The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, October 19, 1844, Image 3

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n :c. eliy* uttlc. \\ c a»k the reiult r* uUcmiun, built whig B nd democrat, l‘> lliis singular and extta onlinury document, which will be found jn our columns to-day ; and if there is a Whig in the biutc who is in favor of the annexation oi Texas to the Union now or ■ul any future time, we commend it espe cially to him. Let him read it in connex ion with those recently written on the ? ame subject, and see if he can, any grounds in this upon which a reasonable (j o ne can he rested of acquiring Texas no \v or at any future time, should Mr. Clav he elected. This letter is somewhat remarkable in several respects. It aban dons the ground taken in ihuse intended for the South, especially that written to bis friend in Alabama. Mr. Clay also de clares that he will write it.) more at present for the public eye, and avers that ), e will change no more on the Texas question, but adhere for all time to come to bis Raleigh letter.—ln short, this letter m:l y he regarded as a virtual abandon ment of the question of annexation to the prejudices of the abolitionists at the North. Such in terms, if not in words, are the pledges given to them. But where in {bis letter is there any promise to the friends of Texas at the South? None. And upon what grounds can the people of the South rest a hope of peace or secu rity should Mr. Clay lie elected, and Mr. Webster and his friends do as they say diey will, “hold Mr. Clay to his word"? Jiore,. He lias here closed the door fore ver upon them, and his Administration like Uaute’s poetic inscription over the gales of Hailes, would have w ritten upon it for the fiouilj. “Abandon Hope.” Mil. CI.AY A.IIJ TUG SOUTH. 'fhc subjoined correspondence needs scarcely any comment with any Southern man, w hose idolatry lor men has not en tirely swallowed up his love of country. The declaration made by Col. W.C. Pres ton, of what he heard Mr. Clay say about the future condition of slavery in the South, has been iin ruborated by Mr. Mc- Duffie in a speech lately made at Augusta, as well as by the letter of Col McCord, of Alabama. Mr. Clay declared to Col. Preston several years ago, “that one de sign of the Tariif, and other measures which his party would pursne, was to gradually render our slaves of no value to us, and then we would free them our selves.” Can the people of the South support for the Presidency a man, who "un every oilier occasion, as on that lime alluded to, avows liimsfcJl in favor of a policy, which if continued, must inevita bly reduce the people of the South to.a con dition tiir more degraded than of the poorest serfs of Europe-—and all tc* force them to free their slaves, hy rendering i.heir labor valueless, if Mr. Clay should t> * our next President, and his uduiinistra-! lion guided, as it certainly w ill be, by thei Webster’s and Adam’s, the Seward’s and Slades of the North, what hope will there be left for the South? Nothing, absolute ly Homing! The measures of such an 'administration, wnwihi be .ase continued bfigbi upon the fund, ourprospei ity would he dried up, our eities .depopulated, our houses left tenantless, commerce would furl Vr -sails, agriculture would lan guish and die, the greai interests of Chris tianity and education would be prostrated among us, want and .misery would every 'where cover the dond. Ati administra- Miou coniroled by such councils as Mr. ‘Clay would be'Coinpelled to adopt, would ■ blast'foreverves with a curse, this fair re gion nf court try ; it would he like the man h of deu’li when “all Hell followed.” People rtf’the South, let then the present aw tul-etisis in your affairs, l>mnler in your ears your country’s cause, •Aild wake up all’s Roman in you.” Caulowville, Oct. 5, 134 1. To the Editor of the Dallas (jazeUt : You will oblige me by pub isimig I lie enclosed copy of :i letter, which l have received J'rimi Col. Hu sell P. McCord, of Lowndes conuiy. V. ould to God, it was in the hands of every matt, Its tn the Pa apsco to the Gulf of Mexico! It exhibits Mr. Clay in his true position, as a man totally des titute of character. lint what shall we say of Col. Preston? He be lieved in the tear 19.31, that the great object ol Mr Clay, in forcing the protective policy upon the country, was to destroy the perpetuity of the Southern Slates —be heard Mr Clav mike this declaration in Virginia; and now, with this hull and damning hint upon Mr Clay, this man, \\ il liam C. Preston, is using every art and effort to in duce the honest planters of the South, to commit the suicidal act of voting [or Henry Clay. Shame ! Shame! Read it, Sir—publish it—spread it before the people. Let them see the statement, and