The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, November 08, 1844, Image 1

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'FOB nEFUBS.IV, ntciu, OVER J. D. WINN’S BRICK STORE. COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. AT *3,00 PER ANNUM. RAPES OF ADVERTISING, &c. square, of 100 words, or less, in small type, 75 cents Ibrtlie first insertion, ami 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. All advertisements containing more tlian 100 and i i£ss tlian 200 words, wil Ibe charged as two squares, j To yearly advertisers, a liberal deduction will be made. Sales of Land, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of leu in the loreuoon, and three in tie* afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the pro jrerty is situated. Notice of these must be given in a public gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate, niost he published forty days. Notice that application will he made to tlieCouri of Ordinary tor leave to sell land, must be publish ed four months. Sales of Negroes must be made at public auc tion, on the first Tuesday of Ibe month, between the legal hours of sale, at the place of public sales, in the county where the letters testamentary, ol administration of guardianship, shall have been •granted, sixty days notice being previously given in one of the public gazettes of litis Suite) and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to he held. Notice for leave to sell Negroes must he pub lished for four months before any order absolute shall he made thereon bv the Court. All business of this nature will receive prompt attention at the olfice of THE REPUBLIC. All letters of business must be addressed to the Editor, post paid. Jiasiness J)t rectory . addle, .tiarnesK, and W*Jtip, MANUFACTORY. Drulcrs in all kinds of fy-uther, S.idJhnj I linnets anil Carriage Tiinunin’s, 33 ’ | Ou Cotton Avenue and Second street, Macon, Ga. Oct. 85, 1844. Lsttoli at fills: t. . J . C It o s s HAS roll DRY GOODS 4* GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, CARS. AND lIATS, John U. Winn s Old Store. M* ron, ()t*.i. *25, 1844. J. M. BOA RDM AN, OEAt.EIt IN LAW. MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS and School 1$ >ok-’; II auk 1$ >ol»s n>\d S ctionery of all kinds ; Printing Paper, &.c. Sic. Sign rs Ihr Large Bible, hrn doors altore Sh'il \ecll s corner, trest side of .Mulberry Street. Macon, Gcoig a. Oci. 19. I 811. l-tl NIS BET & WINGFIELD, ATT O « Ni: YVi AT S, A W . Ojfi-c on JM.aberry Sired, oner Kimberly's Hal Store. Macon, Gcorgii. Oct. 19,1344. l-tl DOCTORS J. M. & H. K. OR KEN, Corner of Mulberry and Third Streets. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1344. l-tl JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR, Drum in DRY fiOOBS, GROCUItIUS, RASID WAKK, ctf. ftrirk Store. Cherry Street, Hahlon's, first door belter tlussed Kimberley's. Mae hi, Georgia. Oct. 19,1814. 1-ts GEOIIGE M. I.OGAN, DRAI.F.It iN F l\fV IN© 9TA DRY GOOIIS, Ware, Crockery, Glass- If are, See. Ac. Corner of Second am) Cherry streets. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1841. l--tl D. & \V. GUNN, OEAIIRS !.N 8T A PI. M S> K Y «O O S> S, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. See. MacAu, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1344. l-tl SAMUEL J RAY Sc CO. in FANCY A N 1> SYVPI.i: DRY G 90DS, Heady Made Clothing, Hals, Shoes, bee. 8 coinl street, a few doom from the Washington lime'. , Macon, Georgia. Oct. 18. 1344. 1-ts REDDING & WHITEHEAD, PF.II.F.RS IN FANCY AN» 5T.1P1.13 DUY GOOD?,,- Hard H are, Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, &c. C rriirr of C itton Avenue and Cherrv street*. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. 1-ts B. F. ROSS, PEACES IN DRY GOODS ANI» GROCI3RII3S. <Ct) n, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1344. 1-ts B. K. WARNKIt, Al’CTios aah < «Mitiiu: CHANT. Dealer in every description of .Merchandise. “The Public’s Nor :inl,” ami subject t" receiving j * 'iisignnieiils itl all times, by the consignees pay- : i*’-T 5 |K*r cent, commission* tiir services remlereil. l Macon. Georgia. Oct. 19,1644. I—1( . J. L. JONES & CO. CLOTH ■!!« STOH E. li cit sidc .Mulberry Street, next door beloie the Ilic; Hat. j Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts i WHITING & MIX, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALERS IK koots A .\ l> SHOES, Near the Washington Hall, Second e.treet. