The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 31, 1895, Image 1

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THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. USURY TANARUS, MOSELEY, Emtok. VOL. XII. Professional Notices J. E. GORDON, Attorney at Law. \, Ga Will practice wherever desired prompt attention to all 1 msinesa entrusted to his care. Office North *f Court House DAVID W MEADOW, Attorney at Law. Da NIELSVILLE, Ga Office on corner, west of Court iL®* se > opposite Masonic Comer. 7* 1,1 practice in all the courts, All bnAiaess promptly executed. Jno. J. Strickland. - ••••'•- Attorney. Athens - -. oa, BERRY T. MOSELY, Attorney at Law, Dakielsville, Ga. Office on corner, west of Court House, opposite Masonic corne. Win practice in all the Courts Business promptly executed. Geo. C Thomas, Attorney, Athens, Ga, R. P. Sorrells, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Danielsville, Ga. Calls answered and prescriptions filled at all hours. Diseases of women and children asp ecialty, j. i. grlffithT” PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Danielsville, Qa. Office south of court house. Callß anßwe.ted aud prescriptions filled promptly. J. W. Headers PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Five Forks, Ga. Calls answered and prescriptions filled at all hours. W.L. 3 ISTHSBKST. BBSjS'tei NO SOUEARIWa. /ga&jJfefc, cu.r. mmmMx w&vmw&mm Wm&MMj * 3M POLICE,3 aapfp *SSi 4 2A 7 -??3y££lsH9ES. SEND FOR CATALOG US w-*_- s*ulas, "wf EROCKT9H, /-IASS. Y cau wtr marry by naickaaias W. I*. DouelitM kev, Rcoausc, art are l!ie lurßrsit tJi*miractnrrs of odver.iaea thoea in the yrorM, end rucraawe the value by stamping: the and price an the bottom, which protects you against high prices aud the middleman's protits. Oar shoes equal custom work, in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have thorn sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than S.ay cm her make. Take no substitute. If yew dealer camiot supply vou, we cau. Sold by Dealers everywhere. Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this vicinity. Write at once. -5 pron ySplillJM Us'Lfe *:&&&!&>& PRl r.r. 30 CSTNV3 ?£? tiCT-.C. £CCj Of VJSlg.'.iU IHFCaHMi'-'! FSU. FO" SAVE r-v r-.i :r ••*. Soars /* r ts.- this 3tyl of raihM/EIiPHU _ >*.* SHBiSK. jv nj Singer in raar v <, /v* •'•';?t®C> S. ff bef&r* •/fnipay f .rir * ’<t. tSwOeaaiiM ffitylo other x:nt .u-a retail for SSO. All Skaeias**. vurrtnt-dfur £ yoa. Iked fot lilutstraisd r ir c*;ia; a r and To-tJtrxMiir.Lt. Address , diAHLiA A. tVOOt & CO., 1< * k,j&r&b&Cl I !??§ Ajfont mntfvJ for r.t'T oooK Lull w Gat Spletciit! jeiigr. Rare er.por tomtT for sny nctivit man or Judy. $75 f>er month ejui ! v ##rLHf. ??£> cxpe ritaee A f** KfftlT r * 5 1 rcd * M wa fire h fml imuinetioni. W* pay esprps* and sliow SO days credit. Let n> t 11 tint at>n : li. ”. " ANTED Local Happenings. Items of Interst to ‘‘Free State” People Picked UP by MOSITOB REPORTERS *<i Kanfel Ist is Snail WtsiMelt is aj ta Bt Easily ligutU—Births, Bulks, Marrlagis, Viaitars, Ete. Dr. G. C. Dan-el and wife are in Jefferson this week. Mr. A. M. Scarborough of Comer, was in town Monday. J, W Anthony, of Oglethorpe county was up Monday last. Preaching a the Baptist church next Saturday and Sunday. Justice Cdurt at Paoli and Poca talago next Saturday. Jas.M. White one of Madison’s staunch farmers was in town Tues day. The Danielsville High , Scool is on a boom. There are now about one hundred enrolled. The newly elected council lias been sworn in, and will at once be gin work jon the Streets. The board is a good one and deserves the support of the town. We would be glad to gel a good five correspondent at Comer. Will not someone give us the news from that point. We learn that R. L. Ware has bought out the business of Frank Rouse at Comer, and in future will conduct the business of the Geor gia bar. A young