The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 28, 1895, Image 1

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THE DANIELSViIiLE MONITOR Berry t. moseley, editor. VOL. XII. J W Meader Physician anp druggist. Five Forks, Ga. Calls answared and prescriptions filled day or night. " W, C, MATTOX dentist; elberton, ga. Will visit Carlton Third Monday n each month, and Comer on Tuesday after. GGGGGGGGGGGG o(|r< Blmohtnmn k Boston Boy's Eyesight •avsd-Porhaps Hit Lift tf Hm4*i Buup*rill>nM< nt MMd by Cukir. Bead th* following from • gnMM wt*** ■My UtUe boj bad Scarlet Fovar who* 4 THIS, ltd. aad it MS him TirrvwkuloMbM >*■—■* with taakn. His aryaa kMM •0 lnflaascd that his suflsstacs was* end Mima WMki h* Could Not Open Hit Eyes. I took Mm twlo# during that to. to lb* By* aad Bar Infirmary on Charlca street, M Oat rtaadtae Oiled to do Mia the Mutest ahad*w M good. I eamßM&oed Urtn* Ida Heo4*a SSfiSfldißMrtAUiS! r Urn TcrrHfa. tm mar cm this tea eFsaaswaa-- , “* 1 — Hood’s Sarsaparilla tassaaa of thawemdmfal good it did ar Mb* %nm V. Bucibu, SMS Waobtagta* St, boston. Mass. Get tOOPI HOOD’S PiLLS o tut as<a. aa ore pap Spot la -ompnriln*. pasgssHPsaodasssansaa. st"* "Ts IV ttuoL Is aa unfaOhw tats ft JJ of eivKUir. Tl IjunTjpa- V g. dlcatec a airbag will, gnat efceepy and £nnneee. Cleeel; SUM Is ifie "=****4 Ipiiai.iUd Tjpo, ita* Otsalbef theea taewM&'j #f advanced Ideas csS baslaeas JlSfi ability. Salta of lhe*u t)pee Mnl lO taun nia or wssua; aad Dasiomt'e Family Ms?aalas pee part. a*,**ially fur such persons a S~adfl whole volume of im Mena, coa ftSvi'S 3 dvaand la a emell epecr, so that tao I F-X and r ’ flurii CP I it* vkolo wutisl'a week I I 7t\ ; 3 for a Koeikwsy be ned ta luff t* HI \ bear. Tbs CswsU Type tadtcaSse m fix rednofoeat. col tore, auf a lore of r as mtiptie, psuy, sad ftsUon. A pence ,* v.itk fill* type of Ibuafe wSI tbss •-* SI ougUJy cajoy the literary eMraetioaf c.' of iVtoareet'e Megiuda*. The Js> •S. F U*ti<; Tyro laukaLe a kno af LR,i' beastly aoa art, which will Sac raso Q jS plwtsuro la the mwaHrat eU-plcO hfj % nre of loesa, lt}4 xY* tnehso, re pro- VX faced from the original paiattag tar Do Lonxpi-t, the met eelsbratid i Ihtar Tower-painter*, which art be given to every esbeaetpar So D-moreet'e Hagastoo fet lit*. Vita 00 .'. of Uile to perk work of art wg tSSO.vO: and the reprodesdap oennot be dlsttagelsbed freee £ on stool. BeeSfoe this, aa mgalafta eS or wsterceolor vie tar* Is Mk> hiked to each number at tho Megs ■So, cod the articles on to pro. lately and eoperbly !Haunted that the Aegaalae is, la natty, a port folio o l art works of the htaketf order. The rbhoeoptUType 6 tho thank of the think or and tn tensor f.X ffl at tdors, who will bo deeply Map i %ap St stud lo those developed aMathta /W 9 la DeaaoreeTe SigeataiT Ip mil * js jjA one of Its atuneroas ilspsiSpuelL p x@ which never Up esc ties anlaiM tad r lg |S side*illle laid, cdueamm vveft feet, faocy, and fad eftis Sub ba, HE beserral P eta ply a pssfsm /*, 23 Fuel)/ Masastae, and was Mu ago SKwned ffmaen af the M—ISHl*. \\ fd food fas year sebecwtpUoa; |t wdl *V oost only gt SO, and yon wtß bare r El adoassj lugaalaeo la one. Add rose I&J 9 W. Jmorales Dutommrt, PnhEhsa. I g.® 2 lilh ■ treat, iew tork. tSM FCO Milßllyi&d 4NMHNBMMn.VfI / F& he tt emperUtlre lsteruS to taoae f irfl geeseeeUe the FeaeUtae Type at I *** && ThaaK whlok tadtaotae ti Pa seoal I e-EE bae, alesaderneM, m> ft aaO, and f * taMoSt, raudad ttp. fhen Palta Which Mong am Hally ta the gtiftit sea, ereryene at wt-oih sboald saWfeie ta gmi 1 M's If agaalne. If yon an asaeeamtodwtsh M^SUr^>s7ilUßhS I wa “***> ta.w taoet Ini wC Jpl*j)t!,d fv’iflr. Far* "Vpar tunity for anv active m an <n- ej per month eatilr aamc.-;. iT* ‘*s*a. w*give rtudCSu I full •ivriubnna w * M P*y exprenn and allow SO daet dif- Bet iu tell yen a bop. r.W Jleglerdk C*.,ftox IJU Jh BlVwit MW. rWtadelyk!,P WMImIC D owi,y aao *>■ thle etyle ot f b'IUDBJ’IU JCj >. \ny ghipir ii -c K if vcmHiiUK v #; ■ i*u*4 1* ilsikbsMaMW •trio ptiir xx&.ftni** ?