Southern post. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-18??, February 17, 1838, Image 1

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SOUTHERN POST. g'/ i?>o Sa VOL. I. gtSJB S-3)tffi?ai2B!BS? E>3>S?f Is published in the city of Macon every Saturday, at two dollars in advance , three dollars at the end of the year—one dollar and fifty cents for six months. Js i subscription received for a less period—and no pa per discontinued, until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the Publisher. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates of advertising, with a reasonable deduction to yearly ad vertisers. sKT Our Advertising friends are requested to mars, the lumber of insertions, on their advertise ments —otherwise they will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Religious, Marriage and Obituary Notices inserted free of charge. Sir Letters, on business, either to the Publisher or Editor, must come post paid to insure attention. SOUTHERN POST V&BalPlKlSrailSro <DIKKI©a* iflulberry-street, ltlacon, Georgia. TIIE undersigned would inform the citziens of Mi con, and the public generally, that the above ofiiei having been recently supplied with an entire new aim beautiful assortment of IJlafn anb 0 vita mental .Hob Cnyr, He is prepared to receive, and execute, orders for Print ing, such as— Mercantile, Professional and Visiting Cards, Pamphlets, Circulars, Biills of Lading, Bits of Exchange, B’nnU. Checks, Drafts, Bank Notices, Bill Heads, Receipts, Orders, Hat Tips, Badges, Protests, Invitations, Concert and Assembly Tickets, Druggists’ and Confectioner’s JLabels, Marriage Licence, Funeral Notices, &.C. &c. And flatters himself, (from the knowledge he has cf the business,) he will be able to give satisfaction to r. who may favor the establishment with their patronage. C. R HANLEITER Orders from the country thankfully received an promptly attended to. rpilE subscriber is now prepared to execute all kino * *f Hous-:;. Sign and Ornamental Paiutie an ' Shun, Muiberry-s.reef, opposite the Post-Ollic a t me door below the Central Rail-Road Bank. O, aero, .either in the city or country, thankfully roci ve l and promptly attended to. DANIEL T. REA. February 10 * 10 Central Rail Road and Banking Company , of (leonia. Savannah, January 2d, 1838, ) I\TOTICE is hereby given that an instalment of 8; •f * per share on the capital stock of this institution, required to be paid on or before the 2d Saturday in Mar next —one half to be applied to banking, and one h f to roads. Stockholders at and indie neighbdfhoo lof Maco cun make payment at die Branch in .hat city. R. R. CUYLER, Cashier. January 13. 12a Georgia Insurance and Trust Company. ri-Vl' TAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS ALL PAiD IN Fjp Iff IS company continues to insure dwelling houses. -0. stores merchandise, cotron in ware-houses, h.i. lirirtnrp, against loss by fire—and takes inland and ru:. rne risks on terms as favorable as other responsible ( • stitotioiis. Claims for losses are settled with promptne cud libendity. Apply to C. DAY, Agent. December 9 6m7 NOTICE. UffVir, Cifv OFFICES will hereafter be kept in tin -®- Room over the M.”-ket, adjoining the Coune:' Ctnmber. Office hours from 11 to 1 each day. February 3 lip CITY LICENSES. THERSONS wishing any description of Licenses, car >litain the same by application to me, at the Post- O "me. JESSE L. OWEN, Clerk Council. January 27 14 NOTICE. A LT. persons having accounts against the firm of Cook &. Cowles, and J. Cowles, are requested to praseu* them at tbe Counting Room of the subscriber. January 27 l ltf J. COWLES. DISSOLUTION. FJ4HE co-partnership heretofore existing between the A subsenb- rs, under the firm of Dickinson & Ware was dissolved on the 30th ultimo, by mutual consent; and Mr. T. Dickinson is duly authorized to receive all debts due the concern, and adjust all claims against the i Dame. Mr. T. Dickinson is authorized to use the name oi said firm in adjusting the business of the concern. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. February 3 15tf Notice—Copartnership. rIIHE subscriber having associated with him, Allen -* L. Luce, they will transact business under the name, stvle and firm of Wm. B. Johnston & Cos. WM. B. JOHNSTON. _ Macon, January 1, 1838. 