The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 18, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsville Honitor. VUL XXVIII ji | Miss Cleo England of Athens <=pent the week-end hose with friends. c. G. Moore and childrtn visited Mrs. Moore’s parents the first of the week. Mr. W. R. Eskew with several club boys, Mr. R. Broome and Col. C E. Adams were among those from Madison County in Athens Wednesday to meet the members o£ the Georgia legislature and senate^. Mb's Georgia Dalton of Winston- Salem, N. 0. will be the house guest of Mrs. A. S. Dalton next week. Miss Julia Baker is visiting her brother, Richard, in Rutherfordton, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carson and sister, Ruth, of Athens snenr a short while with their brother, Cecil, Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 0. SJ. Nelms and sen, John W. of Marion, S. C. are visiting their parents. Those from Danielsville enjoying two weeks outing at James Spring are Mr. J. E.. Bond and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elk's M. Bond, Miss Orie Hail, and Mr J. Charlie Benton of ■Comer. Col. C. G. Moore made a business trip to Athens Tuesday. Little Ouida Collier of Colbert will he the guest of Little Miss Mary Dalton next v/eek. Miss Sarah Nash of Washington, Ga. was the attractive guesf of Miss Sara Lou Bullock for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs*. R. T. Broome and Miss Mozelle Williams visited. Mr. Broome’s father near Mt. Airy, Ga. Sunday. \ Miss Ora Kellum of Athens spent several days here with relatives the latttr part of weeV Misses Frances Siott and Kathleen Snellings were dropping in Athens Toesday afternoon. Little Miss Elizabeth Power cf El berton is spending the week with Little Sarah R’nth Mhrray. Mrs. Leila Bond has returned from Dahlonega, Ga. Mj. John Edd Randall is visiting relatives near Carnesville, Ga. SEYMOUR—KIDD Sunday afternoon at two o’iloek the Methodist parsonage occurred the marriage of Mias Seymour and Mm Kidd, both of Bowman, Rev. Al len officiating, traverse jurors Superior Court, July Taros, 1524 Section No. I J F. Allen, M. D. Hix, A. H Steadman, .J. N. B. Thompson, M. W. J. Nat Lord, J. Frank Tiller, W. B. Porterfield, J. D. fatten, J. H. Bird. H. M. Compton, • !i 11. Hampton. Section No. 2 ■ I'• Carithers, J. C. Dove, F. M. Gienn, C. G. Deadwiyer, G, M. Compton, G. J. Allen, R. G. Davi- : Qn - f ’. M. Dean, D. B. Epps, C. / p ; 'Per, J. Worley Kardman, W. - Groves. Section No. 3 F. M. Rowe, D. R. Carithers, J! Morris. W. C. Sorrells, L. j.' I’ranyan, l ’ ran yan, M. L Adams, ’ Leonard M-'ickbnd, L. A. Mattox, W. G. J. D. Compton, T N. &ander s. J- M. Gaulding. Section No. 4 I rank Moon, J. F. Gunnells, L Ddlard, T. W. Adams, A. L rdliams, D. L. Huff, J. B. Ebere H. C. Kirk. Crof Graham, R Graham, A. P. Stevens, C. j * * * * * ***-,*„ , | * CEDAR GROVE * Rev. E, P;. Goas filled hig regular ! appointment here Sunday afternoou. | Mr and M:is. Luther Ingram of | Athens) were the guests of Mr), and Mrs? B. M. Strickland Saturday night Miss Lora. Philip was the guezt of Miss Ruby Strickland Sunday after ; noon l . * • | Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jordan were guests of Ms. and Mrs. B. M. ' Strickland Saturday ar.d Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Iff. Strickland were guests of Mr. and Mnsj Ervin Collins a while Wednesday night. We are sosey to report Mrs. Mary i Sorrel! or; the sick list at present. MB. and Mrs. John Sorrell were j guests of Mrs. Mollie Carrington Sunday. Mr, Sam Patter, of Oak Grove ! and Mr. Duncan of Corner were vis ! iting Mr. Loge Chile Sunday after- I noon. 1 Mr. Q?.Jt Evans and Mr. Collie 'Sorrell were guests of Mr. R. M. Strickland Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Strickland : of Jones Chapel were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Strickland Sunday. I Mrs Bert .Bond was the guest of Mrs. Isham Parham Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Collins were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Loyd Col lins Sunday.. —Blue Eyas !r$ 0 $ * m * # * * •* # * ! * JUST FROM SHttLO * * | * * * * ******** J i The singing givsn by Miss Etta Dudley was enjoved by a I large croud. Mr and Mrs Pat Crow attend ed Sunday School at Friendship Sunday afternoon, j Miss Aunie Mae Baxter spent ! Sunday with Miss Etta Dudley. | Miss Ruth Crow spent Sun-' I day with Miss Lonesa Crowe. j ! Mr and Mrs Coy Crowe spent I Monday night with Mr and 1 Mrs Pat Crowe. MrsS T Beatenbough and daughter spent Monday after noon with Mrs Horace Beaten bough. ' Mr Claud Dean, Misses Pau line Bruce and Minnie Fowler spent a wnile Sunday afternoon | with Mr and Mrs Eddie Beaten bough I Mr and Mrs Clarence Ben not spent Sunday vith .ir | Crowe and family, Mr Julian Rich and Miss Hen ryetter Guest were happily mat i ried Saturday night, we wish | them a long and happs lfe ! Mr and Mrs Marion lurno* jarh spending a while with jing a while with homefoHcs, ! Mrani Mr i Sarnesi Hu4nee has returned from Florida to ;spend a while: j Qu r Sun day Scho >\ w;!! 