Newspaper Page Text
WANTED—Congenial people can se
cure delightful rooms and also meals
for thirty dollars per month_lnquire
at Leader Enterprise, i
FOR SALE—Ford Coupe for sale,
cheap, See E. C, Gates, Fowler Drug
Company, 17pd.
FOR SALE-—New 7-room Bungalow
all modern conveniences, garage and
out house, Corner Grant and Palm,—
Apply 501 South Grant street, tf.
house and 10 acres on Washington
Ave Just west of the Davis Variety
Works. A, G, Brown, 406 W_ Orange
street. Phone 118,
FOR SALE—We have near Fitzger
ald a fine piano slightly used and
partly paid for, which we will sell to
party willing to complete the remain
ing monthly payments. Send name
and address for full information
Cable Piano Co,, 82 N. Broad St, At
lanta, Ga, 017
FOR RENT--Furnished and unfurn
ished rooms, Mrs. E, H. Danjels, 215
East Central Avenue, tf,
oy OST
LOST—Overland wheel and tire from
Presbyterian church Sunday night—
If parties will return same to Chero-
Cola Plant will pay reward, 1t
LOST—Party who found a corduroy
baby cloak at the corner of west Pine
and Bragg streets will please return
it to Mrs. Geo, Kilcrease £O9 west
Magnolia street,
e ———————————A———
LOST—Doctars Ethergency Grip, &
reward will be paid for the return of
my emergency grip ccntaining medi
cines and instruments, Dr, Frank Ward
' Entirely New Management
356 Rooms; Modern; Fire
proof. Roof Garden Seat
ing 500 for Conventions.
Rathgkeller and Six Private
Dining Rooms. Cuisine
Equal to the Best.
Vice-Pres. and Manager
' Executive Assistant Manager
‘ Wire or Phone Us Your Wants
Telephone Ivy 1100
Phone 359
For Better Than Average
Dry Cleaning,
We are equipped to do quick
Work That will last long.
Pressing Club
W. ROY BRAGG, Proprietor
Manon Grocery Co.
Octagon Soap, 8ar.............. S¢
Arbuckles Coffee ...............23¢c
White House Coffee ........40c Ib,
Charmer Coffee, Ib. ............ 25¢
French Market Coffee, ......30¢c Ib,
Lazianne Coffee ...... ...... 35¢c Ilb.
Best Green Coffee ...........14c Ib,
Compound Lard,............ 13¢c Ib.
& Iba, Vegtole ..................65¢c
Sugar, per pound ................7¢
Best Whole Grain Rice...........7¢
Dry Salt Meat Ib ..............16¢c
Smoked Meat, Ib. ..............19¢
Best Self-Rising Flour ...........$1
Scratch Feed, b, ..............3%¢
Kerosene, Gallon ...............18¢c
Dont Forget the Placel!
HOME \\\;‘ _\)'" o\,l ‘\\ , ‘*Q. :
Power | O N LA WS N &7
[ ome PSATY S S AN o
b E N’ A\ I e o \ ‘\'\*fi \
v L % \ A\ A ; WS e
F. Parks C(% bz A \ .\.)_3 : ”) .iy
I~ "o AT R A
Farmers Are Urged i
. .
To Diversify Crops
Georgia Governor Declares State Will
Assist Planters In Finding A Cash
Market For All Products
ATLANTA, Oct,, 17—Gov, Thom
as W, Hardwick, who 1s now on a
speaking tour of Georgia Fairs and
will continue to address fair crowds
until late in November, is having so
many interesting things to say to the
‘ If the Georgia farmer will in the fu
‘ture make his hog and hominy at home
and produce on his own land practi
cally all of the supplies he needs, it
will not be long before ke can clothe
the world on his own terms and sell
his cotton at his owan price, the gov
ernor said.
i He referred to the fact that during
the recent session of the General As
‘wmhly of 7 state, liberal provision
was made to enlarge the work and ex
tend the activitiecs of the Bureau of
Markets of the State Department of
Agriculture, for the purpose of assist
ing the farmers to find a ready cash
market for al the other products be
sides cotton that the state is capa
ble of producing,
I am deeply interested in this eff
ort, for T believe that if it can be
carried forward to practical success,
that it means the real diversification
of crops in this state, and the conse
quent financial independence of our
farmers” declared the Governor,
The governor is urging upon the
farmers in every county active intell
igent and organized cooperation with
the agricultural department in the hig
undertaking which, to use his own
words, “means so much to them and
to the state.”” He said further that,
“without cooperation of that character
from them this undertaking cannot
succeed and with it failure is impos
Highway Body Is
Formed at Waycross
Central Dixie }‘!‘thgy Association
At Waycross
WAYCROSS, Oct., 14--Ag 3 meet.
ing of the citizens of Waycross held
last night in the chamber of commerce
rooms, the Central Dixie Highway As
sociation was formed, It is the purpose
of this association to advertise and en
courage tourists to travel over the
short route into Florida, At the meet
ing last night it was pointed out that
other routes were advertising and se
curing tourist travel which ordinarily
should go over the central route and
it was decided to charge a fee for the
membership in the association, the
amount thus raised to be used in im
proving the Foads, and advertising
}propcrly the advantages of the short
V. L, Stanton was elected president
!and Joe D Mitchell vice president, G,
R, King was elected secretary,
Reduced Rates To
Chattanooga, Tenn.
