Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, December 30, 1837, Image 1

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t rpi j |)|" i “||7s g-y jjj zjj ■p'&'ZtD'LSafOsla VOL. t. ..(•.tii Si-;’ :. *? • 3 sn „.’Jw w *-«~j —-• -» 4 Is n Hksactl in the city of Ml > 1 e very Satuitlav, at TWO DOLLARS i:i U'l'JiltK‘% Ti VI .L DOLLARS- at tile t.ul Ol t j lP y (;i »r—!.ve dollar .ah nrrv tx.v. > t>r six -aoiuhs. \ , Biji>3cr •! n wceiye ' for a less perNN•.r —•. :ino yi- Tier diwonti;iiit«l, v uht"! ail arrears prepaid, at the option of the Pubiisryrr. Adverlixc/nents will ho Inserted at the usual rates of ndvertisin.r, with a re as ua.iie deduction to yearly ad* % rtisers. 85" Our id friends an reijuesfyii to mark ti 1■ ii m-t i <.lO l * ■ i ' ht. ’ a.iv\. rl. M nierus —otherwise they will be published till forbid, and charged aceorv; tg ;'• jidizious, 3Ti’-r;and Oli!u~ry Soiices inserted free of charge. rgj- inters, > i buxines -, cither to fly Publisher or JPli' nr: cbtJM pod lto ;>;• are atteut.ou. C’IISTIJAL HOTEL, >IACON, GEORGIA. Tlltl sub'cnbc: re. per fully infohns las friends | |i -¥ - t t .i the public m general, that he has taken tiio * x ~ ;x!) rve nu .ied' Estaiil.; iiaivir, which saving been ' r . roughly tj.'ti -• ~ ;io.v oy a for o.e recep toii of Trivdkrg, , 7)0 ' 'nr.;, .>•<;. 'The. chambers are large and airy —the ; ; .ie. it and attentive. Mis i able snail e ,-is a : .v 1>: . 'ite, t•• i .vi'ii every del-ea.e. tut* Henson a.i': f itr. '' will ;a mi il:3 Bar :.•> «; anievi with die, einiei IPVe te id ijr.uorz. And in order more elf ii.o.hy o ait v tl i ii.'S .■ • . i n-e, lie in- on lied to lus ;.j i *.] . ><'e-'. a Mr. .‘i- of /)',f iuio r c, ..viiose i i>.- 'V loro net: at j< iimun's (and: y diotei, ims justly cii ti 1 turrit nth rep itat i a k sr» >r the public.— \ si. -• ■*■••, in re fore, hop; -hv ms viircuiitting ex- i , : itronaye. >R VCK R. waß >. : ?t. 13. It v*d Btr.b’dngattached to tilt Hotel, wiLrljuth- i ful un i a‘t.i*n f, vc Ostlers. j December JU'> . Ml , i>.\ c o l" 1 iOiiO’ >ui, CormrofC cm/a i md-sti *mi. ; l .<■.-! ic. < a y ». ibie ah we la'use, hue’y oeeupictl us ’. Boa i* i j -fd A•' 'ionh:iving veetdv.] a borough repairi •or i■; to. * .I'*t vi•. \\ ■ ./jlji. I'■1 '■ ai i .)Oi*iß!)ihli.*>. il.s furniture, o■. are all a< • . ..i P.'do will oe c ri-Tin'iv .- i'i:» i. i with Pne !> • ill ounuy can a:-, e found' i iuid wi •«ap bii-J : an i ins Lor. uho ce-tv .eo ashe*!. T ...i P.i'.o: -.for tue use of :us ci- ona'cs, are an K-h --ed to :v Bar.R >otn; and he lias fit i > a tub R i i’i the second :p >ry lor the m< cling oldhohs ;tad Private Parties. The s ibsoriber r:oooctrally solmits a share of pnbb ' favor—eoaii ie.itly tru - v ig tnat tlioso- ■ '!;•> cull .on uiui i will not be disa.opoint -d. THOM 13.8. CI,ARK. Deetur.ber 1 tbd f '1 v b E. * ' Tae s•• '•• 1 • for >•. ‘->O. - * >u-" anti ji:’- t.Oi Lot Ob 'd ;t. ...dug b or, t > * \I »*: •; ! .hr.e;.) j .••; ire •.*.•• oecu’ue ■o, u A. VI V.rn. Also, the Store H .j«n on • »tt- ■> i- Avi ruie, n lj'rung "C 'u nan v'•. o ! re.••■.’to .: •• ;•■ j’. v oeivi B Pat meats can I*c arranged to =nit th* pur i ." ■■< *. ' December 1 o i» I’i'l' » r *. THE s’un'l 1 loose, on e*<:t m Avenue, or pres jS'.;?a cht oe -•••; i !.v c. i. s> .b ho :>« yje.velry s: .re. f iso for s ill, an expeni ■ . ■ iv .mail, Ap ply to JA VIRS A. NdSBMT. December 2. - <’> WaTf-bo'iv ai*il '’O' ! ’i-'di’V! Unsin* ss. ( i.: s p-ipids ,he ooVi : ,- . '.hy, that ! e fti’v . Jh.