The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 18, 1894, Image 1

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BERKT T MOSEI.KY, Kmto VOLUME XL RIGHT OR WRONG. In (bean'time* a merchant may jaat as well plant broomsticks and expect them to blossom as to try and build up a business on mere “bunooubo.” The fellow who follows thie policy may think lie is plucking; apples of gold from the Gardens of Hesperidss— but he isn’t. When the public •'get on to him” they do ce with both feet, and “The fruit hx lovbd so much Will tub* to dost axd asbes at his touch." Oar stcoess—such as is—was never attained by any amplifications of the truth, When we 'advertise bargains, This is What We Give. SPECIAL BARGAIN LOTS. 250 yds Laces 2|c, 5c quality; 50 doz Yal Laces 15c doz, worth 25c; 50 drs Val Laces 25c doz, worth 35 o; 200 Remnants Laces on Bargain Counters; 500 yds Embroidery BJc, 6&o quality; 1000 yda Embroidery, all widths 10c, 15j grades -150 yds Black silk Net Flounoings 49c regular $1 50 and $2 00 good. 385 yds Printed China si'k<, shrrt lengths, former prices were 75c, sl, and $1 25, choice of lot Monday 490; 500 jds Black and colored Ground Figured mouslins and French Lawns 18c former prioe 350; Black Lawns, fast black, 10c; 385 yds black sat'eens lOe. 15c. quality. 385 yds Perosles B|c, 12|o quali - 4J5 600 yda Figured Turkey Red Print* 6c, sells evory where 7c; 886 yds fine Printed Challies sc, 8o kind; 50 pieces Printed cotton Duckling) very aside, fast colors, in white, gray and tinted grounds 12 1-2 cw orth 15c; * 2r* pieoes figured Grata cloths '7c, others ask 10o; 150 Windsor Ties, all silk fall lengtk, pretty patterns, 16 l-3c,good 2 6o value; 100 one imported Cone t, 50 goods to olose out 50c; 100 Ladies Liner, oollars, former prioe 750,n0w50c; One lot Ladies mnslin Underwear selling for less than oost of matsri •> White Goods. INDIA LAWNS, sc, 7 1-2,100, 12 1 20, 15 and 25 i, worth 25 per oent, more; DAVISON Sc IjOWB, OUR CLUBBING OFFER THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION AND THE RONITOR FOR $1.50 PER TEAR. We call special attention to ear dabbing arrangement with ths great southern weekly, The Atlanta Con stitution, which enables as te offer both papers for the remarkable low sam of $1 50 oeats a year. The first duty of every good citisen is to patronise his heme paper. He wish* es to become thoroughly eoarersaat with his county matters, and only through his home paper earn he ex pect to be supplied with the current county news, which is of the closest interest te him. After he has provided himself with his home paper, the next consid eration of those who are net within easy reach of a first-class daily news paper should be to select a first-class weekly newspaper supplying all ef the general news of the word, and paying speoial attention te features whioh are ef particular interest te the household and the farm. last such a paper u The Weekly Constitution, published at Atlanta, * Ga., and having a circulation of 15$, 000 oopiea a week, the largest ef any weekly newspaper published in Amur os. It is essentially a farmer’s pa per and stands at the head of the weekly press of this country. Its agricultural pertinent alone is worth THE D MONITOR 25 pieces fine india Lawn 15c, will match others 25cgrids; 886 yds Sheer Plaids 81 2c, othen ai l 2 l-2c; DOTTED SWISS. 150 pieces White and ooiored Dots and Figured 15, 20, 25, 35 40 and 50c; 25 pieces Colored Dot awiss 180 worth 250; CHECK MUSLINS. 6,61-2,8141, 10, 12 1 2, 15, 25 and 35c; NEW LOT. Whit# Organdies, French Nain. soc ks costume cloths, oambrios and Persian Lawns, TABLE LI'JENS 185 yds Bleached Linen 42 1 2c 50c quality. 5 pieces Red Damask 250; Cut Prices on all fine Linens ad Napkins; 100 large Linen Towells 15c, splendid value; 150 extra large satin Damiak Tow els 21s, former price 350; 296 very large Damask Knotted Fringe 29c, former priee 40c; SHIRT WAISTS, 150 new Chambray Waists, large coWars old ruffs# 3%. 