The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, November 01, 1844, Image 3

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(J DctnoeraH of Georgia, foil not to poll r verv Democratic vote on Monday next, every, vote is important, recollect how of ten elections turn upon a few votes, nay upon one vote. Recollect too that your opponents never fail to poll every one of their voles ? If their zeal can make them so active in a bud cause, what should not’ yours he in this great crisis of your coun try's danger—your homes and families, vour firesides and household gods, your wives and your children as well as your country, implores you to action, now & we beseech you then, in the name of these, give one day to your country, and let that be Monday. TZ2E EAST TRICK OF A DESPER ATE FAC I lO\. Another edition of the Roorhark Forgery and Free Trade Circular. iVc have just been put in possession of a tract fabricated by ttic //’bigs for cireu lation'in this State upon the eve of the Presidential election, entitled a warning to the People, and addressed to the citizens of Georgia, in which an attempt is made to prove hat the Abolitionists are leagued with the Democratic parts’. Waa there ever before such a vile and atrocious cal mnnly perpetrated in the face of an en lightened people. What! James K. Polk and the Democratic party leagued with Abolitionists —the idea is ridiculous—and evinces but a poor estimate of the intelli gence oftlic people. liut it will not do, ihe people cannot be deceived in that way They know who the real friends of the Sotidi are. They know that Mr. Clay’s letters against anexation, were the offspring of a caucus gotten up to pander to Aboli tion prejudices and secure lor him the abolition vote. , They know that his kinsman Cassius M. Clay has been sent by Mr. Clay’ and the Whigs of Kentucky lo preach a crusade against Slavery and Southern slaveholders among the Aboli tionists of the New England and Northern states with the view to secure their votes. They know all these things, and will treat this vile fabrication with the con tempt it deserves from every freeman. ; THE ABOLITIONISTS VS. THE CERTIFIERS. The certificate party in this State, from John M. Berrien down, have attempted to persuade the people of Georgia that there is a coalition between the democratic partv of the North and the abolitionists. I s order to expose the hypocrisy of these charges, ami the utter disregard of truth in those who make them, it is only neces sary to introduce the abolitionists them selves upon the stand. The following ar ticle from the Democratic Whig, a feder al abolition paper of Vermont, we beg to introduce to the notice of our readers, and if it would not be asking too much, we would likewise commend it to the atten tion of the certiliers themselves. There is tin issue here betweed you, gentelmen, and the signers of the following address. Settle it as you please. ADDRESS OF LIBERTY MEN. The Ami Arbor ( Mich.) Journal contains the following’ address bv twenty-four Aboli tionists of the county of Washtenaw. All the signers are respectable citizens. Mr. Edmunds has been at different periods the Abolition candidate lor Senator and Repre sentative, and Mr Barker for Supervisor ot his town : The undersigned, members of the Liberty party in the State of Michigan, (some of ms having given it our hearty co-operation end support since its first organization,) have been so strongly convinced of the tearful sin of slavery, and so deeply impressed with its evil influence upon our institutions, that v.-e have sundered old political lies ami con nected ourselves with a parly whose object lias been and is the overthrow of slavery in our country. Political organization, it not the only, was in our judgment the most ef ficient means, of reaching the evil which which we wished to remove. Bnt ti new question connected with slit hery presents itself. The annexation of Texas to this Union is strongly urged, we lepr, l>y a majority of t lie people of the slnvc hp ding States, and is warmly advocated by one of the political parties of the north. Formerly our contest was with “ Slave ry as it is now we are compelled to en counter the new issue, ot the extension of Slavery by the annexation of new Slave do main to our already wide-spread terriiory. As Abolitionists, desirous ot the eventual destruction of the Slave system within our present national limits, we feel equally de termined to prevent its extension by the ac quisition of nd litiona! Slave Territory.