13tf NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note „ or °pen account, arc verv respectfully invited to call and settle the same. WM. B. JOHNSTON. January 20 J3tf MACON, (Ga.) SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1838. MUNSON & MALDEN, At F. O'CaiUnghan's old stand, on Cherry-street, third door from Cotton-Avenue, HAVE on hand, and are receiving— -150 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 coils bale Rope 140 bags Coffee, assorted, 30 hhas Sugar, assorted, 8 boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar 10 hhds Sugar-house Molasses 175 barrels Domestic Liquors 2 hhds Jamaica Rnm 2 pipes Holland Gin 2 pipes Coniac Brandy, of a superior quality, 10 quarter-casks Port Y f O 5 do Madeira js 10 do I enenffe u7tvi?g y r/i 5 do Muscat f WIISES ’ 5 do Sherry ■?' §. 25 do Malaga J L ® 20 barrels Cordials 4 hhds Orleans Rum 2 pipes Spanish Brandy 2 pipes American Brandy 15,000 lbs English and American Casting 10 tons Iron, assorted, 2,000 lhs Blistered ) 2,000 lbs German [ Steel 10 bundles Cast ; 10 do Nail Rod Iron 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 1,000 heavy Trace Chains 10 bbis Soft-shell 100 chests and caddies Ten, assorted, 10 chests English Walnu.s 10 do Filberts 20 boxes Starch 100 do Bunch Raisins 50 do Georgia Candles 20 do Sperm Candles, assorted sizes, 10 do Tobacco, assorted, 50,000 Spanish Cigare Spice, Pepper and Ginger All of the above articles we will sell on the most ren •liable and accommodating terms. Together with urge and general assort spent of Staple and Fancy Dry roods, lie’s, Boots, Shops, Hardware, Crockery, Chine mrc, *) C. 4‘c. M. & M. December 1G 8 LEVI ECKLEY, At his Confectionary Store and Cordial Distillery, Nos 5 G (hammerer-Doer, Macon, Georgia,) T TAS for sale an extensive supply of Goods in hi. 2 M. line. Among them are : 120,000 best Spanish Cigars 1G0,00<) Florida do 100 barrels Butter ) 20 do Soda [ Crackers. 20 do Sweet ) \Vuler and Piiot Bread 75 gross Table Salt 100 boxes Hull’s patent Candles 30 do variegated ( a in GO do Fancy \ , ' !,Ar * 30 barrels soft shell ) * _ .... , T , > Almonds. 30 no .lordan ) 20 do Brazil Nil's, 20 do Filberts 4 eases American Mustard 20 pipes best Madeira Wine 30 qr. casks London particular Teneriflec 10 do Lisbon "J 15 do Muscat | 4 do Port V Wines. Brown and pale I Sherry j WINKS IN GLASS. Madeira. Sherry, Port, Claret, and Burgundy. Wines of the Rhine and Moselle, Celebrated Cabinet of 1822, j Hoehheinier, 183 none better ever imported, | Johannisberger, 182 v ■Weinberger vintage of 1822 I Rudesheimer, 182; (.udesheimer Mountain,lß22 | Marcobrunner, 1825 Cogniac and Champagne Brandy Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin Irish and Scotch Whiskey Sherry and Raspberry Brandy G 5 baskets Champagne 2000 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar Black and Hyson Tea Brown Honevdew Tobacco Cut Tobacco, for smoking and chewing Sweetmeats of every variety Currants, Raisins, Mace and Ground Spices A large supply of fresh Pickles GO barrels Irish Potatoes, Northern Apples Spanish, French and American Candies Sardines, Anchovies, Olives and Capers 50 dozen Lemon and Raspberry Cordials Playing and Conversation Cards. ALSO, EXPECTED IN A FEW DATS, Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Mess Beef, Pickled Pork, pickled Tongues, Smoked Beef and T ongues, White Beans, Goshen Butter and Cheese. December 1 Gtf F. F. LEWIS, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, ON COTTON-A VENUE, WHERE gentlemen can be accommodated with suits made to order, on the shortest notice, and of the best material of English and French Goods—and of the most recent style. Also, a fine assortment of the best Ready-Made Clothing of every description, com mon in his business. Citizens and transient persons, by giving him a call, will find a choice selection of Fan cy Articles. Also, UNIFORMS made to order in the best and la test style, and good materials. Good workmen are employed, and all orders will be strictly and punctually attended to. Wanted.