let them itear the liict —the startling fact—that in the year 1331, Henry Clay declared the great object ol the tariff system to be, to render their slaves so value less, that if they did not run away from their mas ters, that their masters would be glad to run away from them. That Mr Clay did make the declaration attribu ted to him by Colonel Preston, there can lie no doubt ; and there is joss as little' doubt that Col. Preston will not deny .the statement of Colonel McCord. With great respect, I ant, Sir. BERNARD A. REYNOLDS. Lowndes, October 2, 1844. Dear Sir—The declaration which I heard Col. Preston make, was to this effect: That at the White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, Mr Clay de flared Hint it t ras true Congress could not free our slaves, but that they could, by high duties on rm tpoits, make them so valueless, Unit if they did no run away from us, ice should be glad to i un a tray from them; and that that was the great object oj the Tariff System. Phis declaration was made by Colonel Preston in the fall and winter, I think, of 1841, and Mr. Clay’s re'lliarks were made that summer. Colonel Preston repeatedly made die declaration, publicly and privately. Col. Clifton, ol Dallas, Dr. Law rence, of this courtly, Whigs; and Robert Rives, of Reuben House, of tins county, Democrats, heard Colonel Pseshm make the same declaration, Some of them like myself, repeatedly. Yours, truly, il. P. McCORD. I). A. Reynolds, Esq. ©i n PKIPi: CURRENTS. We will hereafter regularly publish a fan fully revised Price Current, an<l re view of tlie markets every week, with the 'luting on every article under the present TarifT. We have returns Irutn counties in Ohio, in which Iturlly, (whig,) has a ma fotiij' of Iv 42 over loti, democrat* POPH.AB ORATORY. 1 he follow ing is u rich specimen ufelo-j (quence, from one of the most gif.ed pub-, lick speakers of the age, in which we live. Oansevort Melville, has all the research iclassical l ( »re, pathos and Demosthenic action, necessary to place him side by l e with the most illustrious Orators of lie last, or present century. In him we see combined, the irresistible fervour of Sheridan,and the classic richriessofßurke. After having dwelt at considerable length upon other topics of discussion, Mr. - lelvillt', ! *i the course ol his speech, em phatically repelled the idea which the Whigs of Tennessee are so laborious in inculcating, that Mr. Van Bnren is giving but a cold and insincere support of the nominations of Polk and Dallas, and ab ler demonstrating the warm desire which fie feels for the success of the Democratic candidates, spokeat length of the career, character and elevated position of Martin \ an Buren in terms which drew from the; auditors oft repeated and enthusiastic res ponses, In speaking of the magnanimity jofMr. Van Buren’s latest public act, his letter to the New York committee, Mr. Melville said : And here let us take from the simple page of history an illustration of kindred heroism. During tlie long and bloody border warlare which existed between the English and Scotch for several centu ries, many well contested and glorious ac tions were fought, hut none belter contes ted or more glorious than the battle ofOt terbonrue, w hich took place in the latter part of the fourteenth century. The op posing forces were well matched in point of number, bravery and discipline, and cadi headed by a leader of acknowledged prowess. The English rallied under the banner of the princely house of Percv, which on that field, was represented well by the pridennd hope ol his ancient lineage gallant Harry Percy—the Harry Hotspur ol Shakspeare. The Scotch swarmed a ; round a standard that bore aloft a bloody ! heart, the well known badge of the haugh ty Douglass. James Earl oi Douglass, a chieftain worthy of his hetoie name, led them to the encounter. Thus equal in jnumhers, and generalsh p, the battle raged for several hours, and the event was yet uncertain. The Scottish ! leeder in the hope of deciding the contest gave the signal Ibr a general charge, and I sword iri hand and spur on heel, he led it gallantly. While waving his artn to his iloops to invite them onward, an arrow pierced his heart, lie fell from his sad dle. His chiefs thronged around him. Death was perceptable on his brow. Ev ery! hing near and dear to him was Hilling from his grasp. His vast baronial estates, ifeudal bonois, mililary fame, wife, chil, dreri and ftiends were to him as nouglit -1 Tii.’y claimed not one single memory, lie thought not of himself—his thoughts, were all his country’s. But one idea oc cupied Ins mind and concentrated all his being. The life of blood was oozing from his side—t»e fed l it not. The hand ofdeatli was on him— he heeded it not. His chiefs jltad raised him from the gtouttd. Open ing his glazing eyes he said: “i am dying. ; There is a tradition in our family that a dead Douglass shall win a Jit hi; and 1 trust that, it may this day be accomplished. Advance my standard—shout my ua.’