Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, December 30, 1837, Image 2

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il was never tociijoythe balmy influence I •cf sleep again, till lie slept in the stillness and darkness of death. My mind was led to some ouch n ./lections as these alter I had retired to rest. To night, thought 1, decides the fate of poor R ; if perchance ne may get a liar tv slumber, it may yet be well with hinj, otlier wwea raving delirnim must seize him, which Esculapian skiil can never cure. Thus mus ing sadiy l tell into a disturbed slumber at first, and finally the leaden furies so completely be witched all my faculties, as lo wrap mo in the proibundest depths of the emblem of death. At a late time of tiie, long after the city ciock had tolled tne midnight, hour, I was aroused iroinmy sleep by the sudden flashing j of alight between the folds of my curtain.— I Asioaisucd at this strange and unusual occur- j mice, 1 looked out to see from whence it pro ceeded, and discovered R with a candle in his hand and but one garment on, though it was bitter cold, engaged in an earnest search for something he laid seemingly lost. lie would stoop down and look intensely at one spot and then say. “ Ah, here she is,” but upon ‘ feeling with his hand, he would find it all an il lusion, and continue to seek in some other place, with all of the anxiety and earnestness depict ed in nis countenance, that posibly coidd be, at t ie same tune calling in an affectionate tone of voice, “ Mary, Mary.” At length, after ni fruitless search in every corner of the room, fie came to the bed and looked under it., con tinually saying, “ where is she ?” and calling his wife by name, or half whistling a medley of Irish airs, which might have been his favor ites when the sun of prosperity shone upon him and iiis lost Mary. Occasions Illy he would fancy ho had found her, and then seem for a moment in ccstacy ; but as soon as the allusion was proven to him, he would lapse back info iiis former plaintive melancholy, w ac 1 was enough to have started tears from j •the eyes of the most hardened sjiectator. i l lay and oh erved his maneuvers all this time, with mingled sensations of mind. At ouc time 1 was amused at him, at another 1 w is sorry for linn, and then I was afraid of him. At length he came to the tied side, and gently opening the curtains gazed upon my countenance for a moment with thrilling inter, terst and delight. For now he seemed evi dently sure oi his prize, although so many former disappointments had tended to make him fear tiie result. At length lie moved his hand gently toward my face and called in a m Id and affectionate tone of voice, the same oil repeated and dearly cherished name, as if to elicit from her some token by which he be assured there was something real ti out the affair. At that moment oi' his great est anxiety, I would have given almost any thing that Marv might have been there, to re- Jieve moot the painful necessity of telling him that I was not sire. After a moment of awe ful stance, I ventured to speak, calling him by name and telling him it was time to go to bed. He liiccuped a significant interjection and smil ing with a disappointed air, he said, “O, it is tiie Doctor!” and without taking further notice oi me. pursued his untiring occupation about the room, in quest of one, who was many a long mile distant from him. I was afraid to drop to sleep again while he was in the room, -lest he might set the curtains on fire and place me in a most dangerous situation. I accord ingly took him to his own room, and with much ado, pursuaded him to lie down. Re turning then to my room, I safely secured the door and reclined once more on my pillow.—. But scarce had I fallen into a slumber before I heard him making an unusual loud noise among the servants below stairs.. The paineful anxie ty of mind under which 1 labored, would not sutler me to close my eves again, lest some, thing-serous might happen. It was not long before he came running lmost breathless up S>t sand knocktng at my door, he called out as if .n an agony of fear: “ O Doctor do let me in. or come and help me kill that wretch that wants to murder me. He is down stairs now, and he’ll be up hereaf ter me directly.” I went to t ie door and opened it, and tried to calm him and pursuade him it was all folly, but it was to no purpose; he kept trying to cone in beside me whether or no, until I told him with a stem voice, he must go to bed.