The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 18, 1894, Image 2

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The ‘Monitor. , MSBUSnKD KVRRY fridat. Moseley & McGowan, Eds. and Props. ~o!si? DOIXAR PER YEAR. Kotored In the poet ofllce at Dsniels rille ae Second Claes mail matter. V We are not responsible for the •views, (political, or otherwise,) of our correspondents, but a reliable name must aceo npany all communi cations intended for publication. Advertising rate made known on application to Tub Danielsvili.e Monitor, Danieltvillc, Ga. FOR SKNATOft. 30th DISTRICT. N. G. LONG. ■- ■— FOR THE SENATE. As the choice of Elbert county expressed by a primary election, I hereby announce myself a candidate to represent the Thirtieth Senatorial incite next General Assembly, and ask the support of my friends. N. G. Long. Notice Committeemen. The Democratic Executive Committee for Madison county, requested to meet at the eonrt house in Dauielsville on the l ii nt Tuesday in June next, for the purpose of calling and arranging lor a primary election for county Officers and a reprenm tntivo. The following gentlemen compose the committee. COMMITTEEMEN. Dauielsville, O O Griffith. Pittman, 11 II Tolbert, Grove Hill, T G Hitchcock, Fork, J 1> Wynn, Rrooklir.c, T F Christian, Mill, I. C Brockeuridge, Pocalaligo, C I. Montgcracry, Harrison, .7 E Putman. R. 11. Bullook, Ch’m. Bkruv T. Moseley, Sec’ty, THE STATE TICKET. To be Voted for preaching Mass-meeting following tirltot will be vo "ted here on tlio first Tuesday: Fee Cortrntf W. Y. Atkinson or C. A. Evans. Far Cowplrolk? Geiiral . W. A. Wright, v J— --far Trtuarar Uobort U. Harfiouinn. Far Atlaraty Caairal J. M. Terrell. Far Sacrttiry al Stala Phillip Cook. Far Cemaiuloaar al Agricaltara It. T. Nesbitt, j. O. Waddell. M. V, Calvin, Make your ticket up from the nbovc, as it contains all the eu datea announced so far. Only two offices are _ contested, viz: Governor ind Commissioner of A gvicultnro. The Mnlicntions are that Nesbitt,thr present commiss ioner, will bo renominated. THEY ARE TIED. Tlio raw for executive mansion is now assuming definite shape. Fourteen counties have acted and eight of that 14 have instructed for Atkinson, ad for Evans, Most of the counties instructing for At kinson are small, which makes his vote in tho convention as small as that of Gen. Evans. The following statement will give you an idea of the remarkable strength developed by Mr. Atkinson: atkismn KVASS M*riitW 4 Richmond( ) 6 Baldwin - tVrsoSl i Ceffce - K'b rt 2 tliuch - 11 rrtow 4 Douglas ‘2 T-lfsir 2 C ter k o 2 L noolu 2 O.<on*e (c) 2 Ta if- r o 2 I 'Total 18 Total 18 C mn'ieu marked (c) will proba bly bo ont's'ed. , . 0 - " ■■ See change of advertisement Davison and lwe in this issue. They are offering some rare bar* gains. Dr. Bos worth tbs faraons specia list, will visit Danielsville early in June. He Is not a quack but is an intelligent well road Doctor who knows his business thoroughly. Wo will say moro of lire Doctor in our uoxt issue. Senator Walsh has introduced a Wll in the Senate to remqjre the tax on State Banks. This is a move in the right direction, and we hope to see it pawed. L<ght hs at last been turned or. the C>*ey movement. The ga' General .of tbe Commonweal ha been nominated by the Populists of the 18th Oh ; o district for Congress. Hit march to Washington secured .him the nomination. Tlie Constitution has read the people of Oconee a lecture be cause they saw fit to elect At kinson delegates to the August convention. The people of Oco nee are net bossed by the Con stitution, and will continue as in the past to manage own af fairs. Tha republicans in tlio Seuab’ have begun to filibuster against the Wilson Tariff Rill, und iiu'.o-m the democrats get together and force a vote, it may be too Into in the campaign to save soul! of them who me expecting te election. The Wilson Hill is a party measure, and should re ceive the full support of the democratic party and the admin istration. Rev. T DeVVitt Talmage is without a Tabernacle again. At the close of the services