Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, December 02, 1837, Image 2

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Vise have Ven barren and tin fertile. The ad miration of the goo inessand the power of tlie Deity would also lie greatly hightened and they would lie much better enabled to feel the poe try and truth of that uncommonly happy sen timent of Watts— “ Strange that a harp of a thousand strings Should keep in tune so long-” MEDICUS. T Varrcnton } Georgia. o'jT't' t(M a m jpos®. ornrr under TttE central hotel, third door arove THE POST-OFFICE, AND IN THE REAR OF (ADJOINING) THE MAfCON LYCEUM AND LIBRARY SOCIETY’S READING ROOM. MACON: Saturday XVEoming’, December 2, 5.337. &y~ A happy good day to ye ! Our long absence, we hope, has not caused us to ho forgotten by our friends ; no, we are sure of it. Wc fancy our paper w;!l be greeted with a welcome and approving smile by most, if not all. So, then, here is, Devotion to our friends, forbearance with our enemies, and respect <or all. OCT We tefer our city and country friends to our Card, on the fourth page of this day’s paper, where it will be seen we are prepared to execute JOB PRINT ING in a very superior style, at the shortest notice, and at reasonable prices. Will you give us a Job ? We return our thanks to our "Exchange” friends for the generous continuation of their respective papers, during our temporary suspension; and promise them that if ever they are compelled to suspend for sim causes, (want ol lype or Taper,) we shall recipro cate their kindness. During the lapse of time that has intervened smcc the last appearance of our paper, our thoughts and at teu'ion have been dntwn toward the political and mo netary affairs of the country; more than we have been accustomed to, from the fact, that wo believe an cvent fid crisis is at hand, fraught with mighty interest, which wall yet he a distinguishing era in the history of a Republic. The connection between the Banks and the Govern ment is a very important question, and demands the clnee and minute attention of every citizen. It is a subject 'hat should be brought before every reader, for his candid and impartial examination. The conscious ness of which fact, has led us to adopt the course that we have, and that is to open our columns to investiga tion of this important subject, which calls for the atten tion of all who feel an interest in their country’s well fare. A c for ourself, we must hog leave, for yet a-while, to suspend our opinion—as we are not yet thoroughly satisfied what is best in regard to the aforesaid connex ion. Wc are not want to come to conclusions too soon, especially on matters which invole so much interest.— Patient deliberation, and a determined purpose, we hope will ever characterise our Editorial career ; and hen matters of grave and weighty importance arise before the people for their judgement, *we expect not to he oo hasty or premature in our determinations, lest in c ong, we involve not only ourselves, but others, in a common wrong. Rut, our columns arc open to any articles on this subject which we think will tend to throw a light upon it, or benefit the public mind. It is important that the peon l *' he well instructed in these measures ; yet we woijM have it done in a manner, plain and easy. If any should differ from us in opinion we do not wish to assail them with onprobius epithets, simply because of the difference. We hold mankind in higher respect than thus to rail against ♦hem, of whatsoever party, or opm on, they may be. We shall, at all time®, endeavor to prrsue the course that honor and justice dictate with regard to part’es and opinions ; holding, that, the opin ions of anv man, to say the least, arc entitled to consid* ation, and esnec'allv those In whom are reposed the h ,rr h trust of making and di=nens ; ng the laws, and who have made such subjects the business of their lives. The Texas question, another subject of importance, wll prohablv, soon he brought before the people for thetr decision. It is one, however, upon which there can he hut one sentiment at the South, as it is in a great degree connected with another of die most vi f al imnor tanee, viz : the Abolition of Slavery ; which a fanati ea; zeal, worthy of a much better cause, is endeavoring to bring about at the North. We look with much anx iety to the approaching *e«ion ofCongress, when these suhiects are to he brought forward. r An undnf> advantage has alreadv been taken hv the Northern Abolitionist to prevent this annexation to the T iuon, hv orienting numberless petitions to Conm-ess prematurely, even before the time come fir action, or that ‘here was a certainty that it ever would. While the South is calmly waiting for ff, P proper time for ac tion noon th : « matter, these Northern fanatics are in- S! houslv antic’pating a movement in that countin' to war Is a connexion this, thereby hoping to offend t e nroucl chivalrv of Texas’ noh'e sons, wounding them m their most tender part, hv reiectingtheir offers