prices 11¢ and 22¢.
Mr. Jim Littlefield of Columbus is
visiting his parents Mr_and Mrs, N.|
N, Littlefield. i
Mrs. John S, Johnston is visiting
her mother in Atlanta this wezk,
M:i S, O, Fuller of Abbeville is in
he c¢; lodoy on business.
Old tableware replated. Drop me a
card and will call, W, Harrison, City,
- Mr, T, I, Griffin and daughter Mrs,
'Glenn Jenkins have rcturned home
from Valdosta,
Messrs, J, M, Larrisey, J. B, Hogs
ed and & W Marchal Union Offi
cials arrived in the city last night and
are spendimng the day in the city,
' Mr. and Mrs, Ashley Dowling, Miss
Virginia Gaines, Messrs George Bon
ey, and Reason Paulk, were among
‘the visitors from here attending the
fair at Rochelle this week,
Mr, and Mrs, Abe Kruger spent
'Wednesday in Valdosta where Mr.
Kruger officiated at the Temple ser
vices Tuesday night and Wednesday,
They were delightfully entertained
and a dance was given in their honor
- Wednesday night, Accompanying
Ithcm to Va'dnsta were Walter Kess
ler of this city and Max Gold
' of Abbevilie
Mrs, W, P, Ward. iMss Marie Ward
and Mrs, Gordon Burns of Douglas,
are guests this week of Mrs Jesse
Grantham and Mrs, Frank Ward,
Prcf. E. C. Wimberly left last night
for Lyons, Ga, after having resigned
his position as teacher in ths High
Mrs, R, H. Majors and handsome
voung son, R, H, Jr. of Atlanta are
the charming guests of Mrs, Major's
;xmrcnts Mr, and Mrs. G, G. Reeves,
| i e
Mr. and Mrs, M, E, Hutchinson of
Long Beach, Cal., arrived in the city
Wednesday to be the guests of their
daughter, Mrs, M, E, Whitman, Mr,
and Mrs. Hutchinson are enroute to
Florida for a visit to relatives, :
Noice is hereby given that the Reg
istration books are now open and will
remain open at the City Hall until the
Bth day of November, 1921, Voters
must register in order to qualify for
the regular city election to be held
December 20, 1921,
This he 3rd day of October, 1921,
David 1., Paulk, City Clerk,
Ded Nov 8
o . k
'Science Plans Model Homestead )
ba‘ /:}',} A& (%‘{“ é“ ‘::;" Y"- 3 2 ':‘ .\‘ ». '%;g 2\ *«« i o'::.'
&e v R d;‘év 33 ©t" §£¢( g‘ \3 '-:3:-'3 VR s ;:Qg’i:-":x e. 3 53 ‘73'7:1;5%?;:1 S
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ahomal sce s L UNIRE R Y 7 4G b i
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3’¢sw i | 28RS 0 /), ®
R i R beew s
Dragadi sy ot og 8 /e ?"fl
SRS = 5 “ £ .
D {[Aovsed | e
Nebraska’s College of Agriculture] Islgl i » TIHEARNYARD
has constructed a model farinstead 3 W ¥ lf- 1
for that state. In the picture i’ Iy E¥- BARN }'
model, which is herewith printed by " N 8
special arrangements with Popular l MACHINE-SHED T GE[E——\?
Science Monthly, the various build- : GARDEN L i SHED
ings have heen laid out, so that the g \{l
farmer walks around the circle in e |
doing his chores. Many farmers, it " \FEEDALOT
is said, - think of wasted motion G g D
only in relation to their machinery, HAY-SHED
never in relation to their own
movements. yards. Nearly all fences scrve two
In this plan, the barns and yards |yards. The barn has a central alley
arc located so that the prevailing|to allow the winds to blow through
wind will carry offensive odors |it from south to north. Generaliy,
awov from the house. All the [the plan lightens drudgery and aims
buiidings also are placed so as to |to make for pleasant appearances
act us windbeeaks to garden and |and good views
Beautiful in every detail was the rook
party on Thursday afternoon when,
Mrs, J. W, Greenawalt was hostess
at the home of Mrs, F, M, Powers on
south Lee street.
A number of pretty maiden hair
ferns were artistically arranged through
out the rooms and were the main fea
tures of the decorations.
~ Six tables were placed for the play
ers amidst the pretty settin gof green
ery. At the close of the intresting
‘game Mrs, Greenawalt was assisted in’
iscr\ring by Mrs, F, M, Powers, Mrs,
Franklin H, James and Miss Catherine
}Godhy_ A delicious luncheon of
creamed chicken, sandwiches, cream
{puffs and hot coffee was served, 1‘
The invited guests included Mesdames
'R,M_ Mann, W. Feinberg, R, G, Shan
nonhouse, John B. Russell James L,
| McCarty, Forrest H, Farmer, Charles
B. Watts, Claude C, Persons, Carl B
Fellers, Ludlow L. Griner, George E.
lßickcr. Welburn, S, G. Bullington,
Tedfred Myers, G. P, Mingledorf,
Harvey A_, Mathis, James C, Bush.
