Fitzgerald leader enterprise and press. (Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Ga.) 1921-1964, December 05, 1921, Monday Edition, Image 3
PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS ! Mr. and Mrs, Rufus Perry and two chuldren leave today for Savannah where they will visit their parents, Tol ey See me before buying that new tire. E. H, Daniel, 215 East Central Ave, tf We repair Sewing Ma chines, oil Stoves, n everything. Crews Bigeycle Co. A full line of Dennison's Christmas (Eards and Stickers at the Leader-En “terprise Miss Rubie M. Busha, crusade di rector of the State Tuberculosis As sociation was a visitor in our City Friday. She came in the interest of Christmas seals, A full line of Dennison’s Christmas cards and Stickers at the Leader-En terprise, Mr, Willie Reddock of Norman In stitute spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Reddock, - Mr, Herman Gelders who is attend ing A, & M College in Tifton spent the week-end in the city with his pa rents, ; A full line of Dennison’s Christmas cards and Stickers at the Leader-En terprise, : Pre-used Sewing Ma chines for sale. Easy termse. Crews Bicycle Co Come out to the Grand Theatre on Friday night, December 9th and see the Microbe of Love, Dennison’s Crepe Paper -for decor ations and flowers at the Lecader-En terprise, 'We weld anything made of metale, Crews Bicycle Companye Mrs. Jennie L, Shallenberger will leave Wednesday for her home in Birmingham_ Ala. after a visit of sev eral weeks with friends in the city. Mr. Reason Paulk of Ashburn, Ga_, spent Sunday in the city with his mother. A two-year guaranteed battery at a low price —3Ol South Grant St erson, "/ Dennison’s Crepe Paper for decor ations and flowers at the Leader-En terprise, Mr. Carl Weston student at A & M. College at Tifton spent the weck end with his parents here, 1f We Can Get It In The Shop We Can Fix It Have your old hattery repaircd and save the price of a new one, Vesta Service Station, O, W. Fletcher’'s Ga rage, tf, Don't fail to see the Microbe of Love at the Grand Theatre, Friday night Dec. 9th, Mr, D. A Bragg was a business visitor in Atlanta Saturday. ‘Neosha Plan’ Talks Heard By Ad Men ATLANTA, Dec. 3—A charming little muscial program by the Agnes Scott Glee Club; three brisk talks on the “Neosha Plan” for stimulat ing retail trade in towns surrounded by rural districts. and the award of trophies won in the recent Ad club golf tournament at East Lake, feat ured the program Thursday at the club at its luncheon in the Kimball House brackfast room. Th ediscussion of the Neosha plan began with W, L, Milburn, assistant secretary of the Atlanta club and the chairman of the club’s Neosha com mittee, who outlined the methods bhe ing adopted all over the country to ‘loosen up’ the dormant dollars held by the American farmers by putting on ‘special sales days in which all or most of the merchants in a town of fered some special article—each store a diffcrent article—to attract a large trading crowd to town. Mr. Milbutn was followed by B, C. Kersey, uresidert »f the Newnan Ad Club swho told of the success of the plan when applicd to Newnan: and Gurney Lowe, Neosha advocate and organizer who talked of the progress and spread of the plan in Georgia, “Bachelors F 'Bachelors Forever! . 9 No Petticoats For Me R S, The bachelori of Fitzgerald having heard of the spinster’s scheme to run them into matrimony, met last night at the Court House and adopted the following motto: 5 “Bachelors forever—Nao Petticoats for me”’ The bachelors read in the paper how the sp.nsters are plannig to robh them of their liberty, so they have also or ganized themselves into a club of saf cty, And they defy any bug on earth to bite them. Thcy denounce in no un certain terms this “Mysterious Woman with the Band Box.” The bachelors claim to be living a peaceful, happy life and do not care to he disturbed by the fair sex. They declare that Dan Cup.d is 2 mischievous little inp whe does nothing but create trouse for everybody, and they ahsoiutely re fuse to be caught in such a trap. Es pecially by a “Woman with a Box of Bugs.” “Wiatch out for the charter anemberss i e MISS HELEN OSBORNE alsatn.. - w Home Phone _____ 150 A N e I TR S