Sunday, while Mr. Talmage Was talking with some of his friends, the congregation having dispersed, smoko was noticed coming out of the big organ, and soon the whole structure was in flames, and be fore any thing cenl 1 bo done it was it; ,ruins. This is the third time that Mr. Talmage Ins lost Ifc church by fire, and eeh time nii the Sabbath and just at the the service. ,nt has become of the Dan" c-lt*c rrimittec of the Bth DiOrict. The Mpi tor * of the opinion that the C .mmittee should be called togetner, an 1 a day set for the convention. The com,- ties-r beginning to act, and the vo ters desire to elect delegate* to the State anddi.t'lot fcnvonlions on the sam day, Mr. L iwson (meras to b the only announced candidate, and it may be that h# will not have oppo sition, as it i getting la’e in the oimpalgn. Mr. Chairman, call your committee together, eel. ot a tim* and place f r the e invention, and let democrats get to work. Madison Springs. \ BY OOffITAUCE. Thc'tW^-am ßon i' l May ia here. Rey, MadiaonVUrow preached an able sermon nt Sn^dvla^^^mdtfy< Miss Ma James li’a charming young ladies, visited Miss Emma MoEwen Sunday, Joe Hughes is very sick at this writing. Misses Georgia and Victoria Phil lips of Cromer's. Ga., visited in our burg Sunday. * Ciyit; Maui) was up to wee ns again last Sunday. Comongain Capt, wc are glad to welcome you. Mr. N C Bond and wifo visited friends and relatives in Dauielsville last week, Prof. Latimer Cromer and lady led the class at the singing last Sunday at Shiloh, The bouse was full an 1 every body seemed to enjoy it. Misa Callie Bond is quite sick tbi* week. Mis. II N Cartledge and her oharming daughter Miss Lillie visi ted relatives in our burg last week. Isaac Fowler is longing for the 4th Saturday to come—picnic and ladies, Miss Emma Willingham who lists boon visiting in our community has returned to her borne neav Winter villa much to tho regret of some of our young men. Mr. Bond Crow and his charming sister, Miss Ootavia visited relatives in our community last Sunday, The young people enjoyed a uice singing at Mr. M A Saxton's last Sunday evening. Ask Norman MoKwon how he en joyed the picnic last Saturday. Miss May Sims ore of our charm* ing young ladies, la visiting relatives near Five Forks this week, A people’s party crottfl met at the Bruce school house hist Saturday night and started an organisation of peoples natty men, for improving their cluli. I hey will meet again next Saturday night at the court ground of tie mill District and want all peoples patty men to come out who can. DECLINES TO SERVE. Mr. Wrn. C Berryman, who wu* recently appointed as a populist committeeman (or Harrison district, requests us toanneunce in our eolumne, that he is not in politics at all, ami that he will not accept the lion, and further that he w appointed without his consent or authority. He tskTbirtheron beiueinterviewed that he was a democrat. IV* make this an nouncement for Mr. Berrymsn with Sleaaure and hope that he nut never av t to depart from the faith of hit father*- No eaudulatos have Announced as yet, for Congress, except judge Lawson, but several gentlemen are mentioned in connection with the place. Tbe Slasher’s Slams. In a recent issue of the Monitor a gentleman who clothes himself in the nen-de-plnme of “Travelei’’, thn oiittivg the f ii’ilic on notice of th< fac‘. that he has “been aboni”. ask he difference between “Dude anr Dune ,” V I think, my Dear Traveler, that the principal motive leading you to the insertion of that article was a desire to explode on the public ear that figure that likened a cigarette to a heavily loaded locomotive. * * * But presuming the innocence of the said Traveler by laying aside personal opinion, I will proceed to give you my opinion of tbo subject he has named. * * * The sntne difference exists be tween the terms—“ Dude” and “Dunce” as in “Idiolfand JLunatie.” A lunatic is a person who is born with*sense ami loses it after birth. Dunce is a synonymous term, * * * An idiot is one who never had any sense from birth. Dude is a synon imous term. I