— The one is as much onr duty as the other, and if to secure one of these objects, we are compelled temporarily to abandon the vigo rous pro-ecution of the other, we do not perceive how \vc expose ourselves to the cliaqje of inconsistency, or why we are not strictly in the line of our duty. '•'lie immediate overthrow of Slavery in the District of Columbia, in the Territories of the United States, or in the Slave States of the Union, by the direct action or influ ence of the Liberty party, it is idle to expect. But it may be in the power ot our party, by giving a proper direction to our votes, to prevent the annexation of Texas, and the sanction of this government from being ex tended to Texas Slavery. To do this, how ever, we must make the sacrifice of voting for a Presidential candidate who is himsel! * Slaveholder. We must cast our suffra ges for Henry Clay, relying as we implicit ly do, on his long tried character, lor the fulfilment of his pledge, if ceded President «>f the United States, that he will not on this question anticipate the will of the people, nor give his sanction to any scheme connec bug the political destinies of the two couti ,ri *S that shall not have received the gen er 'and approval of the nation. Influenced by the same feelings of hos bbiy to the extension of slavery by the «n --uexatioij of Texas, wo might maintain our present relations to the Liberty party, undj C'lst otir votes for .Mr. Birney. But could " c iln it with the same probable results / "’mild it not t#t casting our bread on too "uc rtnii, waters ! Might it not be the means of electing Mr. Polk, and securing 'lie accomplishment of llio very object by ’ha Slave interne, which the Liberty party wish to prevent 1 Dare we run suehaliaz ,ard ? Dare we pursue such a line of uc tion in this great crisis, as to reuder oar-! selves liable hereafter to the bitter reflection, in the event of Mr. Polk's election, the An nexation of Texas, and' the protection of this government be extended to Texas Sla very, that we could, but for the pride of the party would not prevent this result. If ws ■ can prevent such a consummation and do not, who among us can shield himself from the reproaches of a violated conscience? If Mr. Clay shall be elected to the Pres idency, the cause of slavery’, which it is our j great object to exterminate from our own laud, and from the world, will not under his administration-be extended to a foreign country, upheld by the power, and sanc tioned by the authority of this nation. En tertaining such convictions, and feeling confident that the election of Mr. Polk would t>e hailed ns the grand decision of the nation, in favor of the immediate annexa tion of Texas, and the consequent exten sion ot the dominion of slavery under the fostering eare and protection of our own government, we do not hesitate to avow to the world our intention of voting for Henry Clay, for the next President of the United States. Robert Edmunds, Jacob B. Sumner, Pe ter Turner, Eli H. Swan, Edgar Webb, Sa line; G. J. Barker, Cornelius T. Lyon, W. 11. Palmer, William Dorr, Trowbridge Surdam, Thomas S. Ingraham, Li. R. Root, J. A. Barker, Manchester ; Amasa Cil !