The A, B, & A, Ky., announces re
duced rates to Chattanooga, Tenn,
and return account of the United Con
federate Veterans Reunion Oct, 24th
to 27th, A low rate of $7,06 including
war tax is announced for Fitzgerald,
Tickets will be on sale October 22nd
to 26th, Final limit is Nov, 17th prior
to midnight of which return trip must
be completed. Through Pullman tour
ist car will be handled Thomasville to
Chattanooga on trains 33 and 3 on
October 23rd. Delivery will be made
to N, C, and St L, in Atlanta and
sleeper handled on Dixie Flyer on to
Chattanooga, This will enable any§
one desiring to make the trip to leave
Fitzgerald at 11 55 P, M, Oct, 23rd and
arrive Chattanooga at 1:00 P, M, next
day when the reunion starts,
The cheap rate can be secured only
by the members of the United Con
federate Veterans, Sons of Confeder
ate Veterans, Confederated Southern
Memorial Association, United Daugh
twers of the Confederacy, Sponsors,
Matrons, Maids of Honor and mem
bers of the families of the members of
these organizations,
Certiificates entitling the holder to
the reduced rates may be secured from
Mr, D, B, Mull the commander of the
local U CV post, Reservations for the
trip may be secured from R, N, Math
is, Ticket Agent A, B, & A. Ry adv,
Federal Farm Loans
Will Be Speeded Up
ATLANTA, Oct, 17 —According
to news received here today from the
national capitol, Senator Kenyon, the
|chairman of the U, S, Senate agri
. .
iMlles Of Bridges
For Noted Resort
Brunswick and St. Simons Will Be
Connected By Long Roadway
ATLANTA, Oct,, 1/—The announce
ment of state cngincers here today,
that the city and county commission
¢rs of Glynn County hdve taken fav
‘orable action on their report on build
ing a roadway and bridges between
Brunswick and St, Simons Island has
been received here with unusual int
crest, and according to leading busi
ness men, if a bond issue for the de
velopment is passed, it will bmean
much to Georgia and the South.
Connection of St. Simons with the
city of Brunswick means, it is further
stated, the restoration of that city as
a seaport, the establishment of new
industries and enterprises in that city,
and on the island and the addition of
thousands of new citizens in search
of a balmy climate, It will open up
what is considered one of the best.
summer resorts in the southern states}
to the pcople of the south and at thcl
same time bring a heavier winter tour
ist travel, Capitalists in the east, it
is stated here, have under consider
ation the erection of costly hotels
the island in the event the big devel
opment is made,
Sixty days ago the Glynn County
Commissioners asked that federal and‘
state engineers make a study of avail
able routes and submit estimates as
to the cost of construction, Two com
plete surveys were made, one known
as the McCormick site, a fraction ov
er eight miles from the center of the
city and the other the Cypress Mill
route something over three miles of
the center of Brunswick, The cost is
approximately $300,000.00
The county will call its bond elec
tion, it is stated in sixty days, but
the city cannot do so until author
ized by a legislative enactment,
However, it will be arranged at the
county election dispatches state, to
give the people of Brunswick an op
portunity to express themselves on the
subject, so that in the event the is
sue carries, which seems assured the
actual construction work can proceed.
Building contractors here say the
building of the roadway and bridges,
at St, Simons will be one of the most
jmportant constructions ever undertak
en in the South,
mittee consisting of Senators William
J. Harris of Georgia, chairman; Flet
cher of Florida; Harold of Oklahoma;
and Kenyon to confer with the Federal
Farm Loan Board about means for
speeding up the operation of the var
ious federal land banks, so as to han
dle more applications and provide
more funds for farmers,
The committee was appointed as a
result of a motion by Senator Harris,
at a meeting of the agricultural “bloc’
and was unanimously adopted. Sen
ator Harris will make arrangements
for the conference with the Farm
Loan Boards, 1
6,000 Mile Fabric Tires
.ggfis,; RT - $9.50
Bf&‘neé ] : 10x3% N S - $10.95
%—gyrvf'j.,j O le? M 32x3% N S - §15.35
AFTER/ SIMNS - $1540
SRR BSE . 32xA\N S - $19.79
&; 33x4 NS - $20.84
l34x4>é NS - $27.53 -@;‘ |r?
