The republic. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1845, November 27, 1844, Image 1

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THE RE I 9 MJMiLiIC, IS PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY, OWE It J. D. WINN’S BRICK STORE. COTTON AVENVK, MACON, GA. A T #3,00 P EII ANN UM. HATES OF ADVERTISING, Sac. Oiic square, of 100 words, or less, in small type, l 73 cents lor the fir3t insertion,and 50 cents lor each ' subsequent insertion. All advertisements containing' more than 100 and less tlun 200 words, will be charged as two squares. To yearly ailverliserx, a liberal deduction will lit made. Sales of Land, bv Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of lea in the lorenoon, ami three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the |>ro [icriv is situated. Notice of these must be given m a public gazette, sLcly days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors ami creditors of an estate, must lie published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must he publish ed four months. Sales of Negroes must be made at public auc tion, on the lirsi Tuesday of the month, between the legal hours of sale, at the place of public sales, in the county where the letters testamentary, ol iidininisiration of guardianship, shall have been granted, sixty days notice being previously given : i.i one of the public gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. Notice for leave to sell Negroes must be pub lished tor four months before any order absolute shall he made thereon by the Court. All business of this nature will receive prnmp attention at the office of THE REPUBLIC. \ll letters of business must be addressed to the Editor, post paid. BUSINESS CA K l>S. FLOI'D HOUSE. BY B. S. NEWCOMB & CO. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. I—if WHITING & MIX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS AND *IIOEB, Near the Washington Hall, Second street. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1814. 1-tl J. L. JUNKS & CO. CLOTHING STO KE. ff'est side .Mulberry Strcrt, next door belcne the Big lint. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. 1-ls MS BET & WINGFIELD, ATTOIt \E V S A T 1. A W . Office on .Mulberry Street, over Kimberly s Hal Store. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. Ml* i >. m • TORS J. M. & H. K. GREEN, Corner of .Mulberry and Third Slrtels. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. I—tl I. . J . C BOSS, —II ti s for S ;i 1e DRY (lOODS ts a HOC EIUKS, boots, shoes, cats, and ha ts, .It John D. H’inu's Old Store. Macon, Oct. 25, IS-14. 2-ts FREEMAN aV ROBERTS, Saddle, Hit r ness, and U hip, JIAIHTAf TOUT. Dealers ill all kinds of Heather, Saddlery Harness and Carriage Ttintm trigs, O i Cotton Avenue and Second street, Macon, t,a. October 25, 1544. S-tl • JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR, DEtI.CH IS i>hy goods, «KOti;im:s hard- WARE, «fcc. Brick Store. Cherry Street. Ralston's Range, first door below Russell .V Kimberley s. Miicon, Ocl. 19, 1H44. l-li GEORGE M. I AH! AN, DE. IX f AX V ASDSTAI'tIi DRY (iDODS Hard-Ware, Crockery. Glass- Ware, &.c. &c. Corner of S.coini ami Cherry streets. Macon, Georgia. Ocl. 19, 1844. I—1( I>T & VV. GUNN\ DEM.CBS IX S T Al* L E 1* IS I COO DB, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &.c. Macon, Georgia. Ocl. 19, 1844. 1-ts SAMUEL J. RAY & CO. DEiI.EKS IX FAYCY A X I> NT A I*l. E DRY COODS, Ready Made Clothing, llats, Shoes, &o. Sccoml street, a lew doors Iroui llie Washington Hotel. Macon, Gcorcia. Oct. 18, 1944. 1-ts REDDING &- WHITEHEAD, DF. IX FANCY AND ST A I*l. K DRY GOODS., Hard 1C are, Cutlery, Hals, Shoes, Crockery, &c. &c. Corner of Colloiy Avenue ami Cherry streets. Macon, Georgia. Ocl. 1!L 1844. 1-ls B. F. ROSS, dealer in ORY GOODS AND G ROC CIS IKS. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1— tl J. M. BOARDMAN, DEALER IX LAW, MEDICAL, MISCELLANEOUS and School Books; Blank Books and Stationery of alt kinds ; Printing Paper, &.C.. Stc. Sign of the Large Rible, two doors above Shot well’s corner, west side of Mnlberrsj Street. Macon, Georgia. Oct. 19,1844. 1-ts B. R. WARNER, AFCTION Ann COMMISSION MER CHANT. Dealer in every description of Merchandise. ‘‘The Public’s Servant,” and subject to receiving e msignments at all times, by the consignees pav ing 5 |H*r cent, commissions liir servicts rendered. Macon. Georgia. Oct. 19, 1844. 