Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, February 10, 1838, Image 1

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lOITTHESN POST. gY Pa ©B P2lt3s)lLS'if© , i ! 3 3 VOL. I. £1231 SiSHErffllElßiaSff j 3 published in the city of Macon every Saturday, at 'nvo dollars in advance , three dollars at the end of -he year — one dollar and fifty cents for six months. No subscription received for a less period—and no pa per discontinued, until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the Publisher. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates of advertising, with a reasonable deduction to yearly ad vertisers. 20“ Our Advertising friends arc requested to mark the number of insertions, on their advertise ments —otherwise they will be published till forbid, am, charged accordingly. RdigioUs, Marriage and Obituary Notices inserted fret of charge. 30“ Letters, on business, either to the Publisher ot Editor, must come post paid to insure attention. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ON SECOND-STKKET. THE subscriber has on hand, and will be receiving, a large assortment of Carriages, Barouches Buggys, <fcc. Are. Those wishing to purchase wi do well to call and examine for themselves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. December 2 6 C O V CII WARE- ROUSE TY7RIGLSY Sc HA NT, (opposite corner to Wash 7w ington flail,) have on hand a large assortmen of Saddlery, Harness, Hardware, Carriaue-Fdun: tlre, &c. —ALSO— Carriages, Barouches, Buggy*, Gigs, Til'nirys , Sul keys, awl Fancy Wagons. iO’ Vehicles of all kinds, < f the he3t materials, nianufacturcd to order. Macon, December 9 7 CENTRAL HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA. va THE subscribei respectfullyinforms hi- friend.- jt n sand the public in general, that he has taken til above named Establishment, which Invi.ighee recently thoroughly repaired art 1 enlarged at great o pence—is now open lor the reception of Travellers Boarders, Sfa. The chambers are large an 1 airy — tit servants competent aid attentive. His Table shai constantly be supplied with every delicacy the Seaso,-. and Market will tarnish. llis Bar is stocked with th. choicest Wines and Liquors. And in order nnre effec tualiy to make it a n ,- s rate II >use, lie h;n called to hi aid the services of Mr. A. Eller, of B tlfi-wre, whoso long experience at Barn uni’s City liotej, hn justly en tried him to the reputation ofa Caterer for t. le public.— The subscriber, therefore, hopes by his unremitting ex ertions to please, to receive a liberal share of patronage. [Dll \CH 11. W A RD. N. B. Good Stabling attached to the Hotel, with faith ful and attentive Ostlers. December lf> Btf For Sale. TIIE small House on cotton Avenue, at pres- Ia r,!> occupied by C. G. S\ John as a iowelry store. Also for sale, an exnerienee cook Woman. Ap ply to * * JAMES A. NISBET. December 2. 6 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. WILL be sold on Monday, the 12th of JraSßßag February, twenty-seven live acre Lots, sit uated one mile from the city of "vt ieon.— ery This property is located in one of s he most „ healtnv situation in the State. With 35 in family, in the year 1836, there was not a single case of fever ; with 22 in family in 1837, living on one of these Lots, it was the same case. Some of these Lots contain up*.vards of 250 timber trees, which are worth from $2 to 8 > 5o which fact will he attested by application b) Mr. A. McGregor, Thomas Knight, or any other car penter of this city, who is in the practice of using hea vy timber. It also has the advantage of being the near est timber land to city. As those lots will in all proba bility he sold very cheap, and are sufficiently near the city for any business man to occupy, it is hoped this op portunity will not be overlooked. Also, on the same day, one ten acre Lot, which is one of the most beauti ful situations for a summer residence in the county. It contains two fine Springs; a Fish pond averaging from Bto 10 feet deep, well stocked with fish. The Spring are considered inferior to none in the county. Terms of sale, one-third cash, and the balance in six and twelve months. Any debt I owe, will be thankfully re ceived in payment. DAVID F. WILSON, January 27 14p NOTICE. riIHE partnership that has been under the name of V Horace Fitch in this city, and Lewis Fitch & Cos. Ne v-Haven, Conn..will be dissolved by its own limita tion on the first of January. Asa new' arrangement will be made in the business, all persons indebted to us will please make an early settlement. LEWIS FITCH, HORACE FITCH December 3f> 10 MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 183S. Warcllouse ami Commission Business. — THE subscriber begs leave to inform I <s> lUi s en^s ,e P u blic generally, that he temiL iiwji. ta^en well known