— This seemed to humble him some, and lie start- C' 1 down stairs again, while I threw myself once more upon my bed, and as all was as still ku the hour of death during the remainder of the nig it. I soon fell asleep and woke no more till the breakfast bell started me from the sweet re. ose which I was enjoying so well. Tiie first thing after I had dressed myself. was to find out what had become of R , for whose safety ! had began to entertain some aprehension, as I had heard nothing from him j during the latter hours of the night. T called; up all tiie servants, but not one could tell me any thing about him, except that he had gath ered up u blanket and started out somewhere several hours before day. I immediately came to the conclusion that lie had secured his ra zors and killed himself, or else had gone out somewhere in the cold, and froze to death. We searched in every room m the house, from the gaiTelt to tne cellar, in quest of the poor man, ail about the kitchen and back yard, un til we wore fully convinced that ho must have gone to some other place, and met with his fate by a suicidal hand. . (to be continued.) Sketch of Woodworth's Life. At this moment it will, perhaps, Ire especial ly interesting, to present tne following brief sketch of the life of Mr. Woodworth, which tiie News of New York has gathered in abridge ment from the tiles of an old periodical. Mr. Woodworth was born at Scituatc, Mass, on the 18th of January-, 1785. His father I had served in the Revolutionary war, and like ! many others, was doomed to pass the closing 'years of a busy life in neglect and poverty, up ion an exhausted little farm. .Samuel was the youngest of four children. Early indications of genius, in verses written at a meager coun try free school, excited the attention of the clergyman of the villiage, the Rev. Nchemi ali Thomas. Mr. Thomas at once took much pride and pleasure in superintending the pro j gross of young Woodworth, then fourteen. ; Some of tiie wealthy persons in the neighbor : hood, on nearing the worthy parson’s praises of j his protege, encouraged him to hope that they j would unite in raising funds lor his support at (college. Like many such schemes, the pro j.ject expired with the momentary excitement j which prompted the oiler. Young VVood- I worth remained suddenly unfriended by ail j but Mr. Thomas, whose means and other en gagements, ere iong rendered it necessary for I the relations of the youth to advise him that he must look out for some way of establishing himself in future life. He determined forth ! with to Ire a Printer. He found his way alone and on foot to Boston, and was bound appren tice to Mr. Benjamin Russel, at .that time edi tor and proprietor of the Boston Ccntinel.— b rom that moment till 1800 he devoted his days to setting types, and evenings to study and making verses. His term of service be ing over, he attempted a speculation, in which tie failed. He now bent his nayto N. York, but his supply of traveling funds failing, he was compelled to stop at New Haven. Here he found employ, both mechanical and literary, in j the office of the 1 lerald, a weekly miscellany. lAt the end of nine nionts, having saved a lit ’ tie money, he brought forth a ladies’ miscelh | ny of his own, entitled the “ Belies Letters Re ! positorv,” of which he was editor, author, pi b | lislicr, proprietor, printer, and very often car rier. He broke up his camp there in. about two months, and in greater destitution than before, returned to Boston ; tiicn revisited his native town, and left it, determined never again to return thither without a fortune. lie returned his course, on foot, to Baltimore.— ; Here he remained about a year. In the fol. | lowing spring he came to New York. About i this time he married. He has since edited nu- I mcrous litterary miscellanies: for example, the j War, the Casket, the Halcyon, the Luminary, j the Parthenon. He also published various es i says in prose and verse, and several plavs. In lblß, he published “ Poems,Odes, Songs, and other Metrical Effusions,” and afterward j “ Woodworth’s Melodies.” On the 2d of! August, 1823, appeared the first number f “ The New York Mirror, and Ladies’ Litera ry Gazette,” “Edited by Samuel Wood worth,” in large letters under the title, and in the imprint, “ published every Saturday, at 214 j Broadway, (nearly opositc St. Paul’s,) by Geo. |P. Morris : J. Seymour printer, John Street.” I The work appears to have been a repetition of ! the plan previously attempted by Mr. Wood worth at New Haven, but which there did not prosper. i Tor a year or two since he has had the post of Secretary to the Commodore, at Charleston N<iv\ \ ard, until paralysis rendered him una ble to fulfil his duties. Nevr Havener. The telegraph from Liver|>ool to Holyhead, 144 miles, communicates intelligence in the in credible short space of 27 seconds. “ How are you. To nkins ? IVe got a note to take up—have you fifty dollars about yo\ to spare ?” No 1 iiav nt—l was about asking the sanu favor of you.” Tar. aurdvcr. ary of otrr birth-days k always j an interesting p. riou, and should Ire noticed) accordingly-. E.icii of such days is a mile-stone \ on the road oflifc, reminding us of tire rapid j rate at w hich we have been advanciug on its j journey, and approaching its close. It is true J taut in life’s mo riling, there mile-stones appear' to be further apart t.ian they do in latter years; j still, they are days of hope and promise.