1-ts Sweets of Matrimony. —A married man whose rib proved to be the better half, in the wrong sense of the term, was heard to make the following remark; “I loved my wife,” he said, “at first as much as any body ever did love a wife. For the first two months I actually wanted to eat her u p; and ever since then Vve been sorry I didn't /” R’hat a horrid cannibal! Fourierism in the West. —About one hun dred individuals, believing in the doctrine ot Association, have purchased 2300 acres °t fertile land in Balmont county, upon the J *hio, seven miles along the river, and two hack. Ft was obtained lor the Phalanx, v the liberality of Col. J. S. Shriver, of ” heeling, Va. THE REPUBLIC’. BY 11. C. CROSBY. VOLUME 1. “MUCH YET REMAINS UNSCNG.” KRIS IS MY IIO.MK. “Oh I have roamed in many lands, And inanv friends I’ve met; Not one fair scene or kindly smile, Can this hmd heart Ibrgel; But I’ll confess that I’m content. No more I wish to roam; Oh! steer my bark to Erin’s Isle, For Erin is my home. II England were my [dace of birth, I’d love her tranquil shore; And if Columbia were my home, Her freedom I’d adore: Tim’ pleasant days in both I pass, I dream of days to come; Ob! steer my bark to Eriu’s Isle, For Erin i., nty home.” O mv (end angel mother dear, 0 .ce more but bless thy child ; Give the lonely wanderer here, At least a pardoning smile, Nor let this weary tiearl alone, Resign its vital flame: Ob! steer nty bark to Erin’s Isle, For Erin is my home. But cease this heart—llty hopes are vain, Erin is l(line no more; 1 ne’er may tread the angry main To seek the emerakl shore; But when mv soul us task resigns, And quits its mortal dome, Oh! steer mv bark to Erin’s Isle, For Erin is my home. I’ll be route it to linger here, On freedom's happy slime, Nor weary siuh nor sickly tear, Shall heave my bosom more, If when mv soul her task resigns And ([nils this mortal dome, Hei bark may steer to Erin s Isle, For Erin is mv home. Tlie-e o'er live bright ami greenest Isle, Where sweetest breeze?'play, I’ll hover with tnv mother’s smile, And sister’s softer la v, Until the gentle virgin’s grace, Prepare my angel home, And steer my bark from Erin’s Lie, Along the heavenly dome. Front the Philadelphia Ledger. TIIE PROSPECTIVE GRANDEUR OF AMERICA. The future population, strength, and 'resources of litis country, have been sub jects of speculation with stati.-chins and poets. Calculation anti rhapsody have not been wanting to detennine or fbre j shadow its destiny. But neither the one nor the other, as far as we have seen, have !adequately compassed the prospective grandeur of America. The calculations , have fallen short of what tnav reasonably lie anticipated; and tbe prophetic imag ining have been 100 vague to convey any definite impression ol absolute results.— This, however, is a question which sta tistics can exemplify, and in such a man tier as to render a prospective fact more brilliant and marvellous than the widest range which imagination has taken irt re gard to it- We shall endeavor to explain our views on this subject, confining our si lvcs to rigid calculations and lair deduc tions. In the increase of population in this country two things are retnailiable: its rapidiiy anti its uniformity. Nearly a century ago, Franklin stated that popula tion here doubled itself once within every twenty-live years. That pr cess of re duplication lias been going on ever since, and, according to the last census, it ap pears that it is now doubled in about ev ery twenty-two years. This is an impor tant fact, and renders the calculation of the population for future exact periods, a thing of clear certainly. Where popula tion has doubled itself so rapidly tor such a length of time, it is evidence of the working of a principle. It ceases to be accidental, and hence-uncertain in its na ture. The population of France has dou bled wi:ltin a hundred and twenty years; that of England within sixty. Either pe riod is so long in itself, and the anterior periods required for the reduplication of the population of each of those countries so uncertain, that a satisfactory statement of their future increase of population may hardly be afforded. But for the reasons we have stated, no such impediments to reasonable calculation on the subject, ap plies to this country. The results of continuing the calcula tion of the increase of* population in this country in geometrical ratio, are so vast, and at no distant period, that it would seem safe and prudent not to venture on stating them exactly. It would appear that Chancellor Kent must have been un der the influence of this sober feeling when he spoke of there being three hundred millions of people in it in the course of ages. So fitr from many ages