*tt, John L. Row, Henry Row, Gilbert Row, J. P. Gillctf, Sharon ; Jared Hatch, Jonas Twitcheli, Amos C. liishee, Wrn. A. Da vis, Tully C. P. Fean, Sullivan ; Rus sell Palmer, Lima. A X OTU E»i AN t> VET AX OTIIEIS UtICILAK. The Marietta Helicon, a Whig paper, is Circulating a very dull and stupid story to prove that Gov. Polk is a Catho lic, and is not only a Catholic,! ! but ad ministered the Mass!!!! Do the Whig prints suppose the People of Georgia to; lie such insensate fools, as to he deceived by such shallow devices as this. This calumny is as usual supported by several certificates real genuine Roorbacks 1 TO THE DEHOCit VTS OF ISSUE. We have also a word to say to thj un conquerable democracy of Bibb. Arc you ready lor the contest? Are you thor oughly organised, and in every respect prepared lo bring out the entire democra tic vote on next Monday. If you are not, then recollect that only three days remain. Let them be used well. Let no man consider himself too good or too busv to use all just and honorable means to se cure our triumph on the first Monday in November ; for no mail can foresee all the mighty issues that depend on it—perhaps the perpetuity of our glorious Union it self, The whig* are desperate, and are determined to leave nothing undone to re verse our recent glorious victory. They boast that they will reduce our majority in democratic Bibb. Shall they do it ? No! No!! But to preserve the well-earned reputation we have won on many well fought fields, we should be active, vigilant, energetic. Will the old Warrior fail now, who lias ever proved true? Will not Rut land's, and the Hazard do still better, and shall we riot beat them still worse in town, hitherto the federal stronghold? Recol lect that we only scotched the coon be fore, now is the time to kill it effectually Let us go to wo k then, and keep every nerve strained until sundown next Mon day evening, for equal rights, Liberty, the Constitution, l. « ion. Scri ed them right Sl *higgery in Ctcroliua. Wl. iggerv is politically 'lend in ihc noble Re public of South Carolina. It lias no resting or abi ding placein the land of Marjon,Sumter,and Moul trie. Not one single member to Congress. Not a sin gle member oi the Legslature. Not even enough Whigs in South Carolina to mourn for the line of the rest. South Carolina may be eon-side ed safe tor tin* 0 • nocratie nominees at least Fifty thou sand majority. WHICH IS »C14411T. The following we take from the New Haven Register, published about 16 miles from the town of Guilford, Conn, the town alluded to by the elbow friend of the Mes senger. If e give it, that the people of Georgia may see the difference between the opinions of well informed men living on the spot and having every means of knowing wdiat the true state of public sen timent is there, and the parties from whom the Messenger derived its information. Let the public makeup its own judgment. ROGUISH. 'l’lie Georgia Messsenger, (federal) in attempting to show that the Whig par ty at the North have no interest in Aboli | tionism, says : “A friend now at our elbow, tells us, ! that during his sojourn in a small town in jConnecticut, dining the past summer, I there were in the town about 30 Abolition ists, only one of whom was a whig.” If the Messenger will give us the name of the town, we will agree to prove its “elbow friend” a very bad adviser, if not a falsifier. There is no such town in the State. Again— “Another tells us, that in the town ol ’ Guilford, the Abolitionists are aboutequal lv made up of the two political parties.” This too, betokens great ignorance, or greater mendacity. 1 here is not asy lia ble of truth in it —and this “elbow intoi incr knows it. The Abolitionists ol Guil ford number about 70—and it is news to us if there is one Democrat among them ! If we are wrong, the Palladium will cor rect us. Here at the North, the Whigs are courting the Abolitionists, and bidding j for their votes; while at the South, the certificates of federal Yankees are procu | red to prove that the Whigs of the North have no connexion with them! \ .inkers, who in Connecticut, are never heard to de nounce Abolitionism us they do in Gear ;gia! and who, if here, would do as other WhigS do, bargain with them on all occa sions! It i< artHiut time that this game was ! “blocked.” We shall attend to these ‘chap* again before long. msi’U TAIL, Possum Tail district in Talbot county, voted on tbe first Monday in October, eigh ty-cight votes. Os those, eighty were Democratic, the balance whig. The eight coons our