stand tbr nierlv occupied by Lippitt Sc Higgins, as a Ware-House. The house is large, and as sate from Fire as any Ware-House in the city, and for close storage it excels any house in the city, al so for safety and convenience. A share of public pat ronage is respectfully solicited. C. L. HOWLAND. N. B. The AUCTION business will be kept up a 1 the above stand, which is one of the best houses in the city for the above business. Strict attention will be paid to the sale of any goods that the public may see proper to confer upon him. Very respectfully, ' C. L. HOWLAND. OCT Consignments respectfully solicited. December 1 6 Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. APITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS ALL PAID IN. SUIIS company continues to insure dwelling houses - stores merchandise, cotton in ware-houses, am mature, against loss bv tire—and takes inland and ma • ine risks on terms as favorable as other responsible in aitutions. Claims for losses are settled with promptnes and liberality. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. December 9 6m7 Notice. 4 LL persons having accounts against the firm < f . V Cook & Cowles, and J. Cowles, are requested : -resent them at tbe Counting Room of the subscriber. January 27 14tf J COWLES. CITY LICENSES. PERSONS wishing any description of Licenses, ca* i obtain the same by application to me, at the Fos; bfice. J ESSE L. OWEN, Clerk Council. January 27 14 Notice—Copartnership. r HE subscriber having associated with him, Alle: L. Luce, they will transact business under tii< tame, style and firm of Wvi. i>. Johnston Sc Cos. WM. B. JOHNSTON. Macon, January I, IS3 J. J3?f NOTICE. VLL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by not( or open accotrr, are very resjieetfuilv invited • •all and settle the same. WM. B. JOHNSTON. January 20 Li f Elgin's Patent Bowie-Knife Pistols. ELGIN'S Patent Bowie-Knife Pistols, just rece - ved and for sale bv JvOBINSON, WRIGHT & CO. December 1 6 F. F. LEWIS, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, ON COTTON-AVENUE, YMITHFRE gentlemen can be accommodated will e'w suits made to order, on the shortest notice, an* i the best me cried of English arid French Goods—ant the most recent style. Also, a fine assort ment of the est Reaoy-?T ade Clotuino of every description, com ion in his business. Citizens and transient persons, ,y giving bin' a call, will find a choice selection of Fan y Articles. Also, UN I FORMS made to order in the best and la est style, and good materials. Good workmen arc employed, and all orders will be rictly and punctually attended to. Wanted.—Two Journeymen Tailors, to whom lib eral wages and steady employ will be given. December 9 7 Carpenbr’s Embrocation for Horses. rl ie cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, Galls « Stiffness of Tendour and Joints, &,c. Sec. This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and ithers who wish a remedy for diseases above mention ed. For sale by J. H. &W. S. ELLIS. September 23 4tf PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN ARGUS, To be published at Warrenton , Warren County, Georgia. rHE increasing importance of the town of War renton since the termination of the Georgia Rail Road at that place, connected with other circumstances calculated to improve it, cal! loudly upon its citizens, Sc those of the neighboring country, for the establishment of a Free Press among them, to be devoted to their in 'erests in Commerce, Literature, Agriculture and Good Morals. For the purpose of carrying into effect so lau dable an en f erprize, a company of gentlemen have al ready formed themselves into a “ Joint Stock Associa tion,” and have elected their Editor, and made all the necessary arrangements for the immediate publication of a paper. As regards the peculiar principles upon which this paper shall he established, all of its patrons are assured that no productions, but such as are calculated to im prove the morals, instruct the mind, and refine the feel ings, will at any time be permitted to emenate from it ’Tis true many incidents in romance or real life, which by pleasing our fancies, may tend to while awav the te dious hours of our long summer days, or sleepless watches of our winter nights, will be inserted, when thev have no special tendency to dissipate the mind, and unfit it for the study of more important lessons. It is also understood that in relation to the political creeds of the day, our paper will remain perfectly neu tral, onlv so far as they effect the peculiar institutions of the South, concerning which there never has been raised one dissenting voice on this side of the Potomac. It shall ever be considered our duty to watch with Ar gus eye such interferances, and from the commence ment, we take a uniform and decided stand against them. _ » 03“ The ARGUS will be printed on a medium sheet, every Friday, at Thee Dollars per annum, payable in advance ; and will probably appear sometime in the month of March. (Kr Advertisements printed at the useual rates. %* All papers friendly to the entcrprize will please give *his a few insertions. 