-cry and avenge my Jail.” They left him the; e to die. They did as they were directed. They char ged upon the enemy with the? hurricane > ira : rge of men determined to Ho or die. The enemy that heretofore had maintain ed their ground gave way, and wsredri jven charge as the chafl before the wind. The result was no longer doubt-; fa!-—the victory was most decisive. Hot spur and his brother were taken prisoners.! Henry Ceay is the Harry Hotspur of | the Whig party. (Here the speaker was i broken in upon with a shout from tens of 'thousands of voices that seemed to rendj die very heavens.) Mr. Melville proceeded. In litis histo rical temibiscence let him read his fate. | We have lost onr favorite leader, hut tve j remember bis parting words. And ire November, 1544, there will be another charge akin to that of Otterbouriie —a i chat ge of the lab >r and manhood of the! land—the iron legions that never quail— the serried phalanx of the unterrified De mocracy. The result ol that charge is ea sily foreseen ; lor an obedience to that great universal law of nature which bids the weaker give place to the stronger, Hen ry Clay and his cohorts, struggle as they may, must go down before it. That on slaught of the united Democratic forces, in November next, will close the chequer ed political life of the great Kentucky jstateraan—will seal the late of the modern Hotspur-herald the advent ol the rising ! star of Tennessee, and vindicate the su premacy of that heaven-born-spirit of pro |«ress, love, and truth which is one and identical with true democracy. (The cheeringlhat followed Mr. Melviil s speech and attended its delivery at intervals, throughout, was long, loud, and enthusias tic. ORr.AII/lf, ORGANIZE. If there is a District in any county in which our friends arc not thoroughly or ganized, we beg them, we urge them, to loose no time in doing it. The late elec lion in many of the counties is a lesson that we should not fail to profit by in No vember, —are our friends preparing to bring every volcr to the polls, are the va rious committees doing their duty, in eve ry county? if they are. we will give the Whigs a perfect Waterloo in November. The lines addressed to the “Texian Army” extracted from the last number. ■of| he Telegraph, are full of the Vis Ani mi of the pnel. Beautiful and slirring, and evi lenlly the production of achivnl ous and warm hearted being. He, or she, writes as if in the hearing of tho rush of battles, ami the clash of arms. |f the Author lien man, put him down} a true soldier —if a woman, of Arc. l p i.v. v* n i M.v/.i. flic great arm ol the Key Stone stale, has again fallen upon Whiggery, whittles-, olaiiug power. Pennsylvania lias rebu ked most triumphantly the bloated tac tions of Federalism and Whiggery, which sought in their union to overthrow her an cient Republican principles. She has nobly vindicated herself from any such pollution and stands where she has always stood, w henever the Constitution or liber-! ties of the people have been threatened, proudly forward in the Republican co lumn. By last evening’s mail, we have the returns from GS counties ; in these, Shunk,\ the Democratic candidate for Governor,'; has a majority of 3190 over Markle, his' Whig competitor. The remaining coun ties to be heard from, gave a Democratic;; majoiity of 2,370, in 1843, and will make Chunk’s majority over Whigs and Natives' combined, at least Jive thousand. 13 De mocrats, 9 Whigs, and 2 Native Atneri-j cans have been elected, so far as heard, from, to Congress. Nine cheers for the! Keystone State, she will give us 20,000 ; at the Piesidentiul election. COL. JOHNSON. Col. U. V. Johnson our eloquent electo ral Candidate, is expected to address the, Citizens of Macon to night, at the Club Room. THE FLOYD HOUSE. Newly fitted up under the admirable su perintendence of Mr. B. S. Newcomb, & Cos. presents to the public all the advan tages of like establishments in the City ot New York. It exhibits a recherche in its furniture, and general supervision, high ly creditable to its tasteful and enterpri sing proprietors. 