Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, January 27, 1838, Image 1

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gry p« © B VOL. I. ip®©!? Is published in the city of Macon every Saturday, at 3'\vo dollars in advance, three dollars at the end of the year— one dollar and fifty cents tor six months; y j subscription received for a less period—and no pa per discontinued, umii ail arrears are paid, unless at the option of the Publisher. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates of advertising, with a reasonable deduction to yearly ad vertisers. Our Advertising friends are requested to mark the number of insertions, on their advertise ments —otherwise they will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Religious, Marriage and Obituary Notices inserted free of charge. OCT Letters, on business, either to the Publisher or Editor, must come post paid to insure attention. HOTba .wjv*a»rrun4 o stub s "*) jwiwiiw—wamwi twmmmzt FENCING ACADEMY* ‘Wor.L.tet have thy son acquire a noble port, A manly hearing;—make Hs eye acute As dia of the hawk, and his yin i:j I,mbs vie With those of roo-!vnck in agility ? Tne noble art 01 fencing- lot mm leant. 'JfTR. FRANCIS GEORGS BAUGE. a gentleman JL* l from Paris, would respectfully infirm tiie citizen of this place, and its vicinity, that he has ojiencil In I’cticing School, at the Centra! If kp!, wiiere he w..i give kiss ms in *he Small Sword, Broad Sword, (Ja’rit- Staff, and Can* Defence. Pc iilism will as > be taui'i To perfection. Mr. B. particularly requests that a* itames will be promo iy entered on or Ivcibre the £.Vh instant, as a class will lie formed on t lat day, for th> purpose of receiving instruction, sirnnltane msiv—he be ing well prepared for teaching 100, or more, n one and the same time, ns a smaller number; and, uisc as he intends leaving Mac »n as soon as ho shall have given said class the requisbenumber <4 lessons —wide* is 51). ?dc. B. pledges himself to render Ills pupilsp: -f v • t, dur. urhts course of lessons, otherwise no ebaqg. Will be made. Payments rot required in advance. RULES OF TIIE ACAEKMY. 1. flendemen on entering the Fencing Room, are ro not i smoke, or spit on the floor. 2. No Scholar, or Vis. tor, must interrupt those wlu U'e 'aiiit-g lessons. 3. Swearing, and all obscene language prohibited. 4. Do not make spurt of the awkwardness of new seb Jars. 5. Do not play or romp ip the room during school hours. 6. Each scholar is allowed to invite four vHt'rv, bu no scholar era admit the same hoar more that onee. 7. Parents and guardians can be admitted at all times. ft. Do notsei-m with auv scholar, until your Teacher talus' off his rna ;k and lays by his folk 9. 0,1 entering and leaving die Academy observe a military carriage ox your person and tire attitude of a & > tr. 10. One lessonwill be given in each branch, evert •lay. Jfu s- hour rrfe-es a le-soo, fa will he permitted la t-d e v>u : !e 1< --oiw wiieii he let- rirhe. 1!. N< ;>* rs >n iu c v-,.u dm* ixicationshall l*eadmit ted i, :.o tne room; uud ifl.e is a scao.ur, he will he dit nii«ed. 12. Anv person tabieg the first lesson, will beheld responsible for the whole c-ua -c-e. 13. Payment H-no* required ttn»t! the termination of the course, a. and if M . Hauue c'oes not >/,vc full suualuc tion, scholars will not be c untie ! cu to p-r • a cent. Ik Hours of Teaphinp, will be r a.eJ at the Acade my. 15. Nea’ect on the part >f the Teacher, will release the «oh"i ic Dam the to *'• > i money. 15. Trie Tv-ache vid'not be held rfeponsib'e for the neufeet o 1 th> scholar. 17. After tr e co«tree of any scholar has ♦emanated, the room will always be open to him —and the Teacher trip, with pleasure, practice v ith hen free of’charge. Id. La lies shall never be denied ad mi ounce as spec tators. 