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ls, M Pld)YB HOUSE, aVA iaS, . LATE CENTRAL HOTEL ) HM nnHIS Spacious and convenient establishment, ■*- has been by its new proprietors entirely reno- Va ie>l anti repaired. The rooms have Iteen llmr oughly cleansed, Plastered and Painted,and newly lurnished throoHiont. Particular care has been taken in procuring civil and attentive servants, and the choice of the Northern and Southern markets "hi constitute the daily bill of fare. No trouble or expense will be spared to unite the Floyd Hoist "ne nt the lies* conducted Hotels in the country. It. S. NEWCOMB &. CO. Macon, Oct. 19, |»44. T-ls WARE-HOUSE _ AKD coumssfON neitcHAiiTfl, Macon, Gkougia. IN' connection with tlte Wsre- House, we have eslahlished a Store, whet* tee shall be able to Kinibdiour Ituirons and others, with UA(i- HOPE, GROCER I ED, IRON, atul •''other plantation aupnlie*.at reasonable rate*. MOULT HI! * CAMPBELL. Wetobtt »», 194i f-*f SAMUEL M. STRONG,] TOI.UJIF. 1. THE WOMAN OF THE WORLD. BY H. R. ADDISON. Os all the agreeable, of all the fascin ating creatures in existence, none can etjuul “the real woman of the world.”— Ot all the cold still, and repulsive char acters that frequent society, none can vie with “the woman of the. world.” Oppo sites may sometimes be true; the contra dictory account here given of the same individual is strictly correct. To the rich, to the great, to the influential, the female we describe is the most agreeable com panion that ever won golden opinions.— To the poor relative, to the fallen friend, or the person above whom she has risen, none can he so haughty, so insulting.— Thank Heaven ! we seldom find spinsters enlisted in this class, ar.d rarely persons during their first marriage; hut in a well | seasoned widowhood, in a slate of second | connubial bliss, the vampire ladv has full j scope to play off the knowledge, the in trigue which debased moments have in stilled into her. To trample on those who have served her, to cut those who can no longer pander to her ambition or her pleasure, to spurn her equals, and to make use of her supetiors, are the only objects in life which the hackneyed and often deceived female of this class endea vors to accomplish, fhc long cheated gambler frequently ends in becoming a sharper,considering it hut fair to retaliate on tfie less experienced those evils which lie himself lias endured. On the same principle, the well-worn matron of deep ly acquired knowledge, seeks to deceive those who have already hut too often suc ceeded in misleading her. If you are ol a reckless disposition you may encounter a tiger single-handed, and, by a miracle, come off victorious. Avoid, however, a woman of the world.” Satan himself is no match for her. When a woman of this stamp smiles, fie sure that deceit lurks under the seem ing good nature. It is true that she will occasionally, in passing in her. carriage, or even in speaking to her servant, thus indulge-; but these bland looks, however, are meant to show Iter teeth, half of which are false, if she really and palpably smiles upon you, thete ts a latent motive, which has called up the look: some scheme is about to he built on your cre dulity. When she frowns she is less dangerous; you have foiled her, you have thwarted Iter in some of iter plans, you have gained her eternal enmity ; so much the better. The open hatred of such a being is far preferable to her hollow, and upas-breathing fi iendship. If a widow, she is mild, extremely ready to oblige, anxious to promote the pleasures of “young people,” desirous of showing intention to the old and the in firm. Bashful of her own accomplish ments, she seems anxious l<> draw out those of others, warm in her regards, ear nest in her advice, anti general conversa tion. If married, she publicly makes much of her husband, because site knows it ra ses herself. A tyrant at home, she is all amiable abroad ; wedded to an old man, she pretends to he jealous of him, in order to tickle Lis vanity. Espoused to a young one, she continually affords him a round of pleasure to prevent his thoughts recurring to the match he has made. Overhearing to her dependant re latives, obsequious to her betters, know ing and alert towards her trades-people, apparently innocent and simple in gener al society, the woman of the world has accumulated a nice little sum, amassed what is vulgarly called “a long stocking,” tn case of her husband’* death; for, be. it well understood, this regular church-goer has taken her own reading of the parable of the “unjust steward,” and wisely de termined to mtiivc friends ol the “mam mon of unrighteousness.” in order that w<»ildly friends may receive her into their | “ habitations.” No circumstance can throw the well tutored “ woman of the world” off her guard. It is true she has her company manner and voice, her domestic rule and tone; vet so perfectly au Jo it is she, so continually prepared lor every event, that lam conlident, in