'fhe Dining room, is now on the base ment lloor, and well adapted to the con venience of transient, as well as regular Boarders, and those who call will most as suredly find the table supplied with all die Democratic substantial of the up country, while the palate of the most fas tidious epicure will be gratified with the rich and cosily luxuries of the Seaboard. We assure our readers that this is nei ther a Whig or Democratic humbug—and tor proof positive, let them go, see, han dle and taste fer themselves. Mr. Webster pledged to the Abolition ists on Boston common, that Mr. Clay hud pledged himself against the Annexation of Texas, and that they would hold him to ■‘his word.” Mr. Clay, immediately res ponds to that demand in his organ the Nat. Intelligencer, and confirms the pledge. Webster the great supporter of Abolition and Federalism, now demands that Mr. Clay shall endorse his late speech made a few days ago at Philadelphia, in which he openly abandons the South, its institu tions, and its interests in toto to its lute. Hear him: “ That he would not suppress it for any con sideration on Earth.” And because the “Annexation of Texas would extend and perpetuate the evils of slavery,’ he avow ed himself “opposed to it, with qualifica tion and without qualification, this time— and at all times now and forever.” Senator Berrien assured the Whigs of the North at Springfield, Mass, that their Southern brethreu stood on a common platform with their Northern allies. We commend to the attention of the Cotton planting, hoe and ax-handle voters of the State, (our pan handle friends of Crawford included,) tlit* following extract from the Hon. John P. King’s letter on the practical operations of the Tariff! j It is so plain that “he who runs may read it.” j 1 Trade is simply an exchange of commodities, and tnnsl be reciprocal or it cannot exist to any great ■ extent. A simple illustration will explain to you ■' in the “plain tvay’ - you desire, hoiv we suffer both ns producers and consumers. You are a Cotton planter, and your income, I believe, is principally j derived from cotton. Suppose you have seven I hales ol codon lor sale; you sell one of them to a Lowell niamrtactuter, one seventh of your crop is! all he wishes, and you propose to sell the other six j toan Englishman. He proposes to buy, but says it is not convenient to pay except you will take! something in his line. He says to you that wages ] are very low in England, and he can afford to lur-! nish you what you want lower than you can get it | any where else. He offers you yonr negro cloth ing for 15 cents per yard, which you would have to | give 81 lor tit tlie United Slates; Cotton prints for every day wear, for the females of your family, at j ,j i-2 a 4cents that c ist 12 1-2 cents at the north.) in short, lie proposes to furnish you by himself, and j through his neighbors, nearly every tiling you need | j lor consumption in your family for about half the price you could purchase it at home. You area bout closing so good a bargain, lor whilst you are ! getting all you wish to buy at half its price at home ■ | you are getting full price for your cotton, which j the Englishman is enabled to give, because von j take the produce of his labor in payment. The Lowell manufacturer and Pennsylvania iron-nton-j ger, however step in and forbid the trade. They i say to you that you may sell your cotton to the Englishman ifhe can pay you for it, but you must buy nothing from him. You must make your pur chases from us. Congress has passed a law to pro ject us against the low interest and cheap labor of Europe. We have hut little capital, and we wish a high interest on it. We have but little suiplus ) labor, and our laborers must therefore have high wages'. Moreover, your cotton is the produce of slave labor. To allow yon to exchange it to the ! best advantage lor articles coming into competition | with us, would be putting the slave labor of the j south, on an equal footing with the free labor of the north, “which the north will never consent to.” I’lte Englishman would then say to you, that he would puTcliaae your cotton, but it mint be ataj reduced price, and why ? Because he would have ! to depend on selling the produce of his labor to oth ers, to enable him to pay lor it. You sell to him at the reduced price which he is enabled to give under these circumstances, and with thal reduced price, you go to the north to purchase your sup- 1 plies, where you have to pay from 50 to 100 per) cent, higher than if allowed the benefit of free enm-) petition. Now what have von to compensate you j lor this enormous loss? You are told that il is ini- i posed to protect “home industry” against the. “pauper labour of Europe!” Is not vours home j industry,and how is that protected? By compi ling you to give two hales of cotton for ivltai vott i might otherwise purchase lor one! Protected a gainst the orivilege of selling high, and buying cheap!! The cheaper the labor we exchange lor, I S the more profitable the exchange for us! and whe ther il is the labor of paupers, or gentlemen, is ol ; ino consequence. This is the way all cotton plan ters are protected: is any other interest in the ! State