The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, November 08, 1844, Image 2

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YrOm the .Yu h c lit Linen. FIRE OF Till-: FLINT. The National Intelligencer, o! I lie 12th* iast.. contains an elaborate paper purpor ting to be an address made by John Quin cy Adams before the whig young men of Boston, on the 7th instant. We have ta ken special notice of it in adjacent col-, umns. The entire superstructure rests' on .Mr. dilams’ day-book ofhis own say ings, doings, Jcc. regularly kept by him self, and which is just no evidence at all. He states that, according to this “diary” of his General Jackson “ was more than in different to any acquisition west of the Sa bine,” in Feb., 1819. It is true that Gen eral Jackson was at Washington that win ter; but it lias been repeatedly shown and proved before the public, that he went there under the imprest ion that it was Mr.' Adams and Mr. Crawford, who, as mem-; hers of the Cabinet, had moved his arrest, and, therefore, he refrained from having any intercourse with either. This point was settled long ago to every! odv’s satis faction. That Mr. Adams has the pretend'd de tails of two pretended conversations with Gen. Jackson, concerning the treaty of 1319, entered on tlie pages ofhis “ diary,” is nothing new. Nor is it new that he re ceived from Mr. Mayo a confidential letter (so marked on the. envelope) from Gen. Jackson to the late Gov. Fulton, of Ar kansas, which he openly and publicly rend from his sent in the Congress of the United States. Perhaps there may !e no minutes of this in his “diary.” It is, ne vertheless, a notorious fact; and we put the question to all honorable men, whe'!;- ', er a person who Would make public use i of a purloined letter, J.noicin" ' lt to he strict ly confidential, would be likely to enter tain any very unconquerable scruples in composing his own “diary.” Why not, knowing it to be a stolen (at least a strop) piece of private property, hand it over to the person to whom he knew it rightfully belonged, instead o fusing' it for his own ben'Jit ? The law says “ the receiver is as had as the thief.” But enough. As we have already devoted much space to j Mr. Adams in another place to-day, we shall not do more in this connexion than state that the Intelligencer containing his address having been forwarded to Gen.' Jackson, he sent the following note to his friend, General Armstrong,with a request that it be published in this paper. Hermitage, Oi l. 22, 1314. Dear Sir:—l thank you for the copy of the Intelligent er eontaiuitig the. address! of John Q. Adams to the Voting Men’s Club of Boston, delivered on the 7th inst. This address is a labored attempt on the part of Mr. Adams to discredit the' testimony of Mr. Erving,whose statements were referred to in mv letter to the Hon., A. V. Brown of February 12th, 18435; and like most of the productions from a diseased mind, proves little else hut its own weakness and folly. Mv l<‘t;cr to Mr. Brown was published c g 29th of March, 1811, in Washing ton City, where Mr. Adams was at the ti no. lt has been the subject of comment in the newspaper presses of both parties in all portions of the Union ; and the state ments of Mr. Erving, and the intei'ClK’c? from them have not been deemed worthy of the notice of Mr. Adams until now, just before the close of the Presidential can vass, he pretends to have discovered that great injustice has been done him, an I lie-' inakesuchiMish appeal to his own u diary" to screen hitn from the odium which lias fallen upon his treachery to the best inter ests of his country. Mr. A lams has been seven months in preparing this tissue of deception foi the public. I pledge my country men ns soon as I can obtain the papers not now in my possession, referred to in the letter to Mr. Brown, to prove not only that Mr. Mdams has no cause of complaint against me, hut that his veracity, like his diplomacy, cannot he propped up by his “i/wiry.” T say in advance of the review 1 shall take of this extraordinar y production, thus heralded before the public on the eve of the Presidential election, that the asser tion of mv having advised the treaty of ISI9 is a barefaced falsehood, without the ; shallow of a proof to sustain it; and that Ihe entire address is full of statements at war with the truth, and of sentimeals hos-j tile to every dictate of patriotism. Who but a trailorto his country can ap peal as Mr. *4dams does to the youth ol Boston, in the close of his address?