93“ Letters on business te be directed, post paid, to E. M. Pendleton, Editor. Warrenton, January SO 13 Central Rail Road and Banking Company ) of Georgia. [ Stivannah, January 2d, 1838. J VfOTICEis hereby given that an instalment of 810 per share on the capital stock of this institution, is required to be paid on or before the 2d Saturday in March next —one half to be applied to banking, and one hali to roads. Stockholders at and in the neighborhood of Macon can make payment at jhe Branch in that city. R. R. CUYLER, Cashier. January 13. l‘2a NOTICE. City OFFICES will hereafter be kept in the Room over the Market, adjoining the Council Chamber. Office hours from 11 to 1 each day. February 3 ’ 14p DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing betwren tl* subsenbi rs, under the firm of Dickinson & Wafi was dissolved on the 30th ultimo, by mutual consent; aid Mr. T. Dickinson is duly authorized to receive al. lebts due the concern, and adjust all claim against the ame. Mr. T. Dickinson is authorized to use the nanu •f said firm in adjusting the business of the concern. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. February 3 15tf Stock subscription tor building ft.Clinrc'n [UIE Universalist Society of Macon being desirou of enjoying the privi'eges and advantages oi th* -üblic sen-ices of religion, have resolved to uttempt th; ruction of a suitable temple of worship, which will no dy answer their purpose aforesaid, hut he a public con enience and an ornament to the place. To secure the object contemplated, the Society pro -iso to open a Stock Salsa ip!ion, tor the purpose of mis ig the necessary funds, in the way and manner us fol ows: 1. The sum of SI7,SCO to be the capital stock, whicl s to be divided into 350 shares of SSO each, payable ii tiur equal quarterly instalments. 2. When the entire shares are paid, scrip v.tilJhci? ued tor the same, bearing eight per cent interest pe mnum, from date. 3. The whole stock redeemable in five years fron ate of pavment. 4. Thu < . vch, and let on which it is placed, tobi -ledged a* t •urny for the payment ol’ the interest a;a r the redemption of the stock. 5. Should tiie Society fail to pay the interest on iVoci mtiunlly, a majority in interest of the stockholders t< •uve the power of determining upon the disposal of tin iroperty, on giving three months previous notice of suci Uerition, and having the same in public. 6. Mechanics and operatives to have the privilege © laying for the shares they may subscribe, in labour aw laienals. which niay he necessary in the erection am completion or’ the building, under the superintcmlenct >f the building committee, or the contractors employe* by the Society. 7. The church so erected as to be open at all times t lie delivery' of orations of a proper character, as well n:~ for public meetings of the citizens, of a general concern •Iso to be free to any Minister of tiie Gospel who ma; hi desirous of being heard on the all important subjec if religion, when the house is notin use by the Society. 8. All sums under 50 dollars, will be considered do nations to the Society. And should there be any fail ure on the part of the stockholders, to pay their instal ments at the specified time, they will be subject to a for feiture of the sum they' may have previously paid. With such liberal provisions, the Society indulge the hope, that the residue of shares not subscribed Tor by themselves, will be promptly taken up by the citizens a : large. The plans of the church can be inspected or. application to either of the undersigned committee, by which it will be seen, that it is the purpose of the Societx to build in the style of some of tne Eastern churches, with Stores and Offices connected therewith, from the rent of which, to derive a yearly revenue amply suffi cient to pay the interest of the whole stock subscription. &>* Owners of city lots in the business parts of the place, are invited to make projiosition to the committee, touching the disposal of a suitable site for the contem plated building. %* The Book of Subscription will be open for signa tures, on Tuesday the 16th of February, at the office of the “Two Opinions,” third door below the Central Rail Road Bank, Mulberry street. JOHN. P. EVANS, PLEASANT HEATH, WM. ROBINSON, CHESTER HILLS, S. S. STONE, L. F. W. ANDREWS. , February 3.15 u SOUTHERN POST Mulberry-street, Macon, Georgia. TIIE undersigned would inform the citziens of Ma con, and the public generally, that the above office having been recently