*Lul tor t6O. AU Vouiaiu** wnmitd for 5 fcc \\\v#rU Clw cafcu on 4 TcJeroMfe. Addtm *m*?mi.* 1 Local Happenings. Item* of Intent to ‘‘Fret State” Pooplo Plokd UP by MOIITOB REPORTERS W ItsM tst is tsilt ■•■ tush suti It Csiily MfMM—Bhrths, Intk, ■srrispst, VMtsrs. Etc. L E Greene is in Athens to-dav. T. A; iil of Madison Springs was here to-day. G W Aaron of Ft Lamar was is town to-day. Willi* Sims of Paoli was in town to day. The merchants hare are gsiting ready for the rush next week. W 8 McCardy and Will Siaas •f Psoli, w*ro hers to-dsf. W R Porterfield and K L Ware of Comer, Were hero yesterday. C C Crook has moved to the Han cock lands and will farm this year. DrJ.I. Griffith, sad D. E. Griffith, ware in Athens yesterday. Charlie Sims and Obe Strickland have caei thesr lot is the Lout filar State. They left thie week. Jobs Wilbanks, wa jailed here laetSaturday charged with riding the horse ol Berry Sbielde without his consent. Onr jail it full of prisoner!, and it may take the court several days to eltar it. Sheriff Brpoka ha • clssr trsek for tae court ssxt woak, sud bug* iupaa will go with a rudh. We are glad to state that our “Devil” in able tube at his post again. Take tlje Monitor and Constitution for. 1.2 Congress has extended the time for receiving the income tax to A pril 15 next from March Ist as first passed. We have a few citiiens that will have to pay this tax but not many, Atlanta has come to the front again. This time it is the mar riage of a Chinaman to a jewesg. This chinaman has discarded his “Cue” and taken unto himsolf a bright young jewess in its stead. They claim to have been in lore for some time. X Eberhart & Edwards Fail. Carlton has had her first failure. The firm of Edwards & Eberhart dissolved some time ago, H L Eb erhart withdrawing from the firm. On the 20th ult. J C Edwards made an assignment, naming his brother E P Edwards as assignee. Assets namsd in tha deed of as signment being about S4OOO, and liabilities about game, with some SI9OO preferred, these being At lanta crediters. These young man m*ds a haru fight, but on account of the hard times and scarcity of money, this step was taken so that thoy could protect thsir creditors. They ars young and energetic and we hope to 800 them riae over these difficulties, and again be in active business. AGENTS WANTED. We want a canvasser for the sell ing article on the market. Allow ance made for distributing sambles and agents will reap all profits. Address at once Geo. H. Wells & Cos. Le Roy, N. Y. BISSELL RESIGNS. The first break in Mr Cleave land* cabinet was made on last V* ednesday, when Postmaster Gen eral Bi**ell handed the President his resignation. He claimed is his letter of resignation that it was not on account of any dissatis faction, hut that personal matter* cauaed him to take the step he had. Mr. Oleavela din accepting the resignation says that he re grets the urn* but that he ha* been expecting it for some time. It is thought that Hon. Wm, L Wilson, leader of the tariff reform movement, will be BisseH’s suc cessor. FOR MADISON COUNTY AND THE PBdOCRATIC PARTY. DANIELSVILLE, MADISON COUNTYTHURSDAY. FEB. 28th. 189;.' ITEMS OF IXTSRE3T FROM THIS THRIVING TOWN. BY JOHNNY. School is on a boom at this place now. Miss Flora Hutcherson, from Ft, Lamar, is assisting Prof. Park in his school, much to the delight of the you tig men. Miss Rena Hall, of Frankliu is visiting her sister, Mrs. G W Westbrook. *We suppose Bob Bird has the heart disease—he is seen, at the doctors almost every day. J C Campbell is very sick at this writing. Hope to report him better in next issue. The young people enjoyed a nice musical entertainment at the res dence of J L Thompson on 14th inst. Miss Lee Campbell is at home on a visit. She will return to Harmony Grove in a few days. We are expecting warm weather to come any day now—Bob Mer ceir has.cut oft' his mustache. H W White has quit black smithing and gone to heming aprons. He gets the ash cake ev ery time. Hurrah ! for him. BY JACK. , Prof. Park and H W White visi ted friends in Fort Lamar last week. G W Mercier and family, visi ted relatives in this community recently. Morris Campbell has had his hair cut, much to the delight nf the young ladies, but just ask them about Early’s hair. Ila has an excellent school. Prof. Park is one of the best ed ucators in the south, which ac counts for the, prosperity of the school. 