case of a lire occurring, or a storm beating in the rout of the house, she would, previously to (lying from the premises, secure her jewel-box, throw off her curl-papers, and put or, a leetlc rouge, i These persons, like characters in a i masquerade, are often of the amusing sort. The key of their actions, once in your j possession, like the manoeuvres of a snake, their tortuous movements are an amusing [studv. Thev can never seek their object jin a direct line; tire very act of shaking vour hand is with them a subject of spec ulation. If they have children, they only look upon them as the probable means o( future aggrandizement. It they have on ly step-children, they manage to sow dis sension between them and their actual ! parent, and turn them out of doors.— Fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters, are all very well as long as they can he of use. When they cease to he so, they are incumbrances, of which the well vi sored dame soon manages to get rid. The great aim of a worldly‘woman is to assume an easy, good-natured, and friendly manner towards those whom she jhas long looked down upon and insulted, | when she happens to find they can be ol j use so her. fit ten minutes her apparent j candor nnd wurm-heurtednesi have erad | idled the sling her former unkindnesr* 'had inflicted. Again, Iter dupe believe,, Rtid conSdr: ~er jives up ,h* ■NACOY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, l#li. I oiut which the designing female is anx ious to gain, and is once more, this point acquired, treated with scorn by her who was only amiable for a while, in order to effect her purpose. Avarice is a sure concomitant with a knowledge of tlie world. The far-seeing female is always preparing for a winter’s da)*. While young and handsome, she can gain much by leading on admirers by artlul smiles, and implied encouragement; hut well she knows a time must come when these danglers will fall away. To lay up a store against these chances is, consequently, her every day aim. It would take too much time to study deeply any question; practical knowledge is all site wants. It is true, she inter- j sperses her conversation with foreign quo- • tations; a few sentences of this kind (dianks to Maunder’s ‘Treasury of Knowl edge,’ aiid similar works,) are easily ac quired. It she is to meet a Baron Roths child at dinner, she learns from the Morn ing Post, the price of the funds by heart. It she is to sit next to an admiral, she spells over the engagements he has borne a part in, and delights him by her seem ing extraordinary knowledge of nautical events. He little dreams that she has acquired all this information from three pages of James’s ‘Naval History.’ Na pier tells her the feats of the generals she is likely to talk to; while the morning journals fill up the rest of her slock of know ledge. In society she is gay, apparently art less, deferential, and agreeable; at home site is stingy, cross, seemingly fatigued, and slovenly. There are, however, so many classes of this character, that I shall here conclude my paper, only warn ing you rather to take a serpent to yout bosom than make a friend of a “ woman ! of the world.” SOUTHEY’S CHARACTER OF CROMWELL. So great was the reputation which i Cromwell obtained abroad l>v hisprodi-j gious elevation, the lofty tone of his gov ernment, and the vigor of his arms, that; an Asiatic Jew is said to have come to; England for the purpose of investigating ! his pedigree, thinking to discover in him ! the Lion of the tribe of Judah! Some ol { his own most faithful adherents regarded him with little less veneration. Their j warm attachment, and the more doubtful devotion of a set of enthusiastic preach ers, drugged the atmosphere in which he breathed; and yet, while his bodily health ] continued, the natural strength of his un derstanding prevailed over the deleterious i influence, and he saw tilings calmly, clear- ; lv.and sorrowfully as they were. Sliuks-! peare himself has not imagined a more dramatic situation than that in which Ciomwell stood. He had attained to the possession of sovereign power, by means little less guilty than Macbeth, hut t he process had ueiiher hardened his heart, nor made him desperate in guilt. Ilis mind had expanded with his fortune.