supplied with an entire new and beautiful assortment of s)lafn anb Ornamental Slob Cppe, He is prepared to receive, and execute, orders for Print ing, such as— Mercantile, Professional and Visiting Cards, Pamphlets, Circulars, Billls of Lading, Bills of Exchange, Blank Checks, Drafts, Bank Notices, BiH Heads, Receipts, Orders, Hat Tips, Badges, Protests, Invitations, Concert and Assembly Tickets, Druggists’ and Confectioner’s Labels, Marriage Licence, Funeral Notices, &c. &c. And flatters himself, (from the knowledge he has of he business,) he will be able to give satisfaction to all who may favor the establishment with their patronage. C. R HANLEITER 93r Orders from the country thankfully received and promptly attended to. © B gl wAßa&sairEa,, pwrasa & POETRY. “ The world is full of Poetry—the air Is living with its spirit: and the waves Dance to the music of its melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.” - - —, JT MY BOOKS. My pleasant old companions ! Here you stand A goodly company around my room, trihoice, racy spirits—spirits never dull ; Some gay, some grave, some pensive, none severe. Various in mood, yet changeless in regard— Yon look upon me, as youlooked Os yore, VVith the same kind, inviting visages— Worn may be, somewhat wrinkled, slightly dimmed But constant, constant as my hopes of Heaven ! Ye arc iny ministers, ye are my friends— Not friends of yesterday, but long-tried friends. What days we've passed together and what nights 1 low many heavy hums have you made light! »low many lagging moments decked w ith wings ! With how much knowledge have you filled iny mind ! What wise instruction yielded to my heart! " The world is too much with us outward forms \ nd things of sense absorb our mental pow ers *. 4ut you are too much from us, you are left Foo oft neglected in your quiet nooks. The vainlv wise turn from the printed page To rend the Ibok of Nature —falsely deemed mpressed w ith brighter lessons than your own. \bsurd Philosophy ! Can men who act = kite's shifting drama, scan the mystic scenes /’hat line around them, with an eye as clear Vs they, w ho, shrined in contemplation, sit \nd watch the changes on the mighty s'age f Must all be self-interpreters? must each J ’i*'ad for himself the characters that lie Written on mountain, valley, forest, stream, >r on the surface of the social W'orld ? No ! let us rather put our trust in you, Ye thoughtful sages, priesthood of the mind ! Vnd in your treat revealings find tbe truih— Froth caught by Genius from the sky, air and sea, _*r learned by study on the fuce of earth 1 Jr in the workings of the human soul. P. B. [American Monthly Magazine. MISCELLANEOUS. The Alauiiie’s Partner at the Ball. A ULUAN INCIDENT. Exquisite Pcpita! with what kindness, and and elegance didst thou lead thy pupil—a tranger to thee and to thy country —through te mazy involutions of that glorious contra tanza! Now twining within mine tiiine arm, ght as the eiderdown—now placing on niy -.boulder thy beauteous and jewelled hand, So white,so soft, so delicate, so sleek, As thou hadst worn u lily for thy glove— though at that moment, it was hidden by tho bright Parisian kid, reaching nearly to thy itntpled elbow—and with the other slightly pressing my left arm, while my right gently* ind tremblingly encircled thy slender waist—- tby heavenly blue eyes half averted from my admiring, yet respectful gaze—while round uid round we twirled, now separating and now meeting, and twining again together, in end less alternations to tiie inspirating movements of thy native music ! Ah ! how often, even now, does thy slight, yet faultless figure glide by mein my daily niusings and nightly dreams, and thy beauteous, angelic, face, beaming all intelligence, and goodness, and purity, appear to me, as on that happy eve—now nearly twenty years ago—when thou allowedst me, then unknown and unintroduced, to sit besido thee, and talk to thee of distant lands, and question thee of thine own bright isle, and lead thee round the circle of the giddy waltz ! It was on the first night of my arrival at Matanzas from the Havana, in the island of Cuba. I had not delivered my letters of in, troduction —but hearing there was a grand public ball in the town, I had proceeded tliith er, and had waltzed with some of the highest and most beautiful girls in the island—such is the difference in the manners and customs of people! The public balls here, as in the Havana, are open to all. Persons, even of the highest dis tinction, let their public rooms for the night to some speculator, who lights them up for the oc casion, the grand salons being appropriated for dancing, and some of the small rooms for gaming—the expenses for music, lights, and attendance being defrayed by a small sum for admission, generally about half a dollar. The Committee. NO. 16.