19. Scholars .arc requested to be graceful in their de meanor, and to salute the audience before they com mence 'heir exercises. 20. Sell Pars ve requested not to put the button of theirswordp on - he floor, or leave -he r ul< »ves and masks, or fails, in any other than tin ir proper places. 21. Scholars are requested not to fence without masks or eloves. 22. IF nnv scholar shall injure of deface the Acade my, he will be held liable for such injury. £>* Persons on becoming pupils of Mr. B. will be re quire ! to observe strictly the above rules. V Pupils who are not prepared with foils, can be «uppl>d by Mr. B. Should they not wish to purchase, a moderate charge will be made fur the use of )hem. ifijc Mr. Bauge proposes to make any' gentleman per ■fee.t in a short time in the use of the Small Sword, Broad Sword, Quarter Staff, and (sine Defence. The science Pugilism will also be taught to perfection. *** Genfiemen who may wish to have a trial of skill widi Mr. B. can be accommodated at any time. J anuary 13 12 Ufein*s Patent J>owie-Knife Pistols. ELGIN'S Patent Bowie-Knite Pistols, just recei xod a id for sale b\ ROBINSON, WRIGHT & CO. December! ® MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY .MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1838. MACON SPRING RACES. mHE annual spring Races over the Central Course J - will commence on Tuesday, t'ue 20th of March, when the following purses will be offered : Fust Day, mile heats,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Purse P?'»0 Second Day, two mile heats,:::::::::::::::::Pt;rpe 350 Third Day, three mite heats,:;::::::::::t::::P-urse S(H) Fourth Day, four mile heats,:::::::::::::::*sPut>'e 750 Fifth D»y, mile heats, best three in liyi ~:Pm>e 300 Weights agreeable to the rules of tIV tract'. MUdTIAN &. MOTT. January 13 £ln *o*" Tne Macon Telegraph, Augusta Sentinel, Col uiui’tis Enquirer, Alabama Journal, Georgia Journo' and New-York Spirit of the Tina s, wilj give ;he abov four weekly i.istruoiis and forward their account fc. tent- ■ M. &• M. CENTR IC HOTEL* MACON, GEORGIA. TIE subscribe; re*»pj?e»i;: ! ly informs his friend an 1 the public "In go non!, that, Iv i. m taken above named EF'abl shmcut, which having l et •ecently thoroughly repaired a »and entergot! at great e> lienee —is n*w open l’>r the reception of Trai filers Sn-mlem, dye. r f’be chambers are lame »i*d atey—i«- i- ' vuri'S c ..uperc-iV. u.ud .rvnMve. *]ak:.v; s u • i iJtnmlv I-'.' nn »• led with <ve-y ;b ! u-a-' Seas* md •' ?•!>••• wid furnish. Hifi Bar is - ■ •*.« I v ith rh ■■iioictsit IVints and Liquor*. in «■] marc eflec infra t . ioa-.e i a hrrule Ib' .cc, be b'-yrlVj to It aj/j the sc.", cs of Mr. A. Hi •'•’/*, <\l J> il fi/iore, whost exped; ’i -o at B i.-ntiai’s C-i y fl ue!, hu« ursiiy e. ■-iod lain to 'the rejiurijiion of a Caterer for the piihliif.— re, Hon • by his unr< m Ring tx •rtioiis (o please, to receive a lib* r rd -hire patr eiage. HORACE R. WARD j N. TL Good Stabling attached to the HoUii, with faith tii ood ai.’c ntive Os tiers. Dr-ember 16 Btf For Sale. THE small llouse.’oo cotton Avenue, at pres . cut occupied by C. G. St. John a 'eweiry stor« A iso for bile, an oxperiere <• c'ok Woman. \\ ply to JAM ES A. • N13812T. Do 'ember l. 6 Wavo-flonse mul Covmnissiou Kiminass. —THE subscriber l«cgs leave to i iform; t a, his friends the public, generally, that lit L. ’ has taken the<»,vn s a id for merly occupied by Ifppitl A. Higgins, t as „ \Vait-liousc. '1 he house i- large, •nd ns path from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, rad for close storage it excels any house in the cifv, al -o for safety and cunventence. A share of public pat ronage in respectfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND. N. B. The AUCTION business will be kept up a-' he above suiud, wh’ch is one of the best houses in the •ity for rite above business. Strict attention will lx njiid to the pair of any goods that the public may see oroper to confer upon him. Verv^respectfuliv, C. L. HOWLAND. »!/* Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 \ Card. | 'FHIE subscriber offers a con:i:ma*i >n of his services ! S. to the citizens of Mnc-.m as Collector, and tenders j .is thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits o con tini ’ a don of the same. CHARLES W. HARE. December 16 8b PROSi'ECTUS OF THE POUT ICE UN ARGUS, TANARUS» be published ut JVarrenton , Warren County , Georpia. i'UI ri increasing importance of the town of War t. reuLi.i since t)ie termination of the Georgia Rail Road at that place, connected with other circumstances calculated to improve it, calHotldly upon its citizens, & j thvse of the neighboring country, for the establishment! if a Free Press among them, to be devoted to their in-! . i .‘S'- m Commerce, Li'erao.rr, Agriculture and Good! Moral®. For the purpose of carrying into effect so lau-i i th|e an enterpnze, a company of gentlemen have al-j ivady formed themselves into a “Joint Stock Aseocia-j tioti,'’ and have elected their Editor, and made all the I necessary arrangements for the initnediaie pabii -ation, of a paper. , ; > As regards the peculiar principles upon which this j paper shall be established, ail of its patrons are assured tin 1 : no productions, but such as are calculated to im- 1 prove the rnora’s, instruct the mind, and refine the feci-1 mgs, will at any tune be permitted to emenate from it. \ ’Tis <rue many incidents in romance or real life, which 1 by pleasing our fancies, may tend to while away the te- j dious hours of our long summer days, or sleepless w atches of our winter nights, will be inserted, when thev have no special tendency to dissipate the mind, and j unfit it for the study of more important lessons, i T is also understood that in relation to the political ! creeds of the day, our paper will remain perfectly n«u tral, only so far as they effect the peculiar institutions of the South, concerning which there never has been raised one dissenting voice on this side of the Potomac. It shall ever be considered our duty to watch with Ar gus eye such interferances, and from the commence ment, vve take a uniform and decided stand against them. ItUThe ARGUS wall be printed on a medium sheet, every Friday, at Thee Dollars per annum, payable in advance; and will probably appear sometime in the month of March. Ik?* Advertisements printed at the useual rates. I *** All papers friendly to the enterprize will please I give this a few insertions. {Ur letters on business to be directed, post paid, to I E M. Pendleton, Editor. i Warrentoo, January 20 f3 SOUTHERN POST hLuibcioy-totiect, .iiacuc, Georgia. undersigned would inform the citziens of Ma- A con, and (lie public generally, that the above othee having been recently suppueU uui un entire new unu beauhjul assortment of qilaui auTs ©vn«imctital Job Cijpc^ He is prepared to receive, and t vecuw, orders iur Print ing, such ns— Mercantile, Professional and \ isiting Cards, Pampliietsy Circulars, Brills et Lading, Biiis ol Exchange, Blank Checks, Drafts, Bank Notices, bill Heads, Keceipis, Orders* Hat Tips, Badges, Proiesis, i.ivnationd, Concert and Assembiy Ticke ts, Drugihsts’. and Conit cuoner's Gabels, Mariiiige Licence, Funeral Notices, dec. &c. And flatters himseit, (from the knowledge He has cf he business,) lie will be aide to give satisfaction to’au. -. ho may tavor the establishment with heir pnvo' age. C, Ii lIANLEITER Ss* Orders from the country tnunkiaily recuvcu an(i noinpiiy attended to. [Communicated.] GF-JJEjI \?Z2*JZ. Puve .mi -e of ike * rape ! i?ER Greek brig Alexandrov, by ISAAC NEW & HALL, next door to the Pws'-OAiee. We observe that n B >sron tiurchanl gives the follow ,ig di scrip tion of the above Wine : This Wine is ti e • rue produce of the Grecian soil, nd partakes of tha, tiewed mildness which is so pecu ir 1 1 the skies of Greece, li has itispiraiion, bur uo i'ldfiesft 1; ca l: imq'ai'i tvidwaw infO\iPOTlGn : .