Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, December 09, 1837, Image 1

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f- > 87 P- ©«» VOL. I. 553 oMHjmaißsr ipoc'J Is published in the city of Macon every Saturday, at xwo dollars t« advance, TiaEK dollars at the end ot ( the year—one dollar and fifty cents for six months. No subscription received for a less getiod—and no pa per discontinued, unril all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the Publisher. AdvertisvnsrUs will bo inserted at the U3ua! rates of advertisin'!, with a reasonable deduction to yearly ad vertisers. Nr Our Advertising friends are requested to mark the number of insertion 0 , on their advertise ments —otherwise they will be published till forbid, and cli trye and accordi agl y. Reunions, Mir ridge and Obituary Notices inserted free of charge. Lc’ers, on business, either to the Publisher or Editor, must come post paid to insure attention. ZT” POETRY. “ The world is full of Poetry—die air Is living with its spirit: and the waves Dance to the music of its melo lies, And sparkle in its brightness.” For the Southern Post. WO'IAN’S LOVE. BY DR. E. M. PENDLETON. Where ’mid the world’s tempestous sea Shall man’s frail bark in safety be ? In what calm haven may it rest, No more by winds or waves distressed, Where raging storms supinely lie, Nor clouds bedew the spirit’s sky ? May, bo there ’nenth yon lofty dome, M > sweet a place, so safe a home ? Y % on the ocean’s wild, wild wave, Vn re tempest waters proudly lave; A lovely isic., rears its head, . ■ ;tly from the sea’s deep bed ; .'id round that islet’s gentle base, The wave’s lie down with mirrored face ; Ad in that islet’s deepest cove, Is the retreat of Woman’s lore. T 'ere all the passions of the soul Are calmed by some supreme control; Which o’er that lovely bay presides, And moves Its winds, and swells its tides. For angel farms are only seen To lave beneath the golden sheen, That dances brightly on the wave, io triumph o’er the ternpesds grave Nor shall it be a meteor’s glare, That si vers in the midnight ar — An I so'm goes out, to shine no more ’ goon that ocean’s pebbly shore. For Woman's love lives on till death,’ And struggles with her dying breath— Clinging in fervor to the last, ’Trii hops is crushed be.nea h the blast. Ti; 5 V»k.rl and tlio Vfertt uarcock. FRO'I THE ROMANCE OF RORY o’MORS. TT sum nrr wind lightly was nla."ing ■von id the baTement high of the tower, When: a v mo, like a lady, was staving, \1- iy vane perched ii her bow’r. ivl the c irner the ywi 1 i wonl 1 try : Eat Dane.-*, yod know, never look in the wind’s eye, Ands >‘ he kept turning slyly away, Thus they kept turning ail through the day. The summer’ o vrind s .id, “ she’s coquet inn - , Put each hi ’! o her points to Vo found ; Er hr? eveui'iT ill venture cw bo‘i lg, She will not then go, but come round.” So he tried from the east, and ho tried from the veo f , ‘ And the no • h and the south, to try which was beat, Put stitl she kent turning slvly away, Tli io they kept playing all through the day. A* evening, her hard heart to soften, De ° i'il, “ You’re of flint I am sir e ; Er if vainly a ou’re changing so, No favor v v• i’ll ever secure.” “ Sweet si.-.” said the vane, “ it is vri who begin, When von change so often, in me his no sin ; J ; you’ll cease to flutter, and s f eadily sigh. And will only be constant, I’m sure so will I.” Fashion and Time. /’Tvw seemesk Time, on an ill errand hen*, and aiftingthv ng >d brows ; com? sit the? and rvn, l s not thv ’vrinkle?, thou const smooth thv frown. And well I kn nv thou loves* merriment— lor a 1 rofr.-gt th or> , ,r nf> and overspen*. On >:h Time, “ I’m Death’* purveyor, and thro* town A >d e iu~rrv snood, gathering both r r ' * r and clown, f .unkind’* worn refuse, for if scree iimcnL r f s'ill ha c’ts f >r nin-e, an 1 oft do‘h rove Forc »rfrrer PI erne, then vvil! ha rare'v sun : And riff ihe you i r an I gen tie I would save, F v'v (l -, no V.onx and l:eMim ,i s lip, W- h finar’es, C >- ■’ ] gri\ end m :> > ’bjg tonga*’, ik.i tore y ve-fri *o hi. w. :Y Iff. : ..i • • i : MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 0, 1837. sowtis aSR asr a?os®. : 'rp OFFICE UNDER THE CENTRAL HOTEL, THIRD DOOR ABOVE THE POST - OFFICE, AND IN THE REAR OF (ADJOINING) TOE MACON LYCEUM AND LIBRARY SOCIETY’S READING 1 kcom. - y " £Cr “ The many lives that have been la‘e)y lost by steam-boat accidents leaves a heavy responsibility some- I where.” And if suffered to continue much longer,with out the matter being taken in hand by Legislators—who |are the guardians and protectors of the people’s lives I and property, as well as rights and privileges—the res responsibility must rest upon themselves. It can now no longer be laid to careless boat commanders, or mer ciless money getting boat owners ; but must rest with our rulers if suffered to continue as it has been without the intervention of law. The unthinking traveller places himself upon one of these boats to visit some distant city, for the purpose of | commerce, or other more important and imperious du itles, and which, perhaps, an urgent necessity demands; | calculating upon the common probabilities of safety, | (which it is in the power of’the law to secure,) thinking I only of the business that calls him from his family, his ; home; utterly unqualified, if a thought of danger ea jtered his mind, to judge of the safety of the vessel in which he trusts himself— and is either, on his passage, drowned, or meets his death by someone of the many accidents which shock human nature to think ot. — ; llow frequency do from one to three hundred persons J embark upon one of these boats, and all or nearly aii ; lose their lives by some