65c kind. t BABY CAPS. 150 new styles, all prices. Drest> Goods. DEEP CUT. In prices of ooiored wool Dress Goods for this week’s sale. Imported robes tkst wers 10.00 how 5.00. Robes that were 12,50 now 7.50. Wool serge, all eolors, 40 inches wide 480 value 65c. Fancy suitings that were 50c now 250, FULL LINE. Light weight woolens, Black tans,. the subscription price of the papir, while it numbers among its oontribu. tors such well know names as Bret Harte, Mark Twain. Joel Chandler Harris, Sarge Plunkett, Bill Arp, and a host of oahers, whose reputations are world wide. Its women and children’s departments are prepared with a special view to please the lit tle folks and the women, and its news columns literally cover the face of the earth. We are enabled te offer both pa pers at pracitioslly the price of one, and we will take great in orwarding to The Conititution any names sent us in connection with our dubbing offer at the remarkably low prioeof $1.50 per year. IN THE SPRING. Nearly everybody needs a good medicine. Tfce impurities whioh have acoumulatod in the blood du ring the odd months must be ex pelled, or when the mild dsys come mi the e fleets of bracing air is lost, the body is liable to be overcome by debility or some serious disease. The remarkable , success achieved by Hood’s Sarsaparills, and the many words of ptaise it has received, make H worthy your confidence. We ask you to give this medicine a trial We are sure it will do yon good Read the testimonials published in behalf of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, all from reliable, grateful people. They tell the story. FOE MADISON tXtUNTY AND THE DEMOCRAT!. I PARTY. DAMELSVILLE, MADISON COUNTY, GA., MAY 18th. 1894. greys, lilac, ssge green, light blue pink, cream, red and brown, DEEP CUTj In prices Silks and Batins, black and colored, plain and fancy. 500 yds Moria and Moria Antiqu e black and odors, 65c to 2.50 psr yd. 100 yds Blaok India Silk, 49c. 65c, quality. 150 yds extra width ludia Silk 75c goed one dellatvalue. Printed India silks, extra width, 850, value 1.25. HOSIERY SPECIALS. 500 pairs Ladies 40 Gage] real Maeo cotton royal stainlesss brand 25c, better than any 40c hose in the market. 385 pairs imperial Lisle roysl stainless 50a. 65c grade. 300 pair men’s seeks 15c. 25c value 1000 pairs school house, blacks and tans, 10 12 1-2,15, 25, and 35c. 150 paiis Missrs Lisle hose, 33 1-3 worth 500. HOUSE CLEANING. DO YOU NEED Mattings, lace curtain material and draperies, shades, Ipoles, rugs, Firn screens, Portieres, clothes baskets, table oov* •rs and trunks? It so, don’t fail to exaraiue our stook before baying, MATTINGS At reduced pricos. New let just received, pretty patterns. $25 0# Matting now sl2 50 12 50 4. *• • •* ' 10 50 / “ “ 8 50 8 50 “ “ 7 50 7 50 “ “ 6 50 6 90 40 yds to the roll, delivered an and laid free of charge. On* lot laco curtains, to close at a bargain. 100 new Portieres fer large win dows and halls, from 2.95 to 12.50 per pair. RUGS. New 12t bright, pretty patterns. UMBRELLAS, For ladies children and men, plain and fancy, all grades. Reduced prices on all fancy para sols. Mass Meeting. The Democrat* of Madison county are requested to meet in Mas* Meet ingat the court house at Dsnielsville on Tuesday the sth dayof June 1894, for the purpose of selecting deles gate* to the Gubernatorial and Con gressional conventions to nominate candidates for Governor and state house officers and a congressman for tho 55th congress. By orde of R. H. Bullodk, Ch’sa. Beery T. Eosxlet, Seo’ty, THEY WANT NAMES. The Russell Art Publishing Cos., of 918 Arch Street, Philadelphia, de sire the names and address of a few people ia every town who are interes ted in work of art, and to secure them they offer to send free, “Cupid Guides the Boat,” a superbly execus ted water eolor pioture, site 10 x 13 inches suitable for framing, aid six* teen other pictures about same sixe, in colors, to any one sending them at onee the aames and address of ten persona (admirers of fine pictures) together with six two-cent stamps te cover expense of mailing etc. The regular prioe ef these pictures is sl. 00, bat they can all be scoured free by any person forwarding the names and stamps promptly, Notk —The editor of this paper | has already reoeived copies of above pictures and considers them really Gemi of Art,” MR. IffITSiPOE - . Monthly Talk to tin Farmers of the State of Georgia. THE EECENT FEEEZE Which Partially I)ratro/|d the Wheat and Oat (rop\ Higher Prices for Crop Killed. Department