— “ Your trial is approaching. The spirit of freedom and the spirit of slavery art drawing together for the deadly conflict of at ms. The annexation of Turns to this l nion is the Idast of the trumpet for a foreign, civil, servile and Indian war, 'f which the government of the United States, fallen into faithless hands, has already twice given the signal—frst by a shameless treaty rejected by a virtuous St ante ; and again by the glove, of defiance hurled by the apostle of nullification at the avowed policy of the British empire, peacefully to promote the extinction oj shivery throughout the world. — Young men of Boston: burnish your armor —prepare for the conflict; and Isay to you in the language of (ialgacus to the ancient Britons—think of your forefathers —think of your posterity /” What is this but delusion —or what is worse—a direct appeal to arms to oppose the decision of the Amer\- \ can people should it he favorable to the annexation of Texas to the United States? 1 may be blamed for spelling Mr. Er ving’s name wrong, but I trust 1 shall nev er deserve the shame of mistaking the path of duty where my country’s rights are in volved. I believed from the disclosures j made to me of the transactions of ISI9, • that Mr. ylilarns surrendered the interests of the United States when he took the Sa bine rivpr as the boundary between us and Spain, when he might have gone to the Colorado, if not to the Rio del Norte. Such was the natural inference from the fact# stated by Mr. Erving; and there is nothing in the account now given of the negotiation to alter this impression. The address, on lh« contrary, does not at all, relieve Mr. Adams. It proves that he .was then, as now, an alien to rise true in terests of his country; but he had noU ’then as now, the pretext of co-operation with Great Britain in her peaceful endea vors to extinguish slavery throughout the world. Is there an American patriot that car. I read the above extract, and other similar jones that may be taken from the address of this monarchist in disguise, without a feeling of horror? Grant that the thou sands of those who think with me, that the addition of Texas toourUnion would j he a national benefit, are in error—are we to he deterred from the expression of our opinions by threats of armed opposition? and is it in this manner that the peaceful policy of Great Britain is to be carried into execution, should the American peo ple decide that we are not in error? Or !does Mr. Adams mean to intimate that the will of Great Britain should he the law li>r American statesmen, and will he enforced at the point of the bayonet by those who descended from the patriots of our revolution? Instead of going to British history for sentiments worthy of the republican youth of our country on an occasion so vitally affecting our national safety and honor, I would recommend i hose in General Wash ington’s farewell address, and particular ly his warning to us to avoid entangling alliances with foreign nations, and what ever is calculated to create sectional or geographical parties at home. I am, very truly, luur obedient servant, ANDREW JACKSON. Gen. Robert Armstrong. THE TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT. We copy from the New Orleans Herald the Pillowing patriotic letter, written by Charles J. Ingetsoll, of Pennsylvania, to the Louisiana committee, and read at the Baton Ifouge Democratic Convention. It evinces the true spirit of an American, de termined that the wiles of European des pots shall not prevail ori our borders: Forest Iln.L, (Phil,) Sept. 4, 1844. Gentlemen :—I assure you that it would be a very great gratification to me to ac cept the invitation by which I am honored to your convention at Baton Rouge, the |3oth of this month; and I flatter myself that the day is not distant w hen I shall be j allowed a visit to your remarkable region. 1 consider Louisiana as a part of Texas, ratliet than Texas part of Louisiana, se parated but not divorced, by acts which j the force of nature, the faith of treaties, the policy, honor, and destiny’of this na tion, demand shall not at any cost he suf fered to “ Ueml ai)«l ii*mciru|U» The wardtMl calm ntul nniiy ol #Sialcs, M j and I very much v ish to contribute to j • whatever may accomplish the reunion.' Especially if Great Britain, more especial ly if Great Britain combined with France by any word or deed, contrivance, diplo macy, protest, persuasion, or interference; whatever, attempt openly or covertly, to j meddle in the matter.