— Two Journeymen Tailors, to whom lib eral wages and steady employ wall be given. December 9 7 For Sale. WOOD lots of Oak and Hickory Land, a few miles from Macon. lAlso a FARM of one hundred acres in a good con dition, fcr planting, three and a half miles from town Pcc.2. G Apply to JAS. A. NISBET. PROSPECtU OF THE SOUTHERN ARGOTS, To be published at Warrenton, Warren County, Georgia. fIMIE increasing importance of the town ot War- X renton since the termination of the Georgia Rail Road at that place, connected with other circumstances calculated to improve it, call loudly ujion its citizens, &. those of the neighboring country, for the establishment of a Free Press among them, to be devoted to their in terests in Commerce, Literature, Agriculture and Good Morals. For the purpose of carrying into effect so lau dable an enterprize, a company of gentlemen have al ready formed themselves into a “ Joint Stock Associa tion,” and have elected their Editor, and made nli the necessary arrangements for the immediate publication of a paper. As regards the peculiar principles upon which this paper shall he established, all of its patrons are assured that no productions, hut such as are calculated to im prove the morals, instruct the mind, and refine the feel ings, w ill at any time be permitted to emenate from it. Tistrue many incidents in romance or real life, which by pleasing our fancies, may tend to while away the te dious hours of our long summer days, or sleepless catches of our winter nights, will Ik; inserted, when hey have no special tendency to dissipate the mind, ant ".lit it for the study of more important lessons. It is also understood that in relation to the politico reeds of the day, our paper will remain perfectly neu ■d, only so far as they effect the peculiar institution: » the South, concerning which there never has bcei a sod one dissenting voice on this side of the Potomac, shall ever be considered our duty to watch with Ar iß eye such interti ranees, and from the commenci - ant, we take a uniform and decided stand ngnins etn. DC?’The ARGUS will lie printed on a medium shei cry Friday, at Thee Dollars per annum, payable dvauee ; and will probably appear sometime in ilv uunth of March. #Cr Advertisements printed at tie seual rates. *** All papers friendly to the enterprize will pleas. ve this a few insertions. 53r Iletters on business to be directed, postpaid, : j M. Pendleton, Editor. .Warrenton, January 20 13 POETRY. “ The world is full of Poetry—the air Is living with its spirit: and the waves Dance to the music of its melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.” YOUTH AND AGE. When we arc young, our days are like The fountain-waves that flow in June, Thar sparkle in the golden sun, Or gleam beneath the silver moon. When we arc old, our moments glide Like Winter waters cold and drear, That freeze before December’s voice Has sighed the death-note of the year. When we arc voting the clouds around Our path have hues of glory on, Like those which sleep on Summer skies Before the crimson flush is gone. When we are old, no ray concealed Within th<’ folded vapor lies, But gloomy shadows overspread The circle of Life’s evening skies. Oil then, since with the hours that fade Our being’s light is fading too, How shall we find a hope to cheer When we to youth must hid adieu ! In heaven and not on earth there glows A sun whose pure and perfect ray Will warm the freezing waves of life And change its twilight into day. P. B. [New-Yorker. MISCELLANEOUS. A Prize Tale, from the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. HENRY ST. CLAIR. BY J. G. WHITTIER. Henry St. Clair ! —How at the mention of that name a thousand dreams of friendship and vouth—and of the early and beautiful associa tions which linger like invisible spirits around us, to be called into view only by the magical influence of memory, are awakened ! How does the glance of retrospection go back to the dim images of the past—from the banquet hall and the pleasant festival, down to the silent and unbroken solitude of the tomb. We were as brothers in childhood—St.Clair and myself,—brothers too in the dawning of manhood ; and a more ingenuous and high minded friend I never knew. Yet he was strangely proud—not of the world’s gifts— wealth, family and learning—but of his intel lectual power—of the great gift of mind which he possessed—the ardent