of Aff.ifULTURB, Atlanta. May 1,1894. Up to the first of past month no fairer prospect ever cheffed the heart of the anxious farmer. iffh) rains, it is true, had somewhat rttaruel work, but the genl&l, sunshiny days wore atoning for the loss, and all nature was adorn ing herself in spring’s The farmer, as he prepared for. and planted his crops, felt the joyouf"influence, and being in bettor condition than usual to bear the strain of the year’s operations, was buoyant with hope. Alas, for hu man calculations, one nkbt was suffi cient to destroy this bjjjht prospect, and when Georgia awoke on the morning of the heavy %’ooze, it was to gaze upon blackened ruins, where only the day before everyTCrefc and plant pointed to an early spring and a pros perous crop year. Thou-h dismayed, they are not daunted, however, arid the present date finds' the crops replanted and the farmers with fresh courage still looking forward and. working for tho fulfillment of their plaits. Tko par tial DESTRUCTION OF THf WHi.A.T AND OAT cross, ri pjs moans higher food. Before it is too late leMns prepare against this contingency, .vMby planting the Bmaller food crcfps ourselves and our section against tfc possibility of a shortage. We certainly raise enough for boinj^/maumotion, with even a little to sparivto our less fortunate neighbor, where, in all possi bility , the short crops a heavy draft on their sections. As appropriate to this condition, and as offering an excellent r]t£, ! T would suggest the following: “We think it would for tho farmers to try thisn'.tu for rais ing corn on a shall scale ti-ik Roil an acre patch, broade.til manure and 2i>;i p v. ftirtili^^^mhuf x Weeds and grass. later, drill tho corn apart, and then leave time.” Let me urge again ! nH|||||||iil quota of , . J forage crops! of all kinds be planted. Corn, German and cattail millet, wilo maize, sorghum, Spanish ground peas and field peas. While the latter must be our depend ence as a storer of nitrogen, it is im portant to have some rapidly niaturing summer crops to meet the needs of thut season. These should be planted as soon as the rye or barley lots are ready for the plough, remembering that the later they are planted, the more important is thorough preparation and High fertiliza tion. When these come off, this land, as well as the oat and wheat stubble, should certainly be sowed in peas. We thus get another crop of hay, and tho roots, stems arid fallen leaves furnish an important foundation for succeeding crops of grain or cotton. In the last month’s “Talk,” I dwelt at some length on the motfyfcls of preparation for and of planting ilteae forage crops. In view of thAprobable shortage, I feel bound to agfc direct attention to the import ance of this work. Besides the value of SPANISH GROUDPEAS as a root crop, the vines make splendid stock feed, and the cost is, in compari son with their value, nominal. A peck at 25 ceDts will plant an acre; the cost* of planting and cultivation will not ex ceed $3, and after hogs have finished up the grain fields, if they are tnrned on the ground peas, and from there to the field peas, returning again to the ground peas, there is no calculating the amount of meat that could be, raised. In some sections, and indeed in all sections of the state, the cotton, during unfavora ble seasons, is liable to die out in spots. In such missing places drop a few of these ground peas, and after the cotton is gathered the hogs can he turned in. In this case the cost of cultivation is really nothing, as the work goes on with that of the main crop. Where the miss ing spots were filled up. the ground pea crop can be counted as just so much gain. Give tho HOGS plenty of salt. Few farmers appreciate the importance of regular and ample salting. Furnish it to them in their slops, and let them have access to char coal, if possible—certainly to ashes. This can be given dry with the salt. A weekly dose of copperas is also most beneficial; and see that they are kept free from vermin by frequent applica tions of kerosene, mixed with lard or oil. To raise hogs successfully one must be on the alert—careless and indifferent methods will not succeed. In view of this prosent emergency and of the importance of utilizing