benefited by your loss? I know of none large enough to he named. Our mechanics are injured by paying double price for their tools, slothing, fee.; and *llll further injure I, by the depression of the [ planting interest, on which they principally depend 1 for employ. MOTLY. The New \eik Tribune, of inst week, |says: “The (non y Market is abundantly sup plied with Capital seeking avenues of in vestment, and loans are easily obtained, the on hypothecation of the best Stocks at j 4a4 1-2 percent. The Banks are dis- 1 counting short paper at 5 per cent, when they cannot gel more and the loans which they refuse at current rates, are eagerly taken by private Capitalists in the streets. It is now generally admitted in Wall street, that Money must be abundant for some time to come,” llow is it with us 1 Let the care-worn j features'ofour business men, and Farmers' answer. AD CAPTAM9U.Y REPORTS. During the present political campaigd leflorts have been made to influence For eigners to vote against Polk and Dallas, the great standard bearers ol Republican ism, on this side of the Atlantic ; because ! as isavered “Catholics and Jews are pro-i jhihited by the Const! ution ofNewHamp-| shire, from holding office either of honor j or profit in that State.” And because ljsay the Federalists New Hampshire is J Democratic, the democratic party through : out the United States, should therefore be held responsible for that clause in its Con j stitution. |j In refutation of this report, we invite the attention of our readerr to the subjoin ed letter of the Hon. Levy Woodbury? It seems that no perversion, or humbug that the Federal Party statrs, fails to re act upon them, and to smite them hip and thigh w hen properly explained. Portsmouth. N, H. -3th Oct. 1811. Pear Sir: —Oil my return today, after j two weeks absence, I found yours of the 23rd inst. In reply to its enquiries, I would state, that when our Constitution | was last revised over half a century ago, jan expression was introduced requiring the Governer and State Senators, to be of the Protestant religion. Besides this, it excluded no sect, and those who have since been Federalists and Whigs, were then a majority in the State, and adopted that expression. The provision had no parctical effect, or it would have been al tered long ago, as we had no Catholics or Jews iri the State. The first time we have a Convention, the expression will un doubtedly be expunged by the Demo crats, if a majority. I am respectfully, LEVI WOOD BURY. S. M. Strong, Esq. —— COTTON MARKET.’ During the week the Cotton Market lias fieen j (|tiiet, in consequence of the present favorable sea son for picking. The receipts have not been large. I We quote sales 4 1-2 a 5 3-4—principal sales 5a | 5 1-4. OBITUARY. “ Why is it that bright forms of human beauty | !are continually presented to our view, anil then arc taken from us, leavingthe thousand streams of 'our affection to flow hack in Alpine torrents, upon jour hearts?” I Died at the residence of Mr. M. McAskil!, in Houston countv, on the 17th inst, Piiscilu Ams, daughter nf Mr. M. and Eliza Ann McAskill, in her fifth year. She came like a spirit of light, To reflect on my soul a T Os beauty surpassingly bright, And then she vanished away. J. M. BOARD MAN, DEALER IN LAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS and School Rooks; Blank Books ami Stationery of all kinds; Printing Paper, &.c. &.C. Sign of the Large Bible, two doors above Shot icelt’s corner, west side of Mulbcrrij Street. Macon, Georgia. Oci. 19,1844. t-ls NISBET & WINGFIELD, AT T O KIGDi A T I. AW. Office on .Mulberry Street, over Kimberly's Hat Store. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. 1-ts “doctors J. M. & H. K. GREEN, Corner of Mulberry and Third Streets. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. l-tl JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR, DEALER IN DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARD WARE, etc. ' Brick Store, Cherry Street, Ralston's Range, first door below Russell 8t Kimberley's. j Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1 —ll GEORGE M. LOGAN, DEALER IN , -- FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, 1 Hard-Ware, Crockery, Glass-Ware, &-c. &.C. Corner of Second and Cherry streets. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ls D. & W. GUNN, DEALERS IN S T A I* L E l> R Y Ci O O DS, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Sec. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts SAMUEL J. RAY &~CO. DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY CJOODS, Ready Made Chilling< Hats, Shoes, &c. Second street, a few doors from the Washington Hotel. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 18,1844. 