The Southern post and literary aspirant. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-1837, September 30, 1837, Image 3

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MAOOMo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30.1837. r= TrHE ELECTION ON MONDAY NEXT. For Governor , GEORGE U. GILMER,* WILLIAM SCHLEY.f For the Senate, Doctor AMBROSE BABER,* Judge CH ARLES J. McDONALD.f For the House of Representatives, General JOSEPH BENNETT,f Colonel IIENRY G. LAMAR,* JOHN B. LAMAR, Esq.f WASHINGTON POE, Esq.* Those marked with a star (*) are Anti- Van Buren Candidates, and those with a dagger (f) are Van Buren. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Tie have received many communications tchich contain some good things, but which cannot be inserted, in consequence of their tedious length. The interest of the narra tive is lost in its lengthy recital. IFe pro pose a rule : instead of trying how long you can malce an article , try how short you can male it, so as to convey the meaning and sense you desire. Pollock is writ ten by a y out if il hand, and has some merit. Try again. So, also, with the article sign ed E., Springhill. The fifth number of “ The Scrib bler” has been received, but could not be inserted this week for want of room. It will appear in our next. CCrThe elections commence on Monday next, when we hope every citizen will go to the Polls with the determination to sup port him, who will best serve iiis COUN TRY in a legislative capacity ; free to act, free to vote, tintramoiled by party spi rit, uninfluenced by power or tire hope of gain. Such men, if there he any, who are influenced by other motives, than those that tend to benefit our country, should he debarred the priviledge of voting, where trebmen exercise their suffrage. THE DRAMA. With great pleasure, we have witnessed the successful dehut of Mr. J. R. Field, in our Macon Theatre, who has lately arrived from the North—in the character of Sir Edward Mortimer, in the “ Iron Chest, or the Mysterious Murder.” He is a valua ble addition to the corps of Mr. Hart, and will not fail to attract that attention which his merit, as an actor, deserves. Tile performance df this evening will be quite amusing. Sec advertisement. On Monday evening the veteran Young takes his Benefit, when, we regret to learn, Air. Franklin will make his last appear ance, in the character of Roderigo, in the Tradgedy of Oiliello, the Moor of Venice. (K/* On Wednesday night Mr. Bailey takes his Benefit. lie is too well known here to require a word rom us in his favor. He has always been a favorite with a Ma con audience. A Theatre Ticket on it, he has a crowded house. [See his card.] METEORIC LIGHT. On Saturday evening last, about 8 o’- clock, a large meteor shone forth, for the space of 20 seconds, with a brilliancy scarcely ever witnessed. It was seen by many, who state, that for the time, it was nearly as light as noon-day. The order for Volunteers, has been countermanded in this State and in Ten nessee . THE MACON COFFEE-HOUSE. Our Columbus friends can no longer boast their superiority over us, in the wav of accommodation at the bar and table.— The Macon Coffee-House, kept by Mr. T. B. Clark, was this day opened. We were much gratified and surprised at the supe rior taste and elegance displayed in the choice and arrangement of his furniture, the appropriate disposition of his rooms, &c. We hope he will meet with the suc cess he so justly merits. QhCjr W hat can we say to please our rea ders ? An Editor’s life is a hard one in deed—having such a variety of tastes and fancies to please, it is impossible for him to suit every one ; this one is displeased with some particular piece or remark ; anoth er, and iscovers too much pretention to wit, or “ it is too stale,” and that one, wishing to show himself smarter than the Printer, points out, making fun of the typographi cal errors. All harking at, and wanting so pick a hole in the coat of the Editor, while he, poor devil, is cramped away in some lone garret, along with spiders, cock roaches, and hats, consuming tile mid night oil, and cudgelling his brains for something to please them ; what ingrates mankind are ! It for their especial benefit and amusement he hatches up a story, “ a monstrous big snake, well authentica ted,” “ a mammoth cabbage,” “ new edi tion of falling stars,” “ a case of down right murder,” “suicide,” “drowning,” “ a breach of marriage promise,” or any other monstrousity ; instead of trying or pretending to be pleased, as they would out of mere politeness, were a friend or any person relating, even an hundred times lobl tale—why they begin to impugn his motive and criticise with “ he thinks he is very witty;” shaking their noddles, looking wise and knowing, as much as to say, “ l could do better than that myself.” To all such wc say come on ; if you can better die paper, wc will cheerfully submit to any directions you may propose ; or, if you please, give us a lifi by way of manuscript. W e are formed like our fellows, having the knowledge of good and evil implanted with in us, and if your communication is of an “ extra touch and finish,” we can manage to perceive it, either through our own sim ple optics, or by the help of double magni fiers. Those who grumble at every thing around them, without possessing the capa bility of suggesting any method of improve ment, we care not for. Rage on ye petty breezes, tis nothing hut a rattling of the windows around our dormitory ; we will not leave it until the hurricane and tempest begin to shake the walls down about our ears—then, as the ruins tumble around us, we will only quit, to soar upwards in the safe balloon of our own good purpose—out riding the storm and tornado of malicous opinions and envious detraction. There’s a flight for you ! TASTE. There is nothing we so much admire as the