The Southern post and literary aspirant. (Macon, Ga.) 1837-1837, September 30, 1837, Image 4

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IP (Q) IE T IE 1[ . “ The world is full of Poetry—the air Is living with its spirit : and the waves Dance to the music of its melodies, And sparkle in its brightness.” Summer’s Gone. BY MRS. NORTON. Hark, through the dark woods dying W ith a moan, Faintly the woods are sighing— Summer ’s gone! There when my bruised heart feeleth. Darkly my footstep stealeth '1 o weep alone. Hour after hour I wander, By men unseen— And sadly my wrung thoughts ponder, On what hath been ; Summer’s gone ? There in our own green bowers Long ago, Our path through tangled flowers Treading slow; Oft hand and hand entwining— Olt side by side reclining— lVe’ve watched in crimson shining The sunset glow : Dimly the sun now burneth For me alone— Soaring after spring returneth, But thou art gone : ■Summer ’s gone ? Still on my warm chock playeth j The restless breeze : Still in its freshness strayetli Between the trees. „ , Still the blue streamlet gusheth— Still the broad river rusheth — Still the calm silence husheth The hearts disease : But who shall bring our meetings Back again ? What shall recall thy greetings— Loved in vain ? Summer’s gone! On Seeing a Boy at Play. Down the green slope he bounded. Raven curls From his white shoulders by the winds were swept, And the clear rose-leaf of his cheek Was bright with motion. Through his open lips Shone visibly a delicate line of pearl, Like a white streaking in a tulip drawn, And his dark eye’s clear brilliance, as it lay Beneath his lashes, like a drop of dew Ilid in the moss, stole out as covertly As starlight from the edging of a cloud. I never saw a boy so beautiful. Ilis step was like the stooping of a bird, And his limbs melted into grace, like things Shaped bv the wind of summer. He was like A painter’s fine conception—such an one As he would have of Ganymede, and weep Upon his pailet, that he could not win The vision to his easel. Who could paint The young and shadowless spirit ? Who could cl tain The visible gladness of a heart that lives, Like a glad fountain, in the eye of light, With an unbreathing pencil ? Nature’s gift Has nothing that is like it. Sun and stream, And the new leaves of .Tune, and the young lark That flees away into the depths of heaven, Lost in his own mad music, and the breath Os spring-time, and the summer-eve, and noon In the cool autumn, are like fingers swept Over sweet-toned affections—hut the joy That enters to the spirit of a child, Is deep as his young heart ; his very breath, The simple sense of being, is enough To ravish him, and, like a thrilling touch, He feels each moment of his life go by. Beautiful, beautiful childhood ! with a joy That, like a robe, is palpable, and flung Out by your every motion ! delicate bud Os the immortal flower, that will unfold And come to its maturity in heaven ! I weep your earthly glory. Tis a light Lent to the new-born spirit, that goes out With the first Idle wind. It is the leaf Fresh flung upon the river, that will dance Upon the wave that stealeth out its life-. Then sink of its own heaviness. The face Os the delightful earth will, to your eye, Grow dim ; the fragrance of the many flowers Be noticed not, and the beguiling voice Os nature, in her gentleness, will be To manhood’s senseless ear inaudible, f sigh to look upon thy face, young boy ! [New-York .Mirror. He that talks all he knows, will talk more than he knows. From the New-York Mirror. AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS. As the gods got nothing but the smoke of their offerings, and the priests the meat, so authors gettlio lame and the booksellers the profit of their works ; the no ses of the one arc tickled, and the stomachs of the others filled. ROBBERS. A robber is a hawk, who strikes his prey to satisfy his hunger ; a minister of state a trained falcon, who rises at the bidding of the master that feeds him, and hunts game for mm. PRUDES. Prudes who take fire so easily at the slightest intimation of im o propriety, are like spunk, which catches fire instantly, after having been once burned. MORALISTS. Those who are always mer.ti