Pauline H, Crawley, Ulric J. Bennett
Sam B, Bowers, S, G, Pryor, JrE., T
I Powell R H McKay Geo, L
Kilcrease, F, H. James, F. M, Powers,
and Misses Genevieve Spier and Thel
ma Temple,
The Woman’s Missionary society
of the Central Christian Church was
charmingly entertained by Mrs, L. A,
Turner on Monday afternoon,
After the busincss session a pro
gram of unusual interest prepared by
Mrs U, J, Bennett and illustrated with
pictures was given.
Bible Study-—“ The Missionary Sig
nificance of the Lord's prayer* Matt
6:9-13—Mrs, Bennett,
“Paving the Last Mile” emphasiz
ing the needs of the aged and home
less of the church——Mrs, Rayner,
“Building and eKeping the House
of the Lord”—_an instructive ta'k on
Church extension —Mrs, L. A Turn
After the program delicious refresh
ments were served by the hostess as
sisted by Mrs, Bradshaw, and a pleas
ant social hour was enjoyed by all
The loaval Bereans Class of the
Central Christian church of which
Mrs O, L. Bradshaw is teacher were
delightfully entertained in the Brad
shaw Music parlors on Thursday eve
Tt was a regular business meeting
and was a very interesting meeting;
plans were formulated for the winter
months work,
At the close of the business session
a social hour was finf-)v('(] when many
games were played and hot chocolate
and wafers were served, Miss Gladys
Armantrout is president of the class
and assisted Mrs, Bradshaw in enter
. The State and County Taxes are
now due and can be paid at my office
‘at the Court House,
tf, Tax Collector,
Hon, W, M, Toomer a prominent
member of the Florida Bar, of Jack
sonville, Fla, arrived in the city to be
the guest of his niece Mrs, John T,
Wonderful Change ‘
In Whole Famllyl
Man, Wife and Daughter All Report;
Remarkable Gains In Weight |
“I gained 12 pounds, my wife gain-!
ed 26 pounds and my daughter isl
‘g‘aining day by day taking Tanlac.
It's the biggest surprise of our li\'(‘s;
’and all our friends and neighbors are |
\talking about it, This medicine has‘
'made a wonderful change in every uncj
of us, Before I got Tanlac I couhl}
hardly drag one foot after the other,
I had indigestion perfectly awful. In
fact we were all regular dyspeptics,
We all swear by Tanlac at our house
now, Tt ought to he in every home |
It’s the world’s greatest family med
icine.” |
The above statement was made by
George L, Tessy, a well-known ma
chinist and highly respected, living
at 83 Downing strect, Buffalo, N, Y,
“Tanlac is sold in Fitzgerald hy
T. J. Haile & Co,, and by leading
druggists everywhere, adv
The Birthday dinner of Mr, Henry
Allen near Browning was enjoyed
to the highest by a large number of his
friends on October the ninth; there
was a barbecue prapared for the din
ner hesides a number of other good
eats. The guests were; Rev, Braziel
of Rochelle, Mr, and Mrs, Dicks and
son, Mr. and Mrs, Gwaltney and chil
dren of Browning, Mr. Plair of Re-
Ihecca' the home guests were Mr, and
Mrs, W, W, Taylor, Mr, and Mrs,
J. W, Wilcox, and little daughter,
Mr, W S. Tomberlin, Mr, George
Tomberlin, Mr, Dee Tomberlin, Mr,
Clyde Hunter, Mr, Land, Misses Bes
sic, Emma, Sudie and Mattie Smith,
Martha Tomberlin, Marie Wilcox and
after the guess had eaten of this lux
urious dinner, Rev, Braziel gave a
good talk on thanks and remembrances
which was enjoyed by all,
The young people then entertained
all with a few pood songs,
Talked Like A
Dutch Uncle
“My father is a physician, and, nat
urally, I was opposed to all patent
medicines, So when a friend to'd me
to try Mayrs Wonderful Remedy for
my stomach trouble, T laughed at
him. Some months later after my fa
ther told me he had used all known
remedies in my case, I met my friend
again and he talked to me like a Dutch
uncle and finally induced me to try it,
All my symptoms have now dissap
peared” Tt is a simple, harmless prep
aration that removes the catarrhal mu
cus from the intestinal tract and al
lays the inflammation which cavses
practically all stomach. liver and in
testinal ailments, including appendici
tis, One dose will convince or mon
ev refunded, McLemore and Nation
al drug stores and druggists every
where, ady
received fresh stock of typewriter rib
bons for Oliver, L, C, Smith. Under
wood, Remington and Roval’s. Carbon
paper also—Leader Publishing Co
Fitrgerald Leader WANT-ADS
Quick Results, Phone 328.