-v-'.-'"• ha . ctkea the well known • •rood ;•■■>•- sy; ,y ne nov f.ed : f Ij-oy-r.t iii '.tv-, & ao .\Vu v-!i.,uyo; Tjmhog-e iaia^e, and as side i’-.-n Cio h \y Wuro- t .ur-e in i’c -' , and for close si or • i* e •;<•!'s a-i v o >u«>o. hi the city, nl ■»» ihr safety and >uve !.•>••■•. A share of public pat ronage is resucptnillv solicited. C. TANARUS,. T IOIVI, VND. N. 13. TANARUS» j AUCTION 1 the aliove stand, xv/id'h city for the abovi busi ess. Strict Uteri’ion will be paid t,> the sale >■' n > y y io.l- tint' th-' pebiie may see proper to confer i >n b. <i. V. ;-y re.o- ■ ify, r '. D. HOWLAND. SCr Oonsignun r 'spec’.fully solicited. December 1 f> E ' i . "If "’{'JlN’S' . V' f-Ainle ! in.-. recel-; * ve-'l and for sa ■ ' " ROBINSON,WRTOUT A.TO. | P ;e ib< r l [7*OR ouhli shin . ■ to .■ > i It will he printed i■; - ’h*" 1 is-uel i;i »hf fir ■ i ■'/!, • •- un*y.) Giving' t!i° . * i ;tf of ' 'r,itri vO' mo *h, 1 ’ scison : *he; Stork of fy\ ■■ ’— .’V' i' k, -Min 0 with 'he n ; j * p w.n : the y >■■■• >i n 'he vn- Ti vi* Coiton unr-g; • ■;if r > •••>•• vs icon, and other im - ctM o'*‘hf ’' .-i and •■’■Mfe-, 1 v. -'M'.i -nd Ha vr —• vi i such Mit in 'in ■<> rr i,' 1 ' i rh. »-»m [>'■ , ’* Cotton • - urre.nt rati -of l"rei*ht* from if —and a Re* \iew ts 'hp, marko* " • ■. • . I sjms—F vc dollar* •” ?h*'“ ’ i advance. • • • HI JOINS, E T: < >r. r \ r?n ro subscriber ;:i ton f hie «snrvirr- r to the ih.izcus ‘‘ .T i • ■ and tenders 111 tmnadon »fthe mma. CHARLES W. HARE. December 15 8a 3IACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1837. SOVTIIER.V POST hciiy-v, vivKit, Idacon, ureoc^ia. f-p HE nndersiimed would inform the citzlens of ‘Ma i* con, and tiie public generally, that the above office ! li .v;.ig iicen rccontiy supphed w.iii an entire new and i Uuuly id as-ortmeut of i'uiUi anti Ovtmmcntal Sob iT.rpr, He is iirepaied to recci • . and • \ecute, oroeio tor Print-1 mg, such os — .dlevcairile, i’.vfe.-> »uai and Visiting Cards, Pamphie s, Circulars, 131111s of Lading, 13 1 d■ u; iLvehange, Blank Checks, Drafts, Bank Not ci;, Bui Heads, Receipts, Orders, L V Tips, iiruiges, Pfu tests, iiiviiatio is, Ooti. i rt and Assembly Tickets, i’> ;goTrd an t Confecciouer’s ijaheis, Mannagt Licence, runerai Notices, Ate. &.c. And iiivmra .nmseif, gro n tiie knowledge he has of : the business,) he win he able to give satisfaction to all u. may favor die establishment with he i p vronngo. j . C. R HANLLiTEH. I 85" Orders fr an the country thankfully received and • p Central I'S.a: J-lic-ad St Cnr.raaay ) 1 cf Gec-rg'/.h, ' I Bartmuali, Decemacr I Lh, Ido?. ) Y; N election for nine Directors, to manage the allairs; I'ii. ui Ins l,;s ration, for the next twelve months, will j be held ,ir the Banking House on M '.day, the first of i .irfmiary next, file polls w ill be open from 10A. .VI. to '2 P. M. li. R. C Li YLLR, Casiiier. i)eoe 'aber be Fa- hionahic Dress-Jinking. ; N. iVL.d would announce to the ladies of f i.?i. Via • m arui its vicinity, that s'ue has located her v. in -i ,y, with the intention of pursuingthe above ;;mi ihoned tftsine.