ANNOUNCEMENT LUNCHEON S Mrs. J. C- Glover entertained with a beautiful rarty o, Saturday after noon anrcuncing the engagement of her daughter Maude Edna to Mr, Chas, M. Wilkinson of Greenwood. S C The guects were invited to come and spend the afternoon sewing on their Christinas gifts, and after they had becn sewing for about af hour the dining room was opencd and a whistie sonnded heralding the glad news and cach guest was presented with a rolled document tied with a white ribbon and sealed with a gold cn heart Tre document was then crened and read as follows: Proclamation Know ye all; Whereas, Charles, son of Charles Edgar, of the house of Wilkinson, and Maude. ‘daughter of John Charles, of the house of Glover having reached years fof discretion and understanding, seck admission in to the State of Matrimony. I Dagiel Cupid, Governor of the said state, hereby proclaim them can didates for such admission on Decem ber 28th, 1921, Written under my hand and seal, this third of December, 1921 Signed Daniel Cupid The guests were then invited into the dining room where a beautiful luncheon was served. The entire lower floor of the Glov er home was a beautiful scene with the artistic arrangement of many of handsome ferns. potted plants and of baskets of yellow chrysanthemums_ In the dining room candles in silv er gold candelbra cast a soft glow through out the room and the table was a lovely picture in shining silver and glass. i A number of pretty candles weré placed in gold candle sticks on the tabie and an exquisite luncheon set hand made by the bride-elect was used, The center piece was most ap propriate being a large square repre sentng the country through which a tiny car drawn by a locomotive was on its way from a little station in one corner of the woods marked Fitzger ald, carrying the bride and groom to another station ‘marked Greenwood. Tiny flowers and vines ynd grass was artistically arranged to make this cen terpicce look like pretty woods thru which the train was going. Each place was marked by a card on which was printed the menu in golden letters on pink cards, the name of the guest being printed on one side, Tiny sachets hand painted by the bride-elect were given as favors. A delicious five course luncheon was served and the color note of gold and pink was carried out through out the luncheon, The menu was as follows: Ambrosia, puffed hearts, love in a cottage encircling love, united hearts, spiced sweetness golden ring salad honeymoons, bride’s delight, (hearts frozen in jealousy, fond remembrance nectar. After the luncheon the guests were invited by Miss Glover into an adjoin ing room where she had on display her beautiful linens which are ready to go into her new nhome. Misses Lydia Davis and Sad’e Britt assisted Mrs, Glover in entertaining and in serving the luncheon Covers were laid for the following: Misses Maude Edua Glover, Julia Prentiss” Mildred Hanger Irene Jones Helen Osborne; Mesdames Farrand Oshorne, L. C. Glover J ]. Prvor, L. E. Rhorer and Modenna Rogers. CANDY PULLING ; ; - On last Friday afternoon little Misg Elsie James celebrated her twelfth ‘;birthday anniversary by giving a can tdy pulling to several of her little friends. At 4:00 o'clock the guests met at her home bringing her many dainty and useful presents. From there they went out in cars to her father’s farm 3 mules west. of the city to an old fashioned candy pulling, Firts they chewed cane and drank cane juice after which a pot of candy was made out in the yard and all had an enjovable time pulling and eating it. They came home about 7 o‘clock, sweet sticky and happy, In entertaining her guests, Elsie was assisted by her father and mother ‘Mr, and Mrs_ H. H. James and by her aunt Miss Clotile James, Following is the list of guests: Mildred Johnstone, Frances Den mark, Rebecca Kirkland., Bobbie Biy ins, Eleanor McLendwn, Mae Gilles pie, Sarah Booker, Tncz Leath, Eliza beth Astin, Jeanette Davis. Lillian Day, Katherine Brown, Mildred Man ning, Ruth Bussell Toly Lewis. Viola James, Madge Benson, Elsie James, Alice James and Lewis Abrams C T. Owens, Jr,, Lyman Thm"ston, Bill Booth. Charles Thurman, E, T. Dav is. EPWORTH CLASS SOCIAL ; The Epworth Class of the First M, E, Church