Newspaper Page Text
Eleventh Anniversary Sale
Extra Specials In New High Grade Goods
50 dozen Men’s Imported Caps,
values to $3.50, at
A lot of Men’s high grade Velour
- Hats, values to $lO.OO, at
A lot of Men’s real good $2.00
Overalls, at
83 cents
Lot of Men’s $2.00 Dress Shirts, at
89 cemnts
Lot of Boys’ s3.m§v—v;aters, at
WANTED—A Stump Puller. . Wills
buy for cash at once, a Williamson
Stump Puller, Must be in good con
dition and cheap. W, R. Paulk, 1t
e e s
1920 Model Ford Touring car, self
starter, All in good condition at $3OO,
Can demonstrate it to prospective
purchaser. Apply Leader-Enterprise,
i Wb
Mrs, F, P, Moss, 222 E, Jessamine St.,
for guaranteed Hosiery, Underwear,
and all grades of dress goods. Infants
Crocheted Goods, : Dec, 9
FARM FOR SALE- To the highest
bidder at public outery will be sold
on December 10th, 1921 at 10 o‘clock
A. M, on the premises of Dr, G. W,
McLean farm, consisting of two hun
dred and twenty seven acres cleared
stumped with brick house, tcnant
houses, barns and necessary outhouses,
located three miles west of Fitzgerald
on two graded sand-clay roads, to
gether with seven mules, feed stuffs
and modern farming implements, A
modern farm fully equipped, conceded
to he the finest in Ben Hill County.
TERMS—SmaII cash payments and
casy terms for balance, Address G,
W, McLean, Fitzgerald, Ga, D 8
LOST—On Friday night one black
bill folder containing $35, Will finder
please return to this office or to Flcm—l
ing Shewmake at Exchange National
Bank, l
Doty '
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@- P g f‘\,\ READ }\\\ ADS
Manon Grocery Co.,
Octagon Soap, 8ar.............. §¢
Arbuckies Coffee .............. 28¢
White House Coffee ........40¢ Ib,
Charmer Coffee, Ib. ............ 25¢
French Market Coffee, ......30¢ Ib.
Luzianne Coffee ...... ...... 35c Ib.
Best Green Coffe Ib, ............15¢
Compound Lard, Ib, ........... 14¢c
B O WARIOIe .. . e B 8
D Der ponnd (...l de
Best Whole Grain Rice...........7¢c
Dry Salt Meat, Ib, .............. 14¢
Bmoked Meat, b, ..............19¢
Best Self-Rising Flour ...........$1
Scratch Feed, Ib, ..............3%¢
Kerosene, Gallon ...............18¢
Green Cabbage, head, Ib. ......615¢c
Irish Potatoes, peck ............ 65¢c
All Sc¢’ Soap, 7 bar 5............ 25¢
Dont Forget the Place!!
fanon Grocery Co.,
me 520 226 East Pine St
o [P _
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$300.000 DAMAGF 12
(Continued From Page 1)
were also slightly damaged.
The entire plate glass fronts of the
furniture store and the Bazaar were
so badly cracked that it became dan
gerous to pedestrians, and the stores
kept their front “doors closed during
the day to avoid accidents. The plate
glass was taken out during the day
and the openings hoarded up, until
new glasses can be secured from the
The property is owned by Mr, Wm,
R. Bowen and is damaged to the am
ount of $2 000 fully covered by insur
Loss Partially Covered by Insurance
The loss by the fire is estimated be
tween $250 000 and $300,000 with in
surance of about $lO3 800. Burkhart's
property is said to be insured for $72,
000 with an approximate loss of about
$125000, The Johnson Hardware Co.
carried $19,000 insurance with a loss
of about $40000; Thurmond Auto
Company insured for $ll,OOO with a
loss of $16,0000; H. K Sligh and the
Overland Company carried only $1 500
with a loss of over $lOO.OOO, Besides
the mercantile and building losses, the
occupants of the Sligh and Burkhart
apartments lost several thousand dol
lars in furniture and wearing appnrel,'
none of which was saved, |
Work was begun today upon clear
ing up the streets which were blocked
by falling brick and debris, And the
Bowen Telephone Company's linemen
are busy replacing the cables which
were burned and as a result had put
out of commission a great number of
telephones in the city.