-s. Long i xpern nee, and the gen n. :d sahsia- ion whicii she ha ■ heretefore given, war rant. hi t in saying to me ladic s oi Maeon and its vicin -1 itv, lint she fully hclteve.. her work v ili please both in • iegnuee a.. and of workmanship Having been Hin A ,- f -:i within a few days, where she procured die latest fashions, siie would solicit the .ladies to give her vvori one trial, pledging herself *.hai no pains shall he «;• J m her part to suit ail who call upon her. ieV 11 -i is ne next dour (souths of U.R.Graves* e S’-li--. ill V .eon -airec . e Jy ember 15 Btf l . _ V. ¥• hil W IS, nvmos kußctian r tailor, OS COTTON’-AVE3CS, hTMTFIRE fr<s M on;» bo ace 'TimodaAt with ■ ‘‘ sui\>, aain to order, on the shortest nonce, ami of !n n os Engfo ]i a. id French < "foods- —atul | jo:TN-‘>.-. • r. heir styk*. A. •, a Tie us-onmept of ihej ‘mst a> .* >Y-;,ia >F.Clot.iing ofevrv •('<= -rijuion, coin-i ft moult :iy U-. «.a c xil, will u ctwice sciechon of Fa»- | : ' R l.l?S. ! \ h.3, ijf. i FORMS aado to order in tlie beet and la-1 1 U: • b . and ;.;Jod lu'.'toriul?. (w; i kroon am etn.-loyod, and all orders will be -t: i*r ly and punctually attended to. VVk’.i'oS. —T-vo Journeymen Tailors, to whcAnLb ■v r . a sd steady employ will be triven- I i)r .-b ~r _ y ■ _ _ 7 _ • Ittfiuranee anil Ti'ust Cooirauy. ' • V l’. ' TANARUS, oxr. -.TILtrON DOLLARS. ALL PAID IN. -n _ : .-ny I'vfr -o inswrft dw» Him? houses. *i ••!wf , os wrolrm-iise,- cotton in ware-house?, and —and .;*• e ■ ini i id and Ena ble a ' ' <t ■ f ihsfble in-_ ;:•;*! >n-'. <flaini> f« • loss*are sc tied wi^hpromptness and’;. y. Apply to C. OAi r , Agent. < (>;n7 j Nov r< ,o «: WantriJ. £ N'.hilT HIS waij-.od on die Monroe Road ‘ r. \ near Macon, for which liberal ware? wiildie Itr i: LANDIS &. RUSSELL. Inquire of E. Rcssr.r.t, Macon. Decf itilx r *J • 7u TO PRINTERS ! f. A AVTLTE v A V/M. T 1 ACER respectfully inform 5 i. fh< F’• rrsof the United Sfa‘es, to whom they i have o vvidualiy known as established letter foun . they have now formed a co-partnership in i I :fo - , ovi an expensive experir e-e, they hope 'r. !•■. N : m fove satisfaction to all who may favor them ;i with their order*. _ T u lev '-don of machinery in place of the tedi |j ou< v.d unhea'tliy of eastintf type bv hand, a , <h rdemtum by the European founders, was by Amer- I jean ingenuity, a heavy exjieijditure of time and money on the part, of our senior partmfirst s'leccssfuHv ac !; eouv'SheiL Extensive, use of the mach;ne-ca«t letter ;.Vi - fifv tested and established its piineriofty in every If particular, over those cast bv the obi process. ;j The letter foundry business will hereafter be ea-riedj i ’ the parties befori named, under the firm of White, 1 Taper Av Cos. Their specimen exhibit a complete ser i ies, from I) imond to Txtv-fonr lines Rica. The Book and News Type briny in the most modern s*yle. ! White, Hayer Cos. are agents for the sa ( e of the ;! Smith and Rust Rrinjir.y Presses, with which they can ! furnish their customers at mantacturers'prices ; Cha-i ,stF, C i c es, Composing Sticks, Ink, and ever/ article i •i?ed in the printing business, kept for sale and furnish-! ed on short notice. OH type taken in exchange for |i new’ at nine cent? per !b. Ncv-York, November 31 f» NEW R(K>NS ! !i dj” TFE of Aaron Bu r r, complete. . if Ernest Wubraver?, bv Bidwer. Black Chief, by John T. Irving, and Janet Hamilton. For sale bv GRIFFIN & PURSE. , December 1 _ 5 Ovstefe, A;o, TASTES LEWIS b.a° hisi ’•ereivpd a lot of fresh J Pickled Oysters; and J; meats. December 23 9r vey .r. POE T RY. “ The world is full of Poetrv—the air D living with its spirit: anil the waves Dance to the music of its melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.” For the Southern Post. Poetic itSusings, WRITTEN IN A STATE OF MENTAL DEPRESSION. I’ve been a wretched inmate nere, Os vague desire. Born hut to shed a bitter tear And then I've seen enough of this vile world To hate it nov, — Though Fame might have a wreath unfurled To deck rny brow. O, Memory ! 