every portion of that which is one of our most costly products, I copy in another col umn a part of an article which I pro pared for the March number of The Southern Cultivator in regard to har vesting the corn crop. It is a question which deserves careful study, and the man or men who will hit upon the prop er plan of curing and preserving the valuable materials which are now about universally wasted, will conferjnbopn not only on bis fellow workers but on tbe country at large. I refer to this question thus early in Order that farmers may consider, dis cuss methods and plans before the fod- Jt FAIR TRIAL Of HowraW “ sapulUn guana teas n complete tel. It is an honest msdidne, honest ly advertised and it honestly CtIRM fer pulling season, with its attendant duties, is upon us. • CULTIVATING CORN. One great drawback ocoasioneu by the recent freeze is that where it was necessary to plow up and replant corn, the cultivation of the two crops, corn and- cotton, is thrown inconveniently near each other, and the farmer is com pelledto exorcise the nicest judgment, "or else find himself overcrowded with work and in danger of having his crops irredeemably injured. Here it is that the harrow can be used with telling effect, and at great saving of time and labor. Hup diagonally across the rows just as the plants are coining up; it breaks any crust that may have formed and kills the young grass. A Second later harrowing in anoppo sltodieectlcayeaves the land in splanuld Wide cutting cultivators furnish an other means uf saving, time and labor, and in the present urgent need for rapid and thorough work should be employed wherever possible. Under ordinary cir cumstances t ie second plowing (if oorn occurs in this mouth, ami tlio fact that the plants are unusually small should not deter us from going forward witli the work rapidly aud systematically, with a view to.j-Jjdl tho grass, bnt more important still .<> keep the surface pul verized and the moisture conserved, aud also to permit the oix aud sunshine to do their work. * This surface cultivation should by all means be at a depth of less than four inches. It has been conclusively ohoivu that corn roots penetrate the soil to a distance of several feet In all directions, and at a depth of only four inches be neath the surface. Any plow which goes deeper than that triust cut these little foeders, and each Injury to them reduces in greater or less proportion the eventual yield of corn. At some of tho experiment stations care has been taken to make the exact estimate of this .proportionate injury, which is foutid to decrease rapidly as the plowing becomes shallower. If wo will keep In mind that the main object in plowing at this season, is not so much to kill the grass, a iuiportarit as that is nor] to break tho ground deeply, as to kep hrtfee-riioisture, which V constantly asouafftag toward the sur face, \ye. wiH make fow mistakes in cul tivation. In order to hold back this re serve moisture which tho winter, rains have deposited it is important to keep the plows moving. Whether > there is grass to be killed or not every time a crust forms it should be broken as soon and as shallow "as possible. Once in every two weeks is none too ofton. The mel low soil acts as a mulch to retain the moisthre, whioh is needed tor the hun gry little roots, and Which would other wise bo tho surface much more ra up from tho u r .. J&, l Bju-n gfcTh , f mMl Hk P*ir Rom u - ' " > ‘ V _ ■ (HI the subsequent ’Anil more satisfactory. This plan obvi ates the necessity of trie ‘‘blocking out" process—always objectionable, bocause the cotton in the bunches is left too thick, and is apt to grow off weak and spindling, and if there is any delay in the second hoeing, and the plants are left standing in this condition for any length of time, the crop does not soon recover from the injurious effects. The use of the harrow presupposes the land in good condition, deeply prepared and smooth. On rough land, or where from lack of humus and from beating rains, it has become hard and packed, It will be necessary to do the first plow ing with a scooter or narrow shovel. , The sweep or sisupe, which does beauti ful work on ordtriary land, w ,n n „t an swer here. A feeder should be used with