Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, December 23, 1837, Image 1

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4 jfjpi P||' gy p a ©. jssasiair©^. VOL. I. vE >d/ U *-*-»•-—UV —I J, published in the city of Macon every Saturday, at , 0 dollars in advance, three dollars at the end of jtj., year—ONE dollar ano fiftv CE.vrs Hr six months. y,j rubscription received for a less period— and no pa p r discontinued, until all arrears are paid, unless at the 0 p : ? i of the Publisher. [ivertisements will be inserted at the usual rates of advertising, with a reasonable deduction to yearly ad vertisers. 2CT Our AJverusi >§ friends are requested .jniark the number of insertions, on their adverdse pjguts — otherwise they will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. j :yii -urur. Marriage and Obituary Notices inserted free j •f charge. $jT betters, on business* either to the Publisher or E.htor, must come post paid to insure attention. CENTRAL HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA. THE subscrioei respectfully informs his friends jffig and the public in general, that h«. has taken the above named Establishment, which having been recently thoroughly repaired and enlarged a grtatex peuce —is now open tor the reception of Travellers, Hoarders, sc. Ttic chambers are iarq,e ad air\—he servants competent and attentive. His Table shall constantly be supplied wi ii every delicacy nu Season and Market will furnish* His Bar is stocked with 'he choicest Wines and Liquors. A.iti m order moreetfec tnaliy to make it a firs rate ii .-e, he Pa? called to his aid the services of Air. A. bbler, of Bui inure, vhose long experience a: Bamum’s City Hotel, has justly ®n titied him to the reputation >T a Caterer for .he public.— The subscriber, therefore, hopes by his unremitting ex ertions to please, to receive a libera! share of patronage. HORACE R. WARD. N. B. Good Stabling attached to die Hotel, with fa.tu fa! a:ul attentive Ostlers. j December 16 Btf i 32 ACOIY COFFEE-HOI SE, Corner of Cherry and Second-streets, near Cotton-Avenue. The above house, la'ely occupied as a Board- * Ming House, having received a thorough repair! •■ ~*-a;ul pundrv ;>*' h aid alterations, is low m ] order to entertain TRAVELLERS audBOARDERb. | His Furniture, &,c. are ail new ; iv~ Fable will be j c-vistanMv supplied with he best the country can ui-; f,nl,; h;s S able will belhu .and commodious and wellj Supplied ; and hie Bar chj.cep t trnisb'.d* T’a-o Par.ors,fbr the use of hi customers, are attach- j cl . his Bar ii > mi; and be has ntted up a Chib Room in fne second story for the meeting of Clubs and Private P; rues. Tire-subscriber respectfully solicits a share of public I fav* r— > di.ieo y fi.staig di.r th *se .ho cal! on him will .mi be disappointed. THOMAS B. CLARK. December 1 6tf HOUSES FOK SALE. The sutac’-.her olf rs for . -ale the Hause and |';p Lot on Muiber -s reel, (aJj;>i ii:jg Musiiaa & , ti » g Hotel.) The store part occupied oy Mr. A. McArn. Also, the S' ire H rase on Cotton-Avenue, adjoining (Liiji.nn r it Childers, and recently occupied by Beak, Bethel &. Cos. Payments Canute arranged to «ui: the purchaser. JOHN. RUTHERFORD. December 1 _ 6.6 For Sale. THE sm'rill House on cotton Avenue, at pres ••klf cm. occupied bv C.G.St. J >hn a? a jewelry store. Also for sale, an experience cook Wornt i. ip* pr, to JAMES A. NISBET. December 2. 