man in Athens has gone crazy from excessive smoking. This should be a warning to some young men who are inveterate cigarette smokers, and cause them to sto.p. Born to Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Crook on last Sunday night a 10 lbs. boy. Since his arrival Mr. Crook does not wear any hat. Col. David W. Meadow was in Athens the first of the week. J. T. Baker of the popular firm of J. T. Baker & Cos. of Comer wa3 in town Tuesday. Atlanta is booming her exposi tion for all it is worth, and from the reports sent out it will be e qual to :the great worlds fair at Chicago last year nearly, and the foreign countries will be represen ted, and all the Southern and western stales. This will be the grandest opportunity that Georgia has ever had to exhibit her resour ces, and we hope to see the advan tages of Madison county on exhibi tion at the exposition, so that the world may know that we have more advadtages,than ‘‘sheep and shin gles. Mr. C. H, Tyler a prominent Attorney of Boston, in company with Mr Tom Hunnicutof Athena, spent last night in Danielsville on legal business. Public Sale- Will he sold at auction for cash, before the court door in Danielsville, within tip? legal hours of sale on the in Eeb. 1895, unless s</mer disposed of, a good, mediiym size Jf&vm mule. The mule /an before that that Jpme/at privote sale on time, witajtfiroved securi ty. ibis Jan. 2Lth 1895. David W. Meadow. Strayed or Stolen. There has strayed from my pas ture, or has been stblen, a mare colt about 15 or If l months tffd, dish faced, black, large star in forehead, trim in formation as to will be and if returned a liberal reward will be paid. J. C. Scott. Coffins and Caskets. Persons at a [distance can re ly upon being (suited in Coffins and Caskets jat i. Stock is never shorK I have themfyfrom the home made on up. Terme cash or credit with approved security. A. S. JOHNSON, Danieleville, Gh. EOll MADISON COUNTY AN I NtiE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. DANIELSVILLE, MADISON COUNTY, GA.. THURSDAY, JAN. 31st. 189?. FR#M BOGGS. Farmers busy getting ready for the present crop. James Griffith has a flourishing school at Moons Grove Academy. Miss. Susie Sorrells of Boggs we understand lias a flourishing school at Jones Acadamy. Joe Jackson, col. was brough be fore Justice Boggs last Monday charged with appropriating to his own use the chickens of Allen Oollins, col., hut the proof failed to connect him with the disappear ance of Allens chickens, so he was discharged. ( Renter Moojn i_io> wboxrfc-slacidadi to quit The 'kjjft one he triedprua*- - V powder lmT attached. The oat crop around Boggs is about all killed. J. R. Bullock, of Comer spent the night with his parents near here not long since. Rev. J. R. King has been called to Moons Grove church, and has accepted the call for the pres ent year. . How He Quit. In looking over soma old justice of the peace dockets filed away in the Clerks office of this county, we find the following epistle which is addressed to the grand jury by a retiring officer, whom we will designate as Peter Joues. It is an interesting document to us, and we give it to you as it stands on the docket, word for word: To the grand jury, March term Superior Court. Hear ends the labors of Peter Jones as Justice of the Peace for the last four years last past, and though imperfectly done yet honestly done. I would not after looking back change one decision that has been made, but regret my incompetency, and now after having tried it four years, am fully satisfied that the com pensation allowed justices by law is not sufficient to pay for time lost (with nothing for labor done) and earnestly reccommend your honorable body, to take notice of them and their pay in your next general presentments. Tljerse is a very useful office, their duties are indispsnsible and there pay is the most meager and inadiquite of auy of all our public servants. Respectfully yours, Peter Jones of choice no longer J. P. ' The docket is duly approved at the March Term 1877 of Madi son Supeeior Court. FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. H*vig die Hie led merit to n>9’ ban mak> g >*d all vba advertuiog claimed for them, ih* following four remedie* have r.ached a pbsoom.s n*l tele. Dr, New Dicv ery, for conti<fq>Uoii, c'gb and oald, eaah bc-t.l* guarac -Elec tric Biuer#,' lb* (p for 1/vw. Bioiiech eudJJfcfufiyir, Bos’c !’