to be come one in a mighty and glorious Republic. Shame, upon the narrow, ungenerous spirit that thus can offend ai! prick to the heart’s-core, citizens of a country fl at e up almost entirely of our own. A country to u h our brothers, our friends have gone to shed their 00 ' 1 Liberty’s cause, and rescue it from religious intolerance and Priestcraft; under which circumstan* ces, whose affinity to us would hare been dangerous to our own free and tolerant institutions. A country, which can, and would make one of the brightest gems i that slitter through the folds of the ** Star Spangled Banner/’ Mr. Calhoun, we understand, is to bring this question before the House, at the ensuing session, in a manner of most absorbing interest to the South, and the country at large. We shall see. We shall not fail to give a free and frank expression of our opinions, with regard to men and measures, when jit shall be necessary or proper to do so. iVe make no ! pledges further than fhis. Changes. OCT It will be noticed that there is ap. alteration in our head, which was done for convenience sake. We shall I aspire at all times, however, to make ours a useful paper. The “ Daily (New-Orleans) Picayune” has come out in anew and improved dress. It is somewhat en ' larged, and has anew head. It is one of the foremost papers in the South for wit, variety and novelty. Three things which are all the rage now-a-days. The Southern Telescope, of Greensborough, (N. C.) lias changed its name to that of the “ Carolina Demo crat,” and is now conducted by Clancy & Evans. i£r A disturbance occurred in Montreal, on the Gth ultimo, between the Democratic and British parties, which resulted in the destruction of the office of the “ Vindicator,” a Democratic paper. The British were assisted by an armed force. The country seems on the point oi revolution. There is too much of a Yankee spirit among the Canadians, to much longer acknowl edge allegiance to the mother country. A letter to ihe New-A ork Express, dated at Montre al, November 13, which came to hand yesterday, has the following postcript: I*. S. We are really in a frightful state—as near anarchy as you can well conceive. I have often told you lam in no hurry tor a revolt, but in the present state of the country I am sometimes afraid it. cannot lie prevented. At any rate the Province is lost to Great Britain. She can never again control it except by the hand of force, and therefore her rulers had bet ,(M *oiio\v i« a Ik> ton late, the advice at the end of L. M. N.’s 10th letter. frCT" The Rev. E. P. Lovejov, in Alton, (Illinois,) has been killed in a vain attempt to establish an Abolition Press in that place ; if. was his third attempt, and con trary to the wishes of the citizens. This is a strange fanaticim that thus leads men on to tlieir own certain destruction. While we regret that this, or any individ ual should lose his lire, in such an unlawful manner, and by violent men—contrary to our constitution, laws, and the principles of justice—we cannot but be pleased at the determined opposition manifested in that State, against the doctrine of the Abolitionists, which if car ried out, must end in civil war and bloodshed. Illumination for the Poor, the Widow ami the Fatherless. “ There is more in knowing how to dispose of a victo ry, than to gain it.”—This is an old but true maxim ; and nothing can give us greater pleasure than the dis position that the Whigs in New-York are making of theirs, upon the suggestion of the matchless .Tack Down ing. The spoils of the victor arc given to the poor and needy, to illuminate the dwellings of distress and pover *y. Let but the Whigs in New-York carry out the no ble and praiseworthy suggestion, and they will call down blessings not only upon themselves, but upon the projec tor of the scheme. The Major’s pen has done more to warm, not only the hearts of thousands at a distance, but the bodies of thousands at home ; than his axe could do, to be wielded through a long life’s service, in chopping wood to make fire for the poor. There is too much gun firing, however, it is not in ac cordance with the noble spirited Jack. More powder will be wasted than at the taking of Cornwallis, or the battle of Bunker Hill. General Clinch and Governor Call. Tt is with pain and regret that we notice, in the col umns of the Savannah Georgian, the defence, that the former of these officers has found it necessary to make, of his character as a brave man, and of his conduct in relation to the Florida war; and especially the "battle of the Withlacoochy. We had thought, and still do think that no mark of stain could ever attach itself to his fair name. We have ourself been a witness of his coolness ami bra\erv, when Indian bullets were living unenvia bl v thick around the advance guard of the column he commanded. His very look inspired courage, and his \\ ords and action soon sent his command pell-mell into the hammock, from whence a dangerous and well direc ted lire poceeded from the Indians. But there are thou