—For then I hold that pragmatic Europe, and .above all En gland, provokes ns to an issue transcen ding in importance all boundaries, slavery lor other the most commonly regarded is sue in this Texas affair. il becomes I lie continental or hemis pheric question, whether this < ! shall predominate on (hL Nk "*nt. And I deem it most peaccabh V >c .to dec 1 ire at once, beyond the Mon. ' .Mams position, tv t only that we shall like, hut that we will not suffer Europeu. encroachment, in,at any rale, the northern 1 parts of the .Imerican hemisphere. They may domineer through Europe, dsia, nnd „'lfrica—.lnstralasia to hoot. But they shall not meddle in ourcontinen lal concerns, without first completing us. By a public sentiment like that to rally on, did Greece and Rome, Venice, Hol land, Su itzland, England, become what they were and are; and some such talis man of patriotism is indispensable lirronr Union, independence, prosperity, and peace. The Texas controversy throws the gauntlet before us, when we need some inspiring call to action. I have no doubt that the South will prove equal to the occasion; and J trust that the North will not desert now the South, (and the West,) who, in 177 G and ISI2, nobly came up to aid the North men in their I roubles with England. My home is in the centre, where, as I cannot be personally with yon, 1 who 11 con stantly strive to unite all the North, South, East and West, in the cause of a common country, manifesting to the world that if Texas desires to be free, and we desire it too, no British, French, or Mexican, oppo sition to it will we. suffer. Such will be the doctrine of the Polk administration—such is that of the Tyler; by it I have no fear that we can prevent 'any other. You may rest assured that it is the sentiment of most of Pennsylvania. Another session oft be present Congress will not pass, I trust, without annexing! Texas. But should it be so, then the three millions of suffragants at the Presidential election, five-sixths of w hom will vote for Texas, and nine-tenths of them against | enduring European interference, will sig nify to the 29th Congress that the 2Slh left undone a great national work no longer to be procrastinated. I am gentlemen, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, C. J. INGERSOLL. To Messrs. Seth Barton, William A. Elmore, and Thomas J. Durant. The Race Horse Fashion turning Grey. —The N. Y. Spirit of the Times says, that since Fashion’s race with Blue Dick last Spring, her coat of satin chest nut has become figured with spots of white hair, of the sizeof a shilling piece. Reality’s color changed in like manner. The Spirit adds: Fashion promises to be come as speckled as a bantam fowl, and already her color is so changed, that she I would he a decided star in the stud of an equestrian trouj>c. From ilw- GjUvsf >n tT. n») Nn»-. 21. DINNER TO COAL MOORE. 1 In accordance ro pievious at rangt metes, on Sat- j • ufi!av the -21 si inst., n targe anil rt sped able mint- j tier of Ihecitizens of Ibis cay assembled at Shaw’s Hale!, to participate in «lie fealivitics of ibe day livhicli wa> set apart for t be purpose of rendering j tribute of rcspict due to Commodore Moore. — ' Some credit is due to our worthy bo<t for llte man kier in which the entertainment was prepared.— Everv thing seemed done up in true republican style,'and reminded us of some of tlie old demo cratic barbacues we have attended in the old Do minion. Il is proper for us lo slate that there was no dis -1 linctiotiof parties, hot all promiscuously assembled upon the occasion, lie'ieving they were only pay ing that jast and honorable respect to a citizen who had proved himself invineihle by the dastard ly foe, and wh >se services to h s country must be acknowledged by all as invaluable. No one can r. fleet upon the conduct and char acter of Com. .'1 «>re, wi'houl justifying every step i|,ot he has taken since first assailed bv bis person d and public enemies. When it was made known i to him that tie was charged with the most atro cious crimes, published to the world a* a pirate and traitor lo his country, and by the Executive lof his own government, bow did he act? Did lie evade Ihe laws of his country ? No'. Firm, reso lute and unshaken, lie met tlie shock, and immedi ately brought about his little fleet and returned to I his adopted countiv, demanded at the handsel the people a litir and impartial