35x4% NS- $28.77 \mef /Tt
\ R[)\on
. We Pay The —Q L
‘ War Tax. [
| I G
(. W. Fletcher’s Garage
Phone 417 301 South Grant St.
‘South Leads Nation
‘ As Market Place
Rise In Cotton Increases Buying Pow
<t Of Immense Population
ATLANTA, Oct,, 17—There is no
| doubt ,as pointed out by representa
tive business men here today that
| many sections of the North are as in
| tenscly interested in the cotton mar
'ket as are the people of the South,
To a great many cities of the nation
it is clearly shown, a the cotton
market is a most important thing, even
though cotton 1s never seen ir those
sections except in the manufactured
! Atlanta business men declare, and
’h!mdrc:h of ccavention de'cgates here
say the same tking, that this is due to
’the fact that the South is perhaps the
greaest markeing place in the world
for the manufactured products of the
nation and cther nations, Of the thir-‘
ty million people below the Mason-
Dixon line, it was stated hore today,
virtually ali are dependent = directly
or indircctly vion good prices of ag
ricultural preducts for their prosperity
| A 4 increase in the price of cotton,
therefore, increases the buying power
and the willingness to buy among a
tremendous population, as indicated in
a recentbusiness review of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta touching ev
ery part of the sixth Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta, touching every part
of the the sixth federal reserve dis
trict. Shoes, clothing, automobiles,
farm implements, household furnish
ings, and a hundred other manufactur
‘cd articles are made somewhere else
in the country and sold in the south,
' When the Sohth is prosperous, these
factories are able to sell their products
in a much larger quantity than when
the South is hit by depression in the
lprice of agricultural products, Hence
'a rise in the value of rotton is not
merely an event of south wide impor
'tancc: it is a thing for which the whole
lindustrial nation gives thanks, accord
ing to delegates both to the national
firechiefs convention and the national
railway utilities men who are in the
city Considering these facts as one
lnorthem visitor pointed out, one can-
Inot help but wonder why the south
cannot eventually provide its own man
ufacturing centers and make, within
the south all or nearly all the great
supplies of manufactured articles which
it buys and consumes, There is no
doubt, as business men here assured
visitors, a great tendency in this re
spect and with a little more attention
to such things on the part of capital
ists, the South can eventually become
a great manufacturing section with
out losing one particle of its value as
an agricultural section,
Significance of Diamonds.
The diamond {s generally chosen
for engagement rings because the
legend is that it strengthens the love
of a man for & woman.
NSy B o 3
BN \‘:“(3:‘3?\\ \ > .\ ™ ‘;7l. N
o \\./\ t i . S ‘fiflw -
Tnan _S’ .u.'.ém?“:(.b.i ,t‘ mm" !!ii i-D- o k \\N\‘:’\“ mfima“
TNI g | [
il g -.-.\__‘_%m'm 2rin .‘-_._fl.} .
Many New Homes Built
In Southern States
Housing Shortage Relieved To Great
Extent But Many More Homes
Are Badly Needed
ATLANTA, Oct, 17—Numbers of
leading southern cities including At
lanta and other Georgia cities are now
checking up on their new residences
and are making very gratifying dis
coveries, according to building contrac
ttors and real estate men here today,
IThe outstanding characteristic of this
as a construction year has been the
building of homes,
Data from various cities and towns
showing the extent of residential con
struction has been received by the
'Adair Realty and Trust company of
Atlanta, and according to Forrest
Adair the president of the company,
illuminating information is furnished
The figures make a fine showing for
the Georgia cities, as well as other
southern cities, in which the Adair
company handles chain leases,
The South, the entire country in
fact, according to Mr, Adajr has been
short on homes. A year ago the
housing situation in many commun
ities was really distressing, This sit
uation, according to reports is being
relieved to some extent, although the
building men here say it will be years
before the supply of houses catches
up with the demand. The population
of the south increases each year and,
a pointed out, there must be ‘a sub
stantial increase in the number of the
homes annually in order to take care
of the requirements of the situation,
~ The construction of homes must not
be considered in the light of the units
many of them modest, some almost
humble, but in the light of the ag
gregate of all this construction, the
total amount of material involved, the
total amount paid out in wages and
the total disbursements for house fur
niture, furnishings hardware and the
home refinements thus substantially
benefitting many classes of merchants
declared the head of one of the larg
est building concerns here today,
A Riot of Laugbhter In
@ °
“Bringing Up Father
- In Wall Street”
A ridt of laughger, jingling melo
dies unique features, successive and
a plentitude of original ingredients
and novelties, along with a beauty
chorus qualified to set all Broadway
in the throes of talk and envy are
promised in the latest McManus tri
umph, “Bringing Up Father In Wall
Street’ As might be gleaned, the
play, which is in two acts and five
scenes, is based on the evergreen and
always welcome cartoons of the same
title by George McManus, The new
show with its wonderful scenic equip
ment, screams, hilarity joy and ear
haunting tunes and melodies will be
the next attraction at the Grand Op
era House, Tuesday October 18th,
e—— e ——————
o @
A Visit To Your Old
Home Town Again
Have you made one lately? Do you
intend to go back some day
In the meantime, you can live in
Iyour adopted home, where your bus
iness interests are and still keep in
touch with the folks back home,
Miles of land and sea can separate
yvou from the highways and byways
of your home town; your eyes can’t
see “Main Street” and the old church
and school house, but memories of
these things persistently cling to you,
Your home town paper will give
you the live news about your old
friends “at home”, it will give you
both the gossip and the serious news
concerning men and events; it will
bring to you the true atmosphere of
your native soil. Subscribe today.