the scooter so that it may run closo to and yet not cover up the cotton, and by having a wing on the side away from the cotton the middles can be covered at the same time that the cotton is closely sided. POTATOES. This Is the month to plant the main crop of potatoes. Itis not good policy to plant immediately after a heavy rain, bnt if this is done, the plow or hoe should follow in a fow days. The slips grow off better when set out in fresh beds or lists thrown up os soon after a good rain as the land is dry enough to plow. The proper fertilizers and meth od of cultivation were treated in last month’s “talk." Don’t lay off too close or crowd in the rows, The month of May not only includes the planting of some of the minor crops, but Is perhaps the most important poriod In the cultivation of the two standard crops of corn and cotton. If the last day of the month finds the farmer with good stands and clean fields, he can look forward with confidence, because he has fully performed his part of the work. R. T. Nesbitt. SHEEP —STOCK.’ What animal returns to the soil in manure the largest percentage of the manurial value of the food consumed? Can I maintain the fertility ofr iny soil by using commercial fertilizers only? R. 8. TANARUS., Elmore. Sheep, which according to accurate experiments, return 95 per cent of all the manorial elements of the food consumed in their manure solid and liquid. With a view to the lenovation of a worn out farm, sheep is the most profitable stock that could be kept. They pay a large return in mutton or fleece for the food consumed and the largest in manure. It should bo remembered that by simply using commercial fertilizers, no matter how abundantly applied, the fer tility of the soil cannot be maintained, and exclusive dependence upon com mercial fertilizers should never be at tempted. Leguminous crops and stocks are essential to profitable crops, and the latter renders the farmer independent and becomes a source of profit. In England sheep are used as the reno vators of worn lands, and it is an old adage: “No cattle, no manure; no manure, no crops.” JKsny Person; m WEEVILS IN CORN. A Remedy Olren by *ltc Gcorgl* Depart ment of Agriculture. Give me some remedy for weevils in com. J. E. W., Fort Gaines. How can 1 keep weavils from beans? J. J. M. 1., Buchanan. The bisulphide of carbon has been very highly recommended for the de struction of weevils. On this subject we take the following by Mr. H. E. Weed, of the Agricultural college of Mississippi, from The Southern- Planter: In the February number of The Planter Is an article under the above head, which treats of the method of de stroying weevils by moans of bisulphide of oarbon. The article in question, how ever, hardly gives the best method of the application of .the blsnlphide, nor where best obtained. The bisnlpliide is very useful as a remedy for any insects whioh may work within stored seeds or grain of any kind. It is host applied to tht> grain by simply pouring a quantity over the top of the grain to be treated. When corn is harvestod it should be carefully oxamined for tho grain insects, and if they are present, as they general ly are, the corn should receive treat men Kby meaaa ot tho bisulphide reme dy! It is best to have a tight bin for this treatment, but this item is not es sential to success, although tho tighter the bin the less amount of bisulphide it will take for the treatment. In the case of corn, also, if it is Husked it will tako less of the bisulphide tor tho treatment. . There is no danger in tho. two of the Disulphide if only car* is t'akon to keep fire of any kind away from it. can be obtained from the drug a cost of from 20 to 40 conts per pound, it is best obtained direct from tle man ufacturer, Hdward R. Tayloiy of Cleveland, Ohio, who Bolls* it in 50 pound lots at 10 cents per pound. It will pay evory farmer to get a 50- pound, for it is one of the things essontial to successful agriculture, and is Homething which ahould he kept on band at all times. The bisulphide ob tained front Mr. Taylor is a better pro duct than that generally to be obtained from the drug stores, as his “fuma" bi sulphide is prepared especially for tho treatment of grain pests. Let me here call attention