music of the Piano. East. Sentinel. We greatly prefer the music of the Trumpet. NorfeXd Mercury. We think the Jewsharp much sweeter than either. Phil. Saturday Courier. [ After the music made hv the voice of a pretty woman, we prefer the Smybols. We think it affords the sweetest music in “all natur.” However, the Horn is not slow.] The Sexton reports nine deaths last week. Os the number three were colored persons. The Thermometer, at 2 o’clock, to-day, stood at 90°. TO YOUNG MEN AT A DISTANCE. An advertisement appeared in a morning paper yesterday lor a clerk. During the day thirty-live applications weie made tor the situation, notwithstanding the ci ty is so sickly. This fact speaks volumes to those at a distance, and admonishes them to stay where they are, and not come to New-Orleans with the sanguine hope of jumping into a good situ ation so scon as they arrive. No young man should come to New Orleans to act as a clerk, unless he is engaged before he starts. — We know there are thousands who contemplate coming to New Orleans this fall, who feel sure of situations, supposing half our population to have died. There are hundreds out of employ now m this city, who are fully accli mated and competent to fill any situation. Those who come here with the hope of making a living under these circumstances, unless they are previously engaged, we fear will meet with but disap pointment and sorrow. Picayune. The only duel of which we have heard for several weeks,took place yesterday between two of our citizens. N o harm done—no blood—all smoke—shook hands, and made friends. The society of New-Orleans is improving.— Any harm in saying so ? Picayune. POLEMICAL ZEAL. A dispute took place between a Capuchin and a Jew, as to which of them could cite the greater number of holy individuals ; and it was at length agreed that they* should alternately pluck a hair from each other’s beards on na ming every sainted personage. Capuchin—[lulling a hair from the Jew’s beard—“ St. Francis.” Jew—pulling a hair from the Capuchin’s beard—“ Moses !” Capuchin—another hair from the Hebrew — 44 St. Cedilia!” Jew—another hair from the friar — 44 David.” Capuchin—plucks three toge ther— 64 Three Eastern kings !” Jew—plucking seven hairs from his adversary— 66 Seven Macca bees !!” Capuchin—tearing off the whole of the Jew’s beard— 66 The eleven thousand virgins ! !!” DIVISION OF TIME. 66 Murphy,” said an employer the other morning to one of his workmen, 66 you came late this morning; the other men were an hour before you.” 64 Sure ; and I'll be even with ’em to-night, then” ‘How, Murphy?’ ‘Why, faith, I’ll quit an hour before ’em all, sure.” MARRIED, On the 26th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Bragg, Mr. JOHN A. SPERRY, (former ly of Waterbury, Conn.,) to Miss MARY McCALLUM, of this citv.' < NO. I ! Wa*Jimgtoii Fire Company. at your Engine lloum, This Afternoon, at five o'clock, for regular monthly drill. By order. J. E. WELLS, Secretary. September 30 fi r Niagara Fire Company! T liE members ol the above Company will attend a meeting of the Company at heir Engine House, This Afternoon at five o'clock, llv order of James B. Ayrfs, Foreman. THOS. HARROLD, S< cret ary. N.B. A full attendance is particularly reques’ed,as business of importance is to be attended to. September 30 fir at a a iflT a ? jgMHS EVENING, (Saturday,) will be presented the Comedy of c XI. King Charles, . . Mr. Field, Captain Copp, . . Hart, Mary Copp, . Mrs. Carter. sonus, Ac. To conclude whh the Farce of TOUCH AND TAKE. St. Lawrence, . . Air. Bailey, Cecile, . . Mrs. Bailey. OCT Mr. YOUNG’S Benefit will take place on Monday next. September 30 fir f ais ek M'V BAILEY respectfully informs the Ladies and gentlemen that his BEN EFIT is fixed for Wednesday Evening next, when w 11 he performe i the Trag c Play of PIZARRO, or the DEATH OF ROLLA. The part of Rolla, by Mr. Bailey ; Elivra, by Mrs. Bailey. During the evening, Mr. Bailev will recite the SAILOR BOY’S DREAM, and bv particular desire, will dance a SAIL OR’S HORNPIPE. Several Songs, &c. To conclude with anew Farce. For further particulars see hills of tile day. September 30 JYew Bakery l fp i lE Citizens are respecliully informed that the BAKERY is now in full op eration, and the sul scriber solicits ihat it may he tried, to prove that by patronising it, there will he found to be economy to every bouse-heeper. The articles manu factured shall always be of the very best materials, and a constant endeavor to please both the rye and pall ate. FRESH BREAD every morning, at 6 o’clock, which will be sen* to the customers , v'hf n requested, by leaving their names at the Bake-house. Fresh RUSH, BISCUIT, and a great variety of TEA CAKE, every Evening, at fi o’clock, at the Bake-house. CAKES of every description or quanti ty made to order. {jCF Parties or Fami lies an ,plied at short notice. C. A. HIGGINS. N. B. Persons wishing to be supplied daily, with Bread, are requested to rail at the Bake-house, (in rear of the Central Ho tel.') and leave their names, and obtain tick ets, to obviate the difficulty of making change. September 30 fie ~U. C. AfIcNXEEE TS now receiving, at the store in Messrs. Rea & Cotton’s Fire Proof buildings, Third-s f reet, an extensive and careiullv se lected Stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, READY: MADE CLOTH ING, fyc. Among other things will be found, SJks, Satins and Satin Reps, Eng lish, French & Grodenap Merinos ; French English, Swiss, and Scotch worked and embroidered Capes and Collars of various styles; M slins, Lawns, Linnens, Diapers. Carpetings, Prints, Hoserv, Shawls, Bon nets, Veils.&c. ; with other articles usu ally kept in a Drv Goods Store, all oi which will N? sold on good terms. September 30 sits wanted” g 'GGSand BUTTER, for which the highest price will be given, at HIGGIN’S BAKERY". September 30 fie