investigation of the icharges against him, which congress granted, and ! after a long, tedious and intricate trial, has been brought to a close, though not made known, the people are satisfied he lias been honorably acquit ted. Thus il appears that a.brave and honorable citizen, a valiant ami noble commander, has been bunted down and persecuted, his character defam ed by the vindictive rule of a mm, that envy prompts to destroy, because he is possessed of talent and to enable bint to assert litis cttlttlry’s rights and defend Iter wrongs. And when llie names of those who have falsely repre- I settled his ,r . induct, and thrown find aspersions 'upon his charec'er, shall be erased from the pages [of history, Com. .V-tore's valiant and btillant deeds, so long as libeity is a theme, or man an intelligent leing, shall be perpetuated and ever commemorated by succeeding generations. The entertainment of the day passed ofF without any interruption of a serious natutc. Good feel ing and harmony prevailed during the evening; all wore smiling c tunic ratters a - '."? the ‘Sunday’s best,’ indicating hy their respectable dial they entertained a just and honorable pride I Ibr him whom they met to honor. The cloth being removed, Doctor Levi Jones acting as President of lire Day, gave from tlie head of the table the following regular Inns's: 1. Our country, its thunders and defender*. 2. Annexation to the United S'ales: Like 'lie man who, with the waters rising to his chin, hav ing urgently hut unavaiiingly solicited Noah for a passage in tlie ark, we begin to think there “on’t going to he hut a slight shower after all.” Slill ' we’d tie obliged to them lor a passage. 3. Our Mier friends in Perote : Their gallantry deserves a better fate; their country must demand | it, and the people will sustain it. 4. Our guest, Com. E. \V. .1/oore : Tlie world's Illinois as we honestly heiit ve, would he challenged in vain lo show equal performances under equal [circumstances of discouragement and disadvan tage; and the debt of gratitude, an instalment H which we hope the late court martial will have paid, sh ill he fully paid by the people of Texas. Here the Commodore arose and briefly address ed the company, expressing his gratitude for this signal demonstration of their approval of Ids con j duct, and we regret we are not able to give tlie j whole of his remarks, hut must content ourselves by giving the conclusion : “ In a few days, fellow citizens, I leave you, to! visit my native laud. Circumstances of the most imperative nature, require mv absence; but while I separated from you, I shall not forget that I leave behind me many, very many, worthy and esteemed j personal friends. Nor, though absent from her.] shall I lorgct tlie country of mv adoption; her best j I interests shall he uppermost in my thoughts, and it shall be my most earnest study how I can best ; serve her. And when I am unab’e to annoy our i toe otherwise, 1 am ready to mount a horse and j j bailie with the pioneers of the west.” Tlie commodore then offered the following sen-1 tin rut: The city of Galveston; In peace the cotnmer- j eial mart of our country, in war the bulwark ofj the nation. 5. The memory of .1. T. K. Lolhrop: The i compatriot of ,1/oure. honored most in Galveston j where Ins gallant am) upright bearing and char-1 ! ae.ler were best known. t>. Agriculture and Commerce: lUiih the last nperiy regulated, we shall be enabled to nianu- V nr- for ourse'vi <: n most enviable destiny. **■ Woman: The current that flows deep and sjl, at around the family altar, sparkles brightly or. surface of festive intercourse. SENATOR BERRIEN, Among (he Abolitionists. —The Charles ton Mercury, in a brief article copied by juslnst week, observed: “ Tt is said that J. M. Berrien, Senator from the State of Georgia, lias been franking the speeches of Cassius M. ('lav, (an Abolitionist) and addressed to Abolitionists of the North.” And three highly respectable citizens ol Edgefield, who were at the great Whig meeting tit Albany on tlie 27th August, | stale that w hilst he, Senator Berrien, was delivering bis speech there in favor of the Protective policy and tariff of ’42, and in opposition to Annexation, other Whig speakers, in other parts of the crowd, were were advocating Abolition doctrines, and denouncing the domestic institutions of the South !! ! Yes, and consequently' at tlie very time when his Whig and / boli tion associates were thus preaching t lie present crusade