Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, December 02, 1837, Image 1

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I? a ©□ VOL. I. E23JB SfIKSHEBEESS' Is published in the city of Macon every Saturday, at ■two dollars in advance , three dollars at the end of the year—one dollar and fifty cents f>r six months. No subscription received for a less period—and no pa per discontinued, until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the Publisher. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates of advertising, with a reasonable deduction to yearly ad vertisers. DO” Our Advertising friends are requested to mark the number of insertions, on their advertise ments —otherwise they will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Religious , Marriage and Obituary Notices inserted free of charge. Letters, on business, either to the Publisher or Editor, must come post paid to insure ittention. POETRY. “ The world is full of Poetry—the air Is living with its spirit: and the waves Lance to the music of it3 melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.” WOMAN. When half creation’s works were done, Just fonned the stare, the glowing sun, And solftly blushing skies ; And wide across earth s dewy lawn, Gleam’d the first glances of the morn, And flowers began to rise— Clad in her robe of tender green, Nature delighted, view’d the scene. Pleased with each novel form ; As from eaeh sweetly op’ning flower, From hill and vale, and shady bower, She cull’d some lovely charm She took the balmy violet’s blu ', The sweet carnation’s mellow’ hue, Rich with the tear of night— Tho’ the beam of rising day. Had melted half that tear away, In the first stream of light. And now in elegance array’d, Her last, her fairest work she mad*.. Almost a seraph’s frame ; • To animate this form was given, A gentle spirit sent from heaven And Woman wus her name. Then on her sofdy smiling face, She lavish’d every winning grace, And every charm was there upon her eve the viole f ’s blue, Upon her cheek the rose’s hue, The lilly every where Yes, on that rye was seen to play, The lustre of the stellar ray, The diamond’s humid glow ; She threw to form her bosom's globe. Life’s tender flush and beauty’s robe, On wreaths of virgin snow. Then woman’s lips in smiles withdrew Their veils of rich carnation hue, And pearls appear’d beneath : And blest Arabia sepm’d to pour The perfumes of its spicy store, To mingle with her breath. Hark ! hark ! she speaks, anrl silver strains Melodious floating o’er the plains, A nameless joy impart ; The nightingale has caught, the tone, And made that melting voice his own, That vibrates on the heart. Fond Nature cast her glance around, The glowing skv, the now’ry ground, The day-diffusing sun ; On Woman last —her darling child— She sraz’d and said, with accents mild, “Creation’s work is done.” ANACREONTIC. COME, THROW BY YOUR BOOKS. Come, throw by vour books! it is wise to unbend The mind, and enjoy the brief moments that pass; There is nothin" that lightens the heart like a friend, Or eives wit, like the nectar that flows from the "lass. They may talk as thev will of the sayes of old, Who spent all their lives in the shade of the schools, To find out the stone that turns all things to go and ; By the ouill of a goose, they were nothing but >ols Who could never discover, that heart-easing iiirth Is the only “ philosopher’s stone” upon earth. This world is a beautiful workl to the sight, If man did not shadow its glories with care, And shut out the God that makes a!! *hings a« bright As the Eden that bloomed for the first hapov pair. Let them toil for the iovs of ambition and wealth, For the temple of Fame on its pillars of brass; Give me a clear ronscience, snug eot, and sound hen.*h, W f h a friend now and then, to give zest to the glass, And I’ll prove it soiin 1 logic, that heart-easing mirth Is the only “ philosopher’s stone” upon earth. MACON, (G v.) SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1837. MISCELLANEOUS. For the Southern Post. Recollections of a Medical Student. [concluded.] For the purpose ol‘ making our plan of oper ations to be safe and well guarded in every par ticular, I was appointed a videttr. to go m front some two hundred yards, and give knowledge, by a significant whistle, of any thing like ap proaching danger. All was dark and silent, however around us, and we passed unnoticed and uninterrupted through tiie vi 'age until we came once more tc the bridge. Being in ad - vance of the rest of the codmar.y, I again felt my fears excited fr« in the ' v< ■ of a Tmily of traveller., ’v.k:g encamp* 1 -ediately cn the bank of the river, m* • n. ar the read we had tc At this uue\ t *ec’ed difficulty l jravc the whistle, winch vas answer ed b, i.i the rear, whom I could sec m me dim mooniigiit, wending slowly and cn measly their way. I then undertook to reconnoiture the place —the result of wiiich pioved that the family were all enwraapod by the charm of Morpheus’ vvanu, save tne watchful Carlo, who however seemed wiliiug to suffer me to pass by uttering a few angry growls. Having per formed my part with all the stealth and sagas ity of LcCerf Agile I again gave them the sign to proceed, and remained at tiie loot of trie : bridge to await tneir arrival. During this time, however, 1 w’as not idle, ior 1 was buisily pro jecting m my Uiincl some scheme by winch we ! might carry the body safely across the river.— Tiie cills I knew to he too narrow and slippery tor any person to walk witii such a weight up on their shoulders —more especially as there had been a continued rain during the night. In quest of some method by w lichthe desired ob ject might lx; effected, I proceeded lo cross the bridge and luckily met v/ith a roller which was used by the workmen for transporting their timbers to any convenient part of the work.