sands that can bear testimony to the same, and more, were it necessary. We have not seen the charges pre fered by Governor Call, nor can we devine the object contemplated in the defamation of one of the most dis tinguished, and deservedly the most popular officer, who had die mi fortune of a command in Florida. A hill has been introduced in our Senate, providing , for a convention to reduce the number of members of die General Assembly of this State. Governor Gilmer has vetoed the Resolution directing him to draw on the contingent fund, for thirty thousand! dollars, to defray the expenses of General Nelson’s j command. TTic Rill to establish a Supreme Court for the correc tion oi Errors has passed the Senate by a vote of 44 to 32. Also, a Bill to authorize Limited Partnership, which passed the Senate by a vote of seven. There are 4,121 inhabitants in Columbus, according to the census taken in October last. Governor Mason, (V. B.) is re-elected Governor of Michigan. Edward Everett, (Whig,) is elected Governor of Mas sachusetts. The usual Meteoric shower, expected on the 13di ul timo, was discoverable in some parts of the country. — Iho bright moon-light prevented its being easily and generally seen. “ Fmest Maltravers,” by F. L. Htriwer. We have found this work to be deserving the high rep utation that the papers have generally given it. Below will be found a Chapter, which speaks eloquently ofiove and music—two things which excise more of interest, in the way of sentiment, than any other—especially with our fair friends. This fine eloquence, love, music, and sentiment is broken up by the appearance of a newspa per,—a Newspaper ? say you in usthonishment: yes, a newspaper—(see how important newspapers are)—hey j burst in upon these transitory dreams and present real [life, in all its changes, variations, alterations and tluctua ! tions. To understand which well, will he worth more than all the lairy dreams, that the bright, poetic imagina j tion of the greatest sentimentalist could ever conjure up. But read and judge for yourself: CHAPTER VIII. u Some clouds sweep on as vultures for their prey, No azure more shall robe the firmament, Nor spangled stars be glorious.” Byron — Heaven, and Earth. It was a lovely evening in April; the wea ther was unusually mild and serene for that time of year in the northern district of our isle, and the bright drops of a recent shower spar kled upon tiie buds of the lilacti and laburnum that clustered round tne cottage of Maltravers. The little fountain that played in the centre of a circular basin, on whose clear surface the broad-leaved water lilly cast its fairy shadow, added to the fresh green of the lawn— “ And softe as velvet, the yonge grass,” on which the rare and early flowers were clo sing their heavy lids. Tnat twilight shower had given a racy and vigorous sweetness to tae air, which stole over many a bank of violets, and slightly stirred tiie golden ringlets of Alice, as she sat by the side ot’ ner entranced and si lent lover. Tncy were seated on/i rustic bench just without the cottage, and the open windows behind them admitted that view of the happy room, with its litter of books and musical instru ments —eloquent of the Poetry of Home. Maltravers was silent, for his flexile and ex citable f nicy was conjuring up a thousand shapes along that transparent air or upon tiiose shadowy violet banks. He was not thinking, ne was imagining. His genius reposed dream ily upon the calm but exquisite sense of his hap piness, Alice was not absolutely in his thoughts but unconsciously she colon, ed them all—if she had left his side, the whole charm would have teen broken. But Alice, who was not a poet or a genius, was thinking, and thinking ; only of Maltravers. His image was “ the bro ken mirror,” multiplied in a thousand faithful fragments over everything fair and soft in that .lovely microcosm before him. But they were both alike in one thing—they were not with the future, they were sensible of the present; the sense of the actual life, the enjoyment of the breathing time, was strong within them. Such is the privilege of the extremes of our existence —youth and age. Middle life is never with to-day, its home is in to-morrow ; anxious, and and scheming, and desiring, and wishing this plot ripened, and that hope fulfilled, while eve ry wave of the forgotten Time brings it near and nearer the end of all things. Half our life is consumed in longing to be nearer death. “Alice,” said Maltravers, waking at last from his revery, and drawing that light, child like form nearer to him, “ you enjoy this hour as much as I do.” “ Oh, much more !” “ More! and why so ?” “ Becauso I am thinking of you, and perhaps you are not thinking of yourself.” Malt ravers smiled and stroked those beauti ful ringlets, and kissed that smooth innocent fore; lead, and Alice nestled herself in his breast. “ Mow young you look bv this light, Alice !” said he, tenderly looking down. “ Would you love me less if I were old ?” asked Alice. “ I suppose I