5 • Wanted: —To know what he-; came'of "TirW Rice on last Sunday p. m. The last that was seen of them they were going in the direction of Danielsville. J L Thompson, of the popular firm of Thompson & Campbell went to Athens on business last Tuesday, returning Wednesday. He said it was a cold trip, but be never lets the weather interfere when the convenience of his cus tomers are at stake. THE EASIEST WAY. Hear ye it, boys and young men. Ben Franklin gave us an aphorism worthy of a wise man worthy of all credence when he said this; there is no easier way of getting a dollar than by squarely earning it.” That is the truth. Th at way of getting a dollar is easier than begging, or gambling, or stealing, or specula ting, or any of the other up-to-date easy ways. It Sbeats silting down or loafing about, wishing and wait ing for something to turn up. One wiser than Mr. Franklin said: ’’The way of transgressors is hard and the history of mankind, as well as common sense, teaches us that sitting down anil wishing for good things is a hard life. The easiest way to have things turn up is to turn them up The easiest way to get money is to earn it. Write this down in your book of life. Spring ha* dawned on us at laat. The back bone of £he winter is bro ken we think, and the farmer* have taken advantage of this warm spell ■nd kav gone to work pitching thir c ropi, Hama (applies stoma to ba tha idea with tkua and we think ,t a gaod oat. Bggs and Chicken* /wanted at L. E. Greens, Danielaville& Comer. Cotton sted meal & btills cheap V ok Cash at L. E. Qreen^y^SMMtfrf Remember that you can get the Monitor and Con stitution for 1.2 J cash. CABBAGE MAN COMING. ’▼ait for “Tam” R Zaokery & Son*’seed wagon. They will be in Danielsville on the Ist Manday in March, with a supply --f home mada garden saed. Comer Colimi>t An, |&ch of Interesting •Nfws from our Rail road Metropolis. Once from pSnoa and relt Thjfaßtghbor Comes to thee; Once jMre thy weleorae to r equal* . All WP'dou for our letiutrgy. Schfcdl thrives. * Awruaahaa and Fifw-ronr bales of cotton were broughthere Friday. H.fJ. E. to servant:—“lf you don’tMo better I’ll suspend you for five days.” Copier boasts new and hand somefbtreet lamps —the enterprise of council. Hi*. J P Gholston’s now resi dendE to be occupied by B J Meadow, is nearing completion. Mira Maude Birchmore, our pret ty anti popular assistant teacher, visited Smithoniu Saturday, Miss Delia Mathews,whose profic iency as a teacher has given her a third'year as teacher at Tucson, has been with us during the past weelti A dance was given at the home of LD. Mooii on last Friday night The Ip had weather prevented a fußvattendance, but the occasion wasmuch enjoyed. mr Jim Bullok, of Five Forks, who.was imprisoned here for diffi miltHpt week, made a romantic escs|(Pfrom the “jug” by coming out at the, top. “I never saw a saw jinw like that saw saws.” EL E. Edwards, will perhaps be in farmer climate ere this mos- Wo do not mean m% I 8 g°i n g to die just now, WSjfogqjng to Florida, where he will spend two weeks on a pleas ure trip. Miss Willie Arnold a belle from Carlton, is with her friends at Co mer. TO A DERBY. 'Tii aad that In thy youthful d*ya So fair a form should wane. To think that tleaaa melodious lays, That spoke their praiae were vain, ’Tis sad, 'tjg gad. 