— As he advanced in his career, he gradual ly discovered how mistaken he had been in the piinciples upon which he had set out; and, after having effected the over throw of the church, the nobles, and the throne, he became convinced by what ex perience (the surest of all teachers) had shown him that episcopacy, nobility, and monarchy were institutions good in them selves, and necessary for this nation in which they had so long been established. Fain would lie have repaired the evil which he had done; fain woqld he have restored the monarchy, created a House of I'eers, and re-established the Episco pal Church. But he was thwarted and overruled by the very instruments which he had hitherto used; men whom he had formerly possessed with his own passion ate errors, and whom he was not able to dispossess: persons incapable of deriving wisdom from experience, and so short ed as not to see that their own lives and fortunes depended upon the establishment of his power by the only means which could render it stable and secure. Stand ing in fear of them, he dared not take the crown himself; and he could not confer it upon the rightful heir. By the murder of Charles, he had incapacitated himself from making that reparation which would otherwise have been in his power. His wife, who was not elated with prosperity, advised him to make terms with the ex iled king, and restore him to the throne; his melancholy answer was, “Charles Stuart can never forgive me his father’s death; and* if lie could, he is unworthy the crown.” He answered to the same effect, when the same thing was twice proposed to him, with the condition that Charles should marry one of his daugh ters. What would not Cromwell have given, whether he looked to this world or the next, if his hands had been clear of the king’s blood! Such was the state of Cromwell’s mind during the latter years of his life, when he was lord of these three kingdoms, and indisputably the most powerful potentate in Europe, and as certainly the greatest man of an age in which the race of great men was not extinct in any country. No man was so worthy of the station which 1 he filled, hail it not been for the means by which lie reached it. He would have governed constitutionally, mildly, merci fully, liberally, if lie could have followed the impulses of his own heart, and the withes of bis lierter tnind; self-preservu tion compelled him to a severe and sus picious sytiemt he was reduced at last PRO PATRA ET I.KGIBL9. to govern without a Parliament, because, pack them and purge them as he might, all that he summoned proved unmanage able; And, because lie was an usurper, he became of necessity, a despot. The very saints, in whose eyes he had been so pre cious, now called biman “ugly tyrant,” and engaged against him in more desper ate plots than were formed by the royal ists. He lived in perpetual danger and iq perpetual fear. \Y ben be went abroad iie was surrounded by his guards. It was never known which way lie was going till lie was in the coach; he seldom icturued by the same way he went; he wore ar mour under his clothes, and hardly ever slept two nights successively in one cham ber. The latter days of Charles, while lie looked on the scaffold, and endured the insolence of Bradshaw, and the inhuman aspersions of Cook, were enviable, when compared to the close of Cromwell’s life. Charles had that peace within which pass el li till understanding; the one great sin which he had committed in sacrificing Strafford, has been to him a perpetual cause of sorrow and shame and repent ance; he received his own death as a just punishment for that sin under the dispen sation of a righteous and unerring Provi dence, and feeling that it had been expi ated ; when he bowed his head upon the block, it was in full reliance upon the jus tice of posterity, and with a sure and certain trust in the mercy of his God.— Cromwell had doubts of both. Ludlow tells us that, at his death, “ he seemed, above all, concerned for the reproaches, he said, men would cast upon his name in trampling upon his ashes when dead !” And the last same feeling of religion w hich lie expressed, implied a like mis giving concerning his condition in the world on which he was about to enter — it v a question to one of his fanatical preachers, “If the doctrine were true, that the elect could never finally fail.'” Upon receiving a reply that nothing could lie more certain: “Then am 1 safe,” lie said, “for 1 am sure that once I was in a state of grace.” The spiritual drams which were then administered to him in strong doses, acted powerfully upon a mind debilitated by long disease, and im posed by the nature of that disease to de lirium. Ho assured his physicians, the presumptuous fanatics by whom he was surrounded, assured him, that lie should not die, whatever they might tLink from the symptoms of his disorder, for Goii was far above nature, and God had promised his recovery. Thanks were publicly given for t lie undoubted pledges of his recovery, which God bad vouch safed ! And some of his last words were those of a mediator rather tlian a sinner, praying for the people, as if bis own mer its entitled him to 1/e an intercessor.