held their business meet ing in‘the League room on Thursday n'ght, electing the following officers for the coming vyear: President Mrs. E. N, Davis, Vice-presilent Mr C. A. Miller; Secretary-Treasurer Mr. F. R. Tustice, The visiting committee of the month Mesdames C. A. New comer, J. H. Burke, Fred Bigham, and R, C. Pickens reported fifty-two calls made. ‘ The entertaining committee then invited the class to a trip of unknown destination. After some fun making mysterv the companv of fiftv-six were finally landed in Mr, Todd’s pasture where preparations for a weiner roast were in progress and where a merry hour was spent in usual out door fash ion, TRESPASS NOTICE All persons are herehy warned againgt himting or Fishing or other- W ‘.*(‘ 'Y("“""'*"';"“' by me 1?!("“: :;". anyv rncr . whatever. This means. one and all alike, [J. }V. Morris, . D26p THE LEADER-ENTERPRISE AND PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER, 5, 1921 Be Pretty! Turn ~ * Gray Hair Dark Try Grandmother’s Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. - Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea, and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get thie mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by ask ing at any drug store for “Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,” you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, as a small cost. Don’t stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and cvenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, tak?ng one small strand at a time, by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, and attrac tive —(adv.) Solved The Problem I was almost distracted with stem:- ach trou'ls, gas and colic gitacks and d.dn't know what to do, I had tried everything I heard of, and the doc tor's medicine did not help me, A friend told me about Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy, and it has solved the problem as I can now cat anything and have no distress” It is a simple harmless preparation that removes the catarthal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation that causes practica!ly all stomach, lver and intestinal aiments including appen dicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded.—McLemore and Na tional Drug Companies and druggists everywhere. adv, Mr. Curtis Hamilton of Decatur is visiting Mr, Lacy Ennis and other iriends in the city for a few days on his way home to Collins, Ga, to spend the Christmas holidays. ‘{\\%‘ S\N ui fi_\ ,') _ \): SHOPPING EARLY. ® HOME TOWN! . ‘ p ATy bl \z , Children Write Santa Claus AT * o o ; AR T NN > in care of Leader-Enterprise , \\\x\:\\ - g R = fi:‘}"_, ;;_ b\ A o ‘\\ ‘ -and we’ll see that he gets it ¥ 4 - / / % »\11'“"“‘\ ’ X : .IR T o N(- i : gt amach TW\ CNN \,; L, [ N il s PR Y=z WS fip‘\‘ R ;“'i"l;i’.’:‘fi!?.‘@?ii;.i;,\' B, N\ T M .{W Ji b '{4?7’.’{!‘,":',’,’.':,,}'{.’,,'",;;;,/’ PN g S (U R R N Ay T L RGN e B ) =AU NS RS T B i Uy .”l,liw!“fl BT 15.,, "I'\‘\‘\" ; % g o @ OUR CHRISTMAS EDITION WILL BE ISSUED DECEMBER 14th. The Door Slams On Happiness POOR .. BLOOD MAKES BAD . HEALTH—THEN COMES THE BLUES Once the vigor of red blood becomes sapped of its strengtlr the door to hap iness is literally slammed. Weariness of body follows and it unfailingly en genders depressed thoughts To bhe reserved and cheerless becomes a hah it. After a time there -is an almost filmy dimness in the expression of the eyes and a' pallor to the skin, Days seem dull and dark and difficult, A sense of insufferable gloom pervades the spirit, Then it is that Gude's Pepto-Man gan is the great help: It is a red blood builder, It puts red into the hlood— increases the humber of corpuscles which makes blood rich and red. When the blood is restored to its natural healthy state the sensation of well-being returns, Instead of shuff ling along carclessly, there is the firm and springy step, the bright lusterful eyes, the clear complexion, identified with the strength and vgor of good health, The druggist has Gude’s Pop to-Mangan in both liquid and tablet form. Advertisement, LEE-DOWLING Miss Helen¥loy ILee of Fitzgerald and Mr, Brainard F, Dowling of Sa vannah were quiety marlried at the home of the Rev. Dr. A. M. Hugh