'Twag sweet tty migsion her* below, To sloths a worthy brow, But thso to Carlton thou would'at fo. Thou hast no lining now. ’Tis aad, 'ti* sad. Treasurers Report, GEORGlA —Madison county: I beg leave to make tlie follow ing report to Grand Jury, March 1895: j Ca*h on hand at last rep’t $282,155 Received front Tj G. $5226.7(5 Total assets/ 5509,11 Paid out on ord <jr Solici tor General / 47.12 Judge Superior court 104.25 Clerk “ I “ 772.00 Ordinary, oenefiil order* 2291.49 Pander* _ j_ • Oonimißgionn fees Cash on hand 'to ba11714.81 $5509.11 Respectfully submitted, T. W. LONG,Treasurer. DENISTRY^ lin Cpniilsville og *dar*h 4th 1895,1 and will remain about on* week, irk the purpose of doing Cental ilkoAa having teeth to trVfit, wjll~'p4ease oall the firet of the week. v Year*, &o. C. D. TURNER, DBti*t. Two papers for the price of one—why not take them and be nappy. ■You will never regret it. 5 Forks HALF COLUMN OF NEWS FROM THE FORKS. J R White one our solid men, was in trntn Tuesday^-" J 1 Williams and T G Estes went to Copier last Tuesday. Thte3 of Athen’s sportman came down Tuesday jiiornmg for'a hunt. Camieda few rabbits ami birds back witn them. a jjp., j -f milk I M** - ' Friday: High Sheriff Brooks, of whom there is no bettor, was around last Wednesday, preparing for Court. A Pittard we are glad to chroni cle was able to go out to his store last Friday—has about recovered from his severe attact df reuma tism. That live, merchant JTPittard, of Winterville was down last Sat urday. Our efficient Tax Collector and It E Scroggins, went to Comer Fri day. Ma jor R H Bullock, one of the counties most honorable citizens, was in town last Saturday. Uncle Dick Boggs was down Sat urday, J F Colbert and Wyat Bullock of near Boggs, were in town yes terday. The blind preacher Rev. Haskell preached here last night. Didn’t have but few out to hour him, on account of the *now. Then it was not known htfre that he would preach until two oclock p.m. Miss Ida Grimes was having a flourishing school at Thompson’* Acadamy up to the cold spoil. 50 odd students, Miss Ida is a good teacher aud deserves a good pat ronage. SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Madison county. I—A traot of lsnd leoated ig Mid County on th* Harmony Gists and Bragg* Ferry road ob the witars *f Hubbards Crack bounded ou th* aerlh by the Csb Carcutb place; on tb# cast by G. W, Aaren. *n the *n the eouih by Dick Carnth; and on th w**t by O'. W. Aarsg * B d sen* tain* On* hundred a*ree more or l*u and known a* the Stephen* place. This place ha* su ita small dwell ing aad eutbnildiag* about fwrty acre* in otdtivauen and th* rsinaiu d*r in old field and original forest. 2 - A treat of land leoated iii{eatd County of Madieen ou the waters of Blue Stoae Creek, bounded on the nortn by Mr*. P' C. Bend place; on the east by laud* of T. J, Stelt and J. F. (ollicrton th* south by land* af J F Cel belt; en the wait by land* *f Thomas Bailey, known a* the Queen place, and ooniaiua on* hun* dred and seventy acre* mar* or lee*. This place ha* eu ita dwelling akd outhouse* also a gnat Mill in fair condition, aboult forty aersi in eul ttrvation and th* remainder in original f*r**t. Both of said tracts *f i. levied eu a* th* properly of G. W. Aarea andea two fi fa* one having issued freiu the Superior Oeurt of Madison County in favor of I il Goss against G W Aaren; nd tho ©th*fc hawing isvued fro** tho of ths 264 W 8 Holman for thgjietfpl I H Gois against P* piinoipul and G W Aaron security. Both place* lavfed ou afte* a deed from I rl Goss to GW Aurau con 'eying both have been recorded as requiatd by law, fYrilteo notice given G W Aaren tenant in pesossien as qaired by law. This Jaauary 26 1995. L. .fllmitL— A ticsssshfllrf f.crr.uj FOR ALL BLOOD SK!N PvM Mm ! U r.iamm tO*FUU. ULCEBS, WLT { at t-ures RBtuM. tsuuA. farm i! SIGN ES.I/PTISH, te- 1 tidal tailing elSeacteu; I* toning I'p Iho , STStemaoS iMlnrlßitli'i eeaatlWHir, r.