— Tuts having been brougnt over we made it an swer tiie purpose of a bier, laying our body up on it and moving with safety and exposition to the other side of the river. By this time I was almost certain th&. ould discern the streaks of morning feebly. ,onng up their earliest tints against the clouds to :.t lay in glorious embankment in the oriental heavens. ■. Tins was truly alarming, inasmuch as the most! critical part of the journey remained as yet un travelled. We hod now to pass through thej streets of a populou. city, for a mile o; more ' to effect which without coming in contact with the patrole or some o the: person seemed among the impossibilities. 1 started on my commis sion, as vidette, with a throbbing heart, bend ing mv way up the bank of the river, and ko( - ing myself as closely hid as I possibly cou : d under the shades of die houses in the most un frequented streets. By this means we were enabled to keep clear of coming in contact with any person until we had nearly completed our journey. As I was passing up one of the pub lic streets in the city, and came near to a large hotel, I saw four or five persons come out ol the passage which led to the kitchen and bend their direction towards me. At first I stopped, thinking to return and inform my comrades ; but this I soon perceived would not answer as they were evidently eyeing me, and any retro grade move of mine, which might create sus picion in their breasts, would at once bring: them down upon us without affording us the prospect of escape. I accordingly proceeded towards them until I came near enough to con vince them that I enjoyed the privilege of a free citizen by right of a white skin in common with themselves. This seemed to gratify them, and instead of continuing on their way, to my great joy and 1 elief, they turned down another street at right angles, and their forms were soon lost to my vision in the dim distance as they mingled with the gloomy shadows of the night. After I had sufficiently mastered mv trepi dat'on I turned back to greet my associates i with the joyful intelligence of our luck v escape, (but what was my astonishment when I found ; that they had absconded in some way, and were !no where to lie seen. 'B linking thev might | have taken alarm at mv maneuvering and hid | themselves in some secret place, I went on to near the 1 had last seen them, and e.n'ed t with a loud voice, but called in vain. Ihe in- tonations of my voice died away among the edifices which surrounded me, bringing back no answer to my ear save the feeble response of its own echo. Here was another pickle in to which I had fallen that did not furnish me with the most pleasant meditations. It might j be that a Uriy of patrolo had stolen a march upon them and taken them all, living and dead, to the watch-house, to await their trial as mur derers, or for the odious crime of robbing the dead, for which a few thousand dollars or a few year’s confinement in the Penitentiary might only suffice in the eyes of the law; or, perhaps, they had fled from their pursuers, leaving the body behind in order to ensure their escape.— While eacii of these reflections came rolling by turns over my mind, 1 thought 1 discovered over the tops of tne houses, which w ere built in a kind of low place, the appearance of some thing moving slowly along on the side of a hill whicii skirted the city to the north. I gazed upon it with intensity lor some length ol time and evidently distinguished the forms of sever al persons, two of whom seemed to be bearing with tiiem an object upon which the pale moon beams fell with a peculiarly glowing light.— Oue might have taken them all for the shades of the departed, but particularly the shining ob ject presented a truly spectre-like appearance. 1 came to the conclusion that this could lie none other but my own gang of stragglers, and Hastened on to tiie shop to be in readiness for their arrival. As I * ®M*KMpxtmg rtiev Wfire llot jo/,- in making their appearance, and we soon deposited our victim in the cellar be neath, congratulating ourselves upon the happy termination of our bold adventure, just too. when trie first beams of Phoebus begun to ush er in the ir.ornipg twilight, “ And piav i’ the plighted clouds W h burnished tints of morn.” After the toils of the night we stretched our selves upon the floor to obtain the benefits of a hasty slumber, and drive away our anxious cares in the fond embrace of “ Tired Nature’s sweet restorer, balmy sleep.” Yet, the eventful scenes which had been acted out by us tiiat night, had no little tendency to keep us awake or cause our slumbers to lie troubled by unpleasant dreams. The Church going bell, for it was Sabbath morn, aroused me to consciousness again, and brought with it the feeling of a duty which 1 never could tamely neglect. Accordingly I arose, dressed myself and laste e l to mingle with the worshippers around tiie altars of Heaven, that I might feel once more those gracious influences, which fall so sweetly, like the lews ol’ Heaven, under the droppings of the sanctuary; but I was in any frame but that suited to an occasion like this. The age of one whom I could but think I had injured, was still haunting my imagination in all his ghostly attire. These feelings of des pondency were, however, only brightened as tne minister gave out his text and commenced drawing his deductions therefrom. Trie whole stress of his was in reference to the resurrection, and all the wondrous events that were to be acted out on that awful