— Even liis death did twit dissipate tiro de lusion. When that news was brought to those who were met together to pray for him, “Mr. Sterry stood up ami desired them not to be troubled; for,” said He, “this is good news! because, if lie was of great use to i!>e people of God when he was amongst us, now he will be much more so, being ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of Jesus Christ, there to intercede for us, and to be uiiu iful of us on all occasions!” The life of this most fortunate and least flagitious of usurpers might hold out a salutary lesson for men possessed with a like ambition, if such men wete capable of learning good as well as evil lessons from the experience of others. He gain ed three kingdoms; the price which he paid for them was innocence and peace of mind. He left an imperishable name, so stained with reproach that, notwith standing the redeeming virtues which adorned him, it were better for him to be forgotten than to be so remembered. And in the world to come—but it is not for us to anticipate the judgments, still less to limit the mercy, of the All-Merciful. Let us repeat that there is no portion of history in which it so much behoves an Englishman to be thoroughly versed, as in that of Cromwell’s age. There it may be seen to what desperate lengihs men of good hearts and laudable inten tions may bo drawn i>y faction. There may be seen the rise and the progress, and the consequences of rebellion. There are to be found the highest examples of true patriotism, sound principles, and he roic virtue, with some alloy of haughti ness in Strafford, of human infirmities in Laud, pure and unsullied in Falkland and Cupel, and Newcastle, and in Clarendon, the wisest and the best of English states men, the most authentic, the most candid, the most instructive of English historians. From the history of that age, and more especially from that excellent writer, the young and ingenuous may derive and confirm a just, and generous, and enno bling love for the institutions of their country, founded upon the best feelings and surest principles; and the good and llie thoughtful of all ages will feel, in the pertrsal, with what reason that petition is inserted in the Litany, wherein we pray the Lord to deliver us “from all sedition, privy conspiracy, and rebellion; from all false doctrine, heresy, and schism: from hardness of heart, and contempt of his word and commandments”—sins which draw after them, in certain and inevitable consequence, the hcarest of all chastise ments upon a guilty nation. The Tailors of New York, have established a newspaper called Ihe “Needle.” Pulilwiaut are aooMwhat apprehensive that lid* needle wifi point to the Poll*. [Editor and Proprietor. INCIDENTS OF THE BUFFALO FLOOD. The Buffalo Courier of the 23d instant, gives the following most interesting narra tive of some incidents of the great flood, on Friday night, the 18lh : “ Two families of the name of Wilson anil Weston, resided on the south side of i the Buffalo Creek, above Marine railway, in a couple of adjoining cottages. When the water commenced rising, they saw it increase without alarm, feeling satisfied that they were beyond its reach, their dwellings occupying the highest ground lon that side of the stream. Soon howev er it washed the basement of their houses, and came splashing over the floors. Both families now collected in one ofthe build ings, and waited the issue with some anx iety, though as yet without alarm. But higher and higher rose the flood, and from the chairs and tables on which they stood to gel above it, they were soon driven to seek other refuge. Breaking through the ceiling over head they passed up into the little garret and flattered themselves that their retreat would be secure, but the pur suing flood soon invaded it, and they were forced to seek a still greater elevation. With much difficulty they broke an open ing through the roof, and as a last resort clambered upon the top of the building.— Scarcely, however, bad they done this, when the house tumbled beneath them, and they were committed to the mercy of the elements, and launched adrift upon the raging and boiling flood. The families consisted each of a hus band, wile, and infant child, all in their night tlress. It so happened that when the building fell, the families were on op posite sides of the roof, which parting at the ridge, left each a section to serve as a raft, upon which their perilous navigation commenced. They were soon separated, and each supposed ihe other was entirely : lost. Both were borne safely, however, across the creek, and over a large portion ofthe Hats ; making over a mile over the most fearful midnight voyaging