1 hate the fire I'uui harrows up Such eruei thoughts us brings me higher To sorrow’s cup. I’il be a wanderer through the waste O. tins \v olio’s maze, And o’er tiie paths oi life i’il haste To end my ilays. I’d ni.ngiC with another world, Beyond tae sou, \\ note Fame may have a wreath unfurled ’I iiougii not for me. I’ll go where ancient cities stood, Though iaiieu now — Ann w oisu.p where tue just and good For years aid bow. I’ll seek obiivia's gloomy fount Anu drink my’ ii.- ~ That memory may no more recount Home arcaded hi. I’ll mingle with the proud and guy Os Pleasure’s train, And east cup of grief away, Nor drink again. E* M. P. Oceola's Challenge. Come on ! O’er prairie, binff, and swamp, By bush, and reck, and tree, Where'er an Indian’s foot may tramp, Where’er ye march, where’er ye camp, .My warrior band snail be 1 Come on ! My words are plain anu few, My greeting brief and tree But if ye think it less than due, With deadly aim, my ride true Shall welcome speak for me. Come on ! And if ye miss the track Left by the red man’s tread, Well shall ye know the pathway back ! We’f! strew it, lest a gif le ye lack, With heaps of scalplese dead ! Come on ! Our sires your fathers fought In these green wilds of old, We ask ye, and- we owe ye nought, And know, these lands, thu ; ne’er wi re bought, Can but for blood lie sold ! (Knickerbocker for December. MISCELLANEOUS. For the Southern Post. Recollections of a Nlotlical Student. NO. 11. MANIA A POTII. (continued.) “I had wretched work last nitrht amanj the nuns,’* continued R , “they infested rny bed room at such a rate, I could not stir for them.” “ What had you to do with the nuns,” said I. “ 0.” replied he “ work enough: thev come in crowds around mv bed. There was one haggard wench of a thing who plagued mo most devilishly. I could not {ret rid of her in any way vvhatever. She was first at the foot of my bed, and then at the head, then bv my side. There were some very handsome ones though, I tell you. And then eame the priest* with their long gowns and held a consultation on some very imnortant subject..” “Writ could that have been ?” “ Why, l do not know precisely, but l Lnma- 0. a 3 H-AitfLaasrsiri, paaMirsa pmsiLiawaaa gined, that as my house was in a central part oi the city, they concluded to meet here. I think it was something about pulling down St. Alary’s chappell and erecting a splendid (Cutiiedml in its place.” | 'Thus lie continued to converse for a long time about the -priests and nuns, of whom he seemed very muen afraid. But when 1 would j divert ius mind tor some other topic, he would \ talk as rationully as 1 ever heard him. His S mental hallucination however, l discovered :n --! creased every dav, until 1 began to lie tearful : e would eiti or kill some ot us, or lay violent hands on himself, and commit suicide. Fot it j is one of tae ending symptoms of this disease, (that it:, wretched victim immagmes all around as demon > or enemies, and though as timid as the