+.jn irr,(llo4*l Iroir any atutt. Il .Jmee! stiffir.ta'taial kjtlla* prvfPrtltfO . |e*;ih/ ji in fiuarsa nein* • erre, l‘ <Hiscl!m un itV.ami , SEHT FHHE - m.6Q3 tLW. CO., M'rata, 60. *. EHW. McSOWAN, Maxasxr. • 1 1 • School Locally Happenings** of Irtteresf Among the Pupils of the D H.’S. * M iss Evalyn Sorrells, who is-at* tending Lucy Cobb Institute of A tliens visited school FridaV aft.#c* noon. J . ‘ * •• Miss Ethel Griffeth is in School ... r|q n ar i RflnflfliVfl L oitf PWwß^TO®kemm‘bd^rftT'work mg the streets this week. Mieses Wozelle and Mamie Bul lock are in school again. Little Willie Kidd, who absent for a few days is at her place ' again. All of the school girls’are dread ■ ing court weok. Miss Ora’M’folhun visited Kvs> Frank Graham Sunday. # Miss Etfie Moore visitod Mis, j Mattie"and Lou Hampton Sunday. For the past, week we sadly misled from our number ono of our brightest pupils and were unable to account for her absence, she us ually being very prompt, until last Thursday the mystery was explain ed when wo heard the announce ment of her’sister marriage. All f the pupils large and small are enjoying these bright sunny days and at noon and recess, the school grounds are alive with hap py hearted boys and girls. Owing to the pretty weather, we have been having good atten dance this week. Bomo of the hoys could not ho satisfied until they had been whipped for snow-hailing. Every body is studying up for the examination to-morrow. Col. Y M Hulmo ißout of school this week. Little Early Power is in school again. Thomas Grimes was in Allien* last Tuesday. Friday i* examination day and we ore busy reviewing and prepar ing so that we can stand a credita ble examination. We have quite an intertesting school and believing that the out side world is ignorant of the va rious! thing* represented we will try and interest you awhile. First we have several Biblical characters Adams, Daniels and David*, then too wo can boast of Moorn Long White pupils than any school in this part of Georgia. A person in quest of precious metal* would find it to their interest to visit us for we have several Gholston(o)* and a Ruby beside* numerous oth or Jewel(b) . While we have no well on the school ground we have no lens than three Brooks and hence forth we hope to have continual sunshine as we have May with us. Mis* Fannie OKolley visited the Uncle Mr. Tolbert last Sun day. •***—■■ ■' -■— -■ - T j, i-- SHERIFF SALE. Georgia—Madison county t Will be sold oa th* first Tuesday io March iß*.">, at the 'court b*u<* door ju •id county "ijjhiu tb* legal hours of ssl* to the highest blddar for cosh, tbmdoijow jog property 0-WiS: One £ V.*u**' %t of '•JdJrflhefown in the 204th diet O- Mof said county, adloinisr lands of H B Mattox ou th* north, seat & went, *nd lands of Madison county on th* south, being the lot whereon Andrew Jack •cn Strickland now resides, containing one acre mors oJ leas, There 1* a tenan# boaoe on this lot. Said land levied on as the property of Andrew Jackson Strickland toiatiafv a fl .fa issued from the Jaetirs f'rnirt gf thtillll diet fi M-**M '~SBUuty~ tn - TErorof K M Htricklaadagaiast Andrew Jackson Sticklaud and Osorge Fowler. The same being levied on by J A Oordoa, L. C. and turned over to me for advertise ment. Wrltte* notice giv. a tenant In posHeation. Tbit Fab. 7th ISW, L. , BBOOKB, Sheriff. SUm-KMISNTAI, CHOPS. QOL'.TTIOK 4.— Fanner* are advlng/1 to fuppioiuuju UiMix-im 11.1 n 111 up Mfllh other pnyinff croos. Will yon mention mbu that sonthurn farmers cmi engage la profitably? T don’t mean castor bean# or hop* or thing else with wbieh wo are nnacqt ted. bat something that we Imow suits our soil and win soil well? Akswkb 4.—We have had sevoml quest‘on* on this line, sad for twply Would refer our correspondents to ths commissioner I '* regular “talk” for this month, and also to the fasts given In toother column from ex-Governor Ncg then nnd several different oommissUh merchant* at Atlanta •NO. 34. '