6 Strayed or Stoicn, FROM mv stable, in the. rear of the /IVd Washington Hall, 1 bay Horse, abou 10 P;\ Vl} years old, blaze face, two fore feet white, •" h ■ •• ‘with very little hair on his tail; 14 1-2 haods hitrh. Also, about the 12th ultimo, one sorrel Mare, 9 years old, about 151-2 hands high, some white in her ace, front leet white, and was lame at the time she was missing. . ,A'?o, • v.'i» Horses, and one rrey Mare, from the plan tati'iii of Air. Carr, on lie road leading from Knoxville to Talbotton. One of the horses is a bay, / years old, 111-2 hands high, sway back, 1 vvhi e hind f<x>■, and a Biritah tail ; the oilier is also a bay, 6 years old, about 15 1-2 hands high, with no marks remembered, with ‘be exception of a roan tail. The a rev Mare s 6 years old, 11 hands high, no mark e ;cc > a scar on pastern joint of tlie left hind leg. All of them have been accus tomed to work in harness. I will arive, for the delivery of said Horses, $lO each, at my Stable, in Macon, and incur all expenses attend ing, A. W. BELL. December 1 *’ l Ware-House find Commission Business. THE subscriber begs leave to inform f hi? friends die public generally, that he k . has taken the well known a'and for - - no-’ occupied by Idppitt & Higgins, M.-As , s a ’Ware-House. The house is large, and as safe from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, and for close storage i excels any house in the city, al so for safety and convenience. A share of public pat ronage is resoectfuilv solicited. C. L. HOWLAND. N.B. The AUCTION bus’ness will be kept up a the above stand, vli ;h i one of he bes houses in 'he city for die above business. Strict attention will be paid to the sale of auv tmU hat '.he public may see proper to confer upon him. Verv respectfu’lv, C. L, HOWLAND. UiT Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 ® E*"***’s "Patent I R«wi n -Knif' r ‘ Pistols. ELGIN'"' Eaten' Bowie-Knife Pistols, just reef r* I '- 1 ve i and for sn Ip *w KOBINSON, WRIGHT A CO. December 1 MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23. 1837. Fashionable Dress-Making. I'f.glSS N. IVES would announce to the ladies of ITB j\facon and its vicinity, that she ha? located her self in this city, with the intention of pursuing the above mentioned business. Lmg experience, and the gen eral satisfaction which she has heretofore given, war rant her m saying to the ladies of Macon and its vicin ity, that she fully believes her work will please both in elegance and durability of workmanship Having been in New-York within a few' days, where she procured the latest fashions, she would solicit the ladies to give her work one mai, pledging herself that no pains shall be snared on her part to suit all who call upon her. s3r Her house is the next door (south) ofß.R.Graves’ stoie, on Cherry-street. December 16 Btf F. F. LEWIS, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, ON COTTON-AVENUE, gentlemen can be accommodated with 1 | v v suite made to order, on the shortest notice, and of the best material of English and French Goods—and of the most rcce g style. Also, a line assortment of the best Ready-Made Clothing of every description, com-, moii mins business. Cinzcus and transient persons, by giving him a call, will find a choice selection of Fan cy Articles. Also, UNIFORMS order in the best and la- i ter style, aau good materials. Good workmen arc employed, and all orders will be strictly and punctually attended to. Wan ted.—Two Journeymen Tailors, to whom lib eral wages a id steady employ will be given. December 9 7 A Card. Fg HE subscriber off ■« a continuation of his service? JL to the citizens of Macon as Collector, aid tenders h‘B thanks for pasi favors, aud resoec tuny --oiicits a con tinuadon of the same. CHARLES W. HARE. December 16 db Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS ALL PAID IN. f X ».1113 company continues :o insure and welling houses. J- stores merchandise, cotton in ware-house?, and furniture, agansi loss by hre —and takes inland and ma rine risks o i terms as favorable as other responsible in sriruiions. Claims for losses are k« t ed with promptness and liberality. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. December 9 6m7 Negroes to Hire. TWO Blacksmiths, four Carpenters, two carriage Drivers tr House ?erva;its. Abo, 40 Field Hands to be Ilireri low to any respom tale planter who will take ,he whole of them. OSSIAN G REGOR Y. December 9 7p Netrroes Wanted. 3 fVfls NEGROES wanted on the Monroe Rail Road Jr_ AO near Macon, for whtah liberal ages wid be paid. LANDIS & RUSSELL. Enquire of E. Russell, Macon. December 9 Ju For Sale. WOOD lo 8 of Oak and Hickory Land, a few miles fr in M ico ;. Also a FARM of one hundred acres in a good con dition, Or planting, three and a half miles from town. Dec. 9. 6 Apply to JAS. A. NISBET. "crackers r "ETtRESH Butter a-m Water Crackers can now be had fU by the barrel, liaif-barrel. or s.ntae pound, at HIGGINS’ BAKERY, Near the Post-Office, in the rear of the Central Hotel and Rea & Cotton’s Store, a die following pr ces : By the barrel or half-barrel, 12 l-'2 cents per lb. Seven pounds f:.r lie Dular. Si igle pound, 18 3-4 cents. N. B. They are warranted equal v quality lo any. December 16 8e TO PRINTERS ! f p WHTTE and \VM. HAGER respectfully inform CJ. the Printers of the United States, to vvh >m -they have been individually known as established letter foun ders, that they have now formed a co-pan..ership in said business, and an extensive experience, they hope *o be able to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their orders. . The introduction of machinery in place of the tedi ous and unhealthy process of casing type by hand, a desideratum bv the European founders, was by Amer ican ingenuity, a heavy expenditure of time and money on the part of our seinor partner, first successfully ac complished. Extensive use of the machine-cast letter has fully tested and established its superiority in every particular, over those cast by the old process. The letier foundry business will hereafter be carried on by the parties before nnmed, under the firm of White, Hager & Cos. Their specimen exhibi’s a complete ser ies, from Diamond s o Sixty-four line? Pica. The Book and News Tvpe being in the most modern style. White, Hager A Cos. are agents for the sale of the Smith and Rust Printing Presses with which they c V . furnish their customers at manfacturers’ prices ; Cha ses, Cases, Composing Sucks, Ink, and every article u«ed in the prindng business, ken* tor sale and furnish ed on short notice. Old type taken in exchange for new at nine cent? per lb. New-York, November .*! 6 PPOSPECTPS T? OR publishing a Monthly Review of the Macon Mar krt, to commence on the Is” of Januarv, I^3^. It will he prin*ed in Let‘er form ; —'he first number will he issued on ’he first of next month (January.) Giving the Receipt* °f C ‘offon for the month, and season ; the Stack of Cotton .on hand —ramparing s he same with the mst season ; the Sr «ck of Cotton as reported in Rie va j rio'is Colton marts; prices of Cotton in Macon, and I other markets of the United States. Liverpool and Ha | vre with such statistics as would be useful or interest ing in regard to the staple of Conon : urrent rate 0 ofi Freiph** from Macon; ra'es of Exchange —and a Re vie vv of ‘he market generally. Terms— Five dollars for ‘he season, in advance. December 9 C. A. HIGGINS, Editor. Tomans ! T.emons ! % FEW hundred fresh Lemons, just receiver! and V for sale at JAMES LEWIS’ Confectionary, Mulberry-street. ‘December 1 ® TO tl T il ¥ . “ The world i full of Poetry—the air 1 living v\ith s spire : ana *he waves Dance to, . :.uf ‘ meioilk , And epandc m its brightness.” Tiic ioliowßig lilies were wiitlen by Miss Cynthia H. Stow, wuo pensned m tue sari au« iiieianclioiy wreckol'tne *• fioine" m October last, and were given to ner brotner a