1-ts REDDING & WHITEHEAD, DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY WOODS,, Hard Ware, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, &c. Btc. Corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry streets. Macon, Georgia. Cfct. 19,1844. I—if FLOYD HOUSE. BY B. S. NEWCOMB &. CO. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. 1-ts 13 F. ROSS, - DEALER IN DRY WOODS AND WKOCEKIES. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts B. It. WARNER, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. Dealer in every description of Merchandise. “Tlie Public’s Servant,” and subject to receiving consignments at all times, by the consignees pav ing 5 |>er cent, commissions for services rendered. Macon. Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. I-if J. L. JONES & CO. CLOTH INW STORE. West side Mulberry Street, next door below the 1 BiY Hat. Macon, Georgia! Oct. 19, ISM. 1-ts M FLOYD HOUSE. jfrA fLATE CENTRAL HOTEL.) '»»& Spacious and convenient eainblisiooeui, ®- has been by ils new proprietors entirely reno vated and repaired. The rooms have tteen ttioi ( (uglily cleansed, Plastered and Painted, ami newly furnished throughout. Particular care has been taken in procuring civil and attentive servants, and the eh nee of tbe Northern and Southern markets will constitute the daily bill of tare. Nolroubleor ex|>t*use will be spared to make the Floyd House one of the best conducted Hotels in ihe country. B. S. NEWCOMB & CO. Macon, Oct. 19, 1844. I—if .v/; tr ctoo its. • (pHE undersigned are receiving and opening a large and well selected ..rockdf FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hals, Shoes and Ready Made Clothing, See., at their store on Second street, a lew 'loots sooth of the Washington Hall. His slock will be found to embrace Hie most fashionable and desirable stvlcs ofmost goods in their line, and will be sold at unusu ally low prices far cash, by the piece or otherwise. The following among other articles will be found in their stock: Super black, brown, blue, green and fancy West of England Cloths. Super French and English Cassimeres; I Plain and Fancy do. do. J Satin, Velvet and Marseilles Vestings ; Black and fancy Silks, Satins, Bombasines, Mnua line* de Laities, Cashmere d’Ecosse, Crape de Laines, &.e. &c ; Pink, .white, orange, blue and black Bal/.arines, lor evening dresses, anew and beautiful article; Cashmere, flub Roy and Tufleton Shawls; American, English and French Prints; Alpaccas, Merinos, Cluisans, and Silk and Cot ton Hosiery, Gloves,and Handkerchiefs; Brown and bleached Sheetings, Shirtings, Tick ings and Checks; Kerseys, Jeans, Flannels, Rose, Poini and Dalfil Blankets; Bov’s and Men’s russet and kip Brogans, Shoes and Boots; Ladie’s, Misse’aand Children’s Shoes ; Hals, Caps, Bonnets, Bte. &.c.—all of which are offered at the lowest prices. SAMUEL J. RAY &. CO. _ Macon, October 19, 1844. I—ts WHITING & MIX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ROOTS AND SHOES, Near the Washington Hall, Second street. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. l-ts W A R i:-H UUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Macon, Georgia. (>— IN connection with the Ware / -.4* 4k I|j House, we have established a Store, feSsJ&sSil®/ where we shall be able to furnish our patrons and others, with BAG GLVG, ROBE, GROCERIES, IR ON, and all other plantation supplies, at reasonable rates. MOULTRIE St CAMPBELL. October 19. 1844. 1-ts ~\V ARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. □ Maj. William Hamilton hav f <s> Jgj ing retired, the subscribers have ns jrA.TjjY ■ W sociated themselves in business, tin— der the name and style of WINN & RUMPH. They will occupy the Ware House bin Cherry street, known as Hamilton St Winn’s. They are prepared to make advattces on Cotton put in their stores, and to execute all orders that Ima v be confided to them in the line of their busi ness. J. D. WINN, J. V. RUMPH. | Macon, October 19, 1844. 1-ts FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE undersigned would inform their friends and the public, that they have taken thestand on Cotton Avenue, one door below Mtssrs. Orr, and opposite Seoit & Carhart, where they are pre pared to execute all Jobs iu tfie above line ; and they flatter themselves they will he able to give sa tisfaction, both in regard to fitting and woiknan ship, and solicit a share of public patronage. All garments warranted to fit. PICKET fit. LYNN. Macon, Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts JFOK SALE." I jgfrjMßSS. A VACANT Wood Lot; on the - ** Knoxville Road, containing Twen ty Acres of Land, —Two Acres fron -—. ting the road, and running Ten acres back. There is on the Los, a good situation Ibr Buil ding, and on Ihe Lot adjoining a most excellent