• Ayfin* BjKr the biet ia th* New Life Pill* w'vchWfe pcrfo' pid. A'l these remedies are guaranteed to do jee< what le ci m and for them and the dealer wh >ea name ie atlaoked here-, with will bgr um y., u mo rs <,f. them. j Georgia—Madisou county: Whereas S adm. of W T Drake, me for leavyuo lands be longing to deceased, and I wil pass \xporxf~ym% at my office in Danislevilfg'on ths first Monday in Feb. nexfn This Jan. 7th 1895. G. C. Daniel, Ordy- NOTICE. Georgia—Madieon county. Whereas S CiO’KeUy, adm. of Mary Johnson,/dec’d. has applied to me for leave/to eell the belonging to amd deceased, an<H( will pase upon thaaama at my office in DanMsville on the first Monday in Fen. next. This Jan, 7th 1895. G. C. Daniel, O r d. foiTsale. One Second hand top bugvg and haenesa. / One second/ hand wagon and hirnesij^ri—All in good ooncfcikffu with good security. David W. Meadow I The Muster Roll |)F MADISON GREYS CALLS FORTH A FEELIING LET TER FROM REV. DR. CLEVELAND. ; Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 28th ’96. Mr. Editor —Dear Sir: Your taper of Jan. 24th. came in my nail this morning. The rain is leating on the windows aitd as I 00k out upon the dreariness of lbe day, I begin to muse “and musitig Lhe fi“vLurnß for I Id we will not tlu! ,1 productioi jt, JuTH I I seemed to call the roll of 140 ssen,-sons,- brothers, husbands, lathers and* sweethearts of so Jaany who saw them leave home; ,'randfathers of so many who have never sepn them yet. Out of the -.umber two-thirds did not answer the call. Some are reported as hist ami unaccounted for. Several '.ied at home on furlough. A number returned as survivors and nave since died. Some died in hospitals and some upon the field. •How many hopes went out when Uißse. men died! How many wid owed hearts are made! I'nfh.e tears come to my eyes as 1 lead the names, many of them so familiar to me as names of men I knew and loved in old Madison— fSloocTkin of the men I did not know. .How can any true man go pack on the dead heroes, their Swiddfre and their children. t I don’t sse Lee Bird’s name in Fihe list. He belonged, I suppose [Lo another company. I paid my jlSpsi' tax as a citizen to him. I ypr;;ached his funeral soon aftor l Bpteßt to the county. Noble fellow ptid a good Christian citizen, ft. And John McCurdy’s name is ytiot there. He too, no doubt, was fm-another company. Like Lee WfcJraf he also loat a leg,, and both jive'nt limping to their graves. IBrave John McCurdy! If anyone pays yes, he had his faults, I say jyes, but he had his virtues. I got .near to his heart. I have heard him pray. I have seen many a time the large tears roll out of his large eyes, as they are now rolling out of mine, and if he has not gone where the rude alarms of war will never reach him, of whom then around you can you hope? And very recently my dear friend Ed Sanders has gone to meet the boys on the other side under the shade of the trees, never more to endure the summers heat and winters cold, the fatigues of the march, the loneliness of the picket, or the dangers of the bat tlefield. Noble men, these, whose j names are mentioned and the | many more who could be. i Oh! if I could have felt when a resident of the county, as I have felt since I haye been here and connected with the Fulton County Association, [and as its Chaplain for four years, how much nearer could I have got to some men who yet live and to some who are