being re quired for this, the child is now born in this country, who will see in it a popula tion of more than three hundred millions. It may be argued that population here will cease to double itself at its present ratio when it reaches a high point, sup pose one hundred millions. But this con sideration is of no avail. For if we look at the means of the increment of popu lation, production, we shall find that it goes beyond numbers, the Malthusian the ory to the contrary notwithstanding. Two things establish the rapid augmentation of population —a liberal form of govern ment and national integrity being already secured. These things are improved agri culture and mechanics. Now, it is cer tain that agriculture has just begun to im prove. It is a fact no less memorable than disgraceful, that agriculture has re- MACOV, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER *7, IS 11. mained stationary from the age of Au gustus Caesar almost to our own immedi ate time. Eighteen hundred years had not mended its rules of practice. Any one who will read Virgil’s Georgies, and compare it with ordinary farming prac tice, will satisfy himself of this. Though gunpowder and inquisitorial tortures, her aldry and alcliymy, cruelties arid follies, occupied men’s minds; ihough printing bad been long discovered, and society had taken a civilized character, yet, strange to say, the fundamental art, the great neces sity, the support of life, the production of food, was left crude as antiquity had known it. Had agriculture been deemed as glorious as war, it would have long since fructified the four continents. But this great art is now rendered susceptible of indefinite improvement*. Chemistry,; the creation of a few years, analyzes soils and their productions—their distinct cha racters and mutual adaptabilities. With a beauty mid certainty that exhaust ad miration, it places agriculture beyond tbe evils of ignorance and waste, and displays a sublime economy in its operations.- Machinery, with ingenious forms, and thundering prowess, come to supersede or ; fortify human hands. These united agen cies will give to the science and practice j of agriculture a magnificent scope and j effect, a perennial power of life susfenta-: lion, that surpass alike the bounds of so-| her consideration or rhapsodical fervor. The genius of mechanics, which has been * started into new proportions by the Ithu- ; riel touch of the age, whose stature liter-, ally reaches the clouds, has, indepen' dcntly, the second great eflect on national destiny. Bike the whirling spheres, it multiplies forms infinite in numbers and beauties. It begins with necessity, and ends with luxury; it embraces every min istration to bodily comfort, every artifice to extend spiritual cultivation. These two great forces, which have just had new birth, are in the hands of posterity for development. Their influences will ho to quicken the growth of nations—not to retard them, at this or that point of strength. We cannot, then, admit that there is going to Ite any retardation in the increase of population up to that period, when it sur passes the supply of food—a period not necessary for us to anticipate, ami whose difficulties it will he competent for our enlightened successors in the world’s bu siness to manage. The great science of the wealth of nations, as discovered bv Adam Smith, being developed abroad, will react on the prosperity of this coun try, accelerating its ratio of production, and, consequently, of increase of* popula tion. Emigration, which up to this time has merited consideration in ihese calcu lations, lor the future need not be minded, the doubling process being so vast in its results as to diminish the force of such influence. If, then, it he allowed (hat population will goon to double ilself for many years, as we have endeavored to show, it will produce much greater results than are an ticipated. This will appear evident from the (ill! owing statement: The population of the United States was in IS4O, 17,000,000. In 1362 it will he 30,000,000. In IS''!, 72,000,000. In 1906, 154,000,000. In 1925, 308,000,- 000. In 19-50, 010,000,000. In 1975, 1,200,000,000. It is not necessary to extend this calcu lation. We have not yet ascertained the limits of this country; we do not know its resources in nil the arts which contri bute to the support of life. But with such a population, all national and municipal ellbrts and achievements would be of cor responding extent. Cities, whose gran deurand glorvdefy parallel,will bespread over it. Design, aided by intellect