don’t think that traveler’s views are exactly correct. The act of smoking a cigarette dp's not prove a man to bs a dtnm. It rather proves the contiary. A dude is feminine ■ n all* his* movements. Smoking is not feminine. v v * •1 smoked a cigarette one time. I didn’t feel like a dude, hut did feel like a dunce. * v ♦ A dunce may lie an educated per son, hut by long cultivation he al lows hi education to become a bore to every body. A dude never mas ters but one part of speech—the in torjcction. lie gels one pronoun— * * * A dunce thinks a great deal himself, and thinks every body else ought to think as he does. A dude thinks there is only one person that amounts to auything in this world, and that is hdmst-lf. He doesn’t care for your opinion er mine or any one’s. The opinion of' others amount to nothing. * * * I can give yon an illustration of my idea of his bide b ro t m sing. "Ah, ■ | Cleveland Clippings. Hurrah for Atkinson ! \ The rains have come at last for which wo should feel thank ful. Spring oafs on the look up. Wheat crops feeling good from the effects of the recant rains. Wo undortand that the ltov, Goode fni’ed to put in appearance at Providence or 'Liberty yester day. Aunt Malinda Collins, who has been quite sick for somo time, we aro, glad to state, is still improv ing. Isaac Strickland, wife and little Maude, were visiting the family of J B Strectuian a few nights ago. He reports overys tiling lovely since the wedding at Mr. Van Martiu’s. Mix. Terrell Adams and daugh ter, of Planter, were visiting in the Hix neighborhood Sunday. The report comes to ns that Ted Adams got snuke bit bv putting his hand in a hen nest, which was under the gin bouse. What about it Terrell? Rise and expluiu. Streetman and sisters, at tended Hie singing at Shiloh church yesterday. Coxeyites getting as thick ns locusts in the adjoining neighbors hood. Want to join Coxey, now! Oh, fool killer,’where art thou? Any information ns to the whereabouts of Andy Adams will ho thankfully received. When last hoard from he was going to ward Harmony Grove with his breeches on his arm, at a double quick rate. Come back, Andy! It’s a gal. Chas. B Henry wont to Athens Friday, aud got wet as usual. Mia. It P Griffith has return od from an extended trip among friends and relatives in Athens. Prof. J I Ray and daughter attended preaching at Shiloh yesterday. J R Bullock and Willie Gliols t_.n, of Corner, attended preach ing here Sunday. Lillie Hay Bentley Born a Genius Disease Threatens to Cut Bhort a Noble Career But Hood’s Sarsaparilla Restores food Health. LUlto May Bentley Is an accomplished elocu tionist ami natural horn speaker of only 12 years of age. She is tlte only child temi>erance lect urer before thcgjmblic. Her genius, however, did not from an attack of a disease of the blood. Her own words best tell the story; “ C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass.: M I heartily Join with the many thousands that are recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had been troubled from infancy with gatherings in the head. 1 was Compelled to leave school upon tlie doctor's advre. He thought It was the only thing to save my H£e, but I Continued to Crow Wort*, I was persuaded filially by a friend to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The use of one bottlo soted ef- HoodV?>Cures tecdrely upon the Wood and I began to Improve. After tbe uaa o* three bottles the gathering ceased and I aSetired of my former trouble. I owe my life and *lll always remain atrue friend to Hood's Haraipaiilla." Lillik May llknt l*y, Shelbyvili.-, Indiana. Get HOOD’S. Hood’. Pill* act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on th liver and bowels. 