gone. There ia a feeling which one Confederate soldier has for anoth er Confederate soldier which is pe culiar. Nothing has ever been like or ever will be like it, I trow. If I was a & s< "' 1 *. OT ,/your coun ty to-day, I to find ev ery true Conf<3*npwJe soldier and talk with.him’ the past, the present and the future. If any of them read this, let me earnest ly beg them to ask God to give them the moral courage to seek Jesus, enlist under His flag as the Great Captian of the souls salva tion, to listen to-day to his loving orders— Attention ! About face! Forward March— So that when life’s warfare ends it may at last ba the “good fight of faith” and the reward of the crown of Life. P May the God of the living and the dead richly bless these brave men who yet live, arid the widows and children of those who have fought their last battle. T. P. Clevkland. NOTICE. Georgia—Madieon county. ( hereby cement for my wife, Mary Ann * ooper to become a tublic er free dealer, ae previued j law. 1 bis Jan. 12th 1894 Willis Usopbr. Valentine Ball AT GHOLSTON HALm. COMER, GA., ON FEBRUARY 12th. The grainiest Hop of the season will take place in Comer, on Fob. 14th; 1865, at Gh-dston Hall. All participants an I nan-participants of this kind of amusement are cordially invited to attelid, provided, you con duct yourself upon the principles of a true gentleman. Perhaps some hiive been over looked in sending oat invitations. The Rian hart Suing B ind, of Maysvill*, Ga., will furnish music for the occasion. We feel confident that this Band needs ns eulogy from our pen, as it has a wide reputation for its fine music. No intoxicated person will be admitted or permitted to remai \ in the hall. G. SAM JONE’S LATEST. lam not an alarmist. If every bank were to break, I wouldn’t lose a cent, and I could walk honip. I have two shoulders of meat in my smoke house and enough clothes to last six weeks. We’ve got to go back to head quarters —home—to find out the trouble. Home ought to be the brightest, happiest and cheeriest pla e under the sun on the face of the earth. Every man shows what he think of wife and children by the kind of home he puts them in. A man whose home is always out of whack, the blinds down and the door off the hinges, the steps rotten—that shows character. The husband shows his character by the exterior. I don’t see why some men can’t keep pious on what they can gat three times a day. Spurgeon in cludes all human miseries undw; ‘dirt, devil and debt.’ I have been in houses where they had 2,600 worth of silver and fifteen cents worth of grub. I would like to be able to digest silver,but can’t. I like girls that can play on the stove as well as the piano. Many a man has been sent to a drunkard’s grave by what lias been given him to eat by his wife. You give him a biscuit that would knock down a yearling and he has got to have something else before night. If you’ve got got a good wife,And a good cow, yiu are elected, as Presbyterians say. , NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county. Whereae commissioners appoint ed set apart 12 months support for the minor children of W T Drake, deo’d out of the estata of ■aid W T Drake, hava filed their rrport. All parsons art hereby notified to be at my office on the Ist. Monday in Feb. next to show why said report should not be made the judgment of the court of Ordinary of said county. This Jan. Bth 1895. G. C. Daniel, Ord. POSTPONED SHERIFF SALE. Oeorgla Mtditon County. Wllb#to Jon ik * first Tuatlty is Ftbstry 1896 ai .h * o#artb-*ut j# s*fd oouaiv, witbia in the )#g*l : coir* efialetothe h ; g>g ! . b : d Jei fir i cah th folio* i*g property to-wi 1 : Oa#Bbyl2 Portabl* Nagle h -ti*e on fill* N0.6496; oe 1 12 Da- L nob tswra'll, with 48 inch Hot, in •triad tooth giw; two log cir’i* one tool box. with to 1*; osh Drgt bolt, *nt tart bo>k; tat wheel barrow on* •pad*: two log ehtiaei: b ra tnd, on# tw> htrg'wag#-, gtii prt party Itviad tn at tha properly of W 0 Welch to aati>fj a mortgage #x aO’itioa ittaad from tbt 6aneir C ’urt of and o jnrt m fuvnr tf Ma I *- b’-a Avr j agiimt W 0 W’tb. 