and wealth, fortified by every conceivable means, and working for the highest ends of communities, will take the place of ac cident, povertv, or ignorance, which now rule. Magnificence and economy of plan, rapidity of erection, immensity of detail, and aggregated splendor of multiform combination, will mark public or munici pal works. Millions of men, with hearts bent ort some good and great purpose, can he at once concentrated. Aided by in calculable riches, enthusiastic efforts, and the assurance of experience, they may set our precedents at defiance in the same wav we set at defiance those of the first settlers. The wonderful silver lamp o( the eastern necromancer is but an allego ry of the power of riches commanding great agents. Theworkof a century now can in the future be thrown into a few vears. Great capitals and their tributa ries, illustrating the social principle in its highest attributes, can then he reared In force rapidly and certainly. A greater city than ancient Rome, which took seven hundred years to build, can—aye, will be built in seven years. All sense and work being devoted to peace, intercourse, and production, society will be like the swell ing ocean-tide, casting up pearls n/i the shore. Its riches and beauties will sur pass our circle of present inferences. We must take the principle of extension; and fearless of its results, we shall solve this problem. The dogma of distance, as it affects the mind, is already annihilated in the mag netic telegraph. An agent, which circles the world several times each second, is now to be made the common carrier of thought. It neither sweats nor pants,breaks down nor explode*, but, like an ethereal spirit, it bears far and wide its immortal FRO FATKIA ET LEGIBUS. message. An empire of twelve hundred millions will be bound in such a chain of love and light. THE LOST ARTS. SKILL OF THU ANCIENT EGYPTIANS. If the Thebans, 1800 years before Christ knew less in some departments of useful knowledge than ourselves, they also in others, knew more. One great proof of the genius ofthat splendid line of potentates, entitled the eighteenth Theban dynasty, and the extent of civilization under then rule, was that the practical, chemical, as tronomical, and mechanical, knowledge which thev shared with the priestly (sci entific) colleges, was, in some respects, equal to, in soms respects greater than our own. They made glass in great profu sion, (Diodorus Siculus,) and burning glasses, and lenses tor glasses. They must have cut their delicate cameos bv the aid of microscopes. Ptolemy des cribes an astrolabe; the}’ calculated eclip ses; they then said that the moon was di versified by sea and land, [Plutarch de fa cie 1 tinea, 1 that “one lunar day was equal to fifteen of the earth,” that “the moon’s diameter was a third of the earth’s, and that “the moon’s mass was to that of the earth, as 4to 72.” All these things show good instruments. They made gold pota ble [inferentinlly;] Moses did so who was a scribe brought up by the sovereign Pon tiff, and nursed in the “wisdom of the E gvptians,” an “an art lost,” till recently recovered by a French Chemist. Their workmanship in gold, is recorded by Ho mer, their golden clockwork, by which thrones moved, piust be exquisitely inge nious. They possess the art of tempering cop per tools, so as to cut the hardest granite with the; most minute and brilliant preci sion. This tirt we have lost. We see the sculptors in the act of cutting the inscrip tions on the granite blocks and tablets. We see a pictoral copy of the chisels and tools with which the operation was per fir med. We see the tools themselves.— (There are sculptors’ chisels at the mu seum, the cutting end of which preserves its edge uni in pared, while the blui t extre mity is flattened by the blows of the mal let.) But our tools would not cut such stone with the precision of outline which the inscriptions retain to the present day. Again what mechanical means had they to raise and fix the enormous imposts on the lintels of their temples at Kmnac. Ar- ] chitecls now confess that they could not raise them by the usual mechanical power. Those means must, therefore, be put to tbe account of* the “lost arls.” That they have been familiar with the principles of Artesian wells, has b«en lately proved by the engineering investigations carried on while noring for water iti the great Oasis. That they were acquainted with the prin ciples of the railroad is obvious, that is to say, they had artificial causways, level, di rect, and grooved, the grooves being an ointed with oil, for