1 re |a picnic at James Spring Satur day we hope tne little 'good time. NOTICE ANNUAL HOMECOMING AT FORT LAMAR ! The annual home coming at Fort ’ will be held on Saturday, July 26th I 1924. Let all tht friends bring well | filled baskets. We hope to nave a ! good time. . < Ordered by the rommittte. Danielsville. Georgia, Friday, *'uly fs, 11>24 | TAKE NOTICE! ! The public generally, the citizens , of Madison County, and tspecially those residing in and around Dan iel,ville, are requested to mtet at the Cemttery at Danielsville, bring . with them rakes, hoes and axes, to in cleaning off the cemetery ; and putting the same in better shape.. I The date stt is next Thursday, July 124, 1924. Those who have loved ones, friends buried in this cemetery should it their special duty ! to be on hand and assist in this work. If you cannot help in person, send 01.00 to hire a hand in your stead. ! A.ddre3s The Committee, Danielsville, Ga. * THE COMMITTEE ! *********** * COLBERT * *********** MISSES SIMS ENTERTAIN Misses Veta and Vivian Sims de lightfully entertaintd the younger set at a party, Saturday evening, Ju jly 12, 1024. I Many delightful games were en- I joyed during the evenini, and at a late hour ueliaious refreshments were ; served!. Those present were: Misses Ma ry Gholston, of Athens, Ellishee Lat ty, Onida and Mamie Sorrow. Ruby Dunsan, Annis Hardman, and Veta and Vivian Sims. Messers Quiliian, Yates Ross, Edwin Hart, Arnold Collier, Holden end Cecil Hardman, and Whelchel Bronks of- Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. ,t. L. Williams have returned from South Georgia where they visited the former’s rel atives. Miss Mr.ry Gholston of Athene was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. jj W. Hardman for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Collier and children have returned from a de lightful trip to Stt Simons Island. Miss Ruth Dunian of Colbert spent the past week in Athens. Miss Labassare Barnett has return ed from a visit to relatives in North ar.d South. Carolina. Mr. Whelchel Brooks of rommerce spent the week-end in Colbert. Miss Bonnie Porterfield is spend ing some time in aolbcrt. Miss Estelle Waggoner hat; return ed from Jefferson. Mr. Otto Porterfield of Bogart was in Colbert for the week-end. Miss Ruth Hitchcock returned Sun day from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Bob Es.teS. Mrs G. L. Loden has returned from Carnesville where she visited her mother. Fiddlin’ John Carson will give a fiddler’s concert at the school build ing at Colbert, Saturday night, July 26, under the auspices of the Wo- Club; Admission 25c & 35c. PETITION FOR TOTAL DIVORCE IN MADISON SUPERIOR COURT JULY T..RM 1P24 EI ENOR JACKS' v* JOE JACKSON To the defendant, Joe Jackson: The plaintiff, Elencr Jackson, having filed her petition for divorce against Joe Jackson in this Ccuit, returnable to this terra of Court, and it being made to appear that Joe Jackson is not a rt.v/Jent of said Conn ty, and also that lie doca not reside in said State, it is ordered, consid !; and and adjudged by the court that ervice bo perfected on the defend ant by publication of this order twice a month for two months before the next term of this court, in the public gazette of said County in which the Sheriff}-; advertisements and sales are ordinarily published. 1 This the 9th day of July 1924 And it is so ordered. , W. L. HODGES, Judge of the Superior Court * MOON3 GROVE * • * ****** The farmers are very proud to } see the nice rain that we have need i od a- long time and av busy sowing ! in peas. ! ! j Mr. and Mrs. Me Elroy j of Progress spent Monday night with the former's parents l , Mr. and Mrs. | Charlie McElroy and family. Mi*, and Mrs. Howard Veal of 'Athens are visiting the later's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winfrey. Mr. and Mils. A lit a of Athens is visiting Mrs. Allenbs parents, Mr. Jerry Faulkner and famly. Fishing setmu to be taking the lead around here and they all do en joy going whether there is any fish caught or not. Mrs. W. M. Davis and little children, Mrs. Is. C. Murray and children, Mrs. T. G. Hitchcock of Danielsville and Miss Nadine Power of Elberton spent Tuesday afternoon with Mns. Elmo McElroy. Mrs. J. S. Daniel was in this community electioneering itcentiy; she is running for logwlnturc; we wish for her much success in the campaign. Mr 1 . Tate Bullock and daughter, Mavme, have our deepest sympathy in the death of their dear wife and mother. 