to the fact that a little titrir spoilt in the spring in gntheriug up the weevils whioh often swarm tu ompW craiuaries at this sea son will greatly lessen the number of tho woovhr whioh will attack the grnin the following autumn. The weevils in the empty or nearly jsmpty graiuaries should tie swept up. Into a shovel ami allied by placing containing kerosene. <• INFORMATION ON Elaborate Experiment* HRee Item Made X at Station. Wil me some infor mation in regard to npurry as a forage plant, how to plant, eto. T. W. W., Hamilton. Elaborate experiments have been conducted at the Miohigan experiment station with spurry from which we take the following, as compiled by an agri cultural paper, which will give a suc cinct answer to your Inquiry: This is anew plant to Michigan and probably to most other states, but is an old plant in some sections of the world. In Scotland it is called yarr and in Nor way pickpnrso; In Germany it is sown among the stubble as a food for sheep during winter. In France the yield of spurry is estimated to be about equal to a crop of clover or 7,700 pounds per acre. The seeds are fed to cattle and horses and supposed to be equal to rape cake in value. In five or six weeks it reaches a height of 12 to 14 inches and is said to be a valuable food for oows as it improves the quantity and quality of the butter. Sown April 25 at the rate of 15 to 24 pounds per acre, it matures the last of May and a second crop may be rairod. It has been called the clover of sandy soils. Dr. Kedzie, who experimented with it on light sand at Grayling, Mich., says that when partially ripened and plowed under with a very shallow farrow, it is self seeding and bears an abundant crop. Its value as a innnuri al plant on those light sands is pro nounced. When plowed under it en riches the soil the most rapidly of any ! other plant he has usod. It is a valua ble fodder plant,Loiug oaten readily by cows or sheep; it is a plant of great value for bringing sandy lands into pro ductive fields, especially is this trno of the jack pine barrens of that stato. Tho soil for spurry requires the same preparation as that for clover, the seed being sown and harrowe 1 in the same; the seed is smaller than clover Beed, hence there are more in number per pound. In harvesting 3to 13 bushels of seed per acre are obtained. Thick seed ing gives an even field of fine pasture and a heavy swath when cut for hay. If tbe weather is warm and moist, the field will begin to show green tho third day from the time of seeding; it is ready for mowing for hay in about 6 weeks and will ripen the seed in about two months; for pasturing it may be used in from 4 to 6 weeks. The introduction of spurry as a for age crop alone will prove of Immense benefit, but its use as a manorial crop is of much greater value. In an experi ment more wheat was produced follow ing epnrray than where 800 pounds of phosphate was used per acre. At Gray ling experiment farm, 10 acres were broken in the spring and sown with sparry, which was plowed nnder in Au gust and the land sown with wheat. The land beside it was planted with wheat following clover, and one beside that following timothy, whioh hail been fairly well covered with barnyard ma nure. The wheat on the spurry field went into winter looking stronger than either of the other fields. Spurry is also valuable plowed nnder aa a fertilizer in the orchards. UOOD’B CURES "h*s all otbte ns fail. U possesses ■until E> ;’>*er peculiar to itself. Be suss te get Hood's Sarsaparilla. ED\Y. McGow, Bps, Mar^orr. NUMBER46* GEORGIA m REPORT. Issued by the State Department' of Agriculture. ANSWERS, SUGGESTIONS. Showing Are** Planted, Condition of Growing Crop* and Other Mutter* •I Internet Relating to 9+ Agriculture. _ " Department of Agriculture, Atlanta, May 1, 1894. A report on crop conditions and acre age compiled by the first of May is in many respects incomplete, jot contains sufficient information to be of benefit in arriving at more accurate data later l* the si<asen.