A i
Noice is hereby given that the Reg
istration books are now open and will
remain open at the City Hall until the
Bth day of November, 1921, Voters
must register in order to qualify for
the regular city election to be held
December 20, 1921,
This he 3rd day of October, 1921,
David L, Paulk; City Clerk,
| Ded Nov 8 .
: > i
Fitzgerald Tailors
Well Make them like new
208 E. Pine St,, Phone 266
9 9
e o o S ST, T -
. P wfi;. et SRR
i O R A OO R R AR 3
SR 8:; B %\g&
&@‘wzf SR T A e 3
s T R et i
EiniamrEoan S N @ -il
oW . . Ay 1
S s ee e et | -
FaraaEß e W U e S
\ I NG s e |
PR R g%wg‘f\\ SS B e §
PENG, S S R A g.v'ff'f%i:‘fi;., L fig : % e
RS, TT e T L A Ba 2 i
y T .PBl 3 4’5’1:%3‘& > Kol
4R A S "‘"@*‘3 e
o e, B Nt At AY S BERe2? SKA SO GRERG R hIY )
bsTsSO NS S S ,('f\f} et
D bing, o 2 e R S NS ~>Ԥ??~ RV LN W ]
' i ;)e!"* SSR N 5_?;:*4.“’.';52.';,-:-, RO IR el RO A
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ePN sN A R A RSAAR A S S e T s R
|gs WY s Yg e R
ATt B e SR e o RIS T
7 ‘D‘ okl 3% ¥ LaREE o, p- i S R R %
AT 5 S '5\5,/; D R Tt A S L g S
fi‘fim %‘.l»“‘Wo‘ W eRS e s |
Te SN SR IS Tfe T o
WD 5 e ”}‘( e R )*"% o 2
5 ol Aw% TR e
\Asf“y ;o SEERTEE - B
Uncie Sam has been testing out new gian( cannon at his proving
grounds ncar Aberdeen, Md,, for a couple of weeks, The picture shows
what a big 16-inch “riflc,” throwing shells weighing 2400 pounds each
did to a piece of steel armor plate a foot thick. :
See— |
J. W. Finley, former traffic officer
for the city was arrested this morning
for impersonating an officer and de
manding the payment of a sum of |
7 TR
g {1 Q)
SN\ Bl .
“—: -.‘ .-_._ -.1--—.———- “:'@ 5 € ‘
iffi foch e b %‘ - i[STONE'S
Pty o s "‘-,";:—..o.v_\é" " v "“'z':!\“ nolHl d X
e H!!Zgngalih!ufi“fiifi ®h Loaffs
el L B g dhongeCalie
PRigßta Ly D O g 1 arficisl
':.;";&‘:‘:f{ ‘o. 9 r.v‘ Jli'im\ “m * ;
ke v \
The textu>q, delicacy, lightness
and color of Stone’s Cakes give
quiet assurance ‘of the unstinted
use of ‘wholesome, pure, sweet
butter, eggs and tmh\
A Food Favorite Since. 1909
W. R. Dykes & Co." ",
Now Is The Time!
AN occasional Dry Clean
ing will enable you to use
that Coat Suit another sea
son. Now is the time to con
serve and money saved is
money made.
Try our Dry Cleaning depart
ment, you will find our ser
vice very satisfactory.
Swan Laukdry .
Launderers and Dry Cleaners
Phone 35 - W. Rine St.
money from a negro, it was alleged,
Finley is in jail awaiting the action
of the Grand Jury, which is in session
this afternoon, :
e S e
Fitcgerald Leader WANT-ADS
Quick Results, Phone 328,