against “our peculiar in stitutions” he, at the same meeting, was virtually bet raying his confiding constitu ents into their hands, in the following lan- J gunge : “ Why shonld the South be in favor of Annexation? * * * Are the Southern | Whigs to be misled by (lie profound argu ments of Mr. Tyler’s Secretary', particu larly his statistics? Are they to he se duced by bisargument in favor of it, that jit may have an influence on our peculiar domestic institutions ? No! They know that their interests are safe In the hands of their brethren, under the guaranties of the American Constitution, and they indignantly spurn the guarantee which Texas would afford them. * * * We Southern Whigs stand on the same platform of principles with our Northern Brethcrcn hand joined in hand—heart beating in uni son with heart. It is not then a Southern question.” What are we to think of a Southern Senator thus speaking and acting under such circumstances ? What can he the motive of it, anil of his traversing the whole North to make such speeches as this, but the hope of obtaining a seat in the cabinet, or a foreign mission ? Be it what it may, however, should not such things arouse and warn the Southern people to spurn from their bosoms the faithless and ungrateful men who thus tamper with their most deadly enemies ? If they look on such tilings with indifference, or wink at them for the sake of party, is not their ruin inevitable? And may they not well t'Xiluitu, i:t contemplation of such outra ges, |C3 • . “ 1$ there not some c.iosen curse, 1 Some bidden thunder in the vaults ol heavem Red with uncommon wrath. To hurl its vengeance, and to b'asl the man, Who builds his greatness on his country’s ruin?” T H E E M PLOYE R AND TH E L A BOR ER—THEIR MUTUJL DEPEN DENCE. One of the vulgar errorsof the clay, anil one which is so frequently mc*l with in the several prints, is the supposed dependen cy ofilie laborer upon theemployer—of la bor upon moneyed capital. Every spe cies of wealth, every necessary or luxury oflile is the produce of labor. Let the la borer cease to labor, or to labor only for himself, and where would you find the employer? Os what use would his large domain, lie to him if the hand of tlie la boring man should not cultivate it? If his wealth consisted of nioneved capi'al, it would not afford him even the least of the necessaries or enjoyments of life, or be I rendered the least profitable, were it not for tlie labor of those who have it not. The American laborer is a freeman ; his rights are those belonging to a freeman. 1 It is he who produces the wealth of the nation, it is he who c rentes wealth so fre quently possessed by others. The more labor, the more wealth. If those who pos sessed the wealtbofthe nation understood this maxim, there would not lie a single hu man being destitute of employment, and the and ifferent nations of t Ik: world would now possess double the wealth they do. A great number of men and women, in all countries, that are out of employment a great portion of the year, would, if pro perly employed, add millions to the wm'.lli of those who are already wealthy, besides providing themselves with every necessa ry and convenience of life. It is one ol the most painful thoughts that occupied the mind of tlie philanthropist, that though labor will produce all that is necessary to the physical comfort of man, yet millions! of men anil women suffer annually for tlie want of the most common necessaries of life. We have a world provided to our hands, inviting men to labor and enjoy its; rewards; vet the mass of mankind in the nineteenth century of the Christian era. are in a state of partial, and millions ofj them in a state of absolute, destitution;! not possessing the simplest necessaries of [ life, though surrounded by others whose; wealth would supply the wants of thou sands. The philanthropist, and we may add ! the statesman, already begin to reflect se riously upon this condition of the human! race. Some change for the better must i ere long taken place. The cause of, and j the remedy for, the miseries of humanity | is called one of’the “problems of the age;’ > |and our hope is, that the wisdom of the present generation may solve it in a man ner that will banish want from the fireside of every human being upon the globe. THE TEX.IS MISSION. The Nashville Union, of the 15th inst. ! snvs: “Major Donelson leaves his plantation, near the Hermitage to-day—proceeding |overland to the Mississippi