informant states, went down from Tulbotton. “Thus light straws whirl'd round with every blast, Are lugg’d off in Possum’s Tails at last.” TO ADVERTISERS. We have a large and constantly increa sing circulation in the neighboring and middle counties of Georgia, and offer our columns to our friends and Advertisers generally, as a good medium of commu nicating with the public. To the kind friends who have so generously exerted themselves in our behalf, in procuring sub scribers in this, and the adjoining coun ties, we tender our warmest and most un feigned acknowledgements, assuring them at the same time, that w» will spare no efforts to make the “Republic” worthy of their confidence and good wishes. Andrew Jackson expects every Dem ocrat to put his shoulder to the wheel, am<i push on the column. We caution our Crawford friends to be on their guard against lying documents, and forgeries of all kinds. We under stand that that county has been specially attended to by the whigs, in that particu lar. So look out. FOR THE REPUBLIC. A CiENEUAL CHUKSTEXXNG, Os new born Whigs will take place at the j Court House in this City on Monday mor ning at precisely 9 o’clock, A. M. Wonder if the Windsor baby will be ! amongst them? The member elect we learn, is pledged to present one, but by whom or when be- i got “is not chronicled.” Most assuredly ! they will not be legitimate Whigs, if all j of them come up to the scratch—or does j it require a less time for gestation to pro-, duee a Whig, than any other animal. Look out we shall see some lovely daddies and ’ hear some delightful screeching. 'Did ever daddy see such a bahv.’ GOLD DUST. REMARKABLE ROCK. One of the most remarkable rocks of which vve have any knowledge, has been lately discovered in the middle of that great inland sea Lake Superior. By a gentleman who has recently returned to this city from Copper Harbor, we learn ! that a shaft ofTrappe rock lias very late ly been discovered, rising in the lake from j 150 to 200 miles from land, and ascending j above the surface of the water, a distance j of not above 4 feet. What renders itj more extraordinary is, that it stands alone, ! and all around it, so far as examinations | have been made, no bottom has been rea- j died by any of the lead Hues used on the lake, and the point of the rock itself does not exceed an area of more than six or se ven feet square, and so lsr as observation of it have extended it does not appear to enlarge in size as it descends. It basal ready, he states, become a source oi'alarm to the mariners who navigate the lake, who take special care in passing, to give it as wide a berth as possible. It is too small—too remote and dangerous to ad mit of alight and therefore its removal lias become a matter of serious importance, and will doubtless pertain to the duty ol government. A single blast from a bore of sufficient depth would probably do it, hut the surface of the rock being so near that of the water, and lire space so narrow as to forbid any regular lodgment for workmen, they would have to be attended constantly by a vessel ofsufficient size to resist any sudden storm of the lake, and would also have to lie kept constantly un der way, as no harbor or even bottom for an anchor is within a day’s sail. The discoverers relate that the rock ap pears to be a place of geinjral resort for the Salmon Trout of those lakes, as they found them there in almost incalculable numbers, having during their short stay, caught several barrels with no other in strument than a rod of irorf? on one end of which they turned a hook. They tried with all their lines on board, for sounding ; immediately around the rock, but without success. Such a vast column, could it he 'exposed to view, would laugh into ridicule Cleopatra’s needle, Pompey’s pillar, the Colossus of Rhodes or any production of ancient or modern art. —I’ittsburg Amer. From the Cincinnati Prices Current, sth Ocl. Hogs. —The season for pork packing is again rnpily approaching, anil in five or six weeks operations will doubtless com mence. This being a branch of business of