the conveyance from great distances ol enormous blocks of stone entire stone temples and colossal statues of half the height of the monument. Rem nants of iron, it is sttid, have been found : in these grooves. Finally, M. Arago has argued, that they not only possessed a knowledge of steam power, which they j employed in the cavern mysteries oft heir Pagan freemasonry, but that the modern steam engine is derived through Solomon ! de Cans, the predecessors of Worcester, from the invention of Hero, the Egytian engineer. The contest of the Egyptian Sophoswith Moses, before Pharoah, pays singular tribute to their union of “know ledge anil power.” No supernatural aid is intimated. Three of the miracles of their natural maeic [see SirD. Brewster,] the jugglers of the East can and do now perform In the fourth, an attempt to pro duce the lowest form ol life, they fail. From the whole statement, one inference is safe, j that the daring ambition of the priestly j chemists had been led from the triumphs of embalming and chicken hatching, imi- j tatingand assisting tbe production oflifc, to a Frankenstein ex|>cri(nent on the vital I fluid and on the principle of life itself, per haps to experiments like those [correctly | or incorrectly] ascribed to Mr. Crosse, in the hope ofereating, not reviving, the low est form of*animal existence. The White House in 1784. A Mr. Wan se}’, whose published notes of a tour in this country in 1784 have recently been the subject of notice in the American pa pers, gives the following description of a breakfast at tbe White House. Will the breakfasts there in these days bear a com parison with this ? “ Mrs. Washington herself made tea and coffee for us. On the table were two small plates of sliced tongue, dry toast, bread and butter, but no boiled fish, as is generally the custom. Miss Curtis, her grand-daughter, a very pleasing young la dy of about sixteen, sat next to her brother, George Washington Curtis, about two years older than herself. There was but little appearance; no livery. A silver urn was tlte only expensive thing on tlje table. Mrs. W. appears to be something older than the President, although born in the same year, short in stat ire, rather ro bust, very plain in her dress. Persons who sro always innocently cheerful and good humored, are very use ful m the world; they maintain peace and happiness, and spread a thankful tem per among all who live around them. S. M. STRONG, Editor. From Chnnibcr’s Edinburgh Journal. AN ANECDOTE OF MURAT, KING OF NAPLES. Joachim Murat, if not the (test informed man, was undoubtedly the most gallant : and intrepid soldier irt the Imperial artnv jof France. Huving risen from the ranks ! to the high station of general, every part jof a soldier’s duty was familiar to him; : and in all the details of the military art he i had no rival. Napoleon designated him | the best cavalry officer in Europe. His i person was as manly as his manners were effeminate—his noble features and power ful limbs contrasting strangely with the eccentric frivolity of some of his actions. His best characteristics were, however, a strong natural sagacity, and an almost tin-1 bounded generosity both in public and private lilt-. These qualities were fre quently called forth when he was placed by Bonaparte on the throne of Naples. W hen Napoleon, blindly imagining that his army could successfully contend with, the severity of a northern winter, formed the gigantic project ol subjugating Russia, Murat was summoned from the Neapoli tan throne to Dresden, to take command of* the cavalry of the Imperial artnv. Pre vious to his departure, Mur it, who had married Napoleon’s sister, Caroline Bona parte, established a regency, at the head of which he placed his queen. This latlv, though not tire handsomest, was certainly the most interesting and best informed of all Napoleon’s sisters. Besides many fe minine accomplishments, she possessed grpat personal courage and tact in the management of political and administra tive nflkirs. Unfortunately, however, she w,as, like her eldest brother, inclined to be despotic, which manifested itself* as soon as the regency of the kingdom fell chiefly into her hands This was unfor tunate ; fitr, tinder the mildest rule of a foreign power, a conquered nation s< ldom sits quietly : and the Neapolitans already bore with impatience the sway ol u French king. Caroline’s arbitrary character was known, and on Mural’s departure, the discontent of the Neapolitans increased ; they redoubled their i flin ts to overthrow the French dynasty, and to re-establish