that ever) man, wife or child underwent. They j passed buildings where they could sec: families safe in their second stories, to] whom they vainly shrieked for aid which j it was impossible to render. One of the rafts at length approached so near the dwelling of Mr. H. Gates,! that he was enabled to render assistance, I and had the pleasure of rescuing from) tlreir dangerous situation, three human j beings, who proved to be intimate friends and neighbors. The imagination of the) reader must be left to picture the joy that j was felt at this remarkable deliverance. I The screams of fellow beings in cl is-1 tress heard in the terrors of such a night j above the dashing of the niad flood and I the howling of the wild storm, reached Mr. j Joseph Bantu, residing in the same vicin- j iiy, and the appeal was not to he resisted.) He dashed out into the swelling deluge l mud at the peril of his own life succeeded J in rescuing the other of the two families,! at a period when death seemed inevitable.) They had lost their footing upon the raft 1 and barely kept their heads above the wa ter by the aid of a few floating staves and I liagmenls of loose boards. Besides this: they wa re just upon the brink of the little) Buffalo creek, and in a moment more) would have been past aid. It was only) by his perfect knowledge of the ground) and his undaunted coinage that Mr. Ban-; ta was enabled to reach and rescue them. When he thus risked his life to save these hapless human beings, it was in entire ig-j noranee of who they were. There was a double gratification in finding that they J were friends and neighbors, and that the! husband was oneof his most trusted work-) men, whose fate, with that of his family, lie had supposed to be already and mourn fully decided. Each of the two families thus provi dentially saved, remained until the next day under the painful apprehension that the other was lost, and the joy of their discovery that both were rescued, may be imagined but not expressed. We have heard of another family, the name not learned, who made a similar, voyage ou that night of fearful disaster and alarm. They had taken shelter on the roof of their dwelling when it was) bodily lilted and swept away by the flood, j and finally landed at the Hydraulics near-) ly a mile and a half from where it stood | before the storm. In this case we-are told there wa3 a large family of children, all, of whom were providentially saved. There were doubtless other instances of a like kind, and large as the loss of life) has been, the guiding care ol Providence) is seen in the fact that comparatively so! many were preserved, a large number uu*; der circumstances of extreme peril. The office of Messrs. Bidwelland Ban tu made a similar voyage across the Big Buffalo creek, bringing a valuable though) less precious cargo, viz: their Iron safe.) It was brought safely over the creek, and dropped on the flats between Ohio and. Elk streets; the office, thus lightened of its burden, continuing its voyage to the) Hydraulics or that vicinity. A large) grindstone was left in like manner near the Iron chest; having been brought across the creek by some similar means. Another use for India Rubber. —An English paper says that Caoutchouc is an excellent remedy for toothache. After the cavity of the tooth is cleaned, a piece of Caoutchouc is put on a wire, and being’ softened in the llutne of a candle, is press ed while warm into the tooth. 'l’lius the air is kept from the nerve, and the cause 'of toothache removed. The swms bell-ringers. The concert of the melodcou last eve ning was attended by a highly gratified audience. The following interesting de scription of these remarkable musicians is given by Mr. Child, in a letter to the Bos ton Courier, written at New York .* “The performance of these bell-ring ers is really very wonderful, and well worth hearing, as an exhibition of mechan ical skill, and accuracy of ear. When they first played at Nibio’s, I closely watched the effect ori the orchestra, who are considered as skilful a band of musi cians as any in the country. They were visibly delighted with the perfect precis ion of the performance. Yet the Catnoa nologians play not merely simple carillons# but elaborate and difficult music; the overture to Fra Diavolo, for instance. If this were done by striking the befjs, it would be less surprising; but to ring for ty-two bells, with such precision, is cer tainly a marvellous exploit. No wonder they arc obliged to rehearse five hours a day to accomplish it. The sound of their combined bells is like a powerfid music box, extremely sweet, liquid and melodi ous. A seat at a little distance is more NUMBER 4. agreeable than one very near; not only because the metallic sound is softened, but because tlie performers themselves ap pear too much like mechanics when view ed closely. A writer in one of our pa pers jestingly undertook to prove that they were automata, and certainly if one of Maelzel’s figures should be placed among them, in the same dress, it would not be so very easy to detect the counterfeit.