immense importance to the whole West, and of no slight consequence to the East, North and South, induces us thus early to note from reliable sources, the prospect for the coming season. In Kentucky, the crops of corn are abundant, and large numbers of hogs are feeding, full as many as last year, and possibly more. In In diana it seems to be now established, that die high water in the Wabash, and other streams in its vicinity, some months since, has totally destroyed the corn crops in that region; and that in consequence, large numbers of hogs, which were originally designed to find a market at Terre Haute, Lafayette, Logansport, and other minor point's on the Wabash river, and the Ca nal, have been driven (from the scarcity of corn) into the interior of that Stale, and into Ohio, to he fed. When these lrngs are ready for market, they will, from their location/ naturally find their way to Cin cinnati ami other river towns, thus in creasing the usual supply from Indiana. From Ohio we iniy anticipate the usual quantity. An extra demand for corn for distilling, has recently advancer! the price of old corn, so that many are disputed to think that the Ohio hogs will not he so well fed as in former years; but the pros jHSt for new com is line, and there is hut little doubt that Ohio feeders will main tain their usual high name for choice hogs. It is generally conceded among the farm ers tliut the packers have done a losing business the past season, and the packers themselves well knowing that fact, will no doubt act with becoming discretion the approaching season, and so arrange it that two losses will not follow each other. As the season progresses we shall be able to give additional information, and in due time name some definite price, (after that “vexed question” shall be mutually set tled between the “high contracting par ties.”) In the meantime, however, east ern buyers may be assured of the fact, that there will be hogs enough, an I form ers and drovers may rest satisfied, that at f;iir prices the motley will be found to purchase all their hogs driven to this market. The frigate Constitution, having on board Hon. Henry A. Wise, United Stales Minister to Brazil, ariived at Rio de Ja neiro on the fid of August. She was to sail thence in a few days to join the East India squadron. Mr. Wise disembarked on the 4th, receiving customary salutes” from the ship of war in port. Mr. Proflit, whom Mr. Wise succeeds as Minister at Rio Janeiro, arrived in this city some days ago, and is now here. Elections are held 10-dav in Pennsyl vania and Ohio. Wealth. —The gill-edged card of free! admission to all circles. Love. —An affection of the heart, usu ally’ terminating with typhus fever. Odd Fellows. —One that does as he would he done by. Safety Valve. —The mouth of an infuri ated ignoramus,by which the steam goes, off without doing harm. Womans Sphere. —To mind her own business. Ism. —Second edition of the word hum bug. Dundy. —An ape of folly. O J OOjtfSl-jIttKISNT. OTARD ULTRA & CO S BRANDY, A. Seignette’u do. Sivan Gin, One barrel best pure 0!il Holland Gin, Madeira wine, These liquors are »fthe first quality. It. Si J. CO/FLES. Nov. Ist, 19 It. C. Campbell Cos, A T l heir old stand opposite the Washington j - ®- it HI, offer for sale at the lowest current prices j lor cast), 75 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 250 pieces do Kentucky do 100 do do Russia do 50 do do Dundee do 1500 pounds good bagging twine 300 c >ils .Manilla rope, 100 do Kentucky do, 1500 sacks salt, 20 tons swede’s iron, 25 lihds St. Croix and Muscovado sugar, 250 hags Rio, L.iguira, and Java coffee. With a general assortment oi blankets, shoes, staple drv go ids, Ac. Nov. Ist, 191!. VA.LT7ABr.IJ AND DrSinABLB PROPERTY FOR SALE. **Tp HE subscriber offers for sale the] -•US. Large bouse atul Lot situated in Vinc ville, late tbe residence of Col. William Nixon, de ceased. On the premises are all the necessary out buildings. The situation is one of llie most pleasant in the village. Possession will be given whenever the purchaser may requite it. The