“Pia Money Workers”
y .
Not Given Positions
ATLANTA, Oct, 14 -Official no
tice in Atlanta has been taken of the
“pin money worker?’ prob'em. One
source of employment announces that (
it is closed to maidens who wouidi‘
make a brief flurry in business life,
for the purposc of securine the wher
with to purchase silken hose, fur chok- 1
ers or other articles of wearing apparel |
which cannot be supplied from th«!i
fami'y excchquer, |
Miss Page Tucker, secretary of the
Young Women’s Christian Association ‘
employment bureau, in the l’cnchtrm“
Arcade, says that she has not time
in her schedule of duties to find PO-‘
sitions for girls who wish to work |
solely for pin money and who will
give up their positions as soon as they |
have carned enough to pay for the ex
'trn finery in their wardrobes that
their parents cannot afford to give them
and the secretary also asserts that pin
money girls keep young women that
have to earn their own living vut of
positions and that employers should
refuse to employ such workers just as
emphatically as she is refusing to place
them in positions,
In line with the policy of sondingi
only efficient applicants out for posi
tions the Y, W, C. A., burcay an
nounces that a careful check is kept
on a girl's qualifications, If the young
woman does no measure up to what
will be required of her in the position
she seeks, she is urged to attend night
school or part time schools which are
maintained by many At'anta emp'oy
ers in cooperation with the public
school system, The services of the
bureau are rendered free to employer
and employee.
| ——————— ee e A o ottt
The Men's Rible Class of the Kenn
edyv Memorial Bapt'st Church met on
‘Tuesday night for a business session
and the following officers were elect
- Miss Mattie Chester—Teacher,
I. R, Clift—Secretary.
S. G, Goodner—President .
Mr Turner—Vice-President,
FE. E. Pritchard—Treasurer.
We invite all men to come and vis
it our class.
° ‘
To Ask For Indictment
Of Bunco Gang Leaders
ATLANTA, October 14—Indictment
of a number of leaders of the bunco
gang will be asked ae the approach
ing session of the federal grand jury
here, it was stated today, Bills are
now being prepared in the district
attorney’s office in several cases of
alleged misuse of the mails in big
swindling schemes,
Post Office Inspectors have been
very active examining masscs of ev
idence gathered in a systematic probe
of the ring’s operations here, It will
be recalled that the bunco ring was
unearthed and exposed by John Y,
Boykin, solicitor general of the Atlan
ta Judiicial Ciricuit and a recognized
terror of evil doers in Atlanta,
Mr and Mrs, B, W, Mavo announce
the arrival of a baby boy, at their
home on October 13th.
(zeorgia State Fai
Under Auspices Georgia State Agricultural Society
FEducational - Amusing - I[nstructive
The Best Agricultural and Live Stock Fair in the South
$30,000 In Cash Premiums and Purses $30,000
All Premiums Open to the World
5 Days Harness Races for $5,000 and Added Money
Reduced Rates On All Railroads
Write For PremiumjList and Entry Blanks and Gome the Fair.
President Vice-President Treasurer Sec’y, & Gen’l Mgr,
: 'Hx“ 1@ o < i_f 2 C
T sl
flm : Vm.v_"__ : s
i wxi Setay T
“‘JP’ P X e
| g e s oM T
- P AF igr’ ";j
/\ v"u &, ';A‘.. fi&\? “’%’ “v. :g-rlfiaj!_ {[/l!} ’ »
—é‘cfisl.é;: . 3 __‘//—‘\'___c.f P ¢ ‘/' i A '
“, BB W g4t
ha‘ a’ L ‘.a-'
There Should Be a Lexington
In Your Home Today
IF you are a lover ¢f good musie, if you
want to make your home the scene of
good times at all times, you should own a
tively beautiful in appearance, exquisite in
tone, simple to operate, and of known and
recognized dependability and durability, the
measurably to the joy of living and increase
the happiness and contentment of every
member of the household.
Come in to-day and try it. All the latest
popular musice rolls to choose from.
Terms to suit your requirements
Bradshaw Music Co.
“Dependable Musical Merchandise”
Fitzgerald, - - - Georgia.
"ys] (B DS Headquarters
b “\’V% For Fresh
@ }:\‘a‘ Fish and
7 ;‘,},fj!_!‘ ~
7 Oysters
California Fruits of All Kinds
Greek-American Lunch Room
224 E. Pine St. Phone 113