accident which could have I been remedied, either in the construction of the boiler, the boat, or for want of proper and expericed pilots and commanders. It would be well if they were not suf fered to be launched until they had undergone a strict scrutiny by an otiicer, or oliicers, appointed for that purpose, and well calculated for their business —and 1 every part of her pronounced to be safe and sea-wor- I thy. | Below we have given an extract from Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine in relation to the same subject, ■which we think not unworthy the attention of those whose duty it is to examine this matter, and to provide a remedy for the evil. It is high tune that the Ameri can people also, take this subject into close consider ation. a The late steam boat accidents will leave a heavy responsibility somewhere, if tnevdo not produce un immediate inquiry into the means of avoiding thorn in future. In their present I condition taconly matter to be wondered at, is, I not that accidents now and then occur, but I that tiiey are not of every day occurence, and |of the most dreadful magnitude. Tue inulti- I tildes which nock on board of them every day ! during the summer are astonishing, an and die ut ger want oi jeaurion in tae rr uragers and j proprietors of ves.«!.•;, to wuich so forge am t - lof human llfcis committed, ; mounts to a greet public crime. Five or six hundred penile are frequently et barked in a single steam r, and i of tho>c steamers, five or six arc rushing down j : the Thames t g-ether. W hat provision >x t tie re i jto save thorn from being all sent to the bot tom by the starting of a plank, by a chance i leak, by the burning of tho engine room, Dy |running foul of each other, bv running on any of the nu aberless shoals of the river in a ; fog, by any of the common chances that be long to all navigation ? Nothing. A single boat over the bows amounts to the means of security for the lives of perhaps a thousand 'people. When two of these vessels,but the other day, ran against each other in a fog, and the water began to gain on one, the other sink-j i g within a low minutes, the pumps had to be leioke l for. The vessel had been provided with two, hut . oo .o kuen where the second was to be found. Vs it hap pent- ltobe in the latter part of the season, tho passengers were but few in too vessel going from London, and they had just time to get on board the other. But that other had two hundred on board, and if the damage had been equal in both, both I must have gone down, and every being on hoard both must have perished. The fact is | that the steam boats in the river, trust wholly to chance, and if matters arc sufiered to go on as they have hitherto done, the first call to pub lic activitv on the subject, will be the tidings of some five hundred men, women and chil dren. plunged in the bottom of the Thames.— But if the river is supposed to be safe, of which it is the very reverse, collition being by nol means rare, and its escape sometimes next to : impossible, many of the steamers, just as little j provided, and just as crowded, make the trip! to 11. n;g-'c, where they are exposed to a heavy sett, and to Calais and Dover, where they have as much risk of storms and a lee-shore as on a voyage to the East Indies. A single boat swinging-over the stern, is there too the full amount of the precaution. All tins demands a remedy, and an expeditious one. Any ol the fifty committees of the late Parliamentary session, would have been better employed in revising these rules for tho general steam navi gation of the kingdom, than in ten times the number of inquiries into the rabble notions ot politics and the paper-wasting absurdities of Mr, Ilume. The first necessity of the steam vessel, should be a number of boats sufficient to cany at least the average number of pas sengers in safety, should any disaster happen to the vessel. If it be said that this would re quire many boats, and that they would oecu, v much room, the obvious reply is, that human lives are not to be thrown awy because the steam companies may prefer shillings to lives. The public are entitled to care for themselves, and no steam-vessel should ever be sullered to leave its moorings without having boats enough to insure the public against the hideous lorss of life that must ensue on the vessel’s going down in the present circumstances. The state of the ships themselves ought to be taken into serious consideration. It is now openly asserted that many of thorn aw made, iike Peter Pindar’s razors, to sell —that their purpose is simply to run up and down fie riv er as long as they have the good fortune of running without being swamped. But that they are built of the slightest and cheapest pos sible materials, in the phraze of the dock-yard, “ bread and butter boats,” and that, so far irom standing a shock, the strong probability is that they would go down in the first heavy sea. The boilers and machinery ought to be look ed to before every voyage, and looked to by a public officer, for the proprietors look to noth ing, and can be expected to look to nothing be yond tiie income. The method of steering ought to be changed. 