few .iours before sue embarked o.i ner fatal voy age. He nas handed them o us for publrcaUon, oi w .Lcn they ate mace i worthy. T..ere u» a deep mei anc. oly pervading mein, wmcft “is pleasant tiiougn mournful to uie and, can easily imagine, almost propuetic oi tlie uiiiic tive event, w.uch overtook t .eg gifted author. If toe doctrine that the dead arc the unwearied witnesses of our conduct and oar constant at tendants, be true, how beautiful and touching ly appropriate are tne first three stanzas ! Miss Stow was a )ou. .g lady of superior at tainments, of a well regulated mind and of un common promise. Sue was educated in ciiv; and there are not a few here woo can appreciate her worth and sincereiy sympathise with ner relatives in tneir irreparable loss. Troy Budget. To ray Brother. When the last rays, a tw light’s hour, Fai gently o’er me drooping flower — Wliea mists are ga'he ring on die hill, N )r sound is heard save mountain rdl; Then hear the echo wli.speriiig near, In softest accents to thine ear— -1 love Uifcc, dearest brother! When silence reigns through earth and sea— When mows the s'ur of Memory— Wnm Music wakes her thiiiiing tone, A id Au..4*!in .wiiius around the moan— Tneir accents hear, and oh rejoice! For, hark! th> re comes a w Ei-k no wn voice— s live thee, dearest brother! When Fancy lifts her radient wing, in. rning birds around dice swig— Who: Joy . g:i*s up my beaming eye, A *.■ u ive’s e lchai.une i: oj :>• »i: U Wiita cai.n b. ie waters round thee flow, Then hear ill , s.s.ei breathing low— I love thee, dearest brother ! Should Disappointment’s withering breath Consign thy brightest hopes to demh— Should Friend ir«'?t, in boylixid made, l.i aner years (irove faith betrayed; Then to tliy si.- er yet return, For oli, her heart will fondly burn To clasp her dearest brother N Should Sorrow* cloud thy coming years, And bathe thy prospects all in mars, Remember that the Rainbow’s hue Is btlgli! ’mid clouds aud sunshine too; Remember .hough -ve’re doomed to part, There lives one fond and faithful heart That loves her dearest brother! l love thee more and more. Faithful in Fortune’s darkest hour, Till then our loves were dreams of youth ! ’Twasthen I felt affection’s power, ’Twas then 1 proved thy bosom’s truth. Yes, when I see the gushing tear Bedim the eye that thrill’d before, I feel that thou indeed art dear, And love thee—love thee more and more. "Waked fi >m a “ofi Elysian trance To life’s severe reality! I find in thy more pensive glance A deeper, sweeter sympathy. Our griefs, as from one fountain spring. Now that our mutual joys are o’er — Yes, not a sorrow time may bring, But I shall love 'hee more and more. I’ll clasp thee j T et—-1 il clasp dice vet, Though passion’s burning hour is pist, Nor breathe one accent of re met That the bright-nomen's fled so fast; Nay, the more dark the sky may be, Aid ‘he more loud tbe storm may roar. The closer will I cling to thee, And love thee —love thee more and more. Thus far together we have come —* Nor be the h pe, ‘he prayer sunorest, That we mav reach our 'ong lost home Together, and united res'. But fire ddmv fate be first to and e, Wife Dos h stands eck’ning at the eoor, I’ll turn to thee, and faintly s;gh, I love thee—love thee more arid snore. An elderly gentleman of Boston recently tie 1 himself up in a handkerchief and went to tno washerwoman’s instead of his and rtv shirts, and was no’ sensible of the change until immersed lin the scalding hot water. , o. paaw'irsa i M 1 B<JKjIJLA hO L kS. Courtship. BY WILLIAM L. M’CLINTOCX. After my sleigafk’ej hiat wa ter, ra:d tie sl'p per\ Irak i v.. s Kivtci la Patty Lent., ko bo. :y would smsj.e* t me of l.aukertng ..i er t. e women ; m a hur.y. 