and lofty spirit which shone out in his every action. And he might well be proud of such gifts. I never knew a 53 a Mi&flLSO'u’tEa, PBiDWES & P£J[3!L!]3M2a a finer mind. It was as tiie embodied sp vt of poetry itself, tne beautiful borne of and glorious aspirations. Henry St. Clair was never at heart a Chris tian. He never enjoyed the visitations of that june and blessed influence, which comes into the silence and loneliness of the human bosom, to build up anew the broken altars of its faith, and revive the drooping flowers of its desola ted nflections. He loved the works ot the great God with the love of an enthusiast. — But beyond the visible and outward forms— the passing magnificence of the heavens—the beauty and grandeur of the earth, and the illim itable world of waters, his vision never exten. dcd. His spirit never overlooked the clouds which surrounded it, to catch a glimpse of the better and more beautiful land* I need not tell the story of his young years, ft has nothing to distinguish it from a thousand others. It is the brief and sunny biography if one upon whose pathway the sunshine of happiness rested, unshadowed by a passing loud. We were happy in our friendship,— but the time of manhood came ; and we were ►arted by our diflerent interests, and by the op* ositc tendency of circumstances peculiar to • ich other. It was a night in autumn- —a cold and star* ■ oss evening—l remember it with painful dis. iicfjicss, although year after year has mingled ritli eternity,—that I find occassion to ptiLS in iv way homeward, through one of the dark-* t and loneliest alleys of iny native city.— Anxious to reach my dwelling, I was hurrying gerly forward, when l left myself suddenly ized by the arm ; and a voice close in my ir whispered hoarsely, “ Stop ! or you are a cad man.” 1 turned suddenly, I heard the cooking of pistol, and saw by a faint gleam from a ncigb oring window, the tall figure of a man—one uind grasping my left arm, the other holding x weapon at my breast. I know r.ot what prompted me to resistance; was totally unarmed, and altogether unac quainted with the struggle of mortal jeopardy; hit 1 did resist—and, one instant I saw my as* ailanl in the posture I have described, —tho text, he was disarmed and writhing beneath no. It seemed as if an infant’s strength could l ive subdued h’m. “ Wretch !” I exclaimed, as I held his own •istol to his bosom, •“ what is your object / \re you a common midnight roblxtr—o> hear you aught of private malice towards Roger* Allston ?” “Allston!—Roger Allston!” repeated tho --V retch beneath me, in a voice which sounded ;ke a shriek, os he struggled half upright even •gainst the threatening pistol. “ Great God ! las it come to this ? Hell has no pang like iris meeting ! Shoot !” he exclaimed, and there was a dreadful earnestness in his mnn nner, which sent the hot blood of indignation cold and ice-like upon my heart. “Shoot!— you were once rny friend—in mercy kill me!” ' A horrible suspicion flashed over my mind. I felt a sudden sickness at my heart, and tiie pistol fell from my hand. “Whoever you maybe,” I said, “and what ever may have been your motive in attacking me, I would not stain my hands with your blood. Go, and repent of your crimes.” “You do not know me,” said the robber, as with some difficulty he regained his feet; “even you have forgotten me. Even you refuse the only mercy man can now render me—the mer cy of death—of utter annihilation !” Actuated by a sudden and half-defined im pulse, I caught hold of the stranger’s arm, anc! hurried him towards the light of a street lamp. It fell full upon his ghastly and death-like fea tures, and on his attenuated form, and his rag ged apparel. Breathless and eagerly I gazed upon him, until he trembled beneath the scru tiny. I pressed my hand against my brow, for I felt my brain whirl like the coming on of delirium. I could not be mistahen. The guil ty wretch before me was the friend of my youth—one whose memory I had cherished as the holiest legacy of the past. It was Henry St. Clair! Yes !it was St. Clair ! but how changed since last we had communion with each other ! Where was the look of intelli gence, and the visible seat of intellect-the beau ty of person and mind ? Gone ! and gone* NO. IT.