lett—Savannah Morning News. .The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, O, D. Lee of this city and with her husband are the gucests of their parents at 402 E. Pine street. The voung couple will make their home in Charleston, S, €, where the groom holds a pnsfifion with the A C. L. Railway, The many friends of the bride and her family extend i congratulationsg, l Old tableware repiated. urop me a icard and will call, W Harrison Citv | GLOVER-WILKINSON Mr. and Mrs, J. C_Glover of Fitz gerald, Ga., announc: the engagement of their doughter, Maude Edna, to Charles Manardie Wilkinson of Greenwood, S C | the wedding to take place at the home of the bride's par rents the evening of December .28, Sunday American. The above announcement is of in tecest to a large circle of friends of this couple throughout the states of Geergla and South Carolina, and is of rspecial interest in our city to a host of {riends of the bride-clect who has been one of our city’'s most ad mired and talented voung women, having hved here since early girlhood. Mr. Wilkinson is in the hardwhre business m Greenwood, S. C. and is a young man of finc traits of character and thi, young couple have the best wiches for their future happiness from a large citcie of friends, WOMAN'S CLUB : NOTICE Instead of the regular club mect ing at the club room this week each ward school will celebrate Arbor Day with a program and the members of the club are expected to attend one of thes eschools. Each member may go to any building she may choose and there will be a roll taken— the same as at the regular club so that a record may be kept, The programs will begin at cach school building at 3:30 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, Fitzgerald High School Business Colleg Is now offering standard and distinct courses in Twentieth Century Bookkeeping, Gregg Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and the allied | commercial subjects. Enter now and through its efficient instruction and practical training, increase your earning capacity, and at the end of the school year be ready to accept the awaiting positions. $50.00 Tuition Covers all Subjects For further information, see or writee MRS. WALTER MORGAN, Principal, or ULRIC J. BENNETT, Superint ndent, Fitzgerald, Ga. ’ PETITION OF DISCHARGE United States District Court, Albany 'Division, Southern District of Georgia In the matter of James Casper. in dividually and trading as J_ Casper Burlap Bag Mig, Co., and Casper Hide & Skin Company of Fitzgerald, Ben Hill County, Georgia, Bankrupt in Bankruptey, | o e Creditors of the above named | Bankrupts: | You are hercby notified that the above named bankrupt has applied for . a discharge from all debts provab'e against him in bankruptey. . The said application will be heard by the United States District Judge of said division and district at the United States court room in the city of Albany, Georgia on the third day | of January 1922 at 10 o'clock in the forenvon. | All creitors of said bankrupt are | notified to appear at the time and place stated and show cause i any they can why the praver of said pe- | titioner should not be granted, | Dated at Albany Ga.. this 2nd day of December, A. D, 1921. GEO, F. WHITE, 1t Deputy Clerk e TN R \ Mr. and Mrs. W, R, Skinner have as their guest their daughters, Mrs, arl Hampton and Mrs, Thomas F, Butler of Savannah, and their son, Mr. Eugene W. Skinner of Fulton, N.Y ] - Manon Grocery Co., "WHERE QUALITY TELLS | AND PRICES SELL” PRGMPT DELIVERY Octagon 50ap,.8ar...... W:i . sdse Arbuckles Coffee: ... .. ... H- =8 White House Coffee ........40¢ Ib, Charmer Coffee, Ib. ............ 25¢ French Market Coffee, ......30¢c Ib. Luzianne Coffee . ..... ..., 356 D Best Green Coffe 'lb. ... ../ . sisc Compound Lard Ib. ... = ‘l4c 4 lbey Viestole 0. o o 0 e Sugar, perpound: ... v o Best Whole Grain Rice...........7¢ Drys Salt Meat, b 5, .. & sy Smoked Medt, Ih-........ . ... 19¢c Best Self-Rising Flour ~..,......$1 Scrateh Reedi Mot (oo 3120 Kerosené « Gallony ... 000000, SlBe Green Cabbage, head, Ib. ......614¢ Irish Potatoes, peck .....: ..., %8e Allisc Soap; 7 bars..; i 280 Dont Forget the Placel! Manon Grocery Co., Phone 520 226 East Pine St