20c. For Sale by L. E, Greene. Professfofraf Notices. V “ J. E.GORDON, Attorney at Law. ..Danielbvim.’k, Ga Will practice wherever ib-ireil lirouqit attention to all business in trusted tjAis care. Office North of Court JTmise. DAVID W MEADOW, /Attorney at Law. If**' Ga Office on Mprner, west of Court House, opflkjte Masonic corner Will jivactioftn all the Courts. All business ;u<HßtfJy attended to. BERRY T. MOSKLY, .at Law, Dauielsville, Ga. Office on earner, west of Com* House, opposite Masonic come Will practice in all the Court Business promptly executed. JNO. J HTIUCKLAN'D. ttMfeAfcorney. ; • 'tok BHBBSpPr reW^ HHMxd sruGKox. ■■Klsville, Ga. HHH^^USWereil and prescriptions WT at all himss Cilice and rooms op. nAltc Monitor office, Tdiseases of women and children a specialty, J. I. grriffithT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Danielsvili.R, Ga. Calls answered and prescription* filled at all hours. Office and j and roomr with Dr. R P Sorrells. Cures, Botanic Blood Balm^>- The Great Rem edy for the speedv and permanent euro of Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Ulcers, i hc/emj, Eating and Spreading Sores. Eruptions, i and all SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Made from the prescription of an eminent physician who used it with marvelous success for 40 years, 1 and Its continued use for fifteen years by thou- 1 sand%of grateful people has demon sti at ed that it Is by far the best building up Touic and Blood 1 Purifier ever offered to the world. It makes new 1 rich blood, and possesses almost miraculous 1 healing properties. ( WRITE FOR BOOK OF WONDERFUL I CURES, sent free on application. If not kepi by your local druggist, send SI.OO | j for a Urge bottle, or $5.00 for six bottles, and 1 1 medicine will be sent freight paid by BLOOD BALM GO., Atlanta, Ga. ; THE STANDARD. r; ■ri-a DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedy Has sustained Its reputation for IS years as being the standard remedy for the Sick and permanent euro of Rheums* m, Gout,Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. It Is endorsed by thousands of rbyai cians, Publisher* and Patients. It is Surely vegetable and builds up from the nit doee. It never fails to cure. Price is one dollar a bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Our 40-page Pam* phlet sent Free by Hall. Address. Durang’s Rheumatic Remedy Ce. 1316 L Street, Washington, D.C. IHtranO’a TAr*r Pill* are the best on earth. They-act with au cose that makes them a household ble6i ng. flic* ts CM Pin BOX. w • BOXXB FOX *1 rOB BALI T DBUOOXBTS. WARNING—NOUS. All persons are hereby warned not to trade for two notes ouo for 85,00 tuadj payahlo to J A Gordon or beaser i.nJ’tlie other mads pay* able to RII Kinnehrew or beaver for 85,00, as they will not be paid. Take warning. John F. Mi-Kleroy. LEONIDAS E. GREEN** Danielsville and Comer LO NNIE GREENE. STORE ROOMS Daniel svj | I e and Comeri LOOK HERE We have purchased the best JAOK we could find in Tennessee regardless of COST, Ilis color BLACK, age 6 years, weight 800 lbs, good style and good qualities. We ask all who desire to raise good mules, to come and see him before patronising any other. We guarantee satisfaction in price and terms. You will find him at Koyaton anytime. W. M. BOWERS, F. S. BROWN- H. L. MeCIiARY, SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Madison county. Will be sold on the first Tuesday i l } June next, within the legal hours o 1 sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit; 1-5 bushels of corn, 1800 bundles f,aider, 2 tOad* hay, '.*ol bushels cotton seed- 2 loads shucks, s gallons cane avrup. 75 gal. syrup, one load peas in Hulls, 5 1-2 bnshels peas, 75 bushels sweet potatoes. Said property levied on as the property of L P Scar borough to satisfy a laid lords lein fi fa, issued from the Superior court of said Cos in favor of Dawson Williams, against I. P Scarborough. This Mav Cth 1894. L. E. Prook, Sbr. S. motto Facts and Figures. Please don’t cla'Sa this with the common run o£ advertisements, be jo ad it through and atick to me, and you will aeon atop singing hand I-have beyond the shadow of a donbt the LananaT, bkst b uoii ' and i< ost bkactiful un* of Spbing Qoods, ever brought to iL-is section. Monty, time nor (oredit) haa been aparad in nuking the atlec icn. How do These Prices Strike You? 2000 vd* nice tigered L i wn, fastcolo", 3 l-2o per yd. other* get 6 to 6o 2 009 “ Venetian Mis m 5c per yard, otbera get 7to So. 2 500 “ Standard P inta, fait colors, 6o per yard, othera get 6to 70. 