— j Thousands are then rejoicing that they are one j year nearer to the boasting age of twenty-one, ( when a young man feels himseif lord of his j own actions, and glories in his liberty. To: thousands of the fairer part of creation, these! annual mouitors are welcome, as harbingers oi‘ the day when they shall shine in the ball-room! or circles of fassion; attract all eyes, and j command all attention; or perhaps fasten some silken chain around the heart of an indi- j vidual admirer, and lead him in delightful cap tivity. 'To other thousands of the same sex, the anniversary will tell a tale of sadness; of departed hours and departed charms; of with ered roses and withered hopes; when the look ing-glass has lost its magic power, and speaks nothing save in the plain langdage of unwel come truth and soberness. Thousands arc reminded that many of the intervals between one mile-stonc and another were distinguished by lovely landscapes and countless beauties; by health and enjoyment—by joy and glad, ness of heart. To thousands of others, such intervals have been gloomy and cheerless; w ithout the consolations of friendship, the comforts of society, or the flattering promises of hope. Surrounding prospects have only increased the gloom of the mind, and made the heart sic!:. Vet in all these recollections, we may find instruction and nourishment for our better feel ings. If our course has been checkered with good and eivcl, we may profit by tracing con sequences to their proper causes; and thus learn how many miscalled rife fortunes are tne offspring of folly, or imprudence, or wrong; the natural results of our own wanderings from the path of innocence and duty ; or else have been so fortunate as to have discovered by experience, that our happiness and duty are intimately connected, and that wisdom’s ways are always ways of pleasentness and peace. In both cases, this annual review of the days and years that have taken their farewell of us, will be salutary in its effect, and teach us the value of virtuous resolutions of amendment, when we have gone astray, and the peaceful feelings and sweet anticipations of those whose desire it is to preserve their moral health in the bowers of innocence and purity, and amid the green pastures and still waters of' life. Courage. —lt is not in the daringness of kicking a waiter at the tavern ; it is not in strut ting with a cockade dressed in scarlet; it is not in using oaths and imprecations at every word, which forms the characteristics of true courage. That man only is brave who fears nothing so much as committing a mean action ; and un dauntinglv fulfils his duty whatever may lie tiie dangers that depend on his way. An eminent modern writer beautifully says, “the foundation of domestic happiness , is a faith in the virtue of woman; the foundation oi'politi cal happiness , is confidence in the integrity of nirin ; the foundation of all happiness, tempo, ral and eternal , is reliance on the goodness of God.” Many young persons think it something like disgrace, or at least, it is ungenteel to work. This is a very mistaken notion. God made us to be useful, and what he made us for, must he for honor, for dishonor he wills not to his creatures. Strive to he, in truth and simplici ty what God has given you power to be, and you never need fear for your respectability. SWALLOWING BEEF STEAK. The Eastern Argus says that Valentine Cook, Dearborn, choked to death while eating his supper, at Mr. Philbrick’s tavern in Sidney, on fee 18th ult. On making an incision into his iroat, near the root of the tongue, a large piece of beef steak, three inches long, inch and a half wide, and a half of an inch thick, was discov ered ; and in such a situation as to form a com plete valve over the passage to the lungs and stomach. The dinner to Mr. Forrest at Philadelphia, on F *idav. was one of the most splendid affairs of the kind ever wot up there. Speeches were made by the Hon. J. R. Ingersoll, President, 'm place of Mr. Biddle, indisposed,) Recorder Conrad. Alderman Mo Michael Mr. Chandler md Col. Page., and by Mr. Leggett, of New. York. gtowfgaia&gy iposu*, OFFICE UNDER THE CENTRAL HOTEL, THIRD poop. Aliovv; TI'S POST-OFFICE, AND IN THE REAR OF (ADJOININ’ ) TUF. MACON LYCEUM AND LIBRARY SOCIETY S SEU/INO ROOM. * MACON: ~ Saturday Xflorn December 30, 2327T~ Our thanks arc due to our correspondent “ M. P.” for a' New Years Address. 