should never have loved you in ihe same way if you had been old when I first saw you.” “ \ct I am sure I should have felt the same for you if you had been—oh ! ever so old !” ! “ What, with wrinkled cheeks, and palsied head, and a brown wig, and no teeth, like Mr. Simcox ?” “ Oh, but you could never be like that 1— you would always look young—your iieart would be always in your face. That dear smile—ah, you would be beautiful to the last!” “ But Simcox, though not lovely now, has been, I dare say, handsomer than I am, Alice, and I shall be contented to look as well when 1 am as old.” “ I should never know you were old, because 1 can see you just as l please. Sometimes, when you are thoughtful, your brows meet, and you look so stern that I tremble ; but then I I Think of you when you last smiled, and look up | again, and though you are frowning still, you seem to smile. lam sure you are different to | ottier eyes than to mine ; and time must kill me before, in my sight, it could alter yon.” “ Sweet Alice, }ou talk eloquently, for you talk love.” “My heart talks to you. All! I wish it could say all it felt. I wish i could make poetry like you, or that wools were music—l would never ‘ speak to you in anything else. I was so de lighted to learn music, because when I played l seemed to be talking to you. lam sure who. ever invented music did it because lie loved dearly and wanted to say' so. I said ‘ he, but I thmk it was a woman. Was it not ?” j “ Tne Greeks 1 told you about, and whose life was music, thought it was a god.” “ Ah, but you say the Greeks made love a god. Were they wicked for it ?” “ Our own God above is love,” said Ernest, seriously, “as our own poets teve said and , sung. But it is a iove oi another nature—Di. vine, not human. Come, we will go within, tiie aii’ grows cold for you,” T.-ey entered, his arm round her waist.— The l oom sm.led upon them its quiet welcome ; and Alice, whose heart had not half vented its j fullness, sat down to the instrument still to I “ talk love” in her own way. But it was Saturday evening. Now every Saturday Maltravers received from the neigh, boruig town the provincial newspaper —it was ins only medium of communication with the great world. But it was not for that commu. mention that he always seized it with avidity, and fed on it with interest. The county in Widen his father resided bordered the shire in which Ernest .sojourned, and the paper inclu. e.ed tne news of that familiar district in itscom pre ensive columns. It therefore satisfied Er. nest’s conscience, and soothed his filial anxie ty's to read, from time to time, that “Mr.Mai. I travers was entertaining a distinguished party of friends at his noble mansion of Lisle Court or that “ Mr. Maltravers’s foxhounds had met on such a day at something copse or that j“ Mr. Maltravers, with his usual munificence, j had subscrited twenty guineas to the new I county jail.” And as now Maltravers saw i the expected paper laid beside tiie hissing urn, jhc seized it eagerly, tore the envelope, and has. tened Lo the well-known corner apj>roprinted to the paternal district- The very first w ords that struck his eyes were these : “ Alarming illness of Mr. Maltravers. “We regret to state tiiat this exemplary and distinguished gentleman was suddenly seized on Wednesday night with a severe spasmodic :affection. Dr. was immediately sent for. who pronounced it to be gout in the sto. macii—the first medical assistance from Lon. don has been summoned. j “ Postcript.—Wc have just learned, in an. jswerto our inquiries at Lisle Court, that the ; respected owner is considerably worse : but '.slight hopes are entertained of his recovery.— j Captain Maltravers, his eldest son and heir, is tit Lisle Court. An express has been despatch, ed in search of Mr. Ernest Maltravers (Mr. M.’s only other surviving child ) who, involved by his high English spirit in some dispute with the authorities of a despotic government, had (Suddenly disappeared from Gottingen, where where his extraordinary talents had highly dis tinguished him. He is supposed to be staying at Paris.” J The paper dropped on the floor. Ernest threw himself back on the chair, and covered his face with his hands. Alice was beside him in a moment. Mo looked up, and caught her wistful and terrified gaze. “Oh, Alice!” he cried, bitterly, and almost pushing her away, “ what remorse have you not occasioned meT en. springing on his feet, he hurried from the room. Presently the whole house was in a commo tion. Tie gardener, vv. o was always in the house about simnc-time flew to the town for post-horses. The old woman wis in despair about t e laundress, for her first and only tho*t was for “ master’s shirts.” Erno-t locked himself in his room. Ace' poor Alee! In little more than twenty minutes the chaise was at the door : and Ernest, pr.!e as death, came ato the room vvhe e he h id left Ah e. S ie was seated o.i ts-e floor, and the fatal paper was o;: ner lap. She had bee: er/ea voring, in vain, to learn what hud so sensibly