terms which are reasonable can be made known by application to John D. Winn, .Macon,or the sub scriber on the premises. r. NIXON. Oct. 25—2-st. Telegraph copy. M FLOYD HOUSE, M (LATE CENTRAL HOTEL.) r SjlillS Spacious and convenient establishment, ™ has been by its new proprietors entirely reno vated anil repaired. The rums iiave ouglily cleansed, Plastered and Painted, and newly furnished throughout. Particular care has beet! taken in procuring civil and attentive servants, and the eh nee of the Northern and Southern markets will constitute the daily bill of fare. No trouble or ex [tense will be spared to make the Fluid House one of the best conducted Hotels in the country. B. S. NEWCOMB at CO. Macon, Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts W A K E -HOUSE ♦ xn cijintssiotr u;ut jiasts, Macon, Georgia. i y — —j IN’ connection with the Ware / w House, we have established a Store, ! where we shall be able to furnish our : natrons and others, with B.lG j G/.VG, ROPE, GROCERIES, IRO.V, and all other plantation supplies, at reasonable rates.^ MOULTRIE a CAMPBELL. October 19, 1844. 1-if \V A R E - II O U S E AND COTfIIMEOI BUSINESS. Maj. William Hamilton hav -7 <s■ ffi ing retired, the subscribers have as '• sociated themselves in business, tin— I J"?sfe.i,w?SSK der the name and style of \N IXN Sc. HUMPH. They tviii occupy the Ware House 1 on Cherry street, known as Hamilton & Winn's. Thcv are prepared to make advances on Cotton | put in their stores, mid to execute all orders that i unv be confided to them in the line of their busi nek -L D. WINN, J. V. RUM PH. 1 Macon, October 19, 1544. 1-ts NEW GOODB ,f t very r edited Price* f»r C i •;A,, vrx* ae*#, HAS just received, and now offers for sale a • Urge and well assorted stock of DK ¥ GOODS consisting in part of the following articles: Br >wn and Bleached Sheeting# and SSiirlin?*, Calicoct of every detcription , Flannels, sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Linseyt, nOIILLI OE fKLTETI, ClstMiC »ui»p|W|GJfes 110-U-ry,stutwi». Silk twees, liauilkeri bii l*, Ac. ALSO, HEADY A/ADE CLOTHING, Bolting Hollis, Hals, blears, and Boots, Bonnets, II irdware sud Cutlery, JRnrksmitli Tools, rry Slid 4,. ass ware, Paints, Oil, window g ass. Put If, Ur. Ur. Ad of which ttrui ue sold very low lor CA^Il. 'Vi. tC COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. COTTON MARKET. I D wing the week the market lias been'quiet in [consequence of the present favorable season for 'picking. Tbe receipts have not been large. We quote sales, 4 i-2 a a 1-2. Principal sates, 5c a 5 1 -4. Freights to Savannah per Railroad, t»0 cents per cwt Owing to the present low stage of the river tin freights offering in that way. MACON PRICES CURRENT, Nov. I, 13-14. Bagging— Prices. Duty. Hemp, 44 in. vd 19 a23 4c pr sq vd Tow, 17 1-2 a 20 do Kentucky, 15 a 20 do Gtinnv, 20 a 24 do Domestic, IS a 20 do Rope— B de, 6 1-2 a S 4 l-2c pr lb Manilla, 10 al2 1-2 5c do Candles—. Spermacelti, 33 a37 1-2 8c do Tallow, It alB se. do Cheese, 8 1-2 al2 9c do Coffee— Cuba, 8 a 10 fiec. Rio, 9 a 19 do Ltguira, 9 1-2 a II da Java, 11 a 15 do Domestic Goods— Shirtings, brown, 6a 8 23 pr ct bleached, 9 a 20 to 1 50 Caiic >es, blue, ami fancy, 8 a 20 Stripes, 10 a 15 Tickings, 12 a 20 Osnaburgs, to a 12 Fish Herrings, none £:1 pr cwt. Mackerel, No. 1, 11 a 12 tjtl 50prhbl. No. 2, 9 1-2 a 10 No. 3, 7 a 73-4 Flour— Baltimore, 6a7 Canal, ti a 7 Country, 5 Glass— Ain. window, 100 ft. 4 1-4 a 5 Gun Powder— Keg, 4 1-2 a 7 3c pr lb. Iron— S.vedes, assorted, 5a 6 1-2 sl3 pr ton. Russia bar, 5 a 5 1-1 do -Molasses— Cuba, 23 a SO Muscovada, 4t-2mlprlb Louisiana, 30 a 37 Nails — Cut, 4dto‘2oJ (100 lb) 5a 6 4cprlb Oils— Sperm, wint. stra. 125a t5O 25c prgaf. Linseed, 1 00 a 1 37 do Spirits— Brandy— Cognise, 4ih proof) 150 a 4 ft prgaf. Domestic, 85 a1 00 60c pr gal. Gi a If! Holland, 100a 150 70c pr grd. A neriean, 35 a 45 do Rum— Jamaica, 100 a 1 75 do New Eng'atid, 35 a'4o do Whiskey— Pliila. and Baltimore, 80 a 37 do Mouongaliela, 50 a 75 do W IKES Malaga, 60 a 75 121-2prgal. Port, 1 50 a 2 00 Teneriffe, 150a 200 20c prgal. j Madeira, Isoa 300 60c prgal. 