< tne very Wine which gladdened the hearts of the } reek poets, and enabled the lather of gods and of mor ii« to feel and enjoy bis immonality: bur, unfortunate* v, the Wines, like the Gods of (Greece arc, at the pre .-lit dine, somewhat out of fashion, and contequemh * idom mentioned. The reason of tin- is not because se Wines of Greece have ai med, bur because the da :>;et‘P of Beeches, 'he wine drinkdts, have degemTuted lost fima/qngly. Alas ! they have lost th-ir taste fa tu- simple as well as the ntitura!, and like critics win. indemn works of genius by. kwking a' 'he title page, uey pass their condemunti m upon the Wities’ofGreece, •y taking them once. No ! the Wines of Greece, iiki the immortal works* t*f her wri'ers, must l»e tried long md well, and then, and only then, th-ir good quail tit an be known and their beauties ftppieeiated- P. S. This Wine lias bnt;n expressly put up by one if the best wine merchants ol Greece, Kir the ternper mee coimminity oi'th.s country, and imported hy the Grsak. brig A'cxan !ro.--, which vessel will make si voy age every yea", and families, as well us churches* may depend upon their yearly supply. January &) 13p Notice—-Copartnership. tlri HE subscriber having associated with him, Allen l L. Luce, they will ♦raneact business under the name, stvle u:id lirm of Wji. B. Johnston & Cos. WM. B. JOHNSTON. Macon, January 1,1838. I3if NOTICE. \LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note ■ or open account, are very reapeclfullv invited to call and *e’de the same. WM. B. JOHNSTON. January 20 13:f Central Rail Road and Rankin? Company ) of Georgia. Savannah, January 2 d, 1838. ) 7VFOTICE is hereby given that an instalment of $lO IN per share on the capital stock of this institution, is requ’red to be paid nn or before die 2d Saturday in March next—one half to bo applied to bunking, and one half to roads. Stockholders at and in the neighborhood of Macon can make payment at jhe Branch in that city. R. R. CUYLER, Cashier. January 13. 12a Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS ALL PAID IN. f glHlScotripanv continues to insure dwelling houses. * stores merchandise, cotton in ware-houses, and urnifure, against loss by lire—and takes inland and ma rine risks on terms as favorable a® other responsible in stitutions. Claims for losses are settled with promptness and liberality. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. December 9 6niT Notice. f 11IIE partnership that has been under the name ot i Horace Fitch in this city, and Lewis Fitch & Cos. New-Haven, Conn, wall be dissolved by its own limita tion on the first ttf January. Asa new arrangement wall be made in the business, .all persons indebted to us will please make an early settlement. 1 LEWIS FITCH, HORACE FITCH December 39 b) F. F. LEWIS, FASHIdNABLE MERCHANT TAILOIf, ON COTTON-AVENUE, WHERE gentlemen can lie accommodated with suits made to order, on the shortest notice, and of the best material of English and French Goods—and of the most recent style. Also, a fine assortment of the best Ready-Made Clothing of every description, com mon in his business. Citizens and transient persons, by giving him a call, will find a choice selection ot Fan cy Articles. , . , , ~ Also, UNIFORMS made to order m the best and la test style, and good materials. Good workmen are employed, and all orders will be strictly and punctually attended to. Wanted. —Two Journeymen Tailors, to whom lib eral wages and steady employ will be given.