1 f * I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strickland spent Tuesday shopping .n A. the ns. Mb. Knor Bullock is moving his saw mill from the Colbert place af ter having sawed there several monts Mr. Garnette Ware of Danielsville was in our vicinity Friday writing insurance. Mr. Richard McElroy made a business trio to Comer Wednesday. Mieses Claudyne and Kathleen Shaw from Diamond Hill spent Sat urday with their sister, Mrsj. Elmo McElroy. Let’s not forgot Sunday School at this place every Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Misses Tenna Mae and Minnie Lou Murray from Diamond Hill spent Saturday with their couisin, Mm Willie Lois Murray. Mrs. F. WV. Findley spent the past week-end with her daughter, Mr** John Irvan. Mr. Edd Bryant and little chil dren H|-.ent the wetek-end with his sister, Mra. Charlie Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. Warford Jordan and daughter, Willi, from Crawford ville, have been visiting relatives here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will White and children from Colbert spent Sunday | with his father, Mr. Jake White. | Mis* Rosie Roberts, Messers Mar vin Jordan Gienn and Buford Smith xnado Jins E-tell Lvur: a pleasant ; cad Sundry aftermx. n I Mr. (Tint Haym ■ and family ipenfc S r.-J.ny v.ifl Mr. C..T [• cyan and f <r. of Progress. ■ r*.r.d fun. iy attended 1 • i, : / !•: ,er o' r•> brother, Y.'oi • • Sunday. . .••• ■; C. R. McElroy and : chiiuien ftpe-.: 'unday afternoou with ' Mr. Dan Murray aid ft mliy. Mn. and Mrs. <"! and r*• y ari l j daughter, Annie, i. ♦ >•••• -end with Mr. Ben Sor- jv, ' family of Colbert. I Mr. Will Alien •' t .mily spent | Si relay afternoon with -Mr. D. H. ’ Murray and family. DISTRICT MEETING AT MEADOW At Meadow, next Sunday after [ noon, July 20th a district meeting of \ distriht no. 5 of the Hebron as&ocia ! tion will be held. An inttrestiug I program will be p it on dscusaing Sun | day School work, W. M U work and j Young ptcpLo*. worn in the chhrch. Progrom begins at 5:00 e'clock DREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W GRADY 1 V/i cr. every farmer in the South shall eat bread from Ms own fields aid meat from his cwn par'iue, and disturbed by no creditor and enslaved by no debt, shall sic amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine yard, and dairies and barn yards, pitching Ids crops in his own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ton his clean surplus, and sel ling it in his own time, and in his chosen market, and not at a master’s bidding—getting his pay in cash and not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore his freedom—then shall he the breaking of the fullness of our day,” •*•***•**• * MT ZION LOCALS * By “Clipper” -****--** We are still having plenty of rain and fighting boll weevils is the order of the day. Mra Leek Mann and children of Danlelsville was the guest of Mrs Jesse Patten Wedries day. Mr and Mrs Will Irvin and children made a tain to Winder last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Hope Carithers and children spent Sunday with Mr Jonah Caritheis and family near Cedar Grove, Messers George and Jeff Hol comb of Bishop Ga, has return ed home after several days visit to relative in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs Joe Patten and Miss f/ju Morton Pattern visi ted relatives near Colbert the Colbert the past week-end. Mrs Hope Garithers and Miss Francis visited Mr and Mrs Claud Meadow of Comer last Monday. Mrs Hasnie Burton and chil dren have returged to Athens after a pleasant visit to Mis Fred Landers. We are glad to learn that Mr Geo Nelms is improving after having had a severe sick spell, Mr 0 T Patten and family from Cedar Grove community was soend the day guest of Mr and Mrs Jasse Patten Sun day. Mr and Mrs and Fred Land ers spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Vasco Landers. Mr and Mrs Fred Harkin of Atlant has h< < n visUirg tho family of Mr Jim Sea bo It. We re''■re t to note the iiinoaa id "o Fatten. I>r. Buy Vv * Comer is the phy. ■h her a speedy re< (.very. M' a r Jonah C anthers v.: i " Vi rand Mrs Be r > Lord Tuesday, Quite a number of young and old folks enjoyed an ice cream supper at. the hospitable home cf Mr and Mrs Brant Lord near Meadow Saturday night. *** " Qui.e a number from Meadow went oyer to Bethel Sunday to sing by special inyitation. Na m her