the exiled Bourbons on the throne. The most powerful of the conspirators were the monks of the several religions orders which Murat had suppressed, and whose revenues lie had made the proper ty ol the nation. These men possessed great influence over the Italian aristocra cy, ns well as over the lower orders, es pecially in the provinces, and exercised their sacred ministry to exasperate their flocks to rebellion. The moment the es tablishment of* the regency was officially announced, the monks redoubled their ef forts in favor of the expelled Bourbons, and enrolled in the conspiracy every class nf the jieople, from the disaffected nobility down to military deserters and banditti. 1 he most influential of the monkish agi tators was Giusto Capezzuti, formerly of the order of St. Martin, and for manv years the manager and treasurer of all the estates arid revenues left for the benefit of the poor. Not having oeen quite faithful in the discharge of his offices, Giusto amassed great wealth, and lived in splen did affluence ut San Marcallino, a pretty village of Terra de Lavoro, about teu miles from the capital. All tbe inhabit ants of the surrounding country, and espe cially the brigands who infested the marsh es ol Patria and Capua, held him in great estimation, and were so much under his influence, that they .were ever ready to obey whatever he should command, llis villa became the head quarters of the prin cipal partisans of Ferdinand, tbe exiled monarch, then residing in Sicily, and he freely appropriated a portion of his vast wealth to the purchase of arms and mu nitions for his willing followers, all of whom were ready to commence the insur rection at any moment Fra Giusto might command. At length it was agreed that the gran l l explosion should take place on the anniversary of Napoleon's birth--tbe 15th of August, 1812. It happened, how ever, that the mcasuresof the conspirators were not taken so secretly as to prevent their proceedings from reaching the cars of the minister of police, and before the appointed day, Fra Giusto Capezuti and the other chiefs ol the rebellion were ar rested and thrown into the state prison of Naples. The friar bore this reverse with the utmost fortitude; and although prom ises of pardon were repeatedly made on the condition that he should betray the se crets of the conspiracy, he indignantly re jected them. Some of his fellow-prison ers were not so honorable. Having been falsely persuaded that Capezuti hail be come their accuser, they not only avowed their own guilt, but gave to the minister such information as enabled him to arrest a great portion ol those conspirators who had hitherto escaped; and in a lew days no fewer than three hundred and filly in dividuals were lodged in prison. Prelim inary examinations were instantly com menced, and the result was, that one hun dred and forty-three persons were com mitted to take their trial; amongst whom were some of the first nobles of the land, besides military officers, and even chiefs of die police or Sbini. To try these cul prits, all tbe judges of the criminal courts were ordered by the regent to sit three times a-week, and tbe trials lasted from the 3d to the 22d of December, 1312. Meanwhile the chief conspirators emlea vored, through their friends, to corrupt not only the juries, but the judges, by a lavish vxpendituro of money in bribery. They also retained the most subtle and eloquent council in the kingdom for their defence. But these efforts were useless; all were found guilty rtf high treason; the least cul pable were sentenced to imprisonment for life; others were condemned to the gal leys; whilst Giusto Capezzuti and forty seven more of the leaders were ordered to be guillotined. All hope was not, however, given up. By the French law—then in force in Na- AI MRDK 7. ples—the right exists in criminal cases, of appealing to a court of cassation. To this court the friends and counsel of the convicted conspirators applied for a new trial, on the ground of informalities said to have occurred during the examination of* witnesses. As the appeal was found ed on a mere legal quibble, little good was expected to result from it, the chief object of the applicants being to obtain siu h a delay as would allow of Murat’s return from Russia; for nothing in the shape of mercy could be expected from his quern. Caroline, indeed, exerted all her influence on the court of cassation to hasten on the proceeding, so as to bring tbe culprits speedily to execution. In a few days, therefore, the appeal was re jected, and Fra Giusto and his