'Flic helmsman should stand at the ship’s head, as is done in the Ame rican steamers —a slight machinery running along the deck would enable him at once to act. on the helmn, and to steer clear of those obstacles which are at present avoided with so much difficulty, merely from their not being x< iv. until too late. Tnerc should be a couple of guns, for signals oi distress, always in redi iic a with a bell to ring, and a drum to beat, at night or in fogs. What is Life. There is eloquence of thought, as well as of language, in the follow ing paragraph from Ar no;-’. Elements of Pays.cs: “ T ic functions by which the animal body assumes foreign matters from around, and con vert • lie in into its own substance, is tittle invit ing in some of its details; but taken altogether is one of the most wonderful subjects which can engage t' e human attention. It points di rectly to the curious and yet unanswered ques tion":—What is life? Tiie student of nature may analyze with ail his art those minute por tions ofmatter called seeds, and which lie knows to be the rudiments of future creatures, and the links by which endless generations of liv ing creatures hang to existence, hut he cannot disentangle and display apart their mysterious life ’ that something under the influence of which determins its forms and proportions. — One such substance thus becomes a beateous rose bush ; another a noble oak, a third an eagle, a fourth an elephant; yea, in tiie same way but from the rudest materials of broken seeds, and leaves of plants, and pits of animal flesh, is built up the human frame itself, whether of the active male, combining gracefulness and strength, or of the gentler woman, with beauty around her as light. How passing strange that such should be the origin of the bright hu man eye, whose glance pierces as if the invisi ble soul were shot with it, of the lips which pour sweetest eloquence, of the larynx which, by vibrating fills the surrounding air with music ; and more wonderfull than all, of that muss shut up within the boney the scull, whose delicate texture is the abode of the soul, with its reason which contemplates, and its sen sibility which delights, in these and endless oth er miracles .of creation!” Cos Ba MAiHisresi!, panada & pysinaHaa- Coed Sense. Good sense is not a merely intellectual attri bute ; it is rather the result of a just equilibri um of all our faculties, spiritual and moral.— The dishonest, or the toys of their own pas sions, may have genius; but they rarely, if ev er, have good sense in the conduct of life.— They may often win large prizes, but it is by a game of chance, not skill. But the man whom 1 perceive walking an honorable and up right career—just to others, and also to-him self (tor we owe justice to ourselves—to the care of our fortunes, our character—to the management ofour passions,) is a more digni fied representative of his Maker than the mere child of genius. Os such a man, we say lie has good sense ; yes, but he has also integri ty, self-respect, and self-denial. A thousand trials which his sense braves and conquers, arp temptations also, to his probity —his temper — in a word, to all the many sides of his compli cated nature. Now, Ido not think he will have this good sense any more than a drui kard will have strong nerves, unless lie lie in the constant habit of keeping his mind clear from the intoxi cation of envy, vanity, and the various emo tions that dupe and mislead us. Good sense is not, therefore, an abstract quality or a solita ry talent; but it is the natural result of tho habit of thinking justly, and therefore seeing clearly, and is as different from the sagacity that belongs to a diplomatist or attorney, as the philosophy of Socrates differed from the rhetoric ofGorgius. War on tho frontier of Missouri. Wc learn by a gentleman direct from the upper Missouri counties, some farther particu lars in relation to the apprehended difficulties with the Osage Indians on our bonier. These Indians are settled on a tract of land wfiich ad joins our western state line, and lately have moved down upon the line. They are repre sented to be in a destitute and starving condi tion, and on several occasions, have killed the cows and hogs of the settlers to assuage their hunger. It. is alleged, that they have crossed the fine. From these allegations, orders have been issued to drive them from the state line, and our informant says, that on Wednesday last, the troops under the command of Maj. Gen. Lucus and Br. Gen. Almond, from Jack son and Saline counties, were to set out for the section where the Indians are encamped. It was the purpose of Gen. Lucus to induce the Indians to remove peaceably if he could, hut forcibly if necessary. St. Luuis Republican. A Steamboat burnt. On Wednesday night, the 15th instant, the steamer Ceylon left Louisville for New Or leans about dark, having on board about three hundred passengers, u_ valuable cargo, and a number of horses. About ten o clock ti e boat wa3 discovered to be on fire, and shortly afterwards the flames burst out of the hold where it originated. Whether communicated from the fire under the boilers or in some other manner, we have not learned. It was found impossible to run her ashore when first discov ered, and she was run the whole length*of the Salt river reach, a distance of about twenty two miles, in a complete sheet of flames, when she was run ashore with admirable skill by the pilot. A gravel bar each side of the river pre vented her being run on shore sooner. As soon as she was made fast, the passengers all trot ashore safe, not a single life hiring been lost. The boat, cargo, and baggage of the passengers were totally lost. \e howev cr un derstand, that the horses on board were saved. The passengers give great credit to Captain Hale and his crew, for the manner in which they conducted themselves during the trying period. The Ceylon was one of the most splendid passage boats on the western waters, about 300 tons burden, and only six months old. National Intelligencer. The Congress of Texas has passed a law extending the right to six hundred and forty acres of land to ail actual settlers, un‘ll the first of May next. After that time, three hundred and twenty acres will be granted 1 to all coming within six months. NO. 7.