'lo übtt.r me t*r 9 SilW, -n<WX3;*.r- wvd*.?.. i -g-vicst V-C e-Mit © gei.der, you would Lave taken it for wn.vxd taut 1 should never .-o muc.i as !dok at o e | again, to till e'.ern iv—(.», but I woo w keJ. ! ‘ 4 Dttrn and blast tae.r t-ye'- —says I.—liiairio tneir skms —torment ti.eii iieaits and dam them to (tarnation.” F ntdly I ook an o t i i und swore taut if ever i met 1 died or had any ' dealings with them again (ii t..e op ■ kag k. o I mean) l wish I rnigat be iur-g ai.U ehoi.ed. | But swearing off from women, and tfei ?o --| ing into a ei.ok lull of gui.-. all shining and glistening in t cu Sunday etc- es [land clean faces, is like s'.ve; ring oti Horn li quor and going into a grog s iop. It's a;] smoke. > I I Held out and kept firm to my oath for three whole Sundays. Forenoon, a’teri oo is ;nd intermissions comple e. O.i the. tbintn, t e e were strong symptom of acnange of went ,er. A chap, about my >zc was seen on the way to the w*t.i anew patent hat o ; his head hung by t e ears uj*on a shirt co ia ; jhi» cravat iiad a pudding in it and branched out in fiont, into a double how not. He <* a .ed a 1 back and a sUF neck, us a man to, wnen he lias his best on ; and every [time he spit, lie sprung ins bo ly forward, like a iack-kntfu, in order to .shoot clear of the ruf fles. S poire Jones’ pew is next but two to mine; and whe t I stand up to prayers and t .ke my | coat tail under my arm, and turn my back to jt e minister, I naturally look right Haight at Sally Jones. Now Sally has got a face noi to | txi griti tied at in a fog. Indeed, as regards beauty', some lolks think sue can pul! an even yoke with Fatty Bean. For my part, 1 think ti.e e is not much boot between tuern. Any io\v t ;cv r are so nigii mate icd that tney have jii ted and dispised each outer like rank poison, ever since they were school girls. Squire Jones iiad got niseveni g fire on, and set fiimnclf down to reading t c great b.hse, Kviien he heard a rap at his door. “ W Ik n. ! —Well, Joiin, ’now der do? Git out Pompy.” !‘’Pretty well Itnank ye.S<;uare and uow do yon do “ Why, so as be to.crawling—yeugiy, will ye nold ver yopi —*iaui up a chair and set down, John.” “ How do you do. Mrs. Jones ?” O, md dlin’, how’s your inarm ? Don't forget the mat, tuere, Mr. Beedic.” This put me in mind that I had been off soundings several times, in the long muddy lane; and my boots were in a sweet pickle. It was now old Captain .Tones’ tun, the grandfather. Being roused from a doze, by t e bustle and racket, he opened both h*s eyes at first with wonder and astonishment. At last ho began to halloo so oud that you m ght hear him a mile; for he takes it for grunted that every body is just exactly as deaf as he is? Mrs. Jones going close to his ear, screamed out, “it’s Johnny Beedle.” —“Ho—Johnny Roe'He. I remember, he was one summer at the siege of Boston.” —“ No no, father, bless vour heart, that was his grandfather, that’ ’>een dead and gone this twenty year. —“ Ho— but where does he co. ne f r oin Daovvn. taown. —“ Ho.—And what does he follow tor a livin’?” —And he did not stop asking ques tions, after this sort till the particulai of the Bee He family were published und proclaimed in Mrs. Jones* last screech. He then sunk b into nis doze again. T ie dog stretched himself before one andi ron, the cit squat down before the ot .ar. Si lence came ou bv degrees, I’kc a cidui snow storm till nothing was heard but cricket un der the hearth, keeping tune w th a yellow bir -fi forestlck. Sally sat up prim, as if she were 1 oinned s o the chair-baA:; her hand crossed ge .fcellv upon her tap. lereves iooKiug straight nto the* nrc. M; nim Jones tr et to straight en herself too. and laid her hands across n her hp. But they would <ot lay still, 1 was full twenty-four hours since the} uua done NO. 9.