forty-seven associates were ordered to be beheaded on the lfuli of January, 1813. The monk, with three of his relations, were to be ex ecuted before his own villa at San Mar callino, and as it was feared that the bri gands and peasants of the neighborhood would make a desperate attempt to rescue the popular friar, that village was com pletely garrisoned with troops. At this critical juncture Murat appeared in Naples. The disastrous retreat front} Moscow, and a quarrel with Napoleon, had driven him back to his kingdom quite un expectedly. Os course his mere presence jin Naples at once annulled the powers of the regency, and before the conspirators could be put to death, his signature was by law necessary to the warrants. The ■ Marquis of Guiscardi, minister of justice, with a rueful countenance submitted them to the king for perusal. Mura* examined the instrument with attention, and was evidently shocked at being required to I sign away the lives of so many of his subjects, ‘llow is it possible,’ lie enquir ed, ‘thev could have hoped to succeed in sodaring and difficult an enterprise?’ ; The minister replied thnt the conspira jtots were numerous, wealthy, and influ iential—were well supplied with arms— were supported by the enemies of* the stale from without, and by the lower class es from within. ‘Can it be,’ rejoined the king, ‘that a few inexperienced rebels, backed by un manageable brigands, could ever dream of overturning a government supported bv a hundred thousand faithful and well dis ciplined soldiers, and having in its secure possession all the military strong-holds, and all the civil and financial resources of the country? The truth is, Marquis, these unfortunate men must be insane. No one shall convince me that people in their right senses could have engaged in such a wild adventure. I am convinced thev are mnd, and shall therefore revise their sentence. Let them be confined in the lunatic asylum of A versa, and kept there until thev recover their senses!’ The will of Mural was law. The cul prits, instead of being dragged to the scaf fold, were transferred to the state mad house. In a few months the merciful king affected to believe that their insariitv had sufficiently abated to admit of their being allowed at large without danger to the public, and they were one and all lib erated. The effect of this clemency was to convert them from conspirators into the most devoted subjects oi* whom Murat could boast. Amongst them, however, there were a few miserable exceptions. At tbe final downfall of the French em pire in ISIS, Murat was driven from his kingdom, and as is well known, made soon after an altciript to regain the throne, far more insane thun that of Capezzuti and his followers; though, alas! his of fence was not so leniently dealt with as he had treated theirs. He landed on the shores of Culabria with a few companions, in the hope of being joined bv the oppres sed people. In this he was disappointed; was captured and shot by the base sen tence of a Neapolitan court-martial.*— What renders this proceeding the most revolting is the circumstance, that amongsf those who condemned Murat to death, 1 were several of the conspirators whom he had so generously pardoned. He was in the first place arrested by a Captain de Conciliis, was condemned under the pre sidency of General Nunziante, and by the vote of Prince Conosa, whose father, bro thers, and other relations, were amongst the condemned of the 15th January, ISI3. .4 Bride Show. —Among other customs of this kind, the young maidens who are willing to find husbands come to a bride, show in Ustingat certain seasons, bringing their dowries with them. They travel in carts or in boats, and exhibit themselves, with all their treasures, in the market place. The marriageable young men pro ceed to the exhibition, and choose, accor ding to the weight of the dowry and their personal inclinations, their brides at first sight. These willing wives, as they gen erally come from the country by the Jog and Suchona rivers, are here denominated the “Upswimmcrs.”— War ins's 'l ravels in Russia. Love Sickness. —This obstinate disease is said to be very prevalent at Brooklyn. An old widow lady there has one son and two daughters, suffering with it. She says,his on epidemic that used to rage most awfully when she was a girl. Don't be ashamed. —Let no man be 100 proud to work. Let no man be asham ed of a hard fist, or a sunburnt counte nance. Let him be ashamed only of ig norance and sloth. Let no man be asham ed of poverty. Let him only be asham ed of idleness and dishonesty.