* December 9 Q a a. pauwvaa a p^siLiisHi!:a 0 POET !l¥. “ The world is full of Poe'rv—the nir Is living with its spirit: apd the waves Dance to the music of i's melodies, And sparkle in ha brightness.” The Fislicruan’s Song— u Ou comrades on V* BY W. ALEXANDER. On, comrades on! It tus herb to the oar, The white surf is breaking, ai.d wintry winds roar: But the spoils ol ’lie sr;i are the priue cf the brave, Then on, comrades, gaily—aw ay o’tr the wave! On, comrades t n ! while the dull landsmen sleep, Ere the ocean-bird spring* from his rock hn.d <2ie.dec|4 Gur in is simi! be haul’d, and our las* tack .nm, And wt’il pause ut tne da wiiing to welcome the sun. On, comrades on! now the sun mount? the sky, Our shallop is laden, and homeward we lac ; The breeze fades away, bar we’ti head to the oar, Oh, comrauts on ! to iiw siieit—o the shore! Edinburgh Storeman. jtm*eT*r*rKhmi.v.m rmw.'t iy • MISCELLANEOI S. 1 \icxt of << Far^hioullb < .e ,, .life, By n 4 ‘ Fash ioLSble” I’ootmm. About tU rrr hfnc-w«icr howls which are brougiit in after dinner, and in which the corn, pany makes such a buhim’uid squirtin ; j.eo /loshouid'he very careiul in usin’ them, and nittd Low they hire short sighted servants. — Lady Binigsmag is a melancholy instance of mis. Ilru* Ladyship wears two jovvs of false ceth, (\v iiut the French cull u-rattier,) and is, every body knows, one ot the nio.->t ahsmt'ot women. After dinner one day, at her owu, she vyinps out her teeth, and puts them .nto the biuc-bOwi, as she always did when tne squii-tia* time came. Weil, tne convcrsatJon grew haiiimaied; and so much was Lady Stmgsniag iiiteresied, that she clean .forgot her .eet.i, anil went to bed without them. Next morning was a dreadful disturbance in tiie hot ire; suinbady had stolen my lurie’s teeth out of her mouth! But this is a loss which a lady don’t like poaitivelely txf advertise; so tins matter was hushed up, and my lady got anew set from Parkinson’s. But nobody ever knew who was the thief of the teeth. A fortnight after another dinner was given. Lady Srnigsmag only kept a butler arid o o I man, and tins was a chap whom we used to |call professionally Lazy Jim. He never did I nothing hut when ho couldn’t help it; he was as a donnus, and as blind us a howl, li the plate was dirty, J;rn never touched it until tue day it was wanted, and the same he did by the glass; you might go into his pantry, and see them with the water (he? drenk up all ti.o wind) which had been left in ’em since trio last dinner party. How such things could be al lowed in a house 1 don’t know; it only show ed that Srnigsmag was an easy rnastsr, and that Iliggs, tne butler, didn’t know his busi- DCSS. Well tiic day kem for the sek’nd party. La zy Jim’s plate was all as dusty as poss’bil, and his whole work to do ; he cleaned up the plate, tiie glass, and everything else, as he thought, and set out the trays and things on the side board. ‘ Law Jnn, you Jackass,’ cried out Ito butler at half-past seven, jist as the people was a coinin’ down to dinner; * youv’e forgot lao washand basins.’ Jim spun down into his room, for he had for gotten ’em, sure enough; there they were, however, on his shelf, and full ol water j so he brought ’em up, and said nothing; but gev ’em a polishing wipe with the tail ol his coat. Down kem tne company to dinner, and set to it like good uns. The society was reg’lar, distangy (as they say:) there was the Duke of Haldersgit, Lord and Lady Barbikin, Sir Greg ory Jewin, and Lady Sukv Smithfield, asides a [lot of commontators. The dinner was re moved, and tne bubble and squeakers (as I call ’em) put down; and all the people beg-ui a washin’ themselves, like any thing. ‘ Whrrr!’ went Lady Smigsmag : ‘ Clooclooeloophtzz !’ says Lady Barbikin ; “ Goggleot geolrr;.w »w!’ says Jewin (a very fit g’n’lm’n :y ‘ Blobblob gob!’ began his Grace of Haldersgit, who has got the widest mouth in all the peeridge, whet* IVO. If.