lawn pursued by the reckless bloodhound in tae chase, ye’ tiie first weapon he can get he I uses upon Ir.M ow n body or some friend whom he mistakes ioradevil. As this disease iiad jeorne upon him, however, in a mild and grad ual manner, and as yet lie seemed frequently in his right mind, I thought it would be cruel !to coniine him until we could bear with him i.o j longer. Most willingly would 1 have left him • now, as others did, could l have subserved the I cause of humanity in doing it, and retained itiiat sweetest of all comforts, a clear con i ; science. 1 never shall forget the night, it was one of trie coldest and most uncornlbi table, we ever have in that wintery month, December. I had returned at a late hour from some evening amusement, and (bund R sitting in a medi tative mood by the parlor fire, which proved to be so comfortable, tout I proposed to study j awhile before retiring to rest. Accordingly l seated myselt and began to peru c some of the [dry. and endless treaties which have been writ jten on medical science, it was not long how. [ever, before 1 was interrupted by the liusky tones of R ’s voice, denoting the most in. louse anxiety. “Doctor, Doctor, do you see that,”said he. “ What,” said I, turning round to look-at the object wliicn hud attracted Ins attention. “ Look there, in that candle,” said he, point ing to the one bv which I bad been reading, “ don’t you see the little fellows all dancing there in a circle around it. W iiy tiiey are as plain as the nose on my face.” “ ’Tis an optical illusion yon labor under, Mr, R ,” said 1. “ Wiiui you see, is mere ly the force of immagination. You know you have been a little out of sorts, and now you are atlD ted with what the physicians term double vision.” This seemed to satisfy him a little; but ho sulkily turned his head away w ithout asking any questions, and I managed to move the can dle out of his sight to keep him from inter rupting me any mo e. I had scarcely howev jor, become deeply engaged in my studies, ere 1 was aroused again by R in a much more importunate manner than before. “See here Doctor, at these lei lows in the lire. Dear me liovv they must sulfcr.” “ Where are they ” said I. “ There ” he replied pointing 1 is finger to the centre of a blaming fire, “ there on those | burning coals, O, what agony ! Don’t you ! see them frying there alive ? Dear bless me, jho w I pitty them ! Is it not cruel in any body |to punish them thus ? How can we get them out ? “ I do not see any person in the lire,” said I “you must bo mistaken. Now in order to convince you, hold your hand close to the coals and I will move them about with the tongs, : and then if you see any one, I will acknowl edge my mistake.” He complied with my request, and soon drew bock his hand with a vacant foolish smHe as though his senses were returning, and as if assenting to the truth of my assertion. But this did not last long, his mind was soon roving on some other object, which bore palpable evi dence of its being diseased, while I was forced to leave him to his idiotic reflections and seek in the embraces of sleep, what he poor fellow, was never destined again to enjoy. For could he have slept refreshingly for four hours, bis disease might have been easily subdued and lio would have awakened a sound man. In tho language of Dr. Ebcrle a patient laboring | under Mania a Potu. must sleep or die: but NO 10.