3Cr The Georgia Legislature adjourned on Monday nighr last, at two o’clock. Mr 8. Rose lias declined being a candidate for Alderman of the second Ward. We are authorized to say, Charles W. llare is not a candidate for Sheriff. We request, that our readers will give an atten tive perusal to the correspondence of the Baltimore American, copied in our paper of to-day—and also, that ox the Charleston Courier. They will discover that a erisis is at. hand, the termination of which none can know or ted. That abolitionist sue determined to 'oir islate for them, that an insolent majority are bent uuon j depriving them of a part of their property, which the | laws of their country have guaranteed to them by the j :n0!?t so * e,lin acts of legislation—(a property which has I met the seal and sanction of Heaven itself, if v.e are accredit revelation or the divine language of inspiration) will no longer admit of a doubt. The South has tor* long sat still, calmly depending upon the justness of her cause —or utterly disbelieving it possible, that a question should ever be brought to discussion, in an American. Congress, whether $800, 000,000 of private property should be confiscated to please “ a few families at the j North. ’ They are now no longer a few, but a host, i arrayed and panoplied for the contest—prepared to do |or die with much of the same zeal that causes the hec j then to prostrate himsolt before the ponderous wheels |of Jugernaut, or to throw himself into the flamiug pr\e of Moloch. It 13 r.eara-kin s o the same spirit.— M ith a sword in one kand, and a fire-brand in the other, they will soon attempt to enforce the imperial law of the j all-imperial majority. Like the Mahometan, they would j "'ith fire and sword, force you to do as they do, in order that, your aoui’s salvation may be secured. Oh! most wonderous chanty ! most marvellous solicitude ! ! ! What would have boon the emotion, the feelings, the thoughts of the great Washington and his illustrious rc temporarie?—had they thought that such n discussion would have arisen in the legislative hull of tha* great republic, scarcely fifty years aiier they had founded It, at the expense of their beet Mood and treasure; arid v. hich, if carried out on flip principles of its foundation, would have fu’filled the earnest desire of l!ie ; r hcni+r, rxto per petua. And laughed to scorn the vaunting hoes* ov '*;», that itself, if let alone, would soon he i:s own destruction. No, no, it is not good enough as it Is, nr was ; it must be refined, and refined again, to suit tha squemish scnsibilir'es of these mincing sticklers fora piynt —a name. Thn; nre willing to be martyrs in t 1 « glorious cause of redeeming us from our wo'.,! igno rance—our barbarism and inhumanity. They, to es tablish the principle that Slavery ns now re cognized in the South, is contrary to our Republican insiiaU'Vnf, the laws of God, and *he principles of Justice, ard to deprive us of our just rights, would take from ns he right of conscience, or the privi’edgo of worshiping as seemed best to'us, under our own vine end fig tree: and that which we possesses under sanction of'he consti tution of these United States. Chafe on hut a linio while longer, ve restless Beckers of disturbance, and a BA LL rpill be put i.i motion, that will roll on until an impassable barrier he fixed forever between thee and us. And though its track lie marked bv desolation and the blood of innocent thousands, it will no* cease to move until all shall be accomplished, and its fury spent upon the hc-ads of its movers. J HCr We have received from Messrs. Dark & Edson, ! the December number of the “ Knickerbocker, or New i ork Monthly Magazine.” It is ihe concluding num ber of the tenth volume, and contains much imprest! ng i matter, both to the curious and the lovers of light-plea sant reading ; a fine specimen of which will be found i under the head of “ OUapodiana,” whose quaint fane | tiousness is well qualified to afreet the risible faculties of the most grave and serious ; and is not otherwise de void of interest and instruction. Among the graver mid more substantial viands of this “ feast of reason,” arc to be found the articles under the heads “American An tiquities,” “ Nurseries of American Freemen,” “ Ged graphical Distinctions of Color,” &c., and so on to such articles as “ Our Birth-dors,” “Random Pm® ages,” “OUapodiana,” “Wilson Con worth,” “the Poor Re lation” “ Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins,” &c. &c.—ail of which will well repay the reader for the perusal. Festival of St. John. J On Wednesday last, the Festival of St. John, the . Evangelist, was celebrated by the Masonic fraternity, at the Episcopal Church, in this place. Alk rutiftd e.J appropriate address was delivered by the Rev. Dr. An drews. The occasion was one of impressive interest to the spectators, who were very numerous—and tljp mu sic of the Choir, good to a degree, fur surpassing our ex pectations. Cotton Market. Prices have not varied since our last. Put smell quantifies have been in the market. Our Rivet is in fine busting order.