river, on his | way to the Texan capital—and we can not hut participate in the painful emotions j with which the word “farewell” will he exchanged between himself anil his ven- " O' erable patron, friend, and relative, “the sage of the Hermitage.” In view of the advanced age of General Jackson, it is more ihan probable that they may never ‘meet again. A relationship next to that of father and'son, if, indeed, it be not | equally near and dear, will be severed j perhaps forever. And we feel assured i that nothing short of a sense of duty to his ] country could have induced an acceptance of the mission. Nor, for this patriotic rea son, would the aged veteran advise him to decline it. The diplomatic agency' ofthis Govern ment in Texas is, at this moment, the most important mission aliroad;althougliit ranks with those of the second class, its high and j important duties require the talents of one j every wayqualified for the first foreign mission to the globe. We congratulate the administration on having been able to I secure the services ofone s > eminently j qualified in all respects for the station,] ‘whose thoroughknowledgeof the relations subsisting between tlie two countries, and whose intimate acquaintance with the pro minent statesman of this and that Govern ment, will place him in the enjoyment of advantages which cannot fail to secure to us the most desirable results.” The most prominent feature of the for eign news received by the Caledonia, is the unlooked for reversal, by the House of Lords, of the sentence pronounced against O’Connell and the other traver sers, and. their consequent liberation.— ■ This complete and glorious victory of the: repeal leader over his enemies, must give a mighty impulse to the cause he advo cates. The decision seems to have struck with astonishment alike his foes and his partizans. Pie stands indeed in a proud position, and holding as he does, the hearts ] of the Irish people in his hands, he wields a vast power, and sustains a tremendous weight of responsibility. We do not doubt, however, that his influence will continue to be exercised with the consum mate talent and tact which have hitherto characterised all his political movements. Wo learn from private sources, that Berrien and other Whigs, have, on their return from the North, circulated through Georgia, the loudest boasts that “Virginia is certain to go for Clay by a large major ity.” We say to our friends in Georgia, and elsewhere, that there is no sort of foun dation for such an opinion. We know that many candid Whigs give up Virginia and that very few claim it as certain for Clav, The Whig leaders have doubtless, put forth confident braggings about Virgin ia; but it is all intended for effect upon other States. From every corner of Vir giuia, tlie daily cry come* to us, “Vir- ; ginia will never vote for Old Clay.” Let; our friends in Gcotgia he at ease. We are with them heart and hand, and shall cordially and powerfully unite with them in swelling the Democratic triumph. llickmoud Enquirer. SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTION. Messrs. Black, Woodward, Burt, Holmes, and Illicit, all members of the present Congress, have been re-elected without opposition. In the Pendleton district, in which only tlie Whigs attemp ted to run a candidate, the following is the result: Greenville, I3GI G2G Anderson and Pickens, 2285 1532 Laurens, ISIG 754 51G2 2912 2912 Majority for Simpson, 2250 In the 4tli district, now represented hy Mr. Campbell, but who declined a re-elec tion, Col. A. D. Sims is probably elec ed over Gen. John McQueen (both democrats) bv two or three hundred majority. For representatives to the State Legis lature the fate of the whig candidates has been equally disastrous—none having been chosen, nnd both branches will he unanimously Democratic. Whigery is nearly an obsolete idea in the palmetto [state, and will probably continue so until the present generation passes away.— Young Hickory. “Pie tectiox to American Labor.”