day: but when tie came to touch, with peculiar pathos and eloquence, upon the bursting of the graves and the rising up of parents and children, side by side, to Ix3 arraigned before the j udgement bar, I could but compare such an event w th the one in which I had been engaged the night previ ous. Here instead of permitting the father and child to re [>ose sweetly together until that aus picious morn, I had torn them ruthlessly asun der, and now it was the fate of the old man to arise not from the spot where he had been in terred, with Christian burial, hut having his clay tenement scattered to the winds of He :ven, they must be gathered from many a distant spot where the caprice of those who prey upon the bodies of the dead, might cause them to be carried. This gave rise to a long and unplea sant reverie which was only broken by tiie sound of the last solemn Amen. Several weeks had elapsed after this occur rence, before 1 was properly myself again ; during which time the dissection of the body was successfully carried on by R and my self assisted by Dr. B— . until the efflu via w lich ar/ise from it disturbed the olfactor ies of some of the rood wr»nen in the neigh borhood, and occasioned such a turning up of noses us to force us to remove it sjieedily, and © a HAraiSQiraa, rxiossvxb pusiuaMiEs. bury the remains of tiie flesh in its mother earth. All this time it was my unfortunate doom to sleep alone in the shop, being in very close quarters with the dead man. The first night was truly one ot terror. I tarried late with some of my friends and would willingly have remained till morning, but os they were well acquainted with all the circumstances I was resolved that my credit, as a man of cour age, should not suffer on this as on former oc casions. I therefore nerved myself to the trial land sought my solitary abode with a gloomy and heavy heart. When I had reached the ally which It'd to the side door that gave en trance to my chamber, I was staggered by tho terrific appearance ofa white object that seem- ingly stood directly in my way. I had nearly concluded to return and seek a rest in some other place, but my philosophy would not sutler me to be thus credulous, so boldly venturing near the object I found it to be merely the moon-beams falling on something which had a shining surface. On entering my room my sensibilities were alive to every sound, and T often fancied that sundry unmusical notes is sued from the cellar beneath. I brought up to mind many a tale the old negroes used to fright en me with in my boyhood days, all of which only tended to increase the fear of my troubled spirit. I procured a light after several unsuc cessful attempts, and resolved that it should be my companion for the night* Stretching my self upon my cot I in vain endeavored to sleep. Every time l w ould close my eyes the image of that old man’s haggard countenance seemed to be almost touching my own, and gazing up on me with all the ferocity of features which a morbid imagination might picture us the char acteristics of a ghost’s revenge. The spectre would then change to the peculiarly awful ap pearance it had after I had torn the skin from his face, and left nothing but the open nostrils and protruded eyes to evidence the horrid truth of his being a mutilated human being. At length, however, in tiie midst of all these alarm ing mental illusions, I fell asleep anil awoke in a panic of joy the next morning to find that the terrors of another night had fled and the va garies of my fancy were lost in the realities ot busy life. Since the severe ordeal of that first acquain tance with the dead, my feelings have become hardened by a long attendance in the dissecting room, and the many post mortems I have .as sisted in holding. It is no longer a field in which I tread with fear or d.smay hut rut or with wonder and delight. The investigations of anatomical science so fur from weakening my hopes of immortality or driving me to gion has tended to strengthen me in the love ot Him who has constructed our mortal tenements with such workmanlike skill, and made man from the dust of the earth to walk with erect countenance after his own image and to Ik; tne wonder and adoration of all inferior animals. — 1 have been convinced that all that has been said in relation to materialism has no founda tion for truth or if it has, immateriality is not es sential to immortality. Rather than dispossess me of the knowledge I have thus acquired, and the pure and holy fountains it has caused to spring up in my affect ons, I would traverse the same gloomy scenes through which I have al ready pas ed, and dwell again among the dor mitories of the dead, amid the sable shadow sot night, that I might, “ By musing o’er a kindred spirit’9 frame Learn first of all to know myself; and then How to defend mv race from fell disease, And last, though far from being least, to know The mighty God who made and governs all. I am fully convinced that communities and families are greatly mistaken in their scrupu lous not ons about such things, and the hoi ror they attach to the characters of men. whose du ty leads them in so untrodden a path. I w ish there could be a more liberal sentiment abroad in the world in relat on to the science of anato my, that subjects m ght lie obtained anil de monstrations entered into, even in our acade mies and ljterary institutions. For if it per formed no grater amount of pood than to im press unon the vounp mind with proper force that beautiful expression of the Psalmist. “ I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” it would have effected sufficient to make them draw much pleasure from a source tliat w ould otlier- NO. 0.