mg the road to heaven, have no time to pursue it; as the man who carries the lantern, stumbles of tenor than he who follow s him. SATIRE. A talent for satire, too much indulged, wounds its owner as well as others, as a nail, w hen the hand is clinched too long, grow s into the surrounding fiesh and makes it sore. EPIGRAMS. Ep igrains are like poisoned arrows, whose point alone is poi soned. If adherence to rule checks the upward flight of genius, it facili tates its descent, And every child knows it is harder to catch a sink ing ball, than it is to throw it up into the air. And lastly, light lasts longer than fire ; irregulari ty is short-lived, regularity last ing. Therefore in a fable the horses of the fleeting Aurora have wings, while those of Phoebus, the god of light, have none. All that can be said in favor of rules is, that they are sticks to assist the shoots of genius to climb, hot trees oti which they must be grafted. Wo may even say that genius, like our first parent, when it has eaten of the tree of knowledge, cannot eat of the tree of eternal life ; it is like love, winged but blind . PREACHING AND PRACTICE. How easy it is for those in pow er and prosperity to preach hero ism to the vanquished ! How lit tle can they understand that life itself may rise in value with the unfortunate, when naught but life remains. TIIE VAELEY OF SILENCE. It was a perlect Eden for beau ty. Tflie scent ol flowers came up on the gale, the swift stream sparkled like diamonds in the sun, and a smile of soft light glistened on every leaf and blade, as they drank in the life-giving ray. Its significant loveliness was elo quent to the eye and the heart; but a strange deep silence reigned over it all. So perfect was the unearthly hush, you could almost hear yourself think. LACONIC. A remarkable example of the laconic style has recently taken place, which would put Leonidas and his conntry to shame. An Edinburgh quaker sends to a bro ther quaker in London a sheet of letter paper, containing nothing whatever in the w riting way, save a note of interrogation, thus (?) his friend returned the sheet, ad ding, for a sole reply, aO. The meaning of the question and an swer is as follow s: “What news?” “ Nothing !” JIACOA COFFEE-HOUSE. THE subscriber wHI open the Macon Coffer House, on Saturday, (this day,) the 30th instant, at half-past l 1 o’clock, in the large house on the cor ner of Second and Cherry-streets. He has refitted and made t;uch additions and alterations in the build xng, up to render it both a convenient and elegant '•s abli; ..merit. 03 BAR is well provided with *Y ires aid Lie . v hich he trusts will recommend th ...selves by .. .t<r ! . Two parlours, for the use of .ns customers, a e attached to his Bar Rcom. fcr He has fitted up a CLUB ROOM, in the se cond story, for the meeting of Clubs and private par ties of gentlemen. He is also prepared to give genteel Pccoinmoda* tion to Boarders. _ , _ THOMAS B. CLARK. ■September 30 • s t f Central Hotel . undersigned announces to the pub lic that he has taken the above HO TEL. It is now undergoing a complete and th rough repair, with important altera tions ; in consequence of which it will not he in ample order, for the reception of Company, before the 10th of October—at which time he will be prepared to give as good accommodation as can be found in the Southern country. H. R. WARD. Macon, September 23d, 1537. 4 REMOVAL. TAOCTOR H. LOOMIS has removed 1 his DRUG STORE to the store, up. on Mulberry-street, second door above the Post Office. September 23 4 Rohprt Wheeler, (Late Wheeler 4* Townsend,) W: ALER in Staple Dry Goods, Shoes, j Groceries, Hard & Hollow Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, Iron and Steel, Cotton Bagging, &c. &c. &c.