— Governor Seward was atOgdensburg last Week. During the day he crossed over to Prescott, purchased there a coat and vest, donned them, and rccrossed the fer ry, his purchases passing duly free, and made the same evening a flaming speech for the Tariff and protection lo American labor ! Albany Atlas. Mr. Clay’s Popularity. —ln the year 1524, in the city of Philadelphia, at the Presidential election, the fallowing vote was polle 1: For Jackson, 22GG For Adams, 1490 1 For Crawford, GOS Fi r CLAY, ICG Total, 447 G In the county the following vote was polled : ) For Jackson, 5450 For Adams, 531 For Crawford, 552 j For CLAY, 91 Total, GG44 In a late Mlhany rirgus, we find the fill lowing anecdote of a German Democrat, 1 which is too good to he lost. WELL ANSWERED. An old German Democrat, was recent jly constantly assailed by a Whig with whom he was working to vote for Henrv | Clay. Our old German answered muh- I iiig, except '.hat lie would think of it. Some days after, the Whig again asked ■him whether he had not yet determined to vote for Henry Clay ? But our old Ger man gave him the following excellent an swer: “I have been in this country now seven years, and I know that Mr. Clay does not want my vote until I have been here twenty-one years. I am, therefore determined to vote with the Demo-racy j mil il I shrill have been in the country 21 years; after that, perhaps I may vole for “Ilenry Cloy.” SUPPOSED MURDERS. \\ e are informed, -ays the Geneva, N. Y. Courier, dial two human skeletons were turned up hy Mr. John Wetheily, while ' ploughing on the “Sand Hill Farm,” for- I merly known as the “Pullen Farm,” in the southeast part of Phelps. Said farm ; has been occupied since 1805 hy about 10 different families. The old settlers in the neighborhood believe these skeletons to be the remains of two persons whom they [supposed to have been murdered between twenty and twenty-five years since, hy or with the connivance of a family then re ading on the farm. A physician who has iexamined the remains, pronounces one of (he skulls to he that of a female, apparent ly about 20 years of age. A lady’s hair Icomb, with a high open-worktop, was found with it, and near by several wrought nails. ELEGANT EXTRACT. The following classical bit of illustra tion is from the Cayuga Tocsin : The awkward bragging of the Coons to keep up their spirits is really amusing. It reminds us ofthe drunken squaw, who lay flat on her back in the middle of the road, ahead of a runaway horse, and cried out with all her might—“ Out of the wav horsey ! —Here I come, swift as a bullet!” This is the ease with the Whigs; they lie floundering in the mud, as effectually de feated now as they will be at the closing of the polls, still they keep up a terrible cry about what they expect todo hereafter. But it’s all Whigs thunder—it can’t Lit. CHEAP RAIL-ROAD TRAVELLING. An article in the Westminster Review, on Railway administration attracts some notice in the city, on account ofthe mode in which it advocates the principle that passengers may he carried at infinitely less sums than they now pay, and that very low fares will prove in the end the host source of profit to the proprietors. From the evidence given by Mr. Hudson before i the railways committee, the writer draws the statement that on the North and York Midland sailway coals are carried at the rate of three farthings per ton per mile, arid that that price is a remunerative one. Estimating that 13 passengers would goto a ton, he finds that a regulation load of passengers on the London and Birming ham railway—lhat is, three tons and a halt, or forty-six passengers, who, stan ding up, would only occupy a wagon of Ire conveyed ;Mr. lludsnri’s remunerative price fiir a.l 12s. Sil. orS|d ,er passeng. Why, then, he asks, should passengers, who cun load and unload themselves, and, moreover are not liable to he lost or stolen, be char’ ged higher than goods? This is of course going to n violent extreme; but it is a use ful line of argument, as showing that the lares are capable of being very consi derably reduced, leaving a profit which would very much increase, from the ad ditional numbers conveyed. THE CHICKEN COCK ON L IKE CHMMPLJIN. During the last war with Great Britain a tremendous struggle was made hv both parties to preserve the naval supremacy of Lake Champlain.