Well of water. It will he sold low on one and two years for good papers. Apply at the office of the Re publican. M con, Octoher 19,1844 2-ts STRAYED, ROM CICERO THARP, on the Knoxville road, thiHeed miles from Macon; a large bay Horse, \V bite hind leet, Long main and tail, a star in his Ibrehead, and a blemish in one of his Eyes, tvhich however does not effect his sight. He will more than probably make up th-oughMonroe coun ty. A suitable reward will be paid to any person who will return said horse in good fcotldinoo to the subscriber. S. M. STRONG. Macon, Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts A PLANTATION, C CONTAINING Three Hundred Acres of pro- J ductive Land, within Three miles of Macon, with One Hundred Acres cleared, and the balance well timbered with Oak, Pine and Hickory, and all of it under fence, can be purchased oh reasonable terms by making an early application; Apply at this Office. Macon, Oct. 19, 1844. I—if VINE villi: lots. THE only unimproved Lot, on which can lie fount', running Water, good Springs, and a fine situation lor Building, can he had on good terms bv an early application at the office of the Repub lican. The above described Lot, contains Six Acres, on which there is Wood enough to last a small lam ily from five to ten years. Macon, October 19, 1911. 1-ts INSURANCE. " THE CROTON [MUTUAL] INSURANCE COMPANY, Or ifrE City or New York. THIS Company, according to the provisions of its charier, is ready to insure all kinds of Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, against loss or damage, at rates and terms moderate anti liberal, and solicit the patronage of its friends and the public at the Agency of the Company. TRUSTEES. Abraham Van Nest, James Harper, William B. Cozzens, John B. L'j«:ila, Charles L. Vose, John J. Bovd, Joseph B. Nones, Edward Richardson, John F. Butterworth,- James Phalen, Samuel Sherwood, John J. Herrick, ZaJock Pratt, George C. DeKay, Herman D. Gould, Theodore A. Mever, Joseph S. Smith, William P. Forums, Elias T. Aldrich, John T. Gilchrist, Lawrence Hill, I.oring Andrews, Thomas Monahan, Cyrus Cheney, W'illiam H. Townsend, George W hitaker, Amos Noyes, Janies H. Suytlam, John Breasted, George Palen, Leonard Appleby, William Burgovne, Silas M. Crandall. SAMUEL A. LAW HENCE. President. JOSEPH B. NONES, Vice President. Lewis Benton, Secretary. Capt. Samuel Candler, Marine Inspector. William Wells, Fire Surveyor. The undersigned is the authorised agent of the above company, to lake either Marine or Fire risks in any part of the State of Georgia, upon such liberal terms as may lie agreed upon between the insured and ihe agent, who is vested with ample ami discretionary powers. JERRY COWLES, Agent. Macon, October 19. 1814. 1-ts THOMAS TAITLOU, (on COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND ST* LET,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stap l e JJ r y Goods, CHOICE GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLER Y, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND SADDLERY, &c. Btc. fee. WOULD particularly invite Merchants *ml Planters to call and examine his extensiv* and weli selected stock before purchasing else where, as he is determined to make prices corres pond fully with the times. The following comprise a part of his slock: Aflghan Satins, anew article for dtesses ; Cashmere, Crape and su|.er Mousliu <l* Laines, new patterns; Alpaccas, Silk and Gimp Fringes; Ginghams, super Chent and genuine Scotch; Cambrics, plain, striped and checked; Muslins, Jaconet, book, &c ; Laces, Quilling, Lisle, Edging, and Laoe Neok Ties; Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers; Cravats, Black Silk, Printed, and Fancy FTild Handkerchiefs, a great variety; Shawls, 600 Plaid de Laiqf, Chene, Prussian, Printed, Neltand Woolen Shawls and Comtoricr* ; Flannels, W'liite, Red, and Yellow; Brown Linen Tab'e Covers; Irish Linen ; Gloves, Mitts, Suspeiulets, Garters and Night Caps; * ' Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton and Linen Thread ; Corded Skirts. Corset I.aces, Pins, Nee dles, Tapes, Thimbles, Tuck Quill, and Dress Combs; Kentucky Jeans, ami super twill’d Negro Kerseys and Lindseys; Packages brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Ticks, Checks and Stripes; 800 I S AND SHOES, Ladies’, Men’s, Boy'a and Misses ; a huge supply. 200 pr. London doffil Blankets; 600 Negro Blankets, twill’d and heavy; 4000 pr Negro Brogans, a superior article ; 100 Ladies’, Men’s, and Buy’s Saddles; Bridles, Martingales, Whips anil Collar*; 1500 bleached sacks Salt, large size; 100 bales 46 inch Gunny Bagging, very heavy ; 300 ps 44 inch. Dundee and Russia do. 50 ps 44 inch. Gilroy’s superior 2 sh. brand j 3CO coils three tight dud hne half inch Manilla hale Rope ; 2000 lbs. superior Bagging Twiiit; 50 doz. Plough Lines and bed cords; 20 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 75 do. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars ; 20 hhls/Crushed and Powdered Sugar; 20 boxes standard Loaf and Havana Sugar; 350 hags old Java, Rio, Laguira, and Cuba Coffee’; 90 buttes Mpcrm Candles, sizes 4’s, s’s, and B’s f 20 “ Hull’s Patent Candles, assorted; 25 “ Hull's and Colgate’s Soap, No. 1 ; 30 “ Castile, Fancy and Variegated Soapt; 20 “ Colgate’s Super Pear Starch ; 600 “ Table Salt, a prime ariitie ; 20 “ Tobacco, some very choice lor chew in Si . 40,(IU0 lbs. Swedes Iron, ass’d, flat and square bar; German, Blistered and Cast Slebl ; 150 Kegs Nails and Brads; 500 ihs. Waggon Boxes; 15000 “ Hollow Ware; 200 pr. Trace Chains; i2 doz. Coffee Mills; 12 “ Iron Wire Sifters * 30 “ Pad Locks; 20 “ Curry Combs; 1200 Ihs. Bar Lead ; 50 doz. Blacking; 15 Boxes Cotton Cards; 500 Ihs. Sad Irons ; 50 dhz. Tubs, Pails ami a Miitsj; 25 “ Halter Chains; 20 “ Shovels ajyi Spades ; 20 “ Carolina Hoes; 10 “ Collin’s Axes; 20 “ Tea Kettles, No. 1, 2 and 3 ; 150 Bags Patent Shot ; 20 (it>z. Shoe and Horse Brushes; Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, Khikes ain't Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors, Razors and Straps, Shoe Knives and Rasps, Percussion Caps,Cut Tacks, and Scgar Cases; 150 Reams Wrapping, Cap and Letter Paper; 50 lbs: London Sealing Wax and VVaftrs, BluH and Black Ink; 200 Kegs White Lead; 75 Boxes Window Glass; 10 Casks London Porter; 30 doz. Saratoga Water; 10 “ Bay W atet; 10 Bbls. Cider Vinegar; Copal Varnish, Spirits Turpetine, Spa’h. Browtv Madder, Blue Stone, Copperas, Brimstone, Indigo, Fig-Blue, Scotch and Macaboy Snuff, Epsom Salts, Salt Petre, Sal iEratus, Mustard, Camphor,Oppo deldoc, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Magnesia, Cologne, Macaroni, Preston Salts, Lee’s Pills, Bateman’s Drops, British Oil, Tooth Powder and Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Imperial, Hyson and Pouchin TEAS, very choice; Extra FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT, and SODA BISCUIT, of superior quality, will be received Weekly throughout (he season: 30,0000 &EGARS, Manilla Cheroots, Planta tion Normas, Principe*, Regalias, Vueltabagera and India Casadora Panetelas; all selected with' care, and those fluid of a choice article, will please call and examine for themselves. Macon, Octoher 19, 1844. 1-ts WHITING & Mix; |P ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, to their stock of BOOTS and SHOES, to which weekly additions will be made during the season. Our as sortment embraces the following descriptions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans ; 1000 “ Men’s secotyj rate black Brogans ; 1500 “ Men’s best russet Brogans ; 700 “ Men’s Sefcond rate russet Brogans; 1000 “ Men’s best double sole black Brogans; 1200 “ Bov’s best black and russet Brogans t .800 “ Youths’ “ “ “ “ 1000 “ Men’s best kip Brogans; 600 “ Men’s second rate kip Brogans; 300 “ Men’s best double sole calf and kips Brogans; 500 “ Boy’s best kip Brogans; 800 “ Youths,’ best kip Brogans; 1500 “ Ladies’leather and Seal Brogans; 300 “ Ladies’leather and seal Shoes; 300 “ Ladies’ calf Brogans; 20 cases Men’s thick and kip Boots; 8 “ Boy’s thick and kip Boots f 5 “ Youths’, thick and kip Boots; 100 pairs Gents’ fine French calf Bools; 75 “ Gent’s middling fine French Boots; 100 “ Gent’s double sole. Calf. Bools; 100 “ Gent’s stout sole Calf Boots; , .3 Cases Gent’s stud Ladies’ India Rubbff Over Shoes. Also—A general assortment of Ladies’, Missea’ and Children’s Leathe r , Kid and Morocco Walk ing Shoes of all Pindf'nnd qualities; Ladies’, Mis ses’ and Children’s Gaiters and halt Gaiters, thick and thin soles of all descriptions—all of which will be soltl at the lowest possible prices. Also—Calf Skins, Sole Leather, Thread, P'B* of all sizes. Boots made and repaired in the best possible ma n.ner. Macon, October 19, 1844. |-(f dk i gI7“ : 7 A GENERAL STOCK OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES receiving, of the best selec tion. All persons wishing to purchase will be supplied with superior articles on fair terms. ALSO—PA TENT MEDICINES. Rowand’s Tonic; Balsam .of Liverwort; Bernard’s Cholera Remedy; Extract of Sarsa parilla ; Tomato Pills; Peters’Pills ; Hull’s Pills. Also —American Gentlemen’s Shaving Soap; Koussell’s superior Shaving Cream ; Superior old French Soap; Do. American; Pearlash. Potash, Salteraliis, Vinegar, Starch, Sic. &.c. For sale bv J! H. &. W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue, Macon, October 19, 1844. l-jf TO HIKE. ' A BOY old enough to do good service about a - ™ House. Apply at this Office. Macon, October 19,1844, t—«f