— l This mechanical look and altitude is the inevitable result of a long protracted hab it of listening intently, in order so play each particular note in the right place.— It scarcely admits of letting the music go deeper into their souls than the ear. If I were gifted with power to utt* r the music that struggles forever within me, I could not submit to such restraint in the mode of utterance. I should break all the bells in desperation. Four of these men began to practice their difficult art seven years ago. At first, they used but seven bells, but grad ually increased the number to twenty-six. Their company now consists of seven, and they use forty two bells, varying in ■size from a large cow bell to the smallest dinner bell. They had these bells man ufactured for them, and carefully attuned by scraping the metal. It took nine | months of patient practice to attune them to a perfect concert pitch. The clappers ' are upon a spring. A piece of leather [goes through the ball of the tongue; the leather strikes the bell, and renders the. tones more soft and sweet. They place j their fore finger and thumb upon the sides fit’the bell, and thus obtain a steady bold, while they prevent disturbing vibrations. The lowest bell is the lowest C of the treble cliff, and they run up three octaves and one-fourth with nil the semi-tones.— Four of them play the air ; the other three play a harmony in the lowest octave of I the bells, similar to a guitar accompani ment to a song. They trill notes beauti fully. Every piece, ot music is necessari ly arranged for them. Their instructor j plays it for them on the piano, a bar at a time, as if he were teaching musical spel i ling. Being unable to read music, they ; learn it altogether by the ear. But nature land art have made them so perfect in this matter, that oneof them cannot ring a faLe | note without its being instantly detected jby all the others. So correct are their | tones, that a piano can be accurately at tuned by them. Their memory, too, is wonderful. Huy of them can tell instan taneously all the notes that are to he play led tor ten bars ahead. Their bells have | to be changed frequently, often with as much rapidity os printers take up their ‘ types. Sometimes a bell that is atone end of the long table is needed at the oth |er extremity, but they never forget to pass ! it along in season. Their skill and exactness seem almost j equal to the chimera of Cambridge, in England, who rang a peal ot 6GBO chan ges, with such regularity and harmony that in each thousand efranges the time did not vary one-sixteenth of a minute, and the compass ofthe last thousand was exactly equal to the first.” The Millehites. —A part of these un ! fortunate and misguided people pitched i their tent’s off Monday in a field belong i ing to Isaac Yaeomb, on the Darby road, about three miles and a half from the Per- I manenl bridge. The first tent was erec ted about 12 o’clock. The converts con tinued increasing in the encampment ail j that day and night, males and females, some in omnibuses, carriages,and on foot. Some of them threw away their property as they went along into the street. The first tent became so crowded that the chil dren were forced into the open air, with out the proper care ot their parents. — These little ones were exposed to the pel ting of the pitiless storm. Numbers of j these poor children were running about the field, crying for their mothers and fa thers, and some even for food. Yester day morning a second tent was erected, anil the numbers bad increased very great ly. The condition of these people is in deed any thing but comfortable, and it must become worse from the want of pro per food and other necessaries of life, be side sleeping on the damp ground in this inclement season ofthe year, with scarce ly enough clothing to cover them. It is feared that numbers will never leave the ground, and that those that do leave it, will do so with scarce a hope of recovery. Parties have also gone into New Jersey, and there are several tents at different points within ten miles of Philadelphia. The report was current yesterday after noon that one ofthe preachers from the east, who had been officiating here in the capacity of principal treasurer, had pre cipitately left the city with funds amount ing to over *f!>oo. Philadelphia Ledger, Tuesday morning.