1 Sugars— St. Croix, 9 a 10 Clarified, 14 a2O 2 !-2c pr lb. New Orleans, « 8a 9 .Vusoov.lda, 8 a 10 Loat, 16 a 20 6c pr lb. Salt— Rock, 62 a75 8c pr 56 lb. 1 Sack, 2 00 a 2 25 do Soap —American, 8 a 10 4c pr lb. Twins— 21 a 23 scpr!b. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bacon—Hams, 8 a 10 per lb. Sides, 5 a 6 do Shoulders, 5 a 6 do Brel’, 4 a 5 do Butter, 20 a 25 do forn, 40 aSO per hush. Chicken*, 1 2 1 Bpr head. Ducks, 19 a 25 do Eggs, 15 alB per doz. Fodder, 50 a 6-2 1-2 per cut. Grist, 50 a 62 1-2 per bush. Lard, 8 a 10 jrerlb. .'/niton, 7 a 8 do .Veal, 40 aSO ]>er bush. Pork, * 6 a 7 pei lb. Turkies, 50 a75 per bead. Veal, 7 a 8 per lb. 8.1.YK MOTES AMU EXCIiAMGE. S uitli Carolina Note*, par Angus'a ami Savannah Banks, par .'iercliants’ Bank, Macon, par Bank.of Brunswick, par Bank of St. Marys, par Exchange on Savannah, par on Charleston, par on New York, 1-2 pretn. Uncurrent Money. City Council, Macon, £5 a 62 1-2 Columbus, 60 a 65 Miliedgeville, - 70 a 75 Ocmnlgee Batik, 10 Phoniix Bank. no sale. Monroe Kail Road, no sale. Bank of Darien, 40 Alabama, 1-2 a 15 pr cent, discount. •V.i tiojyjUj cincur FROM THE JY. Orleans a lmpithcatre. THE citizens of .Hacon are respectfully notified that the above splendid establishment will ex hibit here on next .Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes day, the 4th, sth, and 6th of November. The managers take great pleasure in assuring tbe public that this company is now organized in a manner, and conducted in a style, wliicn far surpas ses its former wide-spread reputation. In the list (of attract ions, .VASTER JUAN HERNANDEZ, who, notwithstanding his extreme youth, stands unequalled as an EIiUESTRIAN and PO.STU RER, by man or boy in any country; and ihe cel ebrated CHAMPION Or Hone of ten thousand, whose name is identified with excellence ; in his business are features not iu the power ofany otlier .company to present. Neither pains nor expense has been spared by tht proprietors in securing the most talented artist iu the United .States, and lliev challenge tin* country to produce a sttnl of ARA -81.1. Y HORSES equally trained and beautiful, j Equestrian manager. d/R. J. HOBIN.SON. A DA Y PKItFOUHASCK will be_gi veil on .Vonday, Nov* ruber 4ih, at I «*- ci**ck P. .V Families may rest assured that good order will he sustained. So iuiproper (lerxnis will lie admitted. uri 'or pstieulats ate bd * on tlie day *<f perfor ms *«*, Nov. Ist, 1844. i " 1 " "■ 11.01 l» 1101 Ml. BY J). h. NL A COMB U at. ' Hsr .,ll4d. Its GENERAL ITATEHEST Os the condition of the Merchant's Bank of * Macon, on Tuesday , 29th Oct. 1844. Dr. ; Capital stock, $160,800 i Circulation, 65,129 50 Discount account, 8,17*2 17 Unclaimed dividends, 440 18 Due to other banks, 161 75 Suspended amount—in litigation, 10.004) Bills payable, 13,188 83 Certificates ol de[n>site (special) 13,a02 05 Individual Jeposites, 16,837 03 Note. —Of the “ Exchange and notes Discounted,” we consider $45,000 00 certainly good. We cannot speak with precision about tbe bounce, as tbe old business at Hnvkinsville is included, and the . situation of most of the parties is unknown to the officers who sign this report. The amount of “notes and bills in suit” will require some ; change to confirm to compromises and selllemenls made and making. J - —— ©289,531 54 Cr. Exchange discounted, ©49,937 27 ! Mules discounted, 44,369 33 1 Notes and bills in suit, 33,235 32 B;>ecial accounts with individuals, 1,028 41 Banking houses and lots, 4,978 92 Other rea! estate, 34,084 44 Due by batiks and agents, 11,904 51 Dtiehills lor Aon roe rail road bills, 5,273 68 Duebills for Central rail road tionds, 4,932 •Stock account, 10,000 Protest account, 217 35 Profit and loss, 33,086 21 Incidental charges, 17,418 15 Salary account, 3,385 39 Sundries, (an account on old books) 2,586 19 Suspense account, 761 80 Error account with former officer*, 419 97 Change bills, 24 50 Cash, viz: specie and specie funds, SI,BSB 10 $283,531 54 ! List of Stockholder* as taken fi om the Stock