'rat Jar. 9:h 1896 L E. Brook*, fhtriff. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Georgia— Madison county: Toe fi'mtf Whitt a Porteifield, Cumrr, G-., hat boon dit >ird; toil the undertigued >s in mo way eon nected with tbt bu times*, o>tract*, e'c. of sad fi r m T'li* D*#. 3rl 1895. 8. B. WHITE. rvrova bjnr EDYV. McGOWAN, Business Manaser, Ft, Lamar, A COLUMN OF INTKRKITIN Q news from the OLD FORT. M iss Flora Hutcherson, spent last week among relatives and friend* at Bold Springs. Mr. W. F. Wilder has been Buf fering excruciating pain with a sore hand for the last two weeks. j Mr. Willis Stephen happened to . the misfortune of loosing a good I milch cow several days ago. Mr. J. M. Hutcherson went to Danielsvillo last Saturday, on bus iness. Miss Addie Freeman attended church at Mt. Hermon la*t Sun day; accompanied by Mr. W. S. Wilder. Mr. Call is Brown is very much troubled about a dream that ha had a few nights ago. It was a strange dream indeed, and would doubt less make the most of us feel un easy. We learn that Mr. W. A. Tabor is talking of moving to Athene. We regret very much for such a good citizen to leave our communi ty. He will be greatly missed by all, and most especially by the church. While we regret to loose such a good Christian gentleman as Mr. Tabor we wish him much prosperity and hope that all his undertakings may be crowned with success. A certain young man in Ft. La mar is color-blind. There is only one color that he can distinguish aud that is Brown. IN SCHOOL. Throwing knives is very popular among the school boys. Several of the school boys saw a peculiar varmint not far from* the school grounds,several days ago and have been on the alsrt ever since. They are determined to capture it if possible. The recitations by the school girls last Friday evening was beautiful indeed, but the spaeches by the boys, we are oblige to say, surpassed anything that was done by the girls. The girls can down the boys in a spelling match, but when speaking day comes the the girls get left. While we have young oraters in school, we also hare youpg poets and who knows but somb day Ft. Lamar may have a Patrick Henry or a Henry Grady; and perhaps she mav produce a Tennyson or a Shaxespeare. Who can tell? Liberty High school is on a boom. It numbers upward of sixty pupils. Ft Lamar can boast of the beet school in the country. The Jpcople should feel proud that they have secured the services of such an able teacher as Prof. Mellurry. Ha is a graduate from Dahlonega and better qualified teacher is hard to find. And the bright children of this community whose minds and , hearts are all aflame with eager yearning for pearls of truth and wisdom have learned to love and and respect him. Lotus cooperate, and talk and work for the school. Miss Octie Pittman, the accom plished assistant, performs her part with great care and accuracy. The young people of this com munity have been talkingof organ izing a Literary Pociety. There is nothing that rs more interesting than a good Literary Club; not only interesting but it is very instructive. We hope soon to note the organisation of a Literary Society at Liberty Academy. NIW ROAD. Georgia—Madison county. Whereas the Road Commission ers of the Brookline district said county, have reported in favor of public road from beginning a, Elitha Dudley* ford, on by M B Wilsons, J W Brooks, J D Brooks, W T Drakes old place, Isaac I> Browns, Josiah Drades, Mr. Hun ters, and into the Moons Ferry road near W R Collins, aa mark ed out by said Commissioners. All persons interested are hereby notified to be at my office on the Ist. Monday in Feb. nexe to show why said read should not be de* dared. This Jun. 7th 1896. G. t Daniel, ox 4. NO. 30