Among the tenants in the Sleigh
apartments who lost their entire ef-‘
fects were: |
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Crawford, Mr,
and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs,
Deemer, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Howe,
Mr. and Mrs. Rooks, Mr and Mrs,
Bryson Mr. and Mrs_ John Reece,
Misses Askew, Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
Allen and Mr, Woodruff.
Phone 359
For Better Than Average
Dry Cleaning,
We are equipped to do quick
Work That will last long.
Pressing Club
W. ROY BRAGG, Proprietor
The Surprise Store’s
A lot of Misses a' d Children’s Coat
Sweaters, $3.00 values at
it i i
150 Ladies high grade Novelty Tuxedo
Sweaters in all eombinations colors, in
cluding white with black and black with
white, values to $lO.OO at
by 4 Y
itzgerald . '
Salts Fine For
~ Aching Kidneys
We Eat Too Much Meat Which
Clogs Kidneys, Then The
Back Hurts
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
’ like the bowels. get sluggish and clog
ged and need flushing occasionally,
'vlsv we have backache and dull mis
ery in the kidney region, severe head
aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liv
er,. acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disgrders.
You simply must keeep your kid
neys active and clean, and the mo
ment you feel an ache or pain in the
kidney region, get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any gpod drug
'slon‘ here, take a teaspoonful in a
few days and youur kidneys will then
glass of water beforp for a
act fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and *lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and is
harmless to flush clogged kidneys
[;md stimulate them to normal activi
ty. It aso neuutraizes the acids in
the urine so it no longer irritates
thus ending bladder disorders,
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
'wau-r drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
A well-known local druggist says
he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who
believe in gvercoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble.
» 1
If Skin Breaks |
Out Aad Itches ‘
Apply Sulphur
* Just the moment vou apply Mentho-
Sulphur to an itching, burning or a
broken skin, the itching stops and
healing begins says a noted skin spe
cialist, This sulphur preparation,
made into a pleasant cold cream, gives
such a quick relief, even to fiery ec
zema. that nothing has ever been
found to take its place.
Because of its germ destroying pro
perties, it quickly subdues the itch
ing, cools the irritation and heals the
| cczema right up leaving a clear
| smooth skin in place of ugly erup
itmns rash pimples or roughness.
| You do no® have to wait for im
provement, It quickly shows, You
can get a little jar of Mentho-Sul
phur at any drug store ady
A oot s
Habitual Constipation Cured
in 14 to 21 Days
“LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly and
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days
to induce regular action, It Stimulates and
Regulates. . Very Pleasant to Take, 60c
per bottle. ;
To Cure a Cold in One Day
SR 110 WAEROVE § 'ondache and works off he
. . - ‘
Georgia Girl Wins
Success In Gotham
ATLANTA, Nov, 29-—Miss Cecilia
Manasse, a southern woman, accord
ing to reports. just received in Atlan
ta, has become a striking figure in
Wall street financial circles in New
York City. She is ‘credited with hav
ing been the confidential adviser on
a number of recent important tran
sactions which netted several business
men many thousands, perhaps millions
of dollars,
Miss Manasse was born in Anderson
S. C., and spent all of her life in the
south until five years ago when she
went to New York City. With little
knowledge of investments and stocks
and bonds, she began the study of
those things and now, acording ta
New Yorkers she is probably one of
the best informed figures on financial
matters in the Wall street distrct.
Miss Manasse is a partner in the
Broad strect firm of Rose and Com
pany, dealers in investment securities,
The senior member of the firm is
Randolph Rose, Sr, also a Southern
er, who was born in Georgia.
A remarkable capacity for details
combined with unusual ability to
manage and direct has enabled this
remarkably clever woman to rise in
the business world of America”s lar
gest city to heights unknown to the
average successful man or woman,
Perhaps her most remarkable tal
ent in a business way, according to!
reports from New York, is her marv-.
clous memory. Among thousands of
investment buyers she can very fre
quently remember the stock or bond
they bought, the price they paid for
it and where the buyer lives, She has
on the tip of her tongue tne name of
hundreds of buyers not only in New
York but throughout the country and
practically every detail of any import
ant financial transaction that may have
been brought to her attention. She
has entire charge of more than 35|
employeces in the firm of which she
is a member, 1
For several years southern people
have reccived correspondence, reports
financial letters and telegrams, bear
ing the signature of “C. Manasse”
and now it is known that she is the
same Southern girl whom New York
ers now point to as one of the most
successful women in business,
Sce our battery man before buying
—Vesta Battery Service Station, 301
South Grant St.,
| To Stop a Cough Quick
vough medicine which stops the cough by
healing the inflamed and irritated tissues.
ISALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and
Croup is enclosed with every bottle of
should be rubbed on the chest and throat
‘of children sufféring from a Cold or Croup.
Tg & e g B
mwmt:&l‘v: through the pores of
Both remedies are packed in one earton and the
conj::‘ lhe.c:kmblud treatment iqafitc.“‘hm'
Lot of Childrens high grade
Slippers, sizes up to 2's
A lot of Boys high grade
Suits, $B.OO values at
| Instant relief—no waiting, Your
clogged nostirls open right up; the air
passages of your head clear and you
can breathe freely, No more hawking
snuffling, blowing headache dryness.
No struggling for breath at night; and
your cold or catarrh disappears,
Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream
lf:n]m from your druggist now. Apply
- a little of this fragrant antiseptic, heal
[ing cream in your nostrils, It pene
trates through every air passage of the
head, soothes the inflamed or swollen
mucous membrane and relief comes in
Tt's just fine, Don’t stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. adv]
Last Round
I will be at the following named
places for the purpose of collecting
state and county taxes for the year of
1921. .
~ Ashton, Monday, Nov, 28th, 9:00 to
9:30 A, M,
Dickson’s Mill, Monday, Nov. 28th
10 to 10:30 A, M,
Bowen's Mill Tuesday, Nov. 29, 9
to 9:30 A, M. |
Vaughn, Tuesday Nov, 29th 10:00
to 10:30 A. M,
Williamson‘s Mill Wednesday, Nov,
30th, 10 to 10:30 A, M.
My office at the Court House is
open every day. Books close Decem
ber 20th,
F, M. Graham, Tax Collector.
Ben Hill County. Ga.
PIEY GEF wizz *7 | YEW, A LIKED 7 - St
mmmm"?.wmmz , @////
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> ¢ ) D N
-*v oS e Gt N
N 3 4 e 4 ; - ® e
- ) 4 / 5] % )P 3 —og
S B PN 22) ] N 7 T
O h',_ N | L~ |
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
Opens Air Passages Right Up.
E wish to annouce that the Palace
| ‘Barber Shop has completed its mov
ing and the barbers are ready to
serve their many friends and patrons.
OUR new location is ideal and we are
better prepared than ever to meet
our trade. :
“Service That Rleases’’
Palace Barber Shop
“Your Patronage Solicited and Appreciated’
BATHS ' 117 E. Pine Street
will purchase any one of a lot of
real good men’s suits, value $25.00
Best grade Druid LL Sheet
ing, 36 inches wide, per yard gc
Very best Men’s Express Strap
Overalls, worth $3, pe. pair at
Ladies Military Heel
Boots, $6.50 values at $2 090
Lot of wonderful Hats for Women
and Misses, values up to $4.00, at
O 5 cents
Sirn ist i b e eel ebl b b b L L LA LL L
Big Reduction On Meat
As the Wholesale Prices cn Pork and Beef
have been reduced, we feel it our dufy to give
our friends and customers the advantage of
same. We quote to take effect today, special
low prices, quality to be considered.
e—— e . S e
Best Mo Stealk Ibie 00 o 0 wh . 0 L ake
Roufid'steale. 1b: - -.- = . ro. 00 - 9k
Roast Beefic ego a 0 0y 0 SOB
Stew Beefi b, 000 . o a 0 0 10c
FORE GOBE 8. Ll ol e
Rotk Steakdlbt .= - - 0 S o o
Bosle Blame b < e o 00 00 ORE
ok ‘Roast, B-o =i i on e Ole
stver bt sLI 00l e OLR 0L 008
Satfsagedbie o cu eeOD o ok
potlc Sdusdge db. o 0 L 0 0 ) OKE
Mutton Chopslbe =.o 08 0 2 aEI
Vidttoh RoaSt, Ib. cooe 20000 0 oie OSO
Weiliers or Pranlduets =o . oo - GRG
Best Puntah Sthoked Ham b .. = 506
Boiled Ham, Ibe .0 .0 = 500
Brealtdst Baeot Ibe . o o 0 b v dEN
Breakiast Bacow packape ... ... ... _ . S
Greamieny Butter b o 0 =o Lo i BER
Dressed s GChickens M eoo D a 0 SRR
We Than You for Your Patronage.
———————————————————————————————————— ———————————
Williams’ Market
PHONE 30 125 E. PINE ST.