Ledger of the Bank. names. No shares, ain’t p’d in. Est. John Rawls, 200 20,000 H. H. Tarver, 200 20,000 Est: J. G. .Voore, 170 17,000 Erastus Graves, 100 10,000 lEillia in Gunn, 400 10,000 Thus. Butler, 50 5,000 C. Hart ridge, 50 5,000 lus. Bank Columbus, 250 25,000 Jos. JKashhurn, 54 5,400 Titos. Hardeman, 10 1,000 J. A. Everett, 50 5,000 R. A. Lewis, 22 2,200 Thus. A. Brown, 10 1,000 Lucy tEhitlock, 15 1,500 Susan Godfrey, 15 1,600 Jas. Carruthers, 25 2,500 Geo. ."J. Logan, 10 1,000 Stone, fPashburn Si Cos., 44 4,400 Robert Collins, 23 2,300 J. F. /Talker, 10 1,000 Jas Dean, 10 1,000 Bank «.f Hatvkinsville, 90 9,000 .Moultrie & Campbell (from trans fer book) 100 10,000 1603 $160,800 GEORGIA, 8188 COUMTY. Before me .Vortin N. Burch, a Justice of the Peace, ii.r said county, personally appeared James Dean, President, and John l’litheribrd, Cashier, who hei:*3 duly sworn, depose and say that the foregoing return, as ret forth, exhibits a correct condition of the .Merchant’s bank of Macea on the 29ili day of October 10 it, according lo the books of the bank. JAMES DEAN, President. John Uvr-nror. j. Secretary. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 30lh October, l K. BUERCH, J. P. ft CO W MIS, ITAVF. removed to the Brick Store, on Colton Avenue, one door kelov/ the Telegraph Of fice, where they are now opet.iuga general assort ; ment of Bffffrif;, U.iCc'3, ZlartUcare, 4V. together with a stock of STAPLE AMD FAMC F UR Y GOODS, ail of which will be sold low lor Cash. Our usual supply oi CHEESE kept constantly ou hand. .Macon, Oct. 25, 1844. A Card • rjfHOSE gent lenten that wish lo form a PRI E FATE CLASS /.V DAMCIMG AMD IVALTEHMG, will assemble at The Dancing Sa loon, on Saturday at half past 6 o’clock, P. M., at the Floyd House. Macon, Oct. 25, 1544. t fir Bo Men a HAS just returned liom Charleston, with a choice assortment of articles of She has removed to the next door from the Com mercial B ink, and opposite \\ rigley Si Heart’s [ Carriage Ware-House, where she will be happy lo , receive calls from her old friends and the public ’ generally. She has carefully selected a choice assortment of Feathers, Parisian Flowers, RibLons, Lace, Gimps, Glores, cue. Also, Bonnet materials, which will be sold as cheap as can be had iti this market. BONNETS, TAKES and CAPS made to or der. Also, all kind of Embroidery, Masonic and Odd Fellows' Aprons. Straws bleached and altered to Ihe most fash i ionable shapes. Oct. 25 * 2-ts AillLV K it OS S, At the brick store corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street, IS now opening a large Stock of Goods, compo sing ati die staple articles ir. the ©ateasary •iud Wry (m(toils JLine. Such as Bagging, Rope, Iron, Sait, Sugar, Cot foe, Molasses, HariTand Hollow Vva'-e, Shoes Osnaburgs, and Domestics of a.I kind-; coarse Cloths lor Negro Clothing, and almost every arti cle a Planter would wish to purchase. He would request his old friends and the public generally, to give him a call, and he will endeavour to sttpplv them on as good terms as can be obtain ed at any other Store in the City. Macon. Oct. 25 . - _lt Zj EG.tI.VO TICES. I7UIUR months after date application will he - made lo the Inferior Court of Macon comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all ihe real estate belonging to C. L. Hunley, late of said county, deceased/ consisting ol one lot a: land in the - district, adjoining lands ot \V m. Eel ton and F. Baldwin. , , JOHN F. McLEOD, AJm’r. Oct. 25—2—4 m. _____ EXECUTORS’ SALE. ■BY permi-.ion from the Honoral <- Ir.N ror ■3c,,urt of Bibb county, when sitting for :>na ry purtswes, will he sold on tfie first I is* V ® January next, before tl»e court Imuse d'xo m con, within U»e u»ual Innirs of vale, parl “ 1 * •• S5, iu I).*- reserve, contaimng7o acres, more or k-**—this lot '« situated withm three t >es id .Macon, heavily timbered with pineand oas, ami ll»e kml weU I® it*g CuHuteof c C4 ' , ~ UHL TU umk* to » HonUUiHu iJ u> *}+/**<*• *** *** tnUj't *tit li«i™ <4 tV&k MI Term, on day of sale. p f% <n j. it. win ■<, ri't itr> 4d». I TeWqfVpit anp^.