The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 04, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsville Honitor. VOL XX v 111 \ LOCAL I JtAPPEMNG^ Miss Ruby Jenkins and her visitor, IWbis Fannie Sue White of Americus, Ga. were in town on Tuesday after noon to attend Mrs . B. T. Moseley’s lovely Porch Party, ' The friends of Mr. W. C. Sor rells regret to know of his serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Bullock, Sa rah Lou Bullock, Elizabeth Nash and Virginia Moseley were in Athens Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H\ Boggs and Clyde Boggs of Jegerson were g"esta of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Griffeth Sunday. * Mi s Ada Jack Wilson left Tues day for her home at Pinehurst, Ga. after a verv BiiccH*ful sea i or in millinery with L. E. Greene & Go. Mr 1 , and Mrs. Candler Sorrells from Conner were here on Mondav to visit Mr.. W. C. Sorrells who is quite sick. Mi s Fannie Sue White of EHai ville is vhi ting Mi?s Ruby Jenkinst. Miss Carrie Soohia Tate returned to her home ir. Elberton Wednesday An enjoyable affair of Wednerdnv afternoon of last week at six o’clock was the picniic given by Mrs .R .G Murray at Grkctha Spring in honor of M!<js Nadine Power of Elberton. A delicious picnic lunch was served. Misses Roberta Hitchcock and Floyeo Lena a'visted Mrs. Murray in en tertaining. ' • • : Tew Boyd Gholstos, Wyatt Bulloch snd Dewitt Bond will return to their homes here this wtek-end after a two weeks’ camp at Mountain City. Quite a number of boys and girls enjoyed a picftic at James Spring Tuesday evening in hoor of MisS Car riie Sophia Tate of Elberton. Miss Frances Scott was hostes of the oe ewion. Mdsdame? O. N. Snelling and W, C. Scott chaperoned. 4>S Miss Roberta Hitchcock returned To Atlanta the latter part of last Week. Veil KatHetn 'Helling, Carrie Soohia Tatt, Me?.?., laui Burroughs and I.eo Bond mo l°red to Athens WedrwVulav after noon. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Broome were v Htors to Athens Wednesday. t f * v - Horace Smith, presiding, der of Elberton Diistrirt. wiii preahh the Methodist church here Sunday \our presence is desired. —Rev. if. C. Allen. '• Gherman Hancock of Athtn.i -i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. • 11 iyeth hert last week. A. f. Campbell made a busi f to Athens Wednesday. W ( . Marion of U. of Ga. ' :,Cf week-end here. Sl'VfA . kl UA i FAP.ES VIA SEAEOARD tr 00 Atlanta. 2 . . f- : ' Ticket Agent JUiTMOHWffI This is Independence day and should he dear to the hearts of all true Americans. Thrctghivt the United States July Fourth is celebrated as a Natural Holiday and places ot business will he closed everywhere. Our flag the beautiful red, white and blue will be promi nent in all decorations. How are we going to show our patriotism. There is something more that mere patri atism on July 4th. Truly great are our past events but the future strength of our nations depends on how much _r • , ' ■ •*- p ■ patriotism we show every day and how well we defend our Constitution, Let us stand squarely behind our government and be true patriots. YEP, rrs GONNA BE A GEE-LORIOUS FOURTH Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, , uly 4, 1924 DREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY ‘Lien every farmer in the South shell cot bread from his own fields and meat from his own pm,‘ore. and disturbed by no creditor and enslaved by no debt, fl ail sit amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine yards end dairies and barn yards. pitching bis crops in Hs own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ton his clean surplus, and sel ling it in his own time, and in his chosen market, and nob at a master’s bidding—getting his pay in cash and not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore his freedom—their shall be tho breaking of the fullness of our day.” MRS. 3. T. MOSELEY ENTERTAINS A lovely occasion of Tuesday af ternoon was when Mrs. B. U. Mose ley entertained at a Porch Party, from 5:30 to 0:30, complimenting Mrsu W. R. Eskew, Mra. Eugene Huff and Mrs., t,. E. Greene, recent brides. The wide porch, about which were placed small tables, was artisti cally decorated with pedic tain of pink hydrangeas and geraniums, to gether with potted plant* and palms, forming a colorful background for the guests. Adorning each table were silver vasca filled with shasta daises*. Punch was served by Mi v/wj Vir ginia Moeeley, Sarah Lou Bullock and Elizabeth Nash of Washington, Ga., on the East end of the proch from a table beautifully decorated with magnolias, gathered from the yard of the hosteaas. Presented to the honor guests wore bdoka, containing recipes or good wiahe# from each guest present. Assisting the hostess in entertain ing were: Mr3. D. A. Moseley, Mm. J. H. Boggrj, and Mul. W. I>. Graham. A delicious ice course with silver cake was served. Those enjoying Moeelieyki hospitality were the members of the Woman’s Club and the young ladies home from college for the summer vacation. MALHbON CO. CMOIK The Madison County Singing Choir rr.eetK with the Providence church nert. Sunday, July R, at 2:,10 o'clock. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. i MISS KATHLEEN SNELLINC HOSTESS One of the mot enjoyable a Taira of tht season wm the beautiful par ty (riven by Men Kathleen Sneliing Thuralay evening of last week.. The i color f yei ow and white was •*■ 1 ■ ' ' the quantities of - effectively trranged i v-uee. <>. >< ones v/ere enjoyed. * - •' im and cake were '•nr. ' '-shs enjoyed the ho pi aJity of ;Vi 14-, Sneliing. i Georgia, Madison County. Ct. M. Landers, guardian of VI - i da ncv Pearl Whitohcnd, Evie* Beurw , and Daisy Kradshaw hn. applied to | rie for a dicharge from his guard!- ari-Jip.of said persons; Tni* ib, ther.jfore, to notify all persons i to Lie their ol jechior", if any they have, on or before th i i‘r t Monday iu July, 1924, else G. jM. Landers will be discharged from , his guardianship e,s applied for. N. C. BULLOCK, Orb. Number