The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 11, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsviile ilonitor. VOL XX'vIII | LOCAL, 1 PPEMNGS Mrs. Dyar and children visited her brother, Mr. A. C. Campbell, here last Saturday. Mr. J. T. Brock of San Antonio, Texas, spent the week-end here with his aunt, Mrs. C. ... Snelling. Dr. and Mas. W. U. Gholston, Prof, and Mrs Garnett Ware were week-end visitors to Mountain City. Mi). Joe Long of Atlanta spent the 4th here with his motheT, Mrs. A. H. Long Mr. and Mrs?. R. T. Broome and children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Echols attended the Vandiver reun ion near Carmesville. Miss Lucy Gholston returned Thursday from a visit to friends in Lincolnton and Elbertot^. Mr. Daniel of Atlanta spent the first of the week with hi si daughter Mrs. B. T. Moseley. Miss Louise Christy returned Thursday from St. Mary’s Hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis". Mr. Fred Bond of Royston was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L\ E. Greene were visitors in Athens Wedneday after noon . ' 1 Mr.Glenn Nelms w r ho has been working near Jefferson is at home for a few dayaf. Mr. and Mrs Ellis M. Bond are visiting the formers parentis, M!r. and Mrs. J>. E. Bond. Mr. Knox Griffeth of Atlanta was a visitor here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs). Walter Addison of Blackwells, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Bartow' Addison of Greenwood, Sj. C. spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. T|. Broome. Mr. and Mrs. R. Eskew spent the week-end in Orrnelia and Toccoa "with relatives. Mr. J. C. Graham of Athens was a visitor here Wednesday. Miss Ezzelle Harrison of Com merce spent Saturday here with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vf. A. Har alson . MR. WILL SORRELLS DIES Our entire community was sad ••■ned when on Saturday afternoou new- came that Mr. Will Sorrells • ; ‘i passed away at his home near Oar, ekvillee For several weeks his °n 1 i;:on was such as to alarm his fhi 1 and loved ones, vet all honed l, 7 1 * ‘ J :ht improve, and death came ■ ock to all who knew and loved Sorrells had lived in Comer veral years ago, and the •'-It sympathy and love of hie friends is ehtended to his fam ■ -• and loved ones during this dark funeral was held at the Dan e Presbyterian church last afternoon and interment was at Danielsville. notice to teachers 1 fyamination for teachers will ; , ld at Danielsville School Build ‘ Danielsville, Ga., Aug. Ist and - beginning at 9 o’clock, A). M. R. C. DAVID, Supt. Fiddlin John Carson And His Virginia Reefers Will Give A Field Idfs Concert School Auditorium DANIELSVILLE. GA. Tuesday Night July 15,1924 Beginning: at 8!30 O’clock This is an opportunity for you to see and hear this world famed fiddler sing and play his old time favorites such as ‘The Little Log Cabin in the Lane," ‘'Billy in The Low Ground", Sugar in The Gourd, The Old Hen Cackled and The Roosters Going to Crow, You’ll Never Miss your Mother till She’s Gone, Turkey in the Straw, etc. Fiddlin John Carson is the most sought after Fiddler before the American public today. He pleases his audiences and such sustained popularity must be deserved. It’s a real treat of pure unalloyed up country harmony, Rollickingly played as only Fiddlin John and his Virginia Reelers are capable of playing. Besides Fiddlin John, he will have with him Earl Johnson, fiddling fool from Macon. Ga. also Red Henderson from Dadeville Ala. and also his daughter who plays any kind of instru ment. Just come out and forget all of your troubles and wor ries. AH field I ers are invited to come out with their instuments and take part with us if they so desire. SUING ALL THE FAMILY AND ENJOY THE EVENING WITH US. FOS THE BENEFIT OF WOMANS CLUB ADMISSION: 25 AND 35 CENTS ANOTHER PROSPECTOR HITS THE TRAIL jiPf' " . w W\* / • • •• • h> f jm/ or / ■ : ) L-j . x issMf V f / 1$ \ kf f< Jl ■ £{^ ' Nibs**’' Hf j 1 #% ’ T/f l Vi/1 ( 'W'VN ' Vi U ■ ' . - -■ . .. . ...-.I Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, .Yily II 1024 DREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY “When every farmer in the South shall eat bread from his cun fields and meat from his cun pr tu’e, and disturbed by no creditor and enslaved by no 1 debt, shall sit amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine yard* end dairies and bum yards, pitching his crops in his own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ton his clean surplus, and sel ling it in his own time, and In bis chosen market, and net at a master’s bidding—getting his pay in cash and not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but doe? not restore hi* freedom —then shall be the breaking of the fullness of our day.” ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 1 At a meeting of the Democratic Erecutive Committee for Madiaon County held Saturday July sth, ! the closing date for candidates’ cn ! try for the September Primary w3 fired on August Ist. All candidates must pay nssesments by that dnto to get their names on the ticket. J. S. Daniel, Chairman, J. T. Murray, Secretary, i : MEMORIAL God in his infinite wisdom has seen fit to call from this world to that Celestial City above Mr. W. R. Collins on June 21, 1924, having been in poor healtj* for some time, Jjut co’nfined to his bed only a few days. .... Mr. Collins lived to reach a very old age, being 72 years old, June G. He was a member of Vineyard Creek Baptist church and was loyal to h : s church and his fellow man, ever road y to lend a helping hand to those in need . It grieves us much to give our dear ones up, yet we must humbly bow to the will of the Father, foP we know that He (loath ail things well. May God sustain the bereaved wife and children, and may they as their ties over yonder become strong er, become less attached to earth and moTe to heaven. His body was laid to rest in the family cemetery on June 2.2, 1924 . Rev. Flemming conducted funeral service. He leaves beside his wife, six children and a number of rela tives and friends to mourn his death. Weep not dear ones but strive to meet him again at Jesus’ feet. .. —A friend WOMAN’S CLU3 MEETING The Daniel-ville Woman'3 Club held its regular monthly meeting, July 3rd, 1924, in the Club room, with the president, Mrs. A. S. Dal ton, presiding. !i,isd:e of much importance wai di' jo:-ed of and many new plans were discussed. The way and moans committee di vided the cob into fiv. different groups v/ith a chairman and co-chair man fo < ;h group. Each group is r : far at least one way of r Vi g ,r the clul/. Tin ■ i> .. ticnt over tiie u aal way money for the club, a> it give; c member a share in the v.f/tk and *_v ates interest. We feci that cur bank account will ie ui'/.e considerably more by this new plan, The club was happy to add three old members back to the club roll Mrs. Eugene Huff, Mil. W. I). M' '"low and Mrs. Walter E.-kew. Mr*. Rufus Sorrells and Mrs. J. S. luaniel wen* hostesses of the af ternoon and served a most delicious salad course, carrying out the patri otic idea in their bornl decorations of red, white and blue. Number