- ■ *' i It is the intention of the department, as provided by law under this branch of the report, to Recurs statistics of onr agricultural products for later compila tion. With this end in view we request the reporters who have so efficiently eervod the department, to make their inquiries as extended as possible with, the purpose of getting statistics that will be practically correct. . cotton. In regard to our staple crop of cotton it ie gratifying to note that a small re duction in acreage ie reported. While it would, have been pleasing to record a marked decrease in acreage, yet the fact that the. steps taken in the last few years to make cotton an independent money crop have not boon retraced is cause for congratulation. It will be Seen from the tabulated statement that the condition and prospect compared to *n average of'five years for the' state is 0 per cent below the average; and that this decrease in prospect is most marked in Southwest Georgia, while Middle Georgia shows a condition nearly equal to the average of the last five years. Throughout the state the crop is from 10 to 15 days late, and where the plant is up many imperfect stand* are reported. CORN. Several yoare have marked an increase in the acreage devoted to Vie corn crop and we trust the future \n*Tl see no ret rogression in this reapdri, and thdt the eelf Sustaining fanner may be goon found all over Georgia. The condition of the crop, owing to the cold weather the lattojJrfa't of March and the first of ahwft ® per cent below an JPTCrage of th Hat several yoars. Owing fto the ad veil of the crop in Southwestern Georjie the decrease in condition from thi-'TSld*'Tvfc*ther i# -greater in that than in anyothertputfon of the state. wheat. As with corn, an increase in the acre age devoted to this cereal is shown. In tho corresponding report for last season wo were pleased to note an increase in acreage in the same crop and to state that the-previous falling off in acreage promisee to be recovered. All North Georgia and much of Middle Georgia is well adapted to thie ccroul and more care should be taken in its cultivafeioE." prosent prices are not remunerative; but in a rotation of crop looking to tho up building and preservation of tho land, it can very properly find a place. During the year in me reports of the depart ment we have on several occasions called attention to the best methods of fertilizing and of cultivating this crop, which we hope has received the atten- ' tion of our farmers. oats. No change in the acreage devoted to this crop for the entire state is shown. Southwest, Middle and Hast Georgia show a slight gain which is lost in the other sections of tho state. For the en tire state the condition and prospect may be regarded as poor. fruit. Onr rapidly developing horticultural interest has suffered this spring the greatest disaster of this character per haps that the state has ever passed through. Certain it is that there has nover been such a wholesale destruction of the fruit crop since this interest de veloped beyond the orchard for home nse. While the destruction has been so great and the loss so heavy, yet those engaged in the business are not disheart ened, as they recognize the fact that so severe a freeze is indeed a rare occur rence in Georgia. In some localities a few peaches will be mado, and a moderate gathering of pples may be expected. grasses. The meadow lands thronghont the •tats are in fine condition, and interest in forage crops is developing. labor. Labor conditions remnin about the same, -with no scarcity reported. tabulated statement. The following table gives a compre hensive view of the condition and pros pect with the acreage of the most im portant crops; T Cotton acreage compared to last year. Cotton condition and pros pect compared to an aver age of live years. Wheat acreage compared to last year. Wheat condition and pros pect compared to live years. Com acreage compared to last year. Oats acrango compared to last yeai?‘ Condition and prospect compared to live years. IT 19 NOT what we say but what * Hood's Sorsaporiliadocs that tails ths story of its merit. When In used of mtd wine remember HOOD’B CURES -\OKTH GEORGIA.„ 391 [1042-386 103 115 99 “77 2-3' .Mioule GEORGIA.. .T'97 1-3 98 ,100 8734 103 3-5 101 1-6 ST3-5 SOUTHWEST Gkougla'97 3-3 ;SS2-3 102 >7O 100 3-7 101 1-3 88 •SCfL'TH i. AST Georgia. . ; 100 95 3-3 88 %KT GEOBSIA. 1 95 1-3 93 1-3 |IDB 3-3 73 [lO6 103 l-S S3l-8 Ssr* 196 91 103 79 103 100 |641-4