—Comodore McDo nough who commanded the American fleet, determined to risk a general enea»e ment. So confident were the British of success, that a small vessel, loaded with British subjects, came into the bay where the battle was fought, as spectators, f () witness the prostration of the “Star Span gled Banner.” The action was commen ced hy the British vessels firing a broad side. At that instant, says the historian a Chicken Cock, which hail escaped from one of the coops on McDonough’s vessel flew upon one of the guns, and hy a loud’ crow, seemed to hurl hack defiance on the haughty foe. The instant this was heard the whole body o! Sailors, Officers and all greeted the gallant bird with three cheers, t Sailors are naturally superstitious; and Cooper in his “Naval History,” says the crowing of the gallant rooster had a pow erful effect upon the known tendencies of the seam-n. During the battle the chick en cock flew upon some oft lie riggino and from there, far above the heads of (he j combatants, could he heard between the parsses of tlie frightful fight, the war civ of that gallant and fearless bird. For ties circumstance, as well as f>r its prompt prsentment ofanv invasion of its tertilo v land its deep rooted hatred of red coat in vaders, the Democracy have adopted it [ as an emblem of their principles. CHINESE EPIC UR ISM. j Dogs nre fitted and eaten in China as a delicious food, and are always (bund at the tables ol'the great. Horseflesh, rats and mice, are standard articles of food, and sold puhlidv at the butchers; a lin t which reflects credit on the taste and good s use ofihe Chinese, for there are not more cleanly animals than those existing. Bird's nests are another article of fixvl; lull neith er mud nor stir! s enter into tin ir compo sition. The nests arc found in the rocks i along iheronsts of Totiqnin, &e. and arc Guilt by birds resembling the swallow. They are constructed, as is supposed, of a small species of sea-fish, cemented hv i a glutinous matter extending from the bird | itself; and when usually formed, resemble the rind of a large candied citron. Bear paws firm another favorite dish. They are rolled in pepper and nutmeg, an i dried in die sun. When about to heilres i sed, they are soaked in rieewater lo make them soft, and then boiled in the gravy of a kid, and seasoned with various spices. --From Copt. Folding's Chinese Olio and Tea Tala, Xo. 12. Amputation in the Prairies. —A few days I before the caravan had reached Walnut Creek, a Mr. Broad us, in attempting t> draw his rifle from a wagon, muzzle fore most, discharged its contents in his arm. The hone being dreadfully shattered, the unfortunate man was advised to submit in» an amputation at once; otherwise, it . being iu the month of August, and exces sively warm, would soon en sue. But Bro.ulus obstinately refused to consent to this course, till death began to ; stare him in the face. Bv this time, how ever, the w hole arm had become gangren ed, some spots having already appeared abovethe place where theoperalion should have been performed. Tlie invalid's case was therefore considered perfectly hope less, and lie was given up hy all his com rades who thought of little else than l<> consign him to tlie grave. But being un willing to resign himself to the fate which appeared frowning over him, without a last effort, he obtained the consent of two or three of the party, who undertook to amputate his arm, merely to gratify the wishes of the dying man, f*r in such a light they viewed him. Their only “case of instruments” consisted of a hands:* a, n butcher’s knife ; and a large iron bolt. The teeth of the saw being considered 100 I coarse they went to work and soon had a set of fine teeth filed on the hac k. The knife having been whetted keen, mui the bolt laid upon the fire, they com menced the operation ; and in less tune than it takes to tell it the arm was opened ] round to the bone, which was almost in an instant sawed oflj and with the whiz zing hot iron the whole stump was so ef fectually seared as to close the arteries completely. Bandages were now applied and the whole company proceeded on their journey as though nothing had oc curetl. The arm commenced healing rapidly, and in a few weeks the patient was sound and well,and is perhaps still living, to bear witness to the superiority ofthe “hot iron” over ligatures in inking up arteries.— Gregg's Commerce on the I fai ries. Sheridan and the Coalman. —Mr. Mite t jell, who supplied Sheridan with coals, had a heavy demand against him, l(,n outstanding, and for which lie was bent upon waiting no longer. Mr. Dunn, then - lore, finding remonstrance useless, um < r took to pilot the coal merchant to Shern - an’s residence, in Hertlord street, am fl> usher him into the manager’s presence. Mitchell attacked Sheridan mercilessly, accused him of having treated him shame fully, and swore he would not leave t n house without the whole ol his money- As the amount was several hum rei pounds, and Sheridan had not as .J 11 *! 1 - sbillings, compliance more easi \ manded than obtained, and it was i f,n