3 000 yde India Silks 8 l-2o per yard, othera get 100. Most all the Novelties in Spring Dress Qoods. Such aa ilk atriped Challiea, Figured Crepolines, Satin striped Cre peline, Bedford Cordi, Deleigna, Suitings, Diane Henriettas, dotted Swiae, Cordova Cloth, Print'd Organdie*, colored plaid Lawn Linen Finiah, Linen Brocade Zephyr, Linen Batiste, satin stripe Organdie, French Mull; Dotted Swiss Mall, Egyptian Moll, India Mull, Dimity oorda and many othera that apace will not permit mentioning. These gmda are marked low dowr, and are going in a atom. Don’t wait too long—this advertisement ia two wo k' behind the schedule, ae aesonnt of rush of bmineai. My line of Laces and EifßßOinnxiKß wear the blue ribbon thin season, wherev*t ih"y go, for beauty and low prices, they are 15 to 25 per cent nder larg-r mark te—width ranges from nothing to as wide aa the dash oard on a buggy. My line of L dis and Missee Trimmed TTit* is hard to beat. I haven’t 1-2 dozen oil stock in both atrrer. A l new and handsome, prices much lower than ever before. Let Ladies ribbed Jersey Vent- 10a worth 230. 1000 yds. Victor cotton ades 10c yd. others get 150. By far the prettieit variety of Gent* neck wear I over saw from si. o |l^s. CLOTHING, Gents’ fumlahing good* department it in tha best shape it has avor bssn. My Sorir.g steak of Clotking was bonght from one of the largest manufacturers in N. T. and to my certaia knowledge I have sold nit suite $2.00 leas than Atlanta gets for the very same goods. BSOES , • 60 pairs Gents veal calf, Bala, at 81 86 others get 82 00, 6 case* Mea’e Plumb geod Brogans 6 toll at 1.00 others get 1.26 100 paira Ladies Solid leather 9. G. button shoos at 1.00 other* get 1.25 100 pairs Old Comforts G* G, Bat. shses at 1.00 others glt 1,35 1 case Ladies Genuine ha,nd *-/ed 8.00 worth 4.00. An elegant line Oxfords, including Ruasett leather. 1 claim to have to have the best 83 00 mens’ shoe in Georgia. Try one pair and you will say ao too. To ror-k* it rhort my stock of shoes embraces moat everything from 26 a to 7.00. par pair. REMARKS. Now don’t wait ’till the atook is butchered and then come sliding up with that old song, “Too bav*n’t hot what top Advbbtisb. Coma n.f. Row is the accepted time. We keep tke nearest everything yon want of anybody at Danielsville or Comer. I feel very grateful to you ali for your moat liboral patronage in the put and hope you will give me a ohauoe in the future. VERT RESPCTFULLY* Fine Spanish JACK: “YOUNG BIG NEGRO.” Sired by BIG NEGRO, a thor bred, imported Spanish Jack. YOUNG BIG NEGRO was bred by W II & J H Brakebill, on their large stock farm near Knoxville. Temi., and Wos bought by me di* rect from them. He is a sure foal getter, good style and excellent qualities, and is highly reccommen dod by- stock men who have requit ed liis servicts. Those desiring the services of this fine youug JACK, can find him at my place, two miles west of Fort Lamar. Ten Dollars by the insur ance, If you have 2 mares bring them and get a reduction. WALTON J. FREEMAN, Fort Lamar, Ga. LEI TERS DISMISSION. Georgia—Madison county. Whereas W T and J H iiawks: admin, of estate of T L Hawke*. dec'd, has appliad to mu for letters of dismission from said administration, This is there fore to cite all persons oonocmed to be at my office ou the Ist Monday in Junsuext to show why said letters should not be granted.. Mrr. 6lh. 1894. G CDaniel, Ord *lll lull llj 1 PRieEBO'CENTB PEP BOTTLE. 3 MOI tf VAL9ABII tSIUKATISI lift. 4 f ron SALE BY DRUGGISTS. 4 * HOTICK. Georgia—Madison count;. Dock Moon ha* applied to me {or exemp tion of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, or supplemental homestead and exemption personalty and I will pass upon the same at my office 10 ocloek a m June Ist next, this May Bth 'B4. G. C. Daniel, Ord‘ 1 ——i publishsdiß I behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla, xrm as reliable and trorthy of confidence as if from your most trusted neighbor.