— Third-Street , Macon. September 16 3tf Dicks rnoßk A Ware Have got at their store, unaer the Central Hotel, SUGARS, Coffee and Teas Salt, Iron and Nails Ram, Gin and Whiskc, Holland Gin and Coniac-Brandy, An assortment of Cordials, A superior article of Molasses, Madeira, Sicily Madeira & Port Wines Sugar and Butter Crackers Hard-ware, Crockery-ware and Stone ware, Hemp Bagging Gunney Bagging, anew article, 43 in ches wide With everv article usually kept in a GROCERY STORE. A general assortment of Dry Goods. Also, just received, 8 hhds. Sugar 30 bags Coffee 12 boxes Lemon Svrup 4 do Honey-Dew Tobacco, Which are offered favorably for cash. September 2 ltf DraiHlivth’s Pills. *JMIE subscribers have accepted the sole Agency of Brandreth’s Pills, for Ma con, and will keep a supply of the same constantly on hand. GRIFFIN & PURSE, At their Book Store. September 2 ltf J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, DRUGGISTS, Cotton-Avenue, MACON, GEORGIA, fU: i Have just received the Jti-i following, which they of. ■rr —frr t*°r sa^e on accommo. dating terms : Superior English Ground Mustard, for tabic or Medical use Carpenter’s Extract Liverworfh Do. Sarsaparilla Cububs and Capaiva Do. Extract Pink-root Do. do Boncset Do. Tonic Extract l)o. Remedy for Scalds, Bums, &c. Do Disinfecting Liquid Chloride of Soda for sick rooms, and keeping Meat untainted in hot weather. Gallaghan’s Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills Superior Red Peruvian Bark Oil Cantharidin, Oil Black Pepper Stomach Tubes, Dentist’s Instruments Croton Oil, Salaeratus, Peariash Ground Spices, Starch Indigo, best Spanish, Salt-petre Salsoda, for washing, Superior Apple Vinegar Best London Walnut Catsup Sultana Raisins, for cooking. ALSO, A seneral Stock of Fresh Drugs, Medicines. Confectionaries, &c. September 23 4 f f New Carriage Repository, ON SECOND-STREET. rjTIE subscriber has on hand and will he receiving a large assortment of CAR. RIAGES, barrouches, buggies, &c. Arc. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themsel ves. JOHN HUNT, Jr. September 2 Iff 5? h h B A KKRf. r T , ITE subscriber has established, in this city, a BAKERY, for supplying the public with Bread, Crackers, Biscuit, husk, Cakes, <SfC. He has secured the services of a first rate work man, brought up to the business, and warrant to Ins customers that the articles manufactured shall al ways lie of the best materials I RESH BREAD will be delivered every morn ing (and every evening, provided sufficient, encour agement is given,) at 7 o’clock, at the Bake-house, and at the h#uses of such in the city as may request Fresh Rolls, Rusk and Tea Calls can be had at the Bake-house every evening at 4 o'clock. Fresh Crackers and Biscuit, Water and Butter, will be constantly kept on hand bv the pound, keg or barrel, which, as to quality, shall be equal to any imported. Country merchants can be supplied in any quantity, by sending their orders. FLOUR Os the best brands of Canal, Philadelphia, Balti more and Richmond, new and fresh, can always tie had by the barrel, half-barrel, or retail, at the Bake house. The subsciber solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, assuring them his personal attention will be given in superintending the establishment— that they may obtain the “ staff of life” of the best materials, in a pure , cleanly and wholesome stale. C. A. HIGGINS. *»* The Bake-house is in the rear of the Central Hotel—opeft daily, (Sundays excepted,) from 6 o’- clock, A. M to 7 o'clock, P. M. Persons V)ish in rr In he. supplied daily, are re quest ed to call at the. Bake-house and obtain Tickets , as none will be left without them. Macon, September 16, 1837. 3tf Carpenter’s Embrocation for Hor ses. TpOR the cure of Swellings, Strains, Bruises, Galls, Stiffness of Tcndour and joints, &,c &c. This Embrocation is recommended to Farriers and others who wish a remedy for diseases above men tioned. For sale by 'J.II& W. S. ELLIS. September 23 4tf 03™ We are authorized to announce Benjamin R. Warner as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb County, at the ensuing election in January next. July 22 Btd TER M S OF TIIE POST AND ASPS SC A AT. 03™ The Post and Aspirant will he is sued every Saturday Afternoon, in the City ot Macon, at $2 per annum, in advance, or $3 at the end of the year—Bl 25 for 6 months. Single copies 12 1-2 cents. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